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Hi, Maggie.

Have you read about the " No White at Night " diet? This means no pasta, rice,

bread, potatoes, sugar, etc., at night when you are not likely to move around

enough to burn it off, especially if you are insulin resistant. " White " food is

starch, which begins turning to sugar as soon as it touches saliva, and if it is

not used as fuel it is stored as fat for future use. And since you said that you

and your boy are overweight, and have excess fat which does not burn like muscle

tissue, you would be more likely to store and not burn fat.

This is a good rule for almost everyone to follow, because we do not need to

consume excess carbohydrates unless they are needed for energy fuel, which is

not at night. Probably it would be better if our largest meal was in the middle

of the day, but that is not possible for most of us in today's world.

Good luck,


new here

Hi all, I'm Maggie, new to this group and also new to using coconut oil. I

sort of stumbled

across it and got one of those aha moments when I felt I had found something


worthwhile. From my own perspective, I fear that I do this a lot. That is,

stumble over

something 'new' to me and get very excited for awhile about what it can do

only to let it

drop some time later before finding another 'new' thing. I have actually known


coconut oil for a very long time but never got the aha until a week or 2 ago,


I am reading some books on using coconut oil, for health in general, but more


for losing weight. I have always been thin and think of myself that way, but

after my

second son was born 9 years ago I have put on at least 80 - 100 pounds and

believe it or

not, I had no idea it was happening since I refuse to weigh myself. But I have

seen some

pictures taken of me these past few years and I am utterly shocked and

horrified. Also

discouraged since I don't feel I overeat.

To add to all this, my youngest son is now quite heavy, too, and I feel

distraught over it

and want to help him in ways that keep his own thoughts positive. I am hoping


adding coconut oil will be a slight little change that may bring about greater

change for

the better.

Also, my husband has swallowed the conventional wisdom about saturated fats

and all

that and is very hesitant to make a change to this fat. He was quite anxious

when I told

him I had melted some in water and drank it. Very odd, to both of us!

Long story here, so I am grateful for those of you who have persevered!

Looking forward

to meeting others here with success and how I can learn from you.



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> > Hi all, I'm Maggie, new to this group and also new to using coconut

oil. I sort of stumbled

Hi Maggie

Yes it seems strange to eat dollops of fat. When i used to buy oven

chips/french fries coated in sunflower oil we used to all feel a bit

burpy and sickly later in the evening. I now cook homemade ones in

coconut oil and feel fine. It is so digestable. I have trouble with

most fats but not coconut oil. I lost a few pounds initially and have

now plateaued but have definately not put on, although some people say

they have put weight on with it.

My whole family eat it now, on toast, frying, roasting etc. It helps

to make you feel satisfied and like zoe i have no sugar cravings now, i

haven't had sweets, chocolate for months. Start slowly though as it can

have detoxing efects.


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Actaully everyone is always different... I have Psoriatic Arthritis and they

have found it in most my bones, joints and they have increased MTX, humira shots

and most my others... But again, its according to you and your doctors... They

may want certain x-rays to see what bonrs have been changed and effected... Its

what you and your dr. decide to do and what you can afford as for prices...

Love and Peace Always

Shaun and Barb

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Ahhh Lynne, I had the same exact thing happen to me.....perfectly healthy and

then....tired all the time, " nail issues " which I thought were from nail salon

infections.....then the toes swollen and then two fingers......I saw I cannot

tell you how many Dr's until one figured it out....Humira does the job

nicely....never heard of napropac but before the humira on went on all of

them-anit inflammatories/mtx/enbrel....not much improvement until the Humira,

now I sometimes forget I am ill at all.

If you have good insurance ask the rheumy about it


lynne_psa <deturemonica@...> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I am recently diagnosed with PsA and am 35 years old. I wanted to

share my story of diagnosis and see if it sounds similar to any of

you out there.

I have had joint pain and back pains for quite a few years but

nothing I thought was terrible unusual. I also had minor p growing

up (behind my ears, on my scalp, and once I married on my ring

finger). I had actually never been told it was P just thought I had

really dry, sensitive skin. My dad had been told his scalp/ears were

P though so now it all makes sense.

Anyway, I got what I thought was a nail fungus on my left big toe

about 5 years ago and have been treated with Lamisil and other anti-

fungals several times to no avail.

Then, this past spring, I broke out with awful cystic acne on my

face, began to have terrible joint pain in my wrists, elbows, and

feet. At the same time my fingernails were (at least in my mind)

getting the same fungus from my toe. Then one day, I noticed that my

big toe had swollen to look like a drumstick. I figured the fungus

had gotten into my skin or something and thought I would start

running a fever or something. I didn't but not long after (maybe 2

weeks) my right index finger DIP joint swelled and then I knew

something was going on. I went to my dr. and just told him I was

tired and all these weird things were happening and I didn't know

why. I had also had recurring conjuctivities and styes and two back

to back ear infections. I was worn out and worried about what was

happening to me.

My doc told me he suspected PsA and referred me to a Rheumy. I had

to wait about 2 months to get in and I continued to get new swellings

in the meantime - the palms of my hands and other fingertips. I also

get pain in the backs of my knees. Turns out the Rheumy thinks PsA

also although my blood and x-rays are normal at this point. He puts

me on the napropac and wants me back in 8 weeks. He also sends me to

a dermatologist to have him confirm psoriatic nails. He does. The

naprapac doesn't seem to be getting rid of the swelling or the pain.

And I have missed several days of work because I am too tired to get

out of bed. This is very unusual for me. I have also spent one

Sunday in bed when I would in years past have been out Christmas

shopping all day.

I am supposed to go back to the Rheumy in early January and am not at

all sure what to expect. DO they check blood and x-rays every so


Can any of you let me know what I can expect to have happen to me

over the next 6 months to a year or more?

Thank you for taking the time to read all this,



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Can you talk to your Rheumy when you have your appointment in Janurary about

getting a full body bone scan, or a MRI? My Rheumatologist I saw when I first

started to have joint inflammation told me that the arthritis probably wouldn't

show up on an X-ray yet since I didn't have it very long and she had me get a

MRI of my left foot(which had a lot of swelling) and a full body bone scan( with

also included close-ups of my back, hands, and feet). This helped confirm that

I had PA and it also showed I had a lot more arthritis then I thought I had. My

blood tests showed that I was negative for the Rheumatoid factor. Strangely

enough, the blood tests showed no signs of inflammation in my body, but my

fingers and feet showed differently, as well as the bone scan and MRI. I also

have had minor P for 12 years in the same places as you, scalp, ears, a small

patch here and there. These are the things that helped with the diagnoses. It

sounds like you might need to be put on a

DMARD. It has done wonders for me since my diagnosis. I am on Arava and

Aleve. The Arava just started to kick in last week after only 5 weeks of taking

it(it sometimes takes 3-6 months to kick in). Anyway, I barely have to take any

anti-inflammatories anymore since the Arava helps so much. There is a lot of

good medicines out there. Talk to your Rheumy about your options, DMARDS and

possibly a bone scan if that will give your doctor more proof he/she needs that

it is PA. Good luck and have a Happy Holiday.

from FL.

lynne_psa <deturemonica@...> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I am recently diagnosed with PsA and am 35 years old. I wanted to

share my story of diagnosis and see if it sounds similar to any of

you out there.

I have had joint pain and back pains for quite a few years but

nothing I thought was terrible unusual. I also had minor p growing

up (behind my ears, on my scalp, and once I married on my ring

finger). I had actually never been told it was P just thought I had

really dry, sensitive skin. My dad had been told his scalp/ears were

P though so now it all makes sense.

Anyway, I got what I thought was a nail fungus on my left big toe

about 5 years ago and have been treated with Lamisil and other anti-

fungals several times to no avail.

Then, this past spring, I broke out with awful cystic acne on my

face, began to have terrible joint pain in my wrists, elbows, and

feet. At the same time my fingernails were (at least in my mind)

getting the same fungus from my toe. Then one day, I noticed that my

big toe had swollen to look like a drumstick. I figured the fungus

had gotten into my skin or something and thought I would start

running a fever or something. I didn't but not long after (maybe 2

weeks) my right index finger DIP joint swelled and then I knew

something was going on. I went to my dr. and just told him I was

tired and all these weird things were happening and I didn't know

why. I had also had recurring conjuctivities and styes and two back

to back ear infections. I was worn out and worried about what was

happening to me.

My doc told me he suspected PsA and referred me to a Rheumy. I had

to wait about 2 months to get in and I continued to get new swellings

in the meantime - the palms of my hands and other fingertips. I also

get pain in the backs of my knees. Turns out the Rheumy thinks PsA

also although my blood and x-rays are normal at this point. He puts

me on the napropac and wants me back in 8 weeks. He also sends me to

a dermatologist to have him confirm psoriatic nails. He does. The

naprapac doesn't seem to be getting rid of the swelling or the pain.

And I have missed several days of work because I am too tired to get

out of bed. This is very unusual for me. I have also spent one

Sunday in bed when I would in years past have been out Christmas

shopping all day.

I am supposed to go back to the Rheumy in early January and am not at

all sure what to expect. DO they check blood and x-rays every so


Can any of you let me know what I can expect to have happen to me

over the next 6 months to a year or more?

Thank you for taking the time to read all this,



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I think they do all they can just to rule out other possibilities... Also most

with ps or other arthritis like RA can brittle and break certain bones and

slinter them... They have noticed a lot in my mri's and x-rays... Your doctor is

probably just making sure that there is not a lot of damage and if so, she may

want to treat that... It's a guessing game with all of us with everyone being

different and treatments that work for some and not for others... Just be glad

she is checking you out like a doctor is supposed too... Some doctos just throw

a subject out there like they did with me years back and then came to

fibromyalsia and now with my psoriasis it is the ps arthritis and brittling of


Love and Peace

Always Shaun and Barb

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome! I am new to the group, too, and my son has TS and was just

diagnosed with AS (all of the professionals are in agreement on both

of these diagnoses, and I agree, as well, considering my reading). He

has lots of OCD behaviors, and ADHD behaviors, but he is 4 1/2 and too

young for an ADHD diagnosis, and the Tourette's is supposed to cover

the OCD behaviors, so he's not going to get a distinct diagnosis of OCD.

My son sounds EXACTLY LIKE YOURS. It's amazing how alike they sound.

And I have to tell you that much of what you describe seems to be

Asperger's, although our sons have so many other disorders in common

it's hard to parse what's Asperger's and what isn't.

I think the reason a diagnosis is important is really just for

treatment and insurance. For instance, no one said anything to me

about social skills classes until Arie received his Asperger's

diagnosis, and I think they are really going to help him (with the

horrible, horrible bossy gene. Yikes!).

The obsessions, the bossy I-know-what's-best, the inability to let go

of things . . . well, I think you should look at treatments for

Asperger's whether or not you think he has the diagnosis. Socials

skills classes, for sure.

I'm sorry you and your son are dealing with so much, but I cannot tell

you how nice it is for me to read this description and see there is

another mom out there dealing with the exact same diagnoses and

behaviors as we are!

-- Haddayr


> I am new to this group and new to AS as well. My 5 almost 6 yr old

son has TS, ADHD, OCD, and possible AS.

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Welcome .

You do have a story! Yikes! But a very familiar one.

Many of us have gone through this. My son was 6 when we started with

new labels. I was anti label, but found that I needed to understand

my son and a label was needed. Just an accurate one.

A.S. came, but only 6 years later. I found studying A.S., being very

open about how my son was, and thinking through carefully

(Understanding each child is so different, but being careful so we

didn't get a diagnosis that wasn't accurate!)

Oh, yes, the talking. My 3 sons can talk for hours. Of course, so

can I, but I have learned to slow that down a bit. WE have things to

say, and we need to say it. Everything else just gets in the way.

We just want to share what we know, and it is much easier to talk

about things we understand than the other things we don't.

Yeah, my son has to have his way too. As he has gotten older, and we

have talked about this a great deal (in a positive way) I have found

he is getting better at letting others talk, and do things their way

(NOt always but a lot!)

Here is a suggestion on handeling the sadness he has just

experianced. It is GREAT to talk about it. I would often teach my

son this way...

" Christian, isn't it interesting how some kids have to be mean. Do

you think they are insecure about themselves and they only know how

to hurt other kids, or tease other kids? "


" Christian, I guess he was upset that you had to have your way. I

can understand that. Sometimes even best friends get frustrated

because we can do things that really annoy them. I guess we have to

find ways to be helpful and show them we won't do only our things

because they won't want to be our friend. "

We just would go on and on and finally, he is getting better at

handling these situations. Is it perfect? No. But what is?

Maybe when you can get his friend to the house, you can mention

something like " I know it is frustrating when other kids seem to

have to have their own way, but I like it when.... " maybe you can

mention something this friend has done to help your son or be nice

even if he was frustrated. Maybe he didn't call your son bad names.

Point that out. That might help the boy to understand why your son

does what he does and make him feel positive about handling it well.

Might work, might not. But I think it would make you feel better for

doing it *hugs*

It sounds more Aspie to me not OCD (Of course, I am not a doctor,

but thinking of my own son)

Our kids don't have much control of things, so they control what

they can. And boy, being stuck on things... my 9 year old is

a 'stuck' kind of boy. He gets stuck and even a pry bar doesn't

work. *grin* (Ok, not literally!)

yes, stories can go on and on. I like that, but I have finally

learned to keep it down. (I joined Toastmasters so I could learn to

speak, not just talk!)


All my kids have to tell me about going to the bathroom. That is

just funny!!!

my 13 year old doesn't all the time, but still does.

Hey I used to, even when I got married. I guess we want you to know

where we will be so you won't panic. *Grin*

Repeating lines from movies,,, done it myself, and my kids will too.

It's just nice to say something and sometimes that is something that

is easy to say. Just my opinion.

Perservering on characters? Yeah. In my case, just loving them tons.

Eventually they change. Used to be Luke Skywalker for me. Loved him.

Now my list of things I love is too long.

I vacuum daily and my boys usually handle it ok, but usually can run

and plug their ears. But I hate balloons popping.

This is so " Aspie " sounding to me.

I know you have tons to say, and I Hope I touched on everything.

You just sound like you are talking about my boys, so I think I can

tell you what I know and it might 'ease' some fears you have.

Plus, if my youngest had been a girl, instead of Cody, he would have

been ((nic name, Hadn't worked out the Kaitland, Katelyn, etc.

and I just knew he was a boy!)

*hugs* to you,

Post often. You'll find this an awesome board to feel supported!


sitive to loud sounds and still runs away when I vacume! Well I

still feel like I have so much to say, but I really think that is

enough for my first post!!! Thanks to all for listening!!!!!!

> __________________________________________________


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I so can relate. This is my 5 year old. His dx are adhd, odd and anxiety.

I am noticing that he seems to be getting worse lately, so focused on one

topic. Anyway, welcome...Michele


Seek wisdom. Wisdom waits to be gathered. She cannot be bartered or sold.

she is a gift for the diligent. And only the diligent will find her. The

lazy man - the stupid man - never even looks. though wisdom is available to

many, she is found by few. Seek wisdom. Find her, and you will find

success and contentment.

-Andy s, " The Traveler's Gift "

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Thank you so much for your response !!! It is so good to hear that someone

else has the same experiences! I loved all your suggestions!!!! I am also glad

to hear your opinion on that is sounds more AS then OCD after more research this

morning, I am really leaning that way myself which would explain why the OCD

meds are not working!!!!! I just called the doc to see if I can back off the

Prozac because I think that the new dose is making him ultra emotional right

now. I am still waiting to talk to him. Thanks again for your comforting


advocateforaspies <advocateforaspies@...> wrote: Welcome .

You do have a story! Yikes! But a very familiar one.

Many of us have gone through this. My son was 6 when we started with

new labels. I was anti label, but found that I needed to understand

my son and a label was needed. Just an accurate one.

A.S. came, but only 6 years later. I found studying A.S., being very

open about how my son was, and thinking through carefully

(Understanding each child is so different, but being careful so we

didn't get a diagnosis that wasn't accurate!)

Oh, yes, the talking. My 3 sons can talk for hours. Of course, so

can I, but I have learned to slow that down a bit. WE have things to

say, and we need to say it. Everything else just gets in the way.

We just want to share what we know, and it is much easier to talk

about things we understand than the other things we don't.

Yeah, my son has to have his way too. As he has gotten older, and we

have talked about this a great deal (in a positive way) I have found

he is getting better at letting others talk, and do things their way

(NOt always but a lot!)

Here is a suggestion on handeling the sadness he has just

experianced. It is GREAT to talk about it. I would often teach my

son this way...

" Christian, isn't it interesting how some kids have to be mean. Do

you think they are insecure about themselves and they only know how

to hurt other kids, or tease other kids? "


" Christian, I guess he was upset that you had to have your way. I

can understand that. Sometimes even best friends get frustrated

because we can do things that really annoy them. I guess we have to

find ways to be helpful and show them we won't do only our things

because they won't want to be our friend. "

We just would go on and on and finally, he is getting better at

handling these situations. Is it perfect? No. But what is?

Maybe when you can get his friend to the house, you can mention

something like " I know it is frustrating when other kids seem to

have to have their own way, but I like it when.... " maybe you can

mention something this friend has done to help your son or be nice

even if he was frustrated. Maybe he didn't call your son bad names.

Point that out. That might help the boy to understand why your son

does what he does and make him feel positive about handling it well.

Might work, might not. But I think it would make you feel better for

doing it *hugs*

It sounds more Aspie to me not OCD (Of course, I am not a doctor,

but thinking of my own son)

Our kids don't have much control of things, so they control what

they can. And boy, being stuck on things... my 9 year old is

a 'stuck' kind of boy. He gets stuck and even a pry bar doesn't

work. *grin* (Ok, not literally!)

yes, stories can go on and on. I like that, but I have finally

learned to keep it down. (I joined Toastmasters so I could learn to

speak, not just talk!)


All my kids have to tell me about going to the bathroom. That is

just funny!!!

my 13 year old doesn't all the time, but still does.

Hey I used to, even when I got married. I guess we want you to know

where we will be so you won't panic. *Grin*

Repeating lines from movies,,, done it myself, and my kids will too.

It's just nice to say something and sometimes that is something that

is easy to say. Just my opinion.

Perservering on characters? Yeah. In my case, just loving them tons.

Eventually they change. Used to be Luke Skywalker for me. Loved him.

Now my list of things I love is too long.

I vacuum daily and my boys usually handle it ok, but usually can run

and plug their ears. But I hate balloons popping.

This is so " Aspie " sounding to me.

I know you have tons to say, and I Hope I touched on everything.

You just sound like you are talking about my boys, so I think I can

tell you what I know and it might 'ease' some fears you have.

Plus, if my youngest had been a girl, instead of Cody, he would have

been ((nic name, Hadn't worked out the Kaitland, Katelyn, etc.

and I just knew he was a boy!)

*hugs* to you,

Post often. You'll find this an awesome board to feel supported!


sitive to loud sounds and still runs away when I vacume! Well I

still feel like I have so much to say, but I really think that is

enough for my first post!!! Thanks to all for listening!!!!!!

> __________________________________________________


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It is really nice to read about someone else who has the same diagnosis and

experience as well! I am in total agreement about the diagnosis for insurance

purposes. Ironically I was on my insurance's website yesterday to check for eye

doctors and the first thing that popped up was about autism. They are trying to

build a better program for autism and want peoples opinions and suggestions.

They also listed that they will be covering a certain amount of ABA and also for

family members to be trained in ABA!!! I would love to do that!!!! I think that

it could be so beneficial for our houshold!!! To better understand our child and

how to relate to him and help him to relate to the world!!!!!!!!! Thanks for

responding, it is very comforting to be heard and understood!!!!

Haddayr <haddayr@...> wrote: Welcome! I am new to the group, too,

and my son has TS and was just

diagnosed with AS (all of the professionals are in agreement on both

of these diagnoses, and I agree, as well, considering my reading). He

has lots of OCD behaviors, and ADHD behaviors, but he is 4 1/2 and too

young for an ADHD diagnosis, and the Tourette's is supposed to cover

the OCD behaviors, so he's not going to get a distinct diagnosis of OCD.

My son sounds EXACTLY LIKE YOURS. It's amazing how alike they sound.

And I have to tell you that much of what you describe seems to be

Asperger's, although our sons have so many other disorders in common

it's hard to parse what's Asperger's and what isn't.

I think the reason a diagnosis is important is really just for

treatment and insurance. For instance, no one said anything to me

about social skills classes until Arie received his Asperger's

diagnosis, and I think they are really going to help him (with the

horrible, horrible bossy gene. Yikes!).

The obsessions, the bossy I-know-what's-best, the inability to let go

of things . . . well, I think you should look at treatments for

Asperger's whether or not you think he has the diagnosis. Socials

skills classes, for sure.

I'm sorry you and your son are dealing with so much, but I cannot tell

you how nice it is for me to read this description and see there is

another mom out there dealing with the exact same diagnoses and

behaviors as we are!

-- Haddayr


> I am new to this group and new to AS as well. My 5 almost 6 yr old

son has TS, ADHD, OCD, and possible AS.


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We went through the multi-label phase too. We needed a label for

school services and placement as well as to help me understand what

I needed to do and not do, to accept who my daughter is. She is not

Asperger's, but it makes up so much of her personality.

We had " some sort of neurological syndrome, but we don't know, good

luck " , ADD, social anxiety, dev delayed....she wasn't dx'd until she

was six and I sought help since she was one, as I knew something

was " off " . Her dx came from an educational psychologist and took

three months for HIM (a parent of AS boys himself) to dx her.

Welcome to the group, this group has lots of great advice and

experience to gleen from.


> I so can relate. This is my 5 year old. His dx are adhd, odd and


> I am noticing that he seems to be getting worse lately, so focused

on one

> topic. Anyway, welcome...Michele



> --

> Seek wisdom. Wisdom waits to be gathered. She cannot be

bartered or sold.

> she is a gift for the diligent. And only the diligent will find

her. The

> lazy man - the stupid man - never even looks. though wisdom is

available to

> many, she is found by few. Seek wisdom. Find her, and you will


> success and contentment.


> -Andy s, " The Traveler's Gift "




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Hay B,

you just explained lots of reasons why my son does the things he does. like

repeating - getting stuck. I never thought of it as: He really likes that


advocateforaspies <advocateforaspies@...> wrote:

Welcome .

You do have a story! Yikes! But a very familiar one.

Many of us have gone through this. My son was 6 when we started with

new labels. I was anti label, but found that I needed to understand

my son and a label was needed. Just an accurate one.

A.S. came, but only 6 years later. I found studying A.S., being very

open about how my son was, and thinking through carefully

(Understanding each child is so different, but being careful so we

didn't get a diagnosis that wasn't accurate!)

Oh, yes, the talking. My 3 sons can talk for hours. Of course, so

can I, but I have learned to slow that down a bit. WE have things to

say, and we need to say it. Everything else just gets in the way.

We just want to share what we know, and it is much easier to talk

about things we understand than the other things we don't.

Yeah, my son has to have his way too. As he has gotten older, and we

have talked about this a great deal (in a positive way) I have found

he is getting better at letting others talk, and do things their way

(NOt always but a lot!)

Here is a suggestion on handeling the sadness he has just

experianced. It is GREAT to talk about it. I would often teach my

son this way...

" Christian, isn't it interesting how some kids have to be mean. Do

you think they are insecure about themselves and they only know how

to hurt other kids, or tease other kids? "


" Christian, I guess he was upset that you had to have your way. I

can understand that. Sometimes even best friends get frustrated

because we can do things that really annoy them. I guess we have to

find ways to be helpful and show them we won't do only our things

because they won't want to be our friend. "

We just would go on and on and finally, he is getting better at

handling these situations. Is it perfect? No. But what is?

Maybe when you can get his friend to the house, you can mention

something like " I know it is frustrating when other kids seem to

have to have their own way, but I like it when.... " maybe you can

mention something this friend has done to help your son or be nice

even if he was frustrated. Maybe he didn't call your son bad names.

Point that out. That might help the boy to understand why your son

does what he does and make him feel positive about handling it well.

Might work, might not. But I think it would make you feel better for

doing it *hugs*

It sounds more Aspie to me not OCD (Of course, I am not a doctor,

but thinking of my own son)

Our kids don't have much control of things, so they control what

they can. And boy, being stuck on things... my 9 year old is

a 'stuck' kind of boy. He gets stuck and even a pry bar doesn't

work. *grin* (Ok, not literally!)

yes, stories can go on and on. I like that, but I have finally

learned to keep it down. (I joined Toastmasters so I could learn to

speak, not just talk!)


All my kids have to tell me about going to the bathroom. That is

just funny!!!

my 13 year old doesn't all the time, but still does.

Hey I used to, even when I got married. I guess we want you to know

where we will be so you won't panic. *Grin*

Repeating lines from movies,,, done it myself, and my kids will too.

It's just nice to say something and sometimes that is something that

is easy to say. Just my opinion.

Perservering on characters? Yeah. In my case, just loving them tons.

Eventually they change. Used to be Luke Skywalker for me. Loved him.

Now my list of things I love is too long.

I vacuum daily and my boys usually handle it ok, but usually can run

and plug their ears. But I hate balloons popping.

This is so " Aspie " sounding to me.

I know you have tons to say, and I Hope I touched on everything.

You just sound like you are talking about my boys, so I think I can

tell you what I know and it might 'ease' some fears you have.

Plus, if my youngest had been a girl, instead of Cody, he would have

been ((nic name, Hadn't worked out the Kaitland, Katelyn, etc.

and I just knew he was a boy!)

*hugs* to you,

Post often. You'll find this an awesome board to feel supported!


sitive to loud sounds and still runs away when I vacume! Well I

still feel like I have so much to say, but I really think that is

enough for my first post!!! Thanks to all for listening!!!!!!

> __________________________________________________


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, you are very welcome. I just can't believe how looong MY post

was. Yikes again!

You know your son best, and I think that your decision with the prozac

sounds like a good one. If it isn't working, or making other

difficulties, I wouldn't like it either.

Keep up the good work, mom ;-P




> Thank you so much for your response !!! It is so good to hear

that someone else has the same experiences! I loved all your

suggestions!!!! I am also glad to hear your opinion on that is sounds

more AS then OCD after more research this morning, I am really leaning

that way myself which would explain why the OCD meds are not

working!!!!! I just called the doc to see if I can back off the Prozac

because I think that the new dose is making him ultra emotional right

now. I am still waiting to talk to him. Thanks again for your

comforting answers!!!!



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Thanks ! I am looking foward to seeing the Doc on Wed. so I can hopefully

get going in the right direction since our insurance covers a good portion of

ABA! And I can just get a better understanding of him!!!! I was dumbfounded by

all this with my son when his TS tics started (age 4) I was so shocked at the

can of worms it opened up, I always thougth that things were fine with him. I

knew that he was full of energy and had a hot temper, but never would I have

imagined that there was so more to it. It explains a lot from his early child

hood!!! He started having behavoiral probs in head start pre-school (age 3-4)

but I thought it was due to changes at home (pregnancy for me and husband navy

life) There is so much to learn about the human body it is crazy! Thanks!

<mkisses@...> wrote: We went through the multi-label phase

too. We needed a label for

school services and placement as well as to help me understand what

I needed to do and not do, to accept who my daughter is. She is not

Asperger's, but it makes up so much of her personality.

We had " some sort of neurological syndrome, but we don't know, good

luck " , ADD, social anxiety, dev delayed....she wasn't dx'd until she

was six and I sought help since she was one, as I knew something

was " off " . Her dx came from an educational psychologist and took

three months for HIM (a parent of AS boys himself) to dx her.

Welcome to the group, this group has lots of great advice and

experience to gleen from.


> I so can relate. This is my 5 year old. His dx are adhd, odd and


> I am noticing that he seems to be getting worse lately, so focused

on one

> topic. Anyway, welcome...Michele



> --

> Seek wisdom. Wisdom waits to be gathered. She cannot be

bartered or sold.

> she is a gift for the diligent. And only the diligent will find

her. The

> lazy man - the stupid man - never even looks. though wisdom is

available to

> many, she is found by few. Seek wisdom. Find her, and you will


> success and contentment.


> -Andy s, " The Traveler's Gift "




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Thanks again ! I gave him the does of prozac that he was on before and he

seems much " nicer " today!! Time will tell! katie

advocateforaspies <advocateforaspies@...> wrote: , you are

very welcome. I just can't believe how looong MY post

was. Yikes again!

You know your son best, and I think that your decision with the prozac

sounds like a good one. If it isn't working, or making other

difficulties, I wouldn't like it either.

Keep up the good work, mom ;-P




> Thank you so much for your response !!! It is so good to hear

that someone else has the same experiences! I loved all your

suggestions!!!! I am also glad to hear your opinion on that is sounds

more AS then OCD after more research this morning, I am really leaning

that way myself which would explain why the OCD meds are not

working!!!!! I just called the doc to see if I can back off the Prozac

because I think that the new dose is making him ultra emotional right

now. I am still waiting to talk to him. Thanks again for your

comforting answers!!!!




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Hello ,

Hugs to you,

I wrote more and asked every question I could possibly think of to anyone that

would listen when I was searching and trying to understand my son's disability,

which is aspergers.

the questions get less - as you understand more about your son. then you

educate yourself, advocate for him, and help others that are finding out for the

first time.

My son did lots of what you are expressing. through therapy, social skills,

roll play all help.


Mefford <yankeemamma@...> wrote:

I am new to this group and new to AS as well. My 5 almost 6 yr old son

has TS, ADHD, OCD, and possible AS. I have gone back and forth with the docs

about the AS dx and nuerologist thinks it fits, nuero-develpomental ped doesn't

and neither does the psychologist. I am very much on the fence. Not that it

matters to have a label, I just want to better understand what who my son is!!!

We have been trying different meds and we have found what works for his

hyperactivity which was one of his major functionality issue. His other is that

he gets stuck on subjects he wants to discuss everything!!!! If I tell him to go

brush his teeth in the morining, he wants to talk about which toothpaste he is

going to use or how he is going to do it right away and will keep telling me

that until I respond, and won't do it till I respond! He is very rigid and it

gets in the way of his friendships sometimes. Mostly because he wants it to be

his way. This evening he was playing with his

little " best

friend " a neighbor of ours and all of a sudden the neighbor wanted to leave and

go play with other kids. I asked what happened and got the gist that Ezra (my

son) wanted to play his way and the other boy didn't and ezra became to bossy

and the other boy got sick of it. Well Ezra followed him to the play ground and

hounded him about talking it over. He wanted to tell him that he would play what

ever he wanted him to play because he is his best friend. And the other boy kept

covering his ears and saying I don't want to listen. Ezra was heart broken and

the tears were there. He became panicky and continued to hound him and try to

get him to listen. It was heart renching for me to watch it hurts right now to

even write about it!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I finally couldn't take watching him do

this anymore and getting his little heart broken so I told him that we had to go

home. He cried and cried and said that he can't let his friendship ending with

the neighbor happen. My husband

told him that the other little boy will get over it and that he will forget by

the next time we see him. (We go to the same church and the boys are in the

tikes room together and usually get along) I pray that my husband is right cause

I can't handle the idea of this continuing at the one place besides home, that

is suppposed to be safe! It took a long time to convince him that he needed to

let it go thank god we were going to sonic for dinner tonight cause that was the

only thing that got his mind off of it and even that took a few reminders that

we were going there and we want to be happy!!! Anyway, I know that this is a lot

of rambling but I am trying to describe what we go through so that maybe someone

in this group has similar experiences and can let me know if this is behavoir is

AS or if it is OCD like the docs have been saying. Because of the fact that he

seems so ridgid. But I am wondering if the getting stuck on a subject like he

did tongiht and not being able to

let it go is AS. He alos follows you around and tells you stories/thoughts that

are in his head and he will go on for ever. He also does this at school and

argues if he thinks that he is right and won't let it go, which is very

disruptive! He repeats whatever he says to you until you respond and if that

takes minutes because you are busy he will go that long. He has to run and tell

me that he has to go to the bathroom before he will go. He repeats lines from

movies and shows that he watches all the time, and talks like them! We had

scooby-doo living with us for a few months! LOL!!! He gets stuck on a certain TV

character and will everything from conversations to drawings will be about the

character until he gets stuck on a new one! He is very sensitive to loud sounds

and still runs away when I vacume! Well I still feel like I have so much to say,

but I really think that is enough for my first post!!! Thanks to all for



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Thanks! I do feel like I am in the stage where I want to bring it up with

everyone and anyone! Almost panicky/desperate! It is just so hard to watch my

son suffer and not understand why! Maybe it is me who suffers more then he does,

but I know that this must be hard for him too!!! Thanks again!

Rose <beachbodytan2002@...> wrote: Hello ,

Hugs to you,

I wrote more and asked every question I could possibly think of to anyone that

would listen when I was searching and trying to understand my son's disability,

which is aspergers.

the questions get less - as you understand more about your son. then you educate

yourself, advocate for him, and help others that are finding out for the first


My son did lots of what you are expressing. through therapy, social skills, roll

play all help.


Mefford <yankeemamma@...> wrote:

I am new to this group and new to AS as well. My 5 almost 6 yr old son has TS,

ADHD, OCD, and possible AS. I have gone back and forth with the docs about the

AS dx and nuerologist thinks it fits, nuero-develpomental ped doesn't and

neither does the psychologist. I am very much on the fence. Not that it matters

to have a label, I just want to better understand what who my son is!!! We have

been trying different meds and we have found what works for his hyperactivity

which was one of his major functionality issue. His other is that he gets stuck

on subjects he wants to discuss everything!!!! If I tell him to go brush his

teeth in the morining, he wants to talk about which toothpaste he is going to

use or how he is going to do it right away and will keep telling me that until I

respond, and won't do it till I respond! He is very rigid and it gets in the way

of his friendships sometimes. Mostly because he wants it to be his way. This

evening he was playing with his

little " best

friend " a neighbor of ours and all of a sudden the neighbor wanted to leave and

go play with other kids. I asked what happened and got the gist that Ezra (my

son) wanted to play his way and the other boy didn't and ezra became to bossy

and the other boy got sick of it. Well Ezra followed him to the play ground and

hounded him about talking it over. He wanted to tell him that he would play what

ever he wanted him to play because he is his best friend. And the other boy kept

covering his ears and saying I don't want to listen. Ezra was heart broken and

the tears were there. He became panicky and continued to hound him and try to

get him to listen. It was heart renching for me to watch it hurts right now to

even write about it!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I finally couldn't take watching him do

this anymore and getting his little heart broken so I told him that we had to go

home. He cried and cried and said that he can't let his friendship ending with

the neighbor happen. My husband

told him that the other little boy will get over it and that he will forget by

the next time we see him. (We go to the same church and the boys are in the

tikes room together and usually get along) I pray that my husband is right cause

I can't handle the idea of this continuing at the one place besides home, that

is suppposed to be safe! It took a long time to convince him that he needed to

let it go thank god we were going to sonic for dinner tonight cause that was the

only thing that got his mind off of it and even that took a few reminders that

we were going there and we want to be happy!!! Anyway, I know that this is a lot

of rambling but I am trying to describe what we go through so that maybe someone

in this group has similar experiences and can let me know if this is behavoir is

AS or if it is OCD like the docs have been saying. Because of the fact that he

seems so ridgid. But I am wondering if the getting stuck on a subject like he

did tongiht and not being able to

let it go is AS. He alos follows you around and tells you stories/thoughts that

are in his head and he will go on for ever. He also does this at school and

argues if he thinks that he is right and won't let it go, which is very

disruptive! He repeats whatever he says to you until you respond and if that

takes minutes because you are busy he will go that long. He has to run and tell

me that he has to go to the bathroom before he will go. He repeats lines from

movies and shows that he watches all the time, and talks like them! We had

scooby-doo living with us for a few months! LOL!!! He gets stuck on a certain TV

character and will everything from conversations to drawings will be about the

character until he gets stuck on a new one! He is very sensitive to loud sounds

and still runs away when I vacume! Well I still feel like I have so much to say,

but I really think that is enough for my first post!!! Thanks to all for



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I think you have to work with your son on learning how to share and learning

that if he is too bossy or controlling, other kids will not want to play with

him. When my kids would start getting that way, I would take it as a sign that

it was time to leave. Maybe try to find a social skill group and books on

friendship, etc. I know we have used the books by Joy Berry - very nice books

that explain all about a particular characteristic. I found them on ebay.

My youngest ds talks a lot and has to describe and discuss each detail as well.

It is exhausting to listen! Sometimes I have said, " I just need some quiet time

now. "


( ) New Here

I am new to this group and new to AS as well. My 5 almost 6 yr old son has TS,

ADHD, OCD, and possible AS. I have gone back and forth with the docs about the

AS dx and nuerologist thinks it fits, nuero-develpomental ped doesn't and

neither does the psychologist. I am very much on the fence. Not that it matters

to have a label, I just want to better understand what who my son is!!! We have

been trying different meds and we have found what works for his hyperactivity

which was one of his major functionality issue. His other is that he gets stuck

on subjects he wants to discuss everything!!!! If I tell him to go brush his

teeth in the morining, he wants to talk about which toothpaste he is going to

use or how he is going to do it right away and will keep telling me that until I

respond, and won't do it till I respond! He is very rigid and it gets in the way

of his friendships sometimes. Mostly because he wants it to be his way. This

evening he was playing with his little " best

friend " a neighbor of ours and all of a sudden the neighbor wanted to leave

and go play with other kids. I asked what happened and got the gist that Ezra

(my son) wanted to play his way and the other boy didn't and ezra became to

bossy and the other boy got sick of it. Well Ezra followed him to the play

ground and hounded him about talking it over. He wanted to tell him that he

would play what ever he wanted him to play because he is his best friend. And

the other boy kept covering his ears and saying I don't want to listen. Ezra was

heart broken and the tears were there. He became panicky and continued to hound

him and try to get him to listen. It was heart renching for me to watch it hurts

right now to even write about it!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I finally couldn't take

watching him do this anymore and getting his little heart broken so I told him

that we had to go home. He cried and cried and said that he can't let his

friendship ending with the neighbor happen. My husband

told him that the other little boy will get over it and that he will forget by

the next time we see him. (We go to the same church and the boys are in the

tikes room together and usually get along) I pray that my husband is right cause

I can't handle the idea of this continuing at the one place besides home, that

is suppposed to be safe! It took a long time to convince him that he needed to

let it go thank god we were going to sonic for dinner tonight cause that was the

only thing that got his mind off of it and even that took a few reminders that

we were going there and we want to be happy!!! Anyway, I know that this is a lot

of rambling but I am trying to describe what we go through so that maybe someone

in this group has similar experiences and can let me know if this is behavoir is

AS or if it is OCD like the docs have been saying. Because of the fact that he

seems so ridgid. But I am wondering if the getting stuck on a subject like he

did tongiht and not being able to

let it go is AS. He alos follows you around and tells you stories/thoughts

that are in his head and he will go on for ever. He also does this at school and

argues if he thinks that he is right and won't let it go, which is very

disruptive! He repeats whatever he says to you until you respond and if that

takes minutes because you are busy he will go that long. He has to run and tell

me that he has to go to the bathroom before he will go. He repeats lines from

movies and shows that he watches all the time, and talks like them! We had

scooby-doo living with us for a few months! LOL!!! He gets stuck on a certain TV

character and will everything from conversations to drawings will be about the

character until he gets stuck on a new one! He is very sensitive to loud sounds

and still runs away when I vacume! Well I still feel like I have so much to say,

but I really think that is enough for my first post!!! Thanks to all for



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Thanks Roxanna for the advice! My son loves to be read to and we do that every

night, so I think that is a great way to address the issue of freindship and

bossy/controling behavoir. I have talked to him about that and tried to explain

that, especially when we are playing together. When we play together he gets

upset because I didn't do it the way he wanted to. I don't mind doing what he

wants but he needs to understand that I am in control of myself and he of

himself etc. I am very excited to learn techniqes to best teach him this. I am

always wondering if I am going about it the right way or not!!!! We see the doc

this Wed. and I hope that we can get on the right track and get closer to some

" training " in that area wether it be ABA or whatever he needs!!! I too tell my

son to that I just need some quiet time to get things done and when I am ready I

will come to him. It doesn't always work, but I can tell that he does try to

give me that time!!! Or when I am getting in the

car and trying to back out of the driveway or stuck in traffic, I tell him that

I need a second to concentrate and that it is not safe to keep talking. Again,

he tries hard to stop!!! I will look into the books!! Thanks again!

Roxanna <madideas@...> wrote: I think you have to work

with your son on learning how to share and learning that if he is too bossy or

controlling, other kids will not want to play with him. When my kids would start

getting that way, I would take it as a sign that it was time to leave. Maybe try

to find a social skill group and books on friendship, etc. I know we have used

the books by Joy Berry - very nice books that explain all about a particular

characteristic. I found them on ebay.

My youngest ds talks a lot and has to describe and discuss each detail as well.

It is exhausting to listen! Sometimes I have said, " I just need some quiet time

now. "


( ) New Here

I am new to this group and new to AS as well. My 5 almost 6 yr old son has TS,

ADHD, OCD, and possible AS. I have gone back and forth with the docs about the

AS dx and nuerologist thinks it fits, nuero-develpomental ped doesn't and

neither does the psychologist. I am very much on the fence. Not that it matters

to have a label, I just want to better understand what who my son is!!! We have

been trying different meds and we have found what works for his hyperactivity

which was one of his major functionality issue. His other is that he gets stuck

on subjects he wants to discuss everything!!!! If I tell him to go brush his

teeth in the morining, he wants to talk about which toothpaste he is going to

use or how he is going to do it right away and will keep telling me that until I

respond, and won't do it till I respond! He is very rigid and it gets in the way

of his friendships sometimes. Mostly because he wants it to be his way. This

evening he was playing with his little " best

friend " a neighbor of ours and all of a sudden the neighbor wanted to leave and

go play with other kids. I asked what happened and got the gist that Ezra (my

son) wanted to play his way and the other boy didn't and ezra became to bossy

and the other boy got sick of it. Well Ezra followed him to the play ground and

hounded him about talking it over. He wanted to tell him that he would play what

ever he wanted him to play because he is his best friend. And the other boy kept

covering his ears and saying I don't want to listen. Ezra was heart broken and

the tears were there. He became panicky and continued to hound him and try to

get him to listen. It was heart renching for me to watch it hurts right now to

even write about it!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I finally couldn't take watching him do

this anymore and getting his little heart broken so I told him that we had to go

home. He cried and cried and said that he can't let his friendship ending with

the neighbor happen. My husband

told him that the other little boy will get over it and that he will forget by

the next time we see him. (We go to the same church and the boys are in the

tikes room together and usually get along) I pray that my husband is right cause

I can't handle the idea of this continuing at the one place besides home, that

is suppposed to be safe! It took a long time to convince him that he needed to

let it go thank god we were going to sonic for dinner tonight cause that was the

only thing that got his mind off of it and even that took a few reminders that

we were going there and we want to be happy!!! Anyway, I know that this is a lot

of rambling but I am trying to describe what we go through so that maybe someone

in this group has similar experiences and can let me know if this is behavoir is

AS or if it is OCD like the docs have been saying. Because of the fact that he

seems so ridgid. But I am wondering if the getting stuck on a subject like he

did tongiht and not being able to

let it go is AS. He alos follows you around and tells you stories/thoughts that

are in his head and he will go on for ever. He also does this at school and

argues if he thinks that he is right and won't let it go, which is very

disruptive! He repeats whatever he says to you until you respond and if that

takes minutes because you are busy he will go that long. He has to run and tell

me that he has to go to the bathroom before he will go. He repeats lines from

movies and shows that he watches all the time, and talks like them! We had

scooby-doo living with us for a few months! LOL!!! He gets stuck on a certain TV

character and will everything from conversations to drawings will be about the

character until he gets stuck on a new one! He is very sensitive to loud sounds

and still runs away when I vacume! Well I still feel like I have so much to say,

but I really think that is enough for my first post!!! Thanks to all for



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I think you have to work

with your son on learning how to share and learning that if he is

too bossy or controlling, other kids will not want to play with him.

When my kids would start getting that way, I would take it as a sign

that it was time to leave. Maybe try to find a social skill group

and books on friendship, etc. I know we have used the books by Joy

Berry - very nice books that explain all about a particular

characteristic. I found them on ebay.


> My youngest ds talks a lot and has to describe and discuss each

detail as well. It is exhausting to listen! Sometimes I have

said, " I just need some quiet time now. "


> Roxanna

> ( ) New Here


> I am new to this group and new to AS as well. My 5 almost 6 yr old

son has TS, ADHD, OCD, and possible AS. I have gone back and forth

with the docs about the AS dx and nuerologist thinks it fits, nuero-

develpomental ped doesn't and neither does the psychologist. I am

very much on the fence. Not that it matters to have a label, I just

want to better understand what who my son is!!! We have been trying

different meds and we have found what works for his hyperactivity

which was one of his major functionality issue. His other is that he

gets stuck on subjects he wants to discuss everything!!!! If I tell

him to go brush his teeth in the morining, he wants to talk about

which toothpaste he is going to use or how he is going to do it

right away and will keep telling me that until I respond, and won't

do it till I respond! He is very rigid and it gets in the way of his

friendships sometimes. Mostly because he wants it to be his way.

This evening he was playing with his little " best

> friend " a neighbor of ours and all of a sudden the neighbor wanted

to leave and go play with other kids. I asked what happened and got

the gist that Ezra (my son) wanted to play his way and the other boy

didn't and ezra became to bossy and the other boy got sick of it.

Well Ezra followed him to the play ground and hounded him about

talking it over. He wanted to tell him that he would play what ever

he wanted him to play because he is his best friend. And the other

boy kept covering his ears and saying I don't want to listen. Ezra

was heart broken and the tears were there. He became panicky and

continued to hound him and try to get him to listen. It was heart

renching for me to watch it hurts right now to even write about

it!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I finally couldn't take watching him do this

anymore and getting his little heart broken so I told him that we

had to go home. He cried and cried and said that he can't let his

friendship ending with the neighbor happen. My husband

> told him that the other little boy will get over it and that he

will forget by the next time we see him. (We go to the same church

and the boys are in the tikes room together and usually get along) I

pray that my husband is right cause I can't handle the idea of this

continuing at the one place besides home, that is suppposed to be

safe! It took a long time to convince him that he needed to let it

go thank god we were going to sonic for dinner tonight cause that

was the only thing that got his mind off of it and even that took a

few reminders that we were going there and we want to be happy!!!

Anyway, I know that this is a lot of rambling but I am trying to

describe what we go through so that maybe someone in this group has

similar experiences and can let me know if this is behavoir is AS or

if it is OCD like the docs have been saying. Because of the fact

that he seems so ridgid. But I am wondering if the getting stuck on

a subject like he did tongiht and not being able to

> let it go is AS. He alos follows you around and tells you

stories/thoughts that are in his head and he will go on for ever. He

also does this at school and argues if he thinks that he is right

and won't let it go, which is very disruptive! He repeats whatever

he says to you until you respond and if that takes minutes because

you are busy he will go that long. He has to run and tell me that he

has to go to the bathroom before he will go. He repeats lines from

movies and shows that he watches all the time, and talks like them!

We had scooby-doo living with us for a few months! LOL!!! He gets

stuck on a certain TV character and will everything from

conversations to drawings will be about the character until he gets

stuck on a new one! He is very sensitive to loud sounds and still

runs away when I vacume! Well I still feel like I have so much to

say, but I really think that is enough for my first post!!! Thanks

to all for listening!!!!!!

> __________________________________________________


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Hi Tina,

You've found a great group. There are lots of folks here with many

differant experiences and opinions. Go to the Links tab and find

LeighAnn's Hepatitis C Home. Scroll down and you'll find a

button " Questions to Ask your Doctor " . Print it and take it with you

next month. If it is possible also take another person into the exam

room/Dr. office. The " Gatekeeper " should take notes to review with

you later to insure you understand all the Dr. said. Ask for a copy

of ALL TEST RESULTS, even ones that are not hep C related.

The biggset thing to remember: Most people die with hep C, not from

it. Hep C is a slow progressing disease, it may take 20 to 30 years

to cause serious prolems. The way you contracted it is not as

important as what you do now that you have been diagnosed with it.

There are many good sites to educate yourself. I use

www.hcvadvocate.org as you can print and copy all of their material as

long as you leave their name on it.

Keep things Sunny Side Up, Glenn


> Hi Everyone... My name is Tina...I just found out that I have Hep

> C...Genotype 2b...viral load of 2,600,000...this is all so scary to

> me...been trying to educate myself as much as possible....but


> scaring myself more...have appt. with liver doc in February...just

> needing some input on what I might expect...I don't feel


> really tired all the time and my tummy stays swollen alot.


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Thanks Glenn for all your help and info. I'm so glad I decided to join this

group, everyone has been so supportive. Have yourself a wonderful day!!! Tina

hdhepper1 <grisley4@...> wrote: Hi Tina,

You've found a great group. There are lots of folks here with many

differant experiences and opinions. Go to the Links tab and find

LeighAnn's Hepatitis C Home. Scroll down and you'll find a

button " Questions to Ask your Doctor " . Print it and take it with you

next month. If it is possible also take another person into the exam

room/Dr. office. The " Gatekeeper " should take notes to review with

you later to insure you understand all the Dr. said. Ask for a copy

of ALL TEST RESULTS, even ones that are not hep C related.

The biggset thing to remember: Most people die with hep C, not from

it. Hep C is a slow progressing disease, it may take 20 to 30 years

to cause serious prolems. The way you contracted it is not as

important as what you do now that you have been diagnosed with it.

There are many good sites to educate yourself. I use

www.hcvadvocate.org as you can print and copy all of their material as

long as you leave their name on it.

Keep things Sunny Side Up, Glenn


> Hi Everyone... My name is Tina...I just found out that I have Hep

> C...Genotype 2b...viral load of 2,600,000...this is all so scary to

> me...been trying to educate myself as much as possible....but


> scaring myself more...have appt. with liver doc in February...just

> needing some input on what I might expect...I don't feel


> really tired all the time and my tummy stays swollen alot.


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welcome dagmar!

not only did i not get better on antibiotics, i got a lot worse. fortunately

this summer i discovered a new herbal protocol that is finally helping. i

strongly encourage you to read the book Healing Lyme: Natural Healing and

Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis and Its Coinfections by Buhner


we started a new support group under called called -Buhner

/ it's a wonderful group of

unusually compassionate people. if this type of herbal protocol is of

interest to you, i hope you will read the book and join our group.

in this challenging time of illness and confusion,

may gratitude and wonder enlighten your path, step by step.

may grace and ease enliven your presence, breath by breath.


-----Original Message-----

From: [mailto: ]On

Behalf Of Dagmar

Hallo, my name is Dagmar, I am a 43, married with children, formerly

working in health care, now unimployed, uninjured and a miserable mess.

After both oral and a month of IV meds last spring and summer, I still

cannot walk right half the time, have tremors, fatigue, kidney pain and

all kinds of malfunctions that are most likely still from Lyme

disease. Anyone else out there who cannot seem to get better?

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Why do you say you got worse on abx? Most patients do for quite a

while. Can you please explain?

At 07:11 PM 1/15/2007, you wrote:

>welcome dagmar!

>not only did i not get better on antibiotics, i got a lot worse. fortunately

>this summer i discovered a new herbal protocol that is finally helping. i

>strongly encourage you to read the book Healing Lyme: Natural Healing and

>Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis and Its Coinfections by Buhner



>we started a new support group under called called -Buhner

>< />L\


>it's a wonderful group of

>unusually compassionate people. if this type of herbal protocol is of

>interest to you, i hope you will read the book and join our group.


>in this challenging time of illness and confusion,

>may gratitude and wonder enlighten your path, step by step.

>may grace and ease enliven your presence, breath by breath.




>-----Original Message-----

>From: <mailto: %40>

>[mailto: ]On

>Behalf Of Dagmar


>Hallo, my name is Dagmar, I am a 43, married with children, formerly

>working in health care, now unimployed, uninjured and a miserable mess.

>After both oral and a month of IV meds last spring and summer, I still

>cannot walk right half the time, have tremors, fatigue, kidney pain and

>all kinds of malfunctions that are most likely still from Lyme

>disease. Anyone else out there who cannot seem to get better?



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