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Re: Formula

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Okay, clearly anyone who used formula would be offended by 's

statement. I am pretty much a " milk Natzi " (dh's loving term for me) AND I ,

for many reasons, primarily used formula with my first son. Implying that

any person's child is not okay will bring out the Mama bear in anyone. While

I am not particularly offended by the thought process, I am saddened that

such a strong statement was made as a generalization. I am sad becuase it

hurt people here who are wonderful people...no matter how they fed their

babies. Overall, I think formula is horrible stuff, but I guess I am glad it

is there for some, very few cases. We are all here because we believe we are

doing the best for our children and need support in this.

- Mama to 3 wonderful boys

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Stick in here with us. You have to feed your baby and that means using

formula right now. You will get through this. I know what you are going

through...been there, doing that. I am lucky to get ebm from lll friend(s).

What else are you doing to boost your supply? I am taking domperidone and

seems to finally be working! E mail me privately if you wish.

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Stick in here with us. You have to feed your baby and that means using

formula right now. You will get through this. I know what you are going

through...been there, doing that. I am lucky to get ebm from lll friend(s).

What else are you doing to boost your supply? I am taking domperidone and

seems to finally be working! E mail me privately if you wish.

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I did not breastfeed my first and he is aware of it. Of course I do not tell


he cannot be as good as the three I have breastfed. But he has asked why he was

not breastfed and I had to tell him that I was the one who was uneducated at the

time. I have done my best to give him a good start by parenting him the best I

know how even though it involved formula. He is a staunch advocate of

breastfeeding now. I know that he will insist on his wife breastfeeding their



sept9mom@... wrote:


> In a message dated 9/5/00 2:04:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time, jmowatt@...

> writes:


> << And the " my kid, blah blah blah " , is simply selective hearing and

> anecdotes.

> *Statistically* formula fed babies/children/people are not as healthy as

> those who were breastfed. >>


> SO to all of you who have children that you have FF and now have children

> that you breastfeed, because you are now so informed of the total and

> complete EVIL that formula is, do you tell your FF children that you are

> sorry every single day that they will NEVER be smarter, healthier, or happier

> individuals and that there BFsiblings will always be superior to them, that

> they should just give up right now because there mother was a complete idiot

> for not breastfeeding them, so why even try in life because after all.....

> you werent breastfed.


> Rhonda


> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com

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I did not breastfeed my first and he is aware of it. Of course I do not tell


he cannot be as good as the three I have breastfed. But he has asked why he was

not breastfed and I had to tell him that I was the one who was uneducated at the

time. I have done my best to give him a good start by parenting him the best I

know how even though it involved formula. He is a staunch advocate of

breastfeeding now. I know that he will insist on his wife breastfeeding their



sept9mom@... wrote:


> In a message dated 9/5/00 2:04:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time, jmowatt@...

> writes:


> << And the " my kid, blah blah blah " , is simply selective hearing and

> anecdotes.

> *Statistically* formula fed babies/children/people are not as healthy as

> those who were breastfed. >>


> SO to all of you who have children that you have FF and now have children

> that you breastfeed, because you are now so informed of the total and

> complete EVIL that formula is, do you tell your FF children that you are

> sorry every single day that they will NEVER be smarter, healthier, or happier

> individuals and that there BFsiblings will always be superior to them, that

> they should just give up right now because there mother was a complete idiot

> for not breastfeeding them, so why even try in life because after all.....

> you werent breastfed.


> Rhonda


> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com

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I did not breastfeed my first and he is aware of it. Of course I do not tell


he cannot be as good as the three I have breastfed. But he has asked why he was

not breastfed and I had to tell him that I was the one who was uneducated at the

time. I have done my best to give him a good start by parenting him the best I

know how even though it involved formula. He is a staunch advocate of

breastfeeding now. I know that he will insist on his wife breastfeeding their



sept9mom@... wrote:


> In a message dated 9/5/00 2:04:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time, jmowatt@...

> writes:


> << And the " my kid, blah blah blah " , is simply selective hearing and

> anecdotes.

> *Statistically* formula fed babies/children/people are not as healthy as

> those who were breastfed. >>


> SO to all of you who have children that you have FF and now have children

> that you breastfeed, because you are now so informed of the total and

> complete EVIL that formula is, do you tell your FF children that you are

> sorry every single day that they will NEVER be smarter, healthier, or happier

> individuals and that there BFsiblings will always be superior to them, that

> they should just give up right now because there mother was a complete idiot

> for not breastfeeding them, so why even try in life because after all.....

> you werent breastfed.


> Rhonda


> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com

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I didn't breastfeed my first but I have felt no guilt about it since he was 2. I know he missed out on the benefits of breastmilk but I did the best I knew how at the time, there is nothing more I can do about it. He has seen me breastfeed his sister and brother and sees breastfeeding as the norm so I have every confidence that will follow him into his adult life. He knows he didn't breastfeed, that he ate with bottles but I would never insinuate that he didn't get the best or that he is inferior to his siblings *geesh* I don't believe that formula is evil, there will always be a place in our society for formula.


> SO to all of you who have children that you have FF and now have children> that you breastfeed, because you are now so informed of the total and> complete EVIL that formula is, do you tell your FF children that you are> sorry every single day that they will NEVER be smarter, healthier, or happier> individuals and that there BFsiblings will always be superior to them, that> they should just give up right now because there mother was a complete idiot> for not breastfeeding them, so why even try in life because after all.....> you werent breastfed.>> Rhonda

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While I can understand what you're saying I do still think there was

a VERY good reason to breastfeed when they chose formula. We are

given breasts, not for sex, but for feeding our children. Gosh, even

way back in Bible times they were breastfeeding. It should have been

enough to know that breastfeeding was what was intended long before a

test came out proving it was better.



I just don't think that our mothers or grandmothers

> choosing to formula feed can be compared to women today making that


> The risks of formula feeding have now been proven and there is a

wealth of

> information and support for breastfeeding. I don't think it was the

same 20,

> 30, or 40 years ago. That's why I don't think badly of my mother


> formula feeding me. She didn't know then what I know now. And

when she

> new better, she did better. My younger brother was breastfed for a

year or

> more and she completely supports me in breastfeeding my children.


> Blithe

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Yes, Rhonda, this discussion is leading me to wonder the same thing...

I come across this type of black and white thinking frequently, especially in

discussions concerning children.

I am a pretty die-hard breastfeeder myself, but can't condone the disrespect I

hear in some of these posts concerning formula. All I can say is that I hope

those of you who are so vehement on this issue pay as much attention to other

aspects of your parenting as you do to this issue. In addition to

breastfeeding my kids, I am also trying to teach them to respect others and to

try to understand, rather than condemn those who they disagree with.

I am outraged by the actions of formula companies and many physicians (I

origunally posted about the Motherhood Stores-Ross Labs partnership) but I

really think we should treat each other (and yes, that includes those who

formula feed) with respect and kindness.


sept9mom@... wrote:


> In a message dated 9/5/00 2:04:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time, jmowatt@...

> writes:


> << And the " my kid, blah blah blah " , is simply selective hearing and

> anecdotes.

> *Statistically* formula fed babies/children/people are not as healthy as

> those who were breastfed. >>


> SO to all of you who have children that you have FF and now have children

> that you breastfeed, because you are now so informed of the total and

> complete EVIL that formula is, do you tell your FF children that you are

> sorry every single day that they will NEVER be smarter, healthier, or happier

> individuals and that there BFsiblings will always be superior to them, that

> they should just give up right now because there mother was a complete idiot

> for not breastfeeding them, so why even try in life because after all.....

> you werent breastfed.


> Rhonda


> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com

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Yes, Rhonda, this discussion is leading me to wonder the same thing...

I come across this type of black and white thinking frequently, especially in

discussions concerning children.

I am a pretty die-hard breastfeeder myself, but can't condone the disrespect I

hear in some of these posts concerning formula. All I can say is that I hope

those of you who are so vehement on this issue pay as much attention to other

aspects of your parenting as you do to this issue. In addition to

breastfeeding my kids, I am also trying to teach them to respect others and to

try to understand, rather than condemn those who they disagree with.

I am outraged by the actions of formula companies and many physicians (I

origunally posted about the Motherhood Stores-Ross Labs partnership) but I

really think we should treat each other (and yes, that includes those who

formula feed) with respect and kindness.


sept9mom@... wrote:


> In a message dated 9/5/00 2:04:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time, jmowatt@...

> writes:


> << And the " my kid, blah blah blah " , is simply selective hearing and

> anecdotes.

> *Statistically* formula fed babies/children/people are not as healthy as

> those who were breastfed. >>


> SO to all of you who have children that you have FF and now have children

> that you breastfeed, because you are now so informed of the total and

> complete EVIL that formula is, do you tell your FF children that you are

> sorry every single day that they will NEVER be smarter, healthier, or happier

> individuals and that there BFsiblings will always be superior to them, that

> they should just give up right now because there mother was a complete idiot

> for not breastfeeding them, so why even try in life because after all.....

> you werent breastfed.


> Rhonda


> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com

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Yes, Rhonda, this discussion is leading me to wonder the same thing...

I come across this type of black and white thinking frequently, especially in

discussions concerning children.

I am a pretty die-hard breastfeeder myself, but can't condone the disrespect I

hear in some of these posts concerning formula. All I can say is that I hope

those of you who are so vehement on this issue pay as much attention to other

aspects of your parenting as you do to this issue. In addition to

breastfeeding my kids, I am also trying to teach them to respect others and to

try to understand, rather than condemn those who they disagree with.

I am outraged by the actions of formula companies and many physicians (I

origunally posted about the Motherhood Stores-Ross Labs partnership) but I

really think we should treat each other (and yes, that includes those who

formula feed) with respect and kindness.


sept9mom@... wrote:


> In a message dated 9/5/00 2:04:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time, jmowatt@...

> writes:


> << And the " my kid, blah blah blah " , is simply selective hearing and

> anecdotes.

> *Statistically* formula fed babies/children/people are not as healthy as

> those who were breastfed. >>


> SO to all of you who have children that you have FF and now have children

> that you breastfeed, because you are now so informed of the total and

> complete EVIL that formula is, do you tell your FF children that you are

> sorry every single day that they will NEVER be smarter, healthier, or happier

> individuals and that there BFsiblings will always be superior to them, that

> they should just give up right now because there mother was a complete idiot

> for not breastfeeding them, so why even try in life because after all.....

> you werent breastfed.


> Rhonda


> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com

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I feel the need to clarify my opinion on formula. I hold nothing against

those of you who have formula fed in the past. I hold nothing against those

of you who need to supplement now for your baby's health but are still doing

your best to continue nursing. I do hold something against formula

manufacturers and the medical community for their marketing of formula. I

know that just like breastfeeding does not guarantee that a child will be

smart or healthy, formula feeding is not a guarantee that a child will be

dumb and sick. I just want the best for every baby. And above all I know

that the way a child is parented means more than the way they are fed. I do

not disrespect anyone who formula feeds now or has in the past. To me it is

not an issue of respect at all. I would never make a rude comment to anyone

who I see bottle feeding. I understand that everyone has to make their own

choice. I just wish that more women would make the choice to breastfeed and

formula would only be used as a last resort. I am sorry some of you are so

angry and feel the need to defend yourselves. I was just presenting my

general opinion on the subject and not attacking anyone personally for a

choice they may have made.


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>Okay, clearly anyone who used formula would be offended by 's


WAIT! I wrote a fairly LONG post and one, single sentence was pulled out

that now all of you use to establish your " elitist " theories about

me. Damn, in the long post, I talked about how I **formula fed** my first

child, and how I **supplemented with formula** for my two who nursed for

more than a year! Everyone seems to miss that sentence.

Why would I make an offensive statement that points directly back at me?

The sentence we've all been bandying about was in response to the question:

Do you blame formula manufacturers for your short nursing experience with

your first?

If anyone really feels that they need to take one random sentence out of a

13k post and make it stand on its own, that just won't happen. This idea

sounds like an effort to start a flame war, to me.

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>What would You have me do? let my baby continue to not gain?? Let her

>starve because I am apparently

>not producing enough, obviously I need to booost my milk supply, but in

>the meantime?? I joined this list for breastfeeding support and now I feel

>like I am being flamed for using formula too.

See, this is where I can't imagine how one person could pick on that one

single sentence from my rather longish note and determine that I was

elitist or anti-formula! Formula *does* have its purposes, and your

situation is one of them!

>Yes we should *encourage* women to BF, but not condem them for not making

>the same choice we did.

Which choice am I condemning other mothers? For using formula? I made

that choice too, so you have no basis for finger pointing. For

supplementing with formula? I made that choice too.

Let's not single out one sentence that was grouped with similar ideas ( " I

wish " statements) and force anyone to defend it as a stand-alone.

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>What would You have me do? let my baby continue to not gain?? Let her

>starve because I am apparently

>not producing enough, obviously I need to booost my milk supply, but in

>the meantime?? I joined this list for breastfeeding support and now I feel

>like I am being flamed for using formula too.

See, this is where I can't imagine how one person could pick on that one

single sentence from my rather longish note and determine that I was

elitist or anti-formula! Formula *does* have its purposes, and your

situation is one of them!

>Yes we should *encourage* women to BF, but not condem them for not making

>the same choice we did.

Which choice am I condemning other mothers? For using formula? I made

that choice too, so you have no basis for finger pointing. For

supplementing with formula? I made that choice too.

Let's not single out one sentence that was grouped with similar ideas ( " I

wish " statements) and force anyone to defend it as a stand-alone.

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>What would You have me do? let my baby continue to not gain?? Let her

>starve because I am apparently

>not producing enough, obviously I need to booost my milk supply, but in

>the meantime?? I joined this list for breastfeeding support and now I feel

>like I am being flamed for using formula too.

See, this is where I can't imagine how one person could pick on that one

single sentence from my rather longish note and determine that I was

elitist or anti-formula! Formula *does* have its purposes, and your

situation is one of them!

>Yes we should *encourage* women to BF, but not condem them for not making

>the same choice we did.

Which choice am I condemning other mothers? For using formula? I made

that choice too, so you have no basis for finger pointing. For

supplementing with formula? I made that choice too.

Let's not single out one sentence that was grouped with similar ideas ( " I

wish " statements) and force anyone to defend it as a stand-alone.

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Since it seems as though many of you think I must have made this one,

single statement somewhere along the way, I thought I'd re-post the

paragraph that it was in... in response to the question: Do you blame

formula companies for the end of breastfeeding your first child?

" No, I don't blame the formula companies for not being able to breastfeed my

first child. I feel that it was my ignorance not to learn more about

breastfeeding before I had problems and sought help. I do wish that the

information that was so misleading wasn't available to women at all... even

the ones who want to bottle feed. I wish that breastfeeding in public was

never, ever viewed as a perverse act that causes people to shield their

eyes. I wish that every labor & delivery nurse, and every post-partum

nurse had zero biases against feeding methods and could *genuinely* help

women breastfeed without offering a bottle of formula at the first sign of

trouble. I wish that women had generations of other women to watch who

breastfed their own children, and their cousins, and their neighbors. I

wish that our society wasn't so into instant gratification and that bottle

feeding meant spending hours in the kitchen preparing a single bottle, and

that every drop mattered, like it does with breastfeeding. I wish that

women who formula feed their children would stop saying how they made an

informed choice, and that their children turned out " just fine, " because in

the end, they really aren't.

I really can't assign blame to any one. But I do know that who the message

comes from makes a more significant impact that you're willing to realize. "

If this wish list makes me anti-formula-feeding-mothers, then I must be

" anti-me " !

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Since it seems as though many of you think I must have made this one,

single statement somewhere along the way, I thought I'd re-post the

paragraph that it was in... in response to the question: Do you blame

formula companies for the end of breastfeeding your first child?

" No, I don't blame the formula companies for not being able to breastfeed my

first child. I feel that it was my ignorance not to learn more about

breastfeeding before I had problems and sought help. I do wish that the

information that was so misleading wasn't available to women at all... even

the ones who want to bottle feed. I wish that breastfeeding in public was

never, ever viewed as a perverse act that causes people to shield their

eyes. I wish that every labor & delivery nurse, and every post-partum

nurse had zero biases against feeding methods and could *genuinely* help

women breastfeed without offering a bottle of formula at the first sign of

trouble. I wish that women had generations of other women to watch who

breastfed their own children, and their cousins, and their neighbors. I

wish that our society wasn't so into instant gratification and that bottle

feeding meant spending hours in the kitchen preparing a single bottle, and

that every drop mattered, like it does with breastfeeding. I wish that

women who formula feed their children would stop saying how they made an

informed choice, and that their children turned out " just fine, " because in

the end, they really aren't.

I really can't assign blame to any one. But I do know that who the message

comes from makes a more significant impact that you're willing to realize. "

If this wish list makes me anti-formula-feeding-mothers, then I must be

" anti-me " !

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> I think it is laughable to ask, " is this the formula companies fault? " Of

> course it is. Big money goes into those doctors' pockets.


How does this work? Not just with formula, but with scripts too.


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> I think it is laughable to ask, " is this the formula companies fault? " Of

> course it is. Big money goes into those doctors' pockets.


How does this work? Not just with formula, but with scripts too.


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> I think it is laughable to ask, " is this the formula companies fault? " Of

> course it is. Big money goes into those doctors' pockets.


How does this work? Not just with formula, but with scripts too.


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I have stayed out of this up until this point, but ...

All this talk about how " my Mom FFed me and I am just fine " . Where does that

excuse end? Just at formula feeding? Or spanking? Or smoking? Many of our

parents did things like this when we were young - but some of these are

things we would dream of repeating with our own children. We're supposed to

learn from their mistakes right?

My husband's Mom and Dad smoked when he was a child and he is just fine. Or

is he? Perhaps in his last years of life he will be miserable, but for now

maybe it's his youth that is keeping him strong.

I too am having a hard time understanding why we are defending not only our

right to choose breastfeeding, but even more our right to discourage formula

use. It's a wonder.

My .02 cents.

<3 B

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I have stayed out of this up until this point, but ...

All this talk about how " my Mom FFed me and I am just fine " . Where does that

excuse end? Just at formula feeding? Or spanking? Or smoking? Many of our

parents did things like this when we were young - but some of these are

things we would dream of repeating with our own children. We're supposed to

learn from their mistakes right?

My husband's Mom and Dad smoked when he was a child and he is just fine. Or

is he? Perhaps in his last years of life he will be miserable, but for now

maybe it's his youth that is keeping him strong.

I too am having a hard time understanding why we are defending not only our

right to choose breastfeeding, but even more our right to discourage formula

use. It's a wonder.

My .02 cents.

<3 B

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I have stayed out of this up until this point, but ...

All this talk about how " my Mom FFed me and I am just fine " . Where does that

excuse end? Just at formula feeding? Or spanking? Or smoking? Many of our

parents did things like this when we were young - but some of these are

things we would dream of repeating with our own children. We're supposed to

learn from their mistakes right?

My husband's Mom and Dad smoked when he was a child and he is just fine. Or

is he? Perhaps in his last years of life he will be miserable, but for now

maybe it's his youth that is keeping him strong.

I too am having a hard time understanding why we are defending not only our

right to choose breastfeeding, but even more our right to discourage formula

use. It's a wonder.

My .02 cents.

<3 B

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No, I do not say things like that to my children for any reason. But they

were old enough when my third was born to ask if they had been breastfed and

I did tell them that I did not know how important it was.

They now see me helping BF moms and reading about the differences. My 9 year

old is one of my biggest helpers. She asks her relatives if they plan to BF

and to call me if they need help.

I never said that formula is evil. It has its place. Formula companies son

the other hand, do border on evil. I just don't think that it should be

peddled like it is. If its place is for babies who are not gaining well, or

have some other physical problem with BF, then why not make it available by



-----Original Message-----

From: sept9mom@...

SO to all of you who have children that you have FF and now have children

that you breastfeed, because you are now so informed of the total and

complete EVIL that formula is, do you tell your FF children that you are

sorry every single day that they will NEVER be smarter, healthier, or


individuals and that there BFsiblings will always be superior to them, that

they should just give up right now because there mother was a complete idiot

for not breastfeeding them, so why even try in life because after all.....

you werent breastfed.

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