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Barb (and June)

That was very well said and expressed a lot of my feelings. Good luck with

your next attempt at SS disability to both of you. Take care and know you

aren't alone, Barb you were so right, we all must think of suicide at one

time or another. And I always think of my family too. It would be such a

selfish act that would leave them angry and scarred. I don't want them to go

through that. And isn't it funny that what we once were part of " the melee

of a normal life " we want back so much, but when we had it, we wanted out.

What a difficult way to appreciate your life and who you were once. Have a

restful night, sweet dreams.


[ ] Suicide

>From: " Barbara Fitzmaurice " <blfitzma@...>




>I think suicide has to cross all of our minds. A lot. I keep thinking of


>pain it would leave for my family.

>I am awaiting SSDI also. I was turned down, and all my appeals were turned

>down, and I got an attorney to re-appeal and lost all that also.

>The world seems surreal through our eyes. And we were once part of that

>maddening melee. Now we would give anything to get back in it?



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Another way to think about this, if we pull the plug, or commit suicide, we

will miss so much, the recent protest and posts to the Boston Herald web

site show such great promise for finally getting something done about this

disease. Not to mention good times still possible with family and friends. I

for one plan to hang around as long as I can, I don't want to miss a thing!

Sometimes it all seems so hopeless, I agree, but if you wait a day or so,

something better is on the horizon. I want to hang around to see this

disease get the recognition and respect it deserves, and I KNOW it will in

my lifetime.

Hugs to all,

Never give up!

Marta NJ

>From: " Vicki & Ferraro (home) " <ferraroa@...>


>Barb (and June)


>That was very well said and expressed a lot of my feelings. Good luck with

>your next attempt at SS disability to both of you. Take care and know you

>aren't alone, Barb you were so right, we all must think of suicide at one

>time or another. And I always think of my family too. It would be such a

>selfish act that would leave them angry and scarred. I don't want them to


>through that. And isn't it funny that what we once were part of " the melee

>of a normal life " we want back so much, but when we had it, we wanted out.

>What a difficult way to appreciate your life and who you were once. Have a

>restful night, sweet dreams.


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  • 2 years later...

hey listen, i just joined this group and read yr post and felt like i

hope i can feel better soon...i'm in my 20's, i've really missed

them, because i've been really sick for like five years and not known

what exactly was wrong, i just didn't feel like socializing at

ALL.......anyways, will you be my friend?

> Dear Mike,


> For what its worth, here's what I have to say. It might be of some

> value as I am also a male in my 20s who is going through something

> very similar to you.


> First of all, do you tink you have candida? You didnt say so

> outright, but if you have other symptoms then its a great

> possibility, and may very well explain why no one is finding



> As for me, When it all started it was all physical, but then all of


> sudden, in the middle of a shopping mall, I cracked, and couldnt


> crying, and thinking about taking my life. After about a week of


> deepest hell, I found that I couldnt eat, and at this point


> that my depression had lifted ever so slightly. From there I found


> doctor who told me, (I HAD IT ALL OVER MY TONGUE AND HAD NEVER


> WHAT IT WAS) and began to treat it. It wasnt easy, but I have

> definitely improved.


> However, it put a very large strain on my relationship, not that


> in a sexual sense, but more that I required ALOT of support. In the

> end my girlfriend cheated on me, and lied to me for 6 months about

> it, but now we have worked through it, and she provides the help I

> need.


> Still, When I look back now, and think about the point I was at


> I was feeling suicidal, I am SO happy I never did anything stupid.

> See, there IS light at the end of the tunnel, what is wrong with


> IS physical, therefore it IS treatable, and it may be hard and

> tedious, and painful trying to find out how, but with enough


> eventually you will find somehting. PLease let us know if you have

> any other symptoms at all, as I am sure you will find everyone only

> too happy to help.


> Also do remember, even though your wife may not be fully suportive,

> you do have those two children, who I am sure 10 years from now


> be missing something major in their life if you are not there with

> them.


> All I can say to you mike is that This too will pass, there will

> always be problems and troubles in our lives, some great and some

> small, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they

> always fade away. Dont give up on yourself, you CAN do it, and for

> what its worth you will always have some sort of support and


> here.


> PLease let us know how your doing

> All the best

> Alistair

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  • 8 months later...

I have been reading recently about omega 3 and depression, since

depression can be a problem for many of us. I hadn't heard about

Efamol EPO being used for this, but Ken just mentioned to me that

with evening primrose oil there are possible problems with

coagulation for some people. This is why it's been reported as

working for some and not for others. Alpha lipoic acid has

identical benefits but without the secondary coagulation risks for

some people.

Dealing with things that may help with depression and/or anxiety

(which could lead to suicide) is very appropriate. For example, a

recent SPECT scan was done of a cfs patient by Dr. Amen


And because of the indication of depression in the SPECT, various

drugs were suggested, one of which is nonprescription, St. s


I've searched on Medline, and found many references there to the

possibility that omega 3 can be helpful but it looks like the

research is just beginning on it. There was one done in Finland on

a large number of people.


cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=11274502 & dopt=Abstract

" After the analysis adjusted for potential confounders, the

likelihood of having depressive symptoms was significantly higher

among infrequent fish consumers than among frequent consumers. "


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Efamol EPO is Omega 6. Are there coagulation risks associated with Omega 6? I

continue to take Alpha Lipoic Acid, Bromelain, Turmeric and Turmeric for



llassesen wrote:

> I have been reading recently about omega 3 and depression, since

> depression can be a problem for many of us. I hadn't heard about

> Efamol EPO being used for this, but Ken just mentioned to me that

> with evening primrose oil there are possible problems with

> coagulation for some people. This is why it's been reported as

> working for some and not for others. Alpha lipoic acid has

> identical benefits but without the secondary coagulation risks for

> some people.


> Dealing with things that may help with depression and/or anxiety

> (which could lead to suicide) is very appropriate. For example, a

> recent SPECT scan was done of a cfs patient by Dr. Amen


> (http://www.brainplace.com)


> And because of the indication of depression in the SPECT, various

> drugs were suggested, one of which is nonprescription, St. s

> Wort.


> I've searched on Medline, and found many references there to the

> possibility that omega 3 can be helpful but it looks like the

> research is just beginning on it. There was one done in Finland on

> a large number of people.


> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?

> cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=11274502 & dopt=Abstract


> " After the analysis adjusted for potential confounders, the

> likelihood of having depressive symptoms was significantly higher

> among infrequent fish consumers than among frequent consumers. "


> Laurie



> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.



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Hi Beck,

There are other things in evening primrose oil. With EPO, there can

be increases in fibrinogen, factor VII, von Willebrand's factor,

triglycerides, and cholesterol and a significant decrease in high-

density lipoprotein. From Medline.


cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=11474472 & dopt=Abstract

So, it may have a negative effect for some people - which might be

offset by taking turmeric and piracetam. You said you were already

taking turmeric, and it sounds like the combination of things really

worked for you, which is wonderful! I'm encouraged to hear that you

found such a dramatic difference.

I have bouts with depression, not a rare thing with CFS, and am

interested very much in all this. With my extremely high fibrinogen

level, I can't risk the evening primrose oil myself.


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Thanks! The EPO has changed my life so drastically. I am literally a new

person, getting on with my life, I hope. Since last Feb have not been

depressed. But i am careful to take turmeric,

bromelain, grapeseed extract. Because i am diabetic and test several times a

day, it is easy to keep an eye on blood thickness. Oh, also, since I had that

TIA a year ago, I also take Plavix and

have had no more problems. Plus I am growing hair in places I havent had hair

in years, so I take Simpson's capillary theory to be more than nonsense. One

thing he is adamant about is the use of

Efamol, which he feels has much higher quality control and purer content.

Thanks again, BTW, I just had cholesterol and triglicerides done and they were

great. I attribute that to no sugar, virtually no carb diet. Mostly high

protein and salads.

I used the link u gave but got a dead end.


llassesen wrote:

> Hi Beck,

> There are other things in evening primrose oil. With EPO, there can

> be increases in fibrinogen, factor VII, von Willebrand's factor,

> triglycerides, and cholesterol and a significant decrease in high-

> density lipoprotein. From Medline.


> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?

> cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=11474472 & dopt=Abstract


> So, it may have a negative effect for some people - which might be

> offset by taking turmeric and piracetam. You said you were already

> taking turmeric, and it sounds like the combination of things really

> worked for you, which is wonderful! I'm encouraged to hear that you

> found such a dramatic difference.


> I have bouts with depression, not a rare thing with CFS, and am

> interested very much in all this. With my extremely high fibrinogen

> level, I can't risk the evening primrose oil myself.


> Laurie



> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.



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In a message dated 10/23/2002 11:46:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

moores@... writes:

> I only point these issue out to indicate that

> suicide is a more complicated issue than a simple response to depression.


I agree, when one chooses to end his life, it is ever more complicated than

we can imagine.

But... as far as the request that we don't discuss suicide, I must beg to

differ. I understand that you don't want the list to go too far off topic...

and that this list is for treatments, not effects of the disease... I

understand, it;s your list, and you want to run it your way... BUT... if

someone is asking that we discuss it, obviously this person is in need of

support, and if we can't be there for each other, to support each other, then

what the heck is this list for, really?

So, I am proposing this... for those of us that are interested in discussion

the more emotional aspects of living with chronic illness, we can begin a

little informal mini-list. You can privately email me your addresses and I

will set it up. The only thing you will have to remember is that when you

reply, you have to hit reply all.

Thanks for listening...

Shelle in on, Michigan

GBS in 99, triggered by food poisoning

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

My heart is full, Jo, though I am glad you posted about Rae. Prayers are so

important, both here and in the hereafter. Thank you for being our

information angel.

Hugs and blessings,


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Thanks for letting us know Jo

I cried reading her profile..I sure hope she pulls through.

Please keep us updated if you can.

And, as Jo said, please please come to us if any of you are feeling this

depression...I am happy to have anyone email me directly for support.



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> And, as Jo said, please please come to us if any of you are

feeling this depression...I am happy to have anyone email me

directly for support.


> Hugs

> Kristy


Kristy...this means a lot because I know you really struggled with

depression those first months after surgery.

Hugs to a very strong young lady


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Dear list family;

Jo made a comment that prompted my post: " Too bad [Rae] couldn't seek

council in her time of need. "

Unfortunately, the nature of severe depression is such that one is incapable

of seeking council when the depression reaches a critical level. The time to

seek council is long before the depression reaches suicide proportions.

Council must be sought when the MILD depression begins.

Once the decision is made to terminate one's life, there is no stopping the

act. Rae's action fits the modus opperandi of the final stages of

depression-too late for counseling to do any good.

One does not reach the final stage of depression quickly. It builds for a

very long time, beginning with a mild depression. (The type that most of us

have from time to time and say " Snap out of this! " - those " blue days " that

last longer than a day or two.) This is the time to seek counseling.

I hurt for Rae because I know how much pain she was in. I pray for Rae

because she is about to / or has begun a new chapter in her existence. I

pray for those who love her because they will feel guilt that they couldn't

prevent Rae's death-but there was no way of preventing it.

I also pray for all those who are contemplating the DS. It is not a problem

panacea. The pre-DS person will be around for ever; we do not leave that old

person in Delano.


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There's a website that I keep bookmarked on my computer both at home

and work for when things get really bad (when walking in front of a

big rig seems like a good idea and a quick end to my problems). Gives

a little insight into why people consider suicide and gives links to


" If you're thinking about suicide...read this first "


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jo, thank you for posting this. rae ann was one of the first people

i knew on the main ds list, and someone i have followed and looked up

to as a mentor through this whole process. i am truly sorry that she

was unable to find the peace she sought here, and i pray that she

finds peace and rest with Jesus.

~amy c~

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Dear Jo,

Thanx for sharing this with us, and for giving us the link to get in

touch with her. I'm not sure if it did any good, but I just sent off

a little e-mail to her to thank her for sharing her story on the DS

Zone, as it has encouraged me and many others. Lots of love and

prayers for sure are going her way. Thanx Jo...Luv/Hugs...Deb

> For those who don't Float around on other list...Sadly there is a

> fellow DS sister...a Dr. Welker Patient....who last week attempted

> suicide. The word is she is in a coma with no brain activity.


> Rae Ann Bloomquist

> Minister

> DS Oct 6, 2000

> 356 pounds to 140

> To learn more about Rae:


> http://www.duodenalswitch.com/Patients/Rae/rae.html


> Peace be with you Rae

> Jo

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Dear Jo,

Thanx for sharing this with us, and for giving us the link to get in

touch with her. I'm not sure if it did any good, but I just sent off

a little e-mail to her to thank her for sharing her story on the DS

Zone, as it has encouraged me and many others. Lots of love and

prayers for sure are going her way. Thanx Jo...Luv/Hugs...Deb

> For those who don't Float around on other list...Sadly there is a

> fellow DS sister...a Dr. Welker Patient....who last week attempted

> suicide. The word is she is in a coma with no brain activity.


> Rae Ann Bloomquist

> Minister

> DS Oct 6, 2000

> 356 pounds to 140

> To learn more about Rae:


> http://www.duodenalswitch.com/Patients/Rae/rae.html


> Peace be with you Rae

> Jo

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You are a sweetie, Kristy...One of the reasons why I just love all

of you in this group...Thanx...Luv and Hugs...Deb :-)

> > And, as Jo said, please please come to us if any of you are

> feeling this depression...I am happy to have anyone email me

> directly for support.

> >

> > Hugs

> > Kristy

> ===========================


> Kristy...this means a lot because I know you really struggled with

> depression those first months after surgery.


> Hugs to a very strong young lady

> Jo

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You are a sweetie, Kristy...One of the reasons why I just love all

of you in this group...Thanx...Luv and Hugs...Deb :-)

> > And, as Jo said, please please come to us if any of you are

> feeling this depression...I am happy to have anyone email me

> directly for support.

> >

> > Hugs

> > Kristy

> ===========================


> Kristy...this means a lot because I know you really struggled with

> depression those first months after surgery.


> Hugs to a very strong young lady

> Jo

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This is so sad, Jo! And it's so true that suicide only spreads the

pain to others. It accomplishes absolutely nothing. My heart goes

out to her friends and family. And of course, my prayers.


> For those who don't Float around on other list...Sadly there is a

> fellow DS sister...a Dr. Welker Patient....who last week attempted

> suicide. The word is she is in a coma with no brain activity.


> Rae Ann Bloomquist

> Minister

> DS Oct 6, 2000

> 356 pounds to 140


Please, please,

> please seek council. Rae's actions only caused the pain she was

> suffering to spread.


> To learn more about Rae:


> http://www.duodenalswitch.com/Patients/Rae/rae.html


> Peace be with you Rae

> Jo

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Did you increase the dose you are using? Are you using enough vitamin c and

vitamin e etc.? Are you using ALA every 3 hours? Or DMSA every 4 hours? Or DMPS

every 8 hours? Did you have all your amalgam removed before you started to

chelate? If you are using ALA - did you wait for at least 3 months after amalgam

removal before you started chelation?

If I was felling really bad with chelation, I would consider to reduce the

dosage, to take the chelator more frequently during the rounds, possibly to do

longer rounds and to have longer breaks in between. I might also increase

vitamin c ect.

I hope find a way of feeling better again soon.

All the best,


[ ] Suicide

Dear all,

I am now on the 11 rounds of chelation. I felt so good when I had

completed the 5 round of chelation. However, since the completion of

7 round, I got so much suicidal thought. I want to committ suicide

now. I feel I am nothing. I am a rubbish in this world. I have been

poisoned with mercury chronically by the amalgam filling since I was

8. It is 20 years now. I studied a lot of stuff about mercury

poisoning symptoms. I got ALL. I have been very ill physically and

mentally. I have been very easily upset and embarassed. I think very

negatively. I now feel that eveyone hates me. I have no hope. What

happened to me. I know my OCD returned recently, and it is much

stronger. What happened? Will I get better when I go on for some

more rounds of chelation?




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If you will check page 52 of my book Amalgam Illness (see

www.noamalgam.com for info on the book) you'll see you get better, then

worse, then better again. You did the better then worse, stick with it

and you'll be better again. No need to do yourself in! Just chelate

and do in the mercury.

Inositol, 5 hydroxytryptopan, tryptophan, and SSRI antidepressants

often help with this kind of issue. Sometimes forskolin does as well.

Also, chocolate does promote a normal healthy feeling of well being and

if you aren't a sulfur intolerant person you may wish to supplement

your diet with a nicely therapeutic chocolate bar (dark chocolate, read

ingredients carefully) now and again.

Andy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

> Dear all,


> I am now on the 11 rounds of chelation. I felt so good when I had

> completed the 5 round of chelation. However, since the completion of

> 7 round, I got so much suicidal thought. I want to committ suicide

> now. I feel I am nothing. I am a rubbish in this world. I have been

> poisoned with mercury chronically by the amalgam filling since I was

> 8. It is 20 years now. I studied a lot of stuff about mercury

> poisoning symptoms. I got ALL. I have been very ill physically and

> mentally. I have been very easily upset and embarassed. I think very

> negatively. I now feel that eveyone hates me. I have no hope. What

> happened to me. I know my OCD returned recently, and it is much

> stronger. What happened? Will I get better when I go on for some

> more rounds of chelation?

Yes. Better, then worse, then better. You are 2/3 of the way there. .

.. . ..


> Thanks,

> Chan.

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That is the mercury talking. Sometimes I'll take a supplement that

pulls mercury out and won't even know it (the last one was

Microhydrin. 6 weeks later I'm suicidal again. When that happens I

STOP ALL CHELATION. Go back to my meat and potatoes diet with


AND ALL CURRIES and the thoughts disappear in days. I don't know why

the emphasis is on getting *all* the mercury out *now*. It seems to

me it should be cleanse and build, cleanse and build. You've done a

lot of cleansing. Give your body a break. When I did chelation it

helped a lot at first then I was sort of swimming in mercury after

awhile, took a break and started again.

Nature has seasons but for some reason we think we aren't a part of


It's a horrible place to be. You can control the process. If you get

anywhere near that again, stop for awhile. Let your body renew

itself before you go on.

Big hug to you. I've been there.

> Dear all,


> I am now on the 11 rounds of chelation. I felt so good when I had

> completed the 5 round of chelation. However, since the completion


> 7 round, I got so much suicidal thought. I want to committ suicide

> now. I feel I am nothing. I am a rubbish in this world. I have been

> poisoned with mercury chronically by the amalgam filling since I


> 8. It is 20 years now. I studied a lot of stuff about mercury

> poisoning symptoms. I got ALL. I have been very ill physically and

> mentally. I have been very easily upset and embarassed. I think


> negatively. I now feel that eveyone hates me. I have no hope. What

> happened to me. I know my OCD returned recently, and it is much

> stronger. What happened? Will I get better when I go on for some

> more rounds of chelation?


> Thanks,

> Chan.

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> Inositol, 5 hydroxytryptopan, tryptophan, and SSRI antidepressants

> often help with this kind of issue. Sometimes forskolin does as


> Also, chocolate does promote a normal healthy feeling of well being


> if you aren't a sulfur intolerant person you may wish to supplement

> your diet with a nicely therapeutic chocolate bar (dark chocolate,


> ingredients carefully) now and again.


> Andy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A note to the women on the list. Chocolate lowers progesterone

levels in nothing flat, causing anything BUT a feeling of well-

being. I avoid the stuff like the plague. Great for me, not great

for women.


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Hey! You stop that right now. There's no whimping out around here. As long as

you have faith who cares what the mind thinks?

Read this:

2Tm 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love,

and of a sound mind.

Be strong in faith. God is still on the throne and prayer changes things.

The Epistle of to the Hebrews Chapter 11

1: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not


2: For by it the elders obtained a good report.

3: Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,

so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

4: By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which

he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by

it he being dead yet speaketh.

5: By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not

found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this

testimony, that he pleased God.

6: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God

must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek


7: By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with

fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the

world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

8: By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should

after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither

he went.

9: By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country,

dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and , the heirs with him of the same


10: For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is


11: Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was

delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who

had promised.

12: Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the

stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore


13: These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen

them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that

they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

14: For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.

15: And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came

out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.

16: But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is

not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

17: By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had

received the promises offered up his only begotten son,

18: Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:

19: Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from

whence also he received him in a figure.

20: By faith Isaac blessed and Esau concerning things to come.

21: By faith , when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of ph; and

worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.

22: By faith ph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children

of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones.

23: By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents,

because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's


24: By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of

Pharaoh's daughter;

25: Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy

the pleasures of sin for a season;

26: Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt:

for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.

27: By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he

endured, as seeing him who is invisible.

28: Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he

that destroyed the firstborn should touch them.

29: By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians

assaying to do were drowned.

30: By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about

seven days.

31: By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she

had received the spies with peace.

32: And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and

of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of also, and , and of the


33: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained

promises, stopped the mouths of lions,

34: Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of

weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies

of the aliens.

35: Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured,

not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:

36: And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of

bonds and imprisonment:

37: They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the

sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute,

afflicted, tormented;

38: (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in

mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.

39: And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the


40: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should

not be made perfect.

[ ] Suicide

Dear all,

I am now on the 11 rounds of chelation. I felt so good when I had

completed the 5 round of chelation. However, since the completion of

7 round, I got so much suicidal thought. I want to committ suicide

now. I feel I am nothing. I am a rubbish in this world. I have been

poisoned with mercury chronically by the amalgam filling since I was

8. It is 20 years now. I studied a lot of stuff about mercury

poisoning symptoms. I got ALL. I have been very ill physically and

mentally. I have been very easily upset and embarassed. I think very

negatively. I now feel that eveyone hates me. I have no hope. What

happened to me. I know my OCD returned recently, and it is much

stronger. What happened? Will I get better when I go on for some

more rounds of chelation?




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Guest guest

Please call someone close to you, a friend a minister or relative and reach

out to them immediately. Let them know that you are going through a

difficult phase in your treatment and NEED some support. Spending the night

or weekend with someone you can talk to will lift your spirits. If that is

not an option call the number listed here.

http://suicidehotlines.com/national.html right now. Moving forward is not

always possible without a little assistance. The call will only take you a



[ ] Suicide

Dear all,

I am now on the 11 rounds of chelation. I felt so good when I had

completed the 5 round of chelation. However, since the completion of

7 round, I got so much suicidal thought. I want to committ suicide

now. I feel I am nothing. I am a rubbish in this world. I have been

poisoned with mercury chronically by the amalgam filling since I was

8. It is 20 years now. I studied a lot of stuff about mercury

poisoning symptoms. I got ALL. I have been very ill physically and

mentally. I have been very easily upset and embarassed. I think very

negatively. I now feel that eveyone hates me. I have no hope. What

happened to me. I know my OCD returned recently, and it is much

stronger. What happened? Will I get better when I go on for some

more rounds of chelation?




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