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Bad day

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> Ironically yesterday, day 29, was the day the Success Journal

talked about

> digging in one's heels during times of adversity. Last night I

found out my

> mother has been diagnosed with liver and pancreatic cancer, and the


> is not good.

I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. Your family will be going

through a lot of stress during this time. Mental and physical.

Hopefully the BFL plan will help you deal better with this than your

otherwise would have. I'm sure there are some great support groups

out there for family members. A lot of hospitals have them through

there community services programs.

Good luck, my prayers are with you.


in GA

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Dear Lorraine,

There is nothing that prepares you to hear news like that about your

Mom. I know. I still remember the day my Mom told me she was

diagnosed with brain & liver cancer. It's going to be an awfully

tough time for you. It's hard because you have to be strong for your

Mom at the same time the little kid inside is terribly afraid. No

matter how old you are it's tough. I gained a tremendous amount of

weight during my Mom's illness and for a long time did not take care

of myself. Please try to take care of yourself. Tell your friends

what a hard time this is for you and ask for their help and support.

Come here for help and support. We will be thinking of you.


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I am SO sorry to hear about your mom. I hope things work out for you. I am

glad to hear that you are planning on sticking to the plan. I seriously dont

know if I could if something like that happened to me. Good luck to you!

You'll be in my prayers!


Bad day

Ironically yesterday, day 29, was the day the Success Journal talked about

digging in one's heels during times of adversity. Last night I found out my

mother has been diagnosed with liver and pancreatic cancer, and the prognosis

is not good. As soon as I can get things settled here in Chicago, I'll most

likely be leaving DH temporarily and moving back to NJ to assist my mom. I

definitely went off the eating plan after I got the news; DH and I sat and

ate peanuts and then a bunch of M & Ms. However, it seemed more rote than

anything else; bad news = candy. Today I just feel sick to my stomach.

If anyone's been through anything like this, I'd appreciate any thoughts you

have. I'm planning on keeping on with the challenge; I can't see any reason

not to. The hardest part will be the mental challenge to keep up with the

workouts as I can't sleep at all (haven't been able to much since she went

into the hospital a week ago).



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I'm lucky enough to be able to say I HAVEN'T been through anything

like you are going through. I do believe though, that the times

when it is the HARDEST to keep up with your fitness are the times

that you need it the most. I think sticking with your plan will

probably save you mentally. Bill has a good quote about

when you are going through bad times, control the one thing you can

control- your fitness level. I'll see if I can find it.

good thoughts to you and your family.


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I'm so, so sorry for you. Please, take the time to take care of

yourself. You are going to need all the physical/mental strength you

can muster up to get through this. Please seek out all of the

support you can; friends, family, counseling,... See what the

hospital has to offer for support. They are there for the family,

too. Not just the patients.

You will be in my thoughts,

God bless,


> Ironically yesterday, day 29, was the day the Success Journal

talked about

> digging in one's heels during times of adversity. Last night I

found out my

> mother has been diagnosed with liver and pancreatic cancer, and the


> is not good. As soon as I can get things settled here in Chicago,

I'll most

> likely be leaving DH temporarily and moving back to NJ to assist my

mom. I

> definitely went off the eating plan after I got the news; DH and I

sat and

> ate peanuts and then a bunch of M & Ms. However, it seemed more rote


> anything else; bad news = candy. Today I just feel sick to my



> If anyone's been through anything like this, I'd appreciate any

thoughts you

> have. I'm planning on keeping on with the challenge; I can't see

any reason

> not to. The hardest part will be the mental challenge to keep up

with the

> workouts as I can't sleep at all (haven't been able to much since

she went

> into the hospital a week ago).


> Thanks,

> Lorraine




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> Lorraine,

Like everyone else, I too am so sorry to hear what you are going

through. I agree that the best thing you can do for your mom and

yourself is continue with the program, eat healthy, and exercise. I

think it will definitly give you more energy physically and mentally

to deal with the situation. My thoughts and prayers are also with

you and your family.

Take Care,



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Thank you all so much for your encouragement and kind thoughts and words

regarding the situation with my mother. It means the world to me. I will try

to keep forging ahead and hope for the best.

Thanks again - best wishes to all -


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My heart goes out to you. My mom had pancreatic cancer and lost her fight

in 1998 at the age of 58. I can say it was the most horrific, yet life

changing ordeal in a positive way. I remember at the beginning feeling numb

and then quite angry. I think if you can stay with BFL thruough this it

will benefit you. I was so unfit and can never eat when stressed and wore

myself to a frazzel. If you can at least keep up with some exercise it will

help with the mental and physical stress. There is a wonderful and

supportive message board at the 's Hopkins site-all family members of

pancreatic cancer patients. I'll send a link when I find it. I'm an RN so

had plenty of " clinical " support. The support of the folks going through

the same thing on that board was invaluable. Anytime you need to talk, I'll

be here to listen : ). My prayers for strength and healing started today

for your mom and your family. Please let me know if I can help.

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  • 2 months later...
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Dear Jen,

Oh, you poor thing! The loss of a beloved pet is so hard, and having

another one of your pets being responsible for your loss must be 10

times worse! I hope you do not feel guilty if you are a little angry

with your dog at the moment, he didn't consciously do it, he was

probably proud to be doing his share of work to provide for the pack.

Of course, this doesn't invalidate any feelings of anger you might be

experiencing. Just after Easter too, oh, how terrible. I hope you

have a pic. of your bunny to remember it by, often it helps to

preserve the memories. Wish I could be more of a comfort.



> Hi ladies,


> do any of you remember back in Jan when my cat died. well this a.m.

> my dog killed and ate half my rabbit. I am so upset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Jen

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Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. :o( I am sure that is pretty hard to see. :o(


bad day

Hi ladies,

do any of you remember back in Jan when my cat died. well this a.m.

my dog killed and ate half my rabbit. I am so upset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Jen, I am *so* sorry this happened to you!!! :(

<<Big hugs!>>


> Hi ladies,


> do any of you remember back in Jan when my cat died. well this a.m.

> my dog killed and ate half my rabbit. I am so upset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Jen

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  • 2 months later...
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Dear Gordon,

I am so very sorry that your day was so painful both physically and

emotionally! I don't think there is anything I can say that would help make

that day

better or go away. I do agree there are times that this disease really kicks

the tar out of you, then you think it is going to get better, and it does it

again! Sure doesn't seem fair, does it.

Gentle Hugs & Prayers,

Carol M.

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In a message dated 7/2/03 10:08:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

geliott@... writes:

> Keep praying for me.


> Gordon





You are in my daily prayers and I think of you often. Just reading what you

are going through to find care in a residential hostel seems that it is

putting you through more stress that is magnifying the flares and pain. I was

wondering until you find the permanent hostel could you possibly advertise in a

local newspaper for a live-in who has health care experience that would help you

until your wait and search is over. Here in the states it is common place to

see ads in the classified section of newspapers asking for live-in help for

24/7 care for exchange for room and bord and a stipend pay. I had a friend who

was a nurses aid and did this for years. She loved here job and there person

that needed her care loved her. When I was in my first year of college I

cared for a lady who had Alzheimer's. Her daughter lived with her and needed


help with her mother, so I went three times a day to assist for about 1 hour

in the morning 2 hours in the afternoon and 3-4 hours in the evening. It was a

great arrangement for us all. Also is there Hospice's in Australia. If so

you might look into that as well. I am sure you have gone all routes

available, but these were just some ideas that crossed my mind and though may be

helpful. Keep your spirits up and know that we all care much about you and are

praying for you! If you were in the states you would be bomb barbed with all


help you could possibly need from lots of us on the site! " )

You are an inspiration to us all!

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Dear Gordon --

Hang in there if you can. You are doing so much that is worthwhile simply by

sharing your story with all of us. For one thing it is hard to feel sorry for

myself when I realize how much worse I could be. For another thing you give me

courage to keep going no matter what the odds may be.

Thinking of you often and fondly, Cheri

[ ] bad day

Yesterday I was flaring badly through the entire spine and chest and breathing

was even painful. The carer who came to shower me had much difficulty getting

me from my walker to the seat in the shower and afterwards. Ideally, two carers

were needed for days like that, as two nurses would sometimes be needed in

hospital to shower me. Afterwards, and I had been dressed and the bed made and

she left, I could do nothing except lay down, with the pain breaking through the

painkillers again. I was alone until Meals on Wheels came and after that I was

alone again. It made me realize even more that I need care to be on hand 24

hours a day. Someone to look in on me, heat up heat packs, bring me cups of

tea, and my meals in bed, as in hospital. So permanent residential hostel care

is the only way to go and I hope I do not have to wait too long.

One has too much time to think just laying there alone. I thought of my loss

of quality of life, dependent on others. I wondered whether I could endure this

severe pain and suffering for another twenty years. I know that PA does not

kill you, but sometimes I do wish that it was a terminal disease.

I feel a little better today. It does not help that I am depressed and

stressed over my future. I just want to move into a hostel and get settled.

So, I have opened up my concerns to you my friends who really understand and

it helps to lighten my burden.

Keep praying for me.


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Gordon, your post made me cry. I am so sorry I can't be there to chat and look

in on you! In my own way I am suffering, at home alone too, but I am

ambulatory. But I am depressed, and you may be too. If this is something you

are already managing, great, but if not, talk to your doc about it. I do think

that sharing how you are doing with the group is also helpful, and I'm glad you



[ ] bad day

Yesterday I was flaring badly through the entire spine and chest and breathing

was even painful. The carer who came to shower me had much difficulty getting

me from my walker to the seat in the shower and afterwards. Ideally, two carers

were needed for days like that, as two nurses would sometimes be needed in

hospital to shower me. Afterwards, and I had been dressed and the bed made and

she left, I could do nothing except lay down, with the pain breaking through the

painkillers again. I was alone until Meals on Wheels came and after that I was

alone again. It made me realize even more that I need care to be on hand 24

hours a day. Someone to look in on me, heat up heat packs, bring me cups of

tea, and my meals in bed, as in hospital. So permanent residential hostel care

is the only way to go and I hope I do not have to wait too long.

One has too much time to think just laying there alone. I thought of my loss

of quality of life, dependent on others. I wondered whether I could endure this

severe pain and suffering for another twenty years. I know that PA does not

kill you, but sometimes I do wish that it was a terminal disease.

I feel a little better today. It does not help that I am depressed and

stressed over my future. I just want to move into a hostel and get settled.

So, I have opened up my concerns to you my friends who really understand and

it helps to lighten my burden.

Keep praying for me.


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I am so sorry you have to endure so much pain. I live alone also and

it is hard not to get depressed when in a flare. Everyone else seems

so busy and in a hurry and we are stuck with our own thoughts. Do

you have the type of shower chair that you can sit right down from

the walker-it extends out over the tub. Then the caregiver would

just have to help you move your legs and you sort of scoot over to

the part of the chair where the shower is.

Glad you are feeling a little better. When you are up to it could

you answer a question for me? I have costochondritis but the area

that hurts now is the ribs on the side and a little in back. I read

on one of the internet sights that it can appear there. My rheumie

actually laughed at me when I asked her-she said that was ridiculus

because it wasn't the costo region. What do you think? All I know is

the ribs really hurt.



[Ed. Note: It's amazing how utterly DUMB rheumies can be sometimes. Ron]

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I also have the rib problems. Mine hurts mostly on the right side

front and back. When I'm hurting like I am now I could really care

less what name they want to call it I just need some relief!


> --Gordon,


> I am so sorry you have to endure so much pain. I live alone also


> it is hard not to get depressed when in a flare. Everyone else


> so busy and in a hurry and we are stuck with our own thoughts. Do

> you have the type of shower chair that you can sit right down from

> the walker-it extends out over the tub. Then the caregiver would

> just have to help you move your legs and you sort of scoot over to

> the part of the chair where the shower is.


> Glad you are feeling a little better. When you are up to it could

> you answer a question for me? I have costochondritis but the area

> that hurts now is the ribs on the side and a little in back. I


> on one of the internet sights that it can appear there. My


> actually laughed at me when I asked her-she said that was


> because it wasn't the costo region. What do you think? All I know


> the ribs really hurt.



> Marti




> [Ed. Note: It's amazing how utterly DUMB rheumies can be

sometimes. Ron]

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> Marti,

> I also have the rib problems. Mine hurts mostly on the right side

> front and back. When I'm hurting like I am now I could really care

> less what name they want to call it I just need some relief!

> Debbie


Hi Debbie,

Have you found anything that gives the rib pain relief? After my

remicade treatment the chest area for me was better but ribs still

hurt on sides and back. I am trying PT but just started so don't know

if it will help yet.

Best Wishes,


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> > Marti,

> > I also have the rib problems. Mine hurts mostly on the right


> > front and back. When I'm hurting like I am now I could really


> > less what name they want to call it I just need some relief!

> > Debbie

> >

> Hi Debbie,


> Have you found anything that gives the rib pain relief? After my

> remicade treatment the chest area for me was better but ribs still

> hurt on sides and back. I am trying PT but just started so don't


> if it will help yet.

> Best Wishes,

> Marti


I had this nice long note written and lost it so if I can remember


I have found that stretching and lifting small weights helps some.

I also wear to work those new therma heat pads that are air

activated. I'm sorry I can't remember the name right now. It seems

like it takes about 3-4 days to get it under control if I do that.

I have spurs on my spine in the thoriatic area that the DR. feels is

causing the problem. Years ago during my 2nd preg. I had the

problem in the chest area that hurt when I breathed(all the time).

My internist said he thought it was the prenatal iron that was

aggrevating the arthritis. I stopped it and it went away.

I don't know how it is for you but it has been very frustrating with

my ribs hurting all the time.

What are they doing for you in PT? I'd be interested in hearing if

it helps. My dr. really wants me to try tai-chi, hope that is

spelled right. I'm think I'm ready to try just about anything.


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---Hi Debbie,

Yes- it is frustrating for me too. When it is at its worse I can

hardly go thru the day. Thankyou so much for sharing what has

helped. I have seen the thermal heat pads advertised but haven't

tried them..Think I will.

PT sounds promising for first time. I was referred for general

fibromyalgia and the ribs are just part of my problem. I went

yesterday and they applied moist heat to the entire neck,shoulder.

back area. Then they did massage, then the PT manipulated my neck to

stretch the muscles out. The first thing I noticed driving home was

that I could move my neck better to look for traffic. I got home an

d fell into a deep sleep I was so relaxed. Our goal will be to get

me over the hump of a flare and on some exercise program. We are

thinking warm water therapy since I have a lot of foot joint damage.

They reccomend massage as a regular part of our routine if nothing

else to help destress us. Of course that costs money.

As far as the ribs. It seemed like the moist heat relieved some of

the achy pain. They are still sensitive to touch but don't hurt

quite as much today. Also they used and recommended a product called

biofreeze. It is a gel-like herbal pain reliever. It felt cool and

tingly. Seemed like it took some of the achiness away for several


I was in a fibro class awhile back and some people loved the Tai chi

and some weren't quite able to do it. Just like the meds there seems

to be variation in the exercise programs for people. If you are able

to lift some weights I think you would have a good chance with it.

The folks in class who could lift weights were way " ahead " of us and

really seemed to benefit from exercise!

I found it very interesting that one of your Docs called the rib pain

an exacerbation of the PA. Also interesting that stopping the iron


Thanks so much for sharing!


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I also have problems with my ribs hurting. Sometimes I have to sleep on my back

because if I lay on my side it feels as if my ribs are being compressed... I

have the PA in my spine and the connective tissue in my chest wall..


dgcoker2003 <dcoker@...> wrote:

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  • 6 months later...

In a message dated 1/29/04 8:09:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, susang@... writes:

In icy weather in New Hampshire, I don't blame you, but you *must* get

behind the wheel again. You live

I hate winter driving. And I usually plan my time in the cat around the weather. This storm just kind of snuck up on me. When I watched the weather it said slim chance of snow showers. The thing that ticked me was while I was standing there like 5 min later a sander came by.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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>Got into my first accident. YUGH YUGH YUGH...

I'm glad to see you guys are alright. I had my very first car accident only

6 years ago. I was shaking for months afterwards, and that's one of the main

reasons Henry refuses to drive - he was in the car when we got hit.

> says we are not going to fix it. It would cost more than the car is


We were so lucky the insurance covered everything when the same car was

involved in that gas station fire last summer, because we couldn't afford to

fix it up again. The best part was when our insurance company reassured us

that our premiums will *not* go up because of it, like they did when Henry

got into *his* first accident while still on his learner's permit the year

before (again, same car).

> I told scott I dont even want to drive.

In icy weather in New Hampshire, I don't blame you, but you *must* get

behind the wheel again. You live in the kind of place where you either drive

or become a hermit, a recluse, and you can't do that to your kids. The first

few times you go out again, be sure to leave the kids home if you can and

just go out with your husband for moral support.

>So I have to clean> clean today to keep my mind going.

Well, pop in that BlastOff you love so much - the 80's one,

is it? - and start sweatin' your jitters away, too!

Sue in NJ

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> I hate winter driving.

So do I, that's why I plan ahed when I know a storm is coming so I don't

*hve* to until everything is all cleared up.

> And I usually plan my time in the cat

Wow! That must be a big cat if you can fit into it! At least it's warm. LOL

>This storm just kind of snuck up on me. When I watched the weather it

> said slim chance of snow showers.

And you believed them? One thing I hate about winter weather is how quickly

things change from bad to worse.

The thing that ticked me was while I was

> standing there like 5 min later a sander came by.

We have a layer of a few inches of ice under all this snow. Not once in the

few days that ice is sitting there did the city come by to salt the side

streets, and only once on the main roads. Even in the city parking lots the

ice is a few inches thick and completely covers the entire areas, thanks to

a little bit of melting that just spread it out and smoothed it over when it

refroze when the sun went down every night. I read on our city's message

board that they didn't even bother to plow those lots this time, because the

ice would break the plow blades.

No, my cars aren't going anywhere for quite a while. We have enough

groceries to last us a few weeks, if necessary; the bank and Blockbuster are

a bus ride away; my podiatrist appointment in one hour is only a 2 block

walk and I'll take the long way home and hit the library along the way.

Winter is one time I'm truly grateful for living in this neighborhood, where

everything is within walking distance.

Even if we *could* dig the cars out, there's no place to park them when we

get back. I watch out my window - as soon as someone does dig out and move,

within seconds the space is taken. With the city parking lots un-usable, our

emergency fall-back space, the city lot 5 blocks from our house, isn't even

an option now.

Sue in NJ

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