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Re: Pain in arms and legs

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On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 18:15:28 -0700

baron chat wrote:

> i have found my feet no longer fit well into my shoes, which


> become awfully tight for me. i do not know if that is the fluid

> retention or the other kind of weight gain. while i do not consider

> habits or lifestyle to be permanent damage, i know what you mean. i

> spend most of my days at home, on the couch or in bed, wracked in

> constant, severe chronic pain. i think that probably exempts me


> being someone who is getting off light. :)


> b


I was just looking at this baron, and this describes my mom. Her

feet and her legs are just so swollen. She and I used to wear the same

size shoes, and we no longer do. I've noticed an increase in my feet

size too, and it's in width and thickness. I noticed my mom's legs

and feet the other night when I stopped to visit with her and my

brother, and geeze, she's really got some swollen legs and feet.

I had gotten her to try the Armour, then she decided that my brother

was smarter than I was, and she stopped taking it. She's always had

lots of aches and pains too, so this concerns me. I just can't seem

to get through to her. She is not in the least bit interested in

doing anything for herself. But then, she's always thought it was her

job to take care of the world, while leaving her own health issues to

subside or worsen. sigh.

I know right now all she has on her mind is my brother, so it's not

going to do me any good to talk to her about anything pertaining to

thyroid, but she is sure suffering without it.




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Thx muchly, baron.

Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

great, i think the list covers practicing docs in the entire state, and

there has got to be someone in your area. i'll look tomorrow.

the wilson's thyroid syndrome list is free, however.


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Thx muchly, baron.

Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

great, i think the list covers practicing docs in the entire state, and

there has got to be someone in your area. i'll look tomorrow.

the wilson's thyroid syndrome list is free, however.


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I think it is time for me to go for my dexascan again. I do have

osteopenia. Maybe my body is trying to tell me something.



> My knees were so bad and my wrists and thumbs that the x-rays, yes,


> showed sever osteo. I was unable to walk up stairs. Now I am back to

> exercising. I could not use scissors and open even the already

opened face

> cream jar. Now my hands have no pain at all and the knees are pretty


> for supporting an old fat broad!


> >From: " Caroline Pollak " <MamaMaha@M...>

> >Reply-To: NaturalThyroidHormones

> >To: <NaturalThyroidHormones >

> >Subject: Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

> >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 20:57:24 -0700These symptoms sound just like

mine. I

> >thought it was just aging & my 40 years of spinal


> >Or that's what the doctors have been telling me anyway.



> >





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I've had better luck with a couple of women pyschologists. But that's just me

tho it's nice for you that you found a really helpful psychiatrist. I wouldn't

mind having a counselor now tho too. But can't afford one right now, tho they're

available & have been recommended by my doctors. I have a new friend that's a

Ph.D. psychologist...lucky me...she's been helping me work out some things

lately tho for which I'm thankful. I'm helping her too since I'm an

astrological/misterial counselor for which she's grateful as well. So that's

enough for now. I'm not all that depressed that I'm suicidal or anything like

that. Just needing more friends & interaction with other humans, mostly of like

mind & /or my family, none of whom live nearby me anymore which makes me sad.

I never heard that about whiplash victims. It makes sense to me tho. I've had a

few of those in my life too. So I guess I'm not far wrong about the accident(s)

I've had causing thyroid problems. I think since being an adult & getting

chiropractic tho, it's helped that a lot. Seems I have an accident annually at

least. Clumsy me. Some car accidents too, a couple of small ones were my fault,

others not.

Antibodies for Hashimoto's? Never heard of that dis-ease until I got onto this

egroup. So no, I haven't. Prolly another reason I need a good thyroid doctor or

Endo who might think to test for that. I agree my talking & thinking isn't all

that bad most days. Some days I'm way more numb & dumb tho & have more pain &

depression too. It runs in cycles it seems. As of yesterday I seem to be on a

" up " cycle for which I'm grateful.

Dr. wrote a Rx for Motrin cuz it's often cheaper that way if my Medicare Plus

ins. pays for most of it. But I ended up buying a smaller bottle off the shelf

to test it on myself first. Doubt I'll get the Rx filled. I'm switching to

Alleve instead as advised by my sister who told me what the difference was

between them, which I've now forgotten. Expect that Motrin causes more stomach

problems & my stomach's been bothering me a lot since I've been on it,

especially at night. So I'll take Alleve from now on & see if that works. It's

mostly for inflammation...doesn't touch the pain.

I use other Rx pills for pain cuz " shelf " pills such as Alleve, Motrin, Tylenol,

etc. never worked for my level of pain. I've needed Darvocet (works if the pain

isn't too bad) or Vicodin (doesn't work) & now Tramadol (works but makes me

sleepy). I never tried Percocet, hasn't that got codeine in it? I'm allergic to

codeine. I'm allergic & /or chemically sensitive to a number of Rx meds. Never

tried oxycontin but heard it's great.


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

from my experience, good psychiatrists, like all good doctors, are hard

to find. but when you do find a great one, they can work wonders for

your mental health and the quality of your life. i've only seen one

great one and he's in santa monica, and came highly recommended by my


they say whiplash victims sometimes get a thyroid condition from damage

to the thyroid tissue during an accident. it's possible your neck

injury might have caused this. but have you been tested for antibodies

to see if it's hashimoto's?

anyway, you seem to talk and think right to me.

why do you need a rx for motrin, isn't that available off the shelves?

does it help at all? my pains haven't been helped at all by the

stronger drugs like vicodin and percocet. only oxycontin helped.baron

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I've had better luck with a couple of women pyschologists. But that's just me

tho it's nice for you that you found a really helpful psychiatrist. I wouldn't

mind having a counselor now tho too. But can't afford one right now, tho they're

available & have been recommended by my doctors. I have a new friend that's a

Ph.D. psychologist...lucky me...she's been helping me work out some things

lately tho for which I'm thankful. I'm helping her too since I'm an

astrological/misterial counselor for which she's grateful as well. So that's

enough for now. I'm not all that depressed that I'm suicidal or anything like

that. Just needing more friends & interaction with other humans, mostly of like

mind & /or my family, none of whom live nearby me anymore which makes me sad.

I never heard that about whiplash victims. It makes sense to me tho. I've had a

few of those in my life too. So I guess I'm not far wrong about the accident(s)

I've had causing thyroid problems. I think since being an adult & getting

chiropractic tho, it's helped that a lot. Seems I have an accident annually at

least. Clumsy me. Some car accidents too, a couple of small ones were my fault,

others not.

Antibodies for Hashimoto's? Never heard of that dis-ease until I got onto this

egroup. So no, I haven't. Prolly another reason I need a good thyroid doctor or

Endo who might think to test for that. I agree my talking & thinking isn't all

that bad most days. Some days I'm way more numb & dumb tho & have more pain &

depression too. It runs in cycles it seems. As of yesterday I seem to be on a

" up " cycle for which I'm grateful.

Dr. wrote a Rx for Motrin cuz it's often cheaper that way if my Medicare Plus

ins. pays for most of it. But I ended up buying a smaller bottle off the shelf

to test it on myself first. Doubt I'll get the Rx filled. I'm switching to

Alleve instead as advised by my sister who told me what the difference was

between them, which I've now forgotten. Expect that Motrin causes more stomach

problems & my stomach's been bothering me a lot since I've been on it,

especially at night. So I'll take Alleve from now on & see if that works. It's

mostly for inflammation...doesn't touch the pain.

I use other Rx pills for pain cuz " shelf " pills such as Alleve, Motrin, Tylenol,

etc. never worked for my level of pain. I've needed Darvocet (works if the pain

isn't too bad) or Vicodin (doesn't work) & now Tramadol (works but makes me

sleepy). I never tried Percocet, hasn't that got codeine in it? I'm allergic to

codeine. I'm allergic & /or chemically sensitive to a number of Rx meds. Never

tried oxycontin but heard it's great.


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

from my experience, good psychiatrists, like all good doctors, are hard

to find. but when you do find a great one, they can work wonders for

your mental health and the quality of your life. i've only seen one

great one and he's in santa monica, and came highly recommended by my


they say whiplash victims sometimes get a thyroid condition from damage

to the thyroid tissue during an accident. it's possible your neck

injury might have caused this. but have you been tested for antibodies

to see if it's hashimoto's?

anyway, you seem to talk and think right to me.

why do you need a rx for motrin, isn't that available off the shelves?

does it help at all? my pains haven't been helped at all by the

stronger drugs like vicodin and percocet. only oxycontin helped.baron

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I've had better luck with a couple of women pyschologists. But that's just me

tho it's nice for you that you found a really helpful psychiatrist. I wouldn't

mind having a counselor now tho too. But can't afford one right now, tho they're

available & have been recommended by my doctors. I have a new friend that's a

Ph.D. psychologist...lucky me...she's been helping me work out some things

lately tho for which I'm thankful. I'm helping her too since I'm an

astrological/misterial counselor for which she's grateful as well. So that's

enough for now. I'm not all that depressed that I'm suicidal or anything like

that. Just needing more friends & interaction with other humans, mostly of like

mind & /or my family, none of whom live nearby me anymore which makes me sad.

I never heard that about whiplash victims. It makes sense to me tho. I've had a

few of those in my life too. So I guess I'm not far wrong about the accident(s)

I've had causing thyroid problems. I think since being an adult & getting

chiropractic tho, it's helped that a lot. Seems I have an accident annually at

least. Clumsy me. Some car accidents too, a couple of small ones were my fault,

others not.

Antibodies for Hashimoto's? Never heard of that dis-ease until I got onto this

egroup. So no, I haven't. Prolly another reason I need a good thyroid doctor or

Endo who might think to test for that. I agree my talking & thinking isn't all

that bad most days. Some days I'm way more numb & dumb tho & have more pain &

depression too. It runs in cycles it seems. As of yesterday I seem to be on a

" up " cycle for which I'm grateful.

Dr. wrote a Rx for Motrin cuz it's often cheaper that way if my Medicare Plus

ins. pays for most of it. But I ended up buying a smaller bottle off the shelf

to test it on myself first. Doubt I'll get the Rx filled. I'm switching to

Alleve instead as advised by my sister who told me what the difference was

between them, which I've now forgotten. Expect that Motrin causes more stomach

problems & my stomach's been bothering me a lot since I've been on it,

especially at night. So I'll take Alleve from now on & see if that works. It's

mostly for inflammation...doesn't touch the pain.

I use other Rx pills for pain cuz " shelf " pills such as Alleve, Motrin, Tylenol,

etc. never worked for my level of pain. I've needed Darvocet (works if the pain

isn't too bad) or Vicodin (doesn't work) & now Tramadol (works but makes me

sleepy). I never tried Percocet, hasn't that got codeine in it? I'm allergic to

codeine. I'm allergic & /or chemically sensitive to a number of Rx meds. Never

tried oxycontin but heard it's great.


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

from my experience, good psychiatrists, like all good doctors, are hard

to find. but when you do find a great one, they can work wonders for

your mental health and the quality of your life. i've only seen one

great one and he's in santa monica, and came highly recommended by my


they say whiplash victims sometimes get a thyroid condition from damage

to the thyroid tissue during an accident. it's possible your neck

injury might have caused this. but have you been tested for antibodies

to see if it's hashimoto's?

anyway, you seem to talk and think right to me.

why do you need a rx for motrin, isn't that available off the shelves?

does it help at all? my pains haven't been helped at all by the

stronger drugs like vicodin and percocet. only oxycontin helped.baron

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That would indeed be way more convenient over the phone. But what about future

other blood tests?

that's generous of you to check the other list for me. I think I did that &

found only two some distance from me. One of whom isn't taking any new patients

but I'd LOVE to see him...he sounds SO good & treats everything I've got...bones

included. But those two, maybe three, are closer than the two on the 's

list so far. Anxious to see what you can come up with tho. Thx much for



Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

i don't think you end up going back to see these doctors. twice? then

the rest of it can be done over the phone, which i am confident they

would be willing to do, considering your distance and income.

i will check my broda barnes list tomorrow and hopefully someone will

be closer to you.



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sandy that's unfortunate. because i am thin-built, i couldn't tell you

by looking at my feet that they are swollen--but they just don't fit in

my shoes anymore. the width and thickness have increased, and it hurts

to try and fit them in my slip ons. so i wear sandals.

did your brother convince your mom to stop armour? has she seen a good


some people are perpetual sufferers. what can you do. :\



> I was just looking at this baron, and this describes my mom. Her

> feet and her legs are just so swollen. She and I used to wear the same

> size shoes, and we no longer do. I've noticed an increase in my feet

> size too, and it's in width and thickness. I noticed my mom's legs

> and feet the other night when I stopped to visit with her and my

> brother, and geeze, she's really got some swollen legs and feet.


> I had gotten her to try the Armour, then she decided that my brother

> was smarter than I was, and she stopped taking it. She's always had

> lots of aches and pains too, so this concerns me. I just can't seem

> to get through to her. She is not in the least bit interested in

> doing anything for herself. But then, she's always thought it was her

> job to take care of the world, while leaving her own health issues to

> subside or worsen. sigh.


> I know right now all she has on her mind is my brother, so it's not

> going to do me any good to talk to her about anything pertaining to

> thyroid, but she is sure suffering without it.


> SandyE~Houston



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Baron, my mom is a perpetual sufferer. Without that aspect in her

life, I'm not sure she would know how to proceed. I know my own feet

have gained in size, but I just went up a half a size in shoe,

although I notice the thicker and wider feet. I wrote it off to

wearing tennis shoes for years now, although they aren't what I always

wear. Gosh, I can remember back when I was younger and tennis shoes

were only for Gym, or for poor people who couldn't afford them.

Things sure have changed!

In my mom's case, she is short, almost 5'4 " , but she's shrunk some in

height, as I appear to be even taller than I was years ago when

standing near her. She will now openly admit she was on thyroid when

my brother and I were young, but she isn't in the least bit interested

in getting better, or that's my take on it. She does wonderful on it

though, that is what is so discouraging for me. She refuses to go to

the dr, or to even do the labs I offered to order for her through

healthcheckusa.com. I just seem to be bumping into a roadblock with

her on the subject, so I have to let it rest.

When she is tired of feeling badly after feeling better on Armour, she

will ask for my assistance, so it's a waiting game.


On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 12:25:00 -0700

baron chat wrote:

> sandy that's unfortunate. because i am thin-built, i couldn't

>tell you

> by looking at my feet that they are swollen--but they just don't fit


> my shoes anymore. the width and thickness have increased, and it


> to try and fit them in my slip ons. so i wear sandals.


> did your brother convince your mom to stop armour? has she seen a


> doctor?


> some people are perpetual sufferers. what can you do. :\


> best,

> baron



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i am sorry to hear of all of that, because it isn't something you have

control over and can do much about, so i imagine how frustrating it

must be.

i've never understood the perpetual sufferer. at least not when it

came to illness--i understand the martyr complex a bit better. i'm not

sure the two are related. i just don't get what a person gets out of

being sick or in pain all the time. i am 29 and like all people in

their 20s, took my health for granted. when i started feeling tired,

depressed, and a couple years ago in extreme pain, i made it my focus

to get out of this funk and that's where all of my energies have been


everything else but my marriage has taken a back seat. my writing

career, money, etc.. pursuing anything else right now imo is like

building a house on sand.

i hope your mother comes around and realizes that she is allowed to

live a life without pain and suffering, and that the last thing she

needs to do is bring it upon herself by being stubborn. but i also

realize this isn't always possible with older folks.




> Baron, my mom is a perpetual sufferer. Without that aspect in her

> life, I'm not sure she would know how to proceed. I know my own feet

> have gained in size, but I just went up a half a size in shoe,

> although I notice the thicker and wider feet. I wrote it off to

> wearing tennis shoes for years now, although they aren't what I always

> wear. Gosh, I can remember back when I was younger and tennis shoes

> were only for Gym, or for poor people who couldn't afford them.

> Things sure have changed!


> In my mom's case, she is short, almost 5'4 " , but she's shrunk some in

> height, as I appear to be even taller than I was years ago when

> standing near her. She will now openly admit she was on thyroid when

> my brother and I were young, but she isn't in the least bit interested

> in getting better, or that's my take on it. She does wonderful on it

> though, that is what is so discouraging for me. She refuses to go to

> the dr, or to even do the labs I offered to order for her through

> healthcheckusa.com. I just seem to be bumping into a roadblock with

> her on the subject, so I have to let it rest.


> When she is tired of feeling badly after feeling better on Armour, she

> will ask for my assistance, so it's a waiting game.


> SandyE~Houston







> On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 12:25:00 -0700

> baron chat wrote:

>> sandy that's unfortunate. because i am thin-built, i couldn't

>> tell you

>> by looking at my feet that they are swollen--but they just don't fit

>> in

>> my shoes anymore. the width and thickness have increased, and it

>> hurts

>> to try and fit them in my slip ons. so i wear sandals.


>> did your brother convince your mom to stop armour? has she seen a

>> good

>> doctor?


>> some people are perpetual sufferers. what can you do. :\


>> best,

>> baron









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Great to learn that.

Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

My knees were so bad and my wrists and thumbs that the x-rays, yes, x-rays

showed sever osteo. I was unable to walk up stairs. Now I am back to

exercising. I could not use scissors and open even the already opened face

cream jar. Now my hands have no pain at all and the knees are pretty good

for supporting an old fat broad!

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Sandy, I cannot understand why, if your mom took Armour & felt better for a

while, she'd rather not take it & feel worse again with so much pain &

discomfort. Why suffer if ya don't hafta?

Baron, why can't you get some pain pills from your doctor or more powerful ones

than the ones you're taking. Have you tried Darvocet, an opiate/narcotic or


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 18:15:28 -0700

baron chat i

> spend most of my days at home, on the couch or in bed, wracked in

> constant, severe chronic pain. i think that probably exempts me from

> being someone who is getting off light. :)>

> b


I was just looking at this baron, and this describes my mom. Her

feet and her legs are just so swollen.

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my wife put my papers away so i'll have to wait for her to come home

this evening and dig them out. but i haven't forgotten you, and just

wanted you to know that.

in the case of a doctor who isn't taking new patients, do they have an

associate or a recommendation for someone else you can see, someone

whom they know follows similar guidelines?

blood tests don't have to be done at the doctor's clinic. you can

simply take them at the nearest lab (just walk in) and then have them

fax the results to your doctor. it's an easy workaround. i took my

blood test at a separate lab (i used a labcorp branch about 3 minutes

from my house) so that it would be covered by my insruance. i won't

have to do that again next month when my ppo kicks in.




> That would indeed be way more convenient over the phone. But what

> about future other blood tests?

> that's generous of you to check the other list for me. I think I did

> that & found only two some distance from me. One of whom isn't taking

> any new patients but I'd LOVE to see him...he sounds SO good & treats

> everything I've got...bones included. But those two, maybe three, are

> closer than the two on the 's list so far. Anxious to see what

> you can come up with tho. Thx much for offering.

> MM

> Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

> i don't think you end up going back to see these doctors. twice?

> then

> the rest of it can be done over the phone, which i am confident they

> would be willing to do, considering your distance and income.

> i will check my broda barnes list tomorrow and hopefully someone will

> be closer to you.

> best,

> b





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i believe that grief and sadness and crying are absolutely healthy

things to do, in a situation like this. who can blame you, considering

the chronic pain you live with daily?

if you're telling me you're crying and feeling sad despite the fact

that everything else--health included--is hunky dory, then i'd say,

hey, let's get you to see someone. but you have absolutely every right

to feel sorry for yourself.

i hope that posting on this group helps somewhat, and that we can

sometimes be of some support to you.




> So you've noticed cycles too? Or just occasionally good or bad days

> that come or go randomly? I agree that sometimes crying or sadness is

> more hormonal than anything else. But bad unremitting pain or physical

> restrictions makes me cry too a lot.


> So what's wrong with feeling sorry for oneself & crying about it? It's

> often healthy to do so. We cry for others, why not ourselves? It's a

> grievous thing, after all. People in gried do cry & if they don't,

> then something's wrong & they're not facing up to their grief &

> natural emotional expression. Crying is another way to rid the

> body/mind of toxins, I've heard/read. Anyway good to hear I'm not the

> only one who's experienced this.


> Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs



> Caroline,

> I do still have bad days as well as good ones, and thankfully now

> the good ones outweigh the bad. But there are days when I wake up

> crying and it has nothing to do with pain, I think more of a hormone

> imbalance. Unfortunately my dh is frustrated by this and thinks I am

> feeling sorry for myself which I am not. Some days the tears just

> flow for no apparent reason but I can not stop them, then the next day

> I am fine again.

> Lynda (in the UK)




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Okay, I'll just wait then. No big hurry, I have no car anyway so couldn't make

another doctor's appointment right now anyway with no way to get there. Haven't

called any doctors, not even the one who's not taking new patients to find out

if he really is or not or could refer me. No car...can't go anyway. Didn't know

I could get blood tests at a lab on my own. Thanx for telling me that tho. Guess

I'd have to call around for one that takes Medicare first.


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

my wife put my papers away so i'll have to wait for her to come home

this evening and dig them out. but i haven't forgotten you, and just

wanted you to know that.

in the case of a doctor who isn't taking new patients, do they have an

associate or a recommendation for someone else you can see, someone

whom they know follows similar guidelines?

blood tests don't have to be done at the doctor's clinic. you can

simply take them at the nearest lab (just walk in) and then have them

fax the results to your doctor. it's an easy workaround. i took my

blood test at a separate lab (i used a labcorp branch about 3 minutes

from my house) so that it would be covered by my insruance. i won't

have to do that again next month when my ppo kicks in.



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We all need each other's support, yes!

Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

i believe that grief and sadness and crying are absolutely healthy

things to do, in a situation like this. who can blame you, considering

the chronic pain you live with daily?

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We all need each other's support, yes!

Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

i believe that grief and sadness and crying are absolutely healthy

things to do, in a situation like this. who can blame you, considering

the chronic pain you live with daily?

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We all need each other's support, yes!

Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

i believe that grief and sadness and crying are absolutely healthy

things to do, in a situation like this. who can blame you, considering

the chronic pain you live with daily?

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Lucky you & most people get pain relief from pot. It always made mine twice as

painful. Didn't want that. Glad you found something that helps you tho after

being on so many Rx meds that really do hurt you if you were on high doses for

too long. Bet you're glad your bladder gave you a heads up to quit it or it

would quit...take yer choice, eh? Under the circumstances I'd say the weed is a

far better choice, especially using the vaporizer. The darvocet isn't working

well for me anymore either. So now what??? don't know. Hoping the Armour or

generic can help more with the pain. We'll see.......MM

Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

i was on vicodin, percocet and oxycontin. all of them started to have

diminishing returns for me after a while. vicodin stopped working

after a week. percocet was ineffective after two. i was taking 8 of

them just to be able to feel okay. oxycontin helped me stand and walk

without too much pain but then upping my dose (a stupid thing to do)

sent me to the er with a full bladder, no way to relieve myself, so i

had to get a catheter in me.

no thanks.

i haven't tried darvocet--i assume it's in the same family as percocet.

my doc said oxycontin was the strongest thing before morphine. i have

not tried morphine. it was hard to even convince my doctor that i was

in pain, considering i am a 20s male who " looks good " (such bullshit!).

he wouldn't even sign the form for me to renew my temporary disability


so i smoke weed. a friend of mine recommended it to me, then more

people started recommending it, and while i'd done it in the past,

recreationally, i haven't done it for medicinal purposes. it's been

wonderful. it really helps, for at least a couple hours.



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Lucky you & most people get pain relief from pot. It always made mine twice as

painful. Didn't want that. Glad you found something that helps you tho after

being on so many Rx meds that really do hurt you if you were on high doses for

too long. Bet you're glad your bladder gave you a heads up to quit it or it

would quit...take yer choice, eh? Under the circumstances I'd say the weed is a

far better choice, especially using the vaporizer. The darvocet isn't working

well for me anymore either. So now what??? don't know. Hoping the Armour or

generic can help more with the pain. We'll see.......MM

Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

i was on vicodin, percocet and oxycontin. all of them started to have

diminishing returns for me after a while. vicodin stopped working

after a week. percocet was ineffective after two. i was taking 8 of

them just to be able to feel okay. oxycontin helped me stand and walk

without too much pain but then upping my dose (a stupid thing to do)

sent me to the er with a full bladder, no way to relieve myself, so i

had to get a catheter in me.

no thanks.

i haven't tried darvocet--i assume it's in the same family as percocet.

my doc said oxycontin was the strongest thing before morphine. i have

not tried morphine. it was hard to even convince my doctor that i was

in pain, considering i am a 20s male who " looks good " (such bullshit!).

he wouldn't even sign the form for me to renew my temporary disability


so i smoke weed. a friend of mine recommended it to me, then more

people started recommending it, and while i'd done it in the past,

recreationally, i haven't done it for medicinal purposes. it's been

wonderful. it really helps, for at least a couple hours.



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I agree if one can get along on shelf medications only for pain, then do that,

yes. But I can't. None of them work well for the kind of pain I've had. So I do

continue to take Rx pain meds but try not to take any if at all possible. I

couldn't function without them most days tho as I'm the only one here & my life,

house & home would go to hell in a handbasket in no time if I couldn't function

well enough to keep up with it all. Lately I've found more pain relief in some

nutritional supplements I restarted taking so that's good.

Indeed we do need other people. I've always been an very outgoing friendly

person having many friends & a large family so I need that absolutely, the more

the better to keep me feeling like life's worth living.


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

as far as pain meds, go, if the off the shelf stuff doesn't help, my

take on it is why bother? save ourselves from the risk of kidney and

liver damage. any kind of long term pain medication isn't a great

thing anyway, in my opinion. but if i were to make a recommendation,

it would be oxycontin. i do not know of percocet has codeine in it. i

never bothered to find out much about it, to be honest. at the time i

just wanted something that worked.

i'm very glad for you that you have a friend with a background. it's

great you've worked out some sort of quid pro quo deal that'll not just

be helpful but will also provide you with some much-needed human

interaction and contact. isolation is very depressing--we are social

creatures by make up. we need other people--that's how we survive.


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I agree if one can get along on shelf medications only for pain, then do that,

yes. But I can't. None of them work well for the kind of pain I've had. So I do

continue to take Rx pain meds but try not to take any if at all possible. I

couldn't function without them most days tho as I'm the only one here & my life,

house & home would go to hell in a handbasket in no time if I couldn't function

well enough to keep up with it all. Lately I've found more pain relief in some

nutritional supplements I restarted taking so that's good.

Indeed we do need other people. I've always been an very outgoing friendly

person having many friends & a large family so I need that absolutely, the more

the better to keep me feeling like life's worth living.


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

as far as pain meds, go, if the off the shelf stuff doesn't help, my

take on it is why bother? save ourselves from the risk of kidney and

liver damage. any kind of long term pain medication isn't a great

thing anyway, in my opinion. but if i were to make a recommendation,

it would be oxycontin. i do not know of percocet has codeine in it. i

never bothered to find out much about it, to be honest. at the time i

just wanted something that worked.

i'm very glad for you that you have a friend with a background. it's

great you've worked out some sort of quid pro quo deal that'll not just

be helpful but will also provide you with some much-needed human

interaction and contact. isolation is very depressing--we are social

creatures by make up. we need other people--that's how we survive.


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I agree if one can get along on shelf medications only for pain, then do that,

yes. But I can't. None of them work well for the kind of pain I've had. So I do

continue to take Rx pain meds but try not to take any if at all possible. I

couldn't function without them most days tho as I'm the only one here & my life,

house & home would go to hell in a handbasket in no time if I couldn't function

well enough to keep up with it all. Lately I've found more pain relief in some

nutritional supplements I restarted taking so that's good.

Indeed we do need other people. I've always been an very outgoing friendly

person having many friends & a large family so I need that absolutely, the more

the better to keep me feeling like life's worth living.


Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

as far as pain meds, go, if the off the shelf stuff doesn't help, my

take on it is why bother? save ourselves from the risk of kidney and

liver damage. any kind of long term pain medication isn't a great

thing anyway, in my opinion. but if i were to make a recommendation,

it would be oxycontin. i do not know of percocet has codeine in it. i

never bothered to find out much about it, to be honest. at the time i

just wanted something that worked.

i'm very glad for you that you have a friend with a background. it's

great you've worked out some sort of quid pro quo deal that'll not just

be helpful but will also provide you with some much-needed human

interaction and contact. isolation is very depressing--we are social

creatures by make up. we need other people--that's how we survive.


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A few years ago I had an abcessed tooth that was soooo painful.

Tylenol wasn't touching it so my Dr called in a script for

hydrocodone as they couldn't see me right away. I took one of those

and within 5 minutes felt no pain. If I ever need a strong pain

killer again that would be my choice.



> >

> > I've had better luck with a couple of women pyschologists. But


> > just me tho it's nice for you that you found a really helpful

> > psychiatrist. I wouldn't mind having a counselor now tho too. But

> > can't afford one right now, tho they're available & have been

> > recommended by my doctors. I have a new friend that's a Ph.D.

> > psychologist...lucky me...she's been helping me work out some


> > lately tho for which I'm thankful. I'm helping her too since I'm


> > astrological/misterial counselor for which she's grateful as

well. So

> > that's enough for now. I'm not all that depressed that I'm

suicidal or

> > anything like that. Just needing more friends & interaction with


> > humans, mostly of like mind & /or my family, none of whom live


> > me anymore which makes me sad.

> >

> > I never heard that about whiplash victims. It makes sense to me


> > I've had a few of those in my life too. So I guess I'm not far


> > about the accident(s) I've had causing thyroid problems. I think


> > being an adult & getting chiropractic tho, it's helped that a


> > Seems I have an accident annually at least. Clumsy me. Some car

> > accidents too, a couple of small ones were my fault, others not.

> >

> > Antibodies for Hashimoto's? Never heard of that dis-ease until I


> > onto this egroup. So no, I haven't. Prolly another reason I need


> > good thyroid doctor or Endo who might think to test for that. I


> > my talking & thinking isn't all that bad most days. Some days I'm


> > more numb & dumb tho & have more pain & depression too. It runs


> > cycles it seems. As of yesterday I seem to be on a " up " cycle for

> > which I'm grateful.

> >

> > Dr. wrote a Rx for Motrin cuz it's often cheaper that way if my

> > Medicare Plus ins. pays for most of it. But I ended up buying a

> > smaller bottle off the shelf to test it on myself first. Doubt


> > get the Rx filled. I'm switching to Alleve instead as advised by


> > sister who told me what the difference was between them, which


> > now forgotten. Expect that Motrin causes more stomach problems &


> > stomach's been bothering me a lot since I've been on it,

especially at

> > night. So I'll take Alleve from now on & see if that works. It's

> > mostly for inflammation...doesn't touch the pain.

> >

> > I use other Rx pills for pain cuz " shelf " pills such as Alleve,

> > Motrin, Tylenol, etc. never worked for my level of pain. I've


> > Darvocet (works if the pain isn't too bad) or Vicodin (doesn't

work) &

> > now Tramadol (works but makes me sleepy). I never tried Percocet,

> > hasn't that got codeine in it? I'm allergic to codeine. I'm


> > & /or chemically sensitive to a number of Rx meds. Never tried

> > oxycontin but heard it's great.

> > Caroline

> > Re: Re: Pain in arms and legs

> >

> >

> > from my experience, good psychiatrists, like all good doctors,


> > hard

> > to find. but when you do find a great one, they can work

wonders for

> > your mental health and the quality of your life. i've only

seen one

> > great one and he's in santa monica, and came highly recommended

by my

> > therapist.

> > they say whiplash victims sometimes get a thyroid condition


> > damage

> > to the thyroid tissue during an accident. it's possible your


> > injury might have caused this. but have you been tested for

> > antibodies

> > to see if it's hashimoto's?

> > anyway, you seem to talk and think right to me.

> > why do you need a rx for motrin, isn't that available off the

> > shelves?

> > does it help at all? my pains haven't been helped at all by the

> > stronger drugs like vicodin and percocet. only oxycontin

> > helped.baron

> >

> >

> >

> >

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