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Re: (unknown)

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I also had great trouble just taking a shower and

getting ready for work before I began HC. That's when

I knew something was really wrong and I went and had

adrenal testing. I also thought I had AIDS too!! What

a mess this has caused you. Even when I felt well, I

could never function on 3 or 4 hours of sleep.

Although you weren't doing this for a long exteneded

time were you?

--- rock_sexton wrote:


> Hey everyone. This is my first post over here since

> everyone migrated

> over from Stopthethyroidmadness. At any rate, I

> just got done reading

> an interesting website about adrenal fatigue and

> after having read it, I

> really need my adrenals tested badly. At one point

> in the write-up it

> said, " If you've ever made the statement 'after___I

> was never the same'

> then you are a suspect for adrenal issues. Let me

> know if after having

> read this, you agree or disagree......and big thanks

> to whomever takes

> the time to read this.


> Quick background, I'm a 28 year old male, 185lbs.

> Up until the age of

> 20, I had always lived with a little bit of

> depression/anxiety. Nothing

> debilitating, but just enough to remind me that I

> wasn't at ease with

> the way my life was going. During my sophomore year

> in college, I came

> down with mono (Epstein Barr). It took me about 4

> or 5 months to

> recover. I have to admit, I probably didn't take

> the rest as serious as

> I should've, which wasn't good considering I was

> taking 5 classes and

> was a the pledge class of a fraternity not to

> mention trying to have a

> social life. I noticed after having mono that I

> didn't quite have the

> energy levels I used to and I also developed a

> sweating problem. I

> would literally sweat when I was doing nothing or

> even when it was cold.


> After graduating college in 2002, I didn't know what

> to do with my life

> so I got into the restaurant biz and began waiting

> tables. For thos

> unfamiliar with the line of work, it's extremely

> taxing. You're on your

> feet all day long, high amounts of stress because

> you're looking after

> 10 or 20 people at anyone time and trying to

> maintain control when the

> reality of it is alot of things are out of your

> control. Stimulants are

> commonplace for servers, I never dabbled in coffee

> or drugs or anything

> like that, but I will attest my caffeine consumption

> from soda increased

> alot while working in my first restaurant. Once

> again, I noticed my

> energy levels were severely lacking. At one point I

> even gave up

> working out, which was odd for me having always been

> a 4 to 5 days at

> the gym kind of guy.


> That particular restaurant decided to promote me to

> a Developer, which

> meant I was to fly around the country opening up new

> restaurants and

> training their front of house staff with usually 6

> others and we're

> talking about anywhere between 60 to 120 people

> being trained. Usually

> the trips lasted 3 or 4 weeks, 13 hour days. After

> working all those

> hours, since we were in new cities we'd almost

> always go out at night

> for drinks and to decompress, yet we'd have to be

> right back up at 7am

> to do it all over again. It was during these trips

> that I noticed my

> stimulants habits formed. All of the sudden I was

> drinking lots of

> Starbucks and various energy drinks to keep going.

> I literally had to

> have them or I wasn't going to make it through the

> day. I did a West

> Coast swing, where I started in the City of Industry

> near Los Angeles

> and then all the way up into Oregon and then

> Seattle, Washington. The

> timeframe was about 4 months. When I got to

> Seattle, I noticed around

> the 4th day that I wasn't feeling very good. It

> started as a low-grade

> fever then eventually worked it's way up to a full

> blown fever, body

> aches, and a massive infection in my gumline to the

> point where my gums

> were bleeding/inflamed and I could barely eat.

> Unfortunately I made the

> mistake of trying to tough it out because we didn't

> get paid unless we

> worked our hours.


> I also made the mistake of going out one of the

> nights with the training

> crew. I was feeling leftout because I had been

> feeling so crappy and

> staying in the hotel when we weren't working. Of

> course we had drinks

> that night, I kind of hoped the " whiskey sweats "

> might help, it was very

> naive of me. Well that night put me over the top.

> I literally got 3

> hours of sleep and had to be ready to rock for

> another day of training

> at 7am. By midday I was ready to topple over. I

> told the head trainer

> I had to go check myself into the hospital. The

> doctor their didn't

> seem too concerned. He just prescribed me some

> Penicillin 500V tablets

> for my infection and told me I needed to rest up. I

> took the next two

> days of work and rested up, but I had to get back to

> work to make money.

> The prescription was helping, just slowly, although

> my fever had gone

> away. I flew back home about a week later and

> all-in-all it took about

> 3 weeks total to recover......however, I swear after

> that trip I haven't

> been the same.


> About a month or two later, started noticing that I

> felt bloated all the

> darned time, not to mention burping alot. My nose

> constantly felt

> congested. I noticed that if I was ever out late,

> the very next day I

> would sickly. This was a stark contrast from how I

> used to be. I

> switched to a new restaurant where I could make more

> money working less

> days because I was going to attempt to take the

> LSAT's in order to get

> into law school. Didn't work out quite like I had

> planned as the

> restaurant was even more hectic. It was around this

> time that I started

> noticing blood in my stool. I went to the doc and

> he informed me I had

> an internal hemorrhoid. My fatigue levels started

> hitting all-time

> highs. I would literally be driving and nearly

> passing out on the road.


> Unforunately for me life-events were downward

> spiraling at a ridiculous

> rate. I was taxed from waiting tables 50 hours a

> week, while also

> taking classes for my LSAT's. I was torn and

> juggling mixed emotions

> over two girls. An error in judgement one night got

> me a DUI. My

> family life was falling apart as my father's

> gambling addiction and

> introverted nature were taking over. I was stressed

> out over the

> expectations my family all had of me being this top

> flight lawyer. I

> was living paycheck to paycheck, which only got

> worse when I left the

> restaurant industry to take a stab at working for a

> retail call center

> for a mortgage company (think glorified

> telemarketing sweatshop). My

> creditors were calling me nonstop as I fell behind

> on bills, I mean

> we're talking 25+ calls a day. They were literally

> the only ones

> calling me because at this stage I was hiding myself

> from people. I

> barely had enough energy to get through the day and

> when I got home from

> work, I just hid myself in my room, often times

> scouring the net for

> answers to what I was going through.


> I noticed many nights where I started feeling shaky.

> I was constantly

> craving sweets after meals. I noticed that when I

> got up from sitting

> down I'd often times feel a brief moment of

> lightheadedness, sometimes

> followed by this strange pinching/aching sensation

> in my upperback near

> my kidneys. I awoke one Sunday morning feeling kind

> of nauseas and it

> persisted for nearly 3 months straight. I was

> feeling malaised all the


=== message truncated ===



Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play

Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.


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I have a good friend with AIDS, for 10 years now, and he is healthier and

has more energy than me! For awhile there, we were taking bets on who would

kick the bucket first. Yeah, the bruising thing can really throw a person

off. I looked like a severely battered wife for years with all my bruises.


Re: (unknown)

I also had great trouble just taking a shower and

getting ready for work before I began HC. That's when

I knew something was really wrong and I went and had

adrenal testing. I also thought I had AIDS too!! What

a mess this has caused you. Even when I felt well, I

could never function on 3 or 4 hours of sleep.

Although you weren't doing this for a long exteneded

time were you?


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hi there, sorry you feel so yuck. your genral fatigue sounds like

adrenals to me- get a home saliva test to check. also your gastro

symptoms sound alot like mine, drove me crazy for three years and

wasnot attributed to my hyperthyroid. an endo finally ordered a gastic

delay emptying test- usually an internist does this i believe- and lo

and behold, my stomach nerves are partially paralyzed...resulting in

extreme fatigue from malnutrion and metabolic starvation, nausea from

food just sitting around fermenting, hair thining from lack of protein

absorption and easily bruised poorly healing skin. i spent alot of

time insisting it was just my adrenals and thyroid but i learned

theres such a thing as multiple disorders mimicking and compounding

one another. hope this helps and good luck!

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Adrenal issues mess up your digestive system and it is a common symptom of

adrenal disease to have malnutrition and a hard time metabolizing protein

(why enzymes are so important) and it also puts a person at higher risk of


How did you address your gastro issues once you knew you have the nerve

damage? I am curious about what helped you since so many of us have

digestive issues. I have the poor healing skin and hair loss too.



Re: (unknown)

hi there, sorry you feel so yuck. your genral fatigue sounds like

adrenals to me- get a home saliva test to check. also your gastro

symptoms sound alot like mine, drove me crazy for three years and

wasnot attributed to my hyperthyroid. an endo finally ordered a gastic

delay emptying test- usually an internist does this i believe- and lo

and behold, my stomach nerves are partially paralyzed...resulting in

extreme fatigue from malnutrion and metabolic starvation, nausea from

food just sitting around fermenting, hair thining from lack of protein

absorption and easily bruised poorly healing skin. i spent alot of

time insisting it was just my adrenals and thyroid but i learned

theres such a thing as multiple disorders mimicking and compounding

one another. hope this helps and good luck!


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I plan on ordering the saliva text next week. My stomach is aweful

though, especially in the mornings which makes me dread waking up. I'm

pretty much convinced that the absorption is completely off - I can see

it in my workouts. My body's muscles don't repair themselves the way

they used to and I've lost nearly all of my muscle definition. The hair

thing is really starting to bum me out as well. I'm constantly finding

loose hairs.


> hi there, sorry you feel so yuck. your genral fatigue sounds like

> adrenals to me- get a home saliva test to check. also your gastro

> symptoms sound alot like mine, drove me crazy for three years and

> wasnot attributed to my hyperthyroid. an endo finally ordered a gastic

> delay emptying test- usually an internist does this i believe- and lo

> and behold, my stomach nerves are partially paralyzed...resulting in

> extreme fatigue from malnutrion and metabolic starvation, nausea from

> food just sitting around fermenting, hair thining from lack of protein

> absorption and easily bruised poorly healing skin. i spent alot of

> time insisting it was just my adrenals and thyroid but i learned

> theres such a thing as multiple disorders mimicking and compounding

> one another. hope this helps and good luck!


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I'm behind on my e-mails and have been skimming along, but this post really got

my attention.

I just had a gastric emptying study done too. I had an episode similar to a

heart attack about three weeks ago. Woke at 1AM with an intense pain in my

solar plexus, nausea, sweating, feeling faint. I have fibro among other things

so I'm no stranger to pain...but this really felt weird. Needless to say my

hubby called the EMTs and when they gave me nitro under my tongue, the pain

greatly diminished really fast. It kept coming back, but the nitro really

helped. So the EMTs thought this was a good sign my problem was cardiac


After lots of tests and a day and a half in the hospital, cardiac was ruled out.

I got a copy of my test results and something called CPK was too low. Looking

it up, low results for CPK indicate muscle atrophy due to malnutrition or

exposure to toxins. This made me think about gastro-related causes of my

episode. What I didn't mention before is that I threw up twice after I woke up

that night. And, not to gross you out, but my entire dinner (two eggs, spinach

and a piece of sprouted grain toast) came up almost in tact!

I went to my primary care doc, he ordered the gastric emptying test and mine

came back just a little delayed for solids...the norm is 90 minutes and mine

took 111 minutes. It's not much really. My main complaint has been a pain

beneath my ribs on the right side. I'm thinking a blockage.

I passed liver stones in April and an ERCP found sludge, but nothing else really

popped out. IBS was diagnosed as a result of my first ever colonoscopy in June.

I definitely have the fatigue and I'm broken out and itching everywhere. Do you

have any suggestions for what I might discuss with my gastro doc? My

appointment is tomorrow morning.

Thank you,

lockett70 wrote: hi there,

sorry you feel so yuck. your genral fatigue sounds like

adrenals to me- get a home saliva test to check. also your gastro

symptoms sound alot like mine, drove me crazy for three years and

wasnot attributed to my hyperthyroid. an endo finally ordered a gastic

delay emptying test- usually an internist does this i believe- and lo

and behold, my stomach nerves are partially paralyzed...resulting in

extreme fatigue from malnutrion and metabolic starvation, nausea from

food just sitting around fermenting, hair thining from lack of protein

absorption and easily bruised poorly healing skin. i spent alot of

time insisting it was just my adrenals and thyroid but i learned

theres such a thing as multiple disorders mimicking and compounding

one another. hope this helps and good luck!


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  • 4 weeks later...

>>I think the sea salt is making me puffy. Do I need to cut back? I am

taking 1/4 tsp 2x each day. TIA!<<

This is HIGHLY unlikely what else are oyu taking? You really have ot give some

details wiht EACH post or I have no idea where you are wiht anyhting. I can't

remember efveryine's specifics.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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The sea salt is one, 2 grains of Armour is the other. I am starting

licorice in the morning but that is now and the puffy was the the past two

days with the salt.

-- Re: (unknown)

>>I think the sea salt is making me puffy. Do I need to cut back? I am

taking 1/4 tsp 2x each day. TIA!<<

This is HIGHLY unlikely what else are oyu taking? You really have ot give

some details wiht EACH post or I have no idea where you are wiht anyhting. I

can't remember efveryine's specifics.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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I still suspect adrenal reaction. I would try lowering the Armoru to

1.5grains and see if oyu sleep better and are not so hot you may need

somehting stronger than Licorice root to help you through this.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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I should back off on the Armour then. I will do it. It makes me feel so

much better in the day though. I hate to back off with the improvement I am

seeing in the day, but I need to rest at night. You know, this was

happening on the 1 grain sometimes too. Hmmm. It's always a mystery. I

got some new lab results this morning and I am going to post separately.


-- Re: (unknown)

I still suspect adrenal reaction. I would try lowering the Armoru to

1.5grains and see if oyu sleep better and are not so hot you may need

somehting stronger than Licorice root to help you through this.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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  • 2 years later...

TSH 2.1 mU/L (0.40-4.00)

> Free T4 16 pmol/L (10-20)

> Free T3 5.4 pmol/L (2.6-6.8)

> Anti-Thyroglobilin Ab 26 U/mL (< 60) Anti- Thyroid Peroxidase Ab 74

U/mL (< 60)

Reverse T3 567 pmol/L (170-450)

Her ratio is terrible! It is 9.5 and needs ot be at least 20. She is on

too much thyroid replacement (natural I believe from her labs) as her

FT4 is too high. Now this can either be as the RT3 bult too high she

felt more hypo so moved the dose up or it could be that it went too high

after th RT3 problem due ot the cells inability to take in the thyroid



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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>Actually Vara is on no thyroid medication.

Question, to Val among others. With those results and not on Meds

could she be starting Graves and overproducing herself???

Does Graves leave to RT3 increasing????

You have to be careful with those labs as they are in pmol/L instead

of picograms. I've seen a few of those lately and they lead to a

different range.

Still with RT3 over range there is no doubt there is a RT3 problem

whatever else is happening


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>Actually Vara is on no thyroid medication.

Question, to Val among others. With those results and not on Meds

could she be starting Graves and overproducing herself???

Does Graves leave to RT3 increasing????

You have to be careful with those labs as they are in pmol/L instead

of picograms. I've seen a few of those lately and they lead to a

different range.

Still with RT3 over range there is no doubt there is a RT3 problem

whatever else is happening


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I am suspicious that Graves DOES cause high RT3 as the body tries to

compensate for toohigh levels of T4. Though I ahve not talked ot enough

people wiht Graves to conmfirm this I have seen it iin cats! The most

common endocrine disoprder in cats is HIGH thyroid and whiel they are

treating the high thyroid levels they have YET to figure out to treat

the low T3 concurrently. Many cats die needless ly due to this. I

actually had to unsib from a feline thyroid lost as I was so disgusted

wiht theor poor treatmenmt of this doisease.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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I am suspicious that Graves DOES cause high RT3 as the body tries to

compensate for toohigh levels of T4. Though I ahve not talked ot enough

people wiht Graves to conmfirm this I have seen it iin cats! The most

common endocrine disoprder in cats is HIGH thyroid and whiel they are

treating the high thyroid levels they have YET to figure out to treat

the low T3 concurrently. Many cats die needless ly due to this. I

actually had to unsib from a feline thyroid lost as I was so disgusted

wiht theor poor treatmenmt of this doisease.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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>I am suspicious that Graves DOES cause high RT3 as the body tries to

>compensate for toohigh levels of T4. Though I ahve not talked ot enough

>people wiht Graves to conmfirm this I have seen it iin cats!

Interesting, thanks for that insight.

Maybe I should put something on the web site under " causes of RT3 " to

add Graves as a potential cause.

I won't be on line this evening until late.


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