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Re: Sad Day in Ems

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That is the way it happened,I was on the


Interview Commitee. But if you noticed,How many people

left The Star ? I remember 2, Waddington and

Ellen Latham. Do you remember the meetings we had

on Tulsa Way at the T.C.M.S. Building. How many out

and out lies were told? How many times were Boo and

Mike Lee and and Mike called on

the carpet? And the standard reply; IF YOU DONT LIKE

IT,YOU DONT HAVE TO WORK HERE.Rural Metro is the most

morally bankrupt company on Planet Earth. Please If

you have any dealings with them ,Grease up,because it

is going to bite you in the end. I left Med Star in

1999. My wife got into nursing school. When I left,I

was assured by that I was able to come

back at any time. So now we are moving back to Fort

Worth, and I called to see about going back to work

and I was told that I was not re-hireable due to a

medical control problem. So I called Earnie

and asked about the problem. I was told that there was

no problems and my status with EPAB was clear. I then

called Carolyn Peace the HR rep. and told her of the

findings. She said that she would talk to Mike

and work it out. Well,I got an e-mail From

the Clinical Coordinator, and she said that I was not

rehirable due to my abandioning my position. So heres

another person whom can say,with out a doubt,if some

body does not do something about Rural Metros


practices,there is going to be 10 kinds of billy-goat

hell to pay.Please note that I have contacted an

attorney and am possibly pursuing a defamation of

caricture suit.

--- Jeff Ellison wrote:

> I think you mean, if Rural Metro were to pull out,

> but yes, the medics would still be there. The new

> company would bring in it's own management, and

> interview to select Supervisors. This brings with it

> massive change, as it did when AMR left and R/M came

> in.




> Jonathon's Mail

> wrote:

> if medstar did pull out of tarrant county and

> someone else moved in, then like every other

> turnover, wouldn't the same employees still work

> there? if that were to happen,what would be the use

> of the turnover?


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




> ---------------------------------


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That is the way it happened,I was on the


Interview Commitee. But if you noticed,How many people

left The Star ? I remember 2, Waddington and

Ellen Latham. Do you remember the meetings we had

on Tulsa Way at the T.C.M.S. Building. How many out

and out lies were told? How many times were Boo and

Mike Lee and and Mike called on

the carpet? And the standard reply; IF YOU DONT LIKE

IT,YOU DONT HAVE TO WORK HERE.Rural Metro is the most

morally bankrupt company on Planet Earth. Please If

you have any dealings with them ,Grease up,because it

is going to bite you in the end. I left Med Star in

1999. My wife got into nursing school. When I left,I

was assured by that I was able to come

back at any time. So now we are moving back to Fort

Worth, and I called to see about going back to work

and I was told that I was not re-hireable due to a

medical control problem. So I called Earnie

and asked about the problem. I was told that there was

no problems and my status with EPAB was clear. I then

called Carolyn Peace the HR rep. and told her of the

findings. She said that she would talk to Mike

and work it out. Well,I got an e-mail From

the Clinical Coordinator, and she said that I was not

rehirable due to my abandioning my position. So heres

another person whom can say,with out a doubt,if some

body does not do something about Rural Metros


practices,there is going to be 10 kinds of billy-goat

hell to pay.Please note that I have contacted an

attorney and am possibly pursuing a defamation of

caricture suit.

--- Jeff Ellison wrote:

> I think you mean, if Rural Metro were to pull out,

> but yes, the medics would still be there. The new

> company would bring in it's own management, and

> interview to select Supervisors. This brings with it

> massive change, as it did when AMR left and R/M came

> in.




> Jonathon's Mail

> wrote:

> if medstar did pull out of tarrant county and

> someone else moved in, then like every other

> turnover, wouldn't the same employees still work

> there? if that were to happen,what would be the use

> of the turnover?


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




> ---------------------------------


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That is the way it happened,I was on the


Interview Commitee. But if you noticed,How many people

left The Star ? I remember 2, Waddington and

Ellen Latham. Do you remember the meetings we had

on Tulsa Way at the T.C.M.S. Building. How many out

and out lies were told? How many times were Boo and

Mike Lee and and Mike called on

the carpet? And the standard reply; IF YOU DONT LIKE

IT,YOU DONT HAVE TO WORK HERE.Rural Metro is the most

morally bankrupt company on Planet Earth. Please If

you have any dealings with them ,Grease up,because it

is going to bite you in the end. I left Med Star in

1999. My wife got into nursing school. When I left,I

was assured by that I was able to come

back at any time. So now we are moving back to Fort

Worth, and I called to see about going back to work

and I was told that I was not re-hireable due to a

medical control problem. So I called Earnie

and asked about the problem. I was told that there was

no problems and my status with EPAB was clear. I then

called Carolyn Peace the HR rep. and told her of the

findings. She said that she would talk to Mike

and work it out. Well,I got an e-mail From

the Clinical Coordinator, and she said that I was not

rehirable due to my abandioning my position. So heres

another person whom can say,with out a doubt,if some

body does not do something about Rural Metros


practices,there is going to be 10 kinds of billy-goat

hell to pay.Please note that I have contacted an

attorney and am possibly pursuing a defamation of

caricture suit.

--- Jeff Ellison wrote:

> I think you mean, if Rural Metro were to pull out,

> but yes, the medics would still be there. The new

> company would bring in it's own management, and

> interview to select Supervisors. This brings with it

> massive change, as it did when AMR left and R/M came

> in.




> Jonathon's Mail

> wrote:

> if medstar did pull out of tarrant county and

> someone else moved in, then like every other

> turnover, wouldn't the same employees still work

> there? if that were to happen,what would be the use

> of the turnover?


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




> ---------------------------------


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So - you don't like the copmany, don't like their practices, but

you're upset they won't re-hire you?

BTW, if it's a caricature, it would be defacing, not defaming.

Mike :)


> Jeff,


> That is the way it happened,I was on the

> Supervisors

> Interview Commitee. But if you noticed,How many people

> left The Star ? I remember 2, Waddington and

> Ellen Latham. Do you remember the meetings we had

> on Tulsa Way at the T.C.M.S. Building. How many out

> and out lies were told? How many times were Boo and

> Mike Lee and and Mike called on

> the carpet? And the standard reply; IF YOU DONT LIKE

> IT,YOU DONT HAVE TO WORK HERE.Rural Metro is the most

> morally bankrupt company on Planet Earth. Please If

> you have any dealings with them ,Grease up,because it

> is going to bite you in the end. I left Med Star in

> 1999. My wife got into nursing school. When I left,I

> was assured by that I was able to come

> back at any time. So now we are moving back to Fort

> Worth, and I called to see about going back to work

> and I was told that I was not re-hireable due to a

> medical control problem. So I called Earnie

> and asked about the problem. I was told that there was

> no problems and my status with EPAB was clear. I then

> called Carolyn Peace the HR rep. and told her of the

> findings. She said that she would talk to Mike

> and work it out. Well,I got an e-mail From


> the Clinical Coordinator, and she said that I was not

> rehirable due to my abandioning my position. So heres

> another person whom can say,with out a doubt,if some

> body does not do something about Rural Metros

> deceptive

> practices,there is going to be 10 kinds of billy-goat

> hell to pay.Please note that I have contacted an

> attorney and am possibly pursuing a defamation of

> caricture suit.


> --- Jeff Ellison wrote:


> > I think you mean, if Rural Metro were to pull out,

> > but yes, the medics would still be there. The new

> > company would bring in it's own management, and

> > interview to select Supervisors. This brings with it

> > massive change, as it did when AMR left and R/M came

> > in.

> >

> >

> >

> > Jonathon's Mail

> > wrote:

> > if medstar did pull out of tarrant county and

> > someone else moved in, then like every other

> > turnover, wouldn't the same employees still work

> > there? if that were to happen,what would be the use

> > of the turnover?

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> >

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So - you don't like the copmany, don't like their practices, but

you're upset they won't re-hire you?

BTW, if it's a caricature, it would be defacing, not defaming.

Mike :)


> Jeff,


> That is the way it happened,I was on the

> Supervisors

> Interview Commitee. But if you noticed,How many people

> left The Star ? I remember 2, Waddington and

> Ellen Latham. Do you remember the meetings we had

> on Tulsa Way at the T.C.M.S. Building. How many out

> and out lies were told? How many times were Boo and

> Mike Lee and and Mike called on

> the carpet? And the standard reply; IF YOU DONT LIKE

> IT,YOU DONT HAVE TO WORK HERE.Rural Metro is the most

> morally bankrupt company on Planet Earth. Please If

> you have any dealings with them ,Grease up,because it

> is going to bite you in the end. I left Med Star in

> 1999. My wife got into nursing school. When I left,I

> was assured by that I was able to come

> back at any time. So now we are moving back to Fort

> Worth, and I called to see about going back to work

> and I was told that I was not re-hireable due to a

> medical control problem. So I called Earnie

> and asked about the problem. I was told that there was

> no problems and my status with EPAB was clear. I then

> called Carolyn Peace the HR rep. and told her of the

> findings. She said that she would talk to Mike

> and work it out. Well,I got an e-mail From


> the Clinical Coordinator, and she said that I was not

> rehirable due to my abandioning my position. So heres

> another person whom can say,with out a doubt,if some

> body does not do something about Rural Metros

> deceptive

> practices,there is going to be 10 kinds of billy-goat

> hell to pay.Please note that I have contacted an

> attorney and am possibly pursuing a defamation of

> caricture suit.


> --- Jeff Ellison wrote:


> > I think you mean, if Rural Metro were to pull out,

> > but yes, the medics would still be there. The new

> > company would bring in it's own management, and

> > interview to select Supervisors. This brings with it

> > massive change, as it did when AMR left and R/M came

> > in.

> >

> >

> >

> > Jonathon's Mail

> > wrote:

> > if medstar did pull out of tarrant county and

> > someone else moved in, then like every other

> > turnover, wouldn't the same employees still work

> > there? if that were to happen,what would be the use

> > of the turnover?

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> >

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So - you don't like the copmany, don't like their practices, but

you're upset they won't re-hire you?

BTW, if it's a caricature, it would be defacing, not defaming.

Mike :)


> Jeff,


> That is the way it happened,I was on the

> Supervisors

> Interview Commitee. But if you noticed,How many people

> left The Star ? I remember 2, Waddington and

> Ellen Latham. Do you remember the meetings we had

> on Tulsa Way at the T.C.M.S. Building. How many out

> and out lies were told? How many times were Boo and

> Mike Lee and and Mike called on

> the carpet? And the standard reply; IF YOU DONT LIKE

> IT,YOU DONT HAVE TO WORK HERE.Rural Metro is the most

> morally bankrupt company on Planet Earth. Please If

> you have any dealings with them ,Grease up,because it

> is going to bite you in the end. I left Med Star in

> 1999. My wife got into nursing school. When I left,I

> was assured by that I was able to come

> back at any time. So now we are moving back to Fort

> Worth, and I called to see about going back to work

> and I was told that I was not re-hireable due to a

> medical control problem. So I called Earnie

> and asked about the problem. I was told that there was

> no problems and my status with EPAB was clear. I then

> called Carolyn Peace the HR rep. and told her of the

> findings. She said that she would talk to Mike

> and work it out. Well,I got an e-mail From


> the Clinical Coordinator, and she said that I was not

> rehirable due to my abandioning my position. So heres

> another person whom can say,with out a doubt,if some

> body does not do something about Rural Metros

> deceptive

> practices,there is going to be 10 kinds of billy-goat

> hell to pay.Please note that I have contacted an

> attorney and am possibly pursuing a defamation of

> caricture suit.


> --- Jeff Ellison wrote:


> > I think you mean, if Rural Metro were to pull out,

> > but yes, the medics would still be there. The new

> > company would bring in it's own management, and

> > interview to select Supervisors. This brings with it

> > massive change, as it did when AMR left and R/M came

> > in.

> >

> >

> >

> > Jonathon's Mail

> > wrote:

> > if medstar did pull out of tarrant county and

> > someone else moved in, then like every other

> > turnover, wouldn't the same employees still work

> > there? if that were to happen,what would be the use

> > of the turnover?

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> >

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Very well put.

--- Larry wrote:


> -- " Brown " wrote:

> " There are an astounding number of fire departments

> that realize that EMS is the main focus of what

> people who pick up the phone to dial 911 is, and do

> a fantastic job of providing that service. "



> No disagreement there; I was pointing out that

> forcing EMS where it isn't wanted is a road fraught

> with peril, and perhaps the more efficient approach

> would be to correct that which is broken.



> " At the very least EMS needs to be an equal service

> to fire and PD. "



> Parity would make EMS more attractive to potential

> recruits and give us an equalplace at the table with

> LEOs and Fire.



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Very well put.

--- Larry wrote:


> -- " Brown " wrote:

> " There are an astounding number of fire departments

> that realize that EMS is the main focus of what

> people who pick up the phone to dial 911 is, and do

> a fantastic job of providing that service. "



> No disagreement there; I was pointing out that

> forcing EMS where it isn't wanted is a road fraught

> with peril, and perhaps the more efficient approach

> would be to correct that which is broken.



> " At the very least EMS needs to be an equal service

> to fire and PD. "



> Parity would make EMS more attractive to potential

> recruits and give us an equalplace at the table with

> LEOs and Fire.



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Very well put.

--- Larry wrote:


> -- " Brown " wrote:

> " There are an astounding number of fire departments

> that realize that EMS is the main focus of what

> people who pick up the phone to dial 911 is, and do

> a fantastic job of providing that service. "



> No disagreement there; I was pointing out that

> forcing EMS where it isn't wanted is a road fraught

> with peril, and perhaps the more efficient approach

> would be to correct that which is broken.



> " At the very least EMS needs to be an equal service

> to fire and PD. "



> Parity would make EMS more attractive to potential

> recruits and give us an equalplace at the table with

> LEOs and Fire.



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Thanks for the spell check. No,I am upset that I was

lied to.I have proof of this. I have been trying to

get a straight answer them for almost 6 months. About

the time we decided to move home. And the powers that

be kept playing ring around the rosie w/me.

--- Mike wrote:

> So - you don't like the copmany, don't like their

> practices, but

> you're upset they won't re-hire you?


> BTW, if it's a caricature, it would be defacing, not

> defaming.


> Mike :)



> On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 19:21:21 -0800 (PST), Wayne

> Edgin wrote:

> >

> > Jeff,

> >

> > That is the way it happened,I was on the

> > Supervisors

> > Interview Commitee. But if you noticed,How many

> people

> > left The Star ? I remember 2, Waddington and

> > Ellen Latham. Do you remember the meetings we

> had

> > on Tulsa Way at the T.C.M.S. Building. How many

> out

> > and out lies were told? How many times were Boo

> and

> > Mike Lee and and Mike

> called on

> > the carpet? And the standard reply; IF YOU DONT


> > IT,YOU DONT HAVE TO WORK HERE.Rural Metro is the

> most

> > morally bankrupt company on Planet Earth. Please

> If

> > you have any dealings with them ,Grease up,because

> it

> > is going to bite you in the end. I left Med Star

> in

> > 1999. My wife got into nursing school. When I

> left,I

> > was assured by that I was able to

> come

> > back at any time. So now we are moving back to

> Fort

> > Worth, and I called to see about going back to

> work

> > and I was told that I was not re-hireable due to a

> > medical control problem. So I called Earnie


> > and asked about the problem. I was told that there

> was

> > no problems and my status with EPAB was clear. I

> then

> > called Carolyn Peace the HR rep. and told her of

> the

> > findings. She said that she would talk to Mike


> > and work it out. Well,I got an e-mail From

> >

> > the Clinical Coordinator, and she said that I was

> not

> > rehirable due to my abandioning my position. So

> heres

> > another person whom can say,with out a doubt,if

> some

> > body does not do something about Rural Metros

> > deceptive

> > practices,there is going to be 10 kinds of

> billy-goat

> > hell to pay.Please note that I have contacted an

> > attorney and am possibly pursuing a defamation of

> > caricture suit.

> >

> > --- Jeff Ellison wrote:

> >

> > > I think you mean, if Rural Metro were to pull

> out,

> > > but yes, the medics would still be there. The

> new

> > > company would bring in it's own management, and

> > > interview to select Supervisors. This brings

> with it

> > > massive change, as it did when AMR left and R/M

> came

> > > in.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Jonathon's Mail

> > > wrote:

> > > if medstar did pull out of tarrant county and

> > > someone else moved in, then like every other

> > > turnover, wouldn't the same employees still work

> > > there? if that were to happen,what would be the

> use

> > > of the turnover?

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > > removed]

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > >

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Thanks for the spell check. No,I am upset that I was

lied to.I have proof of this. I have been trying to

get a straight answer them for almost 6 months. About

the time we decided to move home. And the powers that

be kept playing ring around the rosie w/me.

--- Mike wrote:

> So - you don't like the copmany, don't like their

> practices, but

> you're upset they won't re-hire you?


> BTW, if it's a caricature, it would be defacing, not

> defaming.


> Mike :)



> On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 19:21:21 -0800 (PST), Wayne

> Edgin wrote:

> >

> > Jeff,

> >

> > That is the way it happened,I was on the

> > Supervisors

> > Interview Commitee. But if you noticed,How many

> people

> > left The Star ? I remember 2, Waddington and

> > Ellen Latham. Do you remember the meetings we

> had

> > on Tulsa Way at the T.C.M.S. Building. How many

> out

> > and out lies were told? How many times were Boo

> and

> > Mike Lee and and Mike

> called on

> > the carpet? And the standard reply; IF YOU DONT


> > IT,YOU DONT HAVE TO WORK HERE.Rural Metro is the

> most

> > morally bankrupt company on Planet Earth. Please

> If

> > you have any dealings with them ,Grease up,because

> it

> > is going to bite you in the end. I left Med Star

> in

> > 1999. My wife got into nursing school. When I

> left,I

> > was assured by that I was able to

> come

> > back at any time. So now we are moving back to

> Fort

> > Worth, and I called to see about going back to

> work

> > and I was told that I was not re-hireable due to a

> > medical control problem. So I called Earnie


> > and asked about the problem. I was told that there

> was

> > no problems and my status with EPAB was clear. I

> then

> > called Carolyn Peace the HR rep. and told her of

> the

> > findings. She said that she would talk to Mike


> > and work it out. Well,I got an e-mail From

> >

> > the Clinical Coordinator, and she said that I was

> not

> > rehirable due to my abandioning my position. So

> heres

> > another person whom can say,with out a doubt,if

> some

> > body does not do something about Rural Metros

> > deceptive

> > practices,there is going to be 10 kinds of

> billy-goat

> > hell to pay.Please note that I have contacted an

> > attorney and am possibly pursuing a defamation of

> > caricture suit.

> >

> > --- Jeff Ellison wrote:

> >

> > > I think you mean, if Rural Metro were to pull

> out,

> > > but yes, the medics would still be there. The

> new

> > > company would bring in it's own management, and

> > > interview to select Supervisors. This brings

> with it

> > > massive change, as it did when AMR left and R/M

> came

> > > in.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Jonathon's Mail

> > > wrote:

> > > if medstar did pull out of tarrant county and

> > > someone else moved in, then like every other

> > > turnover, wouldn't the same employees still work

> > > there? if that were to happen,what would be the

> use

> > > of the turnover?

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > > removed]

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > >

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Thanks for the spell check. No,I am upset that I was

lied to.I have proof of this. I have been trying to

get a straight answer them for almost 6 months. About

the time we decided to move home. And the powers that

be kept playing ring around the rosie w/me.

--- Mike wrote:

> So - you don't like the copmany, don't like their

> practices, but

> you're upset they won't re-hire you?


> BTW, if it's a caricature, it would be defacing, not

> defaming.


> Mike :)



> On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 19:21:21 -0800 (PST), Wayne

> Edgin wrote:

> >

> > Jeff,

> >

> > That is the way it happened,I was on the

> > Supervisors

> > Interview Commitee. But if you noticed,How many

> people

> > left The Star ? I remember 2, Waddington and

> > Ellen Latham. Do you remember the meetings we

> had

> > on Tulsa Way at the T.C.M.S. Building. How many

> out

> > and out lies were told? How many times were Boo

> and

> > Mike Lee and and Mike

> called on

> > the carpet? And the standard reply; IF YOU DONT


> > IT,YOU DONT HAVE TO WORK HERE.Rural Metro is the

> most

> > morally bankrupt company on Planet Earth. Please

> If

> > you have any dealings with them ,Grease up,because

> it

> > is going to bite you in the end. I left Med Star

> in

> > 1999. My wife got into nursing school. When I

> left,I

> > was assured by that I was able to

> come

> > back at any time. So now we are moving back to

> Fort

> > Worth, and I called to see about going back to

> work

> > and I was told that I was not re-hireable due to a

> > medical control problem. So I called Earnie


> > and asked about the problem. I was told that there

> was

> > no problems and my status with EPAB was clear. I

> then

> > called Carolyn Peace the HR rep. and told her of

> the

> > findings. She said that she would talk to Mike


> > and work it out. Well,I got an e-mail From

> >

> > the Clinical Coordinator, and she said that I was

> not

> > rehirable due to my abandioning my position. So

> heres

> > another person whom can say,with out a doubt,if

> some

> > body does not do something about Rural Metros

> > deceptive

> > practices,there is going to be 10 kinds of

> billy-goat

> > hell to pay.Please note that I have contacted an

> > attorney and am possibly pursuing a defamation of

> > caricture suit.

> >

> > --- Jeff Ellison wrote:

> >

> > > I think you mean, if Rural Metro were to pull

> out,

> > > but yes, the medics would still be there. The

> new

> > > company would bring in it's own management, and

> > > interview to select Supervisors. This brings

> with it

> > > massive change, as it did when AMR left and R/M

> came

> > > in.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Jonathon's Mail

> > > wrote:

> > > if medstar did pull out of tarrant county and

> > > someone else moved in, then like every other

> > > turnover, wouldn't the same employees still work

> > > there? if that were to happen,what would be the

> use

> > > of the turnover?

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > > removed]

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > >

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Show me any public EMS manager/director/chief who is not daily concerned and

monitoring revenue and expenses to make sure that revenue exceeds expenses and

makes decisions accordingly...and I will show you a manager who is very soon to

be searching for a new job.

Public EMS agencies have stockholders too...they are called tax payers.


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Show me any public EMS manager/director/chief who is not daily concerned and

monitoring revenue and expenses to make sure that revenue exceeds expenses and

makes decisions accordingly...and I will show you a manager who is very soon to

be searching for a new job.

Public EMS agencies have stockholders too...they are called tax payers.


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I've never heard of a public EMS manager concerned about how many runs his

crews are making an hour to see to it that the ambulance is making money

every hour it is in service.

Generating revenue and generating profit are 2 different things.

I have recieved instruction as to how to write better, more detailed run

reports in order to increase revenue.

I have been told that a long-term employee is a drain on a company because

they cost more than a new-hire, in order to increase profits.

You tell me what the difference is.

magnetass sends

Re: Re: Sad Day in Ems


> Show me any public EMS manager/director/chief who is not daily concerned

> and monitoring revenue and expenses to make sure that revenue exceeds

> expenses and makes decisions accordingly...and I will show you a manager

> who is very soon to be searching for a new job.


> Public EMS agencies have stockholders too...they are called tax payers.


> Dudley






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I've never heard of a public EMS manager concerned about how many runs his

crews are making an hour to see to it that the ambulance is making money

every hour it is in service.

Generating revenue and generating profit are 2 different things.

I have recieved instruction as to how to write better, more detailed run

reports in order to increase revenue.

I have been told that a long-term employee is a drain on a company because

they cost more than a new-hire, in order to increase profits.

You tell me what the difference is.

magnetass sends

Re: Re: Sad Day in Ems


> Show me any public EMS manager/director/chief who is not daily concerned

> and monitoring revenue and expenses to make sure that revenue exceeds

> expenses and makes decisions accordingly...and I will show you a manager

> who is very soon to be searching for a new job.


> Public EMS agencies have stockholders too...they are called tax payers.


> Dudley






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I've never heard of a public EMS manager concerned about how many runs his

crews are making an hour to see to it that the ambulance is making money

every hour it is in service.

Generating revenue and generating profit are 2 different things.

I have recieved instruction as to how to write better, more detailed run

reports in order to increase revenue.

I have been told that a long-term employee is a drain on a company because

they cost more than a new-hire, in order to increase profits.

You tell me what the difference is.

magnetass sends

Re: Re: Sad Day in Ems


> Show me any public EMS manager/director/chief who is not daily concerned

> and monitoring revenue and expenses to make sure that revenue exceeds

> expenses and makes decisions accordingly...and I will show you a manager

> who is very soon to be searching for a new job.


> Public EMS agencies have stockholders too...they are called tax payers.


> Dudley






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-- " Brown " wrote:

" Generating revenue and generating profit are 2 different things. "

Explain why HPD officers have been reassigned for 'not meeting ticket writing

production goals'?

Explain why the City of Houston auctioned off sections of freeway (for very big

bucks)to wrecker services, inducing them to tow people not impeding traffic?

This is another hidden tax, and it effects the less affluent more than those

better off.

" I have recieved instruction as to how to write better, more detailed run

reports in order to increase revenue. "

If the run record is clearer, so that some high school graduate in CMS can

understand and not reject it, causing an appeal, what is wrong with that?

" I have been told that a long-term employee is a drain on a company because they

cost more than a new-hire, in order to increase profits. "

I agree, that is wrong, short sighted, hurts morale and in the long run,


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-- " Brown " wrote:

" Generating revenue and generating profit are 2 different things. "

Explain why HPD officers have been reassigned for 'not meeting ticket writing

production goals'?

Explain why the City of Houston auctioned off sections of freeway (for very big

bucks)to wrecker services, inducing them to tow people not impeding traffic?

This is another hidden tax, and it effects the less affluent more than those

better off.

" I have recieved instruction as to how to write better, more detailed run

reports in order to increase revenue. "

If the run record is clearer, so that some high school graduate in CMS can

understand and not reject it, causing an appeal, what is wrong with that?

" I have been told that a long-term employee is a drain on a company because they

cost more than a new-hire, in order to increase profits. "

I agree, that is wrong, short sighted, hurts morale and in the long run,


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-- " Brown " wrote:

" Generating revenue and generating profit are 2 different things. "

Explain why HPD officers have been reassigned for 'not meeting ticket writing

production goals'?

Explain why the City of Houston auctioned off sections of freeway (for very big

bucks)to wrecker services, inducing them to tow people not impeding traffic?

This is another hidden tax, and it effects the less affluent more than those

better off.

" I have recieved instruction as to how to write better, more detailed run

reports in order to increase revenue. "

If the run record is clearer, so that some high school graduate in CMS can

understand and not reject it, causing an appeal, what is wrong with that?

" I have been told that a long-term employee is a drain on a company because they

cost more than a new-hire, in order to increase profits. "

I agree, that is wrong, short sighted, hurts morale and in the long run,


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Sure, it is called Unit Hour Utilization (UHU).

E. Bledsoe, DO, FACEP

Midlothian, TX

Don't miss EMStock 2005 (http://www.EMStock.com)

Re: Re: Sad Day in Ems

I've never heard of a public EMS manager concerned about how many runs his

crews are making an hour to see to it that the ambulance is making money

every hour it is in service.

Generating revenue and generating profit are 2 different things.

I have recieved instruction as to how to write better, more detailed run

reports in order to increase revenue.

I have been told that a long-term employee is a drain on a company because

they cost more than a new-hire, in order to increase profits.

You tell me what the difference is.

magnetass sends

Re: Re: Sad Day in Ems


> Show me any public EMS manager/director/chief who is not daily concerned

> and monitoring revenue and expenses to make sure that revenue exceeds

> expenses and makes decisions accordingly...and I will show you a manager

> who is very soon to be searching for a new job.


> Public EMS agencies have stockholders too...they are called tax payers.


> Dudley






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Sure, it is called Unit Hour Utilization (UHU).

E. Bledsoe, DO, FACEP

Midlothian, TX

Don't miss EMStock 2005 (http://www.EMStock.com)

Re: Re: Sad Day in Ems

I've never heard of a public EMS manager concerned about how many runs his

crews are making an hour to see to it that the ambulance is making money

every hour it is in service.

Generating revenue and generating profit are 2 different things.

I have recieved instruction as to how to write better, more detailed run

reports in order to increase revenue.

I have been told that a long-term employee is a drain on a company because

they cost more than a new-hire, in order to increase profits.

You tell me what the difference is.

magnetass sends

Re: Re: Sad Day in Ems


> Show me any public EMS manager/director/chief who is not daily concerned

> and monitoring revenue and expenses to make sure that revenue exceeds

> expenses and makes decisions accordingly...and I will show you a manager

> who is very soon to be searching for a new job.


> Public EMS agencies have stockholders too...they are called tax payers.


> Dudley






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Sure, it is called Unit Hour Utilization (UHU).

E. Bledsoe, DO, FACEP

Midlothian, TX

Don't miss EMStock 2005 (http://www.EMStock.com)

Re: Re: Sad Day in Ems

I've never heard of a public EMS manager concerned about how many runs his

crews are making an hour to see to it that the ambulance is making money

every hour it is in service.

Generating revenue and generating profit are 2 different things.

I have recieved instruction as to how to write better, more detailed run

reports in order to increase revenue.

I have been told that a long-term employee is a drain on a company because

they cost more than a new-hire, in order to increase profits.

You tell me what the difference is.

magnetass sends

Re: Re: Sad Day in Ems


> Show me any public EMS manager/director/chief who is not daily concerned

> and monitoring revenue and expenses to make sure that revenue exceeds

> expenses and makes decisions accordingly...and I will show you a manager

> who is very soon to be searching for a new job.


> Public EMS agencies have stockholders too...they are called tax payers.


> Dudley






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I understand what it is....I'm saying that I've never heard it mentioned by

a municipal EMS manager before. I have only been exposed to it from managers

of private companies.

magnetass sends

Re: Re: Sad Day in Ems




>> Show me any public EMS manager/director/chief who is not daily concerned

>> and monitoring revenue and expenses to make sure that revenue exceeds

>> expenses and makes decisions accordingly...and I will show you a manager

>> who is very soon to be searching for a new job.


>> Public EMS agencies have stockholders too...they are called tax payers.


>> Dudley






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" Explain why HPD officers have been reassigned for 'not meeting ticket

writing production goals'? "

Because they aren't generating enough revenue. Again, revenues are plowed

back into municipal services. Profits are divided up among investors. The

HPD priority isn't making profits, its public safety, despite the ticket

quotas, which is more about ensuring that the officers are " working " than

generating revenue for the city. Otherwise, they'd have every cop on the

payroll out writing tickets.

" Explain why the City of Houston auctioned off sections of freeway (for very

big bucks)to wrecker services, inducing them to tow people not impeding

traffic? This is another hidden tax, and it effects the less affluent more

than those better off. "

To generate revenue and improve traffic flow.

" If the run record is clearer, so that some high school graduate in CMS can

understand and not reject it, causing an appeal, what is wrong with that? "

Nothing at all. It improves the collection rates for billing that generates

more revenue for the service. Its something that any responsible municipal

service should do. I didn't say it was bad.

The point was to contrast it with a system that isn't concerned with

anything except profits.

Improving your billing is good. Firing all your long term medics to hire new

ones that cost you less and are easily intimidated is bad.

One was a municipal system who's main goal was public service, the other was

a private service who's main focus was profits.

magnetass sends

Re: Re: Sad Day in Ems



> -- " Brown " wrote:

> " Generating revenue and generating profit are 2 different things. "


> Explain why HPD officers have been reassigned for 'not meeting ticket

> writing production goals'?


> Explain why the City of Houston auctioned off sections of freeway (for

> very big bucks)to wrecker services, inducing them to tow people not

> impeding traffic? This is another hidden tax, and it effects the less

> affluent more than those better off.



> " I have recieved instruction as to how to write better, more detailed run

> reports in order to increase revenue. "


> If the run record is clearer, so that some high school graduate in CMS can

> understand and not reject it, causing an appeal, what is wrong with that?



> " I have been told that a long-term employee is a drain on a company

> because they cost more than a new-hire, in order to increase profits. "


> I agree, that is wrong, short sighted, hurts morale and in the long run,

> inefficient.









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