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Hi everyone I want to say that I am really happy with this group. You all are

very infomative and quick to respond to the Questions. Thank you.....Copper

dianne hayter wrote: although oxycontin supposedly

lasts 12 hours, most people find it lasts 8.

your dr. won't be surprised if he works with chronic pain patients. my

shrink said that anymore than 30 mg./day is addctive. i take 5mg. 4 time's

a day, and 2 clonazepam(valium family) at night. i f your dr. gives you any

" addict vibes " , he is not educated to the fact the people in REAL PAIN,

don't get addicted, just addicts, and they have to crush it to get immediate

release(snort it, or inject it with saline!). angel

Re: (unknown)


> In this message I ment to say I don't have pain for 8 of the 12 hours but

then I suffer for 4 hours till my next dose. Does that make sence? Sorry

about the type O thanks......... Copper

> Penny Hutcheson wrote:

> Hi everyone I wanted to ask some ? on the subject of Oxycontin my self and

this seems like the right time to do it.

> I just started taking Oxycontin 30 mgs twice a day on the first of October

and I have had sleepy days since. I also take Soma 350 mgs and Amitiptyline

25 mgs at bedtime. I want to know how long the sleepiness will last since it

has been three weeks now with no end in site. I am also in pain for about 8

hours into the med with 4 hours to go till the next dose. Should I tell my

doctor this? With the hopes he will not think I am just a drug seeker. He

has told me in the past that if he put me on Valium for muscle spasms that I

would get addicted to it and would never get off it with out help. This is

when I put in to my Attorney for a new Doctor but I can't change Doctors for

I have used all my requests according to the Workers Comp laws in my State.



> Thanks Copper



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  • 1 month later...


I am new to the group so I would like to introduce

myself. I am annie. Welcome back and I think that is

great news about your friend. I do believe in miracles

and I also believe that your attitude makes a big

difference. I get depressed from time to time but then

I just try to deal with it. I have degenerative

arthritis and my back and leg pain gets bad. My

biggest problem lately is increasingly

headaches/migraines. Alot of people in the group have

been very helpful and I thank them all. annie

--- muddlissa@... wrote:

> I wanted to check in and say hello. I have pain

> related to repeated

> back strains/trauma and continuing degenerative

> process and a new

> herniation recently. I haven't been in this group

> for awhile, I had

> taken a hiatus but will be reading posts and seeing

> how everyone is

> doing for awhile.

> But I did not come in to talk about me tonight. I

> have some very

> good news to share with you I am just busting at the

> seams to tell

> someone so please bear with me!

> Some of you I may have told this to previously, I

> have a friend

> that has Neurofibromatosis. It's a condition that

> causes tumors on

> the skin, discolorations, sometimes other effects

> that I'm not

> entirely familiar with and inside tumors as well--

> it is genetic,

> they didn't know it ran in her family until she was

> born with it at

> which time her father was diagnosed for the first

> time. She has

> tumors in her brain. The ones she has are in a

> common location for

> the condition (on the auditory nerve area in the

> center of her

> brain). She is 28 years old and her father died from

> it at 38, when

> she was 14 years old. She has had nightmares and

> migraines among

> other things her whole life but if you met her you'd

> never guess in a

> million years that she has this, she is so fun and

> spirited. A lovely

> girl and a loyal friend. Well today, she went for a

> routine MRI to

> track the growth or any changes and instead of 3

> tumors, the

> technician mentioned ONE very tiny tumor...this is

> the first time

> since they looked that this has happened! I think it

> is because she

> quit smoking, hasn't smoked in over a month. She

> doesn't think so but

> I think it could have contributed. The last MRI was

> 6 months ago.

> Right before that they had gone in for a biopsy but

> missed the tumor

> and got healthy tissue. In any event it does not

> matter why, I am

> just SO relieved that it is diminished it's like a

> miracle! I think

> she had not taken care of herself very well after

> her father died

> because she was on some level depressed about what

> might happen to

> her no matter what, like it was inevitable so why

> bother kind of

> attitude. I think she has been greiving a long time.

> Anyway, I know

> this is all just a jumble of words spilling out I am

> just wanting to

> share this! She is so wonderful and deserves a long

> decent life.

> Thanks for listening. I will write about my health

> another time. I

> may now be a surgical candidate for my neck problems

> but that is not

> as important as this other news. I can still hardly

> believe it. Take

> care all and have a very nice Thanxgiving : )




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  • 1 month later...

Changing or discontinuing medications is always a big issue. One needs to

gradually downsize medications and to go away on a much to much close contact

type of trip is in itself a literal PAIN-----like camping well I always hated

those trips with the kids even tho I loved nature the work was always on my

shoulders and that alone is difficult. Actually you need xtra sleeping

medications when away and not in ones own good bed...Camping for me now

entails a cabin and a decent bed and a soft sleeping bag..we learn the hard

way. Usually my husband loves it more than me. He will wait til I go to

sleep and he then takes his bag, or a chair and go out into the meadows and

get his " nature fix " ......The altitude has a big bearing on me now with my

weight gain from physical inactivity.

Plan ahead I say.... Well next time you will prepare ahead o.k. Best of the

seasons''''''''' Alice

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  • 3 weeks later...

on the subject of, uh, constipation.....I've always

heard - could be wrong -- that metamucil and bulk

things like that aren't always a good idea for people

on opiates. that's because opiates tends to drain all

the water out the of the stool.

If we take bulk.....or extra fiber material, we're

just adding more bulk. Stool softeners have always

been what I've been recommended.

And if it's been a really really long time, and

laxatives aren't working, there's always that gross

lime otc green stuff...what is it... citrus

magnuisium? but it works ---- quick... i'm not a

doctor and these my own opinions. gary.

--- carpenter20012002


> ---No apologies needed, if we can't talk about these

> problems too

> then I'd say we have problems. Unfortunately the

> meds do have this

> effect. Your note mentioned metamucil and laxatives,

> have you tried a

> stool softener? These are different in that they

> make the stool

> softer rather than being a laxative/stimulant. Its

> important to take

> it with a full glass of water to get its full

> benefit, the generic of

> a common stool softener is called docusate sodium.

> Since I'm not a

> pharmacist I would talk about this with your gp in

> regards to your

> other meds...the prune juice and roughage is super

> for you too, have

> you tried the prune juice warm? I wish good resultss

> for you-Darcy








> In chronic_pain@y..., " Terry Melanson "

> <clasldy@t...> wrote:

> > Dear Friends,

> > My apologies for a very sensitive subject, but, I

> feel we are all

> close

> > enough to ask it. I have a problem coping with

> constipation bought

> on by the

> > MS Contin. Metamucil and the like do not agree

> with me and

> laxitives per se

> > are much too harsh. I use prune juice and lots of

> roughage. At the

> moment I

> > am forced to go off my medication for 24 hrs to

> relieve the

> problem. The

> > downside is I am in intense pain during the time I

> am off. Any

> advice

> > please??? again my apologies for the subject. By

> the way Melatonin

> is not

> > available in Canada.

> > Thanks TerryM

> > God Bless




sincerely, gary wiremen


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At 09:45 AM 1/30/02 +0000, wrote:

>The last time I asked for an appointment they

>asked for my medical records. They didn't specify what so I sent them

>whatever I had...

I'd imagine what they wanted was the records from other doctors who have

treated you. They will probably be hesitant to see you without those

records, and certainly, the first appointment (at least) would be longer

and more involved if they have to repeat tests and agther information that

other doctors have already taken care of.



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> Yes of course and that is why I sent them whatever I had, which is

alot. They were then supposed to make me an appointment and all they

said was am I sure I can afford to go which I said YES, we can't

afford it but I will have to. I am just upset that they are so

difficult to communicate with, they don't pick up their phone and

they said they prefer emails-they don't reply to emails- only rarely

and I wonder if I will hear from them again.

> I'd imagine what they wanted was the records from other doctors who


> treated you. They will probably be hesitant to see you without


> records, and certainly, the first appointment (at least) would be


> and more involved if they have to repeat tests and agther

information that

> other doctors have already taken care of.


> Hower


> http://home.dejazzd.com/hower





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Hi Jami,

I too had endoscpoic shoulder surgery about 2 years ago. The injury was from

one of my students (I teach special ed.) trying to run into the road and

pushed me into a chain link fence. I hit one of the solid metal poles.

I was unable to lift my arm at all for a while so I could not wear

tee-shirts. It had to be a button down the front type so I could put the

injured arm in first.

Good luck with the surgery. Just thought I'd let you know about the shirts

so if you find you can't get into tee-shirts you'll have some sort of back up


Kathleen in Calif.

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I had surgery in Nov. and had a shot for pain as I was leaving and it was

painful for about 6 weeks. I've never had this happen before and I've had

hundreds of shots. Don't know why it happened,

Kathleen in Cal,

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Thanks for the advice. What about putting the injured arm in first and then

putting the head and other arm in? I wear a size larger than I normally take. I

like loose t-shirts.



Krag52@... wrote:

>Hi Jami,


>I too had endoscpoic shoulder surgery about 2 years ago. The injury was from

>one of my students (I teach special ed.) trying to run into the road and

>pushed me into a chain link fence. I hit one of the solid metal poles.


>I was unable to lift my arm at all for a while so I could not wear

>tee-shirts. It had to be a button down the front type so I could put the

>injured arm in first.


>Good luck with the surgery. Just thought I'd let you know about the shirts

>so if you find you can't get into tee-shirts you'll have some sort of back up



>Kathleen in Calif.




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Dexfenfluramine and serotonergic [much more frequently than serotoninergic]



Dear All,

Can you suggest English correspondents for the following French terms:


agents serotoninenergiques

In the context of control of appetite.

Many thanks

URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/medical_translation


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From MeSH:

Dexfenfluramine[Detailed display]

The S-isomer of FENFLURAMINE. It is a serotonin agonist

and is used as an anorectic. Unlike

fenfluramine, it does not possess any catecholamine

agonist activity.

Re: (unknown)

> dexfenfluramine


> agents serotoninenergiques

serotoninergic agents


URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/medical_translation


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sonia_cutler ha scritto:

> Can you suggest English correspondents for the following French terms:

> dexfenfluramine

Same in English

> agents serotoninenergiques

Serotonin agents



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Hi !

dexfenfluramine is the same in English.

agents serotoninenergiques - I am not sure but I think it is serotoninergic


Love and sunshine always,

Cássia Nasser :-) xoxo galore!

Translator Eng <> Braz Port


" The butterfly counts not months

but moments, and has time enough. "

Rabindranath Tagore

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


This is so scary. I cannot believe it. Did the police catch the poeple who did

this. It is just getting worse everyday to be safe. It must have really been

frightening with it being in your own neighborhood. Thier is nothing that

someone like this will not do to get the drugs they want. I am happy to hear

that you were not seriously hurt.


muddlissa wrote: My boyfriend and I were brutally attacked

by some people behind our

house- they were driving in our neighborhood buying and using crack

cocaine. While they were high (we did NOTHING to provoke these

people other than being outside) they tried to run him over with

their car and if not for police getting there in time they would have

killed him. The police got there in time because I ran for help, with

my very bad back, up flights of stairs and 2 blocks away very quickly

which I shouldn't have done. It was the closest person who would

answer the door.I ran because if I'd stayed there I would have been

very hurt maybe paralyzed trying to save my boyfriend who I had to

leave there to fend for himself until I could get help.That was not

my first encounter with someone high and out of control. I may not

know what it is like to need a drug but I know what it is like to be

the victim of someone who has no control over their behavior.

I have had many many friends in recovery over the years. I used to

drive people to meetings and sometimes go in with them to offer

support and encouragement. I hide my medication if they are ever

around. I may care but I do not trust them. There is a guy who asked

me for my pills. What have MY medicines got to do with his addiction?

NOTHING. It isn't that I don't understand addiction or dont' want

to. I just am tired of having other people's problems affect me. I

have a right to feel as I do, that my medicine is a separate issue

and is not for any other purpose or discussion. If I am offending

people then perhaps I should not be here, I may be in the wrong


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  • 5 weeks later...
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Depende del idioma.



¿Alguien me podría dar la traducción de estos


talonidea-bivincular-diatrodial(temporomeniscal & menis

condilea)retrusores-protrusores y

lateralizadores(pterigoideo externo)-neuromusculobio

mecánico bivincular- traslateral-lámina cribosa del

etmoides- filetes del nervio olfatorio-sistemas

harvesianos-tipo heptoide de ángulo abierto

Es para un texto de odontología


Conectate a Internet GRATIS con Yahoo! Conexión:

http://conexion.yahoo.com.ar <http://conexion.yahoo.com.ar>

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Depende del idioma.



¿Alguien me podría dar la traducción de estos


talonidea-bivincular-diatrodial(temporomeniscal & menis

condilea)retrusores-protrusores y

lateralizadores(pterigoideo externo)-neuromusculobio

mecánico bivincular- traslateral-lámina cribosa del

etmoides- filetes del nervio olfatorio-sistemas

harvesianos-tipo heptoide de ángulo abierto

Es para un texto de odontología


Conectate a Internet GRATIS con Yahoo! Conexión:

http://conexion.yahoo.com.ar <http://conexion.yahoo.com.ar>

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  • 3 months later...
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Hi and welcome to the club-haha! I know what you mean about loving your Mom

so much. I used to say the same thing. I had so much love for her. She has

continued to test it and stretch it until I honestly don't know if I have any

love left for her. She has systematically attacked every one of my

weaknesses and still continues to try to. She always " hits me where it

hurts. " I drew the line when she used the death of my dog to get a reaction

out of me. Since then I decided that there were certain invisible boundaries

that once she crossed were going to bring another level of separation from

her. One that comes to mind is, I knew that eventually she would start in on

the grandkids, my niece and nephews. Sure enough, the 3 year old niece is

now " a manipulative little girl, just like her mother. " After that I think I

finally understood that I wasn't a bad child. Since then whatever love I had

for her has started to fade. I also realized that if I let her, she would

come between myself and my boyfriend. He is the only person who has loved me

because I am me. How dare she even try to take that away from me. I refuse

to let her. I deserve to have a long happy marriage (ok, not married but

relationship) even if she didn't have one. I am going to have a happy life

if it kills me! haha... My sister is the " bad child " so is her husband. My

mother has abused that man beyond belief. He took her (my mother) in and

paid her living expenses and took her crap for a long time. Thankfully my

sister finally threw her out. For a while though, I was really seriously

concerned for his safety. I was afraid she was going to try to have him

killed or something. He is not a bad guy, sure he has his " issues " but who

doesn't? The truth is he loves my sister and he is a fabulous father to his

kids. Just keep telling yourself that you deserve your own life. That even

means you should be able to make your own mistakes. (not that you are, I

just figure that is what she is saying to you) Best wishes for you and your

babies! I don't know what to tell you other than I know what it is like to

have the love for your mother holding you hostage in your own life. Take


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In a message dated 7/12/02 11:22:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

violamare@... writes:

> I think my hardest part through all of this is trying to

> release the power she still has over my heart... I do love her so

> much.... and its hard for me sometimes to not let myself be

> controlled by her, even if its just " inside " ... because of that

> love. Does this make sense to you guys, too??



It makes sense to me! Welcome to the group. The best advice I can give you,

having been in a similar situation (pregnant and unmarried...married when I

was 6 mos along...shared info re: hubby w/ Megatron.....DISASTER!) is:

1. never share information with either parent (esp. nada) about your

disagreements with your husband unless it is a life threatening situation

(abuse)...nadas never forget anything and will use info as a weapon.

2. set clear boundaries about your family life (you, hubby kids) so that

nada doesn't interfere.

3. consider therapy so that the things nada has done to you do not become

things you do to your own children

Good luck to you, I hope this helps. If you'd like to ask me about my

trials and tribulations, email me directly!


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Hi ,

I am glad you found us!! Hang in there - we all know what you are going through

- and post anything your little heart desires!! Take Care -


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  • 4 months later...




I have gotten this from nada. " You have treated me so badly - I just hope your

children do the same to you "

Hania (who is waiting to see if nada will respond to the latest letter I sent)

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I have gotten this from nada. " You have treated me so badly - I just hope your

children do the same to you "

Hania (who is waiting to see if nada will respond to the latest letter I sent)

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  • 3 months later...
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touched and laughing at the same time


Steve c


Jan said:

" I can't know this - it only feels that way from over here because to me

it's obvious that when given the choice I'd prefer peace over war any

day...I accept the eventual decision, but I raise my voice for peace and

I feel nothing but fab about it....I'd only suffer if I was attached to

the outcome of asking for peace.... jan "

What I perceive in the world is my own projection. If I perceive a

need for peace out there, it has to be the result of some lie I have

chosen to believe rather than to know the truth. When I am believing

a lie, it makes me feel uncomfortable and then pretty soon, another

generation of lie comes along and makes me feel that I should raise

my voice in order to effect some change " out there " in others. That

is " hopeless " . By raising my voice to others, what am I the teacher

of? That War works!

However, it is fine for me to raise my voice for peace, because if I

do it loud and long enough, maybe someday I will stop and listen.

Love to all, Steve D.

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