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I'm gonna skip the part about yelling at you or anything like that. Just

congrats on your fabulous loss.

Coupla things occur to me as I fight the appetite fight. I also consume

something every 2 hours or so.

I drink a protein drink, then eat solids, then a protein drink, then solids.

The protein drink controls my appetite to a large degree & keeps me away

from teh sweets, which now call my name as they never did pre-op. I find

I'm not ravenous when I eat this way, too, so I don't over eat. I do

several protein drinks per day and 4 solid " feedings " . Not all are actual

meals, one might be " a carrot " or somethign light. BUt I don't graze. Only

these 4 feedings. And again, every 2-3 hours.

In between all that I drink water. That also helps stave off food

thoughts,. I'm not gonna say HUNGER, as in GRrrr. But more the feeling of

needing " fuel " of some sort.


> My name is ,

> I had surgery 8/00. I am doing ok so far. I also had a tummy tuck in


> 2001 and was not happy with the way the dr. did it, so had it corrected in

> May of this yr. I still have some skin on my back hanging and the dr.


> that there was nothing he could do. I feel that there is. Does anyone


> there have the same problem? I also lately have had a problem with


> hungry within 2 hrs. Someone throught that I didn't eat enough. I trie


> eat every 2 hours (small meals) and I have always had a problem with


> That was the reason why I had the surgery. I try to find snacks that I


> eat that will not put weight on me. Do anyone have any ideals? I would


> thankful for any ideals anyone that have had the surgery around the length


> time as me or longer. I could use some help with this. I have a friend


> had the surgery but she has gain some of her weight back.This scares me.


> starting weight was 304 and now I weight 126. Looking forward from


> for someone.




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I agree on this. I too eat and drink this way. It serves me well (so it seems)

unless my carbs get up too high then the scale does weird things like move

north.... *sigh*.....



> My name is ,

> I had surgery 8/00. I am doing ok so far. I also had a tummy tuck in


> 2001 and was not happy with the way the dr. did it, so had it corrected in

> May of this yr. I still have some skin on my back hanging and the dr.


> that there was nothing he could do. I feel that there is. Does anyone


> there have the same problem? I also lately have had a problem with


> hungry within 2 hrs. Someone throught that I didn't eat enough. I trie


> eat every 2 hours (small meals) and I have always had a problem with


> That was the reason why I had the surgery. I try to find snacks that I


> eat that will not put weight on me. Do anyone have any ideals? I would


> thankful for any ideals anyone that have had the surgery around the length


> time as me or longer. I could use some help with this. I have a friend


> had the surgery but she has gain some of her weight back.This scares me.


> starting weight was 304 and now I weight 126. Looking forward from


> for someone.




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I agree on this. I too eat and drink this way. It serves me well (so it seems)

unless my carbs get up too high then the scale does weird things like move

north.... *sigh*.....



> My name is ,

> I had surgery 8/00. I am doing ok so far. I also had a tummy tuck in


> 2001 and was not happy with the way the dr. did it, so had it corrected in

> May of this yr. I still have some skin on my back hanging and the dr.


> that there was nothing he could do. I feel that there is. Does anyone


> there have the same problem? I also lately have had a problem with


> hungry within 2 hrs. Someone throught that I didn't eat enough. I trie


> eat every 2 hours (small meals) and I have always had a problem with


> That was the reason why I had the surgery. I try to find snacks that I


> eat that will not put weight on me. Do anyone have any ideals? I would


> thankful for any ideals anyone that have had the surgery around the length


> time as me or longer. I could use some help with this. I have a friend


> had the surgery but she has gain some of her weight back.This scares me.


> starting weight was 304 and now I weight 126. Looking forward from


> for someone.




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I agree on this. I too eat and drink this way. It serves me well (so it seems)

unless my carbs get up too high then the scale does weird things like move

north.... *sigh*.....



> My name is ,

> I had surgery 8/00. I am doing ok so far. I also had a tummy tuck in


> 2001 and was not happy with the way the dr. did it, so had it corrected in

> May of this yr. I still have some skin on my back hanging and the dr.


> that there was nothing he could do. I feel that there is. Does anyone


> there have the same problem? I also lately have had a problem with


> hungry within 2 hrs. Someone throught that I didn't eat enough. I trie


> eat every 2 hours (small meals) and I have always had a problem with


> That was the reason why I had the surgery. I try to find snacks that I


> eat that will not put weight on me. Do anyone have any ideals? I would


> thankful for any ideals anyone that have had the surgery around the length


> time as me or longer. I could use some help with this. I have a friend


> had the surgery but she has gain some of her weight back.This scares me.


> starting weight was 304 and now I weight 126. Looking forward from


> for someone.




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  • 2 weeks later...

> Welcome. I know how you feel- I have regained 20 pounds over the past

> year, and find myself struggling with food. It scars me. You didn't

> say how much you lost altogether, and how much you have regained. I

> think those are important

> numbers - many people have a regain (my surgeon told me from the

> beginning that I would regain 10% of my weight, and that is exactly

> what has happened - I had lost 200 pounds, and have regained 20 of

> them. If I were to stop now, I'd be happy. It's the scary thought

> that the regain won't stop that makes me crazy. Keep posting and let

> us know how you are doing.


RNY 12/22/99


wvscline wrote:

>I just found and joined your group and I hope I can find some

>information on why I am starting to gain weight again. I had my WLS

>in Jan. 2001 and lost down to a size 8. I am now gaining my weight

>back and I can't seem to stop. I work out 3 nights a week and I

>really do watch what I eat. I am so upset with me. I talked to my

>doctor and all he said was the body will level off and stay there

>but that is not happening to me. Have any of you experienced this

>same problem and what have you done to help. Thanks.




>Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


>Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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> Welcome. I know how you feel- I have regained 20 pounds over the past

> year, and find myself struggling with food. It scars me. You didn't

> say how much you lost altogether, and how much you have regained. I

> think those are important

> numbers - many people have a regain (my surgeon told me from the

> beginning that I would regain 10% of my weight, and that is exactly

> what has happened - I had lost 200 pounds, and have regained 20 of

> them. If I were to stop now, I'd be happy. It's the scary thought

> that the regain won't stop that makes me crazy. Keep posting and let

> us know how you are doing.


RNY 12/22/99


wvscline wrote:

>I just found and joined your group and I hope I can find some

>information on why I am starting to gain weight again. I had my WLS

>in Jan. 2001 and lost down to a size 8. I am now gaining my weight

>back and I can't seem to stop. I work out 3 nights a week and I

>really do watch what I eat. I am so upset with me. I talked to my

>doctor and all he said was the body will level off and stay there

>but that is not happening to me. Have any of you experienced this

>same problem and what have you done to help. Thanks.




>Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


>Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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I REFUSE to gain 10%!!!!!!!!..... I've gained 10# now since last Thursday

!!!!!!.... I'm fighting it tooth and nail!!!!!!..... I will NOT gain it

back..... I have to take it back off!.... Some how!!!!!!!.... *sigh*

RnY 8/27/02

St. 's Hospital, Toledo, Ohio

309# /147# / now 157#

Hernia Operation Scheduled 12/16/02

Re: Hello

> Welcome. I know how you feel- I have regained 20 pounds over the past

> year, and find myself struggling with food. It scars me. You didn't

> say how much you lost altogether, and how much you have regained. I

> think those are important

> numbers - many people have a regain (my surgeon told me from the

> beginning that I would regain 10% of my weight, and that is exactly

> what has happened - I had lost 200 pounds, and have regained 20 of

> them. If I were to stop now, I'd be happy. It's the scary thought

> that the regain won't stop that makes me crazy. Keep posting and let

> us know how you are doing.


RNY 12/22/99


wvscline wrote:

>I just found and joined your group and I hope I can find some

>information on why I am starting to gain weight again. I had my WLS

>in Jan. 2001 and lost down to a size 8. I am now gaining my weight

>back and I can't seem to stop. I work out 3 nights a week and I

>really do watch what I eat. I am so upset with me. I talked to my

>doctor and all he said was the body will level off and stay there

>but that is not happening to me. Have any of you experienced this

>same problem and what have you done to help. Thanks.




>Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


>Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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I REFUSE to gain 10%!!!!!!!!..... I've gained 10# now since last Thursday

!!!!!!.... I'm fighting it tooth and nail!!!!!!..... I will NOT gain it

back..... I have to take it back off!.... Some how!!!!!!!.... *sigh*

RnY 8/27/02

St. 's Hospital, Toledo, Ohio

309# /147# / now 157#

Hernia Operation Scheduled 12/16/02

Re: Hello

> Welcome. I know how you feel- I have regained 20 pounds over the past

> year, and find myself struggling with food. It scars me. You didn't

> say how much you lost altogether, and how much you have regained. I

> think those are important

> numbers - many people have a regain (my surgeon told me from the

> beginning that I would regain 10% of my weight, and that is exactly

> what has happened - I had lost 200 pounds, and have regained 20 of

> them. If I were to stop now, I'd be happy. It's the scary thought

> that the regain won't stop that makes me crazy. Keep posting and let

> us know how you are doing.


RNY 12/22/99


wvscline wrote:

>I just found and joined your group and I hope I can find some

>information on why I am starting to gain weight again. I had my WLS

>in Jan. 2001 and lost down to a size 8. I am now gaining my weight

>back and I can't seem to stop. I work out 3 nights a week and I

>really do watch what I eat. I am so upset with me. I talked to my

>doctor and all he said was the body will level off and stay there

>but that is not happening to me. Have any of you experienced this

>same problem and what have you done to help. Thanks.




>Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


>Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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In a message dated 10/27/2002 5:36:02 AM Pacific Standard Time,

bhopple@... writes:

> go on a diet... loose weight.. change my behavior, etc.... then all of a

> sudden the body starts putting it back on... *sigh*... depression sets in

> and weight goes back on with a vengeance. This was the cycle before the

> WLS.... now it is looking as though I may end up going through this same

> thing again???????.......

Betty, I have no advice whatsoever for you, just a frighteningly sympathetic

shoulder to cry on. I thought the answer was my thyroid, but after two

series of abnormal resorts, my full thyroid panel came back completely and

absolutely normal. In my quest to lose the last 15 - 20 lbs (which now

includes the 7 I regained), I initially lost 7 lbs., and now am watching in

horror as the weight hurls itself back onto my body. I have gained 5 lbs. in

a week - no, it's not my period it's not muscle gain, etc. etc. In one

little corner of my mind I am absolutely fascinated that my body can gain

weight on 1500 calories a day - which is exactly what it did pre-op. The

rest of my mind is screaming frantically.

Yesterday, I did what any other red-blooded American does when confronted

with this phenomena. I ate 20 little snack-sized candy bars. There, that'll

teach my body who's in charge!

Going to the gym now to do penance.....I'll be thinking of you Betty! You

can join my own private " going through heck " club which includes me and

Helene, and now you!! Woo Hoo!!


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In a message dated 10/27/2002 5:36:02 AM Pacific Standard Time,

bhopple@... writes:

> go on a diet... loose weight.. change my behavior, etc.... then all of a

> sudden the body starts putting it back on... *sigh*... depression sets in

> and weight goes back on with a vengeance. This was the cycle before the

> WLS.... now it is looking as though I may end up going through this same

> thing again???????.......

Betty, I have no advice whatsoever for you, just a frighteningly sympathetic

shoulder to cry on. I thought the answer was my thyroid, but after two

series of abnormal resorts, my full thyroid panel came back completely and

absolutely normal. In my quest to lose the last 15 - 20 lbs (which now

includes the 7 I regained), I initially lost 7 lbs., and now am watching in

horror as the weight hurls itself back onto my body. I have gained 5 lbs. in

a week - no, it's not my period it's not muscle gain, etc. etc. In one

little corner of my mind I am absolutely fascinated that my body can gain

weight on 1500 calories a day - which is exactly what it did pre-op. The

rest of my mind is screaming frantically.

Yesterday, I did what any other red-blooded American does when confronted

with this phenomena. I ate 20 little snack-sized candy bars. There, that'll

teach my body who's in charge!

Going to the gym now to do penance.....I'll be thinking of you Betty! You

can join my own private " going through heck " club which includes me and

Helene, and now you!! Woo Hoo!!


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Take a deep breath. What's going on with you - are you premenstrual?

Exercising more than usual? What's happening in the food department?

Let us try and help you.....


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Take a deep breath. What's going on with you - are you premenstrual?

Exercising more than usual? What's happening in the food department?

Let us try and help you.....


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Make that 5.....I was down 155 - now I am down about 145 or so....I have gone

back to the gym. I wonder if the extra calories in the shakes are a bad

thing (no screaming please). I have not yet hit the candy circuit - trying

to be good - really am pretty good. I had pizza for the first time in like 3

months on Monday - that has been my worst violation. Just want you to know

you are not alone.


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*one deep breath* I'm post-menopausal by about 10 years. Exercising 3 times a

week.... food department? No changes... other than trying a new protein

drink.... I'm open for suggestions....

My doctor just sent me for bloodwork.... if all comes back fine, is there

another thyroid test to take? I've always wondered about this.... this is

something that has gone on my entire life.....

go on a diet... loose weight.. change my behavior, etc.... then all of a sudden

the body starts putting it back on... *sigh*... depression sets in and weight

goes back on with a vengeance. This was the cycle before the WLS.... now it is

looking as though I may end up going through this same thing again???????.......

Hate this!!!!!!.... I refuse to let this thing NOT work!!!!!.... I've come too


Thank you....


RnY 8/27/02

St. 's Hospital, Toledo, Ohio

309# /147# / now 157#

Hernia Operation Scheduled 12/16/02

Re: Hello


Take a deep breath. What's going on with you - are you premenstrual?

Exercising more than usual? What's happening in the food department?

Let us try and help you.....


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*one deep breath* I'm post-menopausal by about 10 years. Exercising 3 times a

week.... food department? No changes... other than trying a new protein

drink.... I'm open for suggestions....

My doctor just sent me for bloodwork.... if all comes back fine, is there

another thyroid test to take? I've always wondered about this.... this is

something that has gone on my entire life.....

go on a diet... loose weight.. change my behavior, etc.... then all of a sudden

the body starts putting it back on... *sigh*... depression sets in and weight

goes back on with a vengeance. This was the cycle before the WLS.... now it is

looking as though I may end up going through this same thing again???????.......

Hate this!!!!!!.... I refuse to let this thing NOT work!!!!!.... I've come too


Thank you....


RnY 8/27/02

St. 's Hospital, Toledo, Ohio

309# /147# / now 157#

Hernia Operation Scheduled 12/16/02

Re: Hello


Take a deep breath. What's going on with you - are you premenstrual?

Exercising more than usual? What's happening in the food department?

Let us try and help you.....


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This is something hard to deal with. I haven't eaten any pizza or hit the candy

snack bars. But let me tell you it wouldn't take much more and I will be

looking harder at them! This is depressing!


Re: Hello

Make that 5.....I was down 155 - now I am down about 145 or so....I have gone

back to the gym. I wonder if the extra calories in the shakes are a bad

thing (no screaming please). I have not yet hit the candy circuit - trying

to be good - really am pretty good. I had pizza for the first time in like 3

months on Monday - that has been my worst violation. Just want you to know

you are not alone.


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This is something hard to deal with. I haven't eaten any pizza or hit the candy

snack bars. But let me tell you it wouldn't take much more and I will be

looking harder at them! This is depressing!


Re: Hello

Make that 5.....I was down 155 - now I am down about 145 or so....I have gone

back to the gym. I wonder if the extra calories in the shakes are a bad

thing (no screaming please). I have not yet hit the candy circuit - trying

to be good - really am pretty good. I had pizza for the first time in like 3

months on Monday - that has been my worst violation. Just want you to know

you are not alone.


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Wait a minute...let me get this straight. You were over 300 pounds

and now are 157 (10 pounds from a low) and you think you're getting

fat again?

Maybe that's just where your body is comfortable. Now if you gain 30

pounds and are still gaining, that's another thing.

If you are eating in a healthy fashion, exercising moderately and

know in your heart of hearts you are living well, then to hell with

the scale! It's about being healthy, and obsessing over numbers is

not healthy.

Having said that, I will commismerate because my last plateau started

giving me the heavie geevies a day or two before it FINALLY ended.

You can always keep a food diary for a week. Only 300 calories a

day, a couple of Costco samples, two cookies or a specialty coffee,

will add a pound a week.

Progress, not perfection. Just keep on the path, and get back on it

as quick as you can when you fall. It's the ones who say to heck

with it and lose sight who fail. I should know...I did it. But it's

not to late even for me.

Vicki A.

> In a message dated 10/27/2002 5:36:02 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> bhopple@t... writes:



> > go on a diet... loose weight.. change my behavior, etc.... then

all of a

> > sudden the body starts putting it back on... *sigh*... depression

sets in

> > and weight goes back on with a vengeance. This was the cycle

before the

> > WLS.... now it is looking as though I may end up going through

this same

> > thing again???????.......


> Betty, I have no advice whatsoever for you, just a frighteningly


> shoulder to cry on. I thought the answer was my thyroid, but after


> series of abnormal resorts, my full thyroid panel came back

completely and

> absolutely normal. In my quest to lose the last 15 - 20 lbs (which


> includes the 7 I regained), I initially lost 7 lbs., and now am

watching in

> horror as the weight hurls itself back onto my body. I have gained

5 lbs. in

> a week - no, it's not my period it's not muscle gain, etc. etc.

In one

> little corner of my mind I am absolutely fascinated that my body

can gain

> weight on 1500 calories a day - which is exactly what it did pre-

op. The

> rest of my mind is screaming frantically.


> Yesterday, I did what any other red-blooded American does when


> with this phenomena. I ate 20 little snack-sized candy bars.

There, that'll

> teach my body who's in charge!


> Going to the gym now to do penance.....I'll be thinking of you

Betty! You

> can join my own private " going through heck " club which includes me


> Helene, and now you!! Woo Hoo!!


> Kate




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We are the same height, and so I think I can ask this - maybe 125 is too

low a goal for you? When I hit 150, people started telling me I looked

terrible, and I was too thin. And you know what - I agree with them. I

was happy to be a size 8, but my face looked terrible. And my body was

not comfortable at that weight. I think I was meant to be between

160-165. I can't imagine what I would look like at 125 - it's too thin

for me. Now I know we're all different, but I have to suggest to you

that you may have a too low expectation. Did your surgeon agree to that

goal? All the material, and my surgeon, have said repeatedly that we

will never loose 100% of our excess weight after surgery. My surgeon

thought from the beginning that I would end up closer to 200 pounds (I

started at 350), so I am thrilled at my current size 10. I'd like to

lose back 5 of what I regained, but that's all. So I'm suggesting that

maybe you would find peace if you had a more realistic goal

weight......one that your body is comfortable with.


RNY 12/22/99


Betty wrote:

>no.... my goal is 125#..... haven't reach it yet. Now I'm gaining before

reaching goal and am alarmed because I don't want to wait until I've gained 20

or 30# to do something. I want to reach my goal weight. As it is my BMI is on

the edge now!.... any more weight and my BMI will be over limit (again!). I'm

only 5'5 " . I don't think I'm fat again... it's just I know I don't want to be

fat again and know that if I don't get a handle on this it will be back!


>Food diary? I do this daily! I show my Nutritionist my dairy every month when

I go in. I take it to show my doctor and took it to show my surgeon as well. I

take in under 1500 calories a day. Go figure.





> Re: Hello



> Wait a minute...let me get this straight. You were over 300 pounds

> and now are 157 (10 pounds from a low) and you think you're getting

> fat again?


> Maybe that's just where your body is comfortable. Now if you gain 30

> pounds and are still gaining, that's another thing.


> If you are eating in a healthy fashion, exercising moderately and

> know in your heart of hearts you are living well, then to hell with

> the scale! It's about being healthy, and obsessing over numbers is

> not healthy.


> Having said that, I will commismerate because my last plateau started

> giving me the heavie geevies a day or two before it FINALLY ended.


> You can always keep a food diary for a week. Only 300 calories a

> day, a couple of Costco samples, two cookies or a specialty coffee,

> will add a pound a week.


> Progress, not perfection. Just keep on the path, and get back on it

> as quick as you can when you fall. It's the ones who say to heck

> with it and lose sight who fail. I should know...I did it. But it's

> not to late even for me.


> Vicki A.





> > In a message dated 10/27/2002 5:36:02 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> > bhopple@t... writes:

> >

> >

> > > go on a diet... loose weight.. change my behavior, etc.... then

> all of a

> > > sudden the body starts putting it back on... *sigh*... depression

> sets in

> > > and weight goes back on with a vengeance. This was the cycle

> before the

> > > WLS.... now it is looking as though I may end up going through

> this same

> > > thing again???????.......

> >

> > Betty, I have no advice whatsoever for you, just a frighteningly

> sympathetic

> > shoulder to cry on. I thought the answer was my thyroid, but after

> two

> > series of abnormal resorts, my full thyroid panel came back

> completely and

> > absolutely normal. In my quest to lose the last 15 - 20 lbs (which

> now

> > includes the 7 I regained), I initially lost 7 lbs., and now am

> watching in

> > horror as the weight hurls itself back onto my body. I have gained

> 5 lbs. in

> > a week - no, it's not my period it's not muscle gain, etc. etc.

> In one

> > little corner of my mind I am absolutely fascinated that my body

> can gain

> > weight on 1500 calories a day - which is exactly what it did pre-

> op. The

> > rest of my mind is screaming frantically.

> >

> > Yesterday, I did what any other red-blooded American does when

> confronted

> > with this phenomena. I ate 20 little snack-sized candy bars.

> There, that'll

> > teach my body who's in charge!

> >

> > Going to the gym now to do penance.....I'll be thinking of you

> Betty! You

> > can join my own private " going through heck " club which includes me

> and

> > Helene, and now you!! Woo Hoo!!

> >

> > Kate

> >

> >

> >

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Oh, Betty, I never meant to make you feel defensive. I was just trying

to point out other reasons your body may not be losing - my theory is

wrong in your case, so best to just forget it. I know how frustrating

it is to be gaining, to not be able to lose, to not be feeling good

about your weight or your body - it's horrible and scary. So many of us

feel the same way. I wish I knew the answer - I just know for myself, I

keep fighting it, sometimes easier than others. Please keep posting -

it really helps so much.


Betty wrote:

>Might be fine for you. I WAS a size 8... and that's where I would like to

be... but I'm back up to size 14!!!!!!!.... now is that where I want to be??????


>Weight-wise... I was 28 years old when I became pregnant with my youngest

child... I weighed 122# and gained up to 135# until my 5th month and gained the

rest of the weight that I just had reduced with this surgery .... the doctor and

surgeon both agreed with me when I stated to them I wished to get back down to

125 - 135 #.... with my frame and arthritis this was not out of sight of reality

and health benefits. As a young adult (teen years to early 20's... I weighed

around 115 - 119# at the height of 5'7 1/2 " ... I lost height as well as gained

weight over the years) I was even thinner.... healthy but thinner.


>Sorry if my problem is not something everyone else thinks is a problem.... I

will shut up on this now....


>I feel like I am defending myself as I did before I had my surgery.... so I'm

sorry I brought it up... I'll go back to lurking.


>My apologies,


> Re: Hello

> >

> >

> > Wait a minute...let me get this straight. You were over 300 pounds

> > and now are 157 (10 pounds from a low) and you think you're getting

> > fat again?

> >

> > Maybe that's just where your body is comfortable. Now if you gain 30

> > pounds and are still gaining, that's another thing.

> >

> > If you are eating in a healthy fashion, exercising moderately and

> > know in your heart of hearts you are living well, then to hell with

> > the scale! It's about being healthy, and obsessing over numbers is

> > not healthy.

> >

> > Having said that, I will commismerate because my last plateau started

> > giving me the heavie geevies a day or two before it FINALLY ended.

> >

> > You can always keep a food diary for a week. Only 300 calories a

> > day, a couple of Costco samples, two cookies or a specialty coffee,

> > will add a pound a week.

> >

> > Progress, not perfection. Just keep on the path, and get back on it

> > as quick as you can when you fall. It's the ones who say to heck

> > with it and lose sight who fail. I should know...I did it. But it's

> > not to late even for me.

> >

> > Vicki A.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > In a message dated 10/27/2002 5:36:02 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> > > bhopple@t... writes:

> > >

> > >

> > > > go on a diet... loose weight.. change my behavior, etc.... then

> > all of a

> > > > sudden the body starts putting it back on... *sigh*... depression

> > sets in

> > > > and weight goes back on with a vengeance. This was the cycle

> > before the

> > > > WLS.... now it is looking as though I may end up going through

> > this same

> > > > thing again???????.......

> > >

> > > Betty, I have no advice whatsoever for you, just a frighteningly

> > sympathetic

> > > shoulder to cry on. I thought the answer was my thyroid, but after

> > two

> > > series of abnormal resorts, my full thyroid panel came back

> > completely and

> > > absolutely normal. In my quest to lose the last 15 - 20 lbs (which

> > now

> > > includes the 7 I regained), I initially lost 7 lbs., and now am

> > watching in

> > > horror as the weight hurls itself back onto my body. I have gained

> > 5 lbs. in

> > > a week - no, it's not my period it's not muscle gain, etc. etc.

> > In one

> > > little corner of my mind I am absolutely fascinated that my body

> > can gain

> > > weight on 1500 calories a day - which is exactly what it did pre-

> > op. The

> > > rest of my mind is screaming frantically.

> > >

> > > Yesterday, I did what any other red-blooded American does when

> > confronted

> > > with this phenomena. I ate 20 little snack-sized candy bars.

> > There, that'll

> > > teach my body who's in charge!

> > >

> > > Going to the gym now to do penance.....I'll be thinking of you

> > Betty! You

> > > can join my own private " going through heck " club which includes me

> > and

> > > Helene, and now you!! Woo Hoo!!

> > >

> > > Kate

> > >

> > >

> > >

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no.... my goal is 125#..... haven't reach it yet. Now I'm gaining before

reaching goal and am alarmed because I don't want to wait until I've gained 20

or 30# to do something. I want to reach my goal weight. As it is my BMI is on

the edge now!.... any more weight and my BMI will be over limit (again!). I'm

only 5'5 " . I don't think I'm fat again... it's just I know I don't want to be

fat again and know that if I don't get a handle on this it will be back!

Food diary? I do this daily! I show my Nutritionist my dairy every month when

I go in. I take it to show my doctor and took it to show my surgeon as well. I

take in under 1500 calories a day. Go figure.


Re: Hello

Wait a minute...let me get this straight. You were over 300 pounds

and now are 157 (10 pounds from a low) and you think you're getting

fat again?

Maybe that's just where your body is comfortable. Now if you gain 30

pounds and are still gaining, that's another thing.

If you are eating in a healthy fashion, exercising moderately and

know in your heart of hearts you are living well, then to hell with

the scale! It's about being healthy, and obsessing over numbers is

not healthy.

Having said that, I will commismerate because my last plateau started

giving me the heavie geevies a day or two before it FINALLY ended.

You can always keep a food diary for a week. Only 300 calories a

day, a couple of Costco samples, two cookies or a specialty coffee,

will add a pound a week.

Progress, not perfection. Just keep on the path, and get back on it

as quick as you can when you fall. It's the ones who say to heck

with it and lose sight who fail. I should know...I did it. But it's

not to late even for me.

Vicki A.

> In a message dated 10/27/2002 5:36:02 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> bhopple@t... writes:



> > go on a diet... loose weight.. change my behavior, etc.... then

all of a

> > sudden the body starts putting it back on... *sigh*... depression

sets in

> > and weight goes back on with a vengeance. This was the cycle

before the

> > WLS.... now it is looking as though I may end up going through

this same

> > thing again???????.......


> Betty, I have no advice whatsoever for you, just a frighteningly


> shoulder to cry on. I thought the answer was my thyroid, but after


> series of abnormal resorts, my full thyroid panel came back

completely and

> absolutely normal. In my quest to lose the last 15 - 20 lbs (which


> includes the 7 I regained), I initially lost 7 lbs., and now am

watching in

> horror as the weight hurls itself back onto my body. I have gained

5 lbs. in

> a week - no, it's not my period it's not muscle gain, etc. etc.

In one

> little corner of my mind I am absolutely fascinated that my body

can gain

> weight on 1500 calories a day - which is exactly what it did pre-

op. The

> rest of my mind is screaming frantically.


> Yesterday, I did what any other red-blooded American does when


> with this phenomena. I ate 20 little snack-sized candy bars.

There, that'll

> teach my body who's in charge!


> Going to the gym now to do penance.....I'll be thinking of you

Betty! You

> can join my own private " going through heck " club which includes me


> Helene, and now you!! Woo Hoo!!


> Kate




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You know - I must agree here. Although I am only 5'1 " My body really seems to

want to be in the 150 - 160 range. That leaves me as a sm/md on top and a 12 or

14 on the bottom (depending on how something is cut). My low was about 143 -

that was post tummy tuck where I only drank shakes for two weeks because I

didn't want to poop (LOL!). I think that was a false low for me. I looked

great - I was in a size 8 or 10. However my face did have that nasty gaunt

look. What I truly need to get to where I want to be size wise is my butt &

thighs done - however I don't have the $$$ or the time off as I am at a new job.

Patience. I strive to be happy with normalcy.


" Betty " bhopple@...> wrote:

>I agree with this, you are correct in this (in my opinion)... thank you...




>RnY 8/27/01

>Hernia Op 12/16/02

>309/147/NOW 158 (and climbing)

>   Re: Re: Hello



>  Betty: I believe normal is different for each of us.  Most of us who were

obese all of our lives feel good at a higher weight.  Those that had been thin

ca nnot possibly feel comfortable at a higher weight.  But the bottom line is,

if you are healthy at 125, be 125.  if you are healthy at 200, be 200. Please

feel free to copy & past to board.  My posts are not showing.  Fay Bayuk 30

0/183 10/23/01



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> Might be fine for you. I WAS a size 8... and that's where I would

like to be... but I'm back up to size 14!!!!!!!.... now is that where

I want to be??????


> Sorry if my problem is not something everyone else thinks is a

problem.... I will shut up on this now....


> I feel like I am defending myself as I did before I had my

surgery.... so I'm sorry I brought it up... I'll go back to lurking.


No need to apologize or return to lurking! I'm where you are in alot

of ways.

I can so relate. You are not alone. I am 5'8 " and I reached 125 and

stayed there for about 14 months. Then, right at 2 years out I

gained. Bang. Up to 145, like, overnight. I beat it back with a stick

and now range between 130-135. Sometimes it creeps up closer to 140.

I liked being smaller much better. I don't know if I can sustain it,

but I sure want to try. It is an issue that is real; we all have

different body types and carry weight differently. Even though I am

tall, I have very small bones (such a surprise to find them under all

that fat!) and looked fine at 125. I look OK at 135 too, but I really

loved being so small.

We all have to determine what is right for each of us and learn to

honor each other's choices. I think Helene was trying to tell you

about her own journey and what has worked for her. But I appreciate

your response and what you are dealing with also. Hang in there!



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Might be fine for you. I WAS a size 8... and that's where I would like to be...

but I'm back up to size 14!!!!!!!.... now is that where I want to be??????

Weight-wise... I was 28 years old when I became pregnant with my youngest

child... I weighed 122# and gained up to 135# until my 5th month and gained the

rest of the weight that I just had reduced with this surgery .... the doctor and

surgeon both agreed with me when I stated to them I wished to get back down to

125 - 135 #.... with my frame and arthritis this was not out of sight of reality

and health benefits. As a young adult (teen years to early 20's... I weighed

around 115 - 119# at the height of 5'7 1/2 " ... I lost height as well as gained

weight over the years) I was even thinner.... healthy but thinner.

Sorry if my problem is not something everyone else thinks is a problem.... I

will shut up on this now....

I feel like I am defending myself as I did before I had my surgery.... so I'm

sorry I brought it up... I'll go back to lurking.

My apologies,


Re: Hello



> Wait a minute...let me get this straight. You were over 300 pounds

> and now are 157 (10 pounds from a low) and you think you're getting

> fat again?


> Maybe that's just where your body is comfortable. Now if you gain 30

> pounds and are still gaining, that's another thing.


> If you are eating in a healthy fashion, exercising moderately and

> know in your heart of hearts you are living well, then to hell with

> the scale! It's about being healthy, and obsessing over numbers is

> not healthy.


> Having said that, I will commismerate because my last plateau started

> giving me the heavie geevies a day or two before it FINALLY ended.


> You can always keep a food diary for a week. Only 300 calories a

> day, a couple of Costco samples, two cookies or a specialty coffee,

> will add a pound a week.


> Progress, not perfection. Just keep on the path, and get back on it

> as quick as you can when you fall. It's the ones who say to heck

> with it and lose sight who fail. I should know...I did it. But it's

> not to late even for me.


> Vicki A.





> > In a message dated 10/27/2002 5:36:02 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> > bhopple@t... writes:

> >

> >

> > > go on a diet... loose weight.. change my behavior, etc.... then

> all of a

> > > sudden the body starts putting it back on... *sigh*... depression

> sets in

> > > and weight goes back on with a vengeance. This was the cycle

> before the

> > > WLS.... now it is looking as though I may end up going through

> this same

> > > thing again???????.......

> >

> > Betty, I have no advice whatsoever for you, just a frighteningly

> sympathetic

> > shoulder to cry on. I thought the answer was my thyroid, but after

> two

> > series of abnormal resorts, my full thyroid panel came back

> completely and

> > absolutely normal. In my quest to lose the last 15 - 20 lbs (which

> now

> > includes the 7 I regained), I initially lost 7 lbs., and now am

> watching in

> > horror as the weight hurls itself back onto my body. I have gained

> 5 lbs. in

> > a week - no, it's not my period it's not muscle gain, etc. etc.

> In one

> > little corner of my mind I am absolutely fascinated that my body

> can gain

> > weight on 1500 calories a day - which is exactly what it did pre-

> op. The

> > rest of my mind is screaming frantically.

> >

> > Yesterday, I did what any other red-blooded American does when

> confronted

> > with this phenomena. I ate 20 little snack-sized candy bars.

> There, that'll

> > teach my body who's in charge!

> >

> > Going to the gym now to do penance.....I'll be thinking of you

> Betty! You

> > can join my own private " going through heck " club which includes me

> and

> > Helene, and now you!! Woo Hoo!!

> >

> > Kate

> >

> >

> >

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I agree with this, you are correct in this (in my opinion)... thank you...


RnY 8/27/01

Hernia Op 12/16/02

309/147/NOW 158 (and climbing)

Re: Re: Hello

Betty: I believe normal is different for each of us. Most of us who were

obese all of our lives feel good at a higher weight. Those that had been thin

ca nnot possibly feel comfortable at a higher weight. But the bottom line is,

if you are healthy at 125, be 125. if you are healthy at 200, be 200. Please

feel free to copy & past to board. My posts are not showing. Fay Bayuk 30

0/183 10/23/01

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