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Hi Elena,

I am currently seeing a physician in Temecula - Wittles. I used to be

at UCSD, but now that I have my daughter it is just too difficult to get down

there. I basically had to figure on a day in San Diego when I had my doctor

at UCSD.

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It would be so nice if all us San Diegons with AIH

could meet, seeing that we all live so close to each

other! What doctor do you see for you AIH?


--- Ceallachqn@... wrote:

> From: Ceallachqn@...


> Hi elena

> La Jolla is not extremely close to me...I live in

> Temecula. My husband works

> in San Diego - Navy. I have been in Mission Bay

> several times. You would be

> the only other person I know near me who has AIH.

> Until I got on this list I

> felt like an island! That is 15 years of island

> living!


> ---------------------------

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  • 6 months later...

I have just bought what I believed to be a great vitamin. Anyone know

anything about these. New Chapter Vitamin E made from bio grown food

cultured nutrients. Contains, iodine, kelp acerola. tumeric,tomato,

peppermint, schisandra, long pepper, english hawthorne and ginger. The Tiny

Tabs Multiple has all sorts of vitamins, superfoods such as kelp, barley

grass, etc, and herbal extracts such as brocolli, tumeric, stinging nettle,

soybean, red clover. etc. You take six tablets a day. They are

expensive.Multiples are 18.00 for 240 and 13.00 for E 60 tab. Anyone with

any information about these please let me know. I wondered if they are any

better than a cheaper brand. I am going poor trying to buy the best and then

questioning whether it is worth it. I have lost 3 Basset hounds in the past

3 years. Two of them developed cancer. One of 6 had spleen cancer and one

of 9 had ureathea cancer. I lost another to spinal problems. I now have

three other bassets. One is 15 months, another 2 and one 5. I worry so much

about them getting cancer so I have been trying to feed all natural dry and

canned foods. It can make you go for broke. They are expensive. My other

dogs ate, alpo and pedigree. I am scared to go back to feed ing these guys

the stuff since I am not sure that it didn;'t attribute to them getting

cancer from the food. Anyone have any thoughts about this. thanks,

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>There is no such thing as

>a 100% natural vitamin pill

>made from 100% food products

>(with a few rare exceptions... B-12 some vit E)


>nor would I want to buy one!

>The important thing to consider on vitamins

>is the freshness of the pill

>and the actual substance that it is.


>example calcium ascorbate is better absorbed and better tolerated than

>ascorbate acid.


>Know exactly what you are swallowing and why!


Dear Tom,

I agree with you in part, however chelating (gluing) calcium to ascorbic

acid does not improve its bioability (utilization by the cells). It only

improves its absorption into the blood stream or intercellular fluid (the

non-blood fluid outside the veins and arteries and capillaries).

B-12: Almost all vitamin B-12 (made by bacteria) on the market has been

de-natured by attaching a cyanide molecule to it to give it shelf life.

This renders the B-12 biologically enert unless cells in the body can

custom make an enzyme to cleave off the cyanide molecule. This form of B-12

is called Cyanocobalamin. Naturally occuring B-12 is called Cobalamin and

is destabilized in the presence of light or oxygen as are all other

naturally occuring vitamins and minerals in the food chain. Also, almost

all forms of Vitamin E on the market are synthetic or denatured to various


There are some vitamin and mineral products available in which the nutrient

material is grown by live plant cells in firmentation tanks. Studies

indicate substantial differences in how this material is matabolized and

used as compared to the industry standard referred to as USP or FCC grade

vitamins or minerals. Molydenum, for instance, can be in excess of 1600%

better utilized than the form typically found in most supplements.

Regarding vitamin supplements in general. There are only seven companies in

the Unites States that manufacture vitamins and they are all identical,

synthetic or identical to synthetic and totally unlike anything found in

the food chain. Most of the patents for synthetizing them are held by

Hoffman LaRoche, the largest of the group. Vitamin brand name companies

buy the raw vitamin material through brokers or sales people and produce

tablets or encapsulated products with the material. Contrary to public

belief, there are no vitamin companies that actually manufacture their own

vitamins or minerals.

I think you advice about knowing what you are swallowing is great, but very

difficult to do these days. There is a lot of cheating going on throughout

the health food industry and, as an industry, not exempt from the same type

of beliefs and ignorance found in our medical system for instance.

Different versions of the same thing all too frequently produce the same

sort of results.

Thank you for your vigilance. We need more people doing what your doing.

Warm regards,

J Bentley

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>I have just bought what I believed to be a great vitamin. Anyone know

>anything about these. New Chapter Vitamin E made from bio grown food

>cultured nutrients. Contains, iodine, kelp acerola. tumeric,tomato,

>peppermint, schisandra, long pepper, english hawthorne and ginger. The Tiny

>Tabs Multiple has all sorts of vitamins, superfoods such as kelp, barley

>grass, etc, and herbal extracts such as brocolli, tumeric, stinging nettle,

>soybean, red clover. etc. You take six tablets a day. They are

>expensive.Multiples are 18.00 for 240 and 13.00 for E 60 tab. Anyone with

>any information about these please let me know. I wondered if they are any

>better than a cheaper brand. I am going poor trying to buy the best and then

>questioning whether it is worth it. I have lost 3 Basset hounds in the past

>3 years. Two of them developed cancer. One of 6 had spleen cancer and one

>of 9 had ureathea cancer. I lost another to spinal problems. I now have

>three other bassets. One is 15 months, another 2 and one 5. I worry so much

>about them getting cancer so I have been trying to feed all natural dry and

>canned foods. It can make you go for broke. They are expensive. My other

>dogs ate, alpo and pedigree. I am scared to go back to feed ing these guys

>the stuff since I am not sure that it didn;'t attribute to them getting

>cancer from the food. Anyone have any thoughts about this. thanks,


Dear ,

You have chosen a more real vitamin supplement that almost anything on the

market. New Chapter vitamin's and minerals are grown in fermentation tanks

in a process that takes commercially available vitamins and minerals and

introduces them into a growning process using the same yeast that natures

provides for fermenting wine or beer. The yeast is benivolent, in that it

is not harmful. One of the good guys. Almost without exception most

supplements on the market are synthetic or identical to synthetic because

of denaturing to give them shelf life. They are produced by only 7

companies in the United States or an additional 6 in the rest of the world.

Actual utilization at the cellular by the standard material on the market

appears to be about 5% or less.

I have no affiliation with New Chapter, however I know the founder

Schulick to be an honorable family man with an extensive bachground in

herbalogy. New Chapter supplements are probably the most effective form of

vitamin/mineral supplements you will find in health food stores today.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss with the bassets. Please know that there

are no " natural " dry or canned foods for dogs. If it is in a can and

especially if it is dry food it is 100 percent processed regardless of the

claim of naturalness. All mammals, including humans have an immune response

to any food that has been heated above 118 degrees Farinheit. Thats just

warm enough to wash you hands. The body treats any raw food heated above

118 as toxic. the immune response is known as Digestive Leukocytosis and

marks in increase in the white blood cell count. Extensively processed red

meat, such as found in bacon, salami, pastrami, smoked ham, etc., cause an

immune response in the body vertually identical to ingesting poison. Pet

foods are typically processed more than human food. Did you ever notice

that the " better " the pet food has gotton the more diseased the animals are

getting. Cancer was relatively uncommon one generation ago in dogs and

cats. Now it is becomming epidemic. Pet foods contain mostly byproducts

(and fillers) which the animals usually would not eat unless the byproduct

was raw and fresh. Usually " byproducts " are only eaten by scavengers.

I suggest you call Pat Mckay Animal Nutritrion in Pasadena, Californnia at

626 296-1120

and get her books and find out about her pet products. She's probably the

best there is and her dog and cat products can effect cancer in animals.

And she has lost of testamonials from breeders and regular dog and cat

owners. She also has a web site. Search for Pat McKay.

Keep on your quest to understand and educate yourself. The truth always

finds a friend.

Warm regards,

J Bentley

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~ we just had the doc take a vitamin A level when we had 's

bloodwork done. He was more than agreeable; also ran a liver profile in

addition to all the regular thyroid testing. I may want to try on

the cod liver oil so we'll see.

The vitamin issue is pretty controversial as you probably are aware. I,

for one, am not an advocate of MEGA vitamin therapy (ie lots more than

the RDA) but I (and this is JUST me!!) do feel alot more comfortable

trying supplements with before resorting to pharmaceuticals~

except in the area of heart meds, thyroid meds etc. I thought Joan would

get a kick out of this~ I asked the endo if he would consider trying

something different with 's thyroid meds and he replied " Sure, as

long as you don't want to give her something from a " thyroid plant "

you've got growing in the back yard " . hehe. Anyway he agreeed to

dividing her dosage of cytomel to give 2x a day rather than once which

was what I wanted to try. Sherry

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Thanks, Dina - Great idea!

I also wish I had more of a choice about what is in my multi vitamin

and mineral supplement. It would be great if we could find


like a quality " a la carte " or compounding vitamin/mineral source.

Every time I find a multi that is " close enough " - it becomes

discontinued. It's a shame.

That way we could take into consideration each of our own particular

eating habits, and we would be able to allow for that in the

supplements we choose to take.

For example, someone who thrives on pumpkin, carrots, and sweet

potatoes may do better with a multi which contained a lower amount of

Vit A and/or beta carotene - to avoid toxicity.

I also want a multi (or components I can put together myself) that

offers natural kelp for iodine, and natural mixed tocopherols for the

Vit E, etc.

I've already seen improvements since adding selenium and copper-rich

foods to my diet recently - and I'm already able to tolerate some

iodine again. My goiter seems to have flattened out some... I'm

impressed! But I personally dislike the current choices for

vitamin/mineral supplements.

One company offers a vitamin supplement, and a separate mineral

supplement. That helps, however, it has 400 IU of Vit D, in the

vitamin tablet, and it also has a full 400 IU of Vit D in the mineral

tablet as well. I don't want THAT much Vit D! It's frustrating.

's new site makes it so easy to learn about nutrients.

We just need a more effective way of getting the ones each of us




> Do yall think their is a vitamin company that would be willing to


> our vitamins into one pill? Dina

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi, how are you this morning? I hope you're doing well. I have been taking

Rashelle's diet herbs for a while now and really love them. I haven't

noticed anything more than a very satisfied feeling after eating and, believe

it or not, they seem to have a sort of peaceful, calming effect. I take them

only in the evening because of my particular situation at this time, but have

found that I am much more patient and able to handle stress without

difficulty after the dinner hour. I'm not sure if this is a direct result of

the herbals or not, they are the only real change I've made, so I'm thinking

the capsules are probably the reason.

You are wise to be very careful with the diet herbs you use. If you would

like to know if anything is harmful in the ones you are currrently using,

post the ingredients and we'll do our best to figure that out



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Who said you had to take vitamins on an empty stomach. I always take mine

with my meals.


P.S. I take my iron before I eat because you are not supposed to take iron

and calcium together. The iron inhibits the absorption of the calcium. It

pays to read folks. :-)


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  • 1 month later...
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Dear Kandy:

These super absorbable vitamins sound great. Would appreciate a source.

best wishes,



Centrum, One a Day and other store vitamins only have about a 3%

absorbtion rate.

All the other expensive brands only offer up to a 35% absorbtion of

the minerals. I have seen reports from doctors on this. But there is

one that is the only one with a PROVEN 98% absorbtion rate. The

process it uses is the only one there is that is patented and proven

to work. I have my whole family taking them. I do not sell these

vitamins but I can show you how you can get them directly from the


They are the vitamins that Bobbie Porter was taking while she was

pregnant with the seven babies. She is the only person who had such a

pregnancy where all the babies lived and were born healthy. Her

doctors attributed it to these vitamins.

God bless,



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They are melaluca (sp) She emailed me personally.

Barb Kreuziger


Honor Society Member

Avon Representative Since C-22 1998




> Centrum, One a Day and other store vitamins only have about a 3%

> absorbtion rate.

> All the other expensive brands only offer up to a 35% absorbtion of

> the minerals. I have seen reports from doctors on this. But there is

> one that is the only one with a PROVEN 98% absorbtion rate. The

> process it uses is the only one there is that is patented and proven

> to work. I have my whole family taking them. I do not sell these

> vitamins but I can show you how you can get them directly from the

> company.

> They are the vitamins that Bobbie Porter was taking while she was

> pregnant with the seven babies. She is the only person who had such a

> pregnancy where all the babies lived and were born healthy. Her

> doctors attributed it to these vitamins.


> God bless,


> Kandy





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Me, also! Any order information? Also, content info, etc.?

thanks, Becky

> Dear Kandy:

> These super absorbable vitamins sound great. Would appreciate a source.

> best wishes,

> Earl


> Vitamins


> Centrum, One a Day and other store vitamins only have about a 3%

> absorbtion rate.

> All the other expensive brands only offer up to a 35% absorbtion of

> the minerals. I have seen reports from doctors on this. But there is

> one that is the only one with a PROVEN 98% absorbtion rate. The

> process it uses is the only one there is that is patented and proven

> to work. I have my whole family taking them. I do not sell these

> vitamins but I can show you how you can get them directly from the

> company.

> They are the vitamins that Bobbie Porter was taking while she was

> pregnant with the seven babies. She is the only person who had such a

> pregnancy where all the babies lived and were born healthy. Her

> doctors attributed it to these vitamins.


> God bless,


> Kandy


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Explore the popular High-End Room -

> Go To Where The Smart People Shop-uBid.com

> 1/6141/13/_/62054/_/962575537/

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  • 1 month later...


Brook has to take vitamin supplements because he is on Depakote sprinkles

for seizures. We use a vitamin & mineral powder #151 that we spoon into his

milk everyday. It is made by Bronson Laboratoires and the phone # is 1 800

235 3200. They have a whole catalogue of vitamins and supplements. We used

to add chocolate to disguise the vitaminy taste in the past but we don't have

to do that anymore.


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which ones?

Mand@... wrote:


> <>


> Are these available at regular stores, such as KMart?


> M. in Michigan






Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical

OR legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you

implement that decision is yours and yours alone.

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  • 1 month later...

The two minerals in combination that I remember are glucosamine and

chondroiton sulfate. I just take MSM. As far as actual vitamins...I'm

clueless to that one. Kit?


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You might be thinking of a joint support formula. I was an athlete in

college and the best one I found was champion nutrition joint support fuel.

Comes in a bottle of 60 capsules. Very highly recommended by major strength


Here is more information.

http://www.peakhealth.net/store/store.cfm?do=detail & product_id=12426

>From: " Debbie Holland " <debbieholland@...>



>Subject: Vitamins

>Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 21:25:39 -0500


>What are the vitamins that help with muscle soreness? Is it Vitamin C and

>something else? I usually get sore a day or two after a workout, yesterday

>I started getting sore 4 or 5 hours after my workout.




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I know that Sesame Street vitamins do not have any artificial dyes in

them (Matt can't have red either), but I dont' know about gluten. I think

I'll be finding out soon, tho!

On Sun, 8 Oct 2000 08:15:57 -0000 " Lori " <hsmyangel@...>


> I just found some great vitamins at Kmart. is allergic to red

> #40, in addition to the gluten. Do you know how hard it is to find

> vitamins that don't have red dye in them? I found vitabears, which

> are gummy bears, with natural colors and flavors. The dose is 2 a

> day, so I started giving one.



> Loriann

> Wife to Dewight

> Mom to , 10 years, Down Syndrome, Autistic Spectrum Disorder,

> ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder

> And , 15 months and Strong Willed




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  • 1 month later...

Mellisa I take it. It increases your energy and ability to fight off things, the amount you get over the counter would probabbly not boost your system too much. I also take vicon forte vitamin (perscription) and b-12 shots ocasionally and b-12 pills. try the vitamins and see how you feel.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Kay, thanks for the info on vitamins. Regarding

christmas trees, ours goes up in our " formal " (and I

use the term " formal " loosly!!) living room which I

keep gated off from the boys. They are only in that

room supervised. I've heard from other parents that

they place their trees in the center of a playpen or

put those gates that make a circle (like you'd use

outside) around the tree. We put our tree up early

this year (because we are going to Boston the day

after Christmas-yay!) and we tried getting the boys

to put the ornaments on the tree with us. Didn't last

very long, they weren't terribly interested!!


--- " Tiernan, Kay " <kay.tiernan@...> wrote:

> Judi, We have on an OTC multivitamin. She gets

> 1 ml daily. I give it to

> the other two as well. They've been taking it since

> birth. I've used the

> Polyvisol (no iron) and now Gerber has the same

> thing for less $. I think it

> helps. Overall has been in very good health.


> Anyone want to offer up ideas on how to keep your

> Christmas tree standing

> until Christmas?? I think we plan to cut the top out

> of one and put it up on

> a table so the kids can't get to it. Don't think

> we'll have too many

> ornaments since half mine are breakable. They'll

> love the lights anyway!


> Kay, Mom to , , -20 mos.



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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

> In a message dated 3/18/01 7:02:13 PM Central Standard Time,

> @y... writes:



> > <Most commercially available children's vitamins, however ,


> > allergens that may be more harmful to an AUTISTIC child . For


> > retail vit.commonly include artificial flavors and colors, corn

> > derivaties,casein,soy and other products to which many AUTISTIC


> > >


> Hi, Everyone......Irma....I have noticed this, too. I use only

Nature Made

> vitamins because they state right on the bottles " NO artificial

colors, art.

> flavors, no preservatives, no chemical solvents, no yeast, no

gluten, or

> starch. " I can only give Gareth the Centrum vitamins

> sporadically.......they do make him agitated. I try to give the

Centrum to

> him on weekends or at night if I feel he should have

them.......like now when

> he's battling sinus infection/asthma, etc. He just doesn't eat

much when

> he's sick. I have not had any problems with the single vitamins

(A, E, C,

> or B-complex) because they are pure. Take


> Everyone.

> Margaret

> PS.......I would like to know what the 'autism diet' is.


> HI, Margaret . This was all new to me .Surely makes a difference in

a childs behavior , when taking any kind of vitamin. I never had

tried the Centrum on my son because , I had seen an experiment on

it , it had turned into tar . Couldn't believe it . Unless , a

certain Herb company were pulling my leg , to sell their products .

My son is tall and slim and I was getting worried because he was

pretty ill with the flu , it lasted pretty long . He was not eating

well . Lost alot of weight. What no pizza or bean & cheese tacos ? I

Definitely knew I had to try something . That was a month and half

ago . He has recovered nicely from his flu . Eating very good and has

gained about 5 lbs. wears school uniforms at his middle

school , makes him feel older and enjoys watching everybody dressed

like him . My problem now is purchase next size . One evening I was

surfing through the channels on the TV and ran across QVC ,and they

were discussing about a Dr. Taub and his products . Then a caller

called and said that her child had Downs and it has helped . So, I

decided to give it a try , its a Powdered Nutritional Mix , I use a

Tupperware quick shake to mix in with his juices . I have not heard

of any Autism Diet . There is information on " Why Diet is Important

for Autistic

Children " .http://www.kirkmanslabs.com/disorders/autism/autism6.htm A

book called Special Diets for Special Kids by , Ph.D. -

www.FutureHorizons-autism.com .I could go on, but enough said . Don't

want to put anyone to sleep with so much reading . Take Care

everyone .

Irma / 's mom DS/ASD

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

I'm going to show my stupidity here, but is " sublingual B-12 " and " B-12 " the

same. I'm thinking that the sublingual mean additional B-12. Is that right?


in OK

Hi Everyone,

I'm interested in taking ZMA Fuel & sublingual B-12. Could someone tell me

where I can purchase them? I've tried Wal-Mart & Meijer. I had my surgery

August 3, 2000 and have lost 90 lbs. so far. After I got to the 5 month

mark, my weight loss slowed to 3-4 lbs. a month. But as long as it still

comes off I'm happy. Thanks for your help.

Bonnie from MI


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I bought both at GNC.


> Hi Everyone,

> I'm interested in taking ZMA Fuel & sublingual B-12. Could

someone tell me

> where I can purchase them? I've tried Wal-Mart & Meijer. I had my


> August 3, 2000 and have lost 90 lbs. so far. After I got to the 5


> mark, my weight loss slowed to 3-4 lbs. a month. But as long as it


> comes off I'm happy. Thanks for your help.

> Bonnie from MI


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