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Sad Day for EMS and a 16-year old

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On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 03:01:25 -0600, / Musick



> Having been the victim of a sexual predator myself at a very young age, it

bothers me that you, a condescending pompass windbag, who apparently believes he

is the epitome of morality,

But, following your earlier post, did you consent? And would have

mattered if you did? Would that have made it better for EITHER of

you? I don't think so, and I don't think you really do either, but

that's what you said.

As for being the " epitome of morality, " that's not a claim I made or

will make. I'm not going to harp on morality or immorality, but you

can find fault in anyone. Rather than get into a character battle,

why don't we do this... why don't we BOTH find a place to agree on

what needs to happen next to bring the EMS community together?

As much as this incident is disgusting and derisive, it can also be a

rallying point - and something to put on the mantle so we never forget

our scars. What can we, personally, do to fix this shortcoming in ALL

of ourselves, as a community?

Mike :)

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On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 03:01:25 -0600, / Musick



> Having been the victim of a sexual predator myself at a very young age, it

bothers me that you, a condescending pompass windbag, who apparently believes he

is the epitome of morality,

But, following your earlier post, did you consent? And would have

mattered if you did? Would that have made it better for EITHER of

you? I don't think so, and I don't think you really do either, but

that's what you said.

As for being the " epitome of morality, " that's not a claim I made or

will make. I'm not going to harp on morality or immorality, but you

can find fault in anyone. Rather than get into a character battle,

why don't we do this... why don't we BOTH find a place to agree on

what needs to happen next to bring the EMS community together?

As much as this incident is disgusting and derisive, it can also be a

rallying point - and something to put on the mantle so we never forget

our scars. What can we, personally, do to fix this shortcoming in ALL

of ourselves, as a community?

Mike :)

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On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 03:01:25 -0600, / Musick



> Having been the victim of a sexual predator myself at a very young age, it

bothers me that you, a condescending pompass windbag, who apparently believes he

is the epitome of morality,

But, following your earlier post, did you consent? And would have

mattered if you did? Would that have made it better for EITHER of

you? I don't think so, and I don't think you really do either, but

that's what you said.

As for being the " epitome of morality, " that's not a claim I made or

will make. I'm not going to harp on morality or immorality, but you

can find fault in anyone. Rather than get into a character battle,

why don't we do this... why don't we BOTH find a place to agree on

what needs to happen next to bring the EMS community together?

As much as this incident is disgusting and derisive, it can also be a

rallying point - and something to put on the mantle so we never forget

our scars. What can we, personally, do to fix this shortcoming in ALL

of ourselves, as a community?

Mike :)

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for good point , I agree 100 percent

Brown wrote:Randy, please back up. Try to

understand, its not about anything other than

a 15 year-old is not equipped emotionally to make appropriate decisions

about sex. They all WANT to have sex...remember when you were 15? The point

is that it is illegal for an adult to have sex with a minor specifically

because they are a minor, and adults have undue sway on kids. Its the way

the world works. The point is that a 15 year-old might not know it is wrong

to have sex with an adult, but the adult knows it is wrong. That is why

there is an age of consent. She could be the biggest slut on earth, but she

is still 15 years old and isn't emotionally capable to determining the

possible consequences of her actions. Thats why the adults are in

charge....or should have been in this case. Being willing to have sex with a

37 year old man as a teenager is still rape, period.

You don't have to fight back to have been raped anyway. You are thinking

like a man, not a woman. Very few rape victims fight back aggressively, or

are capable of fighting back. Remember, there were 2 of them.

We don't know, as we weren't there. However, what we DO know is that an

illegal act was committed by 2 adults who should have known better. " Well,

she wanted to " is no defense.

magnetass sends

Re: Sad Day for EMS and a 16-year old


> Oh spare me with the innocent, defenseless out cry. she's 15 not 5. A 5

> year old wouldn't he able to defend themselves but a 15 year old can. at

> least enough to make marks or cause injury to back her story up!


> Walks Alone wrote:Are you serious!?! I sure

> hope not... This CHILD was probably scared out of her mind. The way I

> read it, she couldn't even speak to say yes or no. Fear is a very very

> powerful weapon. And I can tell you that girls are brought up to be

> " nice " and to be respectful, and cooperative. Also, girls aren't natural

> fighters like boys are. She wouldn't have known how to defend herself,

> even if she had wanted to. You weren't there, you don't know how they

> likely intimidated her, and probably made her believe, through actions or

> words, that there was no escape, there was no help, and that she'd get

> hurt if she resisted. Heck they probably had both the doors blocked in

> the unit, she couldn't have gotten away if she tried. It has nothing to

> do with her being in the Explorers. And yes, the Explorers are

> technically run by the " Boy Scouts " but it's a separate entity that has

> accepted girls into it's programs for years. Look at their " Mission &

> Vision " page here:

> http://www.scouting.org/nav/enter.jsp?s=mc & c=mv The whole focus of their

> mission is to turn out " good " kids. They don't teach confrontation. Also

> notice that one of the " Scout Laws " is that a scout is " Obedient " . She's

> a KID... naive to the ways of adults, and especially street-hardened

> adults like ourselves. Put yourself in her position for a moment, not

> with the knowledge you have, as an adult man, but with the knowledge and

> experience of a 15 year old girl. She was afraid, she was raped, and she

> was still trying to be " good " like she was supposed to be. It took a lot

> of courage for her to come forward with it at all. Check out the actual

> data below. It's attitudes like yours that promote the image that girls

> " want it " and that rape isn't a big deal. Could you look your wife, or

> sister, or mom, or daughter in the eye and say that? I sure hope not.

> -WalksAlone


> The FBI estimates that only 37% of all rapes are reported to the police.

> U.S. Justice Department statistics are even lower, with only 26% of all

> rapes or attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials.


> Data from the National Women's Study, a longitudinal telephone survey of a

> national household probability sample of women at least 18 years of age,

> show 683,000 women forcibly raped each year and that 84% of rape victims

> did not report the offense to the police.


> Using Uniform Crime Report data for 1994 and 1995, the Bureau of Justice

> Statistics found that of rape victims who reported the offense to law

> enforcement, about 40% were under the age of 18, and 15% were younger than

> 12.4

> Randy wrote:

> Yes, What he did was wrong. BUT, I have a problem with her testimony that

> said " I knew it was going to happen so I just nodded my head. " Are you

> going to tell me that a 15 year old who is apparently in the " Boy " Scouts

> and understands a little bit about EMS can't get out and run for help or

> call 911 from her cell phone which I'm sure she probably had one. Nothing

> that I've read has indicated that she was forced to stay in the back of

> the ambulance or that she was held down. Sometimes I believe that age is

> the only victim not the people.


> Bledsoe wrote:Posted on Fri, Jan. 14, 2005






> <BLOCKED::http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/dfw.news/local;kw=center6;c2=local;

> c3=local_homepage;pos=center6;group=rectangle;ord=1105744082746?>

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>



> Ex-Medstar EMT gets 6 years in rape


> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>

> By Melody Mc

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>

> Star-Telegram Staff Writer

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>


> FORT WORTH - After almost 10 hours of deliberations, jurors Friday

> sentenced

> a former MedStar emergency medical technician to six years in prison for

> sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl in the back of an ambulance.



> After the verdict was read, the victim's mother took the witness stand and

> addressed 29-year-old , who had worked for

> MedStar

> 14 months.




> " This city trusted you, we trusted you, to be there to care for victims --

> not to create them, " she said, sobbing. The woman told about the

> devastation he had caused her daughter, who had dreams of becoming a

> paramedic and was a participant in MedStar's Explorer program.




> " When she was 3 or 4, her favorite show was Rescue 911, " the woman said.

> " I

> don't know how she will ever be able to look at a medical career without

> these painful memories.




> " Another of her goals was to save herself for marriage. But you took that

> choice away from her before she could make that for herself. " During the

> three-day trial, the girl, now 16, told jurors that she was riding with

> and Neal Barash, 37, a paramedic, when the assaults

> occurred

> in the early morning hours of Dec. 29, 2003.




> While the ambulance was parked behind a shopping center near Ridgmar Mall

> awaiting emergency calls, the men pressured her into having sex with them,

> the girl testified. The girl later told her mother, who reported it to

> police.




> , who earlier this week pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual

> assault of a child under 17, faced anywhere from probation to 20 years in

> prison. Prosecutor Dixie Bersano, a Tarrant County assistant district

> attorney, asked jurros to sentence him to nothing less than eight years,

> saying he violated the community's trust and manipulated a young girl.




> Defense attorneys Roxanne and Jack Duffy argued for probation,

> calling the sex " consensual " and saying was a good man who had

> never

> been in trouble before.




> After deliberating Thursday and Friday, the jury sentenced him to six

> years

> on one count and two years on the other two counts. The sentences will run

> concurrently. must serve a minimum of three years before he is

> eligible for parole.




> During her victim impact statement, the girl's mother told that

> her

> daughter had never been on her first date or alone with a boy her age.




> " She didn't have the knowledge or experience to fend you off, " she said.

> " Maybe one day, you will look into your daughter's eyes and be able to

> teach

> her from experience how to protect herself from a predator like you. "




> Afterward, asked -- and the judge agreed -- to allow him to make a

> statment. He stood in the center of the courtoom and turned and faced the

> victim and her family, who were being comforted by his estranged wife.




> He apologized to all of them -- as well as his family and the city of Fort

> Worth, for the pain and embarrasment he has caused and for violating their

> trust.




> " I broke that trust in one single act of selfishness and I apologize, " he

> said. And while jurors have decided 's fate, the implications of

> what

> happened that day in the back of the ambulance are far-reaching and far

> from

> over.




> Barash, the other defendant, remains free on bail, awaiting his trial.




> A civil lawsuit is pending against the ambulance company and the Boy

> Scouts

> of America, which operated the Explorer Program.




> , the defendant's wife, has filed for divorce.




> During the trial, sat with the victim and her family to show

> her support for them.




> " Nobody should have to go through what they have been through, "

> said. " My heart, thoughts and prayers are with her and her

> family. "







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for good point , I agree 100 percent

Brown wrote:Randy, please back up. Try to

understand, its not about anything other than

a 15 year-old is not equipped emotionally to make appropriate decisions

about sex. They all WANT to have sex...remember when you were 15? The point

is that it is illegal for an adult to have sex with a minor specifically

because they are a minor, and adults have undue sway on kids. Its the way

the world works. The point is that a 15 year-old might not know it is wrong

to have sex with an adult, but the adult knows it is wrong. That is why

there is an age of consent. She could be the biggest slut on earth, but she

is still 15 years old and isn't emotionally capable to determining the

possible consequences of her actions. Thats why the adults are in

charge....or should have been in this case. Being willing to have sex with a

37 year old man as a teenager is still rape, period.

You don't have to fight back to have been raped anyway. You are thinking

like a man, not a woman. Very few rape victims fight back aggressively, or

are capable of fighting back. Remember, there were 2 of them.

We don't know, as we weren't there. However, what we DO know is that an

illegal act was committed by 2 adults who should have known better. " Well,

she wanted to " is no defense.

magnetass sends

Re: Sad Day for EMS and a 16-year old


> Oh spare me with the innocent, defenseless out cry. she's 15 not 5. A 5

> year old wouldn't he able to defend themselves but a 15 year old can. at

> least enough to make marks or cause injury to back her story up!


> Walks Alone wrote:Are you serious!?! I sure

> hope not... This CHILD was probably scared out of her mind. The way I

> read it, she couldn't even speak to say yes or no. Fear is a very very

> powerful weapon. And I can tell you that girls are brought up to be

> " nice " and to be respectful, and cooperative. Also, girls aren't natural

> fighters like boys are. She wouldn't have known how to defend herself,

> even if she had wanted to. You weren't there, you don't know how they

> likely intimidated her, and probably made her believe, through actions or

> words, that there was no escape, there was no help, and that she'd get

> hurt if she resisted. Heck they probably had both the doors blocked in

> the unit, she couldn't have gotten away if she tried. It has nothing to

> do with her being in the Explorers. And yes, the Explorers are

> technically run by the " Boy Scouts " but it's a separate entity that has

> accepted girls into it's programs for years. Look at their " Mission &

> Vision " page here:

> http://www.scouting.org/nav/enter.jsp?s=mc & c=mv The whole focus of their

> mission is to turn out " good " kids. They don't teach confrontation. Also

> notice that one of the " Scout Laws " is that a scout is " Obedient " . She's

> a KID... naive to the ways of adults, and especially street-hardened

> adults like ourselves. Put yourself in her position for a moment, not

> with the knowledge you have, as an adult man, but with the knowledge and

> experience of a 15 year old girl. She was afraid, she was raped, and she

> was still trying to be " good " like she was supposed to be. It took a lot

> of courage for her to come forward with it at all. Check out the actual

> data below. It's attitudes like yours that promote the image that girls

> " want it " and that rape isn't a big deal. Could you look your wife, or

> sister, or mom, or daughter in the eye and say that? I sure hope not.

> -WalksAlone


> The FBI estimates that only 37% of all rapes are reported to the police.

> U.S. Justice Department statistics are even lower, with only 26% of all

> rapes or attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials.


> Data from the National Women's Study, a longitudinal telephone survey of a

> national household probability sample of women at least 18 years of age,

> show 683,000 women forcibly raped each year and that 84% of rape victims

> did not report the offense to the police.


> Using Uniform Crime Report data for 1994 and 1995, the Bureau of Justice

> Statistics found that of rape victims who reported the offense to law

> enforcement, about 40% were under the age of 18, and 15% were younger than

> 12.4

> Randy wrote:

> Yes, What he did was wrong. BUT, I have a problem with her testimony that

> said " I knew it was going to happen so I just nodded my head. " Are you

> going to tell me that a 15 year old who is apparently in the " Boy " Scouts

> and understands a little bit about EMS can't get out and run for help or

> call 911 from her cell phone which I'm sure she probably had one. Nothing

> that I've read has indicated that she was forced to stay in the back of

> the ambulance or that she was held down. Sometimes I believe that age is

> the only victim not the people.


> Bledsoe wrote:Posted on Fri, Jan. 14, 2005






> <BLOCKED::http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/dfw.news/local;kw=center6;c2=local;

> c3=local_homepage;pos=center6;group=rectangle;ord=1105744082746?>

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>



> Ex-Medstar EMT gets 6 years in rape


> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>

> By Melody Mc

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>

> Star-Telegram Staff Writer

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>


> FORT WORTH - After almost 10 hours of deliberations, jurors Friday

> sentenced

> a former MedStar emergency medical technician to six years in prison for

> sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl in the back of an ambulance.



> After the verdict was read, the victim's mother took the witness stand and

> addressed 29-year-old , who had worked for

> MedStar

> 14 months.




> " This city trusted you, we trusted you, to be there to care for victims --

> not to create them, " she said, sobbing. The woman told about the

> devastation he had caused her daughter, who had dreams of becoming a

> paramedic and was a participant in MedStar's Explorer program.




> " When she was 3 or 4, her favorite show was Rescue 911, " the woman said.

> " I

> don't know how she will ever be able to look at a medical career without

> these painful memories.




> " Another of her goals was to save herself for marriage. But you took that

> choice away from her before she could make that for herself. " During the

> three-day trial, the girl, now 16, told jurors that she was riding with

> and Neal Barash, 37, a paramedic, when the assaults

> occurred

> in the early morning hours of Dec. 29, 2003.




> While the ambulance was parked behind a shopping center near Ridgmar Mall

> awaiting emergency calls, the men pressured her into having sex with them,

> the girl testified. The girl later told her mother, who reported it to

> police.




> , who earlier this week pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual

> assault of a child under 17, faced anywhere from probation to 20 years in

> prison. Prosecutor Dixie Bersano, a Tarrant County assistant district

> attorney, asked jurros to sentence him to nothing less than eight years,

> saying he violated the community's trust and manipulated a young girl.




> Defense attorneys Roxanne and Jack Duffy argued for probation,

> calling the sex " consensual " and saying was a good man who had

> never

> been in trouble before.




> After deliberating Thursday and Friday, the jury sentenced him to six

> years

> on one count and two years on the other two counts. The sentences will run

> concurrently. must serve a minimum of three years before he is

> eligible for parole.




> During her victim impact statement, the girl's mother told that

> her

> daughter had never been on her first date or alone with a boy her age.




> " She didn't have the knowledge or experience to fend you off, " she said.

> " Maybe one day, you will look into your daughter's eyes and be able to

> teach

> her from experience how to protect herself from a predator like you. "




> Afterward, asked -- and the judge agreed -- to allow him to make a

> statment. He stood in the center of the courtoom and turned and faced the

> victim and her family, who were being comforted by his estranged wife.




> He apologized to all of them -- as well as his family and the city of Fort

> Worth, for the pain and embarrasment he has caused and for violating their

> trust.




> " I broke that trust in one single act of selfishness and I apologize, " he

> said. And while jurors have decided 's fate, the implications of

> what

> happened that day in the back of the ambulance are far-reaching and far

> from

> over.




> Barash, the other defendant, remains free on bail, awaiting his trial.




> A civil lawsuit is pending against the ambulance company and the Boy

> Scouts

> of America, which operated the Explorer Program.




> , the defendant's wife, has filed for divorce.




> During the trial, sat with the victim and her family to show

> her support for them.




> " Nobody should have to go through what they have been through, "

> said. " My heart, thoughts and prayers are with her and her

> family. "







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for good point , I agree 100 percent

Brown wrote:Randy, please back up. Try to

understand, its not about anything other than

a 15 year-old is not equipped emotionally to make appropriate decisions

about sex. They all WANT to have sex...remember when you were 15? The point

is that it is illegal for an adult to have sex with a minor specifically

because they are a minor, and adults have undue sway on kids. Its the way

the world works. The point is that a 15 year-old might not know it is wrong

to have sex with an adult, but the adult knows it is wrong. That is why

there is an age of consent. She could be the biggest slut on earth, but she

is still 15 years old and isn't emotionally capable to determining the

possible consequences of her actions. Thats why the adults are in

charge....or should have been in this case. Being willing to have sex with a

37 year old man as a teenager is still rape, period.

You don't have to fight back to have been raped anyway. You are thinking

like a man, not a woman. Very few rape victims fight back aggressively, or

are capable of fighting back. Remember, there were 2 of them.

We don't know, as we weren't there. However, what we DO know is that an

illegal act was committed by 2 adults who should have known better. " Well,

she wanted to " is no defense.

magnetass sends

Re: Sad Day for EMS and a 16-year old


> Oh spare me with the innocent, defenseless out cry. she's 15 not 5. A 5

> year old wouldn't he able to defend themselves but a 15 year old can. at

> least enough to make marks or cause injury to back her story up!


> Walks Alone wrote:Are you serious!?! I sure

> hope not... This CHILD was probably scared out of her mind. The way I

> read it, she couldn't even speak to say yes or no. Fear is a very very

> powerful weapon. And I can tell you that girls are brought up to be

> " nice " and to be respectful, and cooperative. Also, girls aren't natural

> fighters like boys are. She wouldn't have known how to defend herself,

> even if she had wanted to. You weren't there, you don't know how they

> likely intimidated her, and probably made her believe, through actions or

> words, that there was no escape, there was no help, and that she'd get

> hurt if she resisted. Heck they probably had both the doors blocked in

> the unit, she couldn't have gotten away if she tried. It has nothing to

> do with her being in the Explorers. And yes, the Explorers are

> technically run by the " Boy Scouts " but it's a separate entity that has

> accepted girls into it's programs for years. Look at their " Mission &

> Vision " page here:

> http://www.scouting.org/nav/enter.jsp?s=mc & c=mv The whole focus of their

> mission is to turn out " good " kids. They don't teach confrontation. Also

> notice that one of the " Scout Laws " is that a scout is " Obedient " . She's

> a KID... naive to the ways of adults, and especially street-hardened

> adults like ourselves. Put yourself in her position for a moment, not

> with the knowledge you have, as an adult man, but with the knowledge and

> experience of a 15 year old girl. She was afraid, she was raped, and she

> was still trying to be " good " like she was supposed to be. It took a lot

> of courage for her to come forward with it at all. Check out the actual

> data below. It's attitudes like yours that promote the image that girls

> " want it " and that rape isn't a big deal. Could you look your wife, or

> sister, or mom, or daughter in the eye and say that? I sure hope not.

> -WalksAlone


> The FBI estimates that only 37% of all rapes are reported to the police.

> U.S. Justice Department statistics are even lower, with only 26% of all

> rapes or attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials.


> Data from the National Women's Study, a longitudinal telephone survey of a

> national household probability sample of women at least 18 years of age,

> show 683,000 women forcibly raped each year and that 84% of rape victims

> did not report the offense to the police.


> Using Uniform Crime Report data for 1994 and 1995, the Bureau of Justice

> Statistics found that of rape victims who reported the offense to law

> enforcement, about 40% were under the age of 18, and 15% were younger than

> 12.4

> Randy wrote:

> Yes, What he did was wrong. BUT, I have a problem with her testimony that

> said " I knew it was going to happen so I just nodded my head. " Are you

> going to tell me that a 15 year old who is apparently in the " Boy " Scouts

> and understands a little bit about EMS can't get out and run for help or

> call 911 from her cell phone which I'm sure she probably had one. Nothing

> that I've read has indicated that she was forced to stay in the back of

> the ambulance or that she was held down. Sometimes I believe that age is

> the only victim not the people.


> Bledsoe wrote:Posted on Fri, Jan. 14, 2005






> <BLOCKED::http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/dfw.news/local;kw=center6;c2=local;

> c3=local_homepage;pos=center6;group=rectangle;ord=1105744082746?>

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>



> Ex-Medstar EMT gets 6 years in rape


> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>

> By Melody Mc

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>

> Star-Telegram Staff Writer

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>


> FORT WORTH - After almost 10 hours of deliberations, jurors Friday

> sentenced

> a former MedStar emergency medical technician to six years in prison for

> sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl in the back of an ambulance.



> After the verdict was read, the victim's mother took the witness stand and

> addressed 29-year-old , who had worked for

> MedStar

> 14 months.




> " This city trusted you, we trusted you, to be there to care for victims --

> not to create them, " she said, sobbing. The woman told about the

> devastation he had caused her daughter, who had dreams of becoming a

> paramedic and was a participant in MedStar's Explorer program.




> " When she was 3 or 4, her favorite show was Rescue 911, " the woman said.

> " I

> don't know how she will ever be able to look at a medical career without

> these painful memories.




> " Another of her goals was to save herself for marriage. But you took that

> choice away from her before she could make that for herself. " During the

> three-day trial, the girl, now 16, told jurors that she was riding with

> and Neal Barash, 37, a paramedic, when the assaults

> occurred

> in the early morning hours of Dec. 29, 2003.




> While the ambulance was parked behind a shopping center near Ridgmar Mall

> awaiting emergency calls, the men pressured her into having sex with them,

> the girl testified. The girl later told her mother, who reported it to

> police.




> , who earlier this week pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual

> assault of a child under 17, faced anywhere from probation to 20 years in

> prison. Prosecutor Dixie Bersano, a Tarrant County assistant district

> attorney, asked jurros to sentence him to nothing less than eight years,

> saying he violated the community's trust and manipulated a young girl.




> Defense attorneys Roxanne and Jack Duffy argued for probation,

> calling the sex " consensual " and saying was a good man who had

> never

> been in trouble before.




> After deliberating Thursday and Friday, the jury sentenced him to six

> years

> on one count and two years on the other two counts. The sentences will run

> concurrently. must serve a minimum of three years before he is

> eligible for parole.




> During her victim impact statement, the girl's mother told that

> her

> daughter had never been on her first date or alone with a boy her age.




> " She didn't have the knowledge or experience to fend you off, " she said.

> " Maybe one day, you will look into your daughter's eyes and be able to

> teach

> her from experience how to protect herself from a predator like you. "




> Afterward, asked -- and the judge agreed -- to allow him to make a

> statment. He stood in the center of the courtoom and turned and faced the

> victim and her family, who were being comforted by his estranged wife.




> He apologized to all of them -- as well as his family and the city of Fort

> Worth, for the pain and embarrasment he has caused and for violating their

> trust.




> " I broke that trust in one single act of selfishness and I apologize, " he

> said. And while jurors have decided 's fate, the implications of

> what

> happened that day in the back of the ambulance are far-reaching and far

> from

> over.




> Barash, the other defendant, remains free on bail, awaiting his trial.




> A civil lawsuit is pending against the ambulance company and the Boy

> Scouts

> of America, which operated the Explorer Program.




> , the defendant's wife, has filed for divorce.




> During the trial, sat with the victim and her family to show

> her support for them.




> " Nobody should have to go through what they have been through, "

> said. " My heart, thoughts and prayers are with her and her

> family. "







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I also agree. The concept of do no harm also applies to our work mates,

ride-alongs, or the general public. We have a TRUST and we MUST uphold that


christina kelley wrote:

this kind of behavior in ems upsets me. this kind of behavior is what gives

this kind of business a bad rap.



>To: < >

>Subject: Sad Day for EMS and a 16-year old

>Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 17:10:00 -0600


>Posted on Fri, Jan. 14, 2005








> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>



>Ex-Medstar EMT gets 6 years in rape


> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>

>By Melody Mc

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>

>Star-Telegram Staff Writer

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>


>FORT WORTH - After almost 10 hours of deliberations, jurors Friday


>a former MedStar emergency medical technician to six years in prison for

>sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl in the back of an ambulance.



>After the verdict was read, the victim's mother took the witness stand and

>addressed 29-year-old , who had worked for MedStar

>14 months.




> " This city trusted you, we trusted you, to be there to care for victims --

>not to create them, " she said, sobbing. The woman told about the

>devastation he had caused her daughter, who had dreams of becoming a

>paramedic and was a participant in MedStar's Explorer program.




> " When she was 3 or 4, her favorite show was Rescue 911, " the woman said. " I

>don't know how she will ever be able to look at a medical career without

>these painful memories.




> " Another of her goals was to save herself for marriage. But you took that

>choice away from her before she could make that for herself. " During the

>three-day trial, the girl, now 16, told jurors that she was riding with

> and Neal Barash, 37, a paramedic, when the assaults


>in the early morning hours of Dec. 29, 2003.




>While the ambulance was parked behind a shopping center near Ridgmar Mall

>awaiting emergency calls, the men pressured her into having sex with them,

>the girl testified. The girl later told her mother, who reported it to





>, who earlier this week pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual

>assault of a child under 17, faced anywhere from probation to 20 years in

>prison. Prosecutor Dixie Bersano, a Tarrant County assistant district

>attorney, asked jurros to sentence him to nothing less than eight years,

>saying he violated the community's trust and manipulated a young girl.




>Defense attorneys Roxanne and Jack Duffy argued for probation,

>calling the sex " consensual " and saying was a good man who had


>been in trouble before.




>After deliberating Thursday and Friday, the jury sentenced him to six years

>on one count and two years on the other two counts. The sentences will run

>concurrently. must serve a minimum of three years before he is

>eligible for parole.




>During her victim impact statement, the girl's mother told that her

>daughter had never been on her first date or alone with a boy her age.




> " She didn't have the knowledge or experience to fend you off, " she said.

> " Maybe one day, you will look into your daughter's eyes and be able to


>her from experience how to protect herself from a predator like you. "




>Afterward, asked -- and the judge agreed -- to allow him to make a

>statment. He stood in the center of the courtoom and turned and faced the

>victim and her family, who were being comforted by his estranged wife.




>He apologized to all of them -- as well as his family and the city of Fort

>Worth, for the pain and embarrasment he has caused and for violating their





> " I broke that trust in one single act of selfishness and I apologize, " he

>said. And while jurors have decided 's fate, the implications of


>happened that day in the back of the ambulance are far-reaching and far






>Barash, the other defendant, remains free on bail, awaiting his trial.




>A civil lawsuit is pending against the ambulance company and the Boy Scouts

>of America, which operated the Explorer Program.




> , the defendant's wife, has filed for divorce.




>During the trial, sat with the victim and her family to show

>her support for them.




> " Nobody should have to go through what they have been through, "

> said. " My heart, thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. "







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I also agree. The concept of do no harm also applies to our work mates,

ride-alongs, or the general public. We have a TRUST and we MUST uphold that


christina kelley wrote:

this kind of behavior in ems upsets me. this kind of behavior is what gives

this kind of business a bad rap.



>To: < >

>Subject: Sad Day for EMS and a 16-year old

>Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 17:10:00 -0600


>Posted on Fri, Jan. 14, 2005








> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>



>Ex-Medstar EMT gets 6 years in rape


> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>

>By Melody Mc

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>

>Star-Telegram Staff Writer

> <BLOCKED::http://www.dfw.com/images/common/spacer.gif>


>FORT WORTH - After almost 10 hours of deliberations, jurors Friday


>a former MedStar emergency medical technician to six years in prison for

>sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl in the back of an ambulance.



>After the verdict was read, the victim's mother took the witness stand and

>addressed 29-year-old , who had worked for MedStar

>14 months.




> " This city trusted you, we trusted you, to be there to care for victims --

>not to create them, " she said, sobbing. The woman told about the

>devastation he had caused her daughter, who had dreams of becoming a

>paramedic and was a participant in MedStar's Explorer program.




> " When she was 3 or 4, her favorite show was Rescue 911, " the woman said. " I

>don't know how she will ever be able to look at a medical career without

>these painful memories.




> " Another of her goals was to save herself for marriage. But you took that

>choice away from her before she could make that for herself. " During the

>three-day trial, the girl, now 16, told jurors that she was riding with

> and Neal Barash, 37, a paramedic, when the assaults


>in the early morning hours of Dec. 29, 2003.




>While the ambulance was parked behind a shopping center near Ridgmar Mall

>awaiting emergency calls, the men pressured her into having sex with them,

>the girl testified. The girl later told her mother, who reported it to





>, who earlier this week pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual

>assault of a child under 17, faced anywhere from probation to 20 years in

>prison. Prosecutor Dixie Bersano, a Tarrant County assistant district

>attorney, asked jurros to sentence him to nothing less than eight years,

>saying he violated the community's trust and manipulated a young girl.




>Defense attorneys Roxanne and Jack Duffy argued for probation,

>calling the sex " consensual " and saying was a good man who had


>been in trouble before.




>After deliberating Thursday and Friday, the jury sentenced him to six years

>on one count and two years on the other two counts. The sentences will run

>concurrently. must serve a minimum of three years before he is

>eligible for parole.




>During her victim impact statement, the girl's mother told that her

>daughter had never been on her first date or alone with a boy her age.




> " She didn't have the knowledge or experience to fend you off, " she said.

> " Maybe one day, you will look into your daughter's eyes and be able to


>her from experience how to protect herself from a predator like you. "




>Afterward, asked -- and the judge agreed -- to allow him to make a

>statment. He stood in the center of the courtoom and turned and faced the

>victim and her family, who were being comforted by his estranged wife.




>He apologized to all of them -- as well as his family and the city of Fort

>Worth, for the pain and embarrasment he has caused and for violating their





> " I broke that trust in one single act of selfishness and I apologize, " he

>said. And while jurors have decided 's fate, the implications of


>happened that day in the back of the ambulance are far-reaching and far






>Barash, the other defendant, remains free on bail, awaiting his trial.




>A civil lawsuit is pending against the ambulance company and the Boy Scouts

>of America, which operated the Explorer Program.




> , the defendant's wife, has filed for divorce.




>During the trial, sat with the victim and her family to show

>her support for them.




> " Nobody should have to go through what they have been through, "

> said. " My heart, thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. "







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Sad thing is most sexual predator victims become predators.


Re: Sad Day for EMS and a 16-year old

On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 03:01:25 -0600, / Musick



> Having been the victim of a sexual predator myself at a very young age, it

bothers me that you, a condescending pompass windbag, who apparently believes he

is the epitome of morality,

But, following your earlier post, did you consent? And would have

mattered if you did? Would that have made it better for EITHER of

you? I don't think so, and I don't think you really do either, but

that's what you said.

As for being the " epitome of morality, " that's not a claim I made or

will make. I'm not going to harp on morality or immorality, but you

can find fault in anyone. Rather than get into a character battle,

why don't we do this... why don't we BOTH find a place to agree on

what needs to happen next to bring the EMS community together?

As much as this incident is disgusting and derisive, it can also be a

rallying point - and something to put on the mantle so we never forget

our scars. What can we, personally, do to fix this shortcoming in ALL

of ourselves, as a community?

Mike :)


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Sad thing is most sexual predator victims become predators.


Re: Sad Day for EMS and a 16-year old

On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 03:01:25 -0600, / Musick



> Having been the victim of a sexual predator myself at a very young age, it

bothers me that you, a condescending pompass windbag, who apparently believes he

is the epitome of morality,

But, following your earlier post, did you consent? And would have

mattered if you did? Would that have made it better for EITHER of

you? I don't think so, and I don't think you really do either, but

that's what you said.

As for being the " epitome of morality, " that's not a claim I made or

will make. I'm not going to harp on morality or immorality, but you

can find fault in anyone. Rather than get into a character battle,

why don't we do this... why don't we BOTH find a place to agree on

what needs to happen next to bring the EMS community together?

As much as this incident is disgusting and derisive, it can also be a

rallying point - and something to put on the mantle so we never forget

our scars. What can we, personally, do to fix this shortcoming in ALL

of ourselves, as a community?

Mike :)


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Sad thing is most sexual predator victims become predators.


Re: Sad Day for EMS and a 16-year old

On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 03:01:25 -0600, / Musick



> Having been the victim of a sexual predator myself at a very young age, it

bothers me that you, a condescending pompass windbag, who apparently believes he

is the epitome of morality,

But, following your earlier post, did you consent? And would have

mattered if you did? Would that have made it better for EITHER of

you? I don't think so, and I don't think you really do either, but

that's what you said.

As for being the " epitome of morality, " that's not a claim I made or

will make. I'm not going to harp on morality or immorality, but you

can find fault in anyone. Rather than get into a character battle,

why don't we do this... why don't we BOTH find a place to agree on

what needs to happen next to bring the EMS community together?

As much as this incident is disgusting and derisive, it can also be a

rallying point - and something to put on the mantle so we never forget

our scars. What can we, personally, do to fix this shortcoming in ALL

of ourselves, as a community?

Mike :)


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Wow...what a lot of conversation overnight. I too am disgusted with this and

truly feel for this girl and her family as well as the family of this EMT.

There are victims all around in this episode...

BUT, although I agree that better hiring processes will help prevent this...it

will not be truly addressed until ALL EMS agencies start paying attention to the

culture and behavior of their crews while on duty. Why is there this constant

pre-occupation with sex and sexual talk in the workplace? I suppose it is

culturally driven from everything around us in society...but if we allow this

type of behavior and culture to predominate in our agencies, we are all asking

for similar episodes in our systems.

Legislative and legal authorities have worked hard to place penalties on work

places and people who insist on conducting themselves inappropriately in the

workplace...yet many EMS agencies (many workplaces in general) turn a blind eye

to laws regarding hostile work places and harrassment with the excuse that " its

just friendly banter " or " its just station talk " . Well, in this instance it

started out as " friendly banter " and because the girl was too young and

inexperienced, it was not stopped.

For all EMS managers and supervisors pay attention: This is exactly how it

occurs all the time in workplace law issues. Friendly chit-chat (probably

inappropriate legally) begins by one or both sides and continues until something

stops it. This something is usually a realization by one or both that it has

gone to far (and either it is a mutual stoppage or someone gets hurt feelidngs

and gets upset (at the least) or files a complaint (at the most))...but rarely

is it stopped by supervision and management...rarely is it prevented and rarely

do we discuss these issues with out employees ahead of time to try and prevent

such things from occurring.

I know it is a deep dark secret what goes on in the station or ambulance...but

when did it become appropriate to discuss sexual relationships/behavior/or

choice with our co-workers??? It didn't just happen overnight...nor was there a

day when it probably didn't happen...but we must work to prevent it and to make

sure that everyone connected to our profession knows it is inappropriate, wrong,

and how to deal with it when it starts...NOT when it has gone to far.

Whew...I feel better now. Thanks.


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So, it this crew had been in a station with couches and beds...this would have

somehow been prevented? The back of the ambulance (aka love machine) is a much

more conducive environment to sexual assault? I fail to see the connection.

Maybe a review of the last year for FDNY will help clarify this some for me...


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So, it this crew had been in a station with couches and beds...this would have

somehow been prevented? The back of the ambulance (aka love machine) is a much

more conducive environment to sexual assault? I fail to see the connection.

Maybe a review of the last year for FDNY will help clarify this some for me...


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So, it this crew had been in a station with couches and beds...this would have

somehow been prevented? The back of the ambulance (aka love machine) is a much

more conducive environment to sexual assault? I fail to see the connection.

Maybe a review of the last year for FDNY will help clarify this some for me...


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C'Mon Randy, what it really boils down to is that and made a

catastrophic error in judgment, knew better, and went through with it anyway,

irregardless of how this girl may have acted towards the situation. It doesn't

matter if she was willing or not. It was their responsibility to not put her in

that situation, not hers to get herself out of it. They were in charge of her

safety, and they failed by their own actions. They became predators, and will

now be labeled so for the rest of their lives. If they had made a mistake of

this magnatude in relation to a medical decision on a scene, they'd probably be

on trial for Invol Manslaughter.


Randy wrote:

Oh spare me with the innocent, defenseless out cry. she's 15 not 5. A 5 year old

wouldn't he able to defend themselves but a 15 year old can. at least enough to

make marks or cause injury to back her story up!

Walks Alone wrote:Are you serious!?! I sure hope

not... This CHILD was probably scared out of her mind. The way I read it, she

couldn't even speak to say yes or no. Fear is a very very powerful weapon. And

I can tell you that girls are brought up to be " nice " and to be respectful, and

cooperative. Also, girls aren't natural fighters like boys are. She wouldn't

have known how to defend herself, even if she had wanted to. You weren't there,

you don't know how they likely intimidated her, and probably made her believe,

through actions or words, that there was no escape, there was no help, and that

she'd get hurt if she resisted. Heck they probably had both the doors blocked

in the unit, she couldn't have gotten away if she tried. It has nothing to do

with her being in the Explorers. And yes, the Explorers are technically run by

the " Boy Scouts " but it's a separate entity that has accepted girls into it's

programs for years. Look at their " Mission &

Vision " page here:

http://www.scouting.org/nav/enter.jsp?s=mc & c=mv The whole focus of their

mission is to turn out " good " kids. They don't teach confrontation. Also

notice that one of the " Scout Laws " is that a scout is " Obedient " . She's a

KID... naive to the ways of adults, and especially street-hardened adults like

ourselves. Put yourself in her position for a moment, not with the knowledge

you have, as an adult man, but with the knowledge and experience of a 15 year

old girl. She was afraid, she was raped, and she was still trying to be " good "

like she was supposed to be. It took a lot of courage for her to come forward

with it at all. Check out the actual data below. It's attitudes like yours

that promote the image that girls " want it " and that rape isn't a big deal.

Could you look your wife, or sister, or mom, or daughter in the eye and say

that? I sure hope not.


The FBI estimates that only 37% of all rapes are reported to the police. U.S.

Justice Department statistics are even lower, with only 26% of all rapes or

attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials.

Data from the National Women's Study, a longitudinal telephone survey of a

national household probability sample of women at least 18 years of age, show

683,000 women forcibly raped each year and that 84% of rape victims did not

report the offense to the police.

Using Uniform Crime Report data for 1994 and 1995, the Bureau of Justice

Statistics found that of rape victims who reported the offense to law

enforcement, about 40% were under the age of 18, and 15% were younger than 12.4

Randy wrote:

Yes, What he did was wrong. BUT, I have a problem with her testimony that said

" I knew it was going to happen so I just nodded my head. " Are you going to tell

me that a 15 year old who is apparently in the " Boy " Scouts and understands a

little bit about EMS can't get out and run for help or call 911 from her cell

phone which I'm sure she probably had one. Nothing that I've read has indicated

that she was forced to stay in the back of the ambulance or that she was held

down. Sometimes I believe that age is the only victim not the people.

Bledsoe wrote:Posted on Fri, Jan. 14, 2005




Ex-Medstar EMT gets 6 years in rape


By Melody Mc


Star-Telegram Staff Writer


FORT WORTH - After almost 10 hours of deliberations, jurors Friday sentenced

a former MedStar emergency medical technician to six years in prison for

sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl in the back of an ambulance.

After the verdict was read, the victim's mother took the witness stand and

addressed 29-year-old , who had worked for MedStar

14 months.

" This city trusted you, we trusted you, to be there to care for victims --

not to create them, " she said, sobbing. The woman told about the

devastation he had caused her daughter, who had dreams of becoming a

paramedic and was a participant in MedStar's Explorer program.

" When she was 3 or 4, her favorite show was Rescue 911, " the woman said. " I

don't know how she will ever be able to look at a medical career without

these painful memories.

" Another of her goals was to save herself for marriage. But you took that

choice away from her before she could make that for herself. " During the

three-day trial, the girl, now 16, told jurors that she was riding with

and Neal Barash, 37, a paramedic, when the assaults occurred

in the early morning hours of Dec. 29, 2003.

While the ambulance was parked behind a shopping center near Ridgmar Mall

awaiting emergency calls, the men pressured her into having sex with them,

the girl testified. The girl later told her mother, who reported it to


, who earlier this week pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual

assault of a child under 17, faced anywhere from probation to 20 years in

prison. Prosecutor Dixie Bersano, a Tarrant County assistant district

attorney, asked jurros to sentence him to nothing less than eight years,

saying he violated the community's trust and manipulated a young girl.

Defense attorneys Roxanne and Jack Duffy argued for probation,

calling the sex " consensual " and saying was a good man who had never

been in trouble before.

After deliberating Thursday and Friday, the jury sentenced him to six years

on one count and two years on the other two counts. The sentences will run

concurrently. must serve a minimum of three years before he is

eligible for parole.

During her victim impact statement, the girl's mother told that her

daughter had never been on her first date or alone with a boy her age.

" She didn't have the knowledge or experience to fend you off, " she said.

" Maybe one day, you will look into your daughter's eyes and be able to teach

her from experience how to protect herself from a predator like you. "

Afterward, asked -- and the judge agreed -- to allow him to make a

statment. He stood in the center of the courtoom and turned and faced the

victim and her family, who were being comforted by his estranged wife.

He apologized to all of them -- as well as his family and the city of Fort

Worth, for the pain and embarrasment he has caused and for violating their


" I broke that trust in one single act of selfishness and I apologize, " he

said. And while jurors have decided 's fate, the implications of what

happened that day in the back of the ambulance are far-reaching and far from


Barash, the other defendant, remains free on bail, awaiting his trial.

A civil lawsuit is pending against the ambulance company and the Boy Scouts

of America, which operated the Explorer Program.

, the defendant's wife, has filed for divorce.

During the trial, sat with the victim and her family to show

her support for them.

" Nobody should have to go through what they have been through, "

said. " My heart, thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. "

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C'Mon Randy, what it really boils down to is that and made a

catastrophic error in judgment, knew better, and went through with it anyway,

irregardless of how this girl may have acted towards the situation. It doesn't

matter if she was willing or not. It was their responsibility to not put her in

that situation, not hers to get herself out of it. They were in charge of her

safety, and they failed by their own actions. They became predators, and will

now be labeled so for the rest of their lives. If they had made a mistake of

this magnatude in relation to a medical decision on a scene, they'd probably be

on trial for Invol Manslaughter.


Randy wrote:

Oh spare me with the innocent, defenseless out cry. she's 15 not 5. A 5 year old

wouldn't he able to defend themselves but a 15 year old can. at least enough to

make marks or cause injury to back her story up!

Walks Alone wrote:Are you serious!?! I sure hope

not... This CHILD was probably scared out of her mind. The way I read it, she

couldn't even speak to say yes or no. Fear is a very very powerful weapon. And

I can tell you that girls are brought up to be " nice " and to be respectful, and

cooperative. Also, girls aren't natural fighters like boys are. She wouldn't

have known how to defend herself, even if she had wanted to. You weren't there,

you don't know how they likely intimidated her, and probably made her believe,

through actions or words, that there was no escape, there was no help, and that

she'd get hurt if she resisted. Heck they probably had both the doors blocked

in the unit, she couldn't have gotten away if she tried. It has nothing to do

with her being in the Explorers. And yes, the Explorers are technically run by

the " Boy Scouts " but it's a separate entity that has accepted girls into it's

programs for years. Look at their " Mission &

Vision " page here:

http://www.scouting.org/nav/enter.jsp?s=mc & c=mv The whole focus of their

mission is to turn out " good " kids. They don't teach confrontation. Also

notice that one of the " Scout Laws " is that a scout is " Obedient " . She's a

KID... naive to the ways of adults, and especially street-hardened adults like

ourselves. Put yourself in her position for a moment, not with the knowledge

you have, as an adult man, but with the knowledge and experience of a 15 year

old girl. She was afraid, she was raped, and she was still trying to be " good "

like she was supposed to be. It took a lot of courage for her to come forward

with it at all. Check out the actual data below. It's attitudes like yours

that promote the image that girls " want it " and that rape isn't a big deal.

Could you look your wife, or sister, or mom, or daughter in the eye and say

that? I sure hope not.


The FBI estimates that only 37% of all rapes are reported to the police. U.S.

Justice Department statistics are even lower, with only 26% of all rapes or

attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials.

Data from the National Women's Study, a longitudinal telephone survey of a

national household probability sample of women at least 18 years of age, show

683,000 women forcibly raped each year and that 84% of rape victims did not

report the offense to the police.

Using Uniform Crime Report data for 1994 and 1995, the Bureau of Justice

Statistics found that of rape victims who reported the offense to law

enforcement, about 40% were under the age of 18, and 15% were younger than 12.4

Randy wrote:

Yes, What he did was wrong. BUT, I have a problem with her testimony that said

" I knew it was going to happen so I just nodded my head. " Are you going to tell

me that a 15 year old who is apparently in the " Boy " Scouts and understands a

little bit about EMS can't get out and run for help or call 911 from her cell

phone which I'm sure she probably had one. Nothing that I've read has indicated

that she was forced to stay in the back of the ambulance or that she was held

down. Sometimes I believe that age is the only victim not the people.

Bledsoe wrote:Posted on Fri, Jan. 14, 2005




Ex-Medstar EMT gets 6 years in rape


By Melody Mc


Star-Telegram Staff Writer


FORT WORTH - After almost 10 hours of deliberations, jurors Friday sentenced

a former MedStar emergency medical technician to six years in prison for

sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl in the back of an ambulance.

After the verdict was read, the victim's mother took the witness stand and

addressed 29-year-old , who had worked for MedStar

14 months.

" This city trusted you, we trusted you, to be there to care for victims --

not to create them, " she said, sobbing. The woman told about the

devastation he had caused her daughter, who had dreams of becoming a

paramedic and was a participant in MedStar's Explorer program.

" When she was 3 or 4, her favorite show was Rescue 911, " the woman said. " I

don't know how she will ever be able to look at a medical career without

these painful memories.

" Another of her goals was to save herself for marriage. But you took that

choice away from her before she could make that for herself. " During the

three-day trial, the girl, now 16, told jurors that she was riding with

and Neal Barash, 37, a paramedic, when the assaults occurred

in the early morning hours of Dec. 29, 2003.

While the ambulance was parked behind a shopping center near Ridgmar Mall

awaiting emergency calls, the men pressured her into having sex with them,

the girl testified. The girl later told her mother, who reported it to


, who earlier this week pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual

assault of a child under 17, faced anywhere from probation to 20 years in

prison. Prosecutor Dixie Bersano, a Tarrant County assistant district

attorney, asked jurros to sentence him to nothing less than eight years,

saying he violated the community's trust and manipulated a young girl.

Defense attorneys Roxanne and Jack Duffy argued for probation,

calling the sex " consensual " and saying was a good man who had never

been in trouble before.

After deliberating Thursday and Friday, the jury sentenced him to six years

on one count and two years on the other two counts. The sentences will run

concurrently. must serve a minimum of three years before he is

eligible for parole.

During her victim impact statement, the girl's mother told that her

daughter had never been on her first date or alone with a boy her age.

" She didn't have the knowledge or experience to fend you off, " she said.

" Maybe one day, you will look into your daughter's eyes and be able to teach

her from experience how to protect herself from a predator like you. "

Afterward, asked -- and the judge agreed -- to allow him to make a

statment. He stood in the center of the courtoom and turned and faced the

victim and her family, who were being comforted by his estranged wife.

He apologized to all of them -- as well as his family and the city of Fort

Worth, for the pain and embarrasment he has caused and for violating their


" I broke that trust in one single act of selfishness and I apologize, " he

said. And while jurors have decided 's fate, the implications of what

happened that day in the back of the ambulance are far-reaching and far from


Barash, the other defendant, remains free on bail, awaiting his trial.

A civil lawsuit is pending against the ambulance company and the Boy Scouts

of America, which operated the Explorer Program.

, the defendant's wife, has filed for divorce.

During the trial, sat with the victim and her family to show

her support for them.

" Nobody should have to go through what they have been through, "

said. " My heart, thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. "

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C'Mon Randy, what it really boils down to is that and made a

catastrophic error in judgment, knew better, and went through with it anyway,

irregardless of how this girl may have acted towards the situation. It doesn't

matter if she was willing or not. It was their responsibility to not put her in

that situation, not hers to get herself out of it. They were in charge of her

safety, and they failed by their own actions. They became predators, and will

now be labeled so for the rest of their lives. If they had made a mistake of

this magnatude in relation to a medical decision on a scene, they'd probably be

on trial for Invol Manslaughter.


Randy wrote:

Oh spare me with the innocent, defenseless out cry. she's 15 not 5. A 5 year old

wouldn't he able to defend themselves but a 15 year old can. at least enough to

make marks or cause injury to back her story up!

Walks Alone wrote:Are you serious!?! I sure hope

not... This CHILD was probably scared out of her mind. The way I read it, she

couldn't even speak to say yes or no. Fear is a very very powerful weapon. And

I can tell you that girls are brought up to be " nice " and to be respectful, and

cooperative. Also, girls aren't natural fighters like boys are. She wouldn't

have known how to defend herself, even if she had wanted to. You weren't there,

you don't know how they likely intimidated her, and probably made her believe,

through actions or words, that there was no escape, there was no help, and that

she'd get hurt if she resisted. Heck they probably had both the doors blocked

in the unit, she couldn't have gotten away if she tried. It has nothing to do

with her being in the Explorers. And yes, the Explorers are technically run by

the " Boy Scouts " but it's a separate entity that has accepted girls into it's

programs for years. Look at their " Mission &

Vision " page here:

http://www.scouting.org/nav/enter.jsp?s=mc & c=mv The whole focus of their

mission is to turn out " good " kids. They don't teach confrontation. Also

notice that one of the " Scout Laws " is that a scout is " Obedient " . She's a

KID... naive to the ways of adults, and especially street-hardened adults like

ourselves. Put yourself in her position for a moment, not with the knowledge

you have, as an adult man, but with the knowledge and experience of a 15 year

old girl. She was afraid, she was raped, and she was still trying to be " good "

like she was supposed to be. It took a lot of courage for her to come forward

with it at all. Check out the actual data below. It's attitudes like yours

that promote the image that girls " want it " and that rape isn't a big deal.

Could you look your wife, or sister, or mom, or daughter in the eye and say

that? I sure hope not.


The FBI estimates that only 37% of all rapes are reported to the police. U.S.

Justice Department statistics are even lower, with only 26% of all rapes or

attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials.

Data from the National Women's Study, a longitudinal telephone survey of a

national household probability sample of women at least 18 years of age, show

683,000 women forcibly raped each year and that 84% of rape victims did not

report the offense to the police.

Using Uniform Crime Report data for 1994 and 1995, the Bureau of Justice

Statistics found that of rape victims who reported the offense to law

enforcement, about 40% were under the age of 18, and 15% were younger than 12.4

Randy wrote:

Yes, What he did was wrong. BUT, I have a problem with her testimony that said

" I knew it was going to happen so I just nodded my head. " Are you going to tell

me that a 15 year old who is apparently in the " Boy " Scouts and understands a

little bit about EMS can't get out and run for help or call 911 from her cell

phone which I'm sure she probably had one. Nothing that I've read has indicated

that she was forced to stay in the back of the ambulance or that she was held

down. Sometimes I believe that age is the only victim not the people.

Bledsoe wrote:Posted on Fri, Jan. 14, 2005




Ex-Medstar EMT gets 6 years in rape


By Melody Mc


Star-Telegram Staff Writer


FORT WORTH - After almost 10 hours of deliberations, jurors Friday sentenced

a former MedStar emergency medical technician to six years in prison for

sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl in the back of an ambulance.

After the verdict was read, the victim's mother took the witness stand and

addressed 29-year-old , who had worked for MedStar

14 months.

" This city trusted you, we trusted you, to be there to care for victims --

not to create them, " she said, sobbing. The woman told about the

devastation he had caused her daughter, who had dreams of becoming a

paramedic and was a participant in MedStar's Explorer program.

" When she was 3 or 4, her favorite show was Rescue 911, " the woman said. " I

don't know how she will ever be able to look at a medical career without

these painful memories.

" Another of her goals was to save herself for marriage. But you took that

choice away from her before she could make that for herself. " During the

three-day trial, the girl, now 16, told jurors that she was riding with

and Neal Barash, 37, a paramedic, when the assaults occurred

in the early morning hours of Dec. 29, 2003.

While the ambulance was parked behind a shopping center near Ridgmar Mall

awaiting emergency calls, the men pressured her into having sex with them,

the girl testified. The girl later told her mother, who reported it to


, who earlier this week pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual

assault of a child under 17, faced anywhere from probation to 20 years in

prison. Prosecutor Dixie Bersano, a Tarrant County assistant district

attorney, asked jurros to sentence him to nothing less than eight years,

saying he violated the community's trust and manipulated a young girl.

Defense attorneys Roxanne and Jack Duffy argued for probation,

calling the sex " consensual " and saying was a good man who had never

been in trouble before.

After deliberating Thursday and Friday, the jury sentenced him to six years

on one count and two years on the other two counts. The sentences will run

concurrently. must serve a minimum of three years before he is

eligible for parole.

During her victim impact statement, the girl's mother told that her

daughter had never been on her first date or alone with a boy her age.

" She didn't have the knowledge or experience to fend you off, " she said.

" Maybe one day, you will look into your daughter's eyes and be able to teach

her from experience how to protect herself from a predator like you. "

Afterward, asked -- and the judge agreed -- to allow him to make a

statment. He stood in the center of the courtoom and turned and faced the

victim and her family, who were being comforted by his estranged wife.

He apologized to all of them -- as well as his family and the city of Fort

Worth, for the pain and embarrasment he has caused and for violating their


" I broke that trust in one single act of selfishness and I apologize, " he

said. And while jurors have decided 's fate, the implications of what

happened that day in the back of the ambulance are far-reaching and far from


Barash, the other defendant, remains free on bail, awaiting his trial.

A civil lawsuit is pending against the ambulance company and the Boy Scouts

of America, which operated the Explorer Program.

, the defendant's wife, has filed for divorce.

During the trial, sat with the victim and her family to show

her support for them.

" Nobody should have to go through what they have been through, "

said. " My heart, thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. "

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Possibly....just possibly.

There is a place to go " hide " in a station if you are trying to avoid being

raped. You can also leave and go for help. The victim said that she felt

trapped by the 2 crewmembers, and its awfully easy to feel that way in the

back of a rig at 3 am in th mall parking lot. Less so in a fire station or

dedicated ambulance station. There are a thousand things that could have

gone differently and changed what happened, and the place where it happened

is only one of them, but yes, it might have made a small but significant


Nobody should have to spend the night parked at the mall, period. Its

foolish and serves no purpose.

magnetass sends

Re: Sad Day for EMS and a 16-year old


> So, it this crew had been in a station with couches and beds...this would

> have somehow been prevented? The back of the ambulance (aka love machine)

> is a much more conducive environment to sexual assault? I fail to see the

> connection. Maybe a review of the last year for FDNY will help clarify

> this some for me...


> Dudley






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Sir. I hope your patient reports read better than your emails. See comments

in text.

Re: Sad Day for EMS and a 16-year old

you people sure do know how to take a spark and turn it into a forrest fire.

This is a big deal...rape of a child is one of the most serious crimes in

our society and hence it is a forrest (sic) fire.

as far as my two cents go, they're all guilty. she's guilty for being there

during the night shift and the two guys are guilty for having sex with her.

at the same time i wasn't there, nor do i know the people involved, so i

don't know as many details as everyone else does.

Why is she guilty? She was enrolled in a lawful program operated by a great

organization. She had no fault whatsoever. Why is she at risk? The risk to

her riding with EMS comes from the scenes she might encounter, not the crew

she rides with. If MedStar and the Explorers cannot trust the crew with a

ride along, then how can they trust them to care for the citizens of Fort

Worth? Gender has little impact. What if the girl rode with a lesbian crew?

What if a guy rode with a gay crew? Sexuality and gender should not even

come into a professional level discussion.

however just like the situation with a girl walking down the street with

tight spandex (if she is wearing enough items to call clothing) and them

cries i'm a victim after she gets attacked. same scenario, both parties are


A woman cannot wear something because certain things permit assault? You

have had one too many bowls of Fruit Loops this AM my friend.

now back to the subject in question, i remember hearing stories when i

started EMS, which wasn't that long ago, that included timed procreation and

awarding the people who could do the bling-bling and get the ambulance

cleaned up for the next call the fastest. and them there were the stories

about the ones who were in ems for the sex and then ran calls on the side.

so the first thing i thought of was that the age group of the people telling

me the stories was about the age group of the gentlemen involved. all of you

people who know these guys can answer if they were of the category " they

would screw anything with a hole big enough to put it in. " in the end gene

and wes said it loud and clear, the law is the law, no if ands or buts about

it. they screwed up, now they are paying the consequences.

The point is not the anatomy of the female. The point is they had a higher

duty to the public that should not have made sex on duty even a


now on to the next portion of the subject; what are WE going to do about it.

the city i work in there is a guy who has been labeled as a pedophile,

because of what he chose to do after work, and now this. if the old farts in

the community get a big enough scent of this, they would watch us all like

hawks and find a reason kick us out of the county.

Can a pedophile work in EMS? Can a pedophile be a cop? Some jobs have too

much responsibility to allow people with certain diseases to work in the

profession. Pedophilia is a disease.

that's just one county, ft. worth is big enough that i would doubt it if

this news made it all the way to the newspapers in hungary or barbados.

It was in the Sydney Morning Herald (that is Australia) and the Calgary

paper (that is Canada). Not sure about Barbados and Hungary.

that means that we are going to have to " kick it up a notch " and prove to

our communities that much more that we exist as more that just a glorified

taxi service. just another brain fart.

Not with thinking like this. Next time in town, stop by Staples and get

some capital letters. They are on sale this week.

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In a message dated 1/14/2005 8:20:27 P.M. Central Standard Time,

summedic@... writes:

I agree with you about her not fighting enough to get free, but the bottom

line is, it is

illegal to have sex with a minor; reguardless if it is consenual or not.


Randy wrote:Yes, What he did was wrong.

BUT, I have a problem with her testimony that said " I knew it was going to

happen so I just nodded my head. " Are you going to tell me that a 15 year old


is apparently in the " Boy " Scouts and understands a little bit about EMS

can't get out and run for help or call 911 from her cell phone which I'm sure


probably had one. Nothing that I've read has indicated that she was forced

to stay in the back of the ambulance or that she was held down. Sometimes I

believe that age is the only victim not the people.

If those are your true feelings, I wish you had kept them inside. I take it

you do not have a 15 yo daughter.

andy foote

EMS Manager, Beaumont

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In a message dated 1/14/2005 9:27:51 P.M. Central Standard Time,

wegandy1938@... writes:

Sometimes I wish I were stilll prosecuting. I'd love to have tried these

pieces of stinking human shit.

E. Gandy, JD, LP

In a message dated 1/14/05 20:20:33, summedic@... writes:



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In a message dated 1/14/2005 9:27:51 P.M. Central Standard Time,

wegandy1938@... writes:

Sometimes I wish I were stilll prosecuting. I'd love to have tried these

pieces of stinking human shit.

E. Gandy, JD, LP

In a message dated 1/14/05 20:20:33, summedic@... writes:



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In a message dated 1/14/2005 9:27:51 P.M. Central Standard Time,

wegandy1938@... writes:

Sometimes I wish I were stilll prosecuting. I'd love to have tried these

pieces of stinking human shit.

E. Gandy, JD, LP

In a message dated 1/14/05 20:20:33, summedic@... writes:



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