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no those would not be, chelators have to be able to loosen a metal from what it's attached to and attatch itself to it and escort it out of the body. glutahione is what protects the body from metals attatching.


In my experience, a lot of the DAN! treatments lead to leaky gut rather than away from it (heavy metal challenge tests, GFCF diet recommendation without avoidance of packaged foods/soy, multivitamins with sweetners/flavors they recommend - Kirkman labs especially, probiotics and yeast treatment supplements that many kids are intolerant of)...Sorry, but it's the truth. Completely agree with . If you think foods are affecting your child, just take out all gluten, casein, and soy, cook food at home with whole food ingredients if possible, and you can mess with all the other stuff while you chelate. Chelation is the #1 rated ARI treatment and gives results, there is no reason to wait. NOTHING else is going to fix the deranged mineral transport that causes all the other problems.> >> > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > >>

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no those would not be, chelators have to be able to loosen a metal from what it's attached to and attatch itself to it and escort it out of the body. glutahione is what protects the body from metals attatching.


In my experience, a lot of the DAN! treatments lead to leaky gut rather than away from it (heavy metal challenge tests, GFCF diet recommendation without avoidance of packaged foods/soy, multivitamins with sweetners/flavors they recommend - Kirkman labs especially, probiotics and yeast treatment supplements that many kids are intolerant of)...Sorry, but it's the truth. Completely agree with . If you think foods are affecting your child, just take out all gluten, casein, and soy, cook food at home with whole food ingredients if possible, and you can mess with all the other stuff while you chelate. Chelation is the #1 rated ARI treatment and gives results, there is no reason to wait. NOTHING else is going to fix the deranged mineral transport that causes all the other problems.> >> > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > >>

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Thanks ! I don't know much about Vanco, and don't seem to trust it very much but I may have to bite the bullet and try it on my son after I research it a little more. He has speech delays, has repeated 30 words clearly but makes no association to them. He makes high pitch squeek noises and sometime hold his ears. A mother in this forum mentioned that the vanco could help with that...surprisenly enough. His Clostridia was high and I know what ever metals are in his little 2 yr old body is the cause of his Clostridia. I'm on board with the Flagyl and will start his Clostridia treatment on the 2nd of Jan.

Have you ever tried or heard of Difflucan, Nizoral and Valtrex before? I know they are antifungals and anti-virus treatment but I've also heard they work well together.

Thank you for your time in responding to my e-mail.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 12:31:45 PMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Antobiotics are all good for different reasons. Maybe your doctor has a reason for prescribing Vanco. My son had it because he had MRSA, and it is one of the few things that kills MRSA. I believe Vanco is stronger than Flagyl, but probably more damaging. Maybe your DAN wants to make sure the Clostridia is eliminated, and isn't sure if Flagyl can do that. Both my kids have had Vanco around 2 and 3 years old. I believe any antibiotic will kill bacteria, that's what they are for. Talk to your DAN and ask why. They probably have a good reason. I didn't see any bad side effects from Vanco. We have also used Flagyl in the past, so no real difference in side effects for us. P.S. I'm just a mom, I'm no expert...

From: Lili K <lilik1111yahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 7:39:20 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

No I'm not sure but the only thing I know is flagyl is better than vancomycin per my Dan, I really have faith in her.

From: Irma Sahdala <imsahdalayahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 10:25:56 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Thank you Lili K for your response. I agree, I think it's much harder to restore the body's natural good bacteria. Vancomycin sounds like such a strong medicine for my 2 yr old child. I'm hopeing my D.A.N Dr. will agree to do only Flagyl for now. Are you sure Flagyl won't kill the good bacteria?

From: Lili K <lilik1111yahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 9:59:07 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE


I just wanted to tell you My Dan said vancomycin will kill good bacteria as well so Flagyl is a better choice ,

good luck

From: Irma Sahdala <imsahdalayahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 12:57:16 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Thanks , I've been suspecting metals all along but have been advised to treat the Clostridia with Vancomycin antibiotics & Flagyl first and have been double dosing my son with "Ther Biotic" probiotics everyday. I feel in my gut that I might be doing my son a dis-service by giving him such a strong antibiotics.

I had watched a video presentation of Stan Kurtz describing what a vicious cycle metals, viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungas is and the importance of treating all of them at the same time so one doesn't off set the other, it all made so much sense to me. I have been e-mailing my D.A.N Doctors about trying to do Valtrex and Difflucan with Naizoral but they said my 2 year old son is too young for this treatment.

My son weighs 35 lbs. and has shown a low sign of lead at 9 months, has had 2 viral ear infections in the last 2 years of his life. I haven't started the antibiotics yet in fear that once I take him off it, he'll regress and be resistant to any future antibiotics.

Have you tried Vancomycin before? if yes what did you think of it? and did Flagyl & Difflucan have a bad effect on your child?

I read some info on Andy Cutler and his chelation protocals (thank you for sharing this) and it sounds like he recommends DMSA which my son is already on but he highly recommends to administer it slowly every 4 hours and then a couple weeks later incorporate ALA. Is this treament your child is on and do you use orange juice with it?

What are your thoughts on HBOT therapy and Valtrex as a virus medication?

Have you heard of Enhansa & Gludathione cream? My son is suppose to try this after the 2 week antibiotic therapy.

Thanks again ! I didn't think anyone would reply to my e-mail but am so happy to see how eagerly everyone is willing to share their experiences. I plan on sharing my info. as well. Best wishes for a quick recovery for your little one.

From: G <luckylotptd (DOT) net>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. . comSent: Mon, December 14, 2009 9:07:45 PMSubject: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

I don't mean to rock the boat here, but the idea of healing the gut before taking care of metals is a bit of an oxymoron. I say this because it's the metals that CAUSE the gut issues in the first place.. If you wait until the gut is healed to deal with metals, you will be chasing your tail, literally. (wink) Google Andy Cutler and his chelation protocol. Our son is 4 and we have been treating for a year and three months. We have seen AMAZING gains, he is a typical boy with some emotional outbursts on bad days, other than that, no one would notice anything different about him. Granted, he was never diagnosed as fully autistic, but probably Asperger's with a tendancy towards OCD. We started with the GFCF diet which seemed to only get us so far, so we then did an IgG panel to look for other food sensitivities, found 23 and removed them completely, found him to have issues with grains, reduced those too. Then we had a hair test done to

look for heavy metals, confirmed probable mercury toxicity. We started chelation Andy Cutler style and have been through 16 rounds so far. We ran an OAT test and found elevated yeast, but much higher Clostridia. We treated with two courses of double pulsed Flagyl accompanied by Nystatin and Diflucan, since yeast rises as the bacteria dies off, they feed each other so you MUST have a good yeast protocol in place when treating for Clostridia. We had recurrent bouts of the Clostridia and finally added in the Biofilm Protocol which has been our major aid in keeping the bacteria down (we were seeing signs of it rising again just before starting the biofilm), although we have seen yeast flare a bit and are working on that now. We also treat for viruses at the same time. Ultimately, it's the chelation that is going to get things in order, but everything else keeps him maintained symptom free in the meantime. It keeps him comfortable and us happy. I say go for

it all, time is of the essence. You don't have time to chase your tail... Feel free to contact me by e-mail, if you have any other questions about our treatment choices.Good luck,>> My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA,

Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better.. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > I asked his D..A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be

the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year... I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year

old. >

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Thanks ! I don't know much about Vanco, and don't seem to trust it very much but I may have to bite the bullet and try it on my son after I research it a little more. He has speech delays, has repeated 30 words clearly but makes no association to them. He makes high pitch squeek noises and sometime hold his ears. A mother in this forum mentioned that the vanco could help with that...surprisenly enough. His Clostridia was high and I know what ever metals are in his little 2 yr old body is the cause of his Clostridia. I'm on board with the Flagyl and will start his Clostridia treatment on the 2nd of Jan.

Have you ever tried or heard of Difflucan, Nizoral and Valtrex before? I know they are antifungals and anti-virus treatment but I've also heard they work well together.

Thank you for your time in responding to my e-mail.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 12:31:45 PMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Antobiotics are all good for different reasons. Maybe your doctor has a reason for prescribing Vanco. My son had it because he had MRSA, and it is one of the few things that kills MRSA. I believe Vanco is stronger than Flagyl, but probably more damaging. Maybe your DAN wants to make sure the Clostridia is eliminated, and isn't sure if Flagyl can do that. Both my kids have had Vanco around 2 and 3 years old. I believe any antibiotic will kill bacteria, that's what they are for. Talk to your DAN and ask why. They probably have a good reason. I didn't see any bad side effects from Vanco. We have also used Flagyl in the past, so no real difference in side effects for us. P.S. I'm just a mom, I'm no expert...

From: Lili K <lilik1111yahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 7:39:20 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

No I'm not sure but the only thing I know is flagyl is better than vancomycin per my Dan, I really have faith in her.

From: Irma Sahdala <imsahdalayahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 10:25:56 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Thank you Lili K for your response. I agree, I think it's much harder to restore the body's natural good bacteria. Vancomycin sounds like such a strong medicine for my 2 yr old child. I'm hopeing my D.A.N Dr. will agree to do only Flagyl for now. Are you sure Flagyl won't kill the good bacteria?

From: Lili K <lilik1111yahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 9:59:07 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE


I just wanted to tell you My Dan said vancomycin will kill good bacteria as well so Flagyl is a better choice ,

good luck

From: Irma Sahdala <imsahdalayahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 12:57:16 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Thanks , I've been suspecting metals all along but have been advised to treat the Clostridia with Vancomycin antibiotics & Flagyl first and have been double dosing my son with "Ther Biotic" probiotics everyday. I feel in my gut that I might be doing my son a dis-service by giving him such a strong antibiotics.

I had watched a video presentation of Stan Kurtz describing what a vicious cycle metals, viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungas is and the importance of treating all of them at the same time so one doesn't off set the other, it all made so much sense to me. I have been e-mailing my D.A.N Doctors about trying to do Valtrex and Difflucan with Naizoral but they said my 2 year old son is too young for this treatment.

My son weighs 35 lbs. and has shown a low sign of lead at 9 months, has had 2 viral ear infections in the last 2 years of his life. I haven't started the antibiotics yet in fear that once I take him off it, he'll regress and be resistant to any future antibiotics.

Have you tried Vancomycin before? if yes what did you think of it? and did Flagyl & Difflucan have a bad effect on your child?

I read some info on Andy Cutler and his chelation protocals (thank you for sharing this) and it sounds like he recommends DMSA which my son is already on but he highly recommends to administer it slowly every 4 hours and then a couple weeks later incorporate ALA. Is this treament your child is on and do you use orange juice with it?

What are your thoughts on HBOT therapy and Valtrex as a virus medication?

Have you heard of Enhansa & Gludathione cream? My son is suppose to try this after the 2 week antibiotic therapy.

Thanks again ! I didn't think anyone would reply to my e-mail but am so happy to see how eagerly everyone is willing to share their experiences. I plan on sharing my info. as well. Best wishes for a quick recovery for your little one.

From: G <luckylotptd (DOT) net>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. . comSent: Mon, December 14, 2009 9:07:45 PMSubject: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

I don't mean to rock the boat here, but the idea of healing the gut before taking care of metals is a bit of an oxymoron. I say this because it's the metals that CAUSE the gut issues in the first place.. If you wait until the gut is healed to deal with metals, you will be chasing your tail, literally. (wink) Google Andy Cutler and his chelation protocol. Our son is 4 and we have been treating for a year and three months. We have seen AMAZING gains, he is a typical boy with some emotional outbursts on bad days, other than that, no one would notice anything different about him. Granted, he was never diagnosed as fully autistic, but probably Asperger's with a tendancy towards OCD. We started with the GFCF diet which seemed to only get us so far, so we then did an IgG panel to look for other food sensitivities, found 23 and removed them completely, found him to have issues with grains, reduced those too. Then we had a hair test done to

look for heavy metals, confirmed probable mercury toxicity. We started chelation Andy Cutler style and have been through 16 rounds so far. We ran an OAT test and found elevated yeast, but much higher Clostridia. We treated with two courses of double pulsed Flagyl accompanied by Nystatin and Diflucan, since yeast rises as the bacteria dies off, they feed each other so you MUST have a good yeast protocol in place when treating for Clostridia. We had recurrent bouts of the Clostridia and finally added in the Biofilm Protocol which has been our major aid in keeping the bacteria down (we were seeing signs of it rising again just before starting the biofilm), although we have seen yeast flare a bit and are working on that now. We also treat for viruses at the same time. Ultimately, it's the chelation that is going to get things in order, but everything else keeps him maintained symptom free in the meantime. It keeps him comfortable and us happy. I say go for

it all, time is of the essence. You don't have time to chase your tail... Feel free to contact me by e-mail, if you have any other questions about our treatment choices.Good luck,>> My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA,

Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better.. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > I asked his D..A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be

the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year... I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year

old. >

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I see, so I wonder why would my D.A.N Dr. prescribe Vancomycin with Flagyl and then followed by Enhansa & Gluthatdione protocal? I mean if he already has metals in his body the protection against the metals is useless....unless it's protecting from more metals to enter the body after the treatment? Very strange if you put thought into it. I just don't want to over medicate that's all.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 1:14:12 PMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

 no those would not be, chelators have to be able to loosen a metal from what it's attached to and attatch itself to it and escort it out of the body. glutahione is what protects the body from metals attatching.


In my experience, a lot of the DAN! treatments lead to leaky gut rather than away from it (heavy metal challenge tests, GFCF diet recommendation without avoidance of packaged foods/soy, multivitamins with sweetners/flavors they recommend - Kirkman labs especially, probiotics and yeast treatment supplements that many kids are intolerant of)...Sorry, but it's the truth. Completely agree with . If you think foods are affecting your child, just take out all gluten, casein, and soy, cook food at home with whole food ingredients if possible, and you can mess with all the other stuff while you chelate. Chelation is the #1 rated ARI treatment and gives results, there is no reason to wait. NOTHING else is going to fix the deranged mineral transport that causes all the other problems.> >> > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the

antibiotics. > > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were

stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year

old. > >>

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I see, so I wonder why would my D.A.N Dr. prescribe Vancomycin with Flagyl and then followed by Enhansa & Gluthatdione protocal? I mean if he already has metals in his body the protection against the metals is useless....unless it's protecting from more metals to enter the body after the treatment? Very strange if you put thought into it. I just don't want to over medicate that's all.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 1:14:12 PMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

 no those would not be, chelators have to be able to loosen a metal from what it's attached to and attatch itself to it and escort it out of the body. glutahione is what protects the body from metals attatching.


In my experience, a lot of the DAN! treatments lead to leaky gut rather than away from it (heavy metal challenge tests, GFCF diet recommendation without avoidance of packaged foods/soy, multivitamins with sweetners/flavors they recommend - Kirkman labs especially, probiotics and yeast treatment supplements that many kids are intolerant of)...Sorry, but it's the truth. Completely agree with . If you think foods are affecting your child, just take out all gluten, casein, and soy, cook food at home with whole food ingredients if possible, and you can mess with all the other stuff while you chelate. Chelation is the #1 rated ARI treatment and gives results, there is no reason to wait. NOTHING else is going to fix the deranged mineral transport that causes all the other problems.> >> > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the

antibiotics. > > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were

stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year

old. > >>

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I see, so I wonder why would my D.A.N Dr. prescribe Vancomycin with Flagyl and then followed by Enhansa & Gluthatdione protocal? I mean if he already has metals in his body the protection against the metals is useless....unless it's protecting from more metals to enter the body after the treatment? Very strange if you put thought into it. I just don't want to over medicate that's all.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 1:14:12 PMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

 no those would not be, chelators have to be able to loosen a metal from what it's attached to and attatch itself to it and escort it out of the body. glutahione is what protects the body from metals attatching.


In my experience, a lot of the DAN! treatments lead to leaky gut rather than away from it (heavy metal challenge tests, GFCF diet recommendation without avoidance of packaged foods/soy, multivitamins with sweetners/flavors they recommend - Kirkman labs especially, probiotics and yeast treatment supplements that many kids are intolerant of)...Sorry, but it's the truth. Completely agree with . If you think foods are affecting your child, just take out all gluten, casein, and soy, cook food at home with whole food ingredients if possible, and you can mess with all the other stuff while you chelate. Chelation is the #1 rated ARI treatment and gives results, there is no reason to wait. NOTHING else is going to fix the deranged mineral transport that causes all the other problems.> >> > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the

antibiotics. > > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were

stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year

old. > >>

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acutally its usually left to last to prep the body for what it does to the body, fixing the gut, food issues, to allow healing in the gut, bacteria, yeast ect to give the gut the best chance to reminerlize


Unfortunately, because the public is made to be scared of chelation, the MOST effective treatment, it is a LAST RESORT for parents and many of them wish they would have started sooner because IT WORKS. > > >> > > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > > > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community.....please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > > >> >>

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acutally its usually left to last to prep the body for what it does to the body, fixing the gut, food issues, to allow healing in the gut, bacteria, yeast ect to give the gut the best chance to reminerlize


Unfortunately, because the public is made to be scared of chelation, the MOST effective treatment, it is a LAST RESORT for parents and many of them wish they would have started sooner because IT WORKS. > > >> > > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > > > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community.....please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > > >> >>

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acutally its usually left to last to prep the body for what it does to the body, fixing the gut, food issues, to allow healing in the gut, bacteria, yeast ect to give the gut the best chance to reminerlize


Unfortunately, because the public is made to be scared of chelation, the MOST effective treatment, it is a LAST RESORT for parents and many of them wish they would have started sooner because IT WORKS. > > >> > > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > > > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community.....please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > > >> >>

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I see. Now would you say the kind of metal ex: Lead, Mercury, Cadium makes a difference on the type of chelation you do? I'm starting to suspect that it must take 3 years to remove all the metals from a young 2 year old body? do you agree?

Again, thank you for your information.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 1:44:30 PMSubject: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Unfortunately, because the public is made to be scared of chelation, the MOST effective treatment, it is a LAST RESORT for parents and many of them wish they would have started sooner because IT WORKS. > > >> > > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > >

> > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his

two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > > >> >>

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I see. Now would you say the kind of metal ex: Lead, Mercury, Cadium makes a difference on the type of chelation you do? I'm starting to suspect that it must take 3 years to remove all the metals from a young 2 year old body? do you agree?

Again, thank you for your information.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 1:44:30 PMSubject: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Unfortunately, because the public is made to be scared of chelation, the MOST effective treatment, it is a LAST RESORT for parents and many of them wish they would have started sooner because IT WORKS. > > >> > > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > >

> > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his

two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > > >> >>

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I see. Now would you say the kind of metal ex: Lead, Mercury, Cadium makes a difference on the type of chelation you do? I'm starting to suspect that it must take 3 years to remove all the metals from a young 2 year old body? do you agree?

Again, thank you for your information.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 1:44:30 PMSubject: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Unfortunately, because the public is made to be scared of chelation, the MOST effective treatment, it is a LAST RESORT for parents and many of them wish they would have started sooner because IT WORKS. > > >> > > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > >

> > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his

two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > > >> >>

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I went through the same issue when we were fighting Clostridia with my DS. Doc mention sometime clostridia can be resistant to Flagyl and that's why she chose Vanco.ValenciaSent from my iPhone

Thanks ! I don't know much about Vanco, and don't seem to trust it very much but I may have to bite the bullet and try it on my son after I research it a little more. He has speech delays, has repeated 30 words clearly but makes no association to them. He makes high pitch squeek noises and sometime hold his ears. A mother in this forum mentioned that the vanco could help with that...surprisenly enough. His Clostridia was high and I know what ever metals are in his little 2 yr old body is the cause of his Clostridia. I'm on board with the Flagyl and will start his Clostridia treatment on the 2nd of Jan.

Have you ever tried or heard of Difflucan, Nizoral and Valtrex before? I know they are antifungals and anti-virus treatment but I've also heard they work well together.

Thank you for your time in responding to my e-mail.

From: Greenberg <vegascurls>To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 12:31:45 PMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Antobiotics are all good for different reasons. Maybe your doctor has a reason for prescribing Vanco. My son had it because he had MRSA, and it is one of the few things that kills MRSA. I believe Vanco is stronger than Flagyl, but probably more damaging. Maybe your DAN wants to make sure the Clostridia is eliminated, and isn't sure if Flagyl can do that. Both my kids have had Vanco around 2 and 3 years old. I believe any antibiotic will kill bacteria, that's what they are for. Talk to your DAN and ask why. They probably have a good reason. I didn't see any bad side effects from Vanco. We have also used Flagyl in the past, so no real difference in side effects for us. P.S. I'm just a mom, I'm no expert...

From: Lili K <lilik1111yahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 7:39:20 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

No I'm not sure but the only thing I know is flagyl is better than vancomycin per my Dan, I really have faith in her.

From: Irma Sahdala <imsahdalayahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 10:25:56 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Thank you Lili K for your response. I agree, I think it's much harder to restore the body's natural good bacteria. Vancomycin sounds like such a strong medicine for my 2 yr old child. I'm hopeing my D.A.N Dr. will agree to do only Flagyl for now. Are you sure Flagyl won't kill the good bacteria?

From: Lili K <lilik1111yahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 9:59:07 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE


I just wanted to tell you My Dan said vancomycin will kill good bacteria as well so Flagyl is a better choice ,

good luck

From: Irma Sahdala <imsahdalayahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 12:57:16 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Thanks , I've been suspecting metals all along but have been advised to treat the Clostridia with Vancomycin antibiotics & Flagyl first and have been double dosing my son with "Ther Biotic" probiotics everyday. I feel in my gut that I might be doing my son a dis-service by giving him such a strong antibiotics.

I had watched a video presentation of Stan Kurtz describing what a vicious cycle metals, viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungas is and the importance of treating all of them at the same time so one doesn't off set the other, it all made so much sense to me. I have been e-mailing my D.A.N Doctors about trying to do Valtrex and Difflucan with Naizoral but they said my 2 year old son is too young for this treatment.

My son weighs 35 lbs. and has shown a low sign of lead at 9 months, has had 2 viral ear infections in the last 2 years of his life. I haven't started the antibiotics yet in fear that once I take him off it, he'll regress and be resistant to any future antibiotics.

Have you tried Vancomycin before? if yes what did you think of it? and did Flagyl & Difflucan have a bad effect on your child?

I read some info on Andy Cutler and his chelation protocals (thank you for sharing this) and it sounds like he recommends DMSA which my son is already on but he highly recommends to administer it slowly every 4 hours and then a couple weeks later incorporate ALA. Is this treament your child is on and do you use orange juice with it?

What are your thoughts on HBOT therapy and Valtrex as a virus medication?

Have you heard of Enhansa & Gludathione cream? My son is suppose to try this after the 2 week antibiotic therapy.

Thanks again ! I didn't think anyone would reply to my e-mail but am so happy to see how eagerly everyone is willing to share their experiences. I plan on sharing my info. as well. Best wishes for a quick recovery for your little one.

From: G <luckylotptd (DOT) net>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. . comSent: Mon, December 14, 2009 9:07:45 PMSubject: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

I don't mean to rock the boat here, but the idea of healing the gut before taking care of metals is a bit of an oxymoron. I say this because it's the metals that CAUSE the gut issues in the first place.. If you wait until the gut is healed to deal with metals, you will be chasing your tail, literally. (wink) Google Andy Cutler and his chelation protocol. Our son is 4 and we have been treating for a year and three months. We have seen AMAZING gains, he is a typical boy with some emotional outbursts on bad days, other than that, no one would notice anything different about him. Granted, he was never diagnosed as fully autistic, but probably Asperger's with a tendancy towards OCD. We started with the GFCF diet which seemed to only get us so far, so we then did an IgG panel to look for other food sensitivities, found 23 and removed them completely, found him to have issues with grains, reduced those too. Then we had a hair test done to

look for heavy metals, confirmed probable mercury toxicity. We started chelation Andy Cutler style and have been through 16 rounds so far. We ran an OAT test and found elevated yeast, but much higher Clostridia. We treated with two courses of double pulsed Flagyl accompanied by Nystatin and Diflucan, since yeast rises as the bacteria dies off, they feed each other so you MUST have a good yeast protocol in place when treating for Clostridia. We had recurrent bouts of the Clostridia and finally added in the Biofilm Protocol which has been our major aid in keeping the bacteria down (we were seeing signs of it rising again just before starting the biofilm), although we have seen yeast flare a bit and are working on that now. We also treat for viruses at the same time. Ultimately, it's the chelation that is going to get things in order, but everything else keeps him maintained symptom free in the meantime. It keeps him comfortable and us happy. I say go for

it all, time is of the essence. You don't have time to chase your tail... Feel free to contact me by e-mail, if you have any other questions about our treatment choices.Good luck,>> My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA,

Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better.. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > I asked his D..A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be

the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year... I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year

old. >

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I went through the same issue when we were fighting Clostridia with my DS. Doc mention sometime clostridia can be resistant to Flagyl and that's why she chose Vanco.ValenciaSent from my iPhone

Thanks ! I don't know much about Vanco, and don't seem to trust it very much but I may have to bite the bullet and try it on my son after I research it a little more. He has speech delays, has repeated 30 words clearly but makes no association to them. He makes high pitch squeek noises and sometime hold his ears. A mother in this forum mentioned that the vanco could help with that...surprisenly enough. His Clostridia was high and I know what ever metals are in his little 2 yr old body is the cause of his Clostridia. I'm on board with the Flagyl and will start his Clostridia treatment on the 2nd of Jan.

Have you ever tried or heard of Difflucan, Nizoral and Valtrex before? I know they are antifungals and anti-virus treatment but I've also heard they work well together.

Thank you for your time in responding to my e-mail.

From: Greenberg <vegascurls>To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 12:31:45 PMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Antobiotics are all good for different reasons. Maybe your doctor has a reason for prescribing Vanco. My son had it because he had MRSA, and it is one of the few things that kills MRSA. I believe Vanco is stronger than Flagyl, but probably more damaging. Maybe your DAN wants to make sure the Clostridia is eliminated, and isn't sure if Flagyl can do that. Both my kids have had Vanco around 2 and 3 years old. I believe any antibiotic will kill bacteria, that's what they are for. Talk to your DAN and ask why. They probably have a good reason. I didn't see any bad side effects from Vanco. We have also used Flagyl in the past, so no real difference in side effects for us. P.S. I'm just a mom, I'm no expert...

From: Lili K <lilik1111yahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 7:39:20 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

No I'm not sure but the only thing I know is flagyl is better than vancomycin per my Dan, I really have faith in her.

From: Irma Sahdala <imsahdalayahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 10:25:56 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Thank you Lili K for your response. I agree, I think it's much harder to restore the body's natural good bacteria. Vancomycin sounds like such a strong medicine for my 2 yr old child. I'm hopeing my D.A.N Dr. will agree to do only Flagyl for now. Are you sure Flagyl won't kill the good bacteria?

From: Lili K <lilik1111yahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 9:59:07 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE


I just wanted to tell you My Dan said vancomycin will kill good bacteria as well so Flagyl is a better choice ,

good luck

From: Irma Sahdala <imsahdalayahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 12:57:16 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Thanks , I've been suspecting metals all along but have been advised to treat the Clostridia with Vancomycin antibiotics & Flagyl first and have been double dosing my son with "Ther Biotic" probiotics everyday. I feel in my gut that I might be doing my son a dis-service by giving him such a strong antibiotics.

I had watched a video presentation of Stan Kurtz describing what a vicious cycle metals, viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungas is and the importance of treating all of them at the same time so one doesn't off set the other, it all made so much sense to me. I have been e-mailing my D.A.N Doctors about trying to do Valtrex and Difflucan with Naizoral but they said my 2 year old son is too young for this treatment.

My son weighs 35 lbs. and has shown a low sign of lead at 9 months, has had 2 viral ear infections in the last 2 years of his life. I haven't started the antibiotics yet in fear that once I take him off it, he'll regress and be resistant to any future antibiotics.

Have you tried Vancomycin before? if yes what did you think of it? and did Flagyl & Difflucan have a bad effect on your child?

I read some info on Andy Cutler and his chelation protocals (thank you for sharing this) and it sounds like he recommends DMSA which my son is already on but he highly recommends to administer it slowly every 4 hours and then a couple weeks later incorporate ALA. Is this treament your child is on and do you use orange juice with it?

What are your thoughts on HBOT therapy and Valtrex as a virus medication?

Have you heard of Enhansa & Gludathione cream? My son is suppose to try this after the 2 week antibiotic therapy.

Thanks again ! I didn't think anyone would reply to my e-mail but am so happy to see how eagerly everyone is willing to share their experiences. I plan on sharing my info. as well. Best wishes for a quick recovery for your little one.

From: G <luckylotptd (DOT) net>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. . comSent: Mon, December 14, 2009 9:07:45 PMSubject: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

I don't mean to rock the boat here, but the idea of healing the gut before taking care of metals is a bit of an oxymoron. I say this because it's the metals that CAUSE the gut issues in the first place.. If you wait until the gut is healed to deal with metals, you will be chasing your tail, literally. (wink) Google Andy Cutler and his chelation protocol. Our son is 4 and we have been treating for a year and three months. We have seen AMAZING gains, he is a typical boy with some emotional outbursts on bad days, other than that, no one would notice anything different about him. Granted, he was never diagnosed as fully autistic, but probably Asperger's with a tendancy towards OCD. We started with the GFCF diet which seemed to only get us so far, so we then did an IgG panel to look for other food sensitivities, found 23 and removed them completely, found him to have issues with grains, reduced those too. Then we had a hair test done to

look for heavy metals, confirmed probable mercury toxicity. We started chelation Andy Cutler style and have been through 16 rounds so far. We ran an OAT test and found elevated yeast, but much higher Clostridia. We treated with two courses of double pulsed Flagyl accompanied by Nystatin and Diflucan, since yeast rises as the bacteria dies off, they feed each other so you MUST have a good yeast protocol in place when treating for Clostridia. We had recurrent bouts of the Clostridia and finally added in the Biofilm Protocol which has been our major aid in keeping the bacteria down (we were seeing signs of it rising again just before starting the biofilm), although we have seen yeast flare a bit and are working on that now. We also treat for viruses at the same time. Ultimately, it's the chelation that is going to get things in order, but everything else keeps him maintained symptom free in the meantime. It keeps him comfortable and us happy. I say go for

it all, time is of the essence. You don't have time to chase your tail... Feel free to contact me by e-mail, if you have any other questions about our treatment choices.Good luck,>> My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA,

Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better.. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > I asked his D..A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be

the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year... I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year

old. >

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I went through the same issue when we were fighting Clostridia with my DS. Doc mention sometime clostridia can be resistant to Flagyl and that's why she chose Vanco.ValenciaSent from my iPhone

Thanks ! I don't know much about Vanco, and don't seem to trust it very much but I may have to bite the bullet and try it on my son after I research it a little more. He has speech delays, has repeated 30 words clearly but makes no association to them. He makes high pitch squeek noises and sometime hold his ears. A mother in this forum mentioned that the vanco could help with that...surprisenly enough. His Clostridia was high and I know what ever metals are in his little 2 yr old body is the cause of his Clostridia. I'm on board with the Flagyl and will start his Clostridia treatment on the 2nd of Jan.

Have you ever tried or heard of Difflucan, Nizoral and Valtrex before? I know they are antifungals and anti-virus treatment but I've also heard they work well together.

Thank you for your time in responding to my e-mail.

From: Greenberg <vegascurls>To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 12:31:45 PMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Antobiotics are all good for different reasons. Maybe your doctor has a reason for prescribing Vanco. My son had it because he had MRSA, and it is one of the few things that kills MRSA. I believe Vanco is stronger than Flagyl, but probably more damaging. Maybe your DAN wants to make sure the Clostridia is eliminated, and isn't sure if Flagyl can do that. Both my kids have had Vanco around 2 and 3 years old. I believe any antibiotic will kill bacteria, that's what they are for. Talk to your DAN and ask why. They probably have a good reason. I didn't see any bad side effects from Vanco. We have also used Flagyl in the past, so no real difference in side effects for us. P.S. I'm just a mom, I'm no expert...

From: Lili K <lilik1111yahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 7:39:20 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

No I'm not sure but the only thing I know is flagyl is better than vancomycin per my Dan, I really have faith in her.

From: Irma Sahdala <imsahdalayahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 10:25:56 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Thank you Lili K for your response. I agree, I think it's much harder to restore the body's natural good bacteria. Vancomycin sounds like such a strong medicine for my 2 yr old child. I'm hopeing my D.A.N Dr. will agree to do only Flagyl for now. Are you sure Flagyl won't kill the good bacteria?

From: Lili K <lilik1111yahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 9:59:07 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE


I just wanted to tell you My Dan said vancomycin will kill good bacteria as well so Flagyl is a better choice ,

good luck

From: Irma Sahdala <imsahdalayahoo (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tue, December 15, 2009 12:57:16 AMSubject: Re: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

Thanks , I've been suspecting metals all along but have been advised to treat the Clostridia with Vancomycin antibiotics & Flagyl first and have been double dosing my son with "Ther Biotic" probiotics everyday. I feel in my gut that I might be doing my son a dis-service by giving him such a strong antibiotics.

I had watched a video presentation of Stan Kurtz describing what a vicious cycle metals, viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungas is and the importance of treating all of them at the same time so one doesn't off set the other, it all made so much sense to me. I have been e-mailing my D.A.N Doctors about trying to do Valtrex and Difflucan with Naizoral but they said my 2 year old son is too young for this treatment.

My son weighs 35 lbs. and has shown a low sign of lead at 9 months, has had 2 viral ear infections in the last 2 years of his life. I haven't started the antibiotics yet in fear that once I take him off it, he'll regress and be resistant to any future antibiotics.

Have you tried Vancomycin before? if yes what did you think of it? and did Flagyl & Difflucan have a bad effect on your child?

I read some info on Andy Cutler and his chelation protocals (thank you for sharing this) and it sounds like he recommends DMSA which my son is already on but he highly recommends to administer it slowly every 4 hours and then a couple weeks later incorporate ALA. Is this treament your child is on and do you use orange juice with it?

What are your thoughts on HBOT therapy and Valtrex as a virus medication?

Have you heard of Enhansa & Gludathione cream? My son is suppose to try this after the 2 week antibiotic therapy.

Thanks again ! I didn't think anyone would reply to my e-mail but am so happy to see how eagerly everyone is willing to share their experiences. I plan on sharing my info. as well. Best wishes for a quick recovery for your little one.

From: G <luckylotptd (DOT) net>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. . comSent: Mon, December 14, 2009 9:07:45 PMSubject: Re: HIGH CLOSTRIDIA ISSUE

I don't mean to rock the boat here, but the idea of healing the gut before taking care of metals is a bit of an oxymoron. I say this because it's the metals that CAUSE the gut issues in the first place.. If you wait until the gut is healed to deal with metals, you will be chasing your tail, literally. (wink) Google Andy Cutler and his chelation protocol. Our son is 4 and we have been treating for a year and three months. We have seen AMAZING gains, he is a typical boy with some emotional outbursts on bad days, other than that, no one would notice anything different about him. Granted, he was never diagnosed as fully autistic, but probably Asperger's with a tendancy towards OCD. We started with the GFCF diet which seemed to only get us so far, so we then did an IgG panel to look for other food sensitivities, found 23 and removed them completely, found him to have issues with grains, reduced those too. Then we had a hair test done to

look for heavy metals, confirmed probable mercury toxicity. We started chelation Andy Cutler style and have been through 16 rounds so far. We ran an OAT test and found elevated yeast, but much higher Clostridia. We treated with two courses of double pulsed Flagyl accompanied by Nystatin and Diflucan, since yeast rises as the bacteria dies off, they feed each other so you MUST have a good yeast protocol in place when treating for Clostridia. We had recurrent bouts of the Clostridia and finally added in the Biofilm Protocol which has been our major aid in keeping the bacteria down (we were seeing signs of it rising again just before starting the biofilm), although we have seen yeast flare a bit and are working on that now. We also treat for viruses at the same time. Ultimately, it's the chelation that is going to get things in order, but everything else keeps him maintained symptom free in the meantime. It keeps him comfortable and us happy. I say go for

it all, time is of the essence. You don't have time to chase your tail... Feel free to contact me by e-mail, if you have any other questions about our treatment choices.Good luck,>> My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA,

Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better.. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > I asked his D..A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be

the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year... I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year

old. >

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----- Original Message -----

From: TerriM

,I agree that measuring heavy metals in the body is not at all easy. Do you know of a test that specifically measures brain/cns mercury and metals? I do not believe one exists. ====>No, there are none.

As I understand it, the Urinary Porphyrins Test measures markers in the kidneys that indicate the degree of heavy metal disruption of body chemistry, which includes brain chemistry. So when these markers come down to normal levels, it means there aren't heavy metals disrupting the body any more. In this way, it does give some indicator of what is in the brain and cns as well as the tissues. ===>No, this is inaccurate, mentioned in the literature from the people who do the French porphyrin test. No, it does not give any indication of what is in the brain or cns. The only way to tell if the child is clear of metals would be the absence of any behavioral, health or cognitive issues, can eat anything, doesn't need supplements, no reaction to the chelators, etc, etc. You cannot use any porphyrin test to tell when the brain/cns is clear.

To me this indicator is better than just measuring what is being excreted, which in my experience is so limited, costly and unreliable (i.e. results all over the board, depending on how much the body is dumping when you happen to run your test, so you have to run a ton of them to get any kind of average).I would really like to know where you read that porphyrins don't apply to metals in the brain. Please send me that reference at terrimykland.Thanks!Terri> > >> > > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > > > ** The bigger worry is that he might have big die off taking these drugs, which might be hard, and that his gut would be empty and vulnerable after the treatment, allowing new bad guys to move in. If you do decide to do the drugs, have a back up plan in place the minute you stop -- some natural antifungals such as olive leaf, biocidin, etc. rotated every few days would be a great way to do this, and very safe for long term, no risk of hurting him. If it was me, with such a little guy, I might just do the rotating antifungal herbs now, and see if you can clear up the gut that way. It takes longer, but it's gentler and it works. I know it's possible, because I've done it.> > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > ** I remember when this was a huge fear for me, too. Very scary.> > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it?> > **Glutathione is one of the substances our bodies normally use to detoxify themselves, and something that is very low in autistic kids. It's a good thing, but should be started slow. It is not effective as a pill, orally, but works well in liposomal form (oral liquid) or as an IV.> > **Enhansa is basically circumin. It seems to help some kids, but it inhibits phenol sulfur transferase, which is an important detoxification enzyme. Personally, I would not use it until after the child is mostly done detoxifying heavy metals, to avoid slowing the process.> > I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community.....please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > > >> >> Feel free to ask me more questions at terri@...> > Terri>

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----- Original Message -----

From: TerriM

,I agree that measuring heavy metals in the body is not at all easy. Do you know of a test that specifically measures brain/cns mercury and metals? I do not believe one exists. ====>No, there are none.

As I understand it, the Urinary Porphyrins Test measures markers in the kidneys that indicate the degree of heavy metal disruption of body chemistry, which includes brain chemistry. So when these markers come down to normal levels, it means there aren't heavy metals disrupting the body any more. In this way, it does give some indicator of what is in the brain and cns as well as the tissues. ===>No, this is inaccurate, mentioned in the literature from the people who do the French porphyrin test. No, it does not give any indication of what is in the brain or cns. The only way to tell if the child is clear of metals would be the absence of any behavioral, health or cognitive issues, can eat anything, doesn't need supplements, no reaction to the chelators, etc, etc. You cannot use any porphyrin test to tell when the brain/cns is clear.

To me this indicator is better than just measuring what is being excreted, which in my experience is so limited, costly and unreliable (i.e. results all over the board, depending on how much the body is dumping when you happen to run your test, so you have to run a ton of them to get any kind of average).I would really like to know where you read that porphyrins don't apply to metals in the brain. Please send me that reference at terrimykland.Thanks!Terri> > >> > > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > > > ** The bigger worry is that he might have big die off taking these drugs, which might be hard, and that his gut would be empty and vulnerable after the treatment, allowing new bad guys to move in. If you do decide to do the drugs, have a back up plan in place the minute you stop -- some natural antifungals such as olive leaf, biocidin, etc. rotated every few days would be a great way to do this, and very safe for long term, no risk of hurting him. If it was me, with such a little guy, I might just do the rotating antifungal herbs now, and see if you can clear up the gut that way. It takes longer, but it's gentler and it works. I know it's possible, because I've done it.> > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > ** I remember when this was a huge fear for me, too. Very scary.> > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it?> > **Glutathione is one of the substances our bodies normally use to detoxify themselves, and something that is very low in autistic kids. It's a good thing, but should be started slow. It is not effective as a pill, orally, but works well in liposomal form (oral liquid) or as an IV.> > **Enhansa is basically circumin. It seems to help some kids, but it inhibits phenol sulfur transferase, which is an important detoxification enzyme. Personally, I would not use it until after the child is mostly done detoxifying heavy metals, to avoid slowing the process.> > I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community.....please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > > >> >> Feel free to ask me more questions at terri@...> > Terri>

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----- Original Message -----

From: TerriM

===>It might be interesting to note that even the little ones who recover have the same self esteem issues. Ours was little, only 3 when we started chelated, first, not last and walked into K recovered, no deficits, no holes in either social or academic issues, a very mild ADD that the teacher said was not a problem. But she was shaky self esteem wise, unsure of herself in front of other kids and it took another two years for that to go away. Only this year in third grade, all this time with exceptional academic skills and social skills do I see the confidence and ability to ask people for what she wants.

>> I see. Now would you say the kind of metal ex: Lead, Mercury, Cadium makes a difference on the type of chelation you do? > > I'm starting to suspect that it must take 3 years to remove all the metals from a young 2 year old body? do you agree?> > Again, thank you for your information.It does make some difference what metals you have what chelation you do. The prep you do is the same. In other words, you get the foundation supplements in place, good liver support, and the gut under control first. This is crucial, and has a lot to do with how well it goes once you start chelating.It's often a little hard to tell what your biggest metal problem is, and usually if you have one heavy metal problem, you have several, unless it's due to some kind of big exposure or something. Most of the kids have at least either mercury or lead, and a few others. Some, like my guy, had both mercury and lead. You often have to do it in layers, and keep digging through the different metals. Usually you end up shifting gears and trying a different chelation agent at least once or twice, when you hit a plateau. Your doc will recommend to you based on testing which chelator or natural things they think you should try first, based on what they see. There aren't really that many different agents: DMPS, DMSA and EDTA are the major ones, and oral, suppository and IV are the main methods. IV is more rapid and doesn't seem to kick up yeast as much as oral. Different people disagree about whether IV chelation is too harsh because it's so quick and puts stress on the body. Suppository is not bad if you have a cooperative child, but is slower than IV. I did some of all of them, but only a little IV (5 of them). I did not do IV until almost everything was out and my son was old enough that I did not worry that it would be too hard on his body. This worked out well for us. Doing it over, I might go a little faster, because there's a lot more knowledge now, so it's less scary than when we started. Getting metals out early, before they can do more damage is a good thing. There's a whole relearning phase after the metals are out, and I think it takes longer, the older the child is when you get done with chelation. For my son, it's taken years, as well, and been hard on his self esteem, as, now that he is noticing other people, he sees the gaps between his abilities and others very acutely and is hard on himself. He's really finding his own solutions to rebuilding his body and brain - biofeedback, the wii, saunas, extensive physical workouts and many miles of walking, have all been part of his self-recovery program at the age of 16.Yes, it all takes years, but it's worth it. Terri

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----- Original Message -----

From: TerriM

===>It might be interesting to note that even the little ones who recover have the same self esteem issues. Ours was little, only 3 when we started chelated, first, not last and walked into K recovered, no deficits, no holes in either social or academic issues, a very mild ADD that the teacher said was not a problem. But she was shaky self esteem wise, unsure of herself in front of other kids and it took another two years for that to go away. Only this year in third grade, all this time with exceptional academic skills and social skills do I see the confidence and ability to ask people for what she wants.

>> I see. Now would you say the kind of metal ex: Lead, Mercury, Cadium makes a difference on the type of chelation you do? > > I'm starting to suspect that it must take 3 years to remove all the metals from a young 2 year old body? do you agree?> > Again, thank you for your information.It does make some difference what metals you have what chelation you do. The prep you do is the same. In other words, you get the foundation supplements in place, good liver support, and the gut under control first. This is crucial, and has a lot to do with how well it goes once you start chelating.It's often a little hard to tell what your biggest metal problem is, and usually if you have one heavy metal problem, you have several, unless it's due to some kind of big exposure or something. Most of the kids have at least either mercury or lead, and a few others. Some, like my guy, had both mercury and lead. You often have to do it in layers, and keep digging through the different metals. Usually you end up shifting gears and trying a different chelation agent at least once or twice, when you hit a plateau. Your doc will recommend to you based on testing which chelator or natural things they think you should try first, based on what they see. There aren't really that many different agents: DMPS, DMSA and EDTA are the major ones, and oral, suppository and IV are the main methods. IV is more rapid and doesn't seem to kick up yeast as much as oral. Different people disagree about whether IV chelation is too harsh because it's so quick and puts stress on the body. Suppository is not bad if you have a cooperative child, but is slower than IV. I did some of all of them, but only a little IV (5 of them). I did not do IV until almost everything was out and my son was old enough that I did not worry that it would be too hard on his body. This worked out well for us. Doing it over, I might go a little faster, because there's a lot more knowledge now, so it's less scary than when we started. Getting metals out early, before they can do more damage is a good thing. There's a whole relearning phase after the metals are out, and I think it takes longer, the older the child is when you get done with chelation. For my son, it's taken years, as well, and been hard on his self esteem, as, now that he is noticing other people, he sees the gaps between his abilities and others very acutely and is hard on himself. He's really finding his own solutions to rebuilding his body and brain - biofeedback, the wii, saunas, extensive physical workouts and many miles of walking, have all been part of his self-recovery program at the age of 16.Yes, it all takes years, but it's worth it. Terri

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What about the research I read that reported that Culturelle was as effective as Flagyl against Clostridia? Anybody else read that?


Vanco and Flagyl have different uses. I've used both, at different times. I really think you need to use whichever is most appropriate for the specific bugs you're fighting and your individual child, as recommended by your doc. They take a lot of things into account in deciding which of these drugs to use. I would not say that I think vanco is "better" than Flagyl for our kids, just good for different things. Both have some real side effects, and different pro's and con's. I found that all the gut-bug-killer drugs left the gut out of balance and low in good flora and pretty vulnerable to bad bugs moving back in. They were also often hard on his liver and general health.Biocidin is an herbal product from Bio botanical research. It is awesome, especially against bacteria. The other herbs I like are Olive Leaf, Pau D'Arco, Oregon Grape, Garlic, Lomatium, SF-722 (a Thorne product, made of undecylenic acid from castor beans) and for older kids, Uva Ursi. I use them one at a time, for 4-7 days each, rotating 3 or 4 of them. The rotation is done so that the yeast and bacteria doesn't develop a resistance to any single one of them.In my experience, it takes 6-12 weeks to get bad gut bugs under control this way, but the good part is that you don't lose your good bacteria, and you don't stress the liver, and you don't get big die off symptoms, and you can keep rotating the herbs afterward, at whatever intensity is needed to keep the bad bugs down.Just in case any of you are wondering, I work at BrainChild, where I developed the candida program. I'm also mom to Zane, 16yo hfa.Terri>> Thanks for your response Terri. I was wondering if you have ever tried Vancomycin & Flagyl?  I hear Vanco wipes out both bad &  the good bacteria in the gut while Flagyl may not be as agressive.   > May I ask which natural anti-fungal herbs did you use and what is Biocidin?> > Thanks again.>

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they address OTHER things, biofilm for one which can contain metals in the bound grouping so getting rid of them will still dump some metals, enhansa works on imflammation, to help the body relax, glutathione can help the body resist MORE metals from building up and get some of loose stuff that is in there as well, and mildly be abrasive to get it out. doing selenium can also help mop things up. glutathione is the bodies natural way to detox, so if you are low in this (which alot of kids are) this can help


In my experience, a lot of the DAN! treatments lead to leaky gut rather than away from it (heavy metal challenge tests, GFCF diet recommendation without avoidance of packaged foods/soy, multivitamins with sweetners/flavors they recommend - Kirkman labs especially, probiotics and yeast treatment supplements that many kids are intolerant of)...Sorry, but it's the truth. Completely agree with . If you think foods are affecting your child, just take out all gluten, casein, and soy, cook food at home with whole food ingredients if possible, and you can mess with all the other stuff while you chelate. Chelation is the #1 rated ARI treatment and gives results, there is no reason to wait. NOTHING else is going to fix the deranged mineral transport that causes all the other problems.> >> > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > >>

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they address OTHER things, biofilm for one which can contain metals in the bound grouping so getting rid of them will still dump some metals, enhansa works on imflammation, to help the body relax, glutathione can help the body resist MORE metals from building up and get some of loose stuff that is in there as well, and mildly be abrasive to get it out. doing selenium can also help mop things up. glutathione is the bodies natural way to detox, so if you are low in this (which alot of kids are) this can help


In my experience, a lot of the DAN! treatments lead to leaky gut rather than away from it (heavy metal challenge tests, GFCF diet recommendation without avoidance of packaged foods/soy, multivitamins with sweetners/flavors they recommend - Kirkman labs especially, probiotics and yeast treatment supplements that many kids are intolerant of)...Sorry, but it's the truth. Completely agree with . If you think foods are affecting your child, just take out all gluten, casein, and soy, cook food at home with whole food ingredients if possible, and you can mess with all the other stuff while you chelate. Chelation is the #1 rated ARI treatment and gives results, there is no reason to wait. NOTHING else is going to fix the deranged mineral transport that causes all the other problems.> >> > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > >>

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our kids are so individual so yes testing to find out what YOUR childs issues are key to finding out what treatments are going to help them out,. and should be guiding what you are going for next. the level of what your child has would determine how long the treatment is\


Unfortunately, because the public is made to be scared of chelation, the MOST effective treatment, it is a LAST RESORT for parents and many of them wish they would have started sooner because IT WORKS. > > >> > > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > > > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > > >> >>

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our kids are so individual so yes testing to find out what YOUR childs issues are key to finding out what treatments are going to help them out,. and should be guiding what you are going for next. the level of what your child has would determine how long the treatment is\


Unfortunately, because the public is made to be scared of chelation, the MOST effective treatment, it is a LAST RESORT for parents and many of them wish they would have started sooner because IT WORKS. > > >> > > My son's O.A.Ts test came back with high levels of DHHP, and was diagnosed with Clostridia. His D.A.N doctor prescribed antibiotics: Vancomycin & Metrodizonal (Flagyl). > > > > > > His bowel movements have always been very normal but I fear that if I give him these antibiotics his bowels and mild personality might change for the worst once I take him off of the antibiotics. > > > > > > He turned two last week, has been on a GF/CF diet for 4 months, takes DMA, Multi.Vitamin, Zinc, D3, Folic, B6, Cod liver, Probiotics, vitamin E. He has speech delays and has repeated 35 words but not associated any one of them and his eye contact could be better. Hasn't been formally diagnosed although I know he has some form of a mild PDD.> > > > > > CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE? I am so terrified of giving my son antibiotics in fear that it will kill his friendly bacteria and of-set his gut and I that I might loose him permanently to the unknown realm.> > > > > > I asked his D.A.N Doctor if we could do Valtrex with Naizoral & Difflucan and they said since he didn't show any viral issues in his tests and because he's two they could not prescribed Valtrex and that Difflucan & Nizoral were stronger and had worst side affects. Mind you he's had two viral dual ear infections in his two years. They said that Nystatin would be the alternate medication they would prescribe instead of the antibiotics.> > > > > > Also, after the antibiotic treatment they would put him on a Gluthadion cream and Enhansa (cumin) to detox him. Is this a form of chelation? and how safe is it? I plan to give him HBOT treatment and hopefully B12 nasal spray in the New Year. I'm so confused, I haven't started the antibiotic treatment because I hope to get a second opinion from the "mb12 valtrex" community... ..please advise, what should I do, pls. help. Thank you and may your little ones have quick recoveries in the New Year! Regards, "Bear" desperate father of a sweet two year old. > > >> >>

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