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Re: Pain in arms and legs

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A few years ago I had an abcessed tooth that was soooo painful.

Tylenol wasn't touching it so my Dr called in a script for

hydrocodone as they couldn't see me right away. I took one of those

and within 5 minutes felt no pain. If I ever need a strong pain

killer again that would be my choice.



> >

> > I've had better luck with a couple of women pyschologists. But


> > just me tho it's nice for you that you found a really helpful

> > psychiatrist. I wouldn't mind having a counselor now tho too. But

> > can't afford one right now, tho they're available & have been

> > recommended by my doctors. I have a new friend that's a Ph.D.

> > psychologist...lucky me...she's been helping me work out some


> > lately tho for which I'm thankful. I'm helping her too since I'm


> > astrological/misterial counselor for which she's grateful as

well. So

> > that's enough for now. I'm not all that depressed that I'm

suicidal or

> > anything like that. Just needing more friends & interaction with


> > humans, mostly of like mind & /or my family, none of whom live


> > me anymore which makes me sad.

> >

> > I never heard that about whiplash victims. It makes sense to me


> > I've had a few of those in my life too. So I guess I'm not far


> > about the accident(s) I've had causing thyroid problems. I think


> > being an adult & getting chiropractic tho, it's helped that a


> > Seems I have an accident annually at least. Clumsy me. Some car

> > accidents too, a couple of small ones were my fault, others not.

> >

> > Antibodies for Hashimoto's? Never heard of that dis-ease until I


> > onto this egroup. So no, I haven't. Prolly another reason I need


> > good thyroid doctor or Endo who might think to test for that. I


> > my talking & thinking isn't all that bad most days. Some days I'm


> > more numb & dumb tho & have more pain & depression too. It runs


> > cycles it seems. As of yesterday I seem to be on a " up " cycle for

> > which I'm grateful.

> >

> > Dr. wrote a Rx for Motrin cuz it's often cheaper that way if my

> > Medicare Plus ins. pays for most of it. But I ended up buying a

> > smaller bottle off the shelf to test it on myself first. Doubt


> > get the Rx filled. I'm switching to Alleve instead as advised by


> > sister who told me what the difference was between them, which


> > now forgotten. Expect that Motrin causes more stomach problems &


> > stomach's been bothering me a lot since I've been on it,

especially at

> > night. So I'll take Alleve from now on & see if that works. It's

> > mostly for inflammation...doesn't touch the pain.

> >

> > I use other Rx pills for pain cuz " shelf " pills such as Alleve,

> > Motrin, Tylenol, etc. never worked for my level of pain. I've


> > Darvocet (works if the pain isn't too bad) or Vicodin (doesn't

work) &

> > now Tramadol (works but makes me sleepy). I never tried Percocet,

> > hasn't that got codeine in it? I'm allergic to codeine. I'm


> > & /or chemically sensitive to a number of Rx meds. Never tried

> > oxycontin but heard it's great.

> > Caroline

> > Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

> >

> >

> > from my experience, good psychiatrists, like all good doctors,


> > hard

> > to find. but when you do find a great one, they can work

wonders for

> > your mental health and the quality of your life. i've only

seen one

> > great one and he's in santa monica, and came highly recommended

by my

> > therapist.

> > they say whiplash victims sometimes get a thyroid condition


> > damage

> > to the thyroid tissue during an accident. it's possible your


> > injury might have caused this. but have you been tested for

> > antibodies

> > to see if it's hashimoto's?

> > anyway, you seem to talk and think right to me.

> > why do you need a rx for motrin, isn't that available off the

> > shelves?

> > does it help at all? my pains haven't been helped at all by the

> > stronger drugs like vicodin and percocet. only oxycontin

> > helped.baron

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I doubt your mom thinks you're stupid. More like she's really stubborn & set in

her ways & doesn't want to make changes. That's often painful too...to grow &

change. Also it's not her health that isn't worth much to her, it's low self

esteem & low self-worth, I'd wager.

I'm feeling like that more & more myself especially since my husband died, my

kids & grandkids don't need me anymore & now I'm alone & isolated so much. I

feel so useless in the world, so lacking in worth & more progressively so. So

I've gradually been neglecting myself & health needs more & more the past few

years. Just not trying as hard. Why bother? Nothing's working over the long


I can see this happening & keep promising myself to do better & make lists of

daily things to do for health's sake. I do well for a day or so, then quit again

because it's hurting too much or nothing much has changed no matter what I do.

And I have to do all this stuff all alone all the time which is just plain

boring & lonely. So it's very discouraging. I mean why keep trying when

nothing's working & I'm getting worse anyway & then doctors aren't cooperating

or are clueless themselves? But I don't seem to have the will power or

motivation or whatever it takes to stop neglecting myself anymore. Might be your

mother's problem.

Maybe it's about just getting old, maybe not. My sister's almost 2 years older

at 69 than me & she's not this way at all. She's an extremely active motivated

senior with her husband, nearby family, friends, social life, neighborhood,

daily aerobic exercises with others or walking or swimming or golf, traveling &

running her home like a hotel/restaurant for friends & family regularly. I

believe she thinks I'm lazy since I don't care to do much for myself anymore

healthwise as much as I used to. I also haven't anywhere near the resources she

has, money included, let alone a healthy, active, loving, husband, family-man

like she has. She's also had a nose job, face lift & still gets her hair colored

& permanented at the salon. I can't afford that anymore. Maybe I am lazy. But

I've never had a lazy bone in my body all my life, pain or not, so I doubt

that's it at all. I just flat out refuse to work that hard anymore, specially in

the pain I've been in.

I don't know how old you are or your mom is but I know my 40yo daughter who's

studying to be a personal trainer would be on my case 24/7 if she knew how bad I

am these days at taking care of myself, including not eating the way I " should "

or exercising anymore. She was here for a visit 2 weeks ago & my hair is now

totally grey which was colored last time she saw me 2 l/2 years ago. She offered

to pay for hair coloring visits at the salon of all things. Like that's going to

cure me. She thinks my having grey hair is making me old, tired & lacking more

of a will-to-live. She doesn't know the half of it. And if I try to explain, she

just ignores it all & focuses on the grey hair only. Go figure!!

Your mom sounds uneducated so is ignorant of what her bodily needs are,

including her thyroid dysfunction & doesn't care to educate herself apparently.

It's too much trouble to do that for some people, I've learned. The old ways are

such comfortable ruts to be in after all.

What are B-C powders? Well she's got a job to go to every day anyway. That's

ambitious when she's in pain. I couldn't work at all anymore. Strange she's

fixated on your brother's health & not her own tho. How is she about your


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

Caroline, my mom is very complex personality. One that I've tried to steer

clear of most of my adult life. She actually depresses me terribly. I

personally think she's the most depressed person I've ever had the pleasure of

knowing. Maybe it's in her chemistry, maybe it's because she's not getting what

her body needs to function properly. If I knew the answers, I'd fix her and

she'd be doing much better.

Somewhere in her mind she doesn't think her health is worth much apparently,

or she's too old to be concerned with feeling well, or else she thinks I'm

completely stupid? For all I know, she may think I'm trying to get rid of her

by offering her the Armour? She does not understand thyroid issues, and has no

concept that during this time when she's having so much trouble, and that one

pill helped her so immensely that continuing with it and not increasing rapidly

could actually solve a lot of issues for her as it did? I have no clue. No

possible way to know. I am almost thinking that she's happy with the way

things are. She can get up, take 2 B-C powders, for the aches and pains, and

trudge on off to work, and then get home and collapse in her lift chair. I have

no idea how many of these things she takes daily, but getting her to go to a dr,

absolutely no way. She is concerned about my brothers recent heart attack,

nothing else. Before his heart attack, I don't know what she concentrated on,

but it certainly isn't her health.

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I doubt your mom thinks you're stupid. More like she's really stubborn & set in

her ways & doesn't want to make changes. That's often painful too...to grow &

change. Also it's not her health that isn't worth much to her, it's low self

esteem & low self-worth, I'd wager.

I'm feeling like that more & more myself especially since my husband died, my

kids & grandkids don't need me anymore & now I'm alone & isolated so much. I

feel so useless in the world, so lacking in worth & more progressively so. So

I've gradually been neglecting myself & health needs more & more the past few

years. Just not trying as hard. Why bother? Nothing's working over the long


I can see this happening & keep promising myself to do better & make lists of

daily things to do for health's sake. I do well for a day or so, then quit again

because it's hurting too much or nothing much has changed no matter what I do.

And I have to do all this stuff all alone all the time which is just plain

boring & lonely. So it's very discouraging. I mean why keep trying when

nothing's working & I'm getting worse anyway & then doctors aren't cooperating

or are clueless themselves? But I don't seem to have the will power or

motivation or whatever it takes to stop neglecting myself anymore. Might be your

mother's problem.

Maybe it's about just getting old, maybe not. My sister's almost 2 years older

at 69 than me & she's not this way at all. She's an extremely active motivated

senior with her husband, nearby family, friends, social life, neighborhood,

daily aerobic exercises with others or walking or swimming or golf, traveling &

running her home like a hotel/restaurant for friends & family regularly. I

believe she thinks I'm lazy since I don't care to do much for myself anymore

healthwise as much as I used to. I also haven't anywhere near the resources she

has, money included, let alone a healthy, active, loving, husband, family-man

like she has. She's also had a nose job, face lift & still gets her hair colored

& permanented at the salon. I can't afford that anymore. Maybe I am lazy. But

I've never had a lazy bone in my body all my life, pain or not, so I doubt

that's it at all. I just flat out refuse to work that hard anymore, specially in

the pain I've been in.

I don't know how old you are or your mom is but I know my 40yo daughter who's

studying to be a personal trainer would be on my case 24/7 if she knew how bad I

am these days at taking care of myself, including not eating the way I " should "

or exercising anymore. She was here for a visit 2 weeks ago & my hair is now

totally grey which was colored last time she saw me 2 l/2 years ago. She offered

to pay for hair coloring visits at the salon of all things. Like that's going to

cure me. She thinks my having grey hair is making me old, tired & lacking more

of a will-to-live. She doesn't know the half of it. And if I try to explain, she

just ignores it all & focuses on the grey hair only. Go figure!!

Your mom sounds uneducated so is ignorant of what her bodily needs are,

including her thyroid dysfunction & doesn't care to educate herself apparently.

It's too much trouble to do that for some people, I've learned. The old ways are

such comfortable ruts to be in after all.

What are B-C powders? Well she's got a job to go to every day anyway. That's

ambitious when she's in pain. I couldn't work at all anymore. Strange she's

fixated on your brother's health & not her own tho. How is she about your


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

Caroline, my mom is very complex personality. One that I've tried to steer

clear of most of my adult life. She actually depresses me terribly. I

personally think she's the most depressed person I've ever had the pleasure of

knowing. Maybe it's in her chemistry, maybe it's because she's not getting what

her body needs to function properly. If I knew the answers, I'd fix her and

she'd be doing much better.

Somewhere in her mind she doesn't think her health is worth much apparently,

or she's too old to be concerned with feeling well, or else she thinks I'm

completely stupid? For all I know, she may think I'm trying to get rid of her

by offering her the Armour? She does not understand thyroid issues, and has no

concept that during this time when she's having so much trouble, and that one

pill helped her so immensely that continuing with it and not increasing rapidly

could actually solve a lot of issues for her as it did? I have no clue. No

possible way to know. I am almost thinking that she's happy with the way

things are. She can get up, take 2 B-C powders, for the aches and pains, and

trudge on off to work, and then get home and collapse in her lift chair. I have

no idea how many of these things she takes daily, but getting her to go to a dr,

absolutely no way. She is concerned about my brothers recent heart attack,

nothing else. Before his heart attack, I don't know what she concentrated on,

but it certainly isn't her health.

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I doubt your mom thinks you're stupid. More like she's really stubborn & set in

her ways & doesn't want to make changes. That's often painful too...to grow &

change. Also it's not her health that isn't worth much to her, it's low self

esteem & low self-worth, I'd wager.

I'm feeling like that more & more myself especially since my husband died, my

kids & grandkids don't need me anymore & now I'm alone & isolated so much. I

feel so useless in the world, so lacking in worth & more progressively so. So

I've gradually been neglecting myself & health needs more & more the past few

years. Just not trying as hard. Why bother? Nothing's working over the long


I can see this happening & keep promising myself to do better & make lists of

daily things to do for health's sake. I do well for a day or so, then quit again

because it's hurting too much or nothing much has changed no matter what I do.

And I have to do all this stuff all alone all the time which is just plain

boring & lonely. So it's very discouraging. I mean why keep trying when

nothing's working & I'm getting worse anyway & then doctors aren't cooperating

or are clueless themselves? But I don't seem to have the will power or

motivation or whatever it takes to stop neglecting myself anymore. Might be your

mother's problem.

Maybe it's about just getting old, maybe not. My sister's almost 2 years older

at 69 than me & she's not this way at all. She's an extremely active motivated

senior with her husband, nearby family, friends, social life, neighborhood,

daily aerobic exercises with others or walking or swimming or golf, traveling &

running her home like a hotel/restaurant for friends & family regularly. I

believe she thinks I'm lazy since I don't care to do much for myself anymore

healthwise as much as I used to. I also haven't anywhere near the resources she

has, money included, let alone a healthy, active, loving, husband, family-man

like she has. She's also had a nose job, face lift & still gets her hair colored

& permanented at the salon. I can't afford that anymore. Maybe I am lazy. But

I've never had a lazy bone in my body all my life, pain or not, so I doubt

that's it at all. I just flat out refuse to work that hard anymore, specially in

the pain I've been in.

I don't know how old you are or your mom is but I know my 40yo daughter who's

studying to be a personal trainer would be on my case 24/7 if she knew how bad I

am these days at taking care of myself, including not eating the way I " should "

or exercising anymore. She was here for a visit 2 weeks ago & my hair is now

totally grey which was colored last time she saw me 2 l/2 years ago. She offered

to pay for hair coloring visits at the salon of all things. Like that's going to

cure me. She thinks my having grey hair is making me old, tired & lacking more

of a will-to-live. She doesn't know the half of it. And if I try to explain, she

just ignores it all & focuses on the grey hair only. Go figure!!

Your mom sounds uneducated so is ignorant of what her bodily needs are,

including her thyroid dysfunction & doesn't care to educate herself apparently.

It's too much trouble to do that for some people, I've learned. The old ways are

such comfortable ruts to be in after all.

What are B-C powders? Well she's got a job to go to every day anyway. That's

ambitious when she's in pain. I couldn't work at all anymore. Strange she's

fixated on your brother's health & not her own tho. How is she about your


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

Caroline, my mom is very complex personality. One that I've tried to steer

clear of most of my adult life. She actually depresses me terribly. I

personally think she's the most depressed person I've ever had the pleasure of

knowing. Maybe it's in her chemistry, maybe it's because she's not getting what

her body needs to function properly. If I knew the answers, I'd fix her and

she'd be doing much better.

Somewhere in her mind she doesn't think her health is worth much apparently,

or she's too old to be concerned with feeling well, or else she thinks I'm

completely stupid? For all I know, she may think I'm trying to get rid of her

by offering her the Armour? She does not understand thyroid issues, and has no

concept that during this time when she's having so much trouble, and that one

pill helped her so immensely that continuing with it and not increasing rapidly

could actually solve a lot of issues for her as it did? I have no clue. No

possible way to know. I am almost thinking that she's happy with the way

things are. She can get up, take 2 B-C powders, for the aches and pains, and

trudge on off to work, and then get home and collapse in her lift chair. I have

no idea how many of these things she takes daily, but getting her to go to a dr,

absolutely no way. She is concerned about my brothers recent heart attack,

nothing else. Before his heart attack, I don't know what she concentrated on,

but it certainly isn't her health.

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Hydrocodone is Darvocet. That's the only thing that helped my pain for 40 years.

Of course I didn't take it every day for that many years. But off & on for that

long....mostly off for many years tho. I've been using it nearly every day now

for about 5 years.Mostly once or twice a day only. But more often as necessary

when the pain is really bad, sometimes two at a time. But I hate taking that

much tho just can't stand it otherwise. It takes about 45 min to an hour for it

take effect for me anymore tho. Wish it were 5 minutes. It actually helps the

depression too, kind of uplifts my spirits. Prolly because it relieves the pain.

That would lift anyone's spirits.

Re: Pain in arms and legs

A few years ago I had an abcessed tooth that was soooo painful.

Tylenol wasn't touching it so my Dr called in a script for

hydrocodone as they couldn't see me right away. I took one of those

and within 5 minutes felt no pain. If I ever need a strong pain

killer again that would be my choice.


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Hydrocodone is Darvocet. That's the only thing that helped my pain for 40 years.

Of course I didn't take it every day for that many years. But off & on for that

long....mostly off for many years tho. I've been using it nearly every day now

for about 5 years.Mostly once or twice a day only. But more often as necessary

when the pain is really bad, sometimes two at a time. But I hate taking that

much tho just can't stand it otherwise. It takes about 45 min to an hour for it

take effect for me anymore tho. Wish it were 5 minutes. It actually helps the

depression too, kind of uplifts my spirits. Prolly because it relieves the pain.

That would lift anyone's spirits.

Re: Pain in arms and legs

A few years ago I had an abcessed tooth that was soooo painful.

Tylenol wasn't touching it so my Dr called in a script for

hydrocodone as they couldn't see me right away. I took one of those

and within 5 minutes felt no pain. If I ever need a strong pain

killer again that would be my choice.


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Hydrocodone is Darvocet. That's the only thing that helped my pain for 40 years.

Of course I didn't take it every day for that many years. But off & on for that

long....mostly off for many years tho. I've been using it nearly every day now

for about 5 years.Mostly once or twice a day only. But more often as necessary

when the pain is really bad, sometimes two at a time. But I hate taking that

much tho just can't stand it otherwise. It takes about 45 min to an hour for it

take effect for me anymore tho. Wish it were 5 minutes. It actually helps the

depression too, kind of uplifts my spirits. Prolly because it relieves the pain.

That would lift anyone's spirits.

Re: Pain in arms and legs

A few years ago I had an abcessed tooth that was soooo painful.

Tylenol wasn't touching it so my Dr called in a script for

hydrocodone as they couldn't see me right away. I took one of those

and within 5 minutes felt no pain. If I ever need a strong pain

killer again that would be my choice.


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In a message dated 10/16/2004 10:00:01 AM Eastern Standard Time,

marin@... writes:

> Exactly. And, from person to person, the damages may be different. Some

> people are already stronger in some areas of their bodies, and may not have

> developed particular damages for a much longer time than other persons.


yes. yes. yes. I think this is one of the perplexing things about thyroid

disease...the deficiency affects each person differently it seems. my weak

points are skin, digestive, lung, and mental symptoms...when I am stressed...or

the hormone runs out that day for some reason...these are the first areas that

are going to be affected because those are my most vulnerable areas.


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My understanding from a diabetic friend is that B12 must be ingested

sublinguilly or it doesn't work otherwise. Your comments?

Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

Yes, and the scary part about folic acid or b12 deficiency is that you can

have this deficiency for 20 yrs or so, and it may not manifest on the red

blood cell counts until it is at a grave point, which means that it has to

be acted on FAST. The elderly are even MUCH more likely to have these

anemias than younger people.

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My understanding from a diabetic friend is that B12 must be ingested

sublinguilly or it doesn't work otherwise. Your comments?

Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

Yes, and the scary part about folic acid or b12 deficiency is that you can

have this deficiency for 20 yrs or so, and it may not manifest on the red

blood cell counts until it is at a grave point, which means that it has to

be acted on FAST. The elderly are even MUCH more likely to have these

anemias than younger people.

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My understanding from a diabetic friend is that B12 must be ingested

sublinguilly or it doesn't work otherwise. Your comments?

Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

Yes, and the scary part about folic acid or b12 deficiency is that you can

have this deficiency for 20 yrs or so, and it may not manifest on the red

blood cell counts until it is at a grave point, which means that it has to

be acted on FAST. The elderly are even MUCH more likely to have these

anemias than younger people.

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I've definitely got permanent damage. Doubt it can ever be reversed either,


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

Exactly. And, from person to person, the damages may be different. Some

people are already stronger in some areas of their bodies, and may not have

developed particular damages for a much longer time than other persons.

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I've definitely got permanent damage. Doubt it can ever be reversed either,


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

Exactly. And, from person to person, the damages may be different. Some

people are already stronger in some areas of their bodies, and may not have

developed particular damages for a much longer time than other persons.

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I've definitely got permanent damage. Doubt it can ever be reversed either,


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

Exactly. And, from person to person, the damages may be different. Some

people are already stronger in some areas of their bodies, and may not have

developed particular damages for a much longer time than other persons.

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