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Hi Tony, Welcome to the group! I'm fairly new myself and have already found

it to be a wonderful and welcoming group. Everyone here has been very nice.

I'm sure you'll find the same thing.

I have 2 girls as well, 11 and 4 (almost 5) we are awaiting a diagnosis on

the younger daughter, however she is in school with several other children

who have autism and being a part of the group and reading the posts etc. has

helped me a lot.

I hope your able to find the support you need here and are able to learn

from all the information these wonderful parents have to share!

Again, Welcome!


's mom

> HI


> I am Tony, married to Dan live in the south east of England and have two

> daughters the eldest of which Grace has just been diagnosed with autism.

> Hope to get to know others form the list


> Tony



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Hi Tony, Welcome to the group! I'm fairly new myself and have already found

it to be a wonderful and welcoming group. Everyone here has been very nice.

I'm sure you'll find the same thing.

I have 2 girls as well, 11 and 4 (almost 5) we are awaiting a diagnosis on

the younger daughter, however she is in school with several other children

who have autism and being a part of the group and reading the posts etc. has

helped me a lot.

I hope your able to find the support you need here and are able to learn

from all the information these wonderful parents have to share!

Again, Welcome!


's mom

> HI


> I am Tony, married to Dan live in the south east of England and have two

> daughters the eldest of which Grace has just been diagnosed with autism.

> Hope to get to know others form the list


> Tony



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I am in the US.

I actually debated for awhile about getting my daughter evaluated. Still do!

LOL Only because she had other medical conditions that the dr.'s seemed to

think were causing the delays and that after medication changes and with

therapy she would catch up and we've seen some improvements but still very

much delayed in several areas, has definate sensory issues and presents with

several other autism like symptoms, but she's very verbal (which I was told

was the one reason none of the professionals in her life were considering

autism as a dx) and she is currently getting as much help as possible at

school and privately that we could possibly get for her and a autism

diagnosis won't change that. So I really debated for sometime. The school

said they would test if I specifically requested it, but I didn't ask

them... felt they'd be to biased as they already have some pre-conceived

ideas and they are the ones that think that because she is so verbal, that

she isn't on the spectrum... However I just had these thoughts nagging at me

and knowing what I'd read about so far and all (the internet can be such a

great and powerful thing, yet scary at the same time!) that I really needed

answers for myself. So I recently asked her Primary care dr. to refer her,

he actually has shown additional concearn with her delays for awhile but was

taking the neurologists word on the previous medications needing time to get

out of her system and that their effects were long lasting.... So he had no

trouble making the referral for me. will actually see a dr. that

specializes in testing and treating children with ASD's on Thursday and the

following Thursday for a full evaluation. Although I will meet with the

school's 'people' on the 5th to find out what they think, because in the

mean time they decided that she needed to be formally tested prior to going

into Kindergarten. So we'll end up with 2 different sets of results to

consider and taken about the same time so it will be interesting to see if

they concur or not.


> HI Theresa


> Our daughters have a similar age gap my youngest will be two in a few

> months

> time.


> We have been waiting fir ages to have Grace assessed and eventually gave

> up

> the wait and went private, saw the same doctor but without the 18 month

> wait!


> Are you also in the US or UK?


> Tony




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Grace was speech delayed a lot when she was younger but she can very much

hold her own in conversation now as long as it is on topics which she is

interested in ie steam engines, dustbin trucks, dogs, horses, etc. She comes


with quite a lot of longer words not typical for her age and her speech and

language therapist said hat she is very unusual in her eloquence although she

often uses words incorrectly.

I think Grace is probably AD (H) D although she is only the H if she has had

additives in her food, being careful with her diet we can prevent her form

going hyper, she is a different child when having had additives, a true night

mare. Her Uncle gave her some sweets last months whilst we were on a day out

I was so cross with him as she turned into a complete little monster. I do

not think he will be doing it again. I am very fortunate that Grace does not

need meds at the moment, I am very much a believer in natural treatments, Grace

sees a cranial osteopath with good success and has seen a homeopath before.

I am quite interested in different diets to help autism but have yet to do

research on them.


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Grace's response to what is you name used to be 'I have to go to parliament

to get a rocking horse! ' she was about three and a half at the time, I

still do not know where she got that from!


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That's great progress Angie!

can tell me who her classmates are by picture, except for the newer

ones... Her class is made up of 3-5 year olds and children are added to the

class as they turn 3 throughout the school year and qualify for school based

services. So we started with 7 children (with one teacher and two aides) and

are currently at 16. They will continue to come till school gets out in


But she can't answer questions about how her day went or what she did that

day... except she will always say she played with play doh... which I don't

doubt, it's one of her favorite things... but it won't go further than that

unless I ask her specific questions... but that gets hard too because more

often than not her answer to everything is yes... I was showing her teacher

one day and asked her if she played with play doh... yes, did you play with

Mrs. ?.... yes. Did you take a nice nap? .... Yes. Did you play

outside on the play ground? Yes.... Did you fall? Yes.... (no she didn't)

Did you fly to the moon? ....Yes!

So it makes it difficult to know how her day was and what the activities

were without the help of the parent notebook that lets me know what she ate,

how she ate, and if she slept and what their activites were that day.

knows that her name starts with R. She can count to 15 or so in

english, though the teens get kinda jumbled in understanding what she's

saying... she can also count to 10 in spanish. She knows all her colors in

english and many in spanish too. (All with help from Dora) She is just now

starting to recognize letters other than R and O. Which Leap Frog Letter

Factory helped a lot with that... but she's still not at a point where she

knows all the letters, or even half of them.

What really made me know there was something different in her is that my mom

is a foster mom, she has children of all ages frequently but she currently

has a little girl (who's name is also ) that is just a few months

older than my , and she's got a grandson that is a year younger than

. I babysit them all from time to time. Back when was turning 3

(he's now 4) he was here and just wouldn't stop talking about his birthday

and what he wanted and who was coming and how much fun it was going to be.

He was always excited about these types of events, Halloween he was months

ahead of time saying what he wanted to be and how it was going to be so

great and how much candy he was going to get etc. Same of course with

Christmas etc.

has absolutely no comprehension of what it means to have it be your

birthday or what happens at Christmas time or any other holiday... and it's

obviously not because we don't talk about it or try to play it down in

anyway. But if you ask her what she wants from Santa, you get a response

that has nothing at all to do with a gift or anything. This last Christmas

she did actually take notice of the presents and loved opening them, but it

was only the opening she was interested in, once that was done she was fine

to walk off and go play with all her old toys, not even understanding that

the new stuff she got was for her to play with now.

I know they always say that you shouldn't compare your child to another of

the same age cause they all develop at their own rates, but as a parent is

incredibly difficult not to. Especially when you see a child that is the

same age and has grown up with her and till the age of 9 mo. was doing all

the same things as the other.


> Kaylin would respond with " Yeah " to every question until she was about

> 3-1/2. Now she does really well with other questions, like her age and she

> loves

> to tell people " my little brother is Nate. " She will sometimes go into

> quotes of Finding Nemo when I am talking to an adult and she isn't in on

> the

> conversation. Unfortunately it is usually the scene where Dory is talking

> to the

> whale and she makes all of these horrid loud sounds. Now she talks non

> stop

> about Sponge Bob or Super Why, but doesn't quote them. She is also asking

> why questions from time to time, which is big. She can memorize how to

> spell

> words from seeing them only a few times. She learned all of her classmates


> names and how to spell them the first week of school.


> Never a dull moment, is there?!

> Angie


> **************Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S. used

> car

> listings at AOL Autos.

> (http://autos.aol.com/used?NCID=aolcmp00300000002851)



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  • 2 years later...
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I also took Zoloft for 6 months. I'm improving but still have erection problems.

Did Viagra help you with erections?


> Hello everyone,


> I have been on zoloft for 5 years and off of it for 1 year. I still have

sexual side effects. I tried a few things such as Viagra (makes my blood

pressure dangerously low and Ginko (no effect).

> My libido increased when I got off of the zoloft but never returned to

normal. Looks like I am one of the unlucky few.


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Yes, but my blood pressure drops dangerously low so I avoid Viagra and similar

drugs. I was thinking about trying Wellbrutin when I see my doctor again. I

didn't see any files about a list of drugs/herbs to try so any other


> >

> > Hello everyone,

> >

> > I have been on zoloft for 5 years and off of it for 1 year. I still have

sexual side effects. I tried a few things such as Viagra (makes my blood

pressure dangerously low and Ginko (no effect).

> > My libido increased when I got off of the zoloft but never returned to

normal. Looks like I am one of the unlucky few.

> >


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Interesting. Which homeopathic therapy? So which exact homeopathic substance was

administered, for how long and in what dose?

What was his exact diagnose and what was his opinion on the ending of the

therapeutic effect?

  I once saw a homeopathist that helped me temporarily, but the fix didn't

hold.  Open to any and all proven recovery/restoration methods.


> Thanks.


> Drake


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it does help, but not when it's time to do the real thing...get by on viagra and cialis and a product call Sextrum, but basically is one and done

To: SSRIsex Sent: Fri, June 25, 2010 11:19:39 AMSubject: Re: new to group

You might try high quality porn for more libido.> > My question is, has anybody figured out a way to get their strength and virility back?

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My understanding is this a a serious group for people suffering not a place to push your porn.

To: SSRIsex Sent: Fri, June 25, 2010 8:39:21 PMSubject: Re: Re: new to group

it does help, but not when it's time to do the real thing...get by on viagra and cialis and a product call Sextrum, but basically is one and done

From: stevehazek <stevehazekyahoo (DOT) com>To: SSRIsex@yahoogroups .comSent: Fri, June 25, 2010 11:19:39 AMSubject: Re: new to group

You might try high quality porn for more libido.> > My question is, has anybody figured out a way to get their strength and virility back?

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I respect your feelings and opinions. And I realize that this discussion group

has members from very different cultural, national and religious backgrounds.

And I'm sorry if I possible may have hurt your feelings or morality with my

suggestion about porn as a sex therapy.

But I agree with the insights of modern sexuology. Most sexuologists, sexual

therapists and marriage counselors worldwide agree with the following basic

perspectives, based on sexuological research:

- Open communication in intimate relationships about sexual feelings and

techniques are often helpful in restoring sexual functioning, especially if

moral or emotional factors seem to contribute to the sexual problems, like shame

and guilt.

- Sexual fantasy, sexual roleplay, sexual products and porn can support sexual

therapy to enhance libido and quality of orgasm.


> My understanding is this a a serious group for people suffering not a place to

push your porn.


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If you look over past posts from the previous years you will find that members

have always been fairly explicit about sexuality and their use of porn to help

with PSSD and Steve's post was nothing new. I personally am not offended by it.


> >

> > My understanding is this a a serious group for people suffering not a place

to push your porn.

> >


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Check your vit D. First things first.


To: SSRIsex Sent: Thu, June 24, 2010 12:31:43 AMSubject: new to group

I am a 55-year-old male living in the Southern U.S. I took Prozac about 15 years ago, and one day while on the drug my strength left me. Also left me with lower libido and errection capability. It's never come back, though Viagra helps some. I was also taking chromium picolinate at the time, which may have contributed to the problem.

My question is, has anybody figured out a way to get their strength and virility back? I once saw a homeopathist that helped me temporarily, but the fix didn't hold. Open to any and all proven recovery/restoratio n methods.



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  • 1 year later...
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Hi " Wife " , welcome to our group! I've 3 sons myself (single parent) and all

grown now (ages 22/twins and 26). My OCD son also has Aspergers, he's 22. His

OCD began in 6th grade, little " quirks " before that.

He had some sensory issues also. Many kids do though, both with & without OCD

or Aspergers. His twin (not identical) had some at a young age, still a couple

things he doesn't like, feel of certain materials, etc. But I didn't realize

how many (OCDer) had until he got occupational therapy (OT) in 6th

grade. He had more things bothering him than I knew. The OT really helped in

that area, he was getting it for help in writing, but they worked on the whole

body. He did get a bit of OT in elementary school, we just tried the " brushing

technique " but didn't keep it up well, so stopped. Well, didn't get OT itself,

the OT just recommended the brushing to us after doing an OT evaluation.

Can identify with the teasing, bullying, but luckily none got physical for

. I was also teased/bullied when young so I'm sensitive about that stuff

when others going through it.

took Celexa in 9th and 10th grades, wonderful med for him. He ended up

on 50mg.

Prior to that we used inositol powder during middle school. It did help with

his OCD then. Have you heard of it? It's considered to be in the B vitamin

family. It's a 50/50 chance it'll help, others have found it helpful, others

not. We tried it again twice at least since then but didn't touch his OCD, have

no idea why. With inositol dosage, ended up around 13 or so grams a

day, others have found much less helped. There's an article " Inositol and OCD "

on this website that you can read (along with any others listed, all are good

OCD articles):

http://www.wsps.info/index.php?option=com_content & view=category & id=36:ocd-and-re\

lated-subjects-by-frederick-penzel-phd & Itemid=64 & layout=default

Other products that some have found helpful are by Native Remedies. MindSoothe

and PureCalm are the products there.


I imagine you know about diets related to autism, but some have found the GFCF

diet helping with OCD too.

Just some quick thoughts, glad you found our group. It's been my best support

through OCD!

single mom, 3 sons

, 22, OCD, dysgraphia, Aspergers

just finished up at UNC-Chapel Hill!!

-- In , " wife " wrote:


> Hello,

> I am new to the group and looking forward to reading advice from others in my

situation. The little I've read so far seems like I have found a wonderful

group. I am the mother of a 13 year old son that was diagnosed at age 7 with

Sensory integration disorder (an autism spectrum disorder) and OCD which I'm

told is also in the spectrum. Since then ADHD has been added. I've suspected

autism since about 18 months of age and after 1st grade I suspected OCD.

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Hello, and welcome to the group. I'm sure we parents of kids with " special

needs " could write a book on bad advice we've gotten from pediatricians. :-/

I haven't read others' responses yet, but I'm wondering whether you could get

help from books, in the interim, while you're waiting for him to have insurance

coverage again. There are books and workbooks that can help you coach him

through coping with his obsessions/compulsions. You might also want to contact

your local public mental health center to see whether they have any child

psychiatrists and counselors with expertise in cognitive behavioral therapy for

kids with OCD. They might not -- but it's worth a shot, and they bill you on a

sliding scale based on income to make it affordable for families without


My daughter also has OCD and sensory issues and is on the autism spectrum. She's

been on medication since she was 8 (SSRIs, like Prozac and Zoloft, plus other

meds as needed). She's 17 now, and after all these years we've finally found a

therapist whose expertise really seems to fit her needs -- she offers cognitive

behavioral therapies including exposure response prevention (the so-called

cognitive behavioral therapy she got in the past was really more supportive

counseling, which is a good thing, but not enough). We tried the homeopathic

route for a while. The doc thought the remedy he gave her fit her like a hand in

a glove and would actually *cure* her OCD. It didn't work. However, the

nutritional supplements he put her on (5-Hydroxy Tryptophan & L-Tyrosine plus a

multi-vitamin) seemed to help, so I've kept giving them to her. Unfortunately,

that stuff is expensive too.

One final thought, to you have the book the The Out of Sync Child? When my dd

was your son's age, that helped me more than anything. It not only helped me

understand and address her sensory issues, but I think it helps with the

anxiety/OCD too.

17 y/o dd with OCD, anxiety/depression, NVLD & Asperger's


> Hello,

> I am new to the group and looking forward to reading advice from others in my


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Congratulations on 's graduation!!! :-) BTW, I graduated from UNC,


17 y/o dd with OCD, anxiety/depression, NVLD & Asperger's




> single mom, 3 sons

> , 22, OCD, dysgraphia, Aspergers

> just finished up at UNC-Chapel Hill!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

, he wants to get into cancer research. Hoping to find some type job

as a lab assistant he said.

> > >

> > > Congratulations on 's graduation!!! :-) BTW, I graduated

from UNC, too.


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  • 1 month later...

My daughter had a fear of all things technological, for fear that they would

come alive and hurt her. When my own OCD was bad, I feared contamination could

come through the computer, tv, or telephone somehow. What worked for both of us

was the OCD medication called Anafranil. (We actually take the generic form

now.) I can't begin to tell you the difference before and after my daughter

has been on it. Her fears seemed almost psychotic in nature before and not

anymore. Good luck!

new to group


I have a 12yr old daughter diagnosed 1yr ago with OCD. We did ERT/CBT

for 7 months which worked for handwashing and other things like repeating

and checking but her anxiety while she was in school (worried I wouldn't get

her from school) continued so we decided to try meds. Prozac was used for 3

1/2 months which caused her to cry and be depressed so we are now doing

Zoloft. We aren't really seeing any improvement yet. She is still worried

about hair dye getting on her and continues to ask if silverware/dishes are

clean. She now doesn't believe she has OCD and will not use anything to do

with technology. She won't use phones,computers,watch TV,doesn't want to go

in car,won't eat food from fridge now because that is technology. Is this

OCD? Our therapist pretty much tells us she can't do much for us anymore and

psychiatrist doesn't know what this delusion is. I feel like we are not

getting much help or guidance. I'm sorry to make this so long but felt I

needed to give the jist of what's going on. I would appreciate ANY kind of

input as we feel so lost as to what we do.

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It all sounds like OCD to me. Your therapist is not experienced enough with

inventing exposures to deal with it. I would make some up myself around first

thinking about touching the least frightening of the technology things, then

actually getting near them then touching then using etc. Also find a new

therapoist (easier said than done) What dose ofzoloft? My son saw no effect at

age 8 until we went over 75 mg and maximally was on 175 mg at age 8!

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once went thru a period where he couldn't access certain internet

addresses. Can't recall which ones, no reason, but, say, if didn't end with

..com then OCD wouldn't let him go to them on the internet. Now - I could look

at them and print out info for him when he was doing reports/research, but OCD

would not let him go to them on the computer.

There could be some *technology* thing to her OCD. Sometimes they can't explain

exactly why with OCD, sometimes they just don't want to share why. Has she said


How does she expect to do school assignments? so much on internet now. I think

if she gets all anxious about this, then it's OCD, not some " trend " (can't think

of a good adjective right now) that she's decided to do or stand she is taking

against technology, etc.

Quick thoughts,


> Hi,

> I have a 12yr old daughter diagnosed 1yr ago with OCD. We did ERT/CBT

> for 7 months which worked for handwashing and other things like repeating

> and checking but her anxiety while she was in school (worried I wouldn't get

> her from school) continued so we decided to try meds. Prozac was used for 3

> 1/2 months which caused her to cry and be depressed so we are now doing

> Zoloft. We aren't really seeing any improvement yet. She is still worried

> about hair dye getting on her and continues to ask if silverware/dishes are

> clean. She now doesn't believe she has OCD and will not use anything to do

> with technology. She won't use phones,computers,watch TV,doesn't want to go

> in car,won't eat food from fridge now because that is technology. Is this

> OCD? Our therapist pretty much tells us she can't do much for us anymore and

> psychiatrist doesn't know what this delusion is. I feel like we are not

> getting much help or guidance. I'm sorry to make this so long but felt I

> needed to give the jist of what's going on. I would appreciate ANY kind of

> input as we feel so lost as to what we do.


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Thanks so much for your thoughts. I have been so desperate to figure this all

out especially since the therapist didn't impress me but being new to this I

just went with it. We are on Zoloft 37.5mg/day. So I've heard that you just have

to keep trying to find the right dose and right med. We are hoping this is true

but haven't seen much difference so far. I am currently looking for the right

therapist also. Thanks again.



> It all sounds like OCD to me. Your therapist is not experienced enough with

inventing exposures to deal with it. I would make some up myself around first

thinking about touching the least frightening of the technology things, then

actually getting near them then touching then using etc. Also find a new

therapoist (easier said than done) What dose ofzoloft? My son saw no effect at

age 8 until we went over 75 mg and maximally was on 175 mg at age 8!


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My daughter isn't fearful of technology in that way she is just insistent on not

using technology. She feels very strongly on using only natural resources, she

showers and gets dressed in the dark, uses bathroom in dark, she is in a panic

if I make her come in from the other room where the lights are on. Otherwise she

just sits in another room in the dark. She refuses to answer the phone and

panics if I try to make her. She asks me at least what feels like 100times a day

if any hair dye got on her she only wants natural hair. She is limiting herself

to eating only fruit now and insists she is going to live in a tribe in the

rainforest. I don't know how any of you handle the frustration everyday with

this, I feel like I can't take it anymore sometimes. I guess you just keep

hoping it will get better? Thanks so much for your feedback.



> My daughter had a fear of all things technological, for fear that they would

come alive and hurt her. When my own OCD was bad, I feared contamination could

come through the computer, tv, or telephone somehow. What worked for both of us

was the OCD medication called Anafranil. (We actually take the generic form

now.) I can't begin to tell you the difference before and after my daughter

has been on it. Her fears seemed almost psychotic in nature before and not

anymore. Good luck!










> new to group






> Hi,

> I have a 12yr old daughter diagnosed 1yr ago with OCD. We did ERT/CBT

> for 7 months which worked for handwashing and other things like repeating

> and checking but her anxiety while she was in school (worried I wouldn't get

> her from school) continued so we decided to try meds. Prozac was used for 3

> 1/2 months which caused her to cry and be depressed so we are now doing

> Zoloft. We aren't really seeing any improvement yet. She is still worried

> about hair dye getting on her and continues to ask if silverware/dishes are

> clean. She now doesn't believe she has OCD and will not use anything to do

> with technology. She won't use phones,computers,watch TV,doesn't want to go

> in car,won't eat food from fridge now because that is technology. Is this

> OCD? Our therapist pretty much tells us she can't do much for us anymore and

> psychiatrist doesn't know what this delusion is. I feel like we are not

> getting much help or guidance. I'm sorry to make this so long but felt I

> needed to give the jist of what's going on. I would appreciate ANY kind of

> input as we feel so lost as to what we do.










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If you don't think the therapist can help anymore, try to find a new one. A

therapist experienced with ocd can make all the difference. My ds had

contamination ocd. After wasting 4 weeks with a dtr that didn't know how to

treat ocd, we found another and after 12 weeks of ERP, I had my son back.

During the bad days, I didn't think there was any hope for improvement. Just

try to take it one day at a time. Hang in there, it can get better.



> Hi,

> I have a 12yr old daughter diagnosed 1yr ago with OCD. We did ERT/CBT

> for 7 months which worked for handwashing and other things like repeating

> and checking but her anxiety while she was in school (worried I wouldn't get

> her from school) continued so we decided to try meds. Prozac was used for 3

> 1/2 months which caused her to cry and be depressed so we are now doing

> Zoloft. We aren't really seeing any improvement yet. She is still worried

> about hair dye getting on her and continues to ask if silverware/dishes are

> clean. She now doesn't believe she has OCD and will not use anything to do

> with technology. She won't use phones,computers,watch TV,doesn't want to go

> in car,won't eat food from fridge now because that is technology. Is this

> OCD? Our therapist pretty much tells us she can't do much for us anymore and

> psychiatrist doesn't know what this delusion is. I feel like we are not

> getting much help or guidance. I'm sorry to make this so long but felt I

> needed to give the jist of what's going on. I would appreciate ANY kind of

> input as we feel so lost as to what we do.


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