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I was intrigued by your saying that Anafranil worked well for both you and your

daughter.  Our psychologist recommended it, but then the psychiatrist (referred

by the psychologist) disagreed with him, saying that Anafranil has too many side

effects.  Was that true for you?  She basically said Anafranil would be a last

resort.  He is currently on Luvox and Clonidine. 


Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 10:31 PM

Subject: Re: new to group


My daughter had a fear of all things technological, for fear that they would

come alive and hurt her. When my own OCD was bad, I feared contamination could

come through the computer, tv, or telephone somehow. What worked for both of us

was the OCD medication called Anafranil. (We actually take the generic form

now.) I can't begin to tell you the difference before and after my daughter

has been on it. Her fears seemed almost psychotic in nature before and not

anymore. Good luck!

new to group


I have a 12yr old daughter diagnosed 1yr ago with OCD. We did ERT/CBT

for 7 months which worked for handwashing and other things like repeating

and checking but her anxiety while she was in school (worried I wouldn't get

her from school) continued so we decided to try meds. Prozac was used for 3

1/2 months which caused her to cry and be depressed so we are now doing

Zoloft. We aren't really seeing any improvement yet. She is still worried

about hair dye getting on her and continues to ask if silverware/dishes are

clean. She now doesn't believe she has OCD and will not use anything to do

with technology. She won't use phones,computers,watch TV,doesn't want to go

in car,won't eat food from fridge now because that is technology. Is this

OCD? Our therapist pretty much tells us she can't do much for us anymore and

psychiatrist doesn't know what this delusion is. I feel like we are not

getting much help or guidance. I'm sorry to make this so long but felt I

needed to give the jist of what's going on. I would appreciate ANY kind of

input as we feel so lost as to what we do.

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I was intrigued by your saying that Anafranil worked well for both you and your

daughter.  Our psychologist recommended it, but then the psychiatrist (referred

by the psychologist) disagreed with him, saying that Anafranil has too many side

effects.  Was that true for you?  She basically said Anafranil would be a last

resort.  He is currently on Luvox and Clonidine. 


Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 10:31 PM

Subject: Re: new to group


My daughter had a fear of all things technological, for fear that they would

come alive and hurt her. When my own OCD was bad, I feared contamination could

come through the computer, tv, or telephone somehow. What worked for both of us

was the OCD medication called Anafranil. (We actually take the generic form

now.) I can't begin to tell you the difference before and after my daughter

has been on it. Her fears seemed almost psychotic in nature before and not

anymore. Good luck!

new to group


I have a 12yr old daughter diagnosed 1yr ago with OCD. We did ERT/CBT

for 7 months which worked for handwashing and other things like repeating

and checking but her anxiety while she was in school (worried I wouldn't get

her from school) continued so we decided to try meds. Prozac was used for 3

1/2 months which caused her to cry and be depressed so we are now doing

Zoloft. We aren't really seeing any improvement yet. She is still worried

about hair dye getting on her and continues to ask if silverware/dishes are

clean. She now doesn't believe she has OCD and will not use anything to do

with technology. She won't use phones,computers,watch TV,doesn't want to go

in car,won't eat food from fridge now because that is technology. Is this

OCD? Our therapist pretty much tells us she can't do much for us anymore and

psychiatrist doesn't know what this delusion is. I feel like we are not

getting much help or guidance. I'm sorry to make this so long but felt I

needed to give the jist of what's going on. I would appreciate ANY kind of

input as we feel so lost as to what we do.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi .  My dd is 10 and was dx at age 4.  It is very exhausting for us,

and for them.




Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 10:59 AM

Subject: New to Group



I have a 7 year old daughter who was also recently diagnosed with OCD. She is

currently in CBT once a week. We've been 4 times so far. She is our 5th child

and this is all so new & at times heartbreaking. She has good days & then there

are days like this morning (running late for school because of her OCD rituals).

I know that if I am feeling tired, she must be exhausted. The stress & anxiety

is such a weight to carry at such an age. If there are any other families with

younger OCD kids I'd really like to connect. I think it would help to talk to

another mom or dad going through the same thing. Thanks!

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You said:

....( our son was recommended to start at age 3 but we held out until age 8 when

he stopped eating due to his rituals/ fears)

> >

My 8 yr-old is refusing to eat breakfast and lunch. I think it is anxiety

related. He does eat dinner because he relaxes at the end of the day (until

bedtime). Did your son stop eating completely?

I don't want to use medication, but he's so miserable at 8 yrs old. I just

don't feel his therapies are keeping up with his anxieties.

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You said:

....( our son was recommended to start at age 3 but we held out until age 8 when

he stopped eating due to his rituals/ fears)

> >

My 8 yr-old is refusing to eat breakfast and lunch. I think it is anxiety

related. He does eat dinner because he relaxes at the end of the day (until

bedtime). Did your son stop eating completely?

I don't want to use medication, but he's so miserable at 8 yrs old. I just

don't feel his therapies are keeping up with his anxieties.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, and welcome. My first thought is has your son been tested/evaluated for

PANDAS? Especially with a sudden onset like you describe, that would be my first


> Hello everyone, I am a parent of a 12 yr. old boy whose OCD symptom came

> out of nowhere. It happened this past summer seemingly overnight with

> worries and anxiety eventually leading to OCD rituals like saying stuff

> and then taking it back, walking thru doorways, entering and exiting

> rooms and going up and down the stairs all in a certain way to the point

> where it has totally frustrated us. His phsychologist is currently

> treating him by way of Neuroplastic therapy to reset the brain to

> function properly. As for myself and the rest of the family, we are

> currently coming to grips with the whole OCD thing and making

> adjustments. I feel like my family has been turned upside down. I have

> read a book called " Freeing Your Child " by T.C. and it has helped us to

> coach my son so he can be strong in fighting back. Does anyone else

> have any suggestions? Has anyone ever done the Neuroplastic Therapy

> before?



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Had to look up neuroplastic therapy and then said " oh! " Found this paragraph by

Dr. Chansky on it:

" ....Neuroplasticity is the idea that the brain is constantly changing and

adapting in response to our activities. Look how we've all learned to type as a

result of email and texting. The brain gets busy with whatever it's used to so,

yes, for some of us we've gotten used to worrying—we're experts.

At the same time, as we learn to devalue the importance of worry, even see it as

detrimental, rather than thinking that it's an important part of being

" prepared " or " in control, " we can start to change our reaction. We can switch

gears over to rational thinking. It feels much better. In time, as we change our

reaction, the brain learns how to do that too. This adaptive response in the

face of uncertainty or fear becomes the new default reaction so we don't have to

work as hard to find it. Rational thinking or our voice of reason is now on our

speed dial. "

It sounds like it's part of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? Have to admit

I'm ignorant on that term but googling about, this is what I *think* I got out

of it, CBT.

Will be interested to hear others answers. My son's OCD began around 12 too,

he's 23 now. Was so severe when it began, just seemed to pop up and was then

24/7 OCD around here. He had his " quirks " growing up but nothing like when the

disorder hit! Things will get better, hang in there!

single mom, 3 sons

, 23, with OCD, dysgraphia, Aspergers


> Hello everyone, I am a parent of a 12 yr. old boy whose OCD symptom came

> out of nowhere. It happened this past summer seemingly overnight with

> worries and anxiety eventually leading to OCD rituals like saying stuff

> and then taking it back, walking thru doorways, entering and exiting

> rooms and going up and down the stairs all in a certain way to the

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  • 2 months later...
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To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 8:02 AM

Subject: New to Group


Hi all, I recently found the podcasts on itunes and bought the book. Waiting to

get it in the mail. I've been reading through some of the old posts. It's going

to be interesting to see where I fit in with all this. I know something is not

right when I reach for a snack-- know it's not right and that I eat it

anyway........I guess I am holding on to alot more than the extra weight.....

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On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 8:02 AM, bellatrixothersister


> Hi all, I recently found the podcasts on itunes and bought the book. Waiting

to get it in the mail. I've been reading through some of the old posts. It's

going to be interesting to see where I fit in with all this. I know something is

not right when I reach for a snack-- know it's not right and that I eat it

anyway........I guess I am holding on to alot more than the extra weight.....



Welcome to the group!



Raising money for Make-a-Wish!  Donation page at http://wam300.org

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Welcome, Marie!

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 1:07 AM, marie_dionne@...


> Hi everyone! I am just new to this group! I have listened to over 100 podcasts

and just purchased the book. Hope to give and find support here :-)





Raising money for Make-a-Wish!  Donation page at http://wam300.org

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Welcome! I'm new too. I hope to hear your story and help you along the way.

- Krissy


> Hi everyone! I am just new to this group! I have listened to over 100 podcasts

and just purchased the book. Hope to give and find support here :-)


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Debbie, he could still try a low dose SSRI to begin with. Or maybe just an

anxiety med. I'd ask his doctors what they think, which might be best to try

first. Some with PANDAS do take an SSRI and benefit.

, my son, hasn't been identified as PANDAS but had some of the symptoms.

He did well on a regular (not low) dose of Celexa. His OCD used to increase

with a fever. And the one time we knew he had strep, OCD went thru the roof

(not on Celexa then). It took weeks to settle back down. (He also has

HFA/Aspergers; OCD began in 6th grade)

With the Aspie side of him, he could talk on & on about topics of interest (not

OCD related), and I would tell him or signal when he had " talked too long " and

that worked for us after he got used to it. But if your son's is OCD related

thoughts...maybe you can work on having him " save " his thoughts until a certain

time of day (or 2x a day, or for an hour or 30 min to start with) and then he

can tell you those he still wants to? Or at his age, maybe saving them for 5 or

10 minutes is a good place to *try* to start. The important thing is to *try*

and hopefully his goal of waiting 5 minutes (or other) will get reached after

many trys.

Just some quick thoughts. Keep us updated, will be interested to hear about if

he starts medication or OCD just settles back down.


> Hi no he isn't on ssris as he is just six

> And up until about a year ago behavioral therapy

> Was working well enough to get us through. We thought

> We might need anxiety meds first as he has

> Severe anxiety and everything seems to scare him.

> The OCD escalated overnight and has had chronic

> Strep and worsening of pandas symptoms since


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