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> I have recently finished with my 7 yo son's first oral DMSA 3 day run.

> He is into everyting. This is not the norm for him. His behavior

> reminds me of when he was 3 yo. Have any of you seen regression with

> chelation? If so how long does it last? When should I see some

> inprovement?

At my house, regression from chelation was caused by yeast overgrowth

and/or mineral depletion. I used ALA only. For DMSA, you would also

need to consider possible liver stress.

Might be another issue also.


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DMSA can cause quite a bit of yeast. I would try a lower dose next

time. I gave my son too high a dose and we had to wait 3 weeks for the

symptoms to subside, BUT if this is yeast, which it does sound like,

you can just give GSE in a little juice in the AM and LOTS of

probiotics right before bed and that should take care of things. You

can also use a yeast fighter like Candex, Candidaise, there are many



> I have recently finished with my 7 yo son's first oral DMSA 3 day


> He is into everyting. This is not the norm for him. His behavior

> reminds me of when he was 3 yo. Have any of you seen regression with

> chelation? If so how long does it last? When should I see some

> inprovement?

> Thanks,

> Kelley


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  • 3 weeks later...


What to expect depends very much on what you are doing regarding

chelation. There are many ideas out there about how chelation should be

done. Some are not safe and do cause serious problems. What are you

planning to use - DMSA, DMPS, ALA? How much, how often? How old and

how much does your child weigh. There is a lot of knowledge on the

board, and many here can offer suggestions about what to watch for, as

well as info about different methods and the safety or not.

As for informing the school, I've always considered informing those

outside my family a " need to know " thing. If they need to know so that

my children will continue the path safely and with support that is one

thing. If they don't need to know, though, I don't feel any need to

share the info. Many don't even know my son is an Aspie. They just

know he is quiet, funny and has the neatest quirks. :-)

Anyway, welcome. Let us know what you are planning, and we'll give you

support, encouragement and input.


chomedeysaints wrote:


> Hi

> We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am thinking

> maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> up. Any ideas?

> Tks

> Heleni



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My own personal experience is when you mention chelation, I've had doctors

say to me kids have died from chelation, don't do it. I'd personally keep

this to yourself and only share to help others in your journey. I've share

enzymes/probiotics/vit/min with school because they've seen great changes in

my son. I'm won't share and not sharing the chelation side. I'm only using

up a bottle of NCD now, my third.

I've shared with others my journey but not many have jumped on my boat yet,

doing enzymes, probiotics, vit/min etc.. I'm still lonely in my corner of

world but feel connected here!


[ ] chelation


We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am thinking

maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

up. Any ideas?



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Thank you so much for the kind welcome.  This group was very much recommended to

me by many.  I am glad I'm here, as I will need every bit of advise and info. to

this very difficult journey. Our prescription was ordered Friday, still don't

have it yet. Our DAN! has prescribed him to be  on DMSA 500 mg for 3 days, fri,

sat., sund, every 2nd weekend. She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins,

minerals,zinc, calcium during the chelation days,  

After the chelation weekend , she wants us to restart all supps.stopped , and on

the mond.and tues. to double the minerals and to repeat this schedule during


About my son, he was a severe autistic child, with a severe speech disorder

which they called dysphasia, he is 12years old ,13 yrs. old this coming October.

We started the biomedics, gfcf diet  last October 2007, and he recently had

a re-assesstment and was diagnosed  as high funcioning to moderate autism.

He has been a great responder to the biomedics even tho time was against us.  He

has come  a long way.  He talks beautifully and has made many gains ever since

this journey.  I am hoping that with chelation we will make more gains.  The

heavy metals testing showed he was high in lead,tin and a bit of mercury.





> Hi

> We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am thinking

> maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> up. Any ideas?

> Tks

> Heleni




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----- Original Message -----

From: chomedeysaints

Hi Heleni,


We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am thinking

maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more


===>No, aggression is not a normal side effect. A lot of kids do better

while chelating, yeast can get bad so you need to develop a good yeast protocol

which will require some trial and error.

My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

up. Any ideas?

===>Don't anticipate bad things happening?



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I'm sure you will hear from others, but from what I've read this is not

just a dangerous protocol but downright scary. Many DAN! doctors and

naturopaths do not really understand how to safely use chelators.

Often, the parents here chelate without at doc at all, because it is

easier. Some DAN! doctors seem open to working with parents using a

lower/slower method, and are still useful for ordering tests and any

meds the parents still wish to use.

500 mg is way too much and can cause serious issues, including

regression. It sounds like your son is doing well so far, so I would

suggest that you learn all you can about safe protocols and postpone any

use of a chelator until you know more. We remind ourselves regularly

that recovering our children is a marathon, not a sprint. So, taking it

slow and educating ourselves is a key ingredient in the success of the


The three days is right according to what we've learned, but the DMSA

needs to be dosed at 1/4 - 1/2 mg per pound (that would be 25mg for a

100 lb child) every 4 hours for the full three days, including nights.

You can find much more about it in the files section of the board.

There is a link to the files section on the home page of the group at

. Also, Hall Cutler has written extensively about the slow

and low chelation method many on this board use. You also need to make

sure your child has no mercury/amalgam dental fillings, the silver

ones. And, try to eliminate all exposure to mercury - such as tuna fish.

We have been chelating our children using ALA only, 6-12 mg depending on

the child, every 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at night for three

days. We then take the weekdays off and start again on Friday. We've

seen great improvement even dosing at 1/16 mg per pound. It took me a

year of study and putting supplements into place before I felt ready to

start chelation. I definitely wouldn't drop supplements during rounds

(a chelation weekend), but actually have had to increase biotin for

yeast and magnesium to keep from getting any symptoms.

How did you test for metals? Many tests for metals are unreliable. The

DDI hair test is what most here use, applying counting rules developed

by Cutler's research and study. This seems to be the most effective way

to tell if mercury toxicity is an issue. Mercury often hides and

doesn't present itself for what most doctors use for testing.

I hope that gives you a start. Ask as many questions as you need to,

and we'll try to point you in the right directions. There's lots of

knowledge here, and I don't know how I would have done it without all

the help.


Heleni & Nick Babalis wrote:


> Thank you so much for the kind welcome. This group was very much

> recommended to me by many. I am glad I'm here, as I will need every

> bit of advise and info. to this very difficult journey. Our

> prescription was ordered Friday, still don't have it yet. Our DAN! has

> prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg for 3 days, fri, sat., sund,

> every 2nd weekend. She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins,

> minerals,zinc, calcium during the chelation days,

> After the chelation weekend , she wants us to restart all

> supps.stopped , and on the mond.and tues. to double the minerals and

> to repeat this schedule during chelation.

> About my son, he was a severe autistic child, with a severe speech

> disorder which they called dysphasia, he is 12years old ,13 yrs. old

> this coming October. We started the biomedics, gfcf diet last October

> 2007, and he recently had a re-assesstment and was diagnosed as high

> funcioning to moderate autism. He has been a great responder to the

> biomedics even tho time was against us. He has come a long way. He

> talks beautifully and has made many gains ever since this journey. I

> am hoping that with chelation we will make more gains. The heavy

> metals testing showed he was high in lead,tin and a bit of mercury.


> Thanks

> Heleni



> >

> > Hi

> > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am thinking

> > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> > up. Any ideas?

> > Tks

> > Heleni

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________________

> Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark

> your favourite sites. Download it now at

> http://ca.toolbar.. <http://ca.toolbar..>



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> Heleni & Nick Babalis wrote:

> >

> > Our

> > prescription was ordered Friday, still don't have it yet. Our DAN! has

> > prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg for 3 days, fri, sat., sund,

> > every 2nd weekend. She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins,

> > minerals,zinc, calcium during the chelation days,

Do not do this.

She is incompetent to prescribe or supervize chelation.

You already let one doctor turn your kid autistic by being incompetent (using


laden vaccines), try to generalize the lesson before another doctor makes your

kid even



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I am curious if anyone has worked with Dr. Rossignol and utilized Andy Cutler's

slower and safer chelation protocal? Alison M

-------------- Original message ----------------------

From: " P. " <the.great.zambini@...>

> I'm sure you will hear from others, but from what I've read this is not

> just a dangerous protocol but downright scary. Many DAN! doctors and

> naturopaths do not really understand how to safely use chelators.

> Often, the parents here chelate without at doc at all, because it is

> easier. Some DAN! doctors seem open to working with parents using a

> lower/slower method, and are still useful for ordering tests and any

> meds the parents still wish to use.


> 500 mg is way too much and can cause serious issues, including

> regression. It sounds like your son is doing well so far, so I would

> suggest that you learn all you can about safe protocols and postpone any

> use of a chelator until you know more. We remind ourselves regularly

> that recovering our children is a marathon, not a sprint. So, taking it

> slow and educating ourselves is a key ingredient in the success of the

> plan.


> The three days is right according to what we've learned, but the DMSA

> needs to be dosed at 1/4 - 1/2 mg per pound (that would be 25mg for a

> 100 lb child) every 4 hours for the full three days, including nights.

> You can find much more about it in the files section of the board.

> There is a link to the files section on the home page of the group at

> . Also, Hall Cutler has written extensively about the slow

> and low chelation method many on this board use. You also need to make

> sure your child has no mercury/amalgam dental fillings, the silver

> ones. And, try to eliminate all exposure to mercury - such as tuna fish.


> We have been chelating our children using ALA only, 6-12 mg depending on

> the child, every 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at night for three

> days. We then take the weekdays off and start again on Friday. We've

> seen great improvement even dosing at 1/16 mg per pound. It took me a

> year of study and putting supplements into place before I felt ready to

> start chelation. I definitely wouldn't drop supplements during rounds

> (a chelation weekend), but actually have had to increase biotin for

> yeast and magnesium to keep from getting any symptoms.


> How did you test for metals? Many tests for metals are unreliable. The

> DDI hair test is what most here use, applying counting rules developed

> by Cutler's research and study. This seems to be the most effective way

> to tell if mercury toxicity is an issue. Mercury often hides and

> doesn't present itself for what most doctors use for testing.


> I hope that gives you a start. Ask as many questions as you need to,

> and we'll try to point you in the right directions. There's lots of

> knowledge here, and I don't know how I would have done it without all

> the help.


> P.


> Heleni & Nick Babalis wrote:

> >

> > Thank you so much for the kind welcome. This group was very much

> > recommended to me by many. I am glad I'm here, as I will need every

> > bit of advise and info. to this very difficult journey. Our

> > prescription was ordered Friday, still don't have it yet. Our DAN! has

> > prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg for 3 days, fri, sat., sund,

> > every 2nd weekend. She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins,

> > minerals,zinc, calcium during the chelation days,

> > After the chelation weekend , she wants us to restart all

> > supps.stopped , and on the mond.and tues. to double the minerals and

> > to repeat this schedule during chelation.

> > About my son, he was a severe autistic child, with a severe speech

> > disorder which they called dysphasia, he is 12years old ,13 yrs. old

> > this coming October. We started the biomedics, gfcf diet last October

> > 2007, and he recently had a re-assesstment and was diagnosed as high

> > funcioning to moderate autism. He has been a great responder to the

> > biomedics even tho time was against us. He has come a long way. He

> > talks beautifully and has made many gains ever since this journey. I

> > am hoping that with chelation we will make more gains. The heavy

> > metals testing showed he was high in lead,tin and a bit of mercury.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Heleni

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Hi

> > > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> > > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am thinking

> > > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> > > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> > > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> > > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> > > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> > > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> > > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> > > up. Any ideas?

> > > Tks

> > > Heleni

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________________

> > Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark

> > your favourite sites. Download it now at

> > http://ca.toolbar.. <http://ca.toolbar..>

> >

> >

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What other foods have mercury in them. Is there a list.

I don't want her to get ANY mercury...especially while chelating!

On Sep 7, 2008, at 12:36 AM, P. wrote:

> I'm sure you will hear from others, but from what I've read this is

> not

> just a dangerous protocol but downright scary. Many DAN! doctors and

> naturopaths do not really understand how to safely use chelators.

> Often, the parents here chelate without at doc at all, because it is

> easier. Some DAN! doctors seem open to working with parents using a

> lower/slower method, and are still useful for ordering tests and any

> meds the parents still wish to use.


> 500 mg is way too much and can cause serious issues, including

> regression. It sounds like your son is doing well so far, so I would

> suggest that you learn all you can about safe protocols and

> postpone any

> use of a chelator until you know more. We remind ourselves regularly

> that recovering our children is a marathon, not a sprint. So,

> taking it

> slow and educating ourselves is a key ingredient in the success of the

> plan.


> The three days is right according to what we've learned, but the DMSA

> needs to be dosed at 1/4 - 1/2 mg per pound (that would be 25mg for a

> 100 lb child) every 4 hours for the full three days, including nights.

> You can find much more about it in the files section of the board.

> There is a link to the files section on the home page of the group at

> . Also, Hall Cutler has written extensively about the slow

> and low chelation method many on this board use. You also need to make

> sure your child has no mercury/amalgam dental fillings, the silver

> ones. And, try to eliminate all exposure to mercury - such as tuna

> fish.


> We have been chelating our children using ALA only, 6-12 mg

> depending on

> the child, every 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at night for three

> days. We then take the weekdays off and start again on Friday. We've

> seen great improvement even dosing at 1/16 mg per pound. It took me a

> year of study and putting supplements into place before I felt

> ready to

> start chelation. I definitely wouldn't drop supplements during rounds

> (a chelation weekend), but actually have had to increase biotin for

> yeast and magnesium to keep from getting any symptoms.


> How did you test for metals? Many tests for metals are unreliable. The

> DDI hair test is what most here use, applying counting rules developed

> by Cutler's research and study. This seems to be the most effective

> way

> to tell if mercury toxicity is an issue. Mercury often hides and

> doesn't present itself for what most doctors use for testing.


> I hope that gives you a start. Ask as many questions as you need to,

> and we'll try to point you in the right directions. There's lots of

> knowledge here, and I don't know how I would have done it without all

> the help.


> P.


> Heleni & Nick Babalis wrote:

> >

> > Thank you so much for the kind welcome. This group was very much

> > recommended to me by many. I am glad I'm here, as I will need every

> > bit of advise and info. to this very difficult journey. Our

> > prescription was ordered Friday, still don't have it yet. Our

> DAN! has

> > prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg for 3 days, fri, sat., sund,

> > every 2nd weekend. She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins,

> > minerals,zinc, calcium during the chelation days,

> > After the chelation weekend , she wants us to restart all

> > supps.stopped , and on the mond.and tues. to double the minerals and

> > to repeat this schedule during chelation.

> > About my son, he was a severe autistic child, with a severe speech

> > disorder which they called dysphasia, he is 12years old ,13 yrs. old

> > this coming October. We started the biomedics, gfcf diet last

> October

> > 2007, and he recently had a re-assesstment and was diagnosed as high

> > funcioning to moderate autism. He has been a great responder to the

> > biomedics even tho time was against us. He has come a long way. He

> > talks beautifully and has made many gains ever since this journey. I

> > am hoping that with chelation we will make more gains. The heavy

> > metals testing showed he was high in lead,tin and a bit of mercury.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Heleni

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Hi

> > > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage

> of my

> > > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am

> thinking

> > > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any

> bad side

> > > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get

> more

> > > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful

> and

> > > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what

> I have

> > > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I

> stay

> > > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to

> this

> > > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to

> mess it

> > > up. Any ideas?

> > > Tks

> > > Heleni

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________________

> > Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark

> > your favourite sites. Download it now at

> > http://ca.toolbar.. <http://ca.toolbar..>

> >

> >

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Hi Heleni,

Welcome to the list. Comments interspersed.



Posted by: " chomedeysaints " chomedeysaints@... chomedeysaints

Sat Sep 6, 2008 7:45 pm (PDT)


We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am thinking

maybe next week.

*Please educate yourself about Andy Cutler's protocol.

I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more


*If proper dose, route, and dosing schedule and yeast protocol are used, most

kids do NOT get more aggressive.

My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

biomedics, diet, etc.

*Read this list for a while before you jump into chelation. Start with a DDI

(Doctor's Data, Inc) hair elements test to see what you're dealing with. You

can order the test kit yourself through Direct Labs Services (DLS) without a

doc. If you mention this list they'll give you a discount. In the meantime

identify and reduce/remove any sources of exposure. www.danasview.net/metals.

Does your son have ANY mercury amalgam dental fillings? If so, you can't safely

begin chelation until you have them safely removed.

They do know that he is to eat only what I have

in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

up. Any ideas?




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Comments interspersed.


Re: chelation

Posted by: " Heleni & Nick Babalis " chomedeysaints@... chomedeysaints

Sat Sep 6, 2008 8:26 pm (PDT)

Thank you so much for the kind welcome. This group was very much recommended to

me by many. I am glad I'm here, as I will need every bit of advise and info. to

this very difficult journey. Our prescription was ordered Friday, still don't

have it yet.

*Good. It will give you time to educate yourself on safe chelation.

Our DAN! has prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg

*That dose is pretty much guaranteed to make your son worse by pushing mercury

into his brain. I'm a 130 lb adult who has been chelating for years and I only

take 50 mg of DMSA.

for 3 days, fri, sat., sund, every 2nd weekend.

*I'm guessing this doc is saying he should take it every 8 hours?! Again a

really good way to push mercury into the brain instead of chelating it out of

the body. The half-life of DMSA is 4 hours so it needs to be dosed every 4

hours day and night for 3 days with at least as many days off.

She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins, minerals,zinc, calcium during

the chelation days,


After the chelation weekend , she wants us to restart all supps.stopped , and on

the mond.and tues. to double the minerals and to repeat this schedule during


*Keep the supplements the same " on " and " off " round.

About my son, he was a severe autistic child, with a severe speech disorder

which they called dysphasia, he is 12years old ,13 yrs. old this coming October.

We started the biomedics, gfcf diet last October 2007, and he recently had a

re-assesstment and was diagnosed as high funcioning to moderate autism. He has

been a great responder to the biomedics even tho time was against us. He has

come a long way. He talks beautifully and has made many gains ever since this

journey. I am hoping that with chelation we will make more gains. The heavy

metals testing showed he was high in lead,tin and a bit of mercury.

*Don't let this doc mess up the progress you and your son have made so far.

What kind of heavy metal testing did this doc do? I hope it wasn't a challenge

test, since they are dangerous and not particularly useful. Sounds like the doc

is going by what he or she read about lead toxicity but knows nothing about

mercury toxicity. For the mercury you'll eventually need ALA (alpha lipoic

acid) to chelate it out of the brain. Luckily, both DMSA (in reasonable doses)

and ALA are available without a prescription.




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I don't know where a list is. We avoid most fish and seafood (whether

farmed or wild caught), but I believe that the closer to the arctic

circle wild fish is caught the less mercury content. I read it

somewhere, not just an opinion of mine. I just didn't save the source.

Seaweed is also suspect, as our warm water ocean areas are contaminated.

It is not just foods. Many medicines have mercury, including ear and eye

drops. Some vaccines do still have mercury. And of course there are the

mercury laden fluorescent bulbs, whether the old fashioned tubes or new

spiral bulbs. If one of those breaks, the area is contaminated. Many

thermostats also have mercury.

Maybe someone else has a list of foods for you.


Arias wrote:


> What other foods have mercury in them. Is there a list.

> I don't want her to get ANY mercury...especially while chelating!

> On Sep 7, 2008, at 12:36 AM, P. wrote:


> > I'm sure you will hear from others, but from what I've read this is

> > not

> > just a dangerous protocol but downright scary. Many DAN! doctors and

> > naturopaths do not really understand how to safely use chelators.

> > Often, the parents here chelate without at doc at all, because it is

> > easier. Some DAN! doctors seem open to working with parents using a

> > lower/slower method, and are still useful for ordering tests and any

> > meds the parents still wish to use.

> >

> > 500 mg is way too much and can cause serious issues, including

> > regression. It sounds like your son is doing well so far, so I would

> > suggest that you learn all you can about safe protocols and

> > postpone any

> > use of a chelator until you know more. We remind ourselves regularly

> > that recovering our children is a marathon, not a sprint. So,

> > taking it

> > slow and educating ourselves is a key ingredient in the success of the

> > plan.

> >

> > The three days is right according to what we've learned, but the DMSA

> > needs to be dosed at 1/4 - 1/2 mg per pound (that would be 25mg for a

> > 100 lb child) every 4 hours for the full three days, including nights.

> > You can find much more about it in the files section of the board.

> > There is a link to the files section on the home page of the group at

> > . Also, Hall Cutler has written extensively about the slow

> > and low chelation method many on this board use. You also need to make

> > sure your child has no mercury/amalgam dental fillings, the silver

> > ones. And, try to eliminate all exposure to mercury - such as tuna

> > fish.

> >

> > We have been chelating our children using ALA only, 6-12 mg

> > depending on

> > the child, every 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at night for three

> > days. We then take the weekdays off and start again on Friday. We've

> > seen great improvement even dosing at 1/16 mg per pound. It took me a

> > year of study and putting supplements into place before I felt

> > ready to

> > start chelation. I definitely wouldn't drop supplements during rounds

> > (a chelation weekend), but actually have had to increase biotin for

> > yeast and magnesium to keep from getting any symptoms.

> >

> > How did you test for metals? Many tests for metals are unreliable. The

> > DDI hair test is what most here use, applying counting rules developed

> > by Cutler's research and study. This seems to be the most effective

> > way

> > to tell if mercury toxicity is an issue. Mercury often hides and

> > doesn't present itself for what most doctors use for testing.

> >

> > I hope that gives you a start. Ask as many questions as you need to,

> > and we'll try to point you in the right directions. There's lots of

> > knowledge here, and I don't know how I would have done it without all

> > the help.

> >

> > P.

> >

> > Heleni & Nick Babalis wrote:

> > >

> > > Thank you so much for the kind welcome. This group was very much

> > > recommended to me by many. I am glad I'm here, as I will need every

> > > bit of advise and info. to this very difficult journey. Our

> > > prescription was ordered Friday, still don't have it yet. Our

> > DAN! has

> > > prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg for 3 days, fri, sat., sund,

> > > every 2nd weekend. She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins,

> > > minerals,zinc, calcium during the chelation days,

> > > After the chelation weekend , she wants us to restart all

> > > supps.stopped , and on the mond.and tues. to double the minerals and

> > > to repeat this schedule during chelation.

> > > About my son, he was a severe autistic child, with a severe speech

> > > disorder which they called dysphasia, he is 12years old ,13 yrs. old

> > > this coming October. We started the biomedics, gfcf diet last

> > October

> > > 2007, and he recently had a re-assesstment and was diagnosed as high

> > > funcioning to moderate autism. He has been a great responder to the

> > > biomedics even tho time was against us. He has come a long way. He

> > > talks beautifully and has made many gains ever since this journey. I

> > > am hoping that with chelation we will make more gains. The heavy

> > > metals testing showed he was high in lead,tin and a bit of mercury.

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Heleni

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Hi

> > > > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage

> > of my

> > > > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am

> > thinking

> > > > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any

> > bad side

> > > > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get

> > more

> > > > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > > > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful

> > and

> > > > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > > > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what

> > I have

> > > > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I

> > stay

> > > > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to

> > this

> > > > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to

> > mess it

> > > > up. Any ideas?

> > > > Tks

> > > > Heleni

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > __________________________________________________________

> > > Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark

> > > your favourite sites. Download it now at

> > > http://ca.toolbar.. <http://ca.toolbar..>

> <http://ca.toolbar.. <http://ca.toolbar..>>

> > >

> > >

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> We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am thinking

> maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> aggressive.

I used ALA for chelation. The only negatives I experienced with my

kids were yeast overgrowth and for two kids mineral depletion.

>>Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> quiet.

Stay quiet. Not only do you risk CPS knocking at your door, but many

times it is good to have independent assessments of how your child is


>>He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> up. Any ideas?

Wait for a long weekend to do your first round.


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Oh my god my head is spinning. Thank god I did not start chelating him. I have

so many questions.  I wonder why she is prescribing 500?? My son is 49kg, and

almost 13 yrs old!  She calculated his dosage according to those statistics. Now

I am realy confused. So what is a safe dosage for Jordan? What do I do? Call her

on Monday and tell her I want to go slowly?  You said I don't need any

prescriptions...so what should I order? and from where? I want to start

him asap, however, slowly and safely. I thought I educated myself enough to

proceed, but I am far from it!

Yes, she did ask us to do the challenge test to determine if he has any heavy

metals, the pre and post urine test, with  dmsa! :-( 

In regards to the supps and vit's , I will definetely continue them.  I don't

know why she asked us to stop.  I assumed it was standard procedure and everyone

was doing it this way, so I did not ask any questions...I feel so stupid. My

goodness I could have made my son much worse. Please let me know what is safe,

where to buy on line (you mentioned I don't need a prescription) and anything

else to get him started. I am also willing to email his results to you (on line

or off line to you so that you can see what they look like).  Please! I need as

much help as I can get.




From: Shepard Salzer <_Shepard@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: chelation

autism treatment

Received: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 10:42 AM

Comments interspersed.


Re: chelation

Posted by: " Heleni & Nick Babalis " chomedeysaints@ .ca chomedeysaints

Sat Sep 6, 2008 8:26 pm (PDT)

Thank you so much for the kind welcome. This group was very much recommended to

me by many. I am glad I'm here, as I will need every bit of advise and info. to

this very difficult journey. Our prescription was ordered Friday, still don't

have it yet.

*Good. It will give you time to educate yourself on safe chelation.

Our DAN! has prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg

*That dose is pretty much guaranteed to make your son worse by pushing mercury

into his brain. I'm a 130 lb adult who has been chelating for years and I only

take 50 mg of DMSA.

for 3 days, fri, sat., sund, every 2nd weekend.

*I'm guessing this doc is saying he should take it every 8 hours?! Again a

really good way to push mercury into the brain instead of chelating it out of

the body. The half-life of DMSA is 4 hours so it needs to be dosed every 4 hours

day and night for 3 days with at least as many days off.

She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins, minerals,zinc, calcium during

the chelation days,


After the chelation weekend , she wants us to restart all supps.stopped , and on

the mond.and tues. to double the minerals and to repeat this schedule during


*Keep the supplements the same " on " and " off " round.

About my son, he was a severe autistic child, with a severe speech disorder

which they called dysphasia, he is 12years old ,13 yrs. old this coming October.

We started the biomedics, gfcf diet last October 2007, and he recently had a

re-assesstment and was diagnosed as high funcioning to moderate autism. He has

been a great responder to the biomedics even tho time was against us. He has

come a long way. He talks beautifully and has made many gains ever since this

journey. I am hoping that with chelation we will make more gains. The heavy

metals testing showed he was high in lead,tin and a bit of mercury.

*Don't let this doc mess up the progress you and your son have made so far. What

kind of heavy metal testing did this doc do? I hope it wasn't a challenge test,

since they are dangerous and not particularly useful. Sounds like the doc is

going by what he or she read about lead toxicity but knows nothing about mercury

toxicity. For the mercury you'll eventually need ALA (alpha lipoic acid) to

chelate it out of the brain. Luckily, both DMSA (in reasonable doses) and ALA

are available without a prescription.



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My husband just put in one of those silly looking light bulbs. Ugh!!!

On Sep 7, 2008, at 9:52 AM, P. wrote:

> I don't know where a list is. We avoid most fish and seafood (whether

> farmed or wild caught), but I believe that the closer to the arctic

> circle wild fish is caught the less mercury content. I read it

> somewhere, not just an opinion of mine. I just didn't save the source.

> Seaweed is also suspect, as our warm water ocean areas are

> contaminated.

> It is not just foods. Many medicines have mercury, including ear

> and eye

> drops. Some vaccines do still have mercury. And of course there are

> the

> mercury laden fluorescent bulbs, whether the old fashioned tubes or

> new

> spiral bulbs. If one of those breaks, the area is contaminated. Many

> thermostats also have mercury.


> Maybe someone else has a list of foods for you.

> P.


> Arias wrote:

> >

> > What other foods have mercury in them. Is there a list.

> > I don't want her to get ANY mercury...especially while chelating!

> > On Sep 7, 2008, at 12:36 AM, P. wrote:

> >

> > > I'm sure you will hear from others, but from what I've read

> this is

> > > not

> > > just a dangerous protocol but downright scary. Many DAN!

> doctors and

> > > naturopaths do not really understand how to safely use chelators.

> > > Often, the parents here chelate without at doc at all, because

> it is

> > > easier. Some DAN! doctors seem open to working with parents

> using a

> > > lower/slower method, and are still useful for ordering tests

> and any

> > > meds the parents still wish to use.

> > >

> > > 500 mg is way too much and can cause serious issues, including

> > > regression. It sounds like your son is doing well so far, so I

> would

> > > suggest that you learn all you can about safe protocols and

> > > postpone any

> > > use of a chelator until you know more. We remind ourselves

> regularly

> > > that recovering our children is a marathon, not a sprint. So,

> > > taking it

> > > slow and educating ourselves is a key ingredient in the success

> of the

> > > plan.

> > >

> > > The three days is right according to what we've learned, but

> the DMSA

> > > needs to be dosed at 1/4 - 1/2 mg per pound (that would be 25mg

> for a

> > > 100 lb child) every 4 hours for the full three days, including

> nights.

> > > You can find much more about it in the files section of the board.

> > > There is a link to the files section on the home page of the

> group at

> > > . Also, Hall Cutler has written extensively about

> the slow

> > > and low chelation method many on this board use. You also need

> to make

> > > sure your child has no mercury/amalgam dental fillings, the silver

> > > ones. And, try to eliminate all exposure to mercury - such as tuna

> > > fish.

> > >

> > > We have been chelating our children using ALA only, 6-12 mg

> > > depending on

> > > the child, every 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at night

> for three

> > > days. We then take the weekdays off and start again on Friday.

> We've

> > > seen great improvement even dosing at 1/16 mg per pound. It

> took me a

> > > year of study and putting supplements into place before I felt

> > > ready to

> > > start chelation. I definitely wouldn't drop supplements during

> rounds

> > > (a chelation weekend), but actually have had to increase biotin

> for

> > > yeast and magnesium to keep from getting any symptoms.

> > >

> > > How did you test for metals? Many tests for metals are

> unreliable. The

> > > DDI hair test is what most here use, applying counting rules

> developed

> > > by Cutler's research and study. This seems to be the most

> effective

> > > way

> > > to tell if mercury toxicity is an issue. Mercury often hides and

> > > doesn't present itself for what most doctors use for testing.

> > >

> > > I hope that gives you a start. Ask as many questions as you

> need to,

> > > and we'll try to point you in the right directions. There's

> lots of

> > > knowledge here, and I don't know how I would have done it

> without all

> > > the help.

> > >

> > > P.

> > >

> > > Heleni & Nick Babalis wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Thank you so much for the kind welcome. This group was very much

> > > > recommended to me by many. I am glad I'm here, as I will need

> every

> > > > bit of advise and info. to this very difficult journey. Our

> > > > prescription was ordered Friday, still don't have it yet. Our

> > > DAN! has

> > > > prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg for 3 days, fri, sat., sund,

> > > > every 2nd weekend. She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths,

> vitamins,

> > > > minerals,zinc, calcium during the chelation days,

> > > > After the chelation weekend , she wants us to restart all

> > > > supps.stopped , and on the mond.and tues. to double the

> minerals and

> > > > to repeat this schedule during chelation.

> > > > About my son, he was a severe autistic child, with a severe

> speech

> > > > disorder which they called dysphasia, he is 12years old ,13

> yrs. old

> > > > this coming October. We started the biomedics, gfcf diet last

> > > October

> > > > 2007, and he recently had a re-assesstment and was diagnosed

> as high

> > > > funcioning to moderate autism. He has been a great responder

> to the

> > > > biomedics even tho time was against us. He has come a long

> way. He

> > > > talks beautifully and has made many gains ever since this

> journey. I

> > > > am hoping that with chelation we will make more gains. The heavy

> > > > metals testing showed he was high in lead,tin and a bit of

> mercury.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks

> > > > Heleni

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hi

> > > > > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new

> stage

> > > of my

> > > > > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am

> > > thinking

> > > > > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any

> > > bad side

> > > > > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get

> > > more

> > > > > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school

> which he

> > > > > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how

> wonderful

> > > and

> > > > > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I

> am in,

> > > > > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what

> > > I have

> > > > > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or

> do I

> > > stay

> > > > > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get

> in to

> > > this

> > > > > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to

> > > mess it

> > > > > up. Any ideas?

> > > > > Tks

> > > > > Heleni

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > __________________________________________________________

> > > > Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and

> bookmark

> > > > your favourite sites. Download it now at

> > > > http://ca.toolbar.. <http://ca.toolbar..>

> > <http://ca.toolbar.. <http://ca.toolbar..>>

> > > >

> > > >

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Hi ,

Sorry for asking so many questions, I just posted a few with another post. ALA,

what is that? Where do I get this from? What is safe for an almost 13 yrs old,

49kg child? I think I will go on my own and not consult our DAN! anymore. In

regards to increasing magnesium and adding a yeast protocol, she only mentioned

a yeast protocol and even tho our  son isn't a " yeasty child "   she actually

recommended S.boulardii  and not biotin for the yeast. Is this a good product,

or should I order him the biotin instead? She never mentioned anything about

magnesium but she did say to double up the mineral protocol he is on. This is so


Thanks in advance.


> > >

> > > Hi

> > > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage

> of my

> > > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am

> thinking

> > > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any

> bad side

> > > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get

> more

> > > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful

> and

> > > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what

> I have

> > > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I

> stay

> > > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to

> this

> > > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to

> mess it

> > > up. Any ideas?

> > > Tks

> > > Heleni

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark

> > your favourite sites. Download it now at

> > http://ca.toolbar. . <http://ca.toolbar. .>

> >

> >

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Thank goodness, I was referred to this group by another group I am in!

I will not proceed, but I will have many questions so I can start on my own,

ex.ALA, what is this , and how do I start? I already asked another member here. 

Hopefully I can get him started with that, slowly. I was told that I don't a

DAN! to prescribe anything, that I can do on my own. Pls. confirm

Thanks again


> >

> > Our

> > prescription was ordered Friday, still don't have it yet. Our DAN! has

> > prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg for 3 days, fri, sat., sund,

> > every 2nd weekend. She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins,

> > minerals,zinc, calcium during the chelation days,

Do not do this.

She is incompetent to prescribe or supervize chelation.

You already let one doctor turn your kid autistic by being incompetent (using


laden vaccines), try to generalize the lesson before another doctor makes your

kid even




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Thanks Dana, I did not know you were in this group as well, I was elated when I

saw you answer some posts!  Anyway, I asked a few on this group, but I will ask

again, where do I get the ALA for chelation?  Will this work as the DMSA or any

other chelator that the DAN! prescribes? I am guessing, better, and safer. How

come tho, so many people  do the DMSA and not ALA? What's the diff.?


From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: chelation

Received: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 11:11 AM

> We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am thinking

> maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> aggressive.

I used ALA for chelation. The only negatives I experienced with my

kids were yeast overgrowth and for two kids mineral depletion.

>>Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> quiet.

Stay quiet. Not only do you risk CPS knocking at your door, but many

times it is good to have independent assessments of how your child is


>>He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> up. Any ideas?

Wait for a long weekend to do your first round.



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ALA = alpha lipoic acid. It is sold over the counter as a supplement,

but is dangerous to use in mercury toxic people since it chelates. As a

chelator, it is effective when used safely since it opens the blood

brain barrier (BBB) so mercury can move in or out. Using a safe

protocol based on the half life, therefore keeping ALA in a steady

amount in the blood stream to move the mercury out of the system, is a

safe way to do it. We use it according to Andy's recommendation of 3

hour doses at a low dose. For us the low dose is right now at 1/12 mg

per pound of body weight. Don't know how lbs translate to kgs, but I'm

sure someone here can help with that if you need it. We drop back to 4

hours while the children are asleep, since their bodies' metabolisms are

slower when sleeping.

As for supplements, we only have yeast protocol in place for our ASD

son, who has yeast issues. We use biotin regularly, but GSE if a flair

up happens - usually at any early warning sign of yeast. For him that

means excessive blinking or rubbing body parts and sniffing fingers.

When his yeast gets out of control, it presents as a respiratory

infection. Our NT daughter, who is also chelating, doesn't have yeast

issues. But, we had to increase her magnesium during rounds since it

appeared to be depleting. She was getting headaches at the end of

rounds which increasing magnesium relieved. With both of them, we just

continue usual supplements other than those changes, both during and off

rounds. DMSA, from what I understand, is more likely to deplete

minerals so that would explain the doubling up.

It sounds like your DAN! has just some chelation info that is safe, and

much that is bad. It is good for you to try it on your own. Best to

get the DDI hair elements test that SS recommended and find out

how to apply counting rules. You can post the results here when you get

them and people will help. If he has a heavy load, DMSA will be probably

safer to start with since it won't open the BBB. Then after a while on

DMSA you can add ALA to chelate from the brain. We just went for ALA

and no DMSA since we had mineral issues and not a heavy load.

A round is the three days of every 3 hour dosing. You take a break

between rounds for the body to recover. For us, that break is normally

the weekdays off and then back on starting Friday. Lately an incredibly

odd schedule has messed up our weekend rounds, so we are thinking of

switching to weekday rounds. We homeschool, so school attendance is not

an issue. Our son is graduated, but he quit his job and is staying home

for the first few months of chelation so we can keep a better eye on

things. We are also in the process of selling the house and moving, so

between the move and chelation, we're letting him just hand out and work

around the house. At first I was concerned that any reactions might

affect his work performance, but we have found that with the ALA

chelation we are doing, he is only improving and yeast is easy enough to

manage. I've found that the dosing is not that inconvenient, and feel

very good about how smoothly (other than outside scheduling

interference) it is going.

Again, you don't have to start this tomorrow; it took me a year to feel

comfortable with the fact I had learned enough and prepared my children

appropriately. I believe that waiting until I was well informed and

they were prepared potentially saved us some pitfalls. We haven't used

medical doctors for many years, so never had that to get in the way and

felt quite confident in our ability to do without them. We do however

use a naturopath, who understands mercury toxicity, but still doesn't

chelate properly. So, we never even attempted to get his help with

this. He's great for other things though. Some have checked with their

DAN! about supporting the low and slow Cutler method. You can try that

if it makes you feel more comfortable, but you absolutely do not need to

use your DAN! for this method.

Don't feel sorry for asking so many questions, it can be a lot of info

at first. Again, spend some time in the files section and it will help

acquaint you with it all.


Heleni & Nick Babalis wrote:


> Hi ,

> Sorry for asking so many questions, I just posted a few with another

> post. ALA, what is that? Where do I get this from? What is safe for an

> almost 13 yrs old, 49kg child? I think I will go on my own and not

> consult our DAN! anymore. In regards to increasing magnesium and

> adding a yeast protocol, she only mentioned a yeast protocol and even

> tho our son isn't a " yeasty child " she actually recommended

> S.boulardii and not biotin for the yeast. Is this a good product, or

> should I order him the biotin instead? She never mentioned anything

> about magnesium but she did say to double up the mineral protocol he

> is on. This is so complex.

> Thanks in advance.

> Heleni



> > > >

> > > > Hi

> > > > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage

> > of my

> > > > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am

> > thinking

> > > > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any

> > bad side

> > > > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get

> > more

> > > > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > > > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful

> > and

> > > > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > > > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what

> > I have

> > > > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I

> > stay

> > > > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to

> > this

> > > > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to

> > mess it

> > > > up. Any ideas?

> > > > Tks

> > > > Heleni

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > > Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark

> > > your favourite sites. Download it now at

> > > http://ca.toolbar. . <http://ca.toolbar. .>

> > >

> > >

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500 MGS. for three days?????? All at once? This is an astronomical dose for a

12-yr. old. My son, an adult, took 100mgs. and many people considered that

pretty high. I know of a high school boy who can only tolerate 25 mgs. at a


Please check out the low-dose Cutler protocol in the files. How many times a

day are you supposed to give this?

Minerals THROUGHOUT chelation are very important. Don't stop them!


Re: [ ] chelation

Thank you so much for the kind welcome. This group was very much recommended

to me by many. I am glad I'm here, as I will need every bit of advise and info.

to this very difficult journey. Our prescription was ordered Friday, still don't

have it yet. Our DAN! has prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg for 3 days, fri,

sat., sund, every 2nd weekend. She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins,

minerals,zinc, calcium during the chelation days,

After the chelation weekend , she wants us to restart all supps.stopped , and

on the mond.and tues. to double the minerals and to repeat this schedule during


About my son, he was a severe autistic child, with a severe speech disorder

which they called dysphasia, he is 12years old ,13 yrs. old this coming October.

We started the biomedics, gfcf diet last October 2007, and he recently had a

re-assesstment and was diagnosed as high funcioning to moderate autism. He has

been a great responder to the biomedics even tho time was against us. He has

come a long way. He talks beautifully and has made many gains ever since this

journey. I am hoping that with chelation we will make more gains. The heavy

metals testing showed he was high in lead,tin and a bit of mercury.




> Hi

> We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am thinking

> maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> up. Any ideas?

> Tks

> Heleni




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I am just looking at the prescription copy, it clearly states 500 mg (could it

be g instead of mg, she scribbled that part,  would that make more sense??  I am

not very good with conversions and  math), 3x/ day,  fri/sat/sun, every 8 hours

, every other weekend. Anyhow, my entire family looked at it again and the

consensus says it says 500mg.




> Hi

> We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am thinking

> maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> up. Any ideas?

> Tks

> Heleni



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Hi Heleni,

The first thing to do is take a deep breath. You've waited 13 years,

you can wait three more weeks. It's simply not possible to get

understanding and confidence about such a life-changing shift in a few

posts and quick answers. After two weeks of non-stop research, I was

ready to start. It's now been three weeks and everyday I am more

convinced this is the next right thing for our family's well-being. I

don't even have Andy's book yet, but I'm ready to go. Here's how I got


First, reading and researching non-stop for the past three weeks. And

I mean non-stop. I have to work part-time and be a mom, we homeschool.

I've been reading every spare minute from around 6am till at least

10pm. Often I'm up later.

I joined nine : Adult Metal Chelation, ,

AutismNCD (NCD or Natural Cellular Defense is a chelation product

using zeolites), BioRay Natural Detox (support forum for BioRay detox

product use), Candidiasis (yeast overgrowth is a factor in just about

everything), Chelating Kids2, GFCF Kids (Gluten-Free Casein-Free diet

forum), Dental Chelation (I'm having the rest of my mercury fillings

removed), Enzymes & Autism and Curing Candida.

I get the daily digest from these groups, I've followed every link,

watched a ton of videos, read till my eyes are red burning holes in my

face (they are burning now - need some teabags for these puppies!),

I've scoured Dana's website (http://www.danasview.net/index.htm) and

Moira's (http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/).

Four of the groups (the AutismNCD, the BioRay and the two candida

groups) are not so relevant to me. I can scan those digests now and

see what applies. But at first, I read every word and it is all an

education. As I did this, topics started to connect and make sense.

I've ordered Andy's book Amalgam Illness (www.noamalgam.com) and tons

of vitamins online.

My advice as one newbie to another is to just start reading, following

every link. At first there is so much fog and confusion but soldier

on. The fog parts every now and then until, about a week into it,

there is more non-fog time than fog. Things that were a mystery at

first, the jargon, the references, make sense to me now. And now I

don't have to read every word of every post because some of it doesn't

apply to my situation.

I have an abundance of knowledge in only three weeks; more

importantly, to me, I have confidence. I believe my boys definitely

have vaccination injury, my husband and I both have health issues

which I believe can be repaired using Andy's chelation protocol. I'm

very excited about the path we are on.

Good luck and God bless. From where I'm sitting, it looks like you are

definitely on a good path.


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I have the same prescription as you, i just filled it.. I am new.

My ds is supposed to start his dmsa this friday.

I hope i dont need to worry .. as i am supposed to give my 11 year old

son the exact same dosage..he is 59 lbs.

500 mg 3x day for three days...3 days on..then 11 days off...

I am a little bit nervous about how well he will tolerate this much


kids damaged by immunizations

celiac, leaky guts, etc. scd 2 years

dd(8).. will start chelation soon also

> >

> > Hi

> > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am


> > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> > up. Any ideas?

> > Tks

> > Heleni

> >

> >


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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