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Re: From my friend whose son seemed autistic...

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That is REALLY sad. To have something wrong with a child, and not pursue a

diagnosis. I would like to think she wouldn't do it with a sickness as

opposed to something that she may perceive as a mental condition with the

attached stereotypes and stigmas.


RE: From my friend whose son seemed


My SIL is still there, but unfortunately her son is 8 now and it is not

looking as if things are going to get any better for him support or

therapy-wise. After he failed kindergarten the second time she did


to putting him into a special ed class, but he still has no diagnosis.


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That makes two of us.

I knew something was wrong with Savannah and after a few conversations with a

friend of mine in special ed and some research I could give it a name but no one

would listen to me and evaluate her until about two years ago. I was called an

over-reactive parent and that I was making mountians out of mole hills. After

all the stupid shit I put up with from drs, our ped who I like told me at one

point " She toliet trained, she can't be autistic " I was finally relieved when

someone finally listened to me and seen her. Dr Fry (PhD) had to make phone

calls on how to interpert her test scores because she has a remarkably high IQ

but is very much on the spectrum.

I know that I have three other kids on the spectrum.

I am just a bit in shock with Dalton because I have not seen anything near his

behaviour (almost 2) since Savannah at that age, and that was 6 years ago! I

keep reminding myself that Savannah was just like him at that age, that it is

going to get worse before it gets better, and that it will get better at some

point (it did with Savannah and there was no early intervention there, in fact I

had no idea what to do with her at the time because I had no idea what the

problem was until a bit later, but now I know what to do so...) at any rate, I

hope my logic isn't flawed here ;0).

I was never in denial.

I went through the totaly opposite. Complete and total frustration that no one

would take me seriously and help me. The sad thing is, now that I have the dx

for Savannah and I read everything that I can get my hands on and do what I have

to do to help her and the other ones without " professional " help (unless it gets

really bad then Dr Fry is a phone call away and he is always willing to help and

he is so good with her) with ST, OT, PT, ABA and so forth that I really don't

want anyones help.

It also helps me to know that Dr Fry honestly believes that I have done more for

Savannah than any therapist or professional could have and that I am the best

teacher for her. I *know* that I am doing something right. I mean, the man

stood up and told child protective services that and was willing to go to court

and say that.

Georga Hackworth

www.ubah.com/F1549 Enter to win $50 in FREE books!

Re: From my friend whose son seemed autistic...

> C'mon. We've all been there!


> Salli

I was never there!


I was never there.

I KNOW I'm in the minority, but it's hard for me to imagine it otherwise.

Of course, there was NO denying was different; I knew that as soon as I

joined my first moms and babies group when he was four months old. The

differences were glaring even then, and I *knew* it. So I really REALLY

can't put myself in her shoes, as I've never worn anything remotely like

them. :-(


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I sent a thank you card to the woman who suggested my having Matt evaluated.

He was diagnosed on a Friday and she came with me to his IEP on the

following Monday. After that was when I sent the card, not just for coming

to the IEP with me, but for getting the whole ball rolling in my head.

It's amazing that sometimes it does take another person to get the ball

rolling. Even if we aren't willing to really admit we needed it. When I tried to

go back to work a year ago if when I finally gave into 's evaluation. My

really good friend was watching them and she said that something just wasn't

right. was way to angry and frustrated and well not a typical 3 year old.

Oh boy did that blow me over. I called the school soon after for the

evaluation. I'm not sure what goes through my mind but I have that magical age

of 3 stuck in my head. was in early learning intervention till 3 and aged

out without needing more services. I keep getting close to that age 3 mark,

was evaluated right before 3 and now so is .

Oh well I'm rambling.


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I sent a thank you card to the woman who suggested my having Matt evaluated.

He was diagnosed on a Friday and she came with me to his IEP on the

following Monday. After that was when I sent the card, not just for coming

to the IEP with me, but for getting the whole ball rolling in my head.

It's amazing that sometimes it does take another person to get the ball

rolling. Even if we aren't willing to really admit we needed it. When I tried to

go back to work a year ago if when I finally gave into 's evaluation. My

really good friend was watching them and she said that something just wasn't

right. was way to angry and frustrated and well not a typical 3 year old.

Oh boy did that blow me over. I called the school soon after for the

evaluation. I'm not sure what goes through my mind but I have that magical age

of 3 stuck in my head. was in early learning intervention till 3 and aged

out without needing more services. I keep getting close to that age 3 mark,

was evaluated right before 3 and now so is .

Oh well I'm rambling.


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> I sent a thank you card to the woman who suggested my having Matt evaluated <

i actually just saw the woman who had originally suggested autism for kailey.

ironically, she was the one who just did trevor's preschool evals. anyway, i

thanked her for being honest about kailey and apologized for not listening to

her at the time :)

" Something important to remember...we'll always be who we are. " - Mr.

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Yea I remember you telling me that. The only thing he seems to be good for is

giving me all that I ask for. I ask and he gives. Sad but I'll take that over a


Re: From my friend whose son seemed autistic...

> ,

I don't think there is one good ped around here. Most know nothing and

won't help. At least the ones I've found. Now here we start again with

and Trevor, I'm so tired of the battle. I just wish someone else esp my ped

would see what I do.



unfortunately, dr mohassel is the ped i was referring to :'(

" Something important to remember...we'll always be who we are. " - Mr.

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> I can't speak for Sara, but if I had to guess for myself, I'd say that it

> was just a strict observance of the rules: THIS is how babies are

> *supposed* to be, but THAT is the way my baby is -- so something is wrong.


> Marc hid all my baby books when was less than a year old because he

> said I was torturing myself with them -- but every month of the 'What to

> Expect the First Year' was like a manual for some species other

> than that my

> baby was.


> mine had more demanding needs. I lived by his schedule -- when everyone

> else was telling me HE needed to live by MINE. But that was impossible!

And again.

But I was doing AP and so " the rules " were different. I was being a GOOD



who will write her own post about this tomorrow.

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> But I was doing AP and so " the rules " were different. I was being a GOOD


-Sara. <

yep, there was that too. altho i wasn't officially doing AP, hell, i didn't even

know there was such a thing. i just thought it was natural and loving for my kid

to be attached to me NONSTOP. oh well...

" Something important to remember...we'll always be who we are. " - Mr.

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> But I was doing AP and so " the rules " were different. I was being a GOOD


Yea same here. I didn't know it had a name till I had the internet. was

the official cloth diapered, co sleeping, extended breastfeeding poster child.

Then again I think about it now and I know that without me parenting that way

things could be much much worse. is a different child, I tried

parenting him just like , he would have nothing to do with it. He would feed

to feed and that was it. He's still not mister cuddle unless it suits him. He

is going to be hard one to get through too. I just know it


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I'm with you, I didn't think it was nice at all. Sounded to me like


-- In parenting_autism , " The Hunny Family "

<vhunnius@l...> wrote:


> > It's a nice note. I hope she is right, though I keep remembering

that she

> told me he didn't look at her much, and there was all that hand-

leading and

> spinning of toys.

> >



> REally? It doesn't sound like a nice note to me at all. To me, it


> defensive and a teeny bit reactionary.


> Of course, I may be wrong... but I would feel rebuffed if it were


> to me. :-(


> Jacquie

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I'm with you, I didn't think it was nice at all. Sounded to me like


-- In parenting_autism , " The Hunny Family "

<vhunnius@l...> wrote:


> > It's a nice note. I hope she is right, though I keep remembering

that she

> told me he didn't look at her much, and there was all that hand-

leading and

> spinning of toys.

> >



> REally? It doesn't sound like a nice note to me at all. To me, it


> defensive and a teeny bit reactionary.


> Of course, I may be wrong... but I would feel rebuffed if it were


> to me. :-(


> Jacquie

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I'm with you, I didn't think it was nice at all. Sounded to me like


-- In parenting_autism , " The Hunny Family "

<vhunnius@l...> wrote:


> > It's a nice note. I hope she is right, though I keep remembering

that she

> told me he didn't look at her much, and there was all that hand-

leading and

> spinning of toys.

> >



> REally? It doesn't sound like a nice note to me at all. To me, it


> defensive and a teeny bit reactionary.


> Of course, I may be wrong... but I would feel rebuffed if it were


> to me. :-(


> Jacquie

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I wasnt there either. I wanted an answer for Greggory's problems and while I

didnt want the answer to be autism and I cried when they told me I knew it was

true. With Alec I cant even remember the month he was dx'd or really when. I

just wanted answers! Any answer!

Jacquie H

Re: From my friend whose son seemed autistic...

> C'mon. We've all been there!


> Salli

I was never there!


I was never there.

I KNOW I'm in the minority, but it's hard for me to imagine it otherwise.

Of course, there was NO denying was different; I knew that as soon as I

joined my first moms and babies group when he was four months old. The

differences were glaring even then, and I *knew* it. So I really REALLY

can't put myself in her shoes, as I've never worn anything remotely like

them. :-(


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I wasnt there either. I wanted an answer for Greggory's problems and while I

didnt want the answer to be autism and I cried when they told me I knew it was

true. With Alec I cant even remember the month he was dx'd or really when. I

just wanted answers! Any answer!

Jacquie H

Re: From my friend whose son seemed autistic...

> C'mon. We've all been there!


> Salli

I was never there!


I was never there.

I KNOW I'm in the minority, but it's hard for me to imagine it otherwise.

Of course, there was NO denying was different; I knew that as soon as I

joined my first moms and babies group when he was four months old. The

differences were glaring even then, and I *knew* it. So I really REALLY

can't put myself in her shoes, as I've never worn anything remotely like

them. :-(


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I wasnt there either. I wanted an answer for Greggory's problems and while I

didnt want the answer to be autism and I cried when they told me I knew it was

true. With Alec I cant even remember the month he was dx'd or really when. I

just wanted answers! Any answer!

Jacquie H

Re: From my friend whose son seemed autistic...

> C'mon. We've all been there!


> Salli

I was never there!


I was never there.

I KNOW I'm in the minority, but it's hard for me to imagine it otherwise.

Of course, there was NO denying was different; I knew that as soon as I

joined my first moms and babies group when he was four months old. The

differences were glaring even then, and I *knew* it. So I really REALLY

can't put myself in her shoes, as I've never worn anything remotely like

them. :-(


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Not necessarily, .

Believe it or not that makes me feel better. is a hard kid to

explain. Very little speech, I think he's capable of it , he just prefers not

too. He's stubborn like a mule, can be very nasty. He will hit you and stare you

down. He'll dare you to pick him off of what he's doing.

Then this is the same child that will walk up to Adeline and pat her and say

nice, then walk away. He loves to sit on your lap and watch TV.

Oh I don't know. Part of me wants to deny anything is wrong at all



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> I wonder how she keeps her ped from finding out something's wrong?

Stupid Ped?

I went through 4 count them FOUR pediatricians in the first service I

was with. I asked all FOUR, is there something wrong with my kid?

She's almost 3 and not talking. " Some days I think she's autistic. Oh

not as severe as an autistic child " (maniacal laughter, what did I

know about autism? Just what I'd seen on TV. boy was I ignorant.)

They kept saying, " If she was autistic, you'd know it. "

Well DUH!

But I had to change pediatricians to even get a speech eval done! And

this is after I questioned these doctors for almost a year and a

half!! They kept saying " she'll out grow it. " (meaning the speech


So it's entirely possible the pediatrician isn't paying any attention

to the child, and it wouldn't matter if the mom did ask. If she's not

determined enough to push for testing, it won't happen until he hits

school and then it's too late for early intervention.


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> I wonder how she keeps her ped from finding out something's wrong?

Stupid Ped?

I went through 4 count them FOUR pediatricians in the first service I

was with. I asked all FOUR, is there something wrong with my kid?

She's almost 3 and not talking. " Some days I think she's autistic. Oh

not as severe as an autistic child " (maniacal laughter, what did I

know about autism? Just what I'd seen on TV. boy was I ignorant.)

They kept saying, " If she was autistic, you'd know it. "

Well DUH!

But I had to change pediatricians to even get a speech eval done! And

this is after I questioned these doctors for almost a year and a

half!! They kept saying " she'll out grow it. " (meaning the speech


So it's entirely possible the pediatrician isn't paying any attention

to the child, and it wouldn't matter if the mom did ask. If she's not

determined enough to push for testing, it won't happen until he hits

school and then it's too late for early intervention.


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> I wonder how she keeps her ped from finding out something's wrong?

Stupid Ped?

I went through 4 count them FOUR pediatricians in the first service I

was with. I asked all FOUR, is there something wrong with my kid?

She's almost 3 and not talking. " Some days I think she's autistic. Oh

not as severe as an autistic child " (maniacal laughter, what did I

know about autism? Just what I'd seen on TV. boy was I ignorant.)

They kept saying, " If she was autistic, you'd know it. "

Well DUH!

But I had to change pediatricians to even get a speech eval done! And

this is after I questioned these doctors for almost a year and a

half!! They kept saying " she'll out grow it. " (meaning the speech


So it's entirely possible the pediatrician isn't paying any attention

to the child, and it wouldn't matter if the mom did ask. If she's not

determined enough to push for testing, it won't happen until he hits

school and then it's too late for early intervention.


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Well, I consider myself pretty NT. Maybe I am wrong.....naw! ;) But I just knew

that something was wrong with both the boys. :( But actually I held out thinking

that lonfer with Alec than with Greggory. Weird!

Jacquie H

Re: From my friend whose son seemed autistic...

> I would not say that I *hounded* anyone but I made 4 seperate appts in 6

> months to discuss my concerns about , starting with his 12 month


> baby check. Like you, I was and patted on the head (although I was NOT

> referred for therapy!) but unlike you I accepted the pats gratefully


> obviously there was nothing seriously wrong with my child.

How very interesting that those of us who are clearly NT are so less astute

on autism than those of us who are probably somewhere on the spectrum (for

so I do place both Sara and Jacquie).

So much for theories of empathy. Did you both just recognize something

that went missed in your own babyhood?


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Well, I consider myself pretty NT. Maybe I am wrong.....naw! ;) But I just knew

that something was wrong with both the boys. :( But actually I held out thinking

that lonfer with Alec than with Greggory. Weird!

Jacquie H

Re: From my friend whose son seemed autistic...

> I would not say that I *hounded* anyone but I made 4 seperate appts in 6

> months to discuss my concerns about , starting with his 12 month


> baby check. Like you, I was and patted on the head (although I was NOT

> referred for therapy!) but unlike you I accepted the pats gratefully


> obviously there was nothing seriously wrong with my child.

How very interesting that those of us who are clearly NT are so less astute

on autism than those of us who are probably somewhere on the spectrum (for

so I do place both Sara and Jacquie).

So much for theories of empathy. Did you both just recognize something

that went missed in your own babyhood?


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Well, I consider myself pretty NT. Maybe I am wrong.....naw! ;) But I just knew

that something was wrong with both the boys. :( But actually I held out thinking

that lonfer with Alec than with Greggory. Weird!

Jacquie H

Re: From my friend whose son seemed autistic...

> I would not say that I *hounded* anyone but I made 4 seperate appts in 6

> months to discuss my concerns about , starting with his 12 month


> baby check. Like you, I was and patted on the head (although I was NOT

> referred for therapy!) but unlike you I accepted the pats gratefully


> obviously there was nothing seriously wrong with my child.

How very interesting that those of us who are clearly NT are so less astute

on autism than those of us who are probably somewhere on the spectrum (for

so I do place both Sara and Jacquie).

So much for theories of empathy. Did you both just recognize something

that went missed in your own babyhood?


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> > It took some time to work through my denial.


> Tuna <



> it took me about a year and a half...

Funny, that's about how long it took me to work through the doctors'




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> > It took some time to work through my denial.


> Tuna <



> it took me about a year and a half...

Funny, that's about how long it took me to work through the doctors'




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> > It took some time to work through my denial.


> Tuna <



> it took me about a year and a half...

Funny, that's about how long it took me to work through the doctors'




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