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RE: [Fwd: [BTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]

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They had seperate packs for bf'ing and for formula fed babies. Can someone

send me the url for the WHO code...I accidentally deleted it. what is this

WHO code? Who made it up and who is supposed to follow it?

> They give lip service to bfing because it makes them look better. Your

> hospital was breaking the WHO code by giving away formula samples to ;-)

> My hospital doesn't give away any formula samples.


> Michele




> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com






CUR #153 ICQ#875060

I was born Creative, not Patient.

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They had seperate packs for bf'ing and for formula fed babies. Can someone

send me the url for the WHO code...I accidentally deleted it. what is this

WHO code? Who made it up and who is supposed to follow it?

> They give lip service to bfing because it makes them look better. Your

> hospital was breaking the WHO code by giving away formula samples to ;-)

> My hospital doesn't give away any formula samples.


> Michele




> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com






CUR #153 ICQ#875060

I was born Creative, not Patient.

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>>>I think the formula companies are already doing a great job since they

include information on breastfeeding in their packs. The pack I got from my

hospital had bf'ing information in it as well as a cold pack for keeping bm

cool. <<<

They give lip service to bfing because it makes them look better. Your

hospital was breaking the WHO code by giving away formula samples to ;-)

My hospital doesn't give away any formula samples.


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>>>I think the formula companies are already doing a great job since they

include information on breastfeeding in their packs. The pack I got from my

hospital had bf'ing information in it as well as a cold pack for keeping bm

cool. <<<

They give lip service to bfing because it makes them look better. Your

hospital was breaking the WHO code by giving away formula samples to ;-)

My hospital doesn't give away any formula samples.


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>>>I think the formula companies are already doing a great job since they

include information on breastfeeding in their packs. The pack I got from my

hospital had bf'ing information in it as well as a cold pack for keeping bm

cool. <<<

They give lip service to bfing because it makes them look better. Your

hospital was breaking the WHO code by giving away formula samples to ;-)

My hospital doesn't give away any formula samples.


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Please be careful here! It's *Motherhood Maternity and Mothers Work*

that is in partnership with Ross Labs. *Motherwear* is a company

that sells nursing clothes, and unequivocally supports breastfeeding.

Big difference! : )


~ Michele ~ wrote:

I would donate them to the food

bank. Or if you are of the same mind as , send them to Motherwear! Michele


received two boxes of formula products after giving my information to a

Motherhood store (I thought I would receive catalogs. I still have them

and don't

know what to do with them.


Margaret Potter wrote:

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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Please be careful here! It's *Motherhood Maternity and Mothers Work*

that is in partnership with Ross Labs. *Motherwear* is a company

that sells nursing clothes, and unequivocally supports breastfeeding.

Big difference! : )


~ Michele ~ wrote:

I would donate them to the food

bank. Or if you are of the same mind as , send them to Motherwear! Michele


received two boxes of formula products after giving my information to a

Motherhood store (I thought I would receive catalogs. I still have them

and don't

know what to do with them.


Margaret Potter wrote:

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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Please be careful here! It's *Motherhood Maternity and Mothers Work*

that is in partnership with Ross Labs. *Motherwear* is a company

that sells nursing clothes, and unequivocally supports breastfeeding.

Big difference! : )


~ Michele ~ wrote:

I would donate them to the food

bank. Or if you are of the same mind as , send them to Motherwear! Michele


received two boxes of formula products after giving my information to a

Motherhood store (I thought I would receive catalogs. I still have them

and don't

know what to do with them.


Margaret Potter wrote:

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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Yes, Wendi, I have difficulty with this as well. At the hospital I gave birth

at they did have a separate bag for breastfeeders, and it was actually useful.

The best part was that it had a thick brochure that was an excerpt from " The

Nursing Mothers Companion " , a book that was extremely useful to me.

On another list I'm on there was a woman who was putting together a

breastfeeding packet of goodies for exactly this purpose, to balance out the

formula companies packet. She had gotten Lansinoh to donate free samples, (no

flames here, please!), and a bunch of other free stuff.

I used to think the diaper bag they gave me at the hospital was really useful,

now I just see it as a free advertisement for formula and don't use it any


In terms of the donation of formula, I am really torn. For me this is a real

moral dilemma and I don't know what the answer is. I certainly don't want to

participate in a baby not getting breastfed. However, I have worked with

homeless families and have seen how hard it is for them to get by. I wish

everyone would breastfeed, but if they don't, then I certainly don't want a

baby to get diluted formula, or cows milk or some other inappropriate food

either. I'll have to think about this some more.


Wendi wrote:


> Llanda,


> The huge difficulty I have with that is that breastfeeding mothers aren't

> offered a substitute pack. If they don't want the formula, they miss out on

> anything free! Formula feeding and bottle feeding in our society are

> rewarded and breastfeeding is not!


> Wendi

> http://www.lactivist.com

> breastfeeding resources and info


> Re: [Fwd: [bTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]


> In a message dated 8/31/00 5:17:13 PM Central Daylight Time,

> helminger@... writes:


> << According to

> > other message boards, Motherhood hands over the addresses of customers to

> > Ross >>

> Being a former employee of Motherhood I can tell you Motherhood does not

> simply hand over your information, at least they are not supposed to, The

> Employee taking your info is supposed to ASK wether you want to join the

> Welcome Additions club, if you received Welcome Adittion club sample without

> having asked for them You need to inform your local motherhood's Manager.

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Yes, Wendi, I have difficulty with this as well. At the hospital I gave birth

at they did have a separate bag for breastfeeders, and it was actually useful.

The best part was that it had a thick brochure that was an excerpt from " The

Nursing Mothers Companion " , a book that was extremely useful to me.

On another list I'm on there was a woman who was putting together a

breastfeeding packet of goodies for exactly this purpose, to balance out the

formula companies packet. She had gotten Lansinoh to donate free samples, (no

flames here, please!), and a bunch of other free stuff.

I used to think the diaper bag they gave me at the hospital was really useful,

now I just see it as a free advertisement for formula and don't use it any


In terms of the donation of formula, I am really torn. For me this is a real

moral dilemma and I don't know what the answer is. I certainly don't want to

participate in a baby not getting breastfed. However, I have worked with

homeless families and have seen how hard it is for them to get by. I wish

everyone would breastfeed, but if they don't, then I certainly don't want a

baby to get diluted formula, or cows milk or some other inappropriate food

either. I'll have to think about this some more.


Wendi wrote:


> Llanda,


> The huge difficulty I have with that is that breastfeeding mothers aren't

> offered a substitute pack. If they don't want the formula, they miss out on

> anything free! Formula feeding and bottle feeding in our society are

> rewarded and breastfeeding is not!


> Wendi

> http://www.lactivist.com

> breastfeeding resources and info


> Re: [Fwd: [bTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]


> In a message dated 8/31/00 5:17:13 PM Central Daylight Time,

> helminger@... writes:


> << According to

> > other message boards, Motherhood hands over the addresses of customers to

> > Ross >>

> Being a former employee of Motherhood I can tell you Motherhood does not

> simply hand over your information, at least they are not supposed to, The

> Employee taking your info is supposed to ASK wether you want to join the

> Welcome Additions club, if you received Welcome Adittion club sample without

> having asked for them You need to inform your local motherhood's Manager.

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Yes, Wendi, I have difficulty with this as well. At the hospital I gave birth

at they did have a separate bag for breastfeeders, and it was actually useful.

The best part was that it had a thick brochure that was an excerpt from " The

Nursing Mothers Companion " , a book that was extremely useful to me.

On another list I'm on there was a woman who was putting together a

breastfeeding packet of goodies for exactly this purpose, to balance out the

formula companies packet. She had gotten Lansinoh to donate free samples, (no

flames here, please!), and a bunch of other free stuff.

I used to think the diaper bag they gave me at the hospital was really useful,

now I just see it as a free advertisement for formula and don't use it any


In terms of the donation of formula, I am really torn. For me this is a real

moral dilemma and I don't know what the answer is. I certainly don't want to

participate in a baby not getting breastfed. However, I have worked with

homeless families and have seen how hard it is for them to get by. I wish

everyone would breastfeed, but if they don't, then I certainly don't want a

baby to get diluted formula, or cows milk or some other inappropriate food

either. I'll have to think about this some more.


Wendi wrote:


> Llanda,


> The huge difficulty I have with that is that breastfeeding mothers aren't

> offered a substitute pack. If they don't want the formula, they miss out on

> anything free! Formula feeding and bottle feeding in our society are

> rewarded and breastfeeding is not!


> Wendi

> http://www.lactivist.com

> breastfeeding resources and info


> Re: [Fwd: [bTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]


> In a message dated 8/31/00 5:17:13 PM Central Daylight Time,

> helminger@... writes:


> << According to

> > other message boards, Motherhood hands over the addresses of customers to

> > Ross >>

> Being a former employee of Motherhood I can tell you Motherhood does not

> simply hand over your information, at least they are not supposed to, The

> Employee taking your info is supposed to ASK wether you want to join the

> Welcome Additions club, if you received Welcome Adittion club sample without

> having asked for them You need to inform your local motherhood's Manager.

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I, too, had many problems bfdg all of my children. Ty and I are just now

getting the milk supply thing handled and he is 5 1/2 mo old. The first

priority of any mother is to nurture her baby. If that includes formula for

different reasons, no one would knock her for that. I hated giving formula to

Ty, but he had to eat while we worked on our issues. When any company

sabotoges bfdg though it is a sad day for all of us. You and I are stubborn

and did not give in, but many people who don't have proper info, etc. and who

have formula ready, free and available would not do the same thing. I do not

believe that formula companies wish for mothers to bfd their babies...not for

one minute. They simply cannot refute the benefits and the fact that bm is

so far superior to their product. I don't think there is any easy answer

here. I was dismayed when I purchased some nursing night shirts and was

encouraged to get on a list where I could receive formula and other coupons.

I told the mgr. of the store that I felt something else should have been

offered to mother's who choose to bfd. She thanked me and handed me a

nursing wear cataloge...better than nothing:)

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I, too, had many problems bfdg all of my children. Ty and I are just now

getting the milk supply thing handled and he is 5 1/2 mo old. The first

priority of any mother is to nurture her baby. If that includes formula for

different reasons, no one would knock her for that. I hated giving formula to

Ty, but he had to eat while we worked on our issues. When any company

sabotoges bfdg though it is a sad day for all of us. You and I are stubborn

and did not give in, but many people who don't have proper info, etc. and who

have formula ready, free and available would not do the same thing. I do not

believe that formula companies wish for mothers to bfd their babies...not for

one minute. They simply cannot refute the benefits and the fact that bm is

so far superior to their product. I don't think there is any easy answer

here. I was dismayed when I purchased some nursing night shirts and was

encouraged to get on a list where I could receive formula and other coupons.

I told the mgr. of the store that I felt something else should have been

offered to mother's who choose to bfd. She thanked me and handed me a

nursing wear cataloge...better than nothing:)

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<<I may be different than most people...but you guys know how much trouble

Abby and I had getting bf'ing going...and I did NOT give up bf'ing. We are

talking about 3 months of problems...and I had a lot of formula here (I


up on some sites before I had her). Even though she did get an occasional

bottle of formula she is strictly breastfed now.>>

But remember, you had the resources to solve your problems! Most women who

'try' to breastfeed have problems, but no where to turn, so there you go,

formula is right there, so why not? - I'm sure everyone here is happy that

you stuck it out, one more breastfed baby is awesome!

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<<I may be different than most people...but you guys know how much trouble

Abby and I had getting bf'ing going...and I did NOT give up bf'ing. We are

talking about 3 months of problems...and I had a lot of formula here (I


up on some sites before I had her). Even though she did get an occasional

bottle of formula she is strictly breastfed now.>>

But remember, you had the resources to solve your problems! Most women who

'try' to breastfeed have problems, but no where to turn, so there you go,

formula is right there, so why not? - I'm sure everyone here is happy that

you stuck it out, one more breastfed baby is awesome!

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<<I may be different than most people...but you guys know how much trouble

Abby and I had getting bf'ing going...and I did NOT give up bf'ing. We are

talking about 3 months of problems...and I had a lot of formula here (I


up on some sites before I had her). Even though she did get an occasional

bottle of formula she is strictly breastfed now.>>

But remember, you had the resources to solve your problems! Most women who

'try' to breastfeed have problems, but no where to turn, so there you go,

formula is right there, so why not? - I'm sure everyone here is happy that

you stuck it out, one more breastfed baby is awesome!

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For me it is a problem of the WHO code being violated. The World Health

Organization (WHO) monitors worldwide health and they came up with this code

because about a million and a half babies a year die from being denied

breastmilk (this is worldwide). This is not just a matter of a feeding

choice. It is a matter of formula fed babies being 14 times more likely to

be hospitalized in their first year. That is a risk that I am completely

unwilling to take. Cigarettes are dangerous and they won't let minors buy

them, car seats save lives and here in my state they are mandatory by law,

bike helmets are also mandatory for kids under 12 but we make no laws to

protect our infants from the formula industry. Every time that a business

sells-out to the formula industry more babies die. That is intolerable to

me. I don't think I would be so passionate about this if it weren't for me

witnessing first-hand (when I worked in the Newborn ICU) the dangers of not

breastfeeding. I would hate for thousands of pregnant women to be swayed by

marketing at a desperate time.



breastfeeding resources and info

RE: [Fwd: [bTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]

Then in my opinion its not similac's fault they are willing to give away


product. Its someone else's fault for not comming up with a " gift " to give

breastfeeding mothers. Just because someone chooses to formula feed their

child doesnt mean that they should not get any freebies because there are no

freebies for the breastfeeding mothers. Maybe the key is to write to Avent


Medela or Ameda and have them put together a free breastfeeding mother's

kit. I think the formula companies are already doing a great job since they

include information on breastfeeding in their packs. The pack I got from my

hospital had bf'ing information in it as well as a cold pack for keeping bm


I may be different than most people...but you guys know how much trouble

Abby and I had getting bf'ing going...and I did NOT give up bf'ing. We are

talking about 3 months of problems...and I had a lot of formula here (I


up on some sites before I had her). Even though she did get an occasional

bottle of formula she is strictly breastfed now.

This is just my opinion though.

> The huge difficulty I have with that is that breastfeeding mothers aren't

> offered a substitute pack. If they don't want the formula, they miss out

> on anything free! Formula feeding and bottle feeding in our society are

> rewarded and breastfeeding is not!





CUR #153 ICQ#875060

I was born Creative, not Patient.

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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For me it is a problem of the WHO code being violated. The World Health

Organization (WHO) monitors worldwide health and they came up with this code

because about a million and a half babies a year die from being denied

breastmilk (this is worldwide). This is not just a matter of a feeding

choice. It is a matter of formula fed babies being 14 times more likely to

be hospitalized in their first year. That is a risk that I am completely

unwilling to take. Cigarettes are dangerous and they won't let minors buy

them, car seats save lives and here in my state they are mandatory by law,

bike helmets are also mandatory for kids under 12 but we make no laws to

protect our infants from the formula industry. Every time that a business

sells-out to the formula industry more babies die. That is intolerable to

me. I don't think I would be so passionate about this if it weren't for me

witnessing first-hand (when I worked in the Newborn ICU) the dangers of not

breastfeeding. I would hate for thousands of pregnant women to be swayed by

marketing at a desperate time.



breastfeeding resources and info

RE: [Fwd: [bTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]

Then in my opinion its not similac's fault they are willing to give away


product. Its someone else's fault for not comming up with a " gift " to give

breastfeeding mothers. Just because someone chooses to formula feed their

child doesnt mean that they should not get any freebies because there are no

freebies for the breastfeeding mothers. Maybe the key is to write to Avent


Medela or Ameda and have them put together a free breastfeeding mother's

kit. I think the formula companies are already doing a great job since they

include information on breastfeeding in their packs. The pack I got from my

hospital had bf'ing information in it as well as a cold pack for keeping bm


I may be different than most people...but you guys know how much trouble

Abby and I had getting bf'ing going...and I did NOT give up bf'ing. We are

talking about 3 months of problems...and I had a lot of formula here (I


up on some sites before I had her). Even though she did get an occasional

bottle of formula she is strictly breastfed now.

This is just my opinion though.

> The huge difficulty I have with that is that breastfeeding mothers aren't

> offered a substitute pack. If they don't want the formula, they miss out

> on anything free! Formula feeding and bottle feeding in our society are

> rewarded and breastfeeding is not!





CUR #153 ICQ#875060

I was born Creative, not Patient.

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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For me it is a problem of the WHO code being violated. The World Health

Organization (WHO) monitors worldwide health and they came up with this code

because about a million and a half babies a year die from being denied

breastmilk (this is worldwide). This is not just a matter of a feeding

choice. It is a matter of formula fed babies being 14 times more likely to

be hospitalized in their first year. That is a risk that I am completely

unwilling to take. Cigarettes are dangerous and they won't let minors buy

them, car seats save lives and here in my state they are mandatory by law,

bike helmets are also mandatory for kids under 12 but we make no laws to

protect our infants from the formula industry. Every time that a business

sells-out to the formula industry more babies die. That is intolerable to

me. I don't think I would be so passionate about this if it weren't for me

witnessing first-hand (when I worked in the Newborn ICU) the dangers of not

breastfeeding. I would hate for thousands of pregnant women to be swayed by

marketing at a desperate time.



breastfeeding resources and info

RE: [Fwd: [bTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]

Then in my opinion its not similac's fault they are willing to give away


product. Its someone else's fault for not comming up with a " gift " to give

breastfeeding mothers. Just because someone chooses to formula feed their

child doesnt mean that they should not get any freebies because there are no

freebies for the breastfeeding mothers. Maybe the key is to write to Avent


Medela or Ameda and have them put together a free breastfeeding mother's

kit. I think the formula companies are already doing a great job since they

include information on breastfeeding in their packs. The pack I got from my

hospital had bf'ing information in it as well as a cold pack for keeping bm


I may be different than most people...but you guys know how much trouble

Abby and I had getting bf'ing going...and I did NOT give up bf'ing. We are

talking about 3 months of problems...and I had a lot of formula here (I


up on some sites before I had her). Even though she did get an occasional

bottle of formula she is strictly breastfed now.

This is just my opinion though.

> The huge difficulty I have with that is that breastfeeding mothers aren't

> offered a substitute pack. If they don't want the formula, they miss out

> on anything free! Formula feeding and bottle feeding in our society are

> rewarded and breastfeeding is not!





CUR #153 ICQ#875060

I was born Creative, not Patient.

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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I resent it. It is made up by WHO (world health organization) and Unicef.

Everyone around the world is supposed to follow it. The U.S didn't sign on

until 94 because Reagan refused to sign it and so did Bush. Clinton finally

signed it but has done nothing to enforce it. Some countries have adopted

it as law. I wish we would.



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: [Fwd: [bTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]

They had seperate packs for bf'ing and for formula fed babies. Can someone

send me the url for the WHO code...I accidentally deleted it. what is


WHO code? Who made it up and who is supposed to follow it?

> They give lip service to bfing because it makes them look better. Your

> hospital was breaking the WHO code by giving away formula samples to ;-)

> My hospital doesn't give away any formula samples.


> Michele




> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com






CUR #153 ICQ#875060

I was born Creative, not Patient.

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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I resent it. It is made up by WHO (world health organization) and Unicef.

Everyone around the world is supposed to follow it. The U.S didn't sign on

until 94 because Reagan refused to sign it and so did Bush. Clinton finally

signed it but has done nothing to enforce it. Some countries have adopted

it as law. I wish we would.



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: [Fwd: [bTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]

They had seperate packs for bf'ing and for formula fed babies. Can someone

send me the url for the WHO code...I accidentally deleted it. what is


WHO code? Who made it up and who is supposed to follow it?

> They give lip service to bfing because it makes them look better. Your

> hospital was breaking the WHO code by giving away formula samples to ;-)

> My hospital doesn't give away any formula samples.


> Michele




> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com






CUR #153 ICQ#875060

I was born Creative, not Patient.

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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I resent it. It is made up by WHO (world health organization) and Unicef.

Everyone around the world is supposed to follow it. The U.S didn't sign on

until 94 because Reagan refused to sign it and so did Bush. Clinton finally

signed it but has done nothing to enforce it. Some countries have adopted

it as law. I wish we would.



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: [Fwd: [bTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]

They had seperate packs for bf'ing and for formula fed babies. Can someone

send me the url for the WHO code...I accidentally deleted it. what is


WHO code? Who made it up and who is supposed to follow it?

> They give lip service to bfing because it makes them look better. Your

> hospital was breaking the WHO code by giving away formula samples to ;-)

> My hospital doesn't give away any formula samples.


> Michele




> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com






CUR #153 ICQ#875060

I was born Creative, not Patient.

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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This is supposed to say I re-sent it not I resent it. I don't resent

anyone! :)



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: [Fwd: [bTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]

They had seperate packs for bf'ing and for formula fed babies. Can someone

send me the url for the WHO code...I accidentally deleted it. what is


WHO code? Who made it up and who is supposed to follow it?

> They give lip service to bfing because it makes them look better. Your

> hospital was breaking the WHO code by giving away formula samples to ;-)

> My hospital doesn't give away any formula samples.


> Michele




> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com






CUR #153 ICQ#875060

I was born Creative, not Patient.

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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This is supposed to say I re-sent it not I resent it. I don't resent

anyone! :)



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: [Fwd: [bTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]

They had seperate packs for bf'ing and for formula fed babies. Can someone

send me the url for the WHO code...I accidentally deleted it. what is


WHO code? Who made it up and who is supposed to follow it?

> They give lip service to bfing because it makes them look better. Your

> hospital was breaking the WHO code by giving away formula samples to ;-)

> My hospital doesn't give away any formula samples.


> Michele




> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com






CUR #153 ICQ#875060

I was born Creative, not Patient.

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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This is supposed to say I re-sent it not I resent it. I don't resent

anyone! :)



breastfeeding resources and info

Re: [Fwd: [bTLdiapering] OT: Motherhood Stores]

They had seperate packs for bf'ing and for formula fed babies. Can someone

send me the url for the WHO code...I accidentally deleted it. what is


WHO code? Who made it up and who is supposed to follow it?

> They give lip service to bfing because it makes them look better. Your

> hospital was breaking the WHO code by giving away formula samples to ;-)

> My hospital doesn't give away any formula samples.


> Michele




> Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!

> http://www.lactivist.com






CUR #153 ICQ#875060

I was born Creative, not Patient.

Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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