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Hi Heleni,

I'm glad you found this list in time. Comments interspersed.


Re: chelation

Posted by: " Heleni & Nick Babalis " chomedeysaints@... chomedeysaints

Sun Sep 7, 2008 9:11 am (PDT)

Oh my god my head is spinning. Thank god I did not start chelating him. I have

so many questions. I wonder why she is prescribing 500??

*Lots of docs don't understand safe chelation but go ahead and practice unsafe


My son is 49kg, and almost 13 yrs old! She calculated his dosage according to

those statistics.

*She's using some calculations unrelated to reality.

Now I am realy confused. So what is a safe dosage for Jordan?

*That's approximately 100 lbs, so the most you should start with is 12.5 mg. and

the most you should work up to over time is 50 mg. Andy's protocol calls for

1/8-1/2 mg/lb.

What do I do? Call her on Monday and tell her I want to go slowly? You said I

don't need any prescriptions...so what should I order?

*Makes sense to start with DMSA which is available through www.vrp.com They

have 25 mg capsules. You can buy empty capsules and split them.

and from where? I want to start him asap, however, slowly and safely. I thought

I educated myself enough to proceed, but I am far from it!

Yes, she did ask us to do the challenge test to determine if he has any heavy

metals, the pre and post urine test, with dmsa! :-(

*Consider doing a DDI hair elements test and applying counting rules to have an

idea of what you're really dealing with.

In regards to the supps and vit's , I will definetely continue them. I don't

know why she asked us to stop.

*Lots of docs who don't understand chelation are doing this as well. That's why

so many of us here are chelating on our own.

I assumed it was standard procedure and everyone was doing it this way, so I

did not ask any questions...

*Mercury-containing vaccines and mercury amalgam dental fillings are standard

procedure and poisonous. Always ask questions. Speaking of questions

I feel so stupid.

*Don't, what done is done, just do things differently from now on. You were

smart enough to post here before beginning. Asking questions and trusting

mother's intuition are key here. Speaking of questions, you didn't mention

whether your son has any mercury amalgam dental fillings (they look silver,

gray, or black).

My goodness I could have made my son much worse. Please let me know what is

safe, where to buy on line (you mentioned I don't need a prescription) and

anything else to get him started. I am also willing to email his results to you

(on line or off line to you so that you can see what they look like).

*Challenge test results are not particularly useful. If you get a hair elements

test, then feel free to post or e-mail results for feedback.

Please! I need as much help as I can get.

You're in the right place. Read over the FAQs of this list for starters.




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Hi Heleni,

Questions are good. Comments interspersed.


Re: chelation

Posted by: " Heleni & Nick Babalis " chomedeysaints@... chomedeysaints

Sun Sep 7, 2008 9:23 am (PDT)

Hi ,

Sorry for asking so many questions, I just posted a few with another post. ALA,

what is that?

*ALA is short for alpha lipoic acid, which chelates mercury from body and brain

and chelates arsenic.

Where do I get this from?

*Most health food stores carry it but watch the mgs, they tend to carry the high

dose ones.

What is safe for an almost 13 yrs old, 49kg child?

*Again 12.5 mg is a good dose to start with for your child. It doesn't have to

be exact, just split the contents of a 25 mg capsule in half by " eyeballing " it.

I think I will go on my own and not consult our DAN! anymore.

*Good choice. You shouldn't have to pay to educate her.

In regards to increasing magnesium and adding a yeast protocol, she only

mentioned a yeast protocol and even tho our son isn't a " yeasty child " she

actually recommended S.boulardii and not biotin for the yeast.

*Moving mercury increases yeast.

Is this a good product, or should I order him the biotin instead? She never

mentioned anything about magnesium but she did say to double up the mineral

protocol he is on. This is so complex.

Thanks in advance.



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DMSA chelates mercury from body (not brain) and chelates lead. ALA chelates

mercury from body and brain and chelates arsenic. Most docs know ALA is

available without a prescription so don't suggest it. I'd bet most docs don't

know DMSA is available without a prescription. Many here (myself included) use

both. Some use just ALA. Also DMSA is listed in the PDR (Physician's Desk

Reference), ALA probably isn't.


Re: chelation

Posted by: " Heleni & Nick Babalis " chomedeysaints@... chomedeysaints

Sun Sep 7, 2008 9:37 am (PDT)

Thanks Dana, I did not know you were in this group as well, I was elated when I

saw you answer some posts! Anyway, I asked a few on this group, but I will ask

again, where do I get the ALA for chelation? Will this work as the DMSA or any

other chelator that the DAN! prescribes? I am guessing, better, and safer. How

come tho, so many people do the DMSA and not ALA? What's the diff.?



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You son surely does not weight 250 or more pounds right??

Never start as such a high dose. My 13 year old takes 25 mg of dmsa

every four hours for three days on, including at night and four or

more days off. We worked up to that dose from her starting dose of


I weigh more than she does by at least 50 pounds and I don't take more

than 25mg.

Do not stop any of those things she told you during rounds. they are

all very beneficial to helpful. DMSA does not chelate minerals. And

even if it did, stopping them would make problems worse. I don't know

why doctors say this. The last thing you want to do to your body is

stop all the support when you put it under stress like chelation.

(jeez, duh, and they are the doctors?? Makes me wonder sometimes)

If you wish to continue gains and keep the gains he's already

got...use Andy's protocol. Of dosing the dmsa by his body weight.

1/8-1/2 mg per pound of body weight, given every four hours for three

days on (at night too) and four or more days off. So you can do it

every weekend if you wish. Continue all supplements all the time, and

use epsom salts and yeast treatment etc.

And..no, never tell school. They have the power to blow you into CPS

is they think your doing something odd to your child. And they will

think this is odd. It's also none of their business. Your child's

health treatment is between you and God and your doctor. Or just you

and God! Dietary interventions for food sensitivities, and vitamins

are all I ever mention to others. NEVER, not ever get into chelation

discussion with anyone who is authorized to work with your children

via school or child care. They are required by LAW to report anything

suspicious that can be conceived as abuse to authorities. For some non

understanding brainwashed people out there..this can be something like

not vaccinated your kid. Some people think that's abuse. So they are

not above thinking that chelation is voodoo and calling you in.

And basically, it's none of their business anyway. They are there to

teach your child to read and write..not monitor his medical care.

Just stick to he's on a special diet due to " food allergies " they

understand that. That's all they need to know.

Hope he does well on dmsa! My son did.



> Re: [ ] chelation



> Thank you so much for the kind welcome. This group was very much

recommended to me by many. I am glad I'm here, as I will need every

bit of advise and info. to this very difficult journey. Our

prescription was ordered Friday, still don't have it yet. Our DAN! has

prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg for 3 days, fri, sat., sund,

every 2nd weekend. She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins,

minerals,zinc, calcium during the chelation days,

> After the chelation weekend , she wants us to restart all

supps.stopped , and on the mond.and tues. to double the minerals and

to repeat this schedule during chelation.

> About my son, he was a severe autistic child, with a severe speech

disorder which they called dysphasia, he is 12years old ,13 yrs. old

this coming October. We started the biomedics, gfcf diet last October

2007, and he recently had a re-assesstment and was diagnosed as high

funcioning to moderate autism. He has been a great responder to the

biomedics even tho time was against us. He has come a long way. He

talks beautifully and has made many gains ever since this journey. I

am hoping that with chelation we will make more gains. The heavy

metals testing showed he was high in lead,tin and a bit of mercury.


> Thanks

> Heleni



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Divide it into 25 mg if you can and give it every four hours.

Eight is too far apart, it doesn't last that long in the body. Or you

can try calling and saying you'd feel more comfortable trying a lower

dose to be sure he tolerates it. (maybe you can get her to write it

out for 100mg then divide that into 25mg each and put that into empty

caps for him to take)

> >

> > Hi

> > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am


> > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> > up. Any ideas?

> > Tks

> > Heleni

> >

> >


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Does this make any sense ...to give the same dose to two different

children who are not the same age or weight??? You know doctors crack

me up with that. They do the same thing with vaccines, give the same

dose to a 6 pound baby that they give to a 160 pound adult. Logic

says that you cannot dose a one size fits all with any drug or

medication. I'd worry too.

Please seriously take heed and consider NOT giving him 500mg. Many of

us have been on this group for years...myself almost three

years..we've seen many people come and go..and many try stuff like

this because a doctor said so.

Mainly, this is why we advise using lower doses, because we have seen

the problems that come from using high doses.


> Hi,

> I have the same prescription as you, i just filled it.. I am new.

> My ds is supposed to start his dmsa this friday.

> I hope i dont need to worry .. as i am supposed to give my 11 year old

> son the exact same dosage..he is 59 lbs.

> 500 mg 3x day for three days...3 days on..then 11 days off...

> I am a little bit nervous about how well he will tolerate this much

> now..



> kids damaged by immunizations

> celiac, leaky guts, etc. scd 2 years

> dd(8).. will start chelation soon also



> >

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My son is 54 pounds and we started our first round last weekend with 8.33mg

which is a little bit above 1/8 per pound. Please, please do not give

your son such a large dose. We are already beginning to see good things

come from the small dose along with loose stools which he never had before

which could mean that metals are coming out.

Take some time and read through the posts on this newsgroup and search the

archives and ask questions. Pick up andy's book as well. Just please,

don't give him 500mg 3x per day.

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of cathy

Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 3:37 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: chelation


I have the same prescription as you, i just filled it.. I am new.

My ds is supposed to start his dmsa this friday.

I hope i dont need to worry .. as i am supposed to give my 11 year old

son the exact same dosage..he is 59 lbs.

500 mg 3x day for three days...3 days on..then 11 days off...

I am a little bit nervous about how well he will tolerate this much


kids damaged by immunizations

celiac, leaky guts, etc. scd 2 years

dd(8).. will start chelation soon also

> >

> > Hi

> > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am


> > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> > up. Any ideas?

> > Tks

> > Heleni

> >

> >


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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> > >

> > > Hi

> > > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> > > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am

> thinking

> > > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> > > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> > > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> > > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> > > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> > > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> > > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> > > up. Any ideas?

> > > Tks

> > > Heleni

> > >

> > >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark

> your favourite sites. Download it now at

> > http://ca.toolbar. .

> >

> >

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> Hi Heleni,


> The first thing to do is take a deep breath. You've waited 13 years,

> you can wait three more weeks.

I agree. Weeks, yes, months, no. But learn and be confident you are making a


decision. It is a lot easier to make a good decision first than to make up for

a bad early

decision later. After 13 years it isn't an emergency.

> It's simply not possible to get

> understanding and confidence about such a life-changing shift in a few

> posts and quick answers. After two weeks of non-stop research, I was

> ready to start. It's now been three weeks and everyday I am more

> convinced this is the next right thing for our family's well-being. I

> don't even have Andy's book yet, but I'm ready to go. Here's how I got

> there:


> First, reading and researching non-stop for the past three weeks. And

> I mean non-stop. I have to work part-time and be a mom, we homeschool.

> I've been reading every spare minute from around 6am till at least

> 10pm. Often I'm up later.


> I joined nine : Adult Metal Chelation, ,

> AutismNCD (NCD or Natural Cellular Defense is a chelation product

> using zeolites

That isn't a chelation product and doesn't actually chelate anything.

>), BioRay Natural Detox (support forum for BioRay detox

> product use

as above.

>), Candidiasis (yeast overgrowth is a factor in just about

> everything), Chelating Kids2, GFCF Kids (Gluten-Free Casein-Free diet

> forum), Dental Chelation (I'm having the rest of my mercury fillings

> removed), Enzymes & Autism and Curing Candida.


> I get the daily digest from these groups, I've followed every link,

> watched a ton of videos, read till my eyes are red burning holes in my

> face (they are burning now - need some teabags for these puppies!),

> I've scoured Dana's website (http://www.danasview.net/index.htm) and

> Moira's (http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/).


> Four of the groups (the AutismNCD, the BioRay and the two candida

> groups) are not so relevant to me. I can scan those digests now and

> see what applies. But at first, I read every word and it is all an

> education. As I did this, topics started to connect and make sense.


> I've ordered Andy's book Amalgam Illness (www.noamalgam.com) and tons

> of vitamins online.


> My advice as one newbie to another is to just start reading, following

> every link. At first there is so much fog and confusion but soldier

> on. The fog parts every now and then until, about a week into it,

> there is more non-fog time than fog. Things that were a mystery at

> first, the jargon, the references, make sense to me now. And now I

> don't have to read every word of every post because some of it doesn't

> apply to my situation.


> I have an abundance of knowledge in only three weeks; more

> importantly, to me, I have confidence. I believe my boys definitely

> have vaccination injury, my husband and I both have health issues

> which I believe can be repaired using Andy's chelation protocol. I'm

> very excited about the path we are on.


> Good luck and God bless. From where I'm sitting, it looks like you are

> definitely on a good path.

> Sally


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I did that. I called , first the pharmacy who makes the compounded version,

telling them to put a hold on my prescription,  then the DAN! . I said exactly

that, I am not comfortable giving my son that high of a dose, can we reduce it? 

They are closed today,tomorrow I will know and let you all know what they say.

He has made so many gains this last year, gfcf diet, supps and vit's (custom

made protocol), b12 shots, huge leaps, I would just get sick if he  regresses.

They did say which I forgot mention with my other posts,DMSA is the BEST

 chelator for lead, which my son showed very elavated.  Can I divide the

capsules in 4 myself without telling our DAN? Or would that loose it's affect?

It is very difficult to get any DANS! here in Montreal, we pretty much had only

2 to choose from , one I ruled out asap, the better of the two I am using now.



From: Jada <paxlforme@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: chelation

Received: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 5:26 PM

Divide it into 25 mg if you can and give it every four hours.

Eight is too far apart, it doesn't last that long in the body. Or you

can try calling and saying you'd feel more comfortable trying a lower

dose to be sure he tolerates it. (maybe you can get her to write it

out for 100mg then divide that into 25mg each and put that into empty

caps for him to take)

> >

> > Hi

> > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am


> > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> > up. Any ideas?

> > Tks

> > Heleni

> >

> >


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He weighs a little over 48 kgs, (alittle over 100 lbs I think in pounds) that's

exactly what I say, my son is on a special diet due to food allergies. They

don't see all the supps I give him, I spread them out in the morning before

school, afterschool, and evenings.  He only  takes  enzymes at school, and they

are ok with that because I tell them my son has digestive issues, and he takes

the enzymes to help him digest food better.  I made sure to tell them it is all

natural supplemets. So far so good..  

So 25 mg is a better dosage? He will be taking it only 3 times a week, 3x a day,

then a week off and back again the week following.

From: Jada <paxlforme@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: chelation

Received: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 5:20 PM


You son surely does not weight 250 or more pounds right??

Never start as such a high dose. My 13 year old takes 25 mg of dmsa

every four hours for three days on, including at night and four or

more days off. We worked up to that dose from her starting dose of


I weigh more than she does by at least 50 pounds and I don't take more

than 25mg.

Do not stop any of those things she told you during rounds. they are

all very beneficial to helpful. DMSA does not chelate minerals. And

even if it did, stopping them would make problems worse. I don't know

why doctors say this. The last thing you want to do to your body is

stop all the support when you put it under stress like chelation.

(jeez, duh, and they are the doctors?? Makes me wonder sometimes)

If you wish to continue gains and keep the gains he's already

got...use Andy's protocol. Of dosing the dmsa by his body weight.

1/8-1/2 mg per pound of body weight, given every four hours for three

days on (at night too) and four or more days off. So you can do it

every weekend if you wish. Continue all supplements all the time, and

use epsom salts and yeast treatment etc.

And..no, never tell school. They have the power to blow you into CPS

is they think your doing something odd to your child. And they will

think this is odd. It's also none of their business. Your child's

health treatment is between you and God and your doctor. Or just you

and God! Dietary interventions for food sensitivities, and vitamins

are all I ever mention to others. NEVER, not ever get into chelation

discussion with anyone who is authorized to work with your children

via school or child care. They are required by LAW to report anything

suspicious that can be conceived as abuse to authorities. For some non

understanding brainwashed people out there..this can be something like

not vaccinated your kid. Some people think that's abuse. So they are

not above thinking that chelation is voodoo and calling you in.

And basically, it's none of their business anyway. They are there to

teach your child to read and write..not monitor his medical care.

Just stick to he's on a special diet due to " food allergies " they

understand that. That's all they need to know.

Hope he does well on dmsa! My son did.



> Re: [ ] chelation



> Thank you so much for the kind welcome. This group was very much

recommended to me by many. I am glad I'm here, as I will need every

bit of advise and info. to this very difficult journey. Our

prescription was ordered Friday, still don't have it yet. Our DAN! has

prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg for 3 days, fri, sat., sund,

every 2nd weekend. She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins,

minerals,zinc, calcium during the chelation days,

> After the chelation weekend , she wants us to restart all

supps.stopped , and on the mond.and tues. to double the minerals and

to repeat this schedule during chelation.

> About my son, he was a severe autistic child, with a severe speech

disorder which they called dysphasia, he is 12years old ,13 yrs. old

this coming October. We started the biomedics, gfcf diet last October

2007, and he recently had a re-assesstment and was diagnosed as high

funcioning to moderate autism. He has been a great responder to the

biomedics even tho time was against us. He has come a long way. He

talks beautifully and has made many gains ever since this journey. I

am hoping that with chelation we will make more gains. The heavy

metals testing showed he was high in lead,tin and a bit of mercury.


> Thanks

> Heleni




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Thank you for this email, so much too learn... and NO, he is almost 13 yrs old

and my boy does not have any fillings. So I guess that's a good thing, right?


From: Shepard Salzer <_Shepard@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: chelation

autism treatment

Received: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 3:53 PM

Hi Heleni,

I'm glad you found this list in time. Comments interspersed.


Re: chelation

Posted by: " Heleni & Nick Babalis " chomedeysaints@ .ca chomedeysaints

Sun Sep 7, 2008 9:11 am (PDT)

Oh my god my head is spinning. Thank god I did not start chelating him. I have

so many questions. I wonder why she is prescribing 500??

*Lots of docs don't understand safe chelation but go ahead and practice unsafe


My son is 49kg, and almost 13 yrs old! She calculated his dosage according to

those statistics.

*She's using some calculations unrelated to reality.

Now I am realy confused. So what is a safe dosage for Jordan?

*That's approximately 100 lbs, so the most you should start with is 12.5 mg. and

the most you should work up to over time is 50 mg. Andy's protocol calls for

1/8-1/2 mg/lb.

What do I do? Call her on Monday and tell her I want to go slowly? You said I

don't need any prescriptions. ..so what should I order?

*Makes sense to start with DMSA which is available through www.vrp.com They have

25 mg capsules. You can buy empty capsules and split them.

and from where? I want to start him asap, however, slowly and safely. I thought

I educated myself enough to proceed, but I am far from it!

Yes, she did ask us to do the challenge test to determine if he has any heavy

metals, the pre and post urine test, with dmsa! :-(

*Consider doing a DDI hair elements test and applying counting rules to have an

idea of what you're really dealing with.

In regards to the supps and vit's , I will definetely continue them. I don't

know why she asked us to stop.

*Lots of docs who don't understand chelation are doing this as well. That's why

so many of us here are chelating on our own.

I assumed it was standard procedure and everyone was doing it this way, so I did

not ask any questions...

*Mercury-containing vaccines and mercury amalgam dental fillings are standard

procedure and poisonous. Always ask questions. Speaking of questions

I feel so stupid.

*Don't, what done is done, just do things differently from now on. You were

smart enough to post here before beginning. Asking questions and trusting

mother's intuition are key here. Speaking of questions, you didn't mention

whether your son has any mercury amalgam dental fillings (they look silver,

gray, or black).

My goodness I could have made my son much worse. Please let me know what is

safe, where to buy on line (you mentioned I don't need a prescription) and

anything else to get him started. I am also willing to email his results to you

(on line or off line to you so that you can see what they look like).

*Challenge test results are not particularly useful. If you get a hair elements

test, then feel free to post or e-mail results for feedback.

Please! I need as much help as I can get.

You're in the right place. Read over the FAQs of this list for starters.



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I am very new with this group, and inexperienced , but please do not give your

child anything, look at the other posts with the subject reading ,chelation, so

many wonderful people here have educated me and I still have a long way to go. I

do know for sure I won't be giving anything to my son until they reduce his

dose, low enough that I am comfortable with. My son is almost double your son's

weight, and 13 yrs old. Very curious, are you from Canada? Big coincidence that

both our DANS! prescribed the exact same dosage.

From: cathy <cjb202207@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: chelation

Received: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 3:37 PM


I have the same prescription as you, i just filled it.. I am new.

My ds is supposed to start his dmsa this friday.

I hope i dont need to worry .. as i am supposed to give my 11 year old

son the exact same dosage..he is 59 lbs.

500 mg 3x day for three days...3 days on..then 11 days off...

I am a little bit nervous about how well he will tolerate this much


kids damaged by immunizations

celiac, leaky guts, etc. scd 2 years

dd(8).. will start chelation soon also

> >

> > Hi

> > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am


> > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> > up. Any ideas?

> > Tks

> > Heleni

> >

> >


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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when you say every 4 hrs, does this mean I have to wake him up in the middle of

the night during the chelation rounds  (fri-sat.-sun.)? If so, it might be a bit

difficult because on the one  conflicting day, Friday, it would be mean that I

would have to find a way to give to him at school, and that would be impossible,

they have no clue as to what I am doing, the sat and sun. would be ok. however.

From: Jada <paxlforme@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: chelation

Received: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 5:26 PM

Divide it into 25 mg if you can and give it every four hours.

Eight is too far apart, it doesn't last that long in the body. Or you

can try calling and saying you'd feel more comfortable trying a lower

dose to be sure he tolerates it. (maybe you can get her to write it

out for 100mg then divide that into 25mg each and put that into empty

caps for him to take)

> >

> > Hi

> > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am


> > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> > up. Any ideas?

> > Tks

> > Heleni

> >

> >


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark

your favourite sites. Download it now at

> http://ca.toolbar. .



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Comments interspersed.

LInda S S

Re: chelation

Posted by: " Heleni & Nick Babalis " chomedeysaints@... chomedeysaints

Sun Sep 7, 2008 4:27 pm (PDT)

He weighs a little over 48 kgs, (alittle over 100 lbs I think in pounds) that's

exactly what I say, my son is on a special diet due to food allergies. They

don't see all the supps I give him, I spread them out in the morning before

school, afterschool, and evenings. He only takes enzymes at school, and they

are ok with that because I tell them my son has digestive issues, and he takes

the enzymes to help him digest food better. I made sure to tell them it is all

natural supplemets. So far so good..

So 25 mg is a better dosage? He will be taking it only 3 times a week, 3x a day,

then a week off and back again the week following.

*Yes, 25 is a better dose but you need to give it every 4 hours day and night

for 3 days in a row. That's why most here chelate on weekends, from after

school on Friday until before school on Mondays.


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That's an excellent thing that he has no fillings!


Re: chelation

Posted by: " Heleni & Nick Babalis " chomedeysaints@... chomedeysaints

Sun Sep 7, 2008 4:37 pm (PDT)

Thank you for this email, so much too learn... and NO, he is almost 13 yrs old

and my boy does not have any fillings. So I guess that's a good thing, right?



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You can divide them yourself. Most every here has to do that. I have

for three years now. Open the capsule onto a plate. Divide the powder

into how many piles equal the doses you need. (ie: 100mg would be four

piles if equaling 25mg a dose) and then put each pile into an empty

capsule. You can buy empty capsules at the HFS or save ones that you

have dumped out supplements. (My son's takes a lot of his as powder,

so I have a lot of empty caps...)

For kids who don't swallow caps, it can be mixed into things like a

tiny bit of juice.

Good for you on taking action! If they give you hassle about lowering

it, and tell you something crazy like it won't work...you'll have to

do it on your own. But yes, dmsa is what you want for lead. Docs can

be helpful for writing scripts and ordering test..doesn't mean we have

to everything their way...

> > >

> > > Hi

> > > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage

of my

> > > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am

> thinking

> > > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad


> > > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> > > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> > > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I


> > > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> > > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> > > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to

mess it

> > > up. Any ideas?

> > > Tks

> > > Heleni

> > >

> > >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark

> your favourite sites. Download it now at

> > http://ca.toolbar. .

> >

> >

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Yes, you have to wake him. What you do is start Friday when he gets

home from school. Wake him Friday and Saturday and Sunday night, the

last dose is Monday morning before he leaves for school. This comes

out to be the same doses, it's not as convenient obviously, but if we

had to wait for three day weekends..we'd never get chelation done. So

this is what most of us do. We also are sure to run rounds on every

occasion that schools is off and providing us with three days in a row

that the kids are home. So any holiday breaks, three day weekends, etc.

So a round looks like this:

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

3pm 3am 3am 3am

7pm 7am 7am 7am

11pm 11am 11am

3pm 3pm

7pm 7pm

11pm 11pm

You can start at 4pm (so 4pm, 8pm, midnight etc) or whatever time he

gets home and dose every four hours from there. If he stays up till

11pm on fri/sat like many teens...you are really only waking him once

at 3am. My 13 year old does not remember me waking her for night

doses. Neither does my 5 year old. I am the only one who remember

it..and feels the fatigue..ugh...the kids don't notice.

> > >

> > > Hi

> > > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage

of my

> > > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am

> thinking

> > > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad


> > > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> > > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> > > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I


> > > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> > > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> > > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to

mess it

> > > up. Any ideas?

> > > Tks

> > > Heleni

> > >

> > >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark

> your favourite sites. Download it now at

> > http://ca.toolbar. .

> >

> >

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Please read over the last 10 posts in this thread on WHY you DO NOT

want to give your three year old twins that much dmsa. (if you haven't

already, if you have then you now know that this is a bad idea)

I have taken dmsa myself (30 rounds) and there is no way I'd take that

much. I had side effects at first with 12.5mg. They were tolerable,

but I can't imagine how they would have been if I jumped in at 100 mg

right off the bat. Today..almost three years later...I am up to a

whopping 25mg! Without side effects. There'd be effects if it were higher.

More is not better with chelation. Slow and low....it took three years

for the metals to get in...probably three years to get out.

These are the doses your children should have:

4mg is 1/8 mg per pound for your children.

8mg is 1/4 mg per pound

17.5 mg is 1/2 mg per pound.

So optimally, starting at 4 or 5mg is sensible. If they do well after

5 rounds you can go to 8mg. Topped out would be 17.5. This is why my

son used 12.5 mg for over two years and 45 rounds. He is almost six

years old now..


> My 3 year old twins start next week on 100 mg. They are only 35 pounds.


> April

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I just want to add that I began ALA with my twins when they were

about 4 1/2. I started with 6.25 mg, every 3 hours. (I guess that's

50 mg/24 hours.) After about 6 months of this, we moved up to

12.5. We moved up very slowly. We are now at 25 mg (td, though,

which I assume would not be absorbed as well as oral). They now

weigh about 60 lbs and are 7. I hope this gives some perspective.


On Sep 7, 2008, at 10:02 PM, Jada wrote:

> Please read over the last 10 posts in this thread on WHY you DO NOT

> want to give your three year old twins that much dmsa. (if you haven't

> already, if you have then you now know that this is a bad idea)


> I have taken dmsa myself (30 rounds) and there is no way I'd take that

> much. I had side effects at first with 12.5mg. They were tolerable,

> but I can't imagine how they would have been if I jumped in at 100 mg

> right off the bat. Today..almost three years later...I am up to a

> whopping 25mg! Without side effects. There'd be effects if it were

> higher.


> More is not better with chelation. Slow and low....it took three years

> for the metals to get in...probably three years to get out.


> These are the doses your children should have:


> 4mg is 1/8 mg per pound for your children.

> 8mg is 1/4 mg per pound

> 17.5 mg is 1/2 mg per pound.


> So optimally, starting at 4 or 5mg is sensible. If they do well after

> 5 rounds you can go to 8mg. Topped out would be 17.5. This is why my

> son used 12.5 mg for over two years and 45 rounds. He is almost six

> years old now..



> >

> > My 3 year old twins start next week on 100 mg. They are only 35

> pounds.

> >

> > April




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Heleni, I have been in your shoes. While biomed was great for my son,

the supplements the shots, etc as you enumerate, when it comes to

chelation, hard as this is to believe, you do not need a DAN doctor.

I live in a state with literally dozens of DAN docs to choose from,

and some of the big wigs in the movement, a couple of whom we even

started with. What they advised for my child in some instances was

nothing short of catastrophic, and thankfully, I left and started

doing reading and made by way to this group. We have a DAN in another

state where we visit, whom we use generally for guidance and

prescriptions via telephone as needed. But basically we call the

shots about chelation per the Cutler protocol, and he goes along with

it, even though he wanted to do challenges and high doses of chelators

like DMSA. Now he is so encouraged by what he has seen with our son

on the low dose protocol, that he is thinking of doing it with other


You can even get DMSA without a prescription from vitamin research

products, they have a site where you can buy the capsules. Get an

index card, a razor blade, and some empty capsules and divide up the

DMSA into the amounts you want to administer, start at 1/8 mg per lb

of body weight, working up to 1/2 mg per lb of body weight max,

administer every 4 hours. We do it for a period of 3 days on, 11 days

off, others here do it every weekend.

Read Andy Cutler's books, go to the archives, ask questions here. All

will be well. If you feel compelled to have a DAN, you can even try

to find one you can work with in other parts of your country or in the

states, they do consult by phone. But when it comes to chelation,

Andy is right, DAN's approach is very dangerous. We are chelating per

Andy's protocol. We are on our fourth round. It works amazingly

well, and when you experience side effects or problems, as we have had

here and there, post here, and you will get help.

Good luck. Irene

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25 mg is a better dosage, but three times a day is still not safe. It

needs to be dosed according to the half life, which with DMSA I believe

is every 4 hours during the three days - check the files section to see

if that is right. We do ALA every 3 hours. Any longer than 4 hours you

risk redistribution and regression.


Heleni & Nick Babalis wrote:


> He weighs a little over 48 kgs, (alittle over 100 lbs I think in

> pounds) that's exactly what I say, my son is on a special diet due to

> food allergies. They don't see all the supps I give him, I spread them

> out in the morning before school, afterschool, and evenings. He only

> takes enzymes at school, and they are ok with that because I tell

> them my son has digestive issues, and he takes the enzymes to help

> him digest food better. I made sure to tell them it is all natural

> supplemets. So far so good..

> So 25 mg is a better dosage? He will be taking it only 3 times a week,

> 3x a day, then a week off and back again the week following.




> From: Jada <paxlforme@... <mailto:paxlforme%40>>

> Subject: [ ] Re: chelation


> <mailto: %40>

> Received: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 5:20 PM


> HOLY COW....

> You son surely does not weight 250 or more pounds right??


> Never start as such a high dose. My 13 year old takes 25 mg of dmsa

> every four hours for three days on, including at night and four or

> more days off. We worked up to that dose from her starting dose of

> 12.5mg.

> I weigh more than she does by at least 50 pounds and I don't take more

> than 25mg.


> Do not stop any of those things she told you during rounds. they are

> all very beneficial to helpful. DMSA does not chelate minerals. And

> even if it did, stopping them would make problems worse. I don't know

> why doctors say this. The last thing you want to do to your body is

> stop all the support when you put it under stress like chelation.

> (jeez, duh, and they are the doctors?? Makes me wonder sometimes)


> If you wish to continue gains and keep the gains he's already

> got...use Andy's protocol. Of dosing the dmsa by his body weight.

> 1/8-1/2 mg per pound of body weight, given every four hours for three

> days on (at night too) and four or more days off. So you can do it

> every weekend if you wish. Continue all supplements all the time, and

> use epsom salts and yeast treatment etc.


> And..no, never tell school. They have the power to blow you into CPS

> is they think your doing something odd to your child. And they will

> think this is odd. It's also none of their business. Your child's

> health treatment is between you and God and your doctor. Or just you

> and God! Dietary interventions for food sensitivities, and vitamins

> are all I ever mention to others. NEVER, not ever get into chelation

> discussion with anyone who is authorized to work with your children

> via school or child care. They are required by LAW to report anything

> suspicious that can be conceived as abuse to authorities. For some non

> understanding brainwashed people out there..this can be something like

> not vaccinated your kid. Some people think that's abuse. So they are

> not above thinking that chelation is voodoo and calling you in.

> And basically, it's none of their business anyway. They are there to

> teach your child to read and write..not monitor his medical care.


> Just stick to he's on a special diet due to " food allergies " they

> understand that. That's all they need to know.


> Hope he does well on dmsa! My son did.


> -

> >

> > Re: [ ] chelation

> >

> >

> > Thank you so much for the kind welcome. This group was very much

> recommended to me by many. I am glad I'm here, as I will need every

> bit of advise and info. to this very difficult journey. Our

> prescription was ordered Friday, still don't have it yet. Our DAN! has

> prescribed him to be on DMSA 500 mg for 3 days, fri, sat., sund,

> every 2nd weekend. She asked us to stop, epsom salt baths, vitamins,

> minerals,zinc, calcium during the chelation days,

> > After the chelation weekend , she wants us to restart all

> supps.stopped , and on the mond.and tues. to double the minerals and

> to repeat this schedule during chelation.

> > About my son, he was a severe autistic child, with a severe speech

> disorder which they called dysphasia, he is 12years old ,13 yrs. old

> this coming October. We started the biomedics, gfcf diet last October

> 2007, and he recently had a re-assesstment and was diagnosed as high

> funcioning to moderate autism. He has been a great responder to the

> biomedics even tho time was against us. He has come a long way. He

> talks beautifully and has made many gains ever since this journey. I

> am hoping that with chelation we will make more gains. The heavy

> metals testing showed he was high in lead,tin and a bit of mercury.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Heleni

> >

> >


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Yes, waking them up at night. We set an alarm. Most who have kids in

school don't do a complete 72 hours. They start immediately after

school on Friday, then continue through until the last dose before

school starts again on Monday.

Heleni & Nick Babalis wrote:


> when you say every 4 hrs, does this mean I have to wake him up in the

> middle of the night during the chelation rounds (fri-sat.-sun.)? If

> so, it might be a bit difficult because on the one conflicting day,

> Friday, it would be mean that I would have to find a way to give to

> him at school, and that would be impossible, they have no clue as to

> what I am doing, the sat and sun. would be ok. however.




> From: Jada <paxlforme@... <mailto:paxlforme%40>>

> Subject: [ ] Re: chelation


> <mailto: %40>

> Received: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 5:26 PM


> Divide it into 25 mg if you can and give it every four hours.

> Eight is too far apart, it doesn't last that long in the body. Or you

> can try calling and saying you'd feel more comfortable trying a lower

> dose to be sure he tolerates it. (maybe you can get her to write it

> out for 100mg then divide that into 25mg each and put that into empty

> caps for him to take)



> > >

> > > Hi

> > > We are new members to this group. We are are now in a new stage of my

> > > son's Jordan recovery, chelation. We haven't started yet, I am

> thinking

> > > maybe next week. I was just wondering if there have been any bad side

> > > affects I should expect,other than the fact that most kids get more

> > > aggressive. My dilema is that he has started a new school which he

> > > adapted very well and his new teachers are saying how wonderful and

> > > polite my son is . They don't know much about the journey I am in,

> > > biomedics, diet, etc..They do know that he is to eat only what I have

> > > in his lunch box. Do I fill them in about the chelation or do I stay

> > > quiet. He is 12 yrs old and he was on waiting list to get in to this

> > > special needs school, so now that we are in , I don't want to mess it

> > > up. Any ideas?

> > > Tks

> > > Heleni

> > >

> > >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark

> your favourite sites. Download it now at

> > http://ca.toolbar. .

> >

> >

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Hi Heleni,

500 mg divided by 4 is 125 mg which is still way too high. We agree that DMSA is

best for lead but not at that dose or dosing schedule. Expect the doc to give

you a hard time for listening to parents on the internet. Because the doc did a

challenge test you don't really know his mercury status. DMSA's half-life is the

same regardless of what you're trying to chelate.


Re: chelation

Posted by: " Heleni & Nick Babalis " chomedeysaints@... chomedeysaints

Sun Sep 7, 2008 4:17 pm (PDT)

I did that. I called , first the pharmacy who makes the compounded version,

telling them to put a hold on my prescription, then the DAN! . I said exactly

that, I am not comfortable giving my son that high of a dose, can we reduce it?

They are closed today,tomorrow I will know and let you all know what they say.

He has made so many gains this last year, gfcf diet, supps and vit's (custom

made protocol), b12 shots, huge leaps, I would just get sick if he regresses.

They did say which I forgot mention with my other posts,DMSA is the BEST

chelator for lead, which my son showed very elavated. Can I divide the capsules

in 4 myself without telling our DAN? Or would that loose it's affect? It is very

difficult to get any DANS! here in Montreal, we pretty much had only 2 to choose

from , one I ruled out asap, the better of the two I am using now.




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