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Re: Formula

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No, I do not say things like that to my children for any reason. But they

were old enough when my third was born to ask if they had been breastfed and

I did tell them that I did not know how important it was.

They now see me helping BF moms and reading about the differences. My 9 year

old is one of my biggest helpers. She asks her relatives if they plan to BF

and to call me if they need help.

I never said that formula is evil. It has its place. Formula companies son

the other hand, do border on evil. I just don't think that it should be

peddled like it is. If its place is for babies who are not gaining well, or

have some other physical problem with BF, then why not make it available by



-----Original Message-----

From: sept9mom@...

SO to all of you who have children that you have FF and now have children

that you breastfeed, because you are now so informed of the total and

complete EVIL that formula is, do you tell your FF children that you are

sorry every single day that they will NEVER be smarter, healthier, or


individuals and that there BFsiblings will always be superior to them, that

they should just give up right now because there mother was a complete idiot

for not breastfeeding them, so why even try in life because after all.....

you werent breastfed.

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In a message dated 9/6/00 12:42:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

angehowe@... writes:

<< This idea

sounds like an effort to start a flame war, to me.


No, no, no, I don't think so. We all have to be careful what we write and I

did read your entire post. I think you made a lot of good points, but this

particular sentence was inflammatory. It leads some of us to think

negatively about our earlier choices and was very strongly put. I just think

we all need to be careful about how we express ourselves, but you are

right...things do need to be kept in comtext.

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In a message dated 9/6/00 12:42:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

angehowe@... writes:

<< This idea

sounds like an effort to start a flame war, to me.


No, no, no, I don't think so. We all have to be careful what we write and I

did read your entire post. I think you made a lot of good points, but this

particular sentence was inflammatory. It leads some of us to think

negatively about our earlier choices and was very strongly put. I just think

we all need to be careful about how we express ourselves, but you are

right...things do need to be kept in comtext.

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In a message dated 9/6/00 12:42:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

angehowe@... writes:

<< This idea

sounds like an effort to start a flame war, to me.


No, no, no, I don't think so. We all have to be careful what we write and I

did read your entire post. I think you made a lot of good points, but this

particular sentence was inflammatory. It leads some of us to think

negatively about our earlier choices and was very strongly put. I just think

we all need to be careful about how we express ourselves, but you are

right...things do need to be kept in comtext.

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In a message dated 9/6/00 9:39:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

gazley@... writes:


The parents who " are better parents " for giving formula are misinformed,

uneducated and grossly biased by people around them. This is their reason

for not wanting to breastfeed, or feeling uncomfortable breastfeeding

ATTITUDES OF PEOPLE...I can't stress that enough...BREAST IS BEST.. there is

NO way around that whatsoever as far as I'm concerned. This is where the

education comes in, where BF in public comes in, where those of us who ARE

breastfeeding should SHOW we are breastfeeding and that we are DARN PROUD OF

IT. While I agree a happy parent is important, I feel that for at least the

first year, breastfeeding is VERY important as well.

Mom to (Oct 8/98) who breastfeeds and loves it, and I'm DARN proud of

my status as a BREASTFEEDING ONLY mother


i think the problem lies with those of us who HAD to use formula for one

reason or another. bfdg is the most important thing to me for my children.

i come from a family who exclusively bfd and ALWAYS knew that bfdg was for

me. can you imagine how heart-wrenching it would be to not be able to follow

thru with that dream? i am proud of you for bfdg exclusively too. it is/was

one of my wishes that i too could do this. i was not ill informed by formula

companies...i truly have low supply issues. i have battled with all 3

children and HAD to use formula to get by. i work with a very reputable

ibclc who is mystified by my troubles. i know my situation is not common,

but it is out there. truth be told, my ff son is my sickest child but a

birth defect created a very rough beginning (had to do with eating) for us.

i never could pump enough to sustain him, nut pumped for 7 mo. anyways. i

can see first-hand that ff is not great. yes, this is a bfdg list, but can't

we tolerate other experiences? we are normally supportive and i wish to

return to that.


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In a message dated 9/6/00 9:39:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

gazley@... writes:


The parents who " are better parents " for giving formula are misinformed,

uneducated and grossly biased by people around them. This is their reason

for not wanting to breastfeed, or feeling uncomfortable breastfeeding

ATTITUDES OF PEOPLE...I can't stress that enough...BREAST IS BEST.. there is

NO way around that whatsoever as far as I'm concerned. This is where the

education comes in, where BF in public comes in, where those of us who ARE

breastfeeding should SHOW we are breastfeeding and that we are DARN PROUD OF

IT. While I agree a happy parent is important, I feel that for at least the

first year, breastfeeding is VERY important as well.

Mom to (Oct 8/98) who breastfeeds and loves it, and I'm DARN proud of

my status as a BREASTFEEDING ONLY mother


i think the problem lies with those of us who HAD to use formula for one

reason or another. bfdg is the most important thing to me for my children.

i come from a family who exclusively bfd and ALWAYS knew that bfdg was for

me. can you imagine how heart-wrenching it would be to not be able to follow

thru with that dream? i am proud of you for bfdg exclusively too. it is/was

one of my wishes that i too could do this. i was not ill informed by formula

companies...i truly have low supply issues. i have battled with all 3

children and HAD to use formula to get by. i work with a very reputable

ibclc who is mystified by my troubles. i know my situation is not common,

but it is out there. truth be told, my ff son is my sickest child but a

birth defect created a very rough beginning (had to do with eating) for us.

i never could pump enough to sustain him, nut pumped for 7 mo. anyways. i

can see first-hand that ff is not great. yes, this is a bfdg list, but can't

we tolerate other experiences? we are normally supportive and i wish to

return to that.


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In a message dated 9/6/00 10:14:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

NatureBaby@... writes:



I don't think that it is that way at all. I think we all make the best

choices we can at any given time. If we learn something that we did wasn't

the best choice we try to do better next time. We can't do any better than

that. Saying that we are idiots for our choice, really isn't productive.

It certainly won't serve any of our children that have been fed formula.


I have so many thoughts and feeling going through me right now so please bare

with me if this post seems jumbled. I want to say that yes I DO believe that

breastfeeding is the best way to feed, it is natural, wonderful and ONE OF

the things that I am most proud of doing as a mother, it has been at times

not easy for me, at times I was just going nursing by nursing but I did not

WANT to give up and I haven't. I am also appalled at how formula companies

seem to have there dig in everywhere, there subliminal/and not so subliminal

type messages that always seem to say " Breastfeeding is so hard, don't try,

give our formula, everything will be all right there is NO difference " yes I

know now there is a difference, yes I have 'learned' and yes I DO and always

now WILL preach the breastfeeding gospel. But I will also tell mothers that a

little formula here and there wont ruin everything in there babies lives, it

is not black or white, do or die. I am just coming across so many

breastfeeding mothers who basically will look you in the eye and ask first

off before they know a thing " do you breastfeed? if you don't your horrible!!

How could you possibly do that to your child don't you know...blah blah blah "

I am getting tired of it. Yes I know it can get to be a slippery slope that

when a Mother is so busy with daily life a bottle here and there can end up

to be more bottle less breast and that's not what I want, I want them to know

that its ok to give formula.... at times, not every mother can pump - I cant.

I at no time ever was ever trying to flame or start a flame war, I just get

hurt and defensive when I am told that my FF children are inferior, they are

not! and I also don't like to hear that my BF children WONT be obese or get

poor grades or that they will never have such and such health problem JUST

because I BF them, I don't have a crystal ball, no one does, it really takes

more than JUST breastfeeding to make a child who they are. It is not the cure

all, fix all, everything will be all right just because.......

I hope that I haven't made anyone (new or not) on this list think that I am a

crazy FF mother on here trying to say breastfeeding is bad, that is NOT me. I

am a breastfeeding mother who believes that formula can have a place in the

breastfeeding relationship if need be, and if for your OWN reasons you choose

to quit breastfeeding/suppliment while BF your children can thrive and be

awesome people.

Well, I hope you can get some of what I was trying to say out of this jumbled

mess. I have gotten so much wonderful information from here, I think we are

all great mothers doing what is best for each individual child. BF and FF.


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In a message dated 9/6/00 10:14:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

NatureBaby@... writes:



I don't think that it is that way at all. I think we all make the best

choices we can at any given time. If we learn something that we did wasn't

the best choice we try to do better next time. We can't do any better than

that. Saying that we are idiots for our choice, really isn't productive.

It certainly won't serve any of our children that have been fed formula.


I have so many thoughts and feeling going through me right now so please bare

with me if this post seems jumbled. I want to say that yes I DO believe that

breastfeeding is the best way to feed, it is natural, wonderful and ONE OF

the things that I am most proud of doing as a mother, it has been at times

not easy for me, at times I was just going nursing by nursing but I did not

WANT to give up and I haven't. I am also appalled at how formula companies

seem to have there dig in everywhere, there subliminal/and not so subliminal

type messages that always seem to say " Breastfeeding is so hard, don't try,

give our formula, everything will be all right there is NO difference " yes I

know now there is a difference, yes I have 'learned' and yes I DO and always

now WILL preach the breastfeeding gospel. But I will also tell mothers that a

little formula here and there wont ruin everything in there babies lives, it

is not black or white, do or die. I am just coming across so many

breastfeeding mothers who basically will look you in the eye and ask first

off before they know a thing " do you breastfeed? if you don't your horrible!!

How could you possibly do that to your child don't you know...blah blah blah "

I am getting tired of it. Yes I know it can get to be a slippery slope that

when a Mother is so busy with daily life a bottle here and there can end up

to be more bottle less breast and that's not what I want, I want them to know

that its ok to give formula.... at times, not every mother can pump - I cant.

I at no time ever was ever trying to flame or start a flame war, I just get

hurt and defensive when I am told that my FF children are inferior, they are

not! and I also don't like to hear that my BF children WONT be obese or get

poor grades or that they will never have such and such health problem JUST

because I BF them, I don't have a crystal ball, no one does, it really takes

more than JUST breastfeeding to make a child who they are. It is not the cure

all, fix all, everything will be all right just because.......

I hope that I haven't made anyone (new or not) on this list think that I am a

crazy FF mother on here trying to say breastfeeding is bad, that is NOT me. I

am a breastfeeding mother who believes that formula can have a place in the

breastfeeding relationship if need be, and if for your OWN reasons you choose

to quit breastfeeding/suppliment while BF your children can thrive and be

awesome people.

Well, I hope you can get some of what I was trying to say out of this jumbled

mess. I have gotten so much wonderful information from here, I think we are

all great mothers doing what is best for each individual child. BF and FF.


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In a message dated 9/6/00 10:13:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

NatureBaby@... writes:

<< You are making a very informed

choice and doing what you feel is best for your child. Don't ever feel bad

about that. You are a great mother and giving a bit of formula certainly

doesn't change that. Please try to keep in mind that the overall discussion

about formula is frustration with the formula industry as a whole and some

doctors who continue to misinform, not individual mother's like you having

to make difficult choices. Please don't leave. :)


great points wendi...agreed!


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In a message dated 9/6/00 10:13:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

NatureBaby@... writes:

<< You are making a very informed

choice and doing what you feel is best for your child. Don't ever feel bad

about that. You are a great mother and giving a bit of formula certainly

doesn't change that. Please try to keep in mind that the overall discussion

about formula is frustration with the formula industry as a whole and some

doctors who continue to misinform, not individual mother's like you having

to make difficult choices. Please don't leave. :)


great points wendi...agreed!


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In a message dated 9/6/00 10:13:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

NatureBaby@... writes:

<< You are making a very informed

choice and doing what you feel is best for your child. Don't ever feel bad

about that. You are a great mother and giving a bit of formula certainly

doesn't change that. Please try to keep in mind that the overall discussion

about formula is frustration with the formula industry as a whole and some

doctors who continue to misinform, not individual mother's like you having

to make difficult choices. Please don't leave. :)


great points wendi...agreed!


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In a message dated 9/6/00 11:38:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

HappyBNMomma2MSW@... writes:

<< This is lack of education on the doctor's part. There is no need to

supplement. >>

this is simply not always true.


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In a message dated 9/6/00 11:38:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

HappyBNMomma2MSW@... writes:

<< This is lack of education on the doctor's part. There is no need to

supplement. >>

this is simply not always true.


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In a message dated 9/6/00 11:38:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

HappyBNMomma2MSW@... writes:

<< This is lack of education on the doctor's part. There is no need to

supplement. >>

this is simply not always true.


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In a message dated 9/6/00 12:30:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

mparker90@... writes:

<< << This is lack of education on the doctor's part. There is no need to

supplement. >>

this is simply not always true.


I also agree that is simply not true, there are a lot of women that DO have

low supply and for reason no one knows. And not supplementing can jeopardize

the babies health, now I am not say that you have to supplement with formula

or use a bottle there are other options, but there are women with low supply



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In a message dated 9/6/00 12:30:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

mparker90@... writes:

<< << This is lack of education on the doctor's part. There is no need to

supplement. >>

this is simply not always true.


I also agree that is simply not true, there are a lot of women that DO have

low supply and for reason no one knows. And not supplementing can jeopardize

the babies health, now I am not say that you have to supplement with formula

or use a bottle there are other options, but there are women with low supply



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In a message dated 9/6/00 12:30:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

mparker90@... writes:

<< << This is lack of education on the doctor's part. There is no need to

supplement. >>

this is simply not always true.


I also agree that is simply not true, there are a lot of women that DO have

low supply and for reason no one knows. And not supplementing can jeopardize

the babies health, now I am not say that you have to supplement with formula

or use a bottle there are other options, but there are women with low supply



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Of course I can't speak for anyone else but I can say what I think about

supplementation. I believe formula has a place. I believe it has many

risks when used as a primary food source, it really is lacking. But if your

baby is not gaining it is important that your baby get plenty of calories.

I believe formula can be helpful in certain situations, when it is used to

preserve the breastfeeding relationship. If your LC and Ped are working

with you to get your breastfeeding relationship on track and formula is just

temporary then that is exactly what it should be used for. Your LC is

having you pump which once you have some extra milk you can supplement with

that. I don't think anyone here is talking about formula use on a very

temporary (with breastfeeding established) basis. Formula risks are

increased with every dose of formula, so when babies are fed 100% formula

they are at serious risk for the diseases we have discussed. A baby getting

just a few bottles of formula is not at the same risk as a totally

formula-fed baby. I am glad that your LC is working with you to pump and

increase your supply so that you can supplement with breastmilk if needed.

You certainly have nothing to feel bad about. You are doing the best

possible things for your baby and to protect breastfeeding. That is to be

commended. I think most of us are feeling most frustrated about is mothers

who are blatantly misinformed about formula and believe they are making an

informed choice. No on can make an informed choice unless the risks and

benefits of both choices are presented. You are making a very informed

choice and doing what you feel is best for your child. Don't ever feel bad

about that. You are a great mother and giving a bit of formula certainly

doesn't change that. Please try to keep in mind that the overall discussion

about formula is frustration with the formula industry as a whole and some

doctors who continue to misinform, not individual mother's like you having

to make difficult choices. Please don't leave. :)



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: Formula

In a message dated 9/5/00 4:04:14 PM Central Daylight Time,



<< I think it is laughable to ask, " is this the formula companies fault? "


course it is. Big money goes into those doctors' pockets. Having a problem?

Supplement. Low weight gain? Supplement. Large weight gain? Supplement. Ad

nauseum. Is there true support for BF moms? Only if they know where to



OK Now tell me just what are you supposed to do if your baby is not


enough weight on breastmilk alone??? I *just* came from the Lactation Center

and Then the Peds office, My daughter has not gained ANY weight in a month,

the LC sent me upstairs to my ped office, They are having me supplement with

formula after 2 feedings a day while I try to boost my milk supply by


after each feeding, along with a few other things to try to keep her at the

breast longer, the supplementing is only temporary, my ped and I are both

dedicated to make sure this does not end our nursing. What would You have me

do? let my baby continue to not gain?? Let her starve because I am


not producing enough, obviously I need to booost my milk supply, but in the

meantime?? I joined this list for breastfeeding support and now I feel like


am being flamed for using formula too. Maybe I just don't belong here,

I breastfeed yes, that was my decision....but who am I to tell someone else

*they* are wrong to not breastfeed, I said it before and I'll say it again.

We expect people to respect our choice to breastfeed, we should do the same

for those who do not. Yes we should *encourage* women to BF, but not condem

them for not making the same choice we did.


Mommy to 4/4/2000

" I am in shape. Round is a shape. "

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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Of course I can't speak for anyone else but I can say what I think about

supplementation. I believe formula has a place. I believe it has many

risks when used as a primary food source, it really is lacking. But if your

baby is not gaining it is important that your baby get plenty of calories.

I believe formula can be helpful in certain situations, when it is used to

preserve the breastfeeding relationship. If your LC and Ped are working

with you to get your breastfeeding relationship on track and formula is just

temporary then that is exactly what it should be used for. Your LC is

having you pump which once you have some extra milk you can supplement with

that. I don't think anyone here is talking about formula use on a very

temporary (with breastfeeding established) basis. Formula risks are

increased with every dose of formula, so when babies are fed 100% formula

they are at serious risk for the diseases we have discussed. A baby getting

just a few bottles of formula is not at the same risk as a totally

formula-fed baby. I am glad that your LC is working with you to pump and

increase your supply so that you can supplement with breastmilk if needed.

You certainly have nothing to feel bad about. You are doing the best

possible things for your baby and to protect breastfeeding. That is to be

commended. I think most of us are feeling most frustrated about is mothers

who are blatantly misinformed about formula and believe they are making an

informed choice. No on can make an informed choice unless the risks and

benefits of both choices are presented. You are making a very informed

choice and doing what you feel is best for your child. Don't ever feel bad

about that. You are a great mother and giving a bit of formula certainly

doesn't change that. Please try to keep in mind that the overall discussion

about formula is frustration with the formula industry as a whole and some

doctors who continue to misinform, not individual mother's like you having

to make difficult choices. Please don't leave. :)



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: Formula

In a message dated 9/5/00 4:04:14 PM Central Daylight Time,



<< I think it is laughable to ask, " is this the formula companies fault? "


course it is. Big money goes into those doctors' pockets. Having a problem?

Supplement. Low weight gain? Supplement. Large weight gain? Supplement. Ad

nauseum. Is there true support for BF moms? Only if they know where to



OK Now tell me just what are you supposed to do if your baby is not


enough weight on breastmilk alone??? I *just* came from the Lactation Center

and Then the Peds office, My daughter has not gained ANY weight in a month,

the LC sent me upstairs to my ped office, They are having me supplement with

formula after 2 feedings a day while I try to boost my milk supply by


after each feeding, along with a few other things to try to keep her at the

breast longer, the supplementing is only temporary, my ped and I are both

dedicated to make sure this does not end our nursing. What would You have me

do? let my baby continue to not gain?? Let her starve because I am


not producing enough, obviously I need to booost my milk supply, but in the

meantime?? I joined this list for breastfeeding support and now I feel like


am being flamed for using formula too. Maybe I just don't belong here,

I breastfeed yes, that was my decision....but who am I to tell someone else

*they* are wrong to not breastfeed, I said it before and I'll say it again.

We expect people to respect our choice to breastfeed, we should do the same

for those who do not. Yes we should *encourage* women to BF, but not condem

them for not making the same choice we did.


Mommy to 4/4/2000

" I am in shape. Round is a shape. "

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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Of course I can't speak for anyone else but I can say what I think about

supplementation. I believe formula has a place. I believe it has many

risks when used as a primary food source, it really is lacking. But if your

baby is not gaining it is important that your baby get plenty of calories.

I believe formula can be helpful in certain situations, when it is used to

preserve the breastfeeding relationship. If your LC and Ped are working

with you to get your breastfeeding relationship on track and formula is just

temporary then that is exactly what it should be used for. Your LC is

having you pump which once you have some extra milk you can supplement with

that. I don't think anyone here is talking about formula use on a very

temporary (with breastfeeding established) basis. Formula risks are

increased with every dose of formula, so when babies are fed 100% formula

they are at serious risk for the diseases we have discussed. A baby getting

just a few bottles of formula is not at the same risk as a totally

formula-fed baby. I am glad that your LC is working with you to pump and

increase your supply so that you can supplement with breastmilk if needed.

You certainly have nothing to feel bad about. You are doing the best

possible things for your baby and to protect breastfeeding. That is to be

commended. I think most of us are feeling most frustrated about is mothers

who are blatantly misinformed about formula and believe they are making an

informed choice. No on can make an informed choice unless the risks and

benefits of both choices are presented. You are making a very informed

choice and doing what you feel is best for your child. Don't ever feel bad

about that. You are a great mother and giving a bit of formula certainly

doesn't change that. Please try to keep in mind that the overall discussion

about formula is frustration with the formula industry as a whole and some

doctors who continue to misinform, not individual mother's like you having

to make difficult choices. Please don't leave. :)



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: Formula

In a message dated 9/5/00 4:04:14 PM Central Daylight Time,



<< I think it is laughable to ask, " is this the formula companies fault? "


course it is. Big money goes into those doctors' pockets. Having a problem?

Supplement. Low weight gain? Supplement. Large weight gain? Supplement. Ad

nauseum. Is there true support for BF moms? Only if they know where to



OK Now tell me just what are you supposed to do if your baby is not


enough weight on breastmilk alone??? I *just* came from the Lactation Center

and Then the Peds office, My daughter has not gained ANY weight in a month,

the LC sent me upstairs to my ped office, They are having me supplement with

formula after 2 feedings a day while I try to boost my milk supply by


after each feeding, along with a few other things to try to keep her at the

breast longer, the supplementing is only temporary, my ped and I are both

dedicated to make sure this does not end our nursing. What would You have me

do? let my baby continue to not gain?? Let her starve because I am


not producing enough, obviously I need to booost my milk supply, but in the

meantime?? I joined this list for breastfeeding support and now I feel like


am being flamed for using formula too. Maybe I just don't belong here,

I breastfeed yes, that was my decision....but who am I to tell someone else

*they* are wrong to not breastfeed, I said it before and I'll say it again.

We expect people to respect our choice to breastfeed, we should do the same

for those who do not. Yes we should *encourage* women to BF, but not condem

them for not making the same choice we did.


Mommy to 4/4/2000

" I am in shape. Round is a shape. "

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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I don't know what other states may be doing, but Oregon has these " The More

You Know " commericials. They are geared towards teens and drugs and things,

but why can't SOMEONE (preferably formula companies!) sponsor this type of

commericial for breastfeeding?

Personally, I nursed my oldest for 18 months. He loved it, I loved it. He

selfweaned when I was 6 months pregnant with my second, but for a year

afterwards, he had to make sure he could still have contact with " his

boobies " . My 2nd child? Where to begin....I don't think either he or I

enjoyed it. There were ALLLOOTTTTT of factors going on when he was born and

stress had ALOT to do with it. Anyways, I nursed him until 6 months and

that was by pure strength of will and determination. WIth Ethan....he may

be only 13 days old, but I can tell he loves it too! I am his pacifier and

I love it! I am very determined to nurse him - if for no other reason than

he has a heart defect and I WILL give him the best! I think about

it....like...well, less than 1% of children born alive have this defect, if

he is in that small of a category, why chance that he'll fall into the other

small category of infants who have serious problems with formula?

And as a mom who has nursed - and formula fed - for a long time - and a

short time....I must say that breast ISN " T always best. Nutrition wise it

is, but what is MORE important to a childs health - the food they eat OR a

happy parent? Some parents are better parents giving formula than feeling

pressured to do something they don't like - and that something includes the

one person who needs all the love and good feelings they can get.

Dawn and clan

Ethan (8-25-00, 5 weeks early, CHD-VSD)

Elijah Iman (7-2-99) and Ibrahim Jerry (9-10-97)

Re: Re: Formula


> I feel the need to clarify my opinion on formula. I hold nothing against

> those of you who have formula fed in the past. I hold nothing against


> of you who need to supplement now for your baby's health but are still


> your best to continue nursing. I do hold something against formula

> manufacturers and the medical community for their marketing of formula. I

> know that just like breastfeeding does not guarantee that a child will be

> smart or healthy, formula feeding is not a guarantee that a child will be

> dumb and sick. I just want the best for every baby. And above all I know

> that the way a child is parented means more than the way they are fed. I


> not disrespect anyone who formula feeds now or has in the past. To me it


> not an issue of respect at all. I would never make a rude comment to


> who I see bottle feeding. I understand that everyone has to make their


> choice. I just wish that more women would make the choice to breastfeed


> formula would only be used as a last resort. I am sorry some of you are


> angry and feel the need to defend yourselves. I was just presenting my

> general opinion on the subject and not attacking anyone personally for a

> choice they may have made.


> Blithe



> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com



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I don't know what other states may be doing, but Oregon has these " The More

You Know " commericials. They are geared towards teens and drugs and things,

but why can't SOMEONE (preferably formula companies!) sponsor this type of

commericial for breastfeeding?

Personally, I nursed my oldest for 18 months. He loved it, I loved it. He

selfweaned when I was 6 months pregnant with my second, but for a year

afterwards, he had to make sure he could still have contact with " his

boobies " . My 2nd child? Where to begin....I don't think either he or I

enjoyed it. There were ALLLOOTTTTT of factors going on when he was born and

stress had ALOT to do with it. Anyways, I nursed him until 6 months and

that was by pure strength of will and determination. WIth Ethan....he may

be only 13 days old, but I can tell he loves it too! I am his pacifier and

I love it! I am very determined to nurse him - if for no other reason than

he has a heart defect and I WILL give him the best! I think about

it....like...well, less than 1% of children born alive have this defect, if

he is in that small of a category, why chance that he'll fall into the other

small category of infants who have serious problems with formula?

And as a mom who has nursed - and formula fed - for a long time - and a

short time....I must say that breast ISN " T always best. Nutrition wise it

is, but what is MORE important to a childs health - the food they eat OR a

happy parent? Some parents are better parents giving formula than feeling

pressured to do something they don't like - and that something includes the

one person who needs all the love and good feelings they can get.

Dawn and clan

Ethan (8-25-00, 5 weeks early, CHD-VSD)

Elijah Iman (7-2-99) and Ibrahim Jerry (9-10-97)

Re: Re: Formula


> I feel the need to clarify my opinion on formula. I hold nothing against

> those of you who have formula fed in the past. I hold nothing against


> of you who need to supplement now for your baby's health but are still


> your best to continue nursing. I do hold something against formula

> manufacturers and the medical community for their marketing of formula. I

> know that just like breastfeeding does not guarantee that a child will be

> smart or healthy, formula feeding is not a guarantee that a child will be

> dumb and sick. I just want the best for every baby. And above all I know

> that the way a child is parented means more than the way they are fed. I


> not disrespect anyone who formula feeds now or has in the past. To me it


> not an issue of respect at all. I would never make a rude comment to


> who I see bottle feeding. I understand that everyone has to make their


> choice. I just wish that more women would make the choice to breastfeed


> formula would only be used as a last resort. I am sorry some of you are


> angry and feel the need to defend yourselves. I was just presenting my

> general opinion on the subject and not attacking anyone personally for a

> choice they may have made.


> Blithe



> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com



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I don't think that it is that way at all. I think we all make the best

choices we can at any given time. If we learn something that we did wasn't

the best choice we try to do better next time. We can't do any better than

that. Saying that we are idiots for our choice, really isn't productive.

It certainly won't serve any of our children that have been fed formula.



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: Formula

In a message dated 9/5/00 2:04:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time,



<< And the " my kid, blah blah blah " , is simply selective hearing and


*Statistically* formula fed babies/children/people are not as healthy as

those who were breastfed. >>

SO to all of you who have children that you have FF and now have children

that you breastfeed, because you are now so informed of the total and

complete EVIL that formula is, do you tell your FF children that you are

sorry every single day that they will NEVER be smarter, healthier, or


individuals and that there BFsiblings will always be superior to them, that

they should just give up right now because there mother was a complete idiot

for not breastfeeding them, so why even try in life because after all.....

you werent breastfed.


Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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I don't think that it is that way at all. I think we all make the best

choices we can at any given time. If we learn something that we did wasn't

the best choice we try to do better next time. We can't do any better than

that. Saying that we are idiots for our choice, really isn't productive.

It certainly won't serve any of our children that have been fed formula.



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: Formula

In a message dated 9/5/00 2:04:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time,



<< And the " my kid, blah blah blah " , is simply selective hearing and


*Statistically* formula fed babies/children/people are not as healthy as

those who were breastfed. >>

SO to all of you who have children that you have FF and now have children

that you breastfeed, because you are now so informed of the total and

complete EVIL that formula is, do you tell your FF children that you are

sorry every single day that they will NEVER be smarter, healthier, or


individuals and that there BFsiblings will always be superior to them, that

they should just give up right now because there mother was a complete idiot

for not breastfeeding them, so why even try in life because after all.....

you werent breastfed.


Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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I don't think that it is that way at all. I think we all make the best

choices we can at any given time. If we learn something that we did wasn't

the best choice we try to do better next time. We can't do any better than

that. Saying that we are idiots for our choice, really isn't productive.

It certainly won't serve any of our children that have been fed formula.



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: Formula

In a message dated 9/5/00 2:04:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time,



<< And the " my kid, blah blah blah " , is simply selective hearing and


*Statistically* formula fed babies/children/people are not as healthy as

those who were breastfed. >>

SO to all of you who have children that you have FF and now have children

that you breastfeed, because you are now so informed of the total and

complete EVIL that formula is, do you tell your FF children that you are

sorry every single day that they will NEVER be smarter, healthier, or


individuals and that there BFsiblings will always be superior to them, that

they should just give up right now because there mother was a complete idiot

for not breastfeeding them, so why even try in life because after all.....

you werent breastfed.


Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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