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An atheist was taking a walk through the woods.

> What majestic trees!

> What powerful rivers!

> What beautiful animals! " he said to himself.


Thanks Fania! this was really funny!


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Glad to have you, Rick. TX and RX are handy abbreviations for treatment and prescription respecively. They're used quit often on these boards. -dz-rick <r_martin85@...> wrote:

Just want to thank everyone for the warm welcome. This seems to be a very friendly group and I feel I will get a lot of help here. I do have a question...what is TX. My doctor hasn't talked to me about any of this yet at this point. Any info you can give me would be appreciated. Now to the racing....GOOOOOOO DALE JR!!!!!! lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had been getting elevated enzyme counts on my physicals for 15 years. The doctors never seemed worried about it, but I started reading about hcv and started to wonder if it could be what was causing my odd test results. I really did not show any symptoms other than a general abdominal discomfort which I attributed to my acid reflux. I tried to get my doctor to follow up on it and he didn't. I specifically asked him to test for hcv on my last physical with him and he did not. He then told me there was no way to tell me for sure if I had it or not, which I knew was baloney. I got a new doctor and he was a little more obliging, though not very knowledgeable about hcv. But on a follow up appointment he had looked into it further and scheduled some tests and referred me to a specialist whom I ended up liking very well. As I think I mentioned I believe I had it for 20 years before I was tested and they only found mild inflammation, even though I had a high viral count. So don't

assume you have serious damage. You're not being a wimp, we all need a shoulder to lean on now and then and this IS the place for it. Good luck. -dz- <chrissea10@...> wrote:

Hi Again,Thank you all for your warm welcome and support. I am 36 and think I may have had this for 15-20 years. With that said, there is a pretty good chance that I have some serious damage??? I worry to the point of being destructive, so you can just tell me to stop and wait until I get the biopsy, but I am really freaking out. My family tells me stop worrying like this and not to jump ahead, but it's kind of hard not to. I don't think this is the place to be such a whimp, so I apologize but I am a little whimpy right now.Dave, you said you were type 1 as well and have also had it quite a while before you found out. What were your biopsy results and what made you get tested in the first place? Were you having symptoms?My husband and I have talked about how hard this may be for him to take on

the 'mommy' role if and when I take the treatment. I am worried about putting him in this position, but he is very supportive and assures me that we will do whatever we have to to get through this and we will grow old together. Well thanks again for the welcome, I admire all of you for your courage.Anyone have any thougths on the Liver Cleansing Diet? Chrissy

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there:

My name is Dana and have 5 children. The youngest one has multiple

disabilities I have read your list for a few weeks now and have decided to give


PRO-EFA`s a shot. I am seeing VERY positive results. Although she is missing a

part of her brain, she is very high functioning. I am using the PRO-EFA for

variety of reasons. She has speech disfluencies, is ADHD gtube fed. She ate

tonight, for the very first time she did not need to be supplemented!!!!! Also,


am noticing a certain calmness in her I have NEVER seen.

Can it be the PRO-EFA`s? I really think it is.

I wanted to say thanks for this very informative list.

I, too, lurked on the ADHD list and it stinks. I would be so interested in

another one. I own one on as well, so know how it goes.

Thanks again!!




SBO,GTUBE,SEIZURES,CDLS..and a VERY smart cookie!!!


WIFE TO KEVIN-who is battling cancer

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  • 5 months later...
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Hi again Debba,

Now your talking!

You Wrote:

Unfortunatly we all have to share in such a lousy disease, I'd rather for it


shared with the winning lottery numbers or some other great fortune :-)

Hope you are feeling better tonight,

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  • 2 months later...
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-Hello Angel,

A good start might be to take a look at lymephotos.com. It might be

a good poor man's (or rich man's treatment if it works). Samento

extract has got to be the best all round substance for this

problem. I've been on several abx, but haven't had near the herx as

taking the Samento. I also take Carnivora, Olive leaf extract,

citracidal, Colloidal silver and Armenisisin. Rotating this

combination has worked for me personally better than abx. But

everyone is different. STAY AWAY FROM CARBS AND SUGARS (including

fruits)!!! They are like gas to a fire. You will speed recovery

much faster if you eat a high protein and vegetable diet.


-- In , " Angel " <eyesofanangel333@y...>


> Thanks to all the responses i got already , what a friendly


> However I am own my own here , and know nothing hardly about


> do not have medical insurance and i am unable to work , so i am


> receiving treatment at this time. I did not know low carb was good

> for lyme.....etc , so any info you can give me to help with lil

> things like that to;; o can get treatment is very appreciated.


> Youu All so much!! Angel

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Barbara. Be very careful about iron once you start treatment. It is not recommended. My doctor advised me, if I was taking vitamins, not to take anything with "plus iron". So make sure you check that out with your doctor.

Mom's doing ok. I ruptured my biceps tendon lifting her and setting her on the couch. I guess I overextended myself. I'm in a world of hurt right now, going to see an orthopedic dr today. I don't think there's much they'll do for me, luckily it is my right arm (I'm left handed), so I don't think they will recommend surgery. We'll see. -dz-Barbara <vynca_minor@...> wrote:

Thank you everyone for your support. My doc reassured me that my hormones were part of the reason I"m feeling so freaked out right now. GREAT!! LOL! Raging hormones, or lack of hormones in my case, on top of starting treatment. My poor family. Thank goodness it is only 24 weeks. Whew! I get my medicine today, but I don't start until Monday. I had to have more blood tests too to see if my blood counts have gone up. I have a tad bit of anemia right now, but I know from my last CBC that my counts had gone up. I hope they stayed up after the surgery. If not, it's more iron suppliments before I can start treatment. Yipee! Boy do I love taking iron....NOT! I did find out that my Fibrosure test came back with good results. I have no inflammation or fibrosis of the liver. Rhonda, I know how you feel about your kids. Two out of three of

mine have come back negative, and so has my hubby. My oldest daughter hasn't had her test yet, but I'm sure it will be negative too. Janet, I'm thinking about you, and sending as much positive energy your way as I can. Dave, how is it going with your Mom?? Barbara

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> Hi Barbara. Be very careful about iron once you start treatment.

>I ruptured my biceps tendon lifting her


Because my liver is in such good shape, the doc is keeping me on the

iron for awhile. (At least till my liver enzymes show a change...)

Sorry to hear about your arm. Ugh. My hubby had reconstructive

surgery on his shoulder and they reattached his muscle to the bone

as it had torn loose. He is ambidextrous, but he uses his left arm

for everything other than eating and writing. He used his arm for

12 years with the muscle " disconnected " so you might not have to

have surgery.

Good Luck!


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I have pretty well decided to forego the surgery. I don't feel that I've lost that much strength in my right arm, it's hard to tell, because the pain prevents me from giving it all I've got. I am a little bit ambidextrous, but mostly left-handed, so I think I'll manage. The surgery is not without risk. I can work my right arm to increased strength. -dz-Barbara <vynca_minor@...> wrote:

> Hi Barbara. Be very careful about iron once you start treatment. >I ruptured my biceps tendon lifting her Dave,Because my liver is in such good shape, the doc is keeping me on the iron for awhile. (At least till my liver enzymes show a change...)Sorry to hear about your arm. Ugh. My hubby had reconstructive surgery on his shoulder and they reattached his muscle to the bone as it had torn loose. He is ambidextrous, but he uses his left arm for everything other than eating and writing. He used his arm for 12 years with the muscle "disconnected" so you might not have to have surgery.Good Luck!Barbara

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  • 2 months later...


1. Is it posssible for the body to get use to taking the enzymes

where the positives you saw at the beginning wear off? Would you

slowly double the amount?

>>>No. You are more likely to use less as time goes on and the gut heals :)

2. Is there a difference between cod liver oil and flax seed oil?

>>>They are both Omega 3 oils. Flax requires the body to convert it whilst

CLO is more easily absorbed without the conversion process. CLO also contains

vitamines A & D. CLO tastes awful!!!


Mandi in UK

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Hi Jackie,

> 1. Is it posssible for the body to get use to taking the enzymes

> where the positives you saw at the beginning wear off? Would you

> slowly double the amount?

I can relate to your concern - I also worried that the good effects

of enzymes would " wear off " . But enzymes consistently break down

certain foods. If your child responds positively because of enzymes

breaking down foods, keep in mind that the enzymes will break down

those foods every time you give them. The dosing is based on how

much your child eats, so it may be necessary to increase the dose as

her appetite increases. On the other hand, some parents find that

over time they can decrease the enzymes, some believe due to " gut

healing " .

> 2. Is there a difference between cod liver oil and flax seed oil?


> so what is the difference besides one being from a fish and one


> from a plant? I was using Barlean's for my kids the whole month of

> October, I was hoping to help the one's acne and danderuff and of

> course help my ASD kid with whatever. Anyway comments would be

> appreciated.

I have read good reports with both CLO and flax seed oil and cases of

kids tolerating one but not the other. Dr. Megson's site

http://www.megson.com/ and the Barlean's site

http://www.barleans.com/ each have good information.

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> 1. Is it posssible for the body to get use to taking the enzymes

> where the positives you saw at the beginning wear off? Would you

> slowly double the amount?

For my son, this meant he was eating foods or supplements that the

enzymes did not address. I rotated foods to find the ones he still

did not tolerate, even with enzymes. For my son, these foods were

rice, corn, luteins/carotenes, and artificials.


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In a message dated 11/29/2004 4:07:29 PM Pacific Standard Time, sullysober40@... writes:

If my liver functions are normal or below normal, does that mean the

hep isn't active? I have been told that on occasion- but I still

feel symtomatic.

Any ideas?


julia :)

my dr said it;s bc the virus isn;t as active...but alt levels can change daily

'A home without a Papillon is just a house"

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thanks, Dave!

I made an appointment w/a gastro...for next tuesday.Hepatologist,

huh? I will look and see what is available here in omaha. Buffalo

had a wonderful doc.

If my liver functions are normal or below normal, does that mean the

hep isn't active? I have been told that on occasion- but I still

feel symtomatic.

Any ideas?


julia :)

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It's something that they don't quite understand, some people with advanced liver disease still show normal readings. This is not the norm, though.

As I understand it, when liver cells die, which they naturally do, it produces certain enzymes (such as AST/ALT). When a person has hepatitis, liver cells are dying at a higher than normal rate, which causes the elevated levels. In theory, if the counts are normal, your liver is not sustaining further damage, but again there are variances from person to person.

There is only a general correlation between enzyme levels, viral count, and liver health.

Generally speaking, though, it is a good sign that your levels are in the normal range. -dz-julia <sullysober40@...> wrote:

thanks, Dave!I made an appointment w/a gastro...for next tuesday.Hepatologist, huh? I will look and see what is available here in omaha. Buffalo had a wonderful doc.If my liver functions are normal or below normal, does that mean the hep isn't active? I have been told that on occasion- but I still feel symtomatic.Any ideas?thanksjulia :)

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  • 1 month later...

Dear and Friends in Pain,

Yes I do clarify that.

Ya'll have been so nice thus far!!!

Peace and blessings,

In a message dated 1/21/2005 5:06:44 PM Central Standard Time,

Matsumura_Clan@... writes:

Nan, just to clarify, was referring to another group, not .

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Hallenbeck~Sikorsky~ BS,RN,UM,QC


" AnGeLsInPain "

" OneVoiceInPain "

Interqual Certified

Published Psychiatric Researcher

Advocate for those in CIP, HIV, Psychologic Pain

" The Lord Will NEVER push us beyond what we can endure. "

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J.Jan and Friends in Pain,

This is so true.

Do unto others, especially those in pain...


In a message dated 1/21/2005 5:15:27 PM Central Standard Time,

simplymejmp@... writes:

hi just wanted to say i like what you wrote to

karen..its so true, i know what your talking about i

also feel like i stand alone at my house..if i cant

help anyone i sure dont want to hurt them...have a

great day.

j..jan in alabama

Hallenbeck~Sikorsky~ BS,RN,UM,QC


" AnGeLsInPain "

" OneVoiceInPain "

Interqual Certified

Published Psychiatric Researcher

Advocate for those in CIP, HIV, Psychologic Pain

" The Lord Will NEVER push us beyond what we can endure. "

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Nan, just to clarify, was referring to another group, not .

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Thank you


> Dear ,

> Bless you for saying what needed to be said. I have not been around here

> very long and I did not witness what you saw but I am a firm believer that

> you should walk a mile in someones shoes before saying a thing!!! Even

> then any utterences that come out of your mouth should be empathtic.



> Sometimes I stand all alone here, feeling as if I am in a dungeon (at home

> i mean). I need to be heard. I am already depressed clinically with

> bipolar disorder and if someone told me that I would be devastated.

> PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you like to be responsible for someone on

> the edge already? Who may go out and take their own life? Worse yet take

> someone else with them?

> THESE ROOMS AND GROUPS ARE FOR SUPPORT, you know holding eachother up when

> we are down, like we may have helped someone else at one time. We should

> thank those who have knowledge also that gives us some answers but never

> should we just kick someone when they are down.

> Sometimes Chat rooms get very cliquey or clicky however you spell it, and

> you have personality problems that way. It's just too bad that you cannot

> leave that AT THE DOOR.


> ((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))) You have my support and my

> friendship and if I ever do anything to hurt anyone please let me

> know..... I love you all, sometimes I don't get to write like I want to

> but rest assured you are always in my heart and prayers.

> Be well and big HUGS,

> Nan in Michigan

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After my first visit, my rheumy sent me off with 3

tablets (or was it 4)? of MTX, with a two-month wait

before the followup. It took several weeks for my body

to adjust to the MTX, and about three months before I

started seeing improvements. (That's when they start

increasing the dose...)

For the first month or two on MTX, I yo-yo'd between

energy and fatigue with no warning or transition time.

Up. Down. Up. Down. Frenzy. Nap. Frenzy. Nap.

I have taken relafen (anti-inflammatory) in the past,

but I don't remember having any side effects.

I don't take Flexerell, but I do take Zanaflex (muscle

relaxer) at bedtime. The main side effects I get are

immediate drowsiness of the " get in bed NOW and plan

to be there a while " type, and dry mouth. Make sure

that anything else you eat/take at bedtime has time to

digest before you take the muscle relaxant at bedtime.

If I take my anti-inflammatory and my muscle relaxer

at the same time, I wake up with reflux in the


Good luck, and be patient. It will take a while to

adjust, and to see improvement.






If you're tired of fighting battles with yourself

If you want to be somebody else

Change your mind...

-- Sister Hazel


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Hi Laurie,

I don't know the two drugs you mentioned but someone will be able to help

i'm sure.

At least you officially know the score now and it looks like your Rheumy is

going after it with a vengeance which is good.

Over here in the UK three months between appointments is normal (well, at

least my part of the UK) I don't know about elsewhere though.

Good luck Laurie,

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Thanks for the advise. I think I know about the ups and downs already. It seems

to come out of nowhere and my eyes just insist on closing...shut tight! then

they pop open about 10 minutes later...weird!

After the doc's appt I had to go for xrays on my wrists, hands and back to look

for inflamation. But my worst areas seem to be my shoulders, neck, and knees,

ankles. I give.

I have so many questions but have no idea where to start. How about....how long

do most people use MTX?


Stein <darkart42@...> wrote:


After my first visit, my rheumy sent me off with 3

tablets (or was it 4)? of MTX, with a two-month wait

before the followup. It took several weeks for my body

to adjust to the MTX, and about three months before I

started seeing improvements. (That's when they start

increasing the dose...)

For the first month or two on MTX, I yo-yo'd between

energy and fatigue with no warning or transition time.

Up. Down. Up. Down. Frenzy. Nap. Frenzy. Nap.

I have taken relafen (anti-inflammatory) in the past,

but I don't remember having any side effects.

I don't take Flexerell, but I do take Zanaflex (muscle

relaxer) at bedtime. The main side effects I get are

immediate drowsiness of the " get in bed NOW and plan

to be there a while " type, and dry mouth. Make sure

that anything else you eat/take at bedtime has time to

digest before you take the muscle relaxant at bedtime.

If I take my anti-inflammatory and my muscle relaxer

at the same time, I wake up with reflux in the


Good luck, and be patient. It will take a while to

adjust, and to see improvement.


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For me MTX worked really well for 7 or 8 years, then it lost effectiveness, even

at increased dosage, and I eventually stopped it because of side-effects. I am

now taking Enbrel, which is working very well.


Re: [ ] Thank You


Thanks for the advise. I think I know about the ups and downs already. It

seems to come out of nowhere and my eyes just insist on closing...shut tight!

then they pop open about 10 minutes later...weird!

After the doc's appt I had to go for xrays on my wrists, hands and back to

look for inflamation. But my worst areas seem to be my shoulders, neck, and

knees, ankles. I give.

I have so many questions but have no idea where to start. How about....how

long do most people use MTX?


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  • 3 months later...
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The best way to keep those kitties off of places they shouldn't be is to

keep a spray bottle with water close at hand at all times. Adjust the

stream to be as far-reaching as possible as a fine mist will do no good and

you will have to get too close to make contact.

Also, very important, do not use your voice at all when spraying. Only

use the spray. If you use your voice the cat's will soon connect you with

the punishment and you will find that they will continue to jump up on

counters and will jump down as soon as they see or hear you enter the room.

Obviously this will do no good. If you only spray when it happens, they

will most likely never connect you with the punishment and will find it

unpleasant to hop on the counter at all times instead of just when you are


When I was young, my father used to scream at my cat at the time

whenever he caught him on the table. Well, it never stopped the cat from

getting on the table, it just taught him to jump down whenever someone

entered the room. This went on for twenty years!! This made my father even

angrier about it! But what could he do? The cat was going to do as he

pleased. I observed the ineffectiveness of this approach and with my two

current cats I made sure to never " say " anything while delivering the

punishment " , I would merely spray the hell out of them and soon enough, it

was no longer a problem. I really let them have it. But only while they

are on the forbidden place. As soon as they jump down, I stop spraying and

act as if nothing happened. They stay off the counters at all times because

they are not quite smart enough to connect me with the spraying water even

though it came from me. They just know that they get an unpleasant shower

every time they do. Be sneaky about it, keep it up and be persistent and I

m sure it will work wonders.


-- thank you

I'd like to thank everyone for the insight/advise. I went to my new Dr.

today and he agreed with me on the Candida thing and wrote me a prescription

for something that was suggested in a book I have on Fungus. He whispered

you know this isn't conventional medicine " but I was so relieved that he was

open minded enough to be willing to treat me for it. (I think he was afraid

his colleagues might hear him through the door, <gring>) He was thrilled, as

was I, that I'd lost 6 pounds and told me to " keep following " what I was

reading in the books.

On the cat issue, I do appreciate the support and nonjudgmental

understanding I received. I have decided for the time being to keep my

babies (with the risk of growing even more attached to them than I already

am) Hopefully we will be able to work on training them as the previous owner

didn't spend much time with them and they do like to jump on counters *that

is ALMOST under control now. The lady who had them before me had an

emotionally ill grandchild who I am quite sure was mean to these guys as

they were pretty much afraid of their own shadow when we adopted them. Yet

now they jump up in my lap when I sit down and don't run and hide each time

company comes in. I also am putting the CS in their water bowl now as well,

that was a good suggestion. I am just going to be careful to use rubber

gloves cleaning their boxes.

Someone mentioned toxoplasmosis,...my oldest son was born blind with macular

degeneration. It seems I got that from undercooked beef 21 years ago. Also,

Loretta, thank you for the advise on the apricot seeds, I will look into

that as well. Again, I do appreciate the support. Thank you. Penny

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. -Eleanor



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


I'm not Dana, obviously, but I just wanted to comment on your son's name!

We have a 3 year old named Ronan, and it was a delight to see another one! I

haven't seen another little one with the name since he was born.

Also, when my Ronan is detoxing from something or having some die-off, he

pees a ton!

Take care,


Mom to Ronan 3 years and Loudon 3 months

In a message dated 5/17/2005 2:33:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

catjam34@... writes:


I will look into the No-Phenol. It'll be 3 weeks tomorrow that we

started the other 2 enzymes--what drastic improvements in general!

Reading up on the posts here the last few days has me nodding my

head seeing that we are doing things other families are doing too.

Lately, Ronan's diapers have been so full of pee--he wets through

his jammies and bedding almost every night. I'm not sure if that is

common with other kids or not. He had two huge BMs at school today,

very stinky too.

A couple of questions since I am still so new at this: what is die

off and how does it happen? Is it stictly for yeast in the gut that

is being killed or other yuckies too? I don't know if Ronan has an

issue with this or not.

I'm thinking of trying gluten-free for a bit to see if we see any

other changes. That will be hard since we have only a few *safe*

foods still.

We go back to the neurologist in 13 weeks to check up on the

seizures--they'll be amazed to see Ronan walk into the office all by

himself instead of using his walker :)


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