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Re: Chelation

Posted by: " s_hoobler " sherryhoobler@... s_hoobler

Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:16 pm (PDT)


> I've been treating my son's yeast problem for the past few months

with Nystatin... I want to resume chelating with ALA... My son is 11

years old about 70 pounds... I'd like to use 25 Mgs every 4 hours for

3 days every other weekend...


> Does ALA aggravate the yeast or is it the DMSA that does?

**Moving mercury aggravates yeast.

*I believe they both do...i KNOW the ALA does, at least for my son.

> Is it too risky to use the 25 Mgs every 4 hours?


**Every 4 hours is for the DMSA, use ALA every 3 during the day and every 4 at


> Is it better to use 12.5 mgs every 3 hours during the day and 4

hours in the nighttime?

**I would suggest starting with this dose.

*ALA needs to be dosed every 3 hours and 4 when they're sleeping,

that's how i do it here.


> Is every other weekend oK or is it better every weekend?

I started out with every other weekend (for appx. 8 rounds) and now i

do every weekend.


> Do I need to make sure the yeast is gone before I do anything...

**You'll never completely get rid of the yeast until you chelate.

*Here we would never has gotten started if i waited!


> The only way I know of checking if the yeast is gone is the test

from Great Plains Lab...not the full OAT but the lesser version for

$140.00... is there a cheaper way of finding out?

**It won't be gone until you chelate.

*I know my son's yeast is " under control " by his behavior. You might

not need to do any testing.


> Thank you ... Beth




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He first has to have the mercury amalgam dental fillings removed using proper

protocol. In the meantime she can order Andy's books (or ask her library to do

so), a DDI hair test, identify and reduce/remove other sources of exposure, and

safely dispose of any mercury thermometers in the house. NO flu shot, though

the medical establishment will push it. Nothing that chelates or claims to

chelate is safe with mercury in the mouth, even though some claim they are. She

may want to join the adult frequent dose chelation group or this one.



Posted by: " mom4adoption@... " mom4adoption@... mom4adoption

Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:16 pm (PDT)

Have a friend, whose husband has been diagnosed with ALS.

She wants to start chelation with him. No ideas/support where to start, or

how to.

Can anyone here suggest a good product and dosage?

He's 55 years old. I know he has metal fillings. Is this doable?

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mom to Lydia, 6 w/ASD


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  • 2 months later...

Kids Chelat contains EDTA which I would not use on a mercury toxic

child/person. Andy has said that people often get worse using this,

and should try dmsa, ala or dmps first.

EDTA also removes minerals. The others do not do this to any

significance. One also has to be careful with products that contain

trace minerals but do not disclose what they are. I have found trace

mineral products to contain nickel, and other heavy metals. In my

opinion the Kids Chelat is expensive for what it is, and with Andy not

recommending EDTA for mercury kids....I can't say I'd use it or tell

anyone else too.

Clay baths seem to be ok, if the clay is not full of heavy metals.


> Hi,

> Has anyone ever used kids clear detoxifying clay bath? or Kids chelat?


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

My understanding is that chelation is for those who have heavy metal toxicity,

regardless of whether or not you are on the spectrum. I believe a hair test

would be a good place to start. Look through the files.

Be cautious and read, read, read before you see your DAN doctor. I am grateful

every day that I had learned so much from this group before I saw the DAN doc we

saw - who wanted to do a challenge test and give a vaccine! Ask questions and

know what all you can, and then YOU can make good decisions on what is best for

your child, and use a DAN! to help you, not hurt your child more.


> Is chelation good for all children on the spectrum or is it for the kids

> that have diareah?

> My son is diagnosed with PDD-NOS. He doesn't seem to have any stomach

> troubles.

> I have been giving him epsom salt baths and omega 3 supplements. Is just

> doing the baths and the omega 3 enough? I am in the process of seeing a

> DAN doc to see what he says. Can anybody let me know what i can expect

> from a DAN doc, will he do blood tests?

> Thanks so much





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  • 4 months later...

> I know everyone here uses AC protocal, but what are some other ways to chelate

besides DMSA, like natural or supplements? I have a friend with no insurance

and wants to try something else.

I used ALA and did not use the AC protocol. ALA is available at most local

health food stores, and also most online supplement stores.


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> Hi,

> I know everyone here uses AC protocal, but what are some other ways to chelate

besides DMSA, like natural or supplements?

===>ALA (alpha lipoic acid) is a " natural " chelator in that it is a natural

component of the human body. It is also the only chelator that will remove

mercury from the brain and internal organs, so the only essential chelator. It

MUST be used according to Andy Cutler's protocol (ie taken in small doses every

3h around the clock) in order to remove mercury from the body. If it is taken

at longer intervals it will put metals INTO the brain and organs.

===>Other things that are promoted as " natural " chelation are harmful and can

lead to long term permanent worsening.

> I have a friend with no insurance and wants to try something else.

===>Andy's protocol, with ALA is the least expensive way to chelate. It's also

the only safe way. The only costs are the cost of ALA (see Kirkman's), cost of

essential supplements (Zn, Mg, Vit C, vit E, supplements can be purchased in

bulk to save $), and the cost of Andy's 2 books (links section). Doctors are

usually not needed, and can actually do much more harm than good. A standard

annual physical is all that is needed by most. If there are specific problems,

members of this group can help.


> Thanks!



> Einstein once said, " A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the

truth " .






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You don't need insurance to chelate using the AC protocol. None of the

supplements or chelators are covered anyway. It is quite inexpensive.



From: M M <lovinfl07@...>

Group < >

Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:44:45 AM

Subject: [ ] chelation



I know everyone here uses AC protocal, but what are some other ways to chelate

besides DMSA, like natural or supplements? I have a friend with no insurance and

wants to try something else.


Einstein once said, " A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the

truth " .

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Posted by: " M M " lovinfl07@... lovinfl07

Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:45 am (PDT)


I know everyone here uses AC protocal, but what are some other ways to chelate

besides DMSA, like natural or supplements? I have a friend with no insurance and

wants to try something else.




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I think that's a good way to cause permanent brain damage.

Please consider talking to your friend about the Andy Cutler protocol.

Low and frequent dosing of DMSA and ALA.

Please read the FAQs you got when you joined the group to learn more.



From: theshannster2 <theshannster2@...>

Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2009 6:01:02 AM

Subject: [ ] chelation


Has anyone done a protocol of 500mg DMSA 1x a day for 3 days on for a child and

what do we think of such? ANy issues, problems, etc.

Just trying to help a friend.


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i think i can safely say that if i gave my kid that much dmsa at one time my

kids head would certainly pop off and it would pop so far away i would never be

able to find it or screw it back on

my kid have bee making great progress on very low fequent dose

not all kids are the same im sure some kids can tolerate a huge dose

but if i exceed a critical dose of about 5.0 mg dmsa + ala every 3 hrs the

bounce back is slow, and i know from 8months experience / intuition if i gave

much more that 5.0 it would be bad, very bad, very very bad i dont even want to

think about it

my kid is ~ 50lbs and 4mg dmsa + 4 mg ala every 3 hrs enables significant

improvement and very minamal side effects

and my kid is starting to pass for normal

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Incredibly dangerous... a recipe for disaster...exactly the sort of protocol

that gives chelation a bad name. Please, please, please convince your friend

NOT to ever do that, not even for an adult weighing 1000 lbs. Also, make sure

your friend knows that anyone with ANY mercury amalgam dental fillings should

not take DMSA, ALA, or anything referred to as a chelator.



Posted by: " theshannster2 " theshannster2@... theshannster2

Thu Sep 3, 2009 6:01 am (PDT)

Has anyone done a protocol of 500mg DMSA 1x a day for 3 days on for a child and

what do we think of such? ANy issues, problems, etc.

Just trying to help a friend.



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You don't have to see a DAN doc. If you do they don't usually do AC chelation

anyway. What you should do first is get a hair test done. Then read about Andy

Cutler chelation and the supplements etc while you wait. Be sure the child has

no metal dental fillings. If she does they must be safely replaced with white

fillings before any chelation can be done.

There is a supplement file in the file section..at the bottom of the document

there is a list of supplemetns for chelation by weight. These are the basic

support supplements for chelation. In addition to that probiotics and an

antifungal (yeast protocol, you can use natural antifungals, there should be a

file for this too) are recommended.

(you can learn more while waiting on the hair test)

Once you get the hair test results you can see if it meets counting rules for

deranged minerals and what metals your dealing with...which will tell you which

chelators to use. (dmsa or dmsa/ala or ala)

Go here to learn more...


> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hello Everyone,

> > > > >

> > > > > My six year old daughter was diagnosed with mild

> > > to moderate autism at the

> > > > > age of 3. I potty trained her starting at the age

> > > of 3. Lately she has been

> > > > > playing with her poop and poops on her pants.

> > > When she wipes herself she

> > > > > sometimes smells it or puts it in her mouth

> > > (ouch). Also I find poop

> > > > > droplets on my carpet now and then!!! I really

> > > need help. I don't know what

> > > > > to do.

> > > > >

> > > > > She has also started vocal stimming a lot and

> > > consistently drums on the

> > > > > walls and the tables most of the time staining

> > > the walls with food marks.

> > > > >

> > > > > I welcome any help you all have. What do I need

> > > to do to make her stop

> > > > > these activities.

> > > > >

> > > > > Florence

> > > > >

> > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > > removed]

> > > > >

> > > > > 

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --

> > > > Win a $500 Shopping Spree at

> > > www.adoptfund.blogspot.com

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Welcome to the list. You do not need a DAN doc, many of them don't understand

safe, effective chelation. Start by reading the FAQs of this list. Does your

daughter have ANY mercury amalgam dental fillings?



Posted by: " florence george " ethelgeorge@... ethelgeorge

Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:30 am (PDT)

Can someone tell me how I can go about chelating my daughter. Do I have to go a

DAN doctor for that?


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So if I start 3pm on friday, i need to go to through sunday night

too, right? and stop monday morning?

On Nov 8, 2009, at 9:32 AM, S. wrote:

> 12am


> If posible, try to do 65 to 72 hours.



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  • 1 month later...

It's very easy. If or when you have all of your amalgams removed you can do

trials of chelation. Start with low doses of DMSA and ALA, like 12.5 mg. If

you have side effects you know that you are toxic and need to chelate. If you

don't have side effects at those doses, then try higher doses, increasing by

about 50% of the previous dose each time, until you get to doses where you start

to have side effects.

If you still have amalgams then it will be good to have those removed so that

your daily load from amalgam vapor stops and you will eventually be able to


Any amalgam removal and chelation that you do will lower your load of toxic

metals and has to be better for you in the long run.

It is important to look after the mother first, because she is the one needed to

care for the children. It is sort of like putting on your air mask first when

they drop down (in an airplane).



> Hi all,

> I'm going to begin chelating my son with Chemet in 2 weeks. I was thinking of

chelating myself because over the past 4 years I have had surgery 4 times, yes

1 a year and I found out today that I have high blood pressure and I am now

taking hydrochrolot . The surgeries that I had were 2 c-sections, gall bladder

removed and hernia repair where I had my last c-section. I had a flu shot while

I was pregnant with my first child(PDD-NOS) and I know there is probably

preservatives in all the anesthetics that I had. I don't feel well and haven't

in quite sometime. I'd like some others opinions here on if I should chelate

myself or not. I can't afford a hair analysis right now. Any advice would be


> Janet




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Hi Janet,

If you have ANY mercury amalgam dental fillings you can't safely chelate until

you get them removed using proper protocol.



Posted by: " jjpotter66@... " jjpotter66@... plasterer37

Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:54 pm (PST)

Hi all,

I'm going to begin chelating my son with Chemet in 2 weeks. I was thinking of

chelating myself because over the past 4 years I have had surgery 4 times, yes 1

a year and I found out today that I have high blood pressure and I am now taking

hydrochrolot . The surgeries that I had were 2 c-sections, gall bladder removed

and hernia repair where I had my last c-section. I had a flu shot while I was

pregnant with my first child(PDD-NOS) and I know there is probably preservatives

in all the anesthetics that I had. I don't feel well and haven't in quite

sometime. I'd like some others opinions here on if I should chelate myself or

not. I can't afford a hair analysis right now. Any advice would be appreciated.



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  • 8 months later...

Hi Dr. Tan,

I have tried chelation therapy.

It was suggested to me by my very first naturopathic doctor, when I expressed

concern about platinum as a possible problem due to the silicone shell of my

saline implants. We first did a DMPS (by injection) challenge to see what my

body was actually dumping. It turned out to be too high in mercury, and


To deal with those, he put me on DMSA pill. 50 mg a day for 30 days. Then we

retested and everything was much, much lower, though not entirely gone. Then I

began using the Thorne Research product called " Captomer " on my own, following

Andy Cutler's protocol that included Alpha Lipoic Acid. I did that for several

more months, and then continued detoxing by other means.

I have never done EDTA chelation therapy by IV that is often discussed, as it

did not specifically address the metals I was trying to deal with. But I

believe it is an important therapy for those with heart disease, and I would use

it if I had to.

I've known other women who have done chelation therapy on this group. They will

have to speak up for themselves, though many women have gone on to live normal

lives and don't check in with us often anymore. But at least we have the


Bottom line for me....I think chelation therapy has a place in our healing, if

someone tests high in toxic heavy metals.

Thanks for asking!



> Has anyone here tried to use chelation therapy to get rid of heavy metals from

the implants?


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  • 4 months later...


I forget to mention I'm doing Andy Cutler based chelation (ALA chelator) in this

respect of as much.. . with myself and my son.. . S*/Study Subject, and son?

stands for as much, stands for as much as I am if not also am in this respect of

as much (If that don't make me more objective than most?!. but I Feel It Does.

I'm thinking that says quite a lot for what's going on here, (also thanks to

me?) where we are about as much?!. and not so much otherwise.. .

That I have much use for a language or anything so pretty otherwise? .. . No.

Not Really


I also stand for Moderation by Communication (of Understanding?!. by as much)

where I don't have so much use for alternative models of, moderation? No. Not

Really.. If we're going to kick anyone off this site maybe it should be those

not chelating? more than anyone else? .. . Better not anyone I'd think, of as

much, well, Whatever? .. . (Like I need obedience training, when I'm the one so

reasonable?!. Just identify the BS/BSers, OK?!. The real law should work from as

much.. . I Feel as understand. (That we should need a law otherwise, but I'm not

thinking so?!.) That would be me on that, where you really wanted to Know, that,

about as much as what we're here for? .. .

Where you really wanted to Know and are about Knowing? [Of] Knowing for your

self? .. . on how that's Done, I Am, I Feel I Am, Thereof

Where Understanding (for my self, of my Feeling/s) is more *my* thing.. . (and

not so much yours? but I'm not really sure yet relative to what you do next?!.)

that any other facts should matter, that everything (else) would be so *just*..

.. Where I don't feel things are or would be otherwise, where my feelings should

have anything to do with as much? .. .

Yes, mine is a Feeling(s)/Understanding based world... and I wish as much for


That might be me asking for your help in that respect?!. (Do you think?!.) that

that wouldn't also if not especially *be* helping (in such respects?) but I Feel

It Is.. .

On how we Really help each other, or we don't Really help each other at All? ..


My Sense of It.

> >

> > If some of you are facing challenges with chelation, the good news is that

> > there are other methods to remove heavy metals and toxicity from the body.

> >

> > Detoxification of the body has a weightage of 15% in my total wellness

> > treatment protocol to restore a sick body back to good health.

> >

> > Feel free to send me an email if you need more details.

> >

> > --

> > Warmest regards

> > Doc Bob Koh - Total Wellness & Cancer Specialist/Consultant

> > Complementary/Alternative Medicine Practitioner

> > Taiwan Raynar Total Wellness & Cancer Center

> > Certified TCM Physician - ROC

> > Certified Isogai Practitioner-Japan

> > Certified Nutritionist - Taipei Medical University

> > Detoxification Specialist - Detoxification Association (ROC)

> > Registered Member - Traditional Chinese Medicine Society (ROC)

> > Board Member - Detoxification Association (ROC)

> > http://www.facebook.com/docbob.koh

> >

> > " The doctor of the future will not prescribe drugs, but will interest his

> > patients in healthy diet, and the proper maintenance of the human frame, and

> > the removal of the root cause of disease and conditions. "

> > --- A. Edison 1847 - 1933

> >

> > " A doctor's primary role is to treat the root cause of disease and

> > conditions, restore the human body to total wellness and optimum health, and

> > not just suppressing the symptoms. That's my primary role as a

> > doctor/healthcare provider and practitioner. "

> > ---

> > Doc Bob Koh 1951 - 2072 & Beyond

> >

> >

> >

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