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Get an estradiol test done I am thinking you may have high E2.

Secondly a prolactin test as well

> --- rsslkbr <rsslkbr@...> wrote:


> > Thank you all for your answers about my weight loss question.

Let me

> > tell you my test results that I got about two years ago. I am


> > and I do have lot of fat in my lower ab portion. My Total

> > Testosterone was 390. My LH was about 12.4 (normal 4-12) and my


> > was about 4.4 (normal 3-8). My testes has shrunk from 2.4

inches to

> > 2.15 inches and my scrotum has shrunk about 50%. So, any new

> > suggestions. I do not want to get on any supplemental


> > because I would like to have kids someday if my testicles are


> > functional.

> >

> >








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No lets not jump the gun he is dam low and needs to be on TRT or his life down

the road will be less. First you need to get Total and Free T levels up into

the upper 1/3 of his labs range for a young man. Then when he is stable test

E2, SHBG, DHEA, DHT, and other things and if needed then treat them.

dhallgar <dhallgar@...> wrote: Philip, great heads up, on the

sperm bank, what about taking a daily

amount of 50mg zinc, possibly DIM, or more aggressivly, arimidex.

Males have no way of storing T, so nightime erections, in my opinion

are a way of helping T (blood flow with erectin) move out of our

scrotum area. L arginine-pyncnoginal.sp are helpful for me. Or a small

amount of viagra before bedtime, increases NT erections.

I have found if I am having nightime erections, all is well.

kind regards david

> Thank you all for your answers about my weight loss

question. Let me

> tell you my test results that I got about two years ago. I am 27...

> and I do have lot of fat in my lower ab portion. My Total

> Testosterone was 390. My LH was about 12.4 (normal 4-12) and my FSH

> was about 4.4 (normal 3-8). My testes has shrunk from 2.4 inches to

> 2.15 inches and my scrotum has shrunk about 50%. So, any new

> suggestions. I do not want to get on any supplemental testosterone

> because I would like to have kids someday if my testicles are still

> functional.







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On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 15:42:11 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>No lets not jump the gun he is dam low and needs to be on TRT or his life down

the road will be less. First you need to get Total and Free T levels up into

the upper 1/3 of his labs range for a young man. Then when he is stable test

E2, SHBG, DHEA, DHT, and other things and if needed then treat them.

TRT may not be necessary. If his E2 is high, arimidex, anastrazol or

DIM may prove enough. As you said, let's not jump the gun. Tests


>dhallgar <dhallgar@...> wrote: Philip, great heads up, on the

sperm bank, what about taking a daily

>amount of 50mg zinc, possibly DIM, or more aggressivly, arimidex.

>Males have no way of storing T, so nightime erections, in my opinion

>are a way of helping T (blood flow with erectin) move out of our

>scrotum area. L arginine-pyncnoginal.sp are helpful for me. Or a small

>amount of viagra before bedtime, increases NT erections.

>I have found if I am having nightime erections, all is well.

>kind regards david



>> Thank you all for your answers about my weight loss

>question. Let me

>> tell you my test results that I got about two years ago. I am 27...

>> and I do have lot of fat in my lower ab portion. My Total

>> Testosterone was 390. My LH was about 12.4 (normal 4-12) and my FSH

>> was about 4.4 (normal 3-8). My testes has shrunk from 2.4 inches to

>> 2.15 inches and my scrotum has shrunk about 50%. So, any new

>> suggestions. I do not want to get on any supplemental testosterone

>> because I would like to have kids someday if my testicles are still

>> functional.







>> Co-Moderator " Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what

>you see. "

>> Phil


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  • 1 month later...
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Dont worry it goes back on if you need it. You can lose weight

intially because your body is concentrating more on eliminating and

ridding itself of the bad, to start making way for rebuilding.

It takes time to build back up and round out. Concentrate on the

proteins and fats in this diet and have plenty of them. That's what

I do. I soon put on weight later but no more than needed. Bigger now

than I was and I needed to gain so it was good. I see other people

overweight who end up losing the extra weight.

Seems that once the body detoxes and rebuilds and starts absorbing

nutrients properly again it just balances itself out. Thats what I

find anyway. I see this often about people losing weight on the diet

at first and getting concerned. Dont be, its actually the least of

your worries. Concentrate on the good foods and fats and your body

will do the rest over time.



> I am loosing weight with the Candida diet...


> The thing is... I am naturally thin, and was already underweight

before the diet - I am not really sure what to do if I go on loosing

weight. I must say I am not on a FULL diet yet - I have decided to go

on a gradual elimination of foods, and I am still eating one piece of

fruit a day and some brown rice.


> Be well,





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> I am loosing weight with the Candida diet...


> The thing is... I am naturally thin, and was already underweight

before the diet - I am not really sure what to do if I go on loosing

weight. I must say I am not on a FULL diet yet - I have decided to go

on a gradual elimination of foods, and I am still eating one piece of

fruit a day and some brown rice.

==>, weight is the least of your problems when you have candida.

Focus on curing it and eventually your body weight will normalize. I

lost tons of weight on the candida program too, in fact at one point I

was losing 3 lbs. per day. But now my weight is normal.


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OK, thank you Bee and Adam for the encouragement!

Be well,

> >

> > I am loosing weight with the Candida diet...

> >

> > The thing is... I am naturally thin, and was already


> before the diet - I am not really sure what to do if I go on


> weight. I must say I am not on a FULL diet yet - I have decided to


> on a gradual elimination of foods, and I am still eating one piece


> fruit a day and some brown rice.


> ==>, weight is the least of your problems when you have


> Focus on curing it and eventually your body weight will

normalize. I

> lost tons of weight on the candida program too, in fact at one

point I

> was losing 3 lbs. per day. But now my weight is normal.


> Bee


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  • 3 weeks later...
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> My son is 2 years old adn was diagnosed with autism on march of this

> year. He was seen by his pediatrician this past week and she stated

> that his weight is on the 15th percentile. I am worried about htis

> and was wondering how or what can make my son gain weight.

Enzymes can help. What does he eat?

>> my other

> question is how can i relieve his constipation. he is on magnesium

> (997 gm), probiotics and aloe vera.

Constipation ideas here


> my son is going through the chelation process. could that be causing

> his loss of appetite.

Yes, it can also cause constipation, because it tends to increase

yeast, and yeast tends to be constipating.

>> has anyone had any positive results from the

> chelation?

ALA chelation, plus a few supplements, eliminated all of my son's food

intolerance issues. Additional supplements recovered him. He no

longer qualifies as autistic. Lots of recovery stories here



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  • 1 month later...
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What is it? Where do you get it, spill the info..



> Indium can really help with weight loss. Don't

> recall the brand, but it is the kind you put a

> drop on your tongue when you get up, then don't

> even brush your teeth or put anything in your

> mouth for 10 minutes. pj







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  • 6 months later...

Hi ! I hope you aren't just starting the program, and already

adding oil of oregano. I started the diet 2 months ago, and I hope to

be able to add oil of oregano by MAY OR JUNE, if I'm fortunate. If you

do something too soon like that, of course you will have die off and

feel horrible, because your body isn't ready for it yet.

Also, I encourage you to read all of the files. They will answer

almost any question you may have. Birth control pills are a BIG no-

no. Also, Immodium (or any other) " medicine " like that is to be

avoided as well. Adjusting the diet will lessen the symptoms you are

experiencing. FOLLOWING the diet and supplements as directed will help

you get where you want to go much faster.

If I were you, I'd try cod liver oil (topically) on any skin symptoms

you are having, and see if it does the trick...


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> Hi Bee,


> I had wrote a couple of weeks ago about my problems with IBS,

cea and Seb dermitits. I started about a week ago oil of organo.

Well, I been watching everything I eat (going by the great info you

provided) and as of friday I started with really bad diarrhea and I

am still having it today (tuesday) I weighed 119 pounds and I am down

to 113. I look horriable and sick. People keep commenting asking me

what happened. Am I having a die-off or something. Can you please

give me some suggestions I am desperate. I really need to put some

weight on if I lose anymore it will be really bad.

==>Hi . Like Doug wrote you are taking oil of oregano much

too soon, so it is causing too much die-off - yes diarrhea is one of

the many symptoms it causes. After you are completely on the diet,

and you able to take 6 tablespoons of good coconut oil per day,

starting with small amounts and gradually increasing them, and you

die-off has lessened you may start on one of the other antifungals,

other than coconut oil.

==>Weight is also the least of your problem when you have candida,

and it will normalize as you progress on this program, so do not be

concerned about it. But do ensure you go on the diet gradually as

instructed in the article " Curing Candida, How to Get Started " - see

the 2nd article here:


> Also, is it okay with this diet to take immodium? I did a couple of

times because I keep going non stop even after drinking water. Any

suggestions would be greatly appreicated. When I started the oregono

a week ago I was in between birth control because of my period now I

been back on the pill a week do you think tha thas something to do

with it? I'm sorry I'm just trying to find out what is going on.

Thanks for all your help.

==>Doug is correct that you wouldn't take immodium nor any other

drugs or over-the-counter medicines because they are all very toxic

to the body, so they feed your candida too, including birth control


==>I suggest you do the 9-day program in order to get you through

these awful die-off symptoms;


You will also need this article " Clear Water Enema Procedures " ;



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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


> Hi Bee


> I have been on your diet for about 3-4 months and am doing well and


> a healing reaction today at work and was able to hang out until it

> subsided. Wow!


> I normally weigh about 165lbs at 6' 2 " and have lost 15lbs. What


> your thoughs on weight loss?

==>That's great you are doing well on my diet. Good for you!

Many people lose a lot of weight on this program, since it is very

low-carb, but it is only temporary while the body is healing.

Candida is a much bigger problem than low weight. Weight will

normalize to what it should be as you progress on this program.

The best, Bee

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> Hi Bee !

> Well, I have been on your programme for quite a while now....I have

> lost nearly 60 pounds or so altogether, and on some weeks the


> has just been dropping off me. I have been pretty good on the diet,

> and only having a small " cheat " on a Saturday.

> However, for the last 4 weeks I have lost nothing, and have even


> on a couple of pounds even though my diet has not altered.

> I still have about another 35 pounds to lose to get into

> the " acceptable weight range " for my height, so obviously have been

> disappointed that I have just stuck at this weight.


> Any wisdom as to why this might have happened?

+++Your body weight can fluctuate up and down during the healing

process. It is nothing to be concerned about, since it will level

out to what it should be when you're totally healed.


> Here's the good stuff....I had to go away for the weekend ( this is

> usually a nightmare as I panic about what to eat). Anyway, I was

pretty good most of the time, but on 3 consecutive days I had no

choice but to eat things not on the candida programme. I thought I'd

get all the candida symptoms back - usually thrush, skin problems on

my face and burning on my cheekbones.

> But hey, nothing !!!! I am SO pleased ! I have been putting in

all this tremendous effort and was beginning to think I'd never get a

result, but in fact I have said to the husband that I do believe I

am getting well AT LAST !!! I do wish it was quicker as I am the

impatient type, but at least progress is being made.

+++That's very well done Bebe!! Keep up the good work and your good

days will increase.

> Today, for the first time in a long time, I felt quite

good.....tonight I've got die off stuff going on, but not too bad.

> Many thanks for all your care and support for all of us Bee - it is

> SO much appreciated !

+++Congratulations! That's a fabulous win!!! You are so very

welcome for my care and support Bebe. I am honored!

Love & lotsa healing hugs, Bee

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  • 10 months later...
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Weight gain as a result of lyme is more common, but one can also have serious

weight loss.

I was already pretty skinny before I was bitten, but after the tick byte and AB

course I quickly went from 63 kg to 56 kg (I'm male, 48y old). I'm severely

underweight and have not been able to do anything about it. I eat healthy and

have a good appetite. I know several others who got the same kind of trouble

from Lyme.

Maybe it is disturbed hormones, gut problems, I don't know ...

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  • 1 month later...

Yep, according to my prescribing physician for LDN, loss of appetite *is* a side effect of LDN. He's been rx'ing LDN for 8 years now. I was cautioned to follow up with him if I lost more than 10 lbs (which would put me underweight).

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 11:25 AM, barbara lochner <blochner2001@...> wrote:


A couple of months after starting LDN for fibro, I posted that I had appetite loss and did anyone else have this experience.  The answers were, no no.  Since that time I discovered on the MS " side effects " website that it does occasionally happen .  I lost five lbs in four months and am not complaining.  It seems to have leveled off.

Lo and hehold!!!   Onexigen Therapeutics, Inc.  has invented a diet drug, combining naltrexone with bupropion, an anti-depressant. It's called Contrave. In a one-year, 3,000 people study they claim an average loss of 17 lbs.  Expect FDA approval next year. 

These pharms will not rest until they figure out a way to make money with off patent drugs.Barbara Lochner,


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Well I would be very happy if this side effect happens to

me! I need to

lose a bit and would love to have it come off that easy.


Merium Khan wrote:



> Yep, according to my prescribing physician for LDN, loss of appetite

> *is* a side effect of LDN. He's been rx'ing LDN for 8 years now. I was

> cautioned to follow up with him if I lost more than 10 lbs (which would

> put me underweight).


> On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 11:25 AM, barbara lochner

> <blochner2001@... <mailto:blochner2001@...>> wrote:






> A couple of months after starting LDN for fibro, I posted that I had

> appetite loss and did anyone else have this experience. The answers

> were, no no. Since that time I discovered on the MS " side effects "

> website that it does occasionally happen . I lost five lbs in four

> months and am not complaining. It seems to have leveled off.


> Lo and hehold!!! Onexigen Therapeutics, Inc. has invented a diet

> drug, combining naltrexone with bupropion, an anti-depressant. It's

> called Contrave. In a one-year, 3,000 people study they claim an

> average loss of 17 lbs. Expect FDA approval next year.


> These pharms will not rest until they figure out a way to make money

> with off patent drugs.




> Barbara Lochner, 276-546-5308





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Reduced appetite has been a significant and welcome side effect for me also.

From: barbara lochner

Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 1:25 AM

low dose naltrexone

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] weight loss

A couple of months after starting LDN for fibro, I posted that I had appetite loss and did anyone else have this experience. The answers were, no no. Since that time I discovered on the MS "side effects" website that it does occasionally happen . I lost five lbs in four months and am not complaining. It seems to have leveled off.

Lo and hehold!!! Onexigen Therapeutics, Inc. has invented a diet drug, combining naltrexone with bupropion, an anti-depressant. It's called Contrave. In a one-year, 3,000 people study they claim an average loss of 17 lbs. Expect FDA approval next year.

These pharms will not rest until they figure out a way to make money with off patent drugs.

Barbara Lochner, 276-546-5308

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I was diagnosed with MS back in 2007, my neuro put me on Copaxone immediately.

Over the course of a year . . . I blew up like a balloon. I have always

been a tremendously thin person (5’10” and 115 lbs. at age 18 –

YIKES!) and never had a lot of issue keeping weight off (lucky, I know).

When I started packing on the pounds and they were not coming off . . . I knew

it had to be the Copaxone as that was the only thing that had changed in my

life (except getting older of course).

I went off the Copaxone in early July and shed 6 lbs. almost immediately.

I am not sure if it was the fact that I went off the Copaxone or went on LDN or

the combination of both but I am feeling so much better about myself than I

have in a long time. My husband is on LDN as well and we both feel we don’t

get so ravenously hungry between meals and seem to fill up faster during a


LDN or not LDN . . . I am thrilled with this added benefit!

g my “skinny” jeans off again,


Rimrock Humane Society


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