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I show my plants alot of love..I was so mad..I told the fool tha tfell in the garden if I caught his drunk ass in my garden one more time I was going to kick it..He said it wasn't me..I picked up his cap and said here's the proof.."Don't even walk in the yard if you can't do it straight"..I have been babying my plants for months..I'll wait for ya though...hahaha

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I'm sorry Jan but I can't come down right now. Stake it up if it isn't broken off and give it some water and maybe a little liquid fert.

Talk to it and think healing thoughts.


Re: [ ] Today

Hi Dennis..Someone or something fell in my garden and knocked over my biggest bell pepper plant..I am really ticked off about it...

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  • 7 months later...
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Jackie they usually put you on anti-depressants when you get on treatment so I don't understand that decision at all..I had to be put on them to be on treatment like most of us have been..I wish you all the lluck there is..

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It's a tough road.My thoughts are prayers are with you. Remember that hcv is a slowly progressing disease and many people, for one reason or another cannot take this treatment. Even for those of us who do, we risk certain other dangers. They are constanly working on new, more "user friendly" (you can tell I'm a programmer) treatments. This may end up being a good thing for him. Good luck. -dz-

bluesparkling_angel <bluesparkling_angel@...> wrote: Well we spent the whole day at the hospital tests tests and more tests tomorrow. It was found that he had 2 stroeks recently and he has been put on a aspirin a day to thin his blood so far. What else will happen is beyond me , I don't understand it all but we are now involved with 5 neurologists anyway.He is also in trouble somewhere in his neck/spinal cord because he has less use of his limbs than jusual which is almost nil at any good time anyway. We are both concerned about him needing some kind of surgery and he has been through these before and does not look forward to it. They told us today he has so much arthritis there is very little hope of him ever getting out of the wheelchair anymore. We had such high I spose outrageous hopes too.The final nail was when they told us he would not be offerred treatment for the Hep C , no matter what because he is on anti depressants he will not get any treatment. This just was enough for me I am afraid.I dont know what will happen with anything right now just know this is enoughjackie

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Hi Jackie

I'm sorry to hear that is having so much trouble. If I remember right

isn't he being treated by the VA? If so you might have to write a letter to

your congressman to get help on the hepc treatment. They gave me the run

around for 2 years about treatment until I wrote my congressman. I was on

treatment within a couple of months after that.

As always I will keep you and in my prayers.

[ ] Today

> Well we spent the whole day at the hospital tests tests and more

> tests tomorrow.


> It was found that he had 2 stroeks recently and he has been put on a

> aspirin a day to thin his blood so far. What else will happen is

> beyond me , I don't understand it all but we are now involved with 5

> neurologists anyway.


> He is also in trouble somewhere in his neck/spinal cord because he

> has less use of his limbs than jusual which is almost nil at any good

> time anyway. We are both concerned about him needing some kind of

> surgery and he has been through these before and does not look

> forward to it. They told us today he has so much arthritis there is

> very little hope of him ever getting out of the wheelchair anymore.

> We had such high I spose outrageous hopes too.


> The final nail was when they told us he would not be offerred

> treatment for the Hep C , no matter what because he is on anti

> depressants he will not get any treatment. This just was enough for

> me I am afraid.


> I dont know what will happen with anything right now just know this

> is enough


> jackie





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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...
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God bless you child. How do you go to work with lactulose? I am truly impressed. Hope your day is better today and especially that you are able to sleep tonight.

Love and prayers -


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  • 4 weeks later...
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In a message dated 6/13/2003 6:34:33 PM Central Daylight Time,

p_welborn13@... writes:

> For all you goina bee's be sure to measure yourselves

> before surgery, I didn't and now wish I had. Your arms

> legs,waist,butt,ankles, and everything...lol



Me too Pat...Wonder why Dr. K's office doesn't do it routinely??

in Bama


Surgery- RNY to DS revision on12/6 -377.5

12/17 - 346.5 ( minus 31lbs)

01/15- 338.1 (minus 39.1lbs)

02/12-330.0 (minus 47.5 lbs)

04/06- 324.3 (minus 53

05/12- 304.8 (minus 72.7 lbs)-BMI now 48

06/13- 299.6 (Minus 78.1)

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Now look at this. I am sooooooooo proud of you! You are just melting

those inches away. That TT is a miracle too. I am sharing your

happiness with you. Gurl go on and cry the good cry...and then go

right out and buy those favorite jeans that you have been waiting to

get in....who hoo!!!

-a (Ms.Diva)

> Well, I got squashed today..lol Wasn't too bad,in fact

> the tech was super nice and didn't hurt me one time.

> Now what was really cool was before I got dressed this

> am I measured my hips and waist....Before surgery the

> tape measure wouldn't fit around so I am guessing my

> hips were around 67 " ,that was in Jan of 02, now when

> I had my tt in Jan of 03 I was measured 56 " around,

> and this am I am now at 49 " WoW!!!!

> Then I measured my waist,before surgery it was around

> 48 " and this am it was 36.5 " ,if I had had time I could

> have sit right down and cried. God has been so good to

> me,in finding dr.k and this surgery...I LOVE IT!!!!LOL

> hAVE a great day what is left of it and a great

> weekend...

> God bless,

> Pat in Taft


> For all you goina bee's be sure to measure yourselves

> before surgery, I didn't and now wish I had. Your arms

> legs,waist,butt,ankles, and everything...lol

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In a message dated 6/13/2003 4:34:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

p_welborn13@... writes:

> I am now at 49 " WoW!!!! this am it was 36.5 "

Hi Pat!

Things just keep getting better and better -- CONGRATULATIONS! I'm glad that

the squashing didn't hurt!

Hugs and blessings, Ann

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That's so wonderful Pat! I'm so happy for you! I have to get

squashed sometime soon myself. Today I get to have my annual exam.

Yuck! But, at least I won't have to be afraid to step on the scale

today. :)



> I had my tt in Jan of 03 I was measured 56 " around,

> and this am I am now at 49 " WoW!!!!

> God bless,

> Pat in Taft


> For all you goina bee's be sure to measure yourselves

> before surgery, I didn't and now wish I had. Your arms

> legs,waist,butt,ankles, and everything...lol

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  • 1 month later...
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> I stayed on my food plan today, but it was uncomfortable. The time


> lunch and supper was much too long. I kept thinking of a and just

> toughed it out.

If it's uncomfortable, then you'll never stick with it. It's better to grab

a small snack of a fruit or some veggies than be miserable. There are plenty

of low-cal snack hints in the Files section in the text files.

Remember, even when you finally lose the weight, you'll be on restricted

calories (aka Maintainence) for the rest of your life if you want the weight

to stay off. Don't be miserable for the rest of your life! Eat!

> Snack:

> 1 nectarine

> (1F)

Take some of the exchanges you used for dinner and use it here, like one

protein for a hunk of cheese to go with the fruit.

> If anyone has had success journaling motives and emotions associated with

> food, I would be interested to hear of it.

At the Bliss web site:


you can download a PDF file of workbook pages that will help you with your

foods. It's free, but you need Adobe Acrobat to open it.

A printable journal page where you fill in your feelings is here, on the web

site of some private consultants:


Sue in NJ

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----- Original Message -----

From: " ~Kim~ 41 " <kimlord@...>

> I stayed on my food plan today, but it was uncomfortable. The time


> lunch and supper was much too long. I kept thinking of a and just

> toughed it out.

Increase your afternoon snack. Also, after a couple of weeks you won't feel

as hungry as your body adjusts.


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Hi Kim!

I have to agree with the other posts.. if you are having a hard time

between lunch and dinner increase your snack a little and decrease

the amount of food and dinner, or maybe use one of your after dinner

snack fruits and just have the ice cream.

I know that if I am STARVED at dinner time I tend to over eat. I

will pick at food as I'm cooking and that is just extra unwanted


When I was growing up I never ate breakfast as a teenager, and alot

of times I would skip lunch at school, or make bad choices (pop and

chips). I would eat a lot after school and then at dinner and then

again before bed. After I moved out on my own I was still skipping

breakfast and would eat lunch around 1pm and then dinner about 6-7pm

sometimes later depending on what was going on. When I started

seeing a nutritionist she said no wonder I was gaining weight, I was

eating like sumo wrestlers do... they don't eat all day then eat a

bunch of food and go to bed. Her point was they didn't kick their

metabolism in until it was time to shut it off again and then ate at

that point.

This time I am really REALLY trying to get some food in and I know

when I eat breakfast I am hungry before lunch and that if I eat a

snack I'm not as bad, that depending on my lunch alot of times I'm

hungry before dinner and a snack helps. IF I miss my snack or it

isn't big enough I will over eat or make bad choices. One other

thing you might want to try and it does help some... it has been said

that a lot of times thirst signals are mixed with hunger signals.

Try a glass of water and if you are still hungry 20 minutes later go

ahead and have a snack if you are feeling hungry.

I hope that helps a bit! I'm still waiting for my food mover.... I

am hoping it arrives sometime this week. I am thinking it should



(who overslept and is way behind in her morning schedule!)

> I stayed on my food plan today, but it was uncomfortable. The time


> lunch and supper was much too long. I kept thinking of a and


> toughed it out.


> Breakfast:

> 1 serving Malt-O Meal

> 3 Tb raisins

> (2S, 1F, 1extra)


> Lunch:

> 1 cup spaghetti

> 2oz hamburger

> 1/2 cup spaghetti sauce

> 1 cup green beans

> 2Tb parmesan cheese

> (2S, 3P, 4V)


> Snack:

> 1 nectarine

> (1F)


> Supper:

> 2 slices bread

> 1Tb butter

> 2oz beef

> jalapeno peppers

> 1 cup broccoli

> 1oz american cheese

> (2S, 3P, 2V, 3Fa, bonus)


> Snack:

> 1 cup non fat ice cream

> 1/2 banana

> 1 peach

> (2D, 2F)


> Exercise:

> 20 min walk outside


> Water: 8 x 12oz = 96oz


> For a, I would go ahead and trust and eat what he


> You will have the opportunity to cut back on windows as you lose



> As far as planning menus, I agree, I need to plan for at least a

week at a

> time and take into account my schedule. I don't want to be so

hungry when I

> get home from work.


> If anyone has had success journaling motives and emotions

associated with

> food, I would be interested to hear of it. For me right now, I am


> that I have had 2 abstinent days.


> Kim


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  • 3 weeks later...
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I've been on metho for like 8 years now... so far I've done ok with it...

I'm at 16 mg once a week in pill form. IT has kept me steady a long time

and apparently my liver is doing ok with it.

I guess different people have different experiences though... But for me

it has worked.....

I hope you get this dr situation worked out.. I know they are CLUELESS!!!!

at times.



" The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A

human creature born (extraordinarily) sensitive. To him/her a touch is a

blow, a sound is a noise, a misfortune is a tragedy, a joy is an ecstasy,

a friend is a lover, and failure is death.--Pearl S. Buck


EMAIL: juliette@... **ICQ 49746198** MSN-LizKP1952@...

PERSONAL HOMEPAGE PAGE http://members.tripod.com/~LizK

ADDult HOME PAGE: http://members.tripod.com/~LizK/addult.htm


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> Tony,

> I've been on metho for like 8 years now... so far I've done ok


you havnt had any of the other horrible side effects its said to


the dr. problem is about them not being able to take my word + blood

as a fair diagnostic tool at remote. I mean i know how i feel, why do

they have to have me travel 300 klm to look at swollen bits? when they

could take my word for it anyway, In the appointment they revealed

that they had pre-established a proposed treatment b4 i had even

arrived.... so whats the point in me being there? to pick up a script,

do they know that the effort costs me dearly and i lose heaps of

capacity to move, and its pain related, i was told in no uncertain

terms that my GP was responsable for everything other than my

Rhuematological concerns.

I am bed bound. Butt Kando, it costs me time and motion.

Thanks for listening Liz

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The main problem I've had with metho is diarrhea.

This happens pretty much when I don't eat when I take the pills.

Before metho I was getting so I couldn't chew.. my jaw joints were

going...and my knees too....

Like i said it is different for everyone.....but i've not had any major




" The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A

human creature born (extraordinarily) sensitive. To him/her a touch is a

blow, a sound is a noise, a misfortune is a tragedy, a joy is an ecstasy,

a friend is a lover, and failure is death.--Pearl S. Buck


EMAIL: juliette@... **ICQ 49746198** MSN-LizKP1952@...

PERSONAL HOMEPAGE PAGE http://members.tripod.com/~LizK

ADDult HOME PAGE: http://members.tripod.com/~LizK/addult.htm


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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 9/30/2003 4:19:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

lghthousegrl@... writes:

> thing is, im having a day

> where nothing tastes good. whats up with that??

Dr. K said there'll be days, like this (sung to the tune of " Mama Said " )!

There are days when nothing hits the spot and nothing tastes good. It will

pass, Vicki, it will pass! Hugs and blessings, Ann

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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 10/15/2003 11:28:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

p_welborn13@... writes:

> Just for info I wanted to let you all know that I did get back

> to Delano again today and got some blood sucked out and even

> managed to give them some poop...

Hi Pat!

What have I missed? Is something up with you? You know you are in my

thoughts and prayers, sweetie!

Hugs and blessings, Ann

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> Just for info I wanted to let you all know that I did get back

> to Delano again today and got some blood sucked out and even

> managed to give them some poop....lol

> Probley won't know anything until dr.z gets back unless it is

> something that dee and dr.anderson can handle,she said she would

> let me know what is happen....

> Jo and Marta if you are traveling tomorrow I am going to back out,

> I am so tired that I am just going to rest tomorrow...I have to

> be up by 5am Fri morning,going to see Benny Hinn[sp] in Fresno

> so won't be back until very late.

> God bless you all and have a great thur.

> Pat


Get some rest and take good care of yourself. Enjoy Benny Hinn, but

dont over do....

Let me know when you find out something okay?

This is just a small pebble on your road, not even a bump, and I am

praying for you to be well.

love you, Sharon in Onyx

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  • 2 weeks later...

woo-hoo for you! Keep it Up!


-----Original Message-----From: Ryefield [mailto:ryefield@...]Sent: 28 October 2003 6:06 PM100-plus Subject: today

today I did 13 minutes on the bike - still hacking / runny nose etc so that was fun. Water is at 90 0z + with hours to go yet . Food is still cooking but will be within my plan :)

so unless something drastic happens - today is day 2 of 3 for 3.

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.- Lucille BallTo unsubscribe DO NOT send a message to the list.Please click on this link and unsubscribe:100-plus/join

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  • 2 months later...

I know what you mean - I have 3 meals down now, and so far so good for me.

I don't post a whole lot, but I love to read for the encouragement. I've

been through one challenge last summer and actually reached my comfort zone

in 6 weeks, without even going completely by the book. I tried to do a

second " challenge " but my heart just wasn't in it. Someday I'd love to be

about 15-16% body fat (right now somewhere in the low 20's), but I need to

get myself in the right and positive mindset.

So today I'm like you - just going meal by meal, trying to make it through

to the next meal without bingeing on something. This time of day is the

hardest for me with that so I'll try and keep myself busy and drink a diet

soda to quench my cravings. I did my LBWO this morning, but the ab part got

interruped by my kids. So on to HIIT tomorrow. I've decided I want to run

a 10K in June, so I think on my non-HIIT days I'm going to do long slow runs

and see how that goes. Work my way up to 6.2 miles (eeks!). Either that or

just train for the run and axe the HIIT portion for now. We'll see how it


Thanks for posting, Jill! I needed to check in too1

in WI


> Well 2 meals down ladies and so far so good! I know it doesn't seem

> like much but when you consider that my father in law is sitting

> across from me eating Sonic...you understand! I didn't work out today

> because well I just had surgery 4 days ago but hopefully as of the

> 12th I can do it in moderation...I am still doing the challenge

> regardless!

> Love to all!

> Jill






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> Well 2 meals down ladies and so far so good! I know it doesn't seem

> like much but when you consider that my father in law is sitting

> across from me eating Sonic...you understand! I didn't work out


> because well I just had surgery 4 days ago but hopefully as of the

> 12th I can do it in moderation...I am still doing the challenge

> regardless!

> Love to all!

That's a great start!! I'm fortunate that 90% of the time hubby eats

what I eat so it isn't too hard to stay on track IF I have my

motivation under control!


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  • 5 months later...
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I am glad you made it through the day ! I am glad it wasn't as stressful on you as you had thought it would be.

As for the cute guy you should have gotten his number!!!! hehehehe

-- Today

Today I went with my mom to the hospital so they could mark her for

the radiation stuff....I waited in the waiting room for like an hour

and a half....the ride to the hospital was fine...we blared music and

stuff...got my mind off of things...at the hospital, sitting there

was just really weird...there was only one other person in the

waiting room at first......a really cute guy....lol....now I know I

shouldn't 'pick' guys up at the hospital but he was cute...and he

kept looking at me....but I'm shy so I didn't even say hi or

acknowledge him...he was apparently with his parents I

think.....after a while there were more people there...so I was

comfortable reading my book....I brought along a classic that I've

loved forever..."The Secret Garden"..by Frances Hodgson Burnett

My mom starts a huge round of radiation tomorrow...each day she has

to go to the clinic and get it....they are centering the radiation on

her hip, tail bone, and spine...because as of now that's where the

cancer is

I'm not so stressed now...like I was....but after...it was

just 'okay, not as a big a deal as I thought'...still a big deal but

not traumatic right now.......One thing I hated about waiting was the

chair...it was totally not comfortable to read in....and I went and

got a soda and it cost almost $2...for a tiny soda....my family is

nowhere near rich....we didn't even have enough money to put gas into

the car ....my mom had to borrow some from my cousin....but my mom

had a few dollars of my money left(I gave her $23 for groceries when

she didn't have any money)....and that's how I got a soda

I really dislike hospitals....but I've been in them so many

times...it's like a routine....but I hate the routine...I don't want

it to be routine

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