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Re: Urgent rT3-question!!! (low body temps!) Latest rT3 in!

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Interesting. Well, last time I checked my ACTH, it was not very low.

This was on June 26th, only a week or two after starting with HC.

This was day 19 on HC, and I was on 12.5 mg's by that time. I did a

slow raise to 20.

Myt ACTH was at 1.7. Reference <10,2 pmol in the morning. I don't

know when I took this sample. But eveningvalues (after 6 pm) should

be 50% less than morning values (between 7 and 9 o'clock). This is

info from my main lab.

I don't know what my ACTH is now. I might have one more test of my

ACTH from recent months lying around here somewhere.

ONE thing though: I took a blood sample about 1 week ago, without

taking HC first. This was at 11 in the morning, which is 1 hour

before my normal wake-up time at noon. (Though I changed my sleeping

schedule yesterday. Now I wake up at 8 am and go to bed at 11 pm)

And my morning cortisol was at 550 (ref. range 138-635 nmol/L)

without taking HC first. What does that mean? That proves that my

adrenals ARE making cortisol. Should they make THAT much? Maybe I

don't NEED HC? :)

My old specialist, who gave me meds for the first time in 1997 for

Hypo Type 2, says I should watch out so that I DON'T shut down

ACTH completely. He is sceptical to my HC...



> Because of the pituitary feedback loop. People that have adrenal fatigue

> have over sensitive fedback loops. A LITTLE cortios added to your day

> will shut DOWN ACTH. Get a serum ACTH if oyu dont';t believe me. I have

> seen enough of them from people on too low a dose of HC to know what it

> does. Yoiur ACTH will be 7-8 at most. This means oyur adrneals are nto

> gettign any message to MAKE any cortils so thta 20mg is all you have for

> the whoel day to live on and that is not enough for anyone. People wiht

> adrenal fatigue also are known to have cortils resistance. Which means

> that the same HC dose for an 's patient is unlikely to work for

> us. This is why I need ed ot go to 40mg a dya to heal my adrenals and

> the 3 years I sepnt on lower doses was a total waste of time and health.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Interesting. Well, last time I checked my ACTH, it was not very low.

This was on June 26th, only a week or two after starting with HC.

This was day 19 on HC, and I was on 12.5 mg's by that time. I did a

slow raise to 20.

Myt ACTH was at 1.7. Reference <10,2 pmol in the morning. I don't

know when I took this sample. But eveningvalues (after 6 pm) should

be 50% less than morning values (between 7 and 9 o'clock). This is

info from my main lab.

I don't know what my ACTH is now. I might have one more test of my

ACTH from recent months lying around here somewhere.

ONE thing though: I took a blood sample about 1 week ago, without

taking HC first. This was at 11 in the morning, which is 1 hour

before my normal wake-up time at noon. (Though I changed my sleeping

schedule yesterday. Now I wake up at 8 am and go to bed at 11 pm)

And my morning cortisol was at 550 (ref. range 138-635 nmol/L)

without taking HC first. What does that mean? That proves that my

adrenals ARE making cortisol. Should they make THAT much? Maybe I

don't NEED HC? :)

My old specialist, who gave me meds for the first time in 1997 for

Hypo Type 2, says I should watch out so that I DON'T shut down

ACTH completely. He is sceptical to my HC...



> Because of the pituitary feedback loop. People that have adrenal fatigue

> have over sensitive fedback loops. A LITTLE cortios added to your day

> will shut DOWN ACTH. Get a serum ACTH if oyu dont';t believe me. I have

> seen enough of them from people on too low a dose of HC to know what it

> does. Yoiur ACTH will be 7-8 at most. This means oyur adrneals are nto

> gettign any message to MAKE any cortils so thta 20mg is all you have for

> the whoel day to live on and that is not enough for anyone. People wiht

> adrenal fatigue also are known to have cortils resistance. Which means

> that the same HC dose for an 's patient is unlikely to work for

> us. This is why I need ed ot go to 40mg a dya to heal my adrenals and

> the 3 years I sepnt on lower doses was a total waste of time and health.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Interesting. Well, last time I checked my ACTH, it was not very low.

This was on June 26th, only a week or two after starting with HC.

This was day 19 on HC, and I was on 12.5 mg's by that time. I did a

slow raise to 20.

Myt ACTH was at 1.7. Reference <10,2 pmol in the morning. I don't

know when I took this sample. But eveningvalues (after 6 pm) should

be 50% less than morning values (between 7 and 9 o'clock). This is

info from my main lab.

I don't know what my ACTH is now. I might have one more test of my

ACTH from recent months lying around here somewhere.

ONE thing though: I took a blood sample about 1 week ago, without

taking HC first. This was at 11 in the morning, which is 1 hour

before my normal wake-up time at noon. (Though I changed my sleeping

schedule yesterday. Now I wake up at 8 am and go to bed at 11 pm)

And my morning cortisol was at 550 (ref. range 138-635 nmol/L)

without taking HC first. What does that mean? That proves that my

adrenals ARE making cortisol. Should they make THAT much? Maybe I

don't NEED HC? :)

My old specialist, who gave me meds for the first time in 1997 for

Hypo Type 2, says I should watch out so that I DON'T shut down

ACTH completely. He is sceptical to my HC...



> Because of the pituitary feedback loop. People that have adrenal fatigue

> have over sensitive fedback loops. A LITTLE cortios added to your day

> will shut DOWN ACTH. Get a serum ACTH if oyu dont';t believe me. I have

> seen enough of them from people on too low a dose of HC to know what it

> does. Yoiur ACTH will be 7-8 at most. This means oyur adrneals are nto

> gettign any message to MAKE any cortils so thta 20mg is all you have for

> the whoel day to live on and that is not enough for anyone. People wiht

> adrenal fatigue also are known to have cortils resistance. Which means

> that the same HC dose for an 's patient is unlikely to work for

> us. This is why I need ed ot go to 40mg a dya to heal my adrenals and

> the 3 years I sepnt on lower doses was a total waste of time and health.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Well I have no clue. If the lab says this value must be below 10,2,

well, then my value is below that top! However, they did not specify

which value I should have to have a normal, healthy ACTH, so I was

just ASSUMING anything under 10,2 down to 0,1 was good. All people

have different " I feel great " values. I have no idea what my normal

ACTH value should be. However, of 0 is death, and anything above 10,2

is bad (Cushings, right?`) then I guess my 1.7 looks a bit low?

What is the value for a normal, average, healthy person?

- Let me assure you of one thing: I take your words of advice

VERY seriously!

I was just about to tell you about one time (about 1 month ago)

when I actually _DID TRY_ to " ween off " (I didn't want to ween OFF

though, just go down on the dose to try to find my " perfect " dose!)

when I was on 17.5 mg HC and had horrible headaches.

I thought " ok, maybe I am taking too much HC " so I did try to go

down 2.5 mg on the HC dose from 17.5 to 15.0 mg, without talking to

anyone, no help, no advice, I just went down to 15.0......

That SAME night I felt SO unbelievably weak I could barely lift my

legs. My legs turned into really heavy weights - Now, is THIS a

symptom that I need mer cortisol or not? Well, I am guessing it was.

The third day on 15.0 mg - I couldn't take it anymore. I got weaker

and weaker, especially in the evenings. And one evening, I just got

fed up feeling like that, and thought to myself " Either I am not

ready to ween off of HC, or I've become addicted to HC " or something

like that.

Here is where it gets interesting: One hour after taking my evening-

dose of 2.5 mg HC, bringing the daily total to 15.0 mg, I went back

to my previous dose of 17.5 mg, and took another 2.5 mg.

30 (!) minutes later, I felt MUCH better. Back to " my normal " .

(which is my current normal, being sick, but being able to walk

and stand up without feeling the body wants to fall down on the

floor.) I told my specialist about this experience, and she

responded with " Amazing. Well, there you go! " - Lesson learned.

I can't go below 17.5 mg HC for SURE.

One thing about weening off though. I know a few (how many percent?

does anyone know?) will never be able to stop taking HC after

starting it, BUT, how hard is it weening off IF the body is ready

to ween off of HC? I am just guessing that I was not ready! Cause

it felt SO bad to try to go down those 2.5 mg. I " took it like a man "

for three days. But that third evening, I just couldn't do it


I've read the whole STTM book, and the website. And I'm reading

" Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st... " book as well. I am learning something

new every day! I just get a little worried when my body is NOT

reacting the way it should be reacting, according to the books.

Like.. My specialist told me to take my temps every day... 3

times daily.. And make an average + draw that graph from drrind.com's

website. I did. And guess what. My temps showed I was neither HYPO

nor Low Cortisol. This was before I was diagnosed with AF. Then,

the last saliva test I did + my BP while sitting down compared to

after standing up, made my specialist give me my diagnose. AF.

Please remember that I am pretty new in this game. (It's no Game tho!)

I don't know much about this issue! You (Val) know a lot. If not all

there is to know!

It's interesting to learn new things, and I am learning. Slowly.

Just please bare with me. English is also my second language.

To my defense, if I annoy someone with either grammar mistakes,

or my way of thinking, being a Viking and all. (Norwegian).

My ancestors were famous for robbing and raping people. I might not

be hailing from the most polite and kind descent? Hehe.

Also keep in mind I might be a very slow learner because my Hypo

brain is not working like it should be. The worst thing would be

OTHER Hypo/AF-patients being upset on Hypo/AF-patients with big

problems, and who feel very, very bad. I guess I am one of the latter.

The last thing I want is to make people upset or think I'm an idiot.

I'm just a sick person... I used to be so innocent and I used to

LOVE my life! I still love Life, cause I know how good it can be

if you're healthy enough to really enjoy it. This is what I'm

fighting for! I at least HOPE to get there, some day...

And I'm already getting closer to getting there, thanks to the

internet, and people like you (Val, and all the rest of you much

more experienced people than I am!) - Patients saving other patients

from horrible, horrible almost " unknown " conditions, is just...

Touching, in so many ways! This is how human kind should be!

And I mean that! I want to save lives when I get healthy, too!

I'm gonna, just.. Keep spreading the stuff I've learned from the

books, and from you guys!!! Thanks for sticking up for people,

including annoying people like me! :) Annoying people can be sick

too! lol! :D

*Bows down in humbleness*



> Myt ACTH was at 1.7. Reference <10,2 pmol


> And you don't think this is low? Then oyu need to wean SLOWLY off HC and prove

to yourself you need it,. Or not,. I cannot help you. Your symptoms scream low

coritosl and I have seen MANY people crash and burn using labs while on HC os

this wil be my last reply ot oyul You do not wnt to listen. You want your

adrenals to be fine but I do nto think thye are. You can convince yourself they

are so try going off the HC. bnut when you next are in a high adrnealine panic

do nto send " er SCRE " POSTS TO THE GROUPS. The thing ot do fo rhti si take

enough HC ot stop the adrnealine.

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Well I have no clue. If the lab says this value must be below 10,2,

well, then my value is below that top! However, they did not specify

which value I should have to have a normal, healthy ACTH, so I was

just ASSUMING anything under 10,2 down to 0,1 was good. All people

have different " I feel great " values. I have no idea what my normal

ACTH value should be. However, of 0 is death, and anything above 10,2

is bad (Cushings, right?`) then I guess my 1.7 looks a bit low?

What is the value for a normal, average, healthy person?

- Let me assure you of one thing: I take your words of advice

VERY seriously!

I was just about to tell you about one time (about 1 month ago)

when I actually _DID TRY_ to " ween off " (I didn't want to ween OFF

though, just go down on the dose to try to find my " perfect " dose!)

when I was on 17.5 mg HC and had horrible headaches.

I thought " ok, maybe I am taking too much HC " so I did try to go

down 2.5 mg on the HC dose from 17.5 to 15.0 mg, without talking to

anyone, no help, no advice, I just went down to 15.0......

That SAME night I felt SO unbelievably weak I could barely lift my

legs. My legs turned into really heavy weights - Now, is THIS a

symptom that I need mer cortisol or not? Well, I am guessing it was.

The third day on 15.0 mg - I couldn't take it anymore. I got weaker

and weaker, especially in the evenings. And one evening, I just got

fed up feeling like that, and thought to myself " Either I am not

ready to ween off of HC, or I've become addicted to HC " or something

like that.

Here is where it gets interesting: One hour after taking my evening-

dose of 2.5 mg HC, bringing the daily total to 15.0 mg, I went back

to my previous dose of 17.5 mg, and took another 2.5 mg.

30 (!) minutes later, I felt MUCH better. Back to " my normal " .

(which is my current normal, being sick, but being able to walk

and stand up without feeling the body wants to fall down on the

floor.) I told my specialist about this experience, and she

responded with " Amazing. Well, there you go! " - Lesson learned.

I can't go below 17.5 mg HC for SURE.

One thing about weening off though. I know a few (how many percent?

does anyone know?) will never be able to stop taking HC after

starting it, BUT, how hard is it weening off IF the body is ready

to ween off of HC? I am just guessing that I was not ready! Cause

it felt SO bad to try to go down those 2.5 mg. I " took it like a man "

for three days. But that third evening, I just couldn't do it


I've read the whole STTM book, and the website. And I'm reading

" Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st... " book as well. I am learning something

new every day! I just get a little worried when my body is NOT

reacting the way it should be reacting, according to the books.

Like.. My specialist told me to take my temps every day... 3

times daily.. And make an average + draw that graph from drrind.com's

website. I did. And guess what. My temps showed I was neither HYPO

nor Low Cortisol. This was before I was diagnosed with AF. Then,

the last saliva test I did + my BP while sitting down compared to

after standing up, made my specialist give me my diagnose. AF.

Please remember that I am pretty new in this game. (It's no Game tho!)

I don't know much about this issue! You (Val) know a lot. If not all

there is to know!

It's interesting to learn new things, and I am learning. Slowly.

Just please bare with me. English is also my second language.

To my defense, if I annoy someone with either grammar mistakes,

or my way of thinking, being a Viking and all. (Norwegian).

My ancestors were famous for robbing and raping people. I might not

be hailing from the most polite and kind descent? Hehe.

Also keep in mind I might be a very slow learner because my Hypo

brain is not working like it should be. The worst thing would be

OTHER Hypo/AF-patients being upset on Hypo/AF-patients with big

problems, and who feel very, very bad. I guess I am one of the latter.

The last thing I want is to make people upset or think I'm an idiot.

I'm just a sick person... I used to be so innocent and I used to

LOVE my life! I still love Life, cause I know how good it can be

if you're healthy enough to really enjoy it. This is what I'm

fighting for! I at least HOPE to get there, some day...

And I'm already getting closer to getting there, thanks to the

internet, and people like you (Val, and all the rest of you much

more experienced people than I am!) - Patients saving other patients

from horrible, horrible almost " unknown " conditions, is just...

Touching, in so many ways! This is how human kind should be!

And I mean that! I want to save lives when I get healthy, too!

I'm gonna, just.. Keep spreading the stuff I've learned from the

books, and from you guys!!! Thanks for sticking up for people,

including annoying people like me! :) Annoying people can be sick

too! lol! :D

*Bows down in humbleness*



> Myt ACTH was at 1.7. Reference <10,2 pmol


> And you don't think this is low? Then oyu need to wean SLOWLY off HC and prove

to yourself you need it,. Or not,. I cannot help you. Your symptoms scream low

coritosl and I have seen MANY people crash and burn using labs while on HC os

this wil be my last reply ot oyul You do not wnt to listen. You want your

adrenals to be fine but I do nto think thye are. You can convince yourself they

are so try going off the HC. bnut when you next are in a high adrnealine panic

do nto send " er SCRE " POSTS TO THE GROUPS. The thing ot do fo rhti si take

enough HC ot stop the adrnealine.

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PS! Val. Thanks for telling me about taking enougc HC to stop the

adrenaline! I've never heard about that before! I'll strongly consider

staying at 22.5 mg now, which I went up to last night when I upped

with 2.5 mg as a " stress dose " .

I have felt more stressed today though. Don't know if this is from

taking that extra 2.5 mg or from still being too low on HC. I bet you

all have an answer to that question.

Well I have to be honest, I have tried a dose higher than 20 mg daily

before... I was on 22.5 mg for 12 days, and I write this detailed

a diary on my computer telling myself how I feel on the different

doses of HC, ERFA, and so on. One log for every medicine. Anyway.

My notes from those 12 days say that I could feel and see my face

grow even more after upping the dose, almost immediately, as well

as becoming even more sleepy, and sometimes I got a pulse of 110 in

the nighttime when trying to sleep, and in the daytime I could have

a pulse of less than 60, which is too low. I have no idea if these

symptoms come from HC/Cortisol at all, they can. But they can also

come from just being Hypo.

I am still willing to try to up my dose. After reading more about

the effects of not raising it enough, especially since I'm a man

and might also have problems absorbing the HC properly.

I must also admit I've been scared of the very, very high cortisol

readings in serum and especially in my urine after starting with HC.

But I hear more and more that you just CAN'T trust any of those

readings when you are taking HC, so.

Hey you live and you learn! Thanks again guys!


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PS! Val. Thanks for telling me about taking enougc HC to stop the

adrenaline! I've never heard about that before! I'll strongly consider

staying at 22.5 mg now, which I went up to last night when I upped

with 2.5 mg as a " stress dose " .

I have felt more stressed today though. Don't know if this is from

taking that extra 2.5 mg or from still being too low on HC. I bet you

all have an answer to that question.

Well I have to be honest, I have tried a dose higher than 20 mg daily

before... I was on 22.5 mg for 12 days, and I write this detailed

a diary on my computer telling myself how I feel on the different

doses of HC, ERFA, and so on. One log for every medicine. Anyway.

My notes from those 12 days say that I could feel and see my face

grow even more after upping the dose, almost immediately, as well

as becoming even more sleepy, and sometimes I got a pulse of 110 in

the nighttime when trying to sleep, and in the daytime I could have

a pulse of less than 60, which is too low. I have no idea if these

symptoms come from HC/Cortisol at all, they can. But they can also

come from just being Hypo.

I am still willing to try to up my dose. After reading more about

the effects of not raising it enough, especially since I'm a man

and might also have problems absorbing the HC properly.

I must also admit I've been scared of the very, very high cortisol

readings in serum and especially in my urine after starting with HC.

But I hear more and more that you just CAN'T trust any of those

readings when you are taking HC, so.

Hey you live and you learn! Thanks again guys!


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PS! Val. Thanks for telling me about taking enougc HC to stop the

adrenaline! I've never heard about that before! I'll strongly consider

staying at 22.5 mg now, which I went up to last night when I upped

with 2.5 mg as a " stress dose " .

I have felt more stressed today though. Don't know if this is from

taking that extra 2.5 mg or from still being too low on HC. I bet you

all have an answer to that question.

Well I have to be honest, I have tried a dose higher than 20 mg daily

before... I was on 22.5 mg for 12 days, and I write this detailed

a diary on my computer telling myself how I feel on the different

doses of HC, ERFA, and so on. One log for every medicine. Anyway.

My notes from those 12 days say that I could feel and see my face

grow even more after upping the dose, almost immediately, as well

as becoming even more sleepy, and sometimes I got a pulse of 110 in

the nighttime when trying to sleep, and in the daytime I could have

a pulse of less than 60, which is too low. I have no idea if these

symptoms come from HC/Cortisol at all, they can. But they can also

come from just being Hypo.

I am still willing to try to up my dose. After reading more about

the effects of not raising it enough, especially since I'm a man

and might also have problems absorbing the HC properly.

I must also admit I've been scared of the very, very high cortisol

readings in serum and especially in my urine after starting with HC.

But I hear more and more that you just CAN'T trust any of those

readings when you are taking HC, so.

Hey you live and you learn! Thanks again guys!


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Incredible. You spent so much time correcting things. I guess you had

nobody to tell you, nobody to help you. You had to find help

yourself. Kind of what I'm doing now - I'm learning a lot from

reading these groups. But you must be some kind of pioneer with these

things. You're speaking of Years. I've just been on HC for 6 months.

And now you want to prevent other people from wasting so much time

as you did. It's very noble of you! Thanks for these words, V.

Everything you just wrote was very enlightening, and it made very

much sense in my head!!

Potassium needs to be in the top of the range? Can electrolytes be

above the ranges, as long as they're not imbalanced to each other?



> I have not seen your ACTH ranges before but believe me in the AM you

> need ot be near the top of thta range. Yes your weakness is a sure sign

> of needing more cortisol. MANY of us get th ebloiated belly when

> starting HC and I think it is just the whoel imbalance thing and not a

> true symtpoms of high cortiosl. I had a horrid PG belly which on even a

> too low dose of HC and then actually lost it when I went UP. When I

> first went from 20mg (stayed onthat for 10 months!) to 30mg I lost 70

> pounds! Then when I went to 40mg 3 years later my adrneals healed. All

> the while I battled fluid reteniton and thoght it was due to high

> coritols when in fact it was due to low potassium.

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Incredible. You spent so much time correcting things. I guess you had

nobody to tell you, nobody to help you. You had to find help

yourself. Kind of what I'm doing now - I'm learning a lot from

reading these groups. But you must be some kind of pioneer with these

things. You're speaking of Years. I've just been on HC for 6 months.

And now you want to prevent other people from wasting so much time

as you did. It's very noble of you! Thanks for these words, V.

Everything you just wrote was very enlightening, and it made very

much sense in my head!!

Potassium needs to be in the top of the range? Can electrolytes be

above the ranges, as long as they're not imbalanced to each other?



> I have not seen your ACTH ranges before but believe me in the AM you

> need ot be near the top of thta range. Yes your weakness is a sure sign

> of needing more cortisol. MANY of us get th ebloiated belly when

> starting HC and I think it is just the whoel imbalance thing and not a

> true symtpoms of high cortiosl. I had a horrid PG belly which on even a

> too low dose of HC and then actually lost it when I went UP. When I

> first went from 20mg (stayed onthat for 10 months!) to 30mg I lost 70

> pounds! Then when I went to 40mg 3 years later my adrneals healed. All

> the while I battled fluid reteniton and thoght it was due to high

> coritols when in fact it was due to low potassium.

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To add to the Potassium-thing. My electrolytes from 2 days ago, when

I got to the hospital, were " fine " according to them. But they also

don't know what on earth Adrenal Fatigue is. So they're comparing me

with a normal, healthy person who doesn't have AF, nor taking any HC.

To clear some things up with my health, regarding AF and HC;

Here are my latest electrolytes from two days following each other!

8th at 2:30 pm: (at my GP's, same lab as hospital)

Sodium: 142 (137-145 mmol/L)

Potassium: 4.2 (range: 3,6-4,6 mmol/L)

Calcium: 2.58 (2,15-2,51 mmol/L)

Chloride: 102 (100-110 mmol/L)

Magnesium: 0.98 (0,71-0,94 mmol/L)

9th at 11:30 pm: (in the hospital, 9 hours after my incident!)

PS! Same ranged as above.

Sodium: 138

Potassium: 4.1

Calcium: 2.45

Chloride: not taken

Magnesium: not taken

What do you make out of this? My Potassium isn't very low...

Ok, so my Calcium is jumping like crazy. Is this a problem?

I know that high Magnesium is normal with Hypothyroid people.

My Magnesium is normally at more than 1.00.

Chloride looks a bit lowish on that first sample.

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To add to the Potassium-thing. My electrolytes from 2 days ago, when

I got to the hospital, were " fine " according to them. But they also

don't know what on earth Adrenal Fatigue is. So they're comparing me

with a normal, healthy person who doesn't have AF, nor taking any HC.

To clear some things up with my health, regarding AF and HC;

Here are my latest electrolytes from two days following each other!

8th at 2:30 pm: (at my GP's, same lab as hospital)

Sodium: 142 (137-145 mmol/L)

Potassium: 4.2 (range: 3,6-4,6 mmol/L)

Calcium: 2.58 (2,15-2,51 mmol/L)

Chloride: 102 (100-110 mmol/L)

Magnesium: 0.98 (0,71-0,94 mmol/L)

9th at 11:30 pm: (in the hospital, 9 hours after my incident!)

PS! Same ranged as above.

Sodium: 138

Potassium: 4.1

Calcium: 2.45

Chloride: not taken

Magnesium: not taken

What do you make out of this? My Potassium isn't very low...

Ok, so my Calcium is jumping like crazy. Is this a problem?

I know that high Magnesium is normal with Hypothyroid people.

My Magnesium is normally at more than 1.00.

Chloride looks a bit lowish on that first sample.

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To add to the Potassium-thing. My electrolytes from 2 days ago, when

I got to the hospital, were " fine " according to them. But they also

don't know what on earth Adrenal Fatigue is. So they're comparing me

with a normal, healthy person who doesn't have AF, nor taking any HC.

To clear some things up with my health, regarding AF and HC;

Here are my latest electrolytes from two days following each other!

8th at 2:30 pm: (at my GP's, same lab as hospital)

Sodium: 142 (137-145 mmol/L)

Potassium: 4.2 (range: 3,6-4,6 mmol/L)

Calcium: 2.58 (2,15-2,51 mmol/L)

Chloride: 102 (100-110 mmol/L)

Magnesium: 0.98 (0,71-0,94 mmol/L)

9th at 11:30 pm: (in the hospital, 9 hours after my incident!)

PS! Same ranged as above.

Sodium: 138

Potassium: 4.1

Calcium: 2.45

Chloride: not taken

Magnesium: not taken

What do you make out of this? My Potassium isn't very low...

Ok, so my Calcium is jumping like crazy. Is this a problem?

I know that high Magnesium is normal with Hypothyroid people.

My Magnesium is normally at more than 1.00.

Chloride looks a bit lowish on that first sample.

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Then how come everybody keep telling people they need to drink

water with sea salt? Too much salt can make Sodium go above the top

easily! I've seen my Sodium at the top as well as bottom. It changes

all the time.

Ah, so Potassium must be rather lower than higher.


> I prefer to see Potassium at 4.2 but that is US ranges and may be

> difernt from yours. Our range are 3.7-5.0 I do nto liek ot see it at 5.

> High potassium is VERY dangerous so if oyu supplement it you MUST test

> it until you get to the dose thtat is workign for oyu.Npo

> highelectrolytes are nOT good, they much be middle of their ranges.

> Believe me oyu wil knwo if thye are out of balance! Muscle spasms from

> tool ittle either sodium or potasium are horrid. Muscle weakness fom lwo

> potassium is very apinful as well.

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Then how come everybody keep telling people they need to drink

water with sea salt? Too much salt can make Sodium go above the top

easily! I've seen my Sodium at the top as well as bottom. It changes

all the time.

Ah, so Potassium must be rather lower than higher.


> I prefer to see Potassium at 4.2 but that is US ranges and may be

> difernt from yours. Our range are 3.7-5.0 I do nto liek ot see it at 5.

> High potassium is VERY dangerous so if oyu supplement it you MUST test

> it until you get to the dose thtat is workign for oyu.Npo

> highelectrolytes are nOT good, they much be middle of their ranges.

> Believe me oyu wil knwo if thye are out of balance! Muscle spasms from

> tool ittle either sodium or potasium are horrid. Muscle weakness fom lwo

> potassium is very apinful as well.

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Another thing I noticed this morning. I have no idea if it has to do

with the fact that I took 2.5 mg extra HC last night before going to bed

or not... But in the bathroom when I woke up at around 8, my lips had

visibly grown over the night, AND the looked totally smooth - NOT

normal. Lips should look like lips, with small cracks in them, or

whatever you call it. My lips looked like somebody had put a layer of

thin see-thru wax on them. Weird. I wonder what that means. Could it

be that I drank too MUCH sea salt water last night? I only drank one

8 ounce glass with 1/2 teaspoon sea salt in it.

When stuff like This happens, I get worried about increasing my HC

dose. But I also get interested in really finding out what caused this

thing, so that I can say " ok, it was not HC " so I can increase HC

without worrying too much.

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Another thing I noticed this morning. I have no idea if it has to do

with the fact that I took 2.5 mg extra HC last night before going to bed

or not... But in the bathroom when I woke up at around 8, my lips had

visibly grown over the night, AND the looked totally smooth - NOT

normal. Lips should look like lips, with small cracks in them, or

whatever you call it. My lips looked like somebody had put a layer of

thin see-thru wax on them. Weird. I wonder what that means. Could it

be that I drank too MUCH sea salt water last night? I only drank one

8 ounce glass with 1/2 teaspoon sea salt in it.

When stuff like This happens, I get worried about increasing my HC

dose. But I also get interested in really finding out what caused this

thing, so that I can say " ok, it was not HC " so I can increase HC

without worrying too much.

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Another thing I noticed this morning. I have no idea if it has to do

with the fact that I took 2.5 mg extra HC last night before going to bed

or not... But in the bathroom when I woke up at around 8, my lips had

visibly grown over the night, AND the looked totally smooth - NOT

normal. Lips should look like lips, with small cracks in them, or

whatever you call it. My lips looked like somebody had put a layer of

thin see-thru wax on them. Weird. I wonder what that means. Could it

be that I drank too MUCH sea salt water last night? I only drank one

8 ounce glass with 1/2 teaspoon sea salt in it.

When stuff like This happens, I get worried about increasing my HC

dose. But I also get interested in really finding out what caused this

thing, so that I can say " ok, it was not HC " so I can increase HC

without worrying too much.

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Great tip, thanks! I'll do Just that. Instead of drinking 1-2 8 ounce glasses

with 1/2 teaspoon on it.

I am guessing too much sea salt is way safer than too little or no intake at

all. For the electrolyte balance.


> What I notice most is oyur SODIUM is fluctuating to much. Thsi si a

> symptoms of low aldosterone. Another sure sign of very weak adrneals.

> You need ot supplement Unrefined sea salt through out the day.I use to

> make up a 2 liter bottle wiht abotu 1.5-2 teaspoons of sea salt in it

> and sip it all day long.


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PS! Just took those 2.5 mg of HC in the evening again. Last night's

2.5 was a stress-dose. Now, a regular dose. Is it ok to add 2.5 in

the evening, instead of the recommended increase of the morning dose?

Speaking of morning dose, mine was 10 mg, when on 20 daily.

But after a few months, I got stressed after taking those 10 mg's of

HC every morning, so I went down to 17.5 mg daily, taking 7.5 in the

morning rather than 10 mg. Stress went away. To me, that means I can't

take as much as 10 mg HC at one time. I looked at " Maybe 20 mg HC

daily is too much for me " too, but I am not convinced that is true.

So far, everyting I've learned HERE points to the fact that I'm taking


22.5 from today.

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This is just great. I'm just learning ALL the time here. Thanks, V!!!

Yeah. Symptoms are there for a reason. Gotta be real honest with ya..

I've been afraid of increasing my dose past 20 mg's because of two


1.) My serum and 24 hour urine samples are showing WAY high cortisol

(urine shows TWICE as much as what is normal). I've read more

and more about test readings of cortisol while on HC, and how

much you CAN'T trust them. But some doctors tell me that I have

to consider that at least 50% of the high test readings mean

SOMETHING. That it can't just be all " a big lie only because I

am on HC " .

2.) My symptoms such as pigbelly (or " car tire " as we call it here

in Norway!), moonface, lips that grow so much that they shatter

(I have a wound/crack on my lower lip as I type this, it appeared

after adding 2.5 mg HC last night) and just these typical Cushings

symptoms that have me WAY scared. Plus the weird issues with my

heart that have appeared only after I started taking HC, and

been on 20 mgs for a while. Then again, these could be related

to the ERFA Thyroid that I started taking 3 weeks ago; Even if

the T4 on 1 grain is NOT more than the T4 that was in the

Synthetic T4 that I replaced with ERFA Thyroid.

3.) The fact that my temperatures have been stable BEFORE I stated

taking HC, and also stable during these 6 months while ON HC.

Acording to STTM, (which was my first guidance, before I started

talking to people online), measuring temperatures is THE way to

know if you're on enough HC. Well. Not for me. So a big question-

mark right there from me!

And that's it.

Oh, and I really thought I needed to babystep it up? How fast can

I go? Just add 20 mgs tomorrow so that it's 42.5? What if I need

exactly 30 mgs now. It would be bad to go straight to 42.5 mgs then?



> You r baby stepping it up will cause oyu alot more symotomsthen just

> going to a good dose all at once. The reason you reacted after a 10mg

> dose is thta you have no reserfves, so as soon as oyur bpody greedily

> gobbled it uop you had nothing left. Many people have to mov doses

> closer together at first to cover this problem. It isMORE oyu need no t

> less., If oy uwer nto low in cortils oyu would fele nothign from HC. The

> symptoms are proof oyu nee mroe.

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This is just great. I'm just learning ALL the time here. Thanks, V!!!

Yeah. Symptoms are there for a reason. Gotta be real honest with ya..

I've been afraid of increasing my dose past 20 mg's because of two


1.) My serum and 24 hour urine samples are showing WAY high cortisol

(urine shows TWICE as much as what is normal). I've read more

and more about test readings of cortisol while on HC, and how

much you CAN'T trust them. But some doctors tell me that I have

to consider that at least 50% of the high test readings mean

SOMETHING. That it can't just be all " a big lie only because I

am on HC " .

2.) My symptoms such as pigbelly (or " car tire " as we call it here

in Norway!), moonface, lips that grow so much that they shatter

(I have a wound/crack on my lower lip as I type this, it appeared

after adding 2.5 mg HC last night) and just these typical Cushings

symptoms that have me WAY scared. Plus the weird issues with my

heart that have appeared only after I started taking HC, and

been on 20 mgs for a while. Then again, these could be related

to the ERFA Thyroid that I started taking 3 weeks ago; Even if

the T4 on 1 grain is NOT more than the T4 that was in the

Synthetic T4 that I replaced with ERFA Thyroid.

3.) The fact that my temperatures have been stable BEFORE I stated

taking HC, and also stable during these 6 months while ON HC.

Acording to STTM, (which was my first guidance, before I started

talking to people online), measuring temperatures is THE way to

know if you're on enough HC. Well. Not for me. So a big question-

mark right there from me!

And that's it.

Oh, and I really thought I needed to babystep it up? How fast can

I go? Just add 20 mgs tomorrow so that it's 42.5? What if I need

exactly 30 mgs now. It would be bad to go straight to 42.5 mgs then?



> You r baby stepping it up will cause oyu alot more symotomsthen just

> going to a good dose all at once. The reason you reacted after a 10mg

> dose is thta you have no reserfves, so as soon as oyur bpody greedily

> gobbled it uop you had nothing left. Many people have to mov doses

> closer together at first to cover this problem. It isMORE oyu need no t

> less., If oy uwer nto low in cortils oyu would fele nothign from HC. The

> symptoms are proof oyu nee mroe.

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This is just great. I'm just learning ALL the time here. Thanks, V!!!

Yeah. Symptoms are there for a reason. Gotta be real honest with ya..

I've been afraid of increasing my dose past 20 mg's because of two


1.) My serum and 24 hour urine samples are showing WAY high cortisol

(urine shows TWICE as much as what is normal). I've read more

and more about test readings of cortisol while on HC, and how

much you CAN'T trust them. But some doctors tell me that I have

to consider that at least 50% of the high test readings mean

SOMETHING. That it can't just be all " a big lie only because I

am on HC " .

2.) My symptoms such as pigbelly (or " car tire " as we call it here

in Norway!), moonface, lips that grow so much that they shatter

(I have a wound/crack on my lower lip as I type this, it appeared

after adding 2.5 mg HC last night) and just these typical Cushings

symptoms that have me WAY scared. Plus the weird issues with my

heart that have appeared only after I started taking HC, and

been on 20 mgs for a while. Then again, these could be related

to the ERFA Thyroid that I started taking 3 weeks ago; Even if

the T4 on 1 grain is NOT more than the T4 that was in the

Synthetic T4 that I replaced with ERFA Thyroid.

3.) The fact that my temperatures have been stable BEFORE I stated

taking HC, and also stable during these 6 months while ON HC.

Acording to STTM, (which was my first guidance, before I started

talking to people online), measuring temperatures is THE way to

know if you're on enough HC. Well. Not for me. So a big question-

mark right there from me!

And that's it.

Oh, and I really thought I needed to babystep it up? How fast can

I go? Just add 20 mgs tomorrow so that it's 42.5? What if I need

exactly 30 mgs now. It would be bad to go straight to 42.5 mgs then?



> You r baby stepping it up will cause oyu alot more symotomsthen just

> going to a good dose all at once. The reason you reacted after a 10mg

> dose is thta you have no reserfves, so as soon as oyur bpody greedily

> gobbled it uop you had nothing left. Many people have to mov doses

> closer together at first to cover this problem. It isMORE oyu need no t

> less., If oy uwer nto low in cortils oyu would fele nothign from HC. The

> symptoms are proof oyu nee mroe.

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That sounds like a good battleplan. I will copy and save it. Thanks!

The three-hour thing sounds like it might be something too. I'll

try it out! Til now I've been taking every 4 hours, just to have that

rule. Sometimes I've felt weak after 2 hours, sometimes after 3, but

sometimes I've felt fine for 5-6 hours, so fine I've forgotten to

take my dose sometimes, but I always remember (except today!!! -

I don't know if I took 22.5 total or 15.0 total!) and take my dose

as soon as I remember that I've forgotten to take it!

Everybody keeps saying that you need to take HC first thing in

the morning when you get up, but I need to eat before I take HC, or

else the party in my stomach gets out of control pretty quickly.

Is it ok that I wait 30-45 minutes every day, after getting up,

before my first dose of HC?



> I would go to 30mg that is abotu a minimum I recommend ot people omn the

> adrenals group. DOsing every three hours may also help symptpms to be

> averted

> say 10

> 7.5

> 5

> 5

> 2.5

> First dose at wake and last dose at bedtime.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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That sounds like a good battleplan. I will copy and save it. Thanks!

The three-hour thing sounds like it might be something too. I'll

try it out! Til now I've been taking every 4 hours, just to have that

rule. Sometimes I've felt weak after 2 hours, sometimes after 3, but

sometimes I've felt fine for 5-6 hours, so fine I've forgotten to

take my dose sometimes, but I always remember (except today!!! -

I don't know if I took 22.5 total or 15.0 total!) and take my dose

as soon as I remember that I've forgotten to take it!

Everybody keeps saying that you need to take HC first thing in

the morning when you get up, but I need to eat before I take HC, or

else the party in my stomach gets out of control pretty quickly.

Is it ok that I wait 30-45 minutes every day, after getting up,

before my first dose of HC?



> I would go to 30mg that is abotu a minimum I recommend ot people omn the

> adrenals group. DOsing every three hours may also help symptpms to be

> averted

> say 10

> 7.5

> 5

> 5

> 2.5

> First dose at wake and last dose at bedtime.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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