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I just realized that although I've been a member here for awhile, I've never

introduced myself. I'm Shaney. Nice to meet all of you. , I feel

exactly like you do. I have so many of the days you described. I know how it

feels to think you're a burden. I felt that way when I was married. My husband

acted like my daughter and I were both burdens. My daughter and I both have

APLAS and it caused her to have two heart transplants over the past 11 yrs. He

checked out a long time ago both mentally and emotionally. I finally decided

I'd rather be divorced and take care of my daughter alone. It's hard, but we

make do most days. She's angry sometimes because I'm sick a lot, but we make

the most of my good days.

<man_u8@...> wrote:

You have to take it one day at a time. I'm 30 and I am in the

process of getting on SSDI because I can't hold down a job anymore.

Taking a shower is hard for me, (washing my hair is the worst), doing

laundry, cooking etc. I do feel like I am a huge burden on my

husband. He's younger then me and I feel that he should be with

someone who can do things w/ him like hike and play sports. We've

only been married 4 years and we have the rest of our lives

together. He says he's in it for the long haul and will help me and

take care of me on my best days and my worst days.

I think the part of my depression from my RA/fibro. You just have to

take it day by day. On my good days, I can go for a walk and I try

to take advantage of it.

> > > >

> > > > Does anyone else with RA feel too bad to

> > exercise? I have gained

> > a

> > > > substantial amount of weight in the past 2yrs

> > because I simply

> > don't

> > > > feel like exercising. I ache and hurt, and am

> > tired from the meds

> > I

> > > > am on. Because of the weight gain and feeling

> > lousy, I get

> > depressed

> > > > and then I end up eating... Does anyone else

> > have this problem,

> > or

> > > > does anyone have any advice?

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Joanne how are you doing today?

I am not sure what brought on RA in me. Doctor's always say that here

is no way to know for sure. What is APLAS? I can not find anyone in my

family history that has ever had it. It constatly boogles my

mind ...why me? Sometimes just hard to not feel sorry for ourselves.

My Husband (or soon to be) is supportive and lets me complain when I

need to but I feel the same as you do...like a burden. I feel like I

am always complaining and feel that people think I should just suck it

up. Being positive is not so easy sometimes when you can not do the

littlest daily tasks. Somethings yes found other ways but the energy

they still take just exusutes you. It is easier to stay home but

doesn't make life very fulfilling and that gets depressing.

Anyway i do tend to ramble -- sorry for that....guess we all just like

to vent...and to one's that understand just means more to say!

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It sounds like weight is an issue for many of us. We could start a separate

support group for those with weight concerns and act as an accountability team

for each other. Thoughts?



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Hi and Joanne:)

I've been working with a CBT doctor who works with

patients with chronic illness or are disabled. I

tried really hard for the longest time to figure out

why what happened did. I was diagnosed with CFS at

the age of 19. I was diagnosed with FMS just out of

college and disabled by it by the age of 30. 2 years

after that the inflammatory started and they kept

looking for answers and sending me to doctor after

doctor (sports med/orthopedics) as it was just

affecting the knees at the time. One important thing

I learned from my doctor when I would ask the why me,

she would remind me that at one point or other,

everyone feels pain, everyone's body will age, and it

will begin to let us down, everyone will eventually

become ill with something. I think of children that

were born disfigured/deformed that will never know a

normal day, or kids that are born with cancer to only

live a few years and have to suffer that whole time.

This has taught me more compassion and has made me

appreciate what I did get to have and achieve. I do

struggle with the losses too, but I work really hard

to not let those thoughts overwhelm me or I will drown

in them. And I know that type of thinking is really

harmful to my health and immune system. Then I look at

Reeve who worked so hard to achieve what

doctors told him he would never again do. He was in

immense pain and he worked hours and hours everyday to

prove them wrong. So on my worst days, I look to that

as a role model. I make really small goals for myself

everyday and if I can do just one of them, I am proud.

Venting is always a good thing though through support

groups, forums, with family/friends/journals. On days

I feel really bad about being a burden, etc I try to

do something that I enjoy to help perk me up:)

--- laurab7083 <laura_banks@...> wrote:

> Hi Joanne how are you doing today?

> I am not sure what brought on RA in me. Doctor's

> always say that here

> is no way to know for sure. What is APLAS? I can

> not find anyone in my

> family history that has ever had it. It constatly

> boogles my

> mind ...why me? Sometimes just hard to not feel

> sorry for ourselves.

> My Husband (or soon to be) is supportive and lets me

> complain when I

> need to but I feel the same as you do...like a

> burden. I feel like I

> am always complaining and feel that people think I

> should just suck it

> up. Being positive is not so easy sometimes when

> you can not do the

> littlest daily tasks. Somethings yes found other

> ways but the energy

> they still take just exusutes you. It is easier to

> stay home but

> doesn't make life very fulfilling and that gets

> depressing.

> Anyway i do tend to ramble -- sorry for

> that....guess we all just like

> to vent...and to one's that understand just means

> more to say!





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Hi Shaney!!:)

Ugh I'm with you! I wish I felt well enough to even

try to date at this point:)

--- SHANEY DALE <rileyheart1296@...> wrote:

> I honestly wish I had a husband that didn't

> understand.

> RA is making it very difficult to date. lol. Enough

> feeling sorry for myself today though. Thanks to

> everyone for their advice and understanding.


> <man_u8@...> wrote: I have

> found this group extremely helpfull. People here

> understand

> what your going through and it's refreshing to know

> that others here

> support you and offer advice. My husband tells me he

> understands, but

> he doesn't have RA or fibro and it's hard for him to

> understand some

> days you can't take a shower and have trouble

> dressing yourself.

> Just keep in touch.





> > >

> > > Does anyone else with RA feel too bad to

> exercise? I have gained

> a

> > > substantial amount of weight in the past 2yrs

> because I simply

> don't

> > > feel like exercising. I ache and hurt, and am

> tired from the meds

> I

> > > am on. Because of the weight gain and feeling

> lousy, I get

> depressed

> > > and then I end up eating... Does anyone else

> have this problem,

> or

> > > does anyone have any advice?

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >







> ---------------------------------

> Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. Make

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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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I see a wellness doctor that has a weight management

program as part of their practice. We were talking

about it one day, and he was stating that with so many

of the medications, sometimes its hard for one who is

ill to get back to where they once were. It's almost

a battle to just get to a somewhat healthy weight and

to work on stretches and toning exercises. Walking is

really great for you! I've not been able to do any in

a few weeks but look forward to doing it again soon:)

He advised that even if you can only do a couple of

minutes a day a few times a day that its of some

benefit. Luckily, I'm only on small doses of

prednisone and its a med my doctors don't prescribe

often for me. I do notice when I stop the med, the

8lbs I gained on it, go away within a few weeks

--- Nettleton <pebonejosh@...> wrote:

> If you are any type of steriod, you will gain

> weight. I have been on prednisone for 6 years, I

> have gone from 145 lbs to 210. I am now coming off

> the prednisone and I am starting to drop the weight.

> I do exercise at least 3 times a week. Even if it is

> just walking, walking is good for you. If you get a

> dog it makes the walking even more easier. Eat

> smaller portions and really watch what you eat,

> sugar is and soda is so bad for you. Jean


> SHANEY DALE <rileyheart1296@...> wrote:

> Thanks, I'm glad I'm not the only one.


> <man_u8@...> wrote: I have the exact

> same problem that you do. Since I found out I had

> RA,

> my weight has sky rocketed. The meds that I am on

> doesn't help matters

> either. During the summer I found that swimming

> helped somewhat since

> it didn't effect my joints as much.

> I know my rheumatologist and primary get on me about

> excersising, but

> when you feel lousy, you feel lousy. Your not the

> only one.





> >

> > Does anyone else with RA feel too bad to exercise?

> I have gained a

> > substantial amount of weight in the past 2yrs

> because I simply don't

> > feel like exercising. I ache and hurt, and am

> tired from the meds I

> > am on. Because of the weight gain and feeling

> lousy, I get depressed

> > and then I end up eating... Does anyone else have

> this problem, or

> > does anyone have any advice?

> >


> ---------------------------------

> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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Hi Joanne!

It's ok to have a good cry and then to pick ourselves

back up and dust ourselves off! I have CFS diagnosed

at 19, FMS diagnosed at 30, and inflammatory Ra that

they just started to treat a little over a year ago

even though I had joint effusions/stiffness/pain even

longer than that. I don't know if you read Arthritis

Today but there are many advances being made. I was

skimming through the Sept/Oct issue and a vaccine was

mentioned that they have been studying that one day

could lead to long term remission. There is an

article in that issue also with Tina Wesson, a former

Survivor winner, she's 46 and has RA. Its a good

magazine as they have studies being done, effective

treatments they are finding, diet tips, healthy

exercise tips, and effective products to help us deal

with the everyday things we might not otherwise be

able to do.

--- Joanne Dubnicka <windey99@...> wrote:

> I also have found this group supportive. Each day is

> a

> trial for me as the pain makes doing everything

> difficult. My husband understands but many times I

> feel as if I am a burden to him.

> I try not to think about the RA and try to function

> as

> best as possible. But when I do think about it and

> the

> damage it has brought on, I start to feel sorry for

> myself and have a good cry. After that, I am good

> for

> a week or more and continue to do the best I can.

> There are many adjustments which I have had to make

> such as I can't put my makeup on with my right hand

> anymore as my elbow won't bend that far so I have to

> use my left hand; it is difficult to put on socks;

> it

> is difficult to shower each day; it is easier to

> stay

> home so I don't have to get dressed to go out

> because

> it is painful to get dressed; it is difficult to

> work

> in the kitchen because things are heavy or I am

> unable

> to open jars or cans; and so forth. Many things I

> have

> been able to adjust to and work around as most of

> you

> have had to do because life goes on. I sometimes

> think

> about the children who have RA - they must suffer so

> much also.

> There is not much mentioned about RA in the real

> world

> - not like some things such as breast cancer, MS, or

> other diseases. I wonder if there is any support for

> finding a cure for RA as there other medical

> problems.

> Whew, that was a vent but I just wanted to thank all

> of you for sharing problems, hopes, ideas and

> support.

> Perhaps someday a cure will be found.


> --- <man_u8@...> wrote:


> > I have found this group extremely helpfull.

> People

> > here understand

> > what your going through and it's refreshing to

> know

> > that others here

> > support you and offer advice. My husband tells me

> he

> > understands, but

> > he doesn't have RA or fibro and it's hard for him

> to

> > understand some

> > days you can't take a shower and have trouble

> > dressing yourself.

> > Just keep in touch.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > >

> > > > Does anyone else with RA feel too bad to

> > exercise? I have gained

> > a

> > > > substantial amount of weight in the past 2yrs

> > because I simply

> > don't

> > > > feel like exercising. I ache and hurt, and am

> > tired from the meds

> > I

> > > > am on. Because of the weight gain and feeling

> > lousy, I get

> > depressed

> > > > and then I end up eating... Does anyone else

> > have this problem,

> > or

> > > > does anyone have any advice?

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Until RA, I never had a weight issue. I would gain a few pounds and lose them


I am now 100 pounds overweight. Everytime I have a flare and go on steroids I

gain 8 ponds or so. It never comes off. I am sure it is the meds and inactivity.

I have no clue how to deal with it. I do my best to stay active but even

sweeping the floor is a huge task and taskes more than an hour.

The weight is a serious issue for me, emotionally and physically.there are no

clothes I feel good in. I avoid people who I know will involuntarily gasp since

they have not seen me in a while.

I am becoming a recluse.

I ust to be a " fashion plate " I can no longer apply make up or groom my hair.

If there is a solution I would love to try it...

I do not eat a lot. I know this sounds defensive. I eat less than when I was

thin. However, I was very active, which is now impossible.

Hartman <megan_hartman@...> wrote:

It sounds like weight is an issue for many of us. We could start a

separate support group for those with weight concerns and act as an

accountability team for each other. Thoughts?


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I love this idea ! I'm in.


Hartman <megan_hartman@...> wrote:

It sounds like weight is an issue for many of us. We could start a

separate support group for those with weight concerns and act as an

accountability team for each other. Thoughts?


Be a better pen pal.

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I am just like so many of us, a big girl and my weight has increased

considerately since I was diagnosed and started on meds. I have tried to

accept that I am gonna be big no matter what. I have always had problem with

weight, the problem is I love to eat and I hate to exercise. Bad

combination. 4 years againn I was thin, and getting remarried and have

gained 60 lbs since then.I went to rehab after a stroke and actually lost

10#'s I was eating a lot of food to. But just by going to PT twice a day and

doing gentle exercise I lost. I am trying to continue that at home but its

sooo hard to cook and not eat.I am looking for a place with a pool ( indoor)

who offers water aerobics but no luck so far in my area. Hang in there you

are not alone

Heidi M

On 11/20/07, Hill <jenner632003@...> wrote:


> ,

> I love this idea ! I'm in.

> Jenn


> Hartman <megan_hartman@... <megan_hartman%40>> wrote:

> It sounds like weight is an issue for many of us. We could start a

> separate support group for those with weight concerns and act as an

> accountability team for each other. Thoughts?


> __________________________________________________________

> Be a better pen pal.

> Text or chat with friends inside . See how.

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I have APLAS. It is antiphospholipid syndrome. Very similar genetically to



laurab7083 <laura_banks@...> wrote:

Hi Joanne how are you doing today?

I am not sure what brought on RA in me. Doctor's always say that here

is no way to know for sure. What is APLAS? I can not find anyone in my

family history that has ever had it. It constatly boogles my

mind ...why me? Sometimes just hard to not feel sorry for ourselves.

My Husband (or soon to be) is supportive and lets me complain when I

need to but I feel the same as you do...like a burden. I feel like I

am always complaining and feel that people think I should just suck it

up. Being positive is not so easy sometimes when you can not do the

littlest daily tasks. Somethings yes found other ways but the energy

they still take just exusutes you. It is easier to stay home but

doesn't make life very fulfilling and that gets depressing.

Anyway i do tend to ramble -- sorry for that....guess we all just like

to vent...and to one's that understand just means more to say!


Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside . See how.

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I personally would be interested in a seperate group to deal with the RA weight

issues. Anyone else?


Hartman <megan_hartman@...> wrote:

It sounds like weight is an issue for many of us. We could start a

separate support group for those with weight concerns and act as an

accountability team for each other. Thoughts?


Be a better pen pal.

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My problem is NOT being able to eat. I have no appetite. Anyone have that

problem too?

SHANEY DALE <rileyheart1296@...> wrote:

I personally would be interested in a seperate group to deal with the

RA weight issues. Anyone else?


Hartman <megan_hartman@...> wrote:

It sounds like weight is an issue for many of us. We could start a separate

support group for those with weight concerns and act as an accountability team

for each other. Thoughts?


Be a better pen pal.

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Hi Heidi and everyone,

well I must say I have been inspired this morning by all the emails about

exercise. I am a bit like you Heidi, love to eat, love to cook, and hate to

exercise, although I have been blessed in that I was always one of the tall and

skinny girls. Having said that I have also gained weight. Am now the same

weight as when I was 9 months pregnant with my first daughter. I am 75 kg,

thats 2.2 pounds to a kilo. Anyway back to my story. I live in the northern

part of Australia, and we are currently looking down the barrell of summer. We

have just had a pool put in, partly so that I could exercise and here I was not

using it, when you guys in the US would love to have the chance. So I put on my

thongs and my togs (that's shoes and swimmers), put the dog on the leash and

went for a walk. I didn't get realy far, maybe 700m down the road, before I

hurt like hell and realsied that the return trip was uphill. I limped back, but

unpreturbed thought I would

have a go on my husbands sit up board. Yes you really inspired me. A word of

warning, don't do the sit up board. For those of you not familar they are like

a slippery slide with your head down the bottom,and your knees linked under the

top. I did ten pathetic excuse for sit ups and then the fun really began. I

couldn't get off. No matter how hard I tried the only way I could get off was

to slide down head first onto the ground and then roll onto my hands and knees,

and you know how much fun that is. Welll it was laugh or cry time, so I had a

bit of a giggle and finally got myself into a sitting position. Then I headed

to the pool. Did I mention how much I hate the cold. Now it's nine in the

morning and24 degrees centigrade, but when I dipped my little toe in the pool,

there was nooooo way I was going in. I've promised myself I will go in at lunch

time, when hopefully it is more like 30 degrees, and the wind has dropped. I

can't say I feel

great for the walk, and my knee will probably tell the story later on, but I am

impressed with myself that I had a go. No promises for tomorrow though.

Take care and stay happy

Pennie in Australia

Re: [ ] Re: weight

I am just like so many of us, a big girl and my weight has increased

considerately since I was diagnosed and started on meds. I have tried to

accept that I am gonna be big no matter what. I have always had problem with

weight, the problem is I love to eat and I hate to exercise. Bad

combination. 4 years againn I was thin, and getting remarried and have

gained 60 lbs since then.I went to rehab after a stroke and actually lost

10#'s I was eating a lot of food to. But just by going to PT twice a day and

doing gentle exercise I lost. I am trying to continue that at home but its

sooo hard to cook and not eat.I am looking for a place with a pool ( indoor)

who offers water aerobics but no luck so far in my area. Hang in there you

are not alone

Heidi M

On 11/20/07, Hill <jenner632003> wrote:


> ,

> I love this idea ! I'm in.

> Jenn


> Hartman <megan_hartman <megan_hartman% 40> > wrote:

> It sounds like weight is an issue for many of us. We could start a

> separate support group for those with weight concerns and act as an

> accountability team for each other. Thoughts?


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> Be a better pen pal.

> Text or chat with friends inside . See how.

> http://overview. mail.. com/



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I have no appetite. I forcr myself to have a yoghury and then dinner = quite

small. Weight piles on. I read diet menus and there is too much food.

<ltdavis_jrdavis@...> wrote: My problem is NOT being

able to eat. I have no appetite. Anyone have that problem too?

SHANEY DALE <rileyheart1296@...> wrote:

I personally would be interested in a seperate group to deal with the RA weight

issues. Anyone else?


Hartman <megan_hartman@...> wrote:

It sounds like weight is an issue for many of us. We could start a separate

support group for those with weight concerns and act as an accountability team

for each other. Thoughts?


Be a better pen pal.

Text or chat with friends inside . See how.


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I was doing ok until I hate to bye all the stuff for Thanksgiving, Now I

know that tomorrow and Thurs I will spend the day cooking and sampling. I

once read that people gain an average of 8# during the holidays..( sigh

)Maybe I will just get the motivation like you did Pennie, Its supposed to

be 60 here for Thursday.. Thats perfect weather for us.I could go for a walk

and drag my DH but he would inevitably say something about weight and I

would have to smack him with my cane ( LOL) Anyway hope everyone is having a

good evening..

On 11/20/07, CATHERINE RANIOLO <c.raniolo@...> wrote:


> I have no appetite. I forcr myself to have a yoghury and then dinner =

> quite small. Weight piles on. I read diet menus and there is too much food.


> <ltdavis_jrdavis@... <ltdavis_jrdavis%40>>

> wrote: My problem is NOT being able to eat. I have no appetite. Anyone have

> that problem too?



> SHANEY DALE <rileyheart1296@... <rileyheart1296%40>> wrote:

> I personally would be interested in a seperate group to deal with the RA

> weight issues. Anyone else?


> Shaney


> Hartman <megan_hartman@... <megan_hartman%40>> wrote:

> It sounds like weight is an issue for many of us. We could start a

> separate support group for those with weight concerns and act as an

> accountability team for each other. Thoughts?


> __________________________________________________________

> Be a better pen pal.

> Text or chat with friends inside . See how.

> http://overview.mail./



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Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving. It sounds like a really nice holiday.

Actually my 13year old was over in New York with my parents for the Macey's

Parade last year. She really enjoyed it, but froze. In all the photos you

can't even see her face. I did get a bit more active when I;d settled down from

my walk. Maybe it's the prednisone I started on the day before yeterday.

Take care

Pennie from Australia

Re: [ ] Re: weight

I was doing ok until I hate to bye all the stuff for Thanksgiving, Now I

know that tomorrow and Thurs I will spend the day cooking and sampling. I

once read that people gain an average of 8# during the holidays..( sigh

)Maybe I will just get the motivation like you did Pennie, Its supposed to

be 60 here for Thursday.. Thats perfect weather for us.I could go for a walk

and drag my DH but he would inevitably say something about weight and I

would have to smack him with my cane ( LOL) Anyway hope everyone is having a

good evening..

On 11/20/07, CATHERINE RANIOLO <c.ranioloverizon (DOT) net> wrote:


> I have no appetite. I forcr myself to have a yoghury and then dinner =

> quite small. Weight piles on. I read diet menus and there is too much food.


> <ltdavis_jrdavis <ltdavis_jrdavis% 40> >

> wrote: My problem is NOT being able to eat. I have no appetite. Anyone have

> that problem too?



> SHANEY DALE <rileyheart1296 <rileyheart1296% 40> > wrote:

> I personally would be interested in a seperate group to deal with the RA

> weight issues. Anyone else?


> Shaney


> Hartman <megan_hartman <megan_hartman% 40> > wrote:

> It sounds like weight is an issue for many of us. We could start a

> separate support group for those with weight concerns and act as an

> accountability team for each other. Thoughts?


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> Be a better pen pal.

> Text or chat with friends inside . See how.

> http://overview. mail.. com/



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi, my name is and I've been reading all the posts for a while. I am 18

and found out that I had CMT in February this year. I just got into physical

therapy for my legs (not my arms/hands yet). My younger sister also has it, and

we are both very thin. I only weigh about 100 lbs at the moment. My older sister

who does not have CMT is of normal weight. I know the muscle wasting would

contribute a little to the thinness, but only in the arms and legs. Have any of

you noticed this? Is it a general trend to be thin, or are we likely to be any

body type?

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