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introducing myself

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Contact my friend Williss Langford who sells it at willissl@... . He

also wrote an E book he can send to you for free for seizures as well as

consult with you for free. It is the best decision you will make. I also

implore you to use also PLUS which is a part of their product line as well.

It is in a powder form (ambrotose) that you can put on foods or in drink,

and the PLUS is a caplet that you can crush if you have a child who cannot

swallow. My son takes 9 a day! Williss is lecturing at the Autism One

conference in Chicago, so he will be back sometime later this week.

Glyconutrients are essential for good cellular communication, which in my

opnion in the seizure department has gone awry-let alone the premise that

seizures are autoimmune in origin for many of us, which is a good deal,

since glyco products work on MODULATION of the immune system but at the same

time knows when to boost it as in biological response modification.

{Please visit my website for more info on www.childscreen.org and why I feel

it necessary for a child with autism, seizures and or other neuro

conditions). They also have a official testimonial site at

www.glycostory.com .

I use to sell the stuff becuase I believed in it so much, but I can't lately

becuase of my effots in my Non profit organization. However, I notice that

if I run out of the stuff, I see the small seizures come back, this tells me

something, and that is, that the nutrients are absolutely essential, like we

need a balance of nutrients everyday. In fact many times list, you have

seen the efforts of me getting off of meds. When I use the

glyconutrients, I actually notice his body requires LESS meds, and or none

at all,. this means the body is trying to find homeostasis and is trying to

tell me it is not necessary to poisin the system to get seizure under

control. I have also tried experiments of no ambrotose and plus, not a

good thing!. This last month I have been extensively using the products. I

cannot tell you the difference, night and day! In fact, while I was

experimenting on dosages and putting it a bit highter as in 4 tablespoons of

Ambrotose, two giant BEZOIRS came out of my son's gut-large, large, large

obstructing undigested garbage poop! (description beyond belief, a fibrous

ball of goo, poop and green mucous!)This was in my son's body which was

producing toxins, and probably things into the blood stream that mess with

the neurotransmitters/chemistry in the brain. How does that saying goes, if

your knickers are in a knot, so is your brain? I am so thankful for this

product. I know that the NORD organization underground speaks of this as a

very good things for autoimmune and mitochondrial disorders-which in my

opinion are at BASELINE of many of the problems of seizure disorders. It

seems to make the ATP (energy metabolism) work better, the immune system,

the gut and hormonal system come into balance and homeostasis, as well as

work on cleaning, fixing, and recognition of what has to be done to clean up

the bodies toxic wastes (which in my opinion is LARGE).

This is not to say that " a supplement " can do all, for there are other

thigns that must be accomplished, such as cleaning up the home, making it

environmentally friendly, fixing and tweeking the diet, making sure you eat

well, organic and all. The saying goes, you don't pop a pill and eat a

snickers on the side. If you want the cells to work, give it the equipment

it needs. The equipment is on cellular surfaces, which is the main

communication system of the body. We know by research that children with

autism and seizures seemingly do not produce very good communications on the

orthomolecular level, many things are on self attack, and relative to that,

toxins and viruses and huge hormonal shifts are being ignored or

exasterbating the situation. The point being, if our children have lack of

sugar chains as proven by Dr Hudson Freeze of the Burnham Institute at CAN

organization, then why not give them SUGAR CHAINS or glycoproteins to bathe

the cells more readily of the material they need to do the job? The

interferences are what is causing seizure IMHO. Interferences are waste

products, hormonal shifts, toxins, pesticides, heavy metals etc.


Re: [ ] Introducing Myself

> Okay folks...please tell me what is glyconutrients and how to I get it for

my son and how do I administer it !!


> Thanks,

> M




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  • 5 months later...

We get together in Centrally locted areas and socialize.

There are pre-bands who are asking questions, newly banded who are

bursting with joy and new experiences, long-time bandsters who have

been there and done that. We laugh and eat, talk and listen. There

are small gatherings like Issaquah and larger gatherings like

Tacoma. Some of us can't get enough so we drive to several of them

without regard to distance. It is one of the mainstays of my

support system outside of my immediatly wonderful family. I would

encourage anyone to come once and experience it for yourself.




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Thanks Myshalla

Do you post the upcoming activities, e.g. date/place and time? I

work down in the Tacoma area and live near covington area, so I too

could go to several venues.


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  • 10 months later...

Hello Thang!

I too found my recovery in newer forms of acupuncture and energy field

therapies. It has offered me an incredible transformation and rapid healing. I

was also on antidepressants that caused many mental and physical ailments

while on the meds and much worse from the withdrawal of the drugs.

Its wonderful to hear others using these highly effective forms of healing!!

Best of all things to you


-- In SSRI medications , " Thang Tran " <thang.tran@f...>


> Hi Everyone!


> My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University student studying a

Bachelor's degree in Health Science (with a view to majoring in Health

Promotion) from the University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past

victim of psychiatry who knows all too well the consequences of being on

them. I was on a whole variety of drugs shifting from one to the next including:

> a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

> b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

> c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

> d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

> e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

> f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

> g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

> I strongly condemn the actions of the medical profession (namely psychiatry

and general practice) for what they did to me. Despite being on all of the

drugs listed above, I found hope when I was successfully cured for drug

addiction to anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced

Acupuncture. Since then I have been taking a wide range of nutritional

supplements to heal my brain from the damages the drugs have caused to

me. Although I suffer from Tardive Dyskinesia (involuntary movement

disorder), I am proud to say that this is hardly noticeable. I do not take any

prescription drugs anymore but instead opt for alternative forms of treatment. I

am presently living in Sydney and have high hopes for my future career.



> Thang Tran




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Thank you for sharing your experience. I am, too, new to this site, and welcome

your story.

My husband was on a long string of drugs, starting with the fluorexitine. He

went for chest pains, got prescribed prozac, and this started a long list of

problems, including insomnia, lack of appetite, got depression, lost of

interest, had headaches, constant pacing 24 hours a day, etc.

What natural supplements are you on now???

Is there any recourse thru the lawyers?? I know that the symptoms are listed on

the drugs when you get them, but still.....

Again, please share how you got healed.

We are being refused health care because of this now, too.


Introducing myself

Hi Everyone!

My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University student studying a Bachelor's

degree in Health Science (with a view to majoring in Health Promotion) from the

University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past victim of psychiatry who

knows all too well the consequences of being on them. I was on a whole variety

of drugs shifting from one to the next including:

a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

I strongly condemn the actions of the medical profession (namely psychiatry

and general practice) for what they did to me. Despite being on all of the drugs

listed above, I found hope when I was successfully cured for drug addiction to

anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced Acupuncture. Since then I

have been taking a wide range of nutritional supplements to heal my brain from

the damages the drugs have caused to me. Although I suffer from Tardive

Dyskinesia (involuntary movement disorder), I am proud to say that this is

hardly noticeable. I do not take any prescription drugs anymore but instead opt

for alternative forms of treatment. I am presently living in Sydney and have

high hopes for my future career.

Thang Tran

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Thank you for sharing your experience. I am, too, new to this site, and welcome

your story.

My husband was on a long string of drugs, starting with the fluorexitine. He

went for chest pains, got prescribed prozac, and this started a long list of

problems, including insomnia, lack of appetite, got depression, lost of

interest, had headaches, constant pacing 24 hours a day, etc.

What natural supplements are you on now???

Is there any recourse thru the lawyers?? I know that the symptoms are listed on

the drugs when you get them, but still.....

Again, please share how you got healed.

We are being refused health care because of this now, too.


Introducing myself

Hi Everyone!

My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University student studying a Bachelor's

degree in Health Science (with a view to majoring in Health Promotion) from the

University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past victim of psychiatry who

knows all too well the consequences of being on them. I was on a whole variety

of drugs shifting from one to the next including:

a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

I strongly condemn the actions of the medical profession (namely psychiatry

and general practice) for what they did to me. Despite being on all of the drugs

listed above, I found hope when I was successfully cured for drug addiction to

anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced Acupuncture. Since then I

have been taking a wide range of nutritional supplements to heal my brain from

the damages the drugs have caused to me. Although I suffer from Tardive

Dyskinesia (involuntary movement disorder), I am proud to say that this is

hardly noticeable. I do not take any prescription drugs anymore but instead opt

for alternative forms of treatment. I am presently living in Sydney and have

high hopes for my future career.

Thang Tran

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For those who have not heard me say this. I work in a

health food store and people come in all the time

saying they went to their GP with a sore throat and

came out with a prescription of dangerous Pschy drugs.

It's all to common. Some of these people are doing ok,

but they don't realize the dangers their doc's put

them in. It's happening all the time all over the

world. Boy are we headed for trouble. AND THERES

NOTHING TO STOP IT! There is way to much money and way

to much corruption.


--- Your Name <remline@...> wrote:


Thank you for sharing your experience. I am, too, new

to this site, and welcome your story.

My husband was on a long string of drugs, starting

with the fluorexitine. He went for chest pains, got

prescribed prozac, and this started a long list of

problems, including insomnia, lack of appetite, got

depression, lost of interest, had headaches, constant

pacing 24 hours a day, etc.

What natural supplements are you on now???

Is there any recourse thru the lawyers?? I know that

the symptoms are listed on the drugs when you get

them, but still.....

Again, please share how you got healed.

We are being refused health care because of this now,



Introducing myself

Hi Everyone!

My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University

student studying a Bachelor's degree in Health Science

(with a view to majoring in Health Promotion) from the

University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past

victim of psychiatry who knows all too well the

consequences of being on them. I was on a whole

variety of drugs shifting from one to the next


a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

I strongly condemn the actions of the medical

profession (namely psychiatry and general practice)

for what they did to me. Despite being on all of the

drugs listed above, I found hope when I was

successfully cured for drug addiction to

anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced

Acupuncture. Since then I have been taking a wide

range of nutritional supplements to heal my brain from

the damages the drugs have caused to me. Although I

suffer from Tardive Dyskinesia (involuntary movement

disorder), I am proud to say that this is hardly

noticeable. I do not take any prescription drugs

anymore but instead opt for alternative forms of

treatment. I am presently living in Sydney and have

high hopes for my future career.

Thang Tran

[Non-text portions of this message have been


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For those who have not heard me say this. I work in a

health food store and people come in all the time

saying they went to their GP with a sore throat and

came out with a prescription of dangerous Pschy drugs.

It's all to common. Some of these people are doing ok,

but they don't realize the dangers their doc's put

them in. It's happening all the time all over the

world. Boy are we headed for trouble. AND THERES

NOTHING TO STOP IT! There is way to much money and way

to much corruption.


--- Your Name <remline@...> wrote:


Thank you for sharing your experience. I am, too, new

to this site, and welcome your story.

My husband was on a long string of drugs, starting

with the fluorexitine. He went for chest pains, got

prescribed prozac, and this started a long list of

problems, including insomnia, lack of appetite, got

depression, lost of interest, had headaches, constant

pacing 24 hours a day, etc.

What natural supplements are you on now???

Is there any recourse thru the lawyers?? I know that

the symptoms are listed on the drugs when you get

them, but still.....

Again, please share how you got healed.

We are being refused health care because of this now,



Introducing myself

Hi Everyone!

My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University

student studying a Bachelor's degree in Health Science

(with a view to majoring in Health Promotion) from the

University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past

victim of psychiatry who knows all too well the

consequences of being on them. I was on a whole

variety of drugs shifting from one to the next


a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

I strongly condemn the actions of the medical

profession (namely psychiatry and general practice)

for what they did to me. Despite being on all of the

drugs listed above, I found hope when I was

successfully cured for drug addiction to

anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced

Acupuncture. Since then I have been taking a wide

range of nutritional supplements to heal my brain from

the damages the drugs have caused to me. Although I

suffer from Tardive Dyskinesia (involuntary movement

disorder), I am proud to say that this is hardly

noticeable. I do not take any prescription drugs

anymore but instead opt for alternative forms of

treatment. I am presently living in Sydney and have

high hopes for my future career.

Thang Tran

[Non-text portions of this message have been


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Thanks for your email. I have been on a wide range of nutritional supplements

and observing cautions when taking amounts. I have been taking men's

multivitamins, fish oil, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil, gingko biloba and

lecithin. The number of ingredients in the multivitamins is HUGE so I prefer to

keep this email brief. I tried sueing my psychiatrist but after hearing from a

lawyer that I didn't have physical evidence to back it up, it was IMPOSSIBLE to

sue the psychiatrist. Also, here in Australia, it is extremely difficult (if not

impossible) to win a case on the grounds of mental illness misdiagnosis as

government policies protect the medical profession. My experience is very

complex and everything cannot be detailed through email. But it was a EXTREMELY

TOUGH thing to go through and I wouldn't want anyone going through the same



Thang Tran

Introducing myself

Hi Everyone!

My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University student studying a

Bachelor's degree in Health Science (with a view to majoring in Health

Promotion) from the University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past victim

of psychiatry who knows all too well the consequences of being on them. I was on

a whole variety of drugs shifting from one to the next including:

a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

I strongly condemn the actions of the medical profession (namely psychiatry

and general practice) for what they did to me. Despite being on all of the drugs

listed above, I found hope when I was successfully cured for drug addiction to

anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced Acupuncture. Since then I

have been taking a wide range of nutritional supplements to heal my brain from

the damages the drugs have caused to me. Although I suffer from Tardive

Dyskinesia (involuntary movement disorder), I am proud to say that this is

hardly noticeable. I do not take any prescription drugs anymore but instead opt

for alternative forms of treatment. I am presently living in Sydney and have

high hopes for my future career.

Thang Tran

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Thanks for your email. I have been on a wide range of nutritional supplements

and observing cautions when taking amounts. I have been taking men's

multivitamins, fish oil, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil, gingko biloba and

lecithin. The number of ingredients in the multivitamins is HUGE so I prefer to

keep this email brief. I tried sueing my psychiatrist but after hearing from a

lawyer that I didn't have physical evidence to back it up, it was IMPOSSIBLE to

sue the psychiatrist. Also, here in Australia, it is extremely difficult (if not

impossible) to win a case on the grounds of mental illness misdiagnosis as

government policies protect the medical profession. My experience is very

complex and everything cannot be detailed through email. But it was a EXTREMELY

TOUGH thing to go through and I wouldn't want anyone going through the same



Thang Tran

Introducing myself

Hi Everyone!

My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University student studying a

Bachelor's degree in Health Science (with a view to majoring in Health

Promotion) from the University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past victim

of psychiatry who knows all too well the consequences of being on them. I was on

a whole variety of drugs shifting from one to the next including:

a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

I strongly condemn the actions of the medical profession (namely psychiatry

and general practice) for what they did to me. Despite being on all of the drugs

listed above, I found hope when I was successfully cured for drug addiction to

anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced Acupuncture. Since then I

have been taking a wide range of nutritional supplements to heal my brain from

the damages the drugs have caused to me. Although I suffer from Tardive

Dyskinesia (involuntary movement disorder), I am proud to say that this is

hardly noticeable. I do not take any prescription drugs anymore but instead opt

for alternative forms of treatment. I am presently living in Sydney and have

high hopes for my future career.

Thang Tran

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Thanks for your email. I have been on a wide range of nutritional supplements

and observing cautions when taking amounts. I have been taking men's

multivitamins, fish oil, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil, gingko biloba and

lecithin. The number of ingredients in the multivitamins is HUGE so I prefer to

keep this email brief. I tried sueing my psychiatrist but after hearing from a

lawyer that I didn't have physical evidence to back it up, it was IMPOSSIBLE to

sue the psychiatrist. Also, here in Australia, it is extremely difficult (if not

impossible) to win a case on the grounds of mental illness misdiagnosis as

government policies protect the medical profession. My experience is very

complex and everything cannot be detailed through email. But it was a EXTREMELY

TOUGH thing to go through and I wouldn't want anyone going through the same



Thang Tran

Introducing myself

Hi Everyone!

My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University student studying a

Bachelor's degree in Health Science (with a view to majoring in Health

Promotion) from the University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past victim

of psychiatry who knows all too well the consequences of being on them. I was on

a whole variety of drugs shifting from one to the next including:

a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

I strongly condemn the actions of the medical profession (namely psychiatry

and general practice) for what they did to me. Despite being on all of the drugs

listed above, I found hope when I was successfully cured for drug addiction to

anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced Acupuncture. Since then I

have been taking a wide range of nutritional supplements to heal my brain from

the damages the drugs have caused to me. Although I suffer from Tardive

Dyskinesia (involuntary movement disorder), I am proud to say that this is

hardly noticeable. I do not take any prescription drugs anymore but instead opt

for alternative forms of treatment. I am presently living in Sydney and have

high hopes for my future career.

Thang Tran

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Thanks for your email. I have been on a wide range of nutritional supplements

and observing cautions when taking amounts. I have been taking men's

multivitamins, fish oil, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil, gingko biloba and

lecithin. The number of ingredients in the multivitamins is HUGE so I prefer to

keep this email brief. I tried sueing my psychiatrist but after hearing from a

lawyer that I didn't have physical evidence to back it up, it was IMPOSSIBLE to

sue the psychiatrist. Also, here in Australia, it is extremely difficult (if not

impossible) to win a case on the grounds of mental illness misdiagnosis as

government policies protect the medical profession. My experience is very

complex and everything cannot be detailed through email. But it was a EXTREMELY

TOUGH thing to go through and I wouldn't want anyone going through the same



Thang Tran

Introducing myself

Hi Everyone!

My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University student studying a

Bachelor's degree in Health Science (with a view to majoring in Health

Promotion) from the University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past victim

of psychiatry who knows all too well the consequences of being on them. I was on

a whole variety of drugs shifting from one to the next including:

a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

I strongly condemn the actions of the medical profession (namely psychiatry

and general practice) for what they did to me. Despite being on all of the drugs

listed above, I found hope when I was successfully cured for drug addiction to

anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced Acupuncture. Since then I

have been taking a wide range of nutritional supplements to heal my brain from

the damages the drugs have caused to me. Although I suffer from Tardive

Dyskinesia (involuntary movement disorder), I am proud to say that this is

hardly noticeable. I do not take any prescription drugs anymore but instead opt

for alternative forms of treatment. I am presently living in Sydney and have

high hopes for my future career.

Thang Tran

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Dear Thang,

I am very glad you have survived and are prospering after your experience.

Very well done!!

Your experiences make you a great advocate for Health Promotion.



Introducing myself

> Hi Everyone!


> My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University student studying a

Bachelor's degree in Health Science (with a view to majoring in Health

Promotion) from the University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past

victim of psychiatry who knows all too well the consequences of being on

them. I was on a whole variety of drugs shifting from one to the next


> a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

> b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

> c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

> d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

> e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

> f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

> g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

> I strongly condemn the actions of the medical profession (namely

psychiatry and general practice) for what they did to me. Despite being on

all of the drugs listed above, I found hope when I was successfully cured

for drug addiction to anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced

Acupuncture. Since then I have been taking a wide range of nutritional

supplements to heal my brain from the damages the drugs have caused to me.

Although I suffer from Tardive Dyskinesia (involuntary movement disorder), I

am proud to say that this is hardly noticeable. I do not take any

prescription drugs anymore but instead opt for alternative forms of

treatment. I am presently living in Sydney and have high hopes for my future




> Thang Tran




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Dear Thang,

I am very glad you have survived and are prospering after your experience.

Very well done!!

Your experiences make you a great advocate for Health Promotion.



Introducing myself

> Hi Everyone!


> My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University student studying a

Bachelor's degree in Health Science (with a view to majoring in Health

Promotion) from the University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past

victim of psychiatry who knows all too well the consequences of being on

them. I was on a whole variety of drugs shifting from one to the next


> a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

> b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

> c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

> d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

> e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

> f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

> g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

> I strongly condemn the actions of the medical profession (namely

psychiatry and general practice) for what they did to me. Despite being on

all of the drugs listed above, I found hope when I was successfully cured

for drug addiction to anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced

Acupuncture. Since then I have been taking a wide range of nutritional

supplements to heal my brain from the damages the drugs have caused to me.

Although I suffer from Tardive Dyskinesia (involuntary movement disorder), I

am proud to say that this is hardly noticeable. I do not take any

prescription drugs anymore but instead opt for alternative forms of

treatment. I am presently living in Sydney and have high hopes for my future




> Thang Tran




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Dear Thang,

I am very glad you have survived and are prospering after your experience.

Very well done!!

Your experiences make you a great advocate for Health Promotion.



Introducing myself

> Hi Everyone!


> My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University student studying a

Bachelor's degree in Health Science (with a view to majoring in Health

Promotion) from the University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past

victim of psychiatry who knows all too well the consequences of being on

them. I was on a whole variety of drugs shifting from one to the next


> a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

> b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

> c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

> d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

> e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

> f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

> g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

> I strongly condemn the actions of the medical profession (namely

psychiatry and general practice) for what they did to me. Despite being on

all of the drugs listed above, I found hope when I was successfully cured

for drug addiction to anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced

Acupuncture. Since then I have been taking a wide range of nutritional

supplements to heal my brain from the damages the drugs have caused to me.

Although I suffer from Tardive Dyskinesia (involuntary movement disorder), I

am proud to say that this is hardly noticeable. I do not take any

prescription drugs anymore but instead opt for alternative forms of

treatment. I am presently living in Sydney and have high hopes for my future




> Thang Tran




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Dear Thang,

I am very glad you have survived and are prospering after your experience.

Very well done!!

Your experiences make you a great advocate for Health Promotion.



Introducing myself

> Hi Everyone!


> My name is Thang (Tang) Tran, I am a University student studying a

Bachelor's degree in Health Science (with a view to majoring in Health

Promotion) from the University of Western Sydney (Australia). I am a past

victim of psychiatry who knows all too well the consequences of being on

them. I was on a whole variety of drugs shifting from one to the next


> a.. Stelazine (Trifluoperazine),

> b.. Effexor-XR (Venlafaxine),

> c.. Lovan (Fluoxetine),

> d.. Zybrexa (Olanzapine),

> e.. Risperdal (Risperidone),

> f.. Seroquel (Quetiapine), and

> g.. Avanza (Mirtazapine)

> I strongly condemn the actions of the medical profession (namely

psychiatry and general practice) for what they did to me. Despite being on

all of the drugs listed above, I found hope when I was successfully cured

for drug addiction to anti-psychiatric drugs in August 2002 through Advanced

Acupuncture. Since then I have been taking a wide range of nutritional

supplements to heal my brain from the damages the drugs have caused to me.

Although I suffer from Tardive Dyskinesia (involuntary movement disorder), I

am proud to say that this is hardly noticeable. I do not take any

prescription drugs anymore but instead opt for alternative forms of

treatment. I am presently living in Sydney and have high hopes for my future




> Thang Tran




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  • 3 months later...

Hi and welcome to the group!

[ ] Introducing myself

In light of the recent events I would like to introduce myself which I

should have done in the first place! My name is I am a SAHM to my 2

kids, Lexi age 5 my spunky kindergartener and age 22 months my little

fighter. Hence my user ID my emily is a former 26 wk preemie(26 and 5/7 to

be exact). She has recieved HBOT in the past for bone infections she gets

from using a particular anticonvulsant which *fingers crossed* we will start

weaning next month. I am not certain why this drug is attributed but it

also causes aplastic anemia. We are looking into continuing HBOT as she had

lovely improvements while doing it before, and as you all know private

insurance as well as medicaid is a toughy when it comes to using the

treatment for other than the " approved " conditions. Thankfully our

neurologist is extremely supportive of this therapy. She also has West

Syndrome(infantile spasms/hypsarrhythmia) She has been completely seizure

free for 4 weeks and 4 days, but had drastically reduced seizures since her

last HBOT treatments(though I am not sure if it is from that or the drug

change, or a combo of both) but nonetheless she is seizure free and it is

glorious!!!!!!!!! I hope as a group we can be victorious and end the

discrimination against our children, and the adults out there and get them

the treatment they need without wasting valuable time fighting with

insurance! And hopefully one day this group will not even exisit as HBOT

will be avaiilable and paid for by insurance when needed!

In addition I apologize for causing any confusion in the group as I did

not introduce myself before and I have finally given up on the saved

signature I tried to do as obviously it never shows up(if anyone has a clue

on this I would appreciate it LOL) so from now on I will manually sign my



Mom to Lexi my 5 yr old drama queen and my 22 month old miracle!

Typo disclosure: I am the queen of typos, I have been known to spell my

own name wrong, so please excuse my typos LOL personally I am fluent in

" typo "

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Thanks for the welcome!!!!!!

niki mom to Lexi and emily

--------- [ ] Introducing myself

In light of the recent events I would like to introduce myself which I

should have done in the first place! My name is I am a SAHM to my 2

kids, Lexi age 5 my spunky kindergartener and age 22 months my little

fighter. Hence my user ID my emily is a former 26 wk preemie(26 and 5/7 to

be exact). She has recieved HBOT in the past for bone infections she gets

from using a particular anticonvulsant which *fingers crossed* we will start

weaning next month. I am not certain why this drug is attributed but it

also causes aplastic anemia. We are looking into continuing HBOT as she had

lovely improvements while doing it before, and as you all know private

insurance as well as medicaid is a toughy when it comes to using the

treatment for other than the " approved " conditions. Thankfully our

neurologist is extremely supportive of this therapy. She also has West

Syndrome(infantile spasms/hypsarrhythmia) She has been completely seizure

free for 4 weeks and 4 days, but had drastically reduced seizures since her

last HBOT treatments(though I am not sure if it is from that or the drug

change, or a combo of both) but nonetheless she is seizure free and it is

glorious!!!!!!!!! I hope as a group we can be victorious and end the

discrimination against our children, and the adults out there and get them

the treatment they need without wasting valuable time fighting with

insurance! And hopefully one day this group will not even exisit as HBOT

will be avaiilable and paid for by insurance when needed!

In addition I apologize for causing any confusion in the group as I did

not introduce myself before and I have finally given up on the saved

signature I tried to do as obviously it never shows up(if anyone has a clue

on this I would appreciate it LOL) so from now on I will manually sign my



Mom to Lexi my 5 yr old drama queen and my 22 month old miracle!

Typo disclosure: I am the queen of typos, I have been known to spell my

own name wrong, so please excuse my typos LOL personally I am fluent in

" typo "

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome Penny

If I were you, I would go for it. I spent 6 years in misery until I

gave in (well, actually a lot of that time was spent waiting for my

problem to get bad enough to show on the MRI's). I had a 3 level

fusion in Jund for Spondy (also have DDD and a ruptured disc removed

in 1999)- best thing I have ever done. You are young enough (and I

say that as someone younger than you, 47) that you should be able to

recover well, and also young enough that you shoudn't have a lifetime

of suffering ahead of you. Most of my research of the years shows

stenosis surgery is pretty successfull.

Where are you located, just out of curiousity, never quite sure how

far Kaiser goes....is it only California ? I am in Monterey County.


> Hello, my name is Penny. I have Lumbar Degenerative Disk

Disease/Spinal Stenosis. I am 54, soon to be 55 on April 15. I came

from another consult with a Spine Dr Tuesday. Surgery is now being

considered. I told him I need to go home and study up about it and

hopefully communicate with others with this problem who has had

surgery and the outcome. I told him I would call him back in a week

or 2. I have had this for many years and as you know, it does not

get better. I do get injections for the pain, but am only allowed 3

in a 12 month period. I have also been getting these for several

years now. I am just tired of the pain, 24/7 and am hoping that

surgery will help my situation. Oral medications no longer work for

me and have not for quite awhile. My Physical Med Dr at Kaiser does

not want to refer me for any more injections after this year, as

those are not good for you all the time too. But, for me, this is

all that still works for me. It does dull the pain and makes it

> more bearable. I am in charge of the Attendance Office at a high

school. I am not much of a poster, but will try to keep up with the

group. I am a member of a couple of other support groups also. (Not

back related) I also have had Gastric Bypass Surgery in August of

2003 and have lost 120 pounds so far. My other Spine Dr wouldn't

even consider surgery at that time(year,2000) because of my weight.

I am still trying to loose but it is hard when you can't do much

excersise. I did belong to Curves, but stopped going after a few

months. My back just couldn't deal with it. I do walk on my

treadmill, even though I do pay for it later. I use a heating pad

most nights to help ease my back. Some say it doesn't help, but I

use it anyway because it helps me. I think of it as my " security "

blanket. haha. Anyway,the Dr is talking about a Laminectomy and

Fusion. I hope this is a proper introduction. I am looking forward

to getting to know you all, and thank you for your welcome.

> Penny











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  • 10 months later...

Hello, , (from another " list lurker " ). I read the posts and I am

not even ill! Your story sounds a lot like my husband's, though, so I

thought I'd say hello.

Funny, when I check the messages in my morning (Holland) the only ones

who have written at that time are those in New Zealand and Australia.

I always get the Americans the next day.

A word to : I am so sorry about your mother's death. I pray that

your sadness is quickly replaced with happy memories.

One last thing: My husband says that he is getting better! I am wary,

but he truly feels that he is. He's now only taking the Sulfasalazine

and 10mg of Prednisolone. The next Rheumy appointment is in one week.

Everyone cross your fingers for us!



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Ted,

Congratulations on your new implant!

My daughter had two switch on days. The initial activation was two days,

but the mapping sessions after the initial activation were one day

appointments lasting about 1-1/2 to two hours... This is standard at

the center we attend. They did the initial activation and mapping and

then sent us on our way to see how she handled the new hearing. Then

the next day they mapped her again. The " highest " map from day one

became her " lowest " map on day two. We went home after that (our center

is four hours away, so we spent two nights for her activation) and was

instructed to try to go though all four programs before the next mapping

session which was two weeks later. She is four months post activation

now and doing very well. I am sure that you will not be disappointed.

For us it was a true miracle!

Good luck on the 26th and 27th!!



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Ted F.

Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 8:43 PM

Subject: Introducing myself

Gday from Down Under.

My name is Ted and I'm in Australia. I received a Cochlear Implant at

the Mater Hospital in Brisbane on Wednesday April 5th. My switch on

dates are April 26th and 27th. Did anyone else have 2 switch on days? I

was told that things can change overnight.

Ted F.

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Guest guest


> Hi Ted,


> Congratulations on your new implant!

Hello . Thanks.


> My daughter had two switch on days. The initial activation was two

> days, but the mapping sessions after the initial activation were

> one day appointments lasting about 1-1/2 to two hours... This is

> standard at the center we attend.

After the initial 2 switch-on dates, I have appointments on all four

Thursdays in May for mapping.

> They did the initial activation and mapping and then sent us on our

> way to see how she handled the new hearing. Then the next day they

> mapped her again. The " highest " map from day one became

> her " lowest " map on day two. We went home after that (our center

> is four hours away, so we spent two nights for her activation) and

> was instructed to try to go though all four programs before the

> next mapping session which was two weeks later.

Mapped and mapping are still a foreign language to me at the moment,

because I dont know whats involved.

> She is four months post activation now and doing very well.

Excellent, can I ask how old she is and do children adapt better than

older people, I'm 61?

> I am sure that you will not be disappointed.

> For us it was a true miracle!

It truly must be miraculous, because that word gets used a lot around

cochlear implants. I cant wait.

> Good luck on the 26th and 27th!!


Thank you and thanks for taking the time to reply.

Ted F.



> W.


> Gday from Down Under.

> My name is Ted and I'm in Australia. I received a Cochlear Implant

> at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane on Wednesday April 5th. My switch

> on dates are April 26th and 27th. Did anyone else have 2 switch on

> days? I was told that things can change overnight.


> Ted F.


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All of the technical jargon evades me, so I just do the best I can in

terms that I understand! LOL!

The maps are basically where they hook your external processor up to

their computer and they test each electrode to make sure that it is

working and then what is the lowest level you can hear and the highest

you can tolerate. I believe they are called T and C levels. (If someone

else can explain this better, then my all means please do~smile!)

From that they create programs. My daughter is going on three and we

have four programs. Each time she is mapped they have gotten louder

until this last time. They think she is really close to wear she needs

to be. She will return in May for another mapping session. As for the

features, that part is completely foreign to me. Sorry! I don't know

who adapts better, children or adults. I think it depends a lot of how

much, if any, hearing and language one had before the implant. What is

your hearing history?








From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Ted F.

Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 10:45 AM

Subject: Re: Introducing myself


> Hi Ted,


> Congratulations on your new implant!

Hello . Thanks.


> My daughter had two switch on days. The initial activation was two

> days, but the mapping sessions after the initial activation were

> one day appointments lasting about 1-1/2 to two hours... This is

> standard at the center we attend.

After the initial 2 switch-on dates, I have appointments on all four

Thursdays in May for mapping.

> They did the initial activation and mapping and then sent us on our

> way to see how she handled the new hearing. Then the next day they

> mapped her again. The " highest " map from day one became

> her " lowest " map on day two. We went home after that (our center

> is four hours away, so we spent two nights for her activation) and

> was instructed to try to go though all four programs before the

> next mapping session which was two weeks later.

Mapped and mapping are still a foreign language to me at the moment,

because I dont know whats involved.

> She is four months post activation now and doing very well.

Excellent, can I ask how old she is and do children adapt better than

older people, I'm 61?

> I am sure that you will not be disappointed.

> For us it was a true miracle!

It truly must be miraculous, because that word gets used a lot around

cochlear implants. I cant wait.

> Good luck on the 26th and 27th!!


Thank you and thanks for taking the time to reply.

Ted F.



> W.


> Gday from Down Under.

> My name is Ted and I'm in Australia. I received a Cochlear Implant

> at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane on Wednesday April 5th. My switch

> on dates are April 26th and 27th. Did anyone else have 2 switch on

> days? I was told that things can change overnight.


> Ted F.


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