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Hi Alana,

I have ulcerative colitis. But I've been able to keep it under control

with medication and running.



> Does anybody here have any other auto-immune conditions?



> Alana


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My only other auto-immune (I think any " chronic " condition effects your

immune system to some extent)

anyway I have:

Lichen Sclerosis

MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)

COPD and Asthma

5 compression fractures in my back (caused from pre-osteoporosis)

antibiotic caused Colitis

I do well even with all that crap!!!!

Donna (co-moderator)


> Does anybody here have any other auto-immune conditions?



> Alana






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Hi Alana,

Well, I have MS and Hashimoto's disease (form of hypothyroidism) and

then of course, Asthma!

Wee!!! ;-)



> Does anybody here have any other auto-immune conditions?



> Alana


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Hi ,

Are you taking all the stuff for arthritis -

glucosamine, chondroiten, enteric-coated fish oil, etc, etc....?

I am having problems with my knees, and started taking glucosamine

and chondroiten.

Seemed to help a little, but I am still waiting for better results.

Will probably work a lot better for someone without digestive

problems -

I have colitis, so I probably have absorption issues.

Are you doing everything you can to prevent the diabetes -

excercise, chromium, cinnamon, etc., etc....?

Thanks for the New Year wishes!

A Happy, Healthy 2008 to you!

This seems like a really nice, friendly, helpful, positive,

supportive, non-judgemental group.

Glad to see that.


> >

> > Does anybody here have any other auto-immune conditions?

> >

> >

> > Alana

> >


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Hi Kathy,

Happy New Year!

Are you taking SAMe for the fibro?

I hope it goes without saying to always talk to your Doctor before

supplementing with anything!


> Does anybody here have any other auto-immune conditions?


> Alana







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Hi Cindi,


Thanks for the laugh!



>>>>> Wow!! That is a loaded question...people will respond! Does


> count?


> Big smiles and hugs!!

> Cindi

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Hi n,

Same here.

Are you on the SC Diet?

Taking enteric-coated fish oil, glutamine powder, probiotics, etc.,


The diet and supplements were working well for me at one time,

but things got worse, and diet and supplements could not do the job -

had to go on 6MP and Remicade.

(I am steroid intolerant, so that is not an option.)

I am not on the diet anymore, but I am taking supplements.


>>>> I have ulcerative colitis.

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Hi,, No rheumatologist put me on Lyrica for it..sea_girl111 wrote: Hi Kathy,Happy New Year!Are you taking SAMe for the fibro?I hope it goes without saying to always talk to your Doctor before supplementing with anything!Alana> Does anybody here have any other auto-immune conditions?> > Alana> > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.>

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Hi Donna,

I like your positive attitude despite all those conditions!

Have never heard of some of them.

What is antibiotic caused colitis?


>>>> I do well even with all that crap!!!!

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Hi Jill,

Love the positive attitude!


>>>> Well, I have MS and Hashimoto's disease (form of hypothyroidism)


> then of course, Asthma!

> Wee!!! ;-)


> ~Jill

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Hi ,

Have you tried any of the natural stuff for asthma and allergies?


-- In asthma , " Medica " wrote:


> Allergies: Dust mites/Feather/Hay fever/Grass


> Kinda confused on the topic. 2 part question


> - I was told 2 years ago i was asthmatic, and allegies was root


> & mimic asthma attack)

> - I was prescribbed salbutamol, i will i be stuck /w rest my life?


> Thanks


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  • 1 month later...

Yes, normally, when I have an attack my peak flows are yellow, I've never been red and I sometimes have mild symptoms when my peak flows are green. I was told that it was most likely anxiety but i'm not buying it... no one knows how I feel better than me!!!!"Beth K." wrote: Hi All, Just wondering if anyone has felt the symptoms of an attack, even with a good peak flow and pulsox number? Did your pulmo accept this and treat or say it was caused by anxiety?? Thanks for any info you can provide! Regards, Beth Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

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Hi Karan - thanks for your reply - Regards, Bethkaran scott wrote: Yes, normally, when I have an attack my peak flows are yellow, I've never been red and I sometimes have mild symptoms when my peak flows are green. I was told that it was most likely anxiety but i'm not buying it... no one knows how I feel better than me!!!!"Beth K." <bethrandik> wrote: Hi All, Just wondering if anyone has felt the symptoms of an attack, even with a good peak flow and pulsox number? Did your pulmo accept this and treat or say it was caused by anxiety?? Thanks for any info you can provide! Regards, Beth Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

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I hate it when docs says symptoms are caused by anxiety. I've wondered if they say it to men as much as women. I was once in the ER (on my family doc's orders) because I was having a bad asthma attack with tachycardia. The ER doc had the nerve to say my heart rate was due to anxiety even though my family doc and later the cardiologist said it was because I wasn't getting enough oxygen and my heart had to work harder. When my blood gas showed I was hypoxic he had the grace to apologize since he knew his "anxiety " comment was offensive. I was hospitalized for three days from that asthma attack. Although anxiety can in fact cause medical issues to worsen I have to come to believe it's the default diagnosis when a doc is too busy/lazy/stumped to figure out the real problems. Just my opinion....

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AMEN !mt wrote: Although anxiety can in fact cause medical issues to worsen I have to come to believe it's the default diagnosis when a doc is too busy/lazy/stumped to figure out the real problems. Just my opinion....

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Because an asthma attack is not psychological, a panic attack is. (That's not to say panic attacks are "all in your head". Far from it. I've had them)

Telling anyone they can cure an asthma attack through positive thinking or any such thing is dangerous and false.



Why would a flame war come from saying that if a person can avoid panic, they can calm down an asthma attack? I've been an asthmatic for 30 years, and yes, if I panic then it gets much worse, this is true - so I tell myself to calm down and realize I've made it this far, I have done this before and I can do it again. You would be surprised at the times I couldn't breathe and managed to relax enough to take a breath. Starts with a couple breaths and then it gets better. I know some are not so lucky, I've heard the stories, but some of us have had good luck with learning how to relax.

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Although a person can control asthma most of the time, I would never

say that asthma can be cured by any method. Most of the time, we do

have to keep up with the medications.

It's kind of hard to separate the mind and the body when it comes to

one cooperating with the other.

My last Monday problem happened because I went back to work too soon.

I had to walk a distance out in the cold, icy wind and I knew better,

I was just hoping that I would not be having troubles. Stupid, but

true. Because of past experiences with panic attacks, I knew what was

happening and I managed to talk myself into calming down enough to

make it to the car which was no small task. I didn't think I was going

to make it. But, I did make it and I'm thinking that if I couldn't

have controlled my fear, I might have had a worse attack. And yes, I

credit medications to helping, can't just not take them.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Dilantin is a tough seizure med.

Have you tried any other ones like Trileptal or Lamictal?

What type of seizures does he have?

My son takes Trileptal and Lamictal for his partial complex secondary to

generalized type of seizures.

I've heard Dilantin can cause liver problems and must be checked regularly with

blood tests.


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The only other med's he has tried are Valproic acid and Keppra. Both with no


Donna wrote: Dilantin is a tough

seizure med.

Have you tried any other ones like Trileptal or Lamictal?

What type of seizures does he have?

My son takes Trileptal and Lamictal for his partial complex secondary to

generalized type of seizures.

I've heard Dilantin can cause liver problems and must be checked regularly with

blood tests.


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Try Topomax. My daughter Mikayla has been on it since she was 2 months old.

We have had no side effects or problems.

> The only other med's he has tried are Valproic acid and Keppra. Both

> with no success.


> Donna <donnasc4@... <donnasc4%40tds.net>> wrote: Dilantin is a tough

> seizure med.


> Have you tried any other ones like Trileptal or Lamictal?


> What type of seizures does he have?


> My son takes Trileptal and Lamictal for his partial complex secondary to

> generalized type of seizures.


> I've heard Dilantin can cause liver problems and must be checked regularly

> with blood tests.


> Donna



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Guest guest

It doesn't sound like his quality of life is very good now on the Dilantin.

Maybe a different seizure med will give you less side effects and still have

seizure control.

Might be worth checking into with your neurologist.

When my son tried other meds like Depokote and a few others that made him zombie

like, I asked for something else.

We've tried 9 different seizure meds and the two he is on now is the better of

them all.

Good luck. I understand how frustrated this makes you feel.

Know also that there are other ways to control seizures. Several other

types of seizure meds, KETO diet, VNS implant or surgery


Re: Question

The only other med's he has tried are Valproic acid and Keppra. Both with no


Donna wrote: Dilantin is a tough seizure med.

Have you tried any other ones like Trileptal or Lamictal?

What type of seizures does he have?

My son takes Trileptal and Lamictal for his partial complex secondary to

generalized type of seizures.

I've heard Dilantin can cause liver problems and must be checked regularly

with blood tests.


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