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Re: 's time

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Thank you Bill for this message. I was very surprised breakfast shakes

were suggested at all. However, I sure did not know they were hi in salt.


> Yes the shakes ARE high in carbs and in salt.


> Bill Powers



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  • 4 weeks later...
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has been having trouble with the list. She keeps getting bumped off.

I just sent her the info to subscribe again, and see if that will work.

's Time

> Oh ,

> Where are you?

> What is going on with you?





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Where is our moniter to help with this?

Fw: 's Time

I sent the following message, which I hope will be of assistance to

her and others.

's Time

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > Oh ,

> > > > > > > Where are you?

> > > > > > > What is going on with you?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi Theresa and welcome back. It's easy to be a good girl instead of a bad

girl... simple gal get rid of the quick acting carbs and run better sugars

and you will be ok. *smile* how is that for simple advice. *smile*


's time

> Welcome back !


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Hello List,

I'm new here. and look forward to an interesting time where I can learn as

much as i can about diabetes I know so little.

for example in this thread someone speaks of good sugars. what in terms of a

range, can be considered ''' good sugar?



Have''' a nice day.

and stay away from girls who serve French champagne!

's time



> > Welcome back !

> >







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anthony, a " good sugar " is under 120 mgm (or 5 or less if you use the metric


Re: 's time

Hello List,

I'm new here. and look forward to an interesting time where I can learn as

much as i can about diabetes I know so little.

for example in this thread someone speaks of good sugars. what in terms of a

range, can be considered ''' good sugar?



Have''' a nice day.

and stay away from girls who serve French champagne!

's time



> > Welcome back !

> >







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Oh, my theresa. glad to see you back on the list. Usualy an A1C is done

every 3 months. Your A1C should be 6 or less, so it will take at least 3

months of really good blood sugars to get it down. If your BS continues to

run high, it will not go down. Your 11 is much too high and indicates you

are running really high blood sugars on a daily basis. cutting down the

amounts of carbs you eat a day will cut your blood sugars down.

's time

my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get back to normal

before one does that blood sugars test again?

Best regards,


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keep us updated Theresa on your diet/progress.


's time

Hello Every one! well on tuesday I see the diabetic nurse. well the diet

the nutritionist put together. has hardly carbs which is good for me. it

seems like things have changed in the diet. cause I remember having two eggs per

week and now it's up four per week. she has recommended some things in the diet.

which gives me alot of choices. like she told me about this hot chocolate

that Hershey has and it's sugar free. and does not deprive me of sweets. but

it's weird cause I really don't eat that much chocolate.but any way I will say

more later.

Best regards,


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you have to low carb for about 2 months to get it down.


's time

my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get back to normal

before one does that blood sugars test again?

Best regards,


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yup, cut the carbohydrates down theresa. I'll make it simpel for you, ok? toss

out your candy, twinkies, sweets, bread, rice, potato chips, fruit juice, fruit,

milk, sugar pop, etc. and eat meat and green leafy veggies since they have

hardly no carbs in it.

Your a1c is so high because you sit around and indulge on carbohydrates all day

*smile* and you will either quit that or you will be in big trouble. Each bite

of carb you eat, that you know you shouldn't, ask yourself... is this food worth

killing myself over? After all, that is what you are doing... you are killing

your heart, legs, eyes, kidneys, etc. by running high blood sugars.

Just think on that for a little bit. We are here to help Theresa.


's time

my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get back to normal

before one does that blood sugars test again?

Best regards,


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The normal range for glucose readings is 80-120. A reading of 70 or lower

is too low and any thing over 120 is too high.

Research shows that glycation occurs when the glucose level goes above 160.

When glycation happens it causes the glucose in the cell, any cell affected

to form sorbitol, which effectively puts the affected cell out of action

forever. This is the reason that high peaks in the blood sugar levels are

so dangerous. It causes neuropathy including visual problems and impotence

as an example of the damage done. This can happen even if the average A1C

is at 6.0, since this is a reflection of the average glucose level for the

past three months and is not indicative of the high peaks in the glucose


I will repost the wave concept of the blood glucose levels so it will show

you what I mean.

's time

> >

> >

> > > Welcome back !

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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The A1C test should be done every three months if you are a diabetic in

control, and I would imagine if you are out of control more frequent A1C's

would be recommended. The A1C is a measure of the blood sugar level over

the past 90 to 100 days.

An A1C reading of 11 means your average carbohydrate comsumption is too high

causing you to run glucose levels ranging from 270 to 310, which is

definitely not good.

Your A1C reading of 11 should tell you that a very serious and dramatic

change in your behavior is needed now, and probably for a long time to come.

You are in control of the A1C reading and not the doctor. He can only

prescribe the test, but only you can control what the test will show.

With proper and strict control theoretically you could achieve normal levels

in three months time.

Get out your glucose monitor and put it to work, since it can be your best

friend in gaining control. Test before you eat. Count the number of grams

of carbs you consume when you eat. Two hours after you eat test again. If

your glucose level is above 120, you are simply eating too many carbs or not

exercising enough after meals to lower your sugar level.

However the best guess is that you are eating too many carbs.

's time

> my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get back to

normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> Best regards,

> Bonnecarre



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yes, the high peeks in blood sugar is what you have to prevent. I.E you can have

a pre meal sugar of 80 and at your next meal test at 99 but what was the peek?

You may have shot up to 160 or higher then back down to 99 prior to your next

meal. This is why keeping a two hour post meal test of 120 or less is crucial no

matter how you have to accomplish it via diet or medication. So, it is no longer

an option to skip testing your sugar 2 hours past eating a meal, you have to do

it to see if you are 120 or less.

If a person's pancreas was working, it monitors the blood all the time for sugar

and reads it/tests it. If insulin is needed, it excretes it. So, if your

pancreas is not working, dont' you think it woudl be important to read yoru

sugar like your pancreas used to do?

yes, you should. Test your sugar pre meal, two hours past eating a meal, and

keep your meals at least 4 hours apart. Your number one weapon in this battle is

your blood meter... it will show you the foods you can eat and should skip.


's time

> >

> >

> > > Welcome back !

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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low-carb huh? well in the morning the nutritionist allowed me to have

11/4 cup of special " k " cereal in the morning. how about oatmeal? or

" Cheerios " ? I would have to enter what she told me to have in here and

may be some of you can suggest some ideas for me?

Best regards,


's time



> my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get back to

normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> Best regards,

> Bonnecarre



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If you add milk to the cereal, be sure to add the additional carb grams

contained in the milk to the number of carb grams contained in the actual


ly, I would prefer for breakfast one piece of toast at 12 grams of

carbs with two eggs any style for 1 gram and a chunk of cheese for 1 gram

and a piece of bacon or ham for 1 gram and a couple cups of black coffe.

This big breakfast I just told you about contains no more than 15 grams of

carbs. It will get you going, and it is good for you, too!!

's time

> >

> >

> > my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get back to

> normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> > Best regards,

> > Bonnecarre

> >

> >

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You need to ask someone at the store how many grams of carbs there are in

cereal. the problem with most cereals is that it is a fast acting carb and

will make your BS go up rapidly, especially if you have milk on it. Oatmeal

is not quite as fast acting, but is fairly high in carbs. Yourdietician is

probably working with the American Diabetes list, which promotes highter

carb intake than is good for you as a type 2 diabetic. Ask her/him if

he/she has read the book by Dr. richard Bernstien called " Diabetes Solution:

Revised " .

Re: 's time

low-carb huh? well in the morning the nutritionist allowed me to have

11/4 cup of special " k " cereal in the morning. how about oatmeal? or

" Cheerios " ? I would have to enter what she told me to have in here and

may be some of you can suggest some ideas for me?

Best regards,


's time



> my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get back to

normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> Best regards,

> Bonnecarre



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I personally have found that most of the doctors don't know much about the

Atkins diet. I my self have found the diet to be helpful for me to loose

weight and control my blood sugar. it is true, that the Atkins diet is

mostly protein, but you don't need to go crazy dating all you wish to eat.

every thing in moderation of course. I believe that most diabetic clinics

tell you to eat to many carbs. I tried there diet that they put me on when I

first found out I was diabetic, it didn't work for me. plus I had a hard

time loosing weight. then a friend of mind, who is a type one diabetic, told

me about the Atkins diet helping her to loose weight and control her sugar.

so I gave it a try. she said that she had to tweak it a little bit in order

for it to work for her. she doesn't eat as much meat as the diet calls for.

but she does stay away from the bad carbs. I at first, also told my doctor I

was on the Atkins diet, he wasn't impressed and told me not to do that diet.

now I just keep it to my self that I am on the diet. when I go in for a

check up, he always makes the comment, you are sure doing good with your

diet, you are loosing weight slowly and not real fast. like and diet, you

might need to change it up a bit to fit your own needs. I believe you could

make the Atkins diet work for you and enjoy it as well. call the national

Braille press and order, the Atkins carbohydrate gram counter, it is in

Braille and only cost five dollars. it will help you a lot, even if you

don't do the Atkins diet, it will still help you to make good decisions when

you eat carbs.

's time

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to


> > back

> > > > to

> > > > > > normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> > > > > > > Best regards,

> > > > > > > Bonnecarre

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

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pitch the cereal it will spike your bgs. Eat some meats, whatever you want, for

breakfast or low carb bread etc. Heck, sometimes I even have a salad for

breakfast with scrambled eggs on it and bacon and cheese. I.E am replacing the

bread with salad. After all, who in God's name said we have to eat doughnuts for

breakfast? Pancakes? Who made up the rule as to what a normal breakfast is? Eat

whatever you have to eat that is low carb to feal full and eat foods that will

not spike your blood sugar.


's time



> my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get back to

normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> Best regards,

> Bonnecarre



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amen amen amen and is darn good Harry! I still toss out this thought... who has

defined what a normal breakfast is? Is it out of the question to eat, for

example, a piece of roast or a hot dog for breakfast?


's time

> >

> >

> > my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get back to

> normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> > Best regards,

> > Bonnecarre

> >

> >

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eggs, chese, hot dogs, turkey, etc. all meats are low carb... correct Pat. You

could eat 1 piece of toast since most bread is 12 to 15 grams of carbs.


's time

> > >

> > >

> > > my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get back


> > normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> > > Best regards,

> > > Bonnecarre

> > >

> > >

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and you need to get your cholesterol checked every 3 months along with the a1c

levels. In your cholesterol, you need to pay attention to the LDL, lousy

cholesterol, HDL, happy/good cholesterol, and your trigliserites. For a

diabetic, your LDL should be 100 or less and your trigliserites 120 or less IMO.

Harry also has lots of info on the cholesterol and so does pat if anyone is

interested in more information on it. LDL causes strokes and LDL is increased by

eating fatty foods. Trigliserites are raised by carbs. HDL, the good

cholesterol, I'm not certain what increases it. The higher the HDL, the better.

So, you can eat all the fatty foods you want to as long as your LDL is 100 or

less. Some, like myself, take a few lipitor a week to keep the LDL down since it

is the stroke causing cholesterol.


's time

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get


> > to

> > > > normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> > > > > Best regards,

> > > > > Bonnecarre

> > > > >

> > > > >

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yes, and if the dietician has not read Dr. Bernstein's book, and hasn't heard of

him, don't go back to her/him IMO. It sounds like she has you on about an 80%

ADA diet with slightly watching carbs. You gotta be low carb man to beat this

battle. Like Pat is saying,and like I have stated so many times on this list,

have a sighted person read on tape the carb grams per serving when grocery

shopping for the foods that you purchase. If you don't have a sighted person to

help you, the grocery store has to provide that service to you to abide by ADA

compliancy so just ask for an assistant. Next time you go to the store, purchase

the same foods so you know what the carb grams are on the foods you are eating.

It is not hard at all folks. Really it isn't.


's time



> my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get back to

normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> Best regards,

> Bonnecarre



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eggs LOL. Listen, the only way you know if any food is effecting your individual

body is via your lipid panel/cholesterol. We can no longer afford to listen to

television or media advice on what is good or isnt' good to eat. Most people

just hear these silly sayings and buy into it without logically studying their

own body/cholesterol levels. I mean come on, we are all individual and we *have*

to become educated on our cholesterol levels and realize that you could eat 99

eggs a day if it did not make your LDL go over 100.


's time

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get back

> to

> > > normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> > > > Best regards,

> > > > Bonnecarre

> > > >

> > > >

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pitch that darn diatician. The more I read your posts the more I get fired up at

that advice you are given *smile*. Tropicana light... lol that has 40 grams of

carbs in a 1/2 cup. And you are only to eat 15 to 30 grams per meal. You have to

keep asking questions here Theresa and listen to what we are telling you. We

have been in this long term and know what works.

Just keep asking questions, we are here to help.


's time

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to get


> > to

> > > > normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> > > > > Best regards,

> > > > > Bonnecarre

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Ask your doctor does insulin work on fat?

Does insulin work on protein?

Does insulin work on carbs?

The answer is that insulin is a storage hormone, and it converts

carbohydrates to fat, where it can be stored in your body. So the answer

becomes simple. The more carbs you consume the more your pancrease puts out

insulin or your dosage of insulin goes up. So, eat all the protein you

like, because there is no evidence that large amounts of protein causes

damage to the diabetic, as far as I can see. If you know otherwise, please

show me the reference, and I will check it out.

If we learn how to prevent diabetes complications by using low carb diets,

not the high carb diet advocated for by the American Diabetes Association,

what will the doctors do for customers/patients?

's time

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > my last a1c was 11. ? how long does it take for sugars to

> get

> > > back

> > > > > to

> > > > > > > normal before one does that blood sugars test again?

> > > > > > > > Best regards,

> > > > > > > > Bonnecarre

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

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