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Just to let you know too, I have another with autism, a son


Re: Introduction

>Hi Rick and other list members,

>I have been reading this list for about a month now but I have never

>introduced myself so I figured now would be a good time. My name is


>I am mother to a 13 yo autistic daughter who is higher functioning. I guess

>what higher functioning means these days is she is verbal, in public school

>(that is another story in itself) etc. I have been reading the posts and


>relate to so much that many of you have written. For example, Ally used to

>walk on her toes, didn't like the feel of grass, is still tactile

>hypersensitive, apraxia,dyspraxia, cannot tolerate loud noises, her mind is


>complex puzzle and so on. She is in 7th grade and academically is 3rd grade

>level, social skills are not age appropriate there fore her peers don't


>her. She goes through a lot of pain in school and so do I. I was just


>ESY this year after about a 4 year struggle with that. I am so glad there


>a list for parents with autistic daughters. Most people I know have


>sons. If anyone has an autistic who would like to get to know Ally and be a

>pen pal please feel free to have them write to her at Allygirl11@.... I

>think this is a great idea for our girls. I live in Warren, Ohio. Rick I

>think it is a wonderful thing what you have done for your daughter. They


>us. Ally is very precious to me and she is a wonderful human being. I am

>blessed to have her as my daughter. This is just a brief overview because


>you all know I can write a book and my experiences. I am glad to meet you


>and will look forward to writing back and forth.




>Perfect for any room of your family's home, Honeywell's QuietCare HEPA

>Air Purifier features maximum air flow & 30% less noise. Enjoy $35 off

>this state-of-the-art air purifier at gazoontite.com & breathe deeply!





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Guest guest

Just to let you know too, I have another with autism, a son


Re: Introduction

>Hi Rick and other list members,

>I have been reading this list for about a month now but I have never

>introduced myself so I figured now would be a good time. My name is


>I am mother to a 13 yo autistic daughter who is higher functioning. I guess

>what higher functioning means these days is she is verbal, in public school

>(that is another story in itself) etc. I have been reading the posts and


>relate to so much that many of you have written. For example, Ally used to

>walk on her toes, didn't like the feel of grass, is still tactile

>hypersensitive, apraxia,dyspraxia, cannot tolerate loud noises, her mind is


>complex puzzle and so on. She is in 7th grade and academically is 3rd grade

>level, social skills are not age appropriate there fore her peers don't


>her. She goes through a lot of pain in school and so do I. I was just


>ESY this year after about a 4 year struggle with that. I am so glad there


>a list for parents with autistic daughters. Most people I know have


>sons. If anyone has an autistic who would like to get to know Ally and be a

>pen pal please feel free to have them write to her at Allygirl11@.... I

>think this is a great idea for our girls. I live in Warren, Ohio. Rick I

>think it is a wonderful thing what you have done for your daughter. They


>us. Ally is very precious to me and she is a wonderful human being. I am

>blessed to have her as my daughter. This is just a brief overview because


>you all know I can write a book and my experiences. I am glad to meet you


>and will look forward to writing back and forth.




>Perfect for any room of your family's home, Honeywell's QuietCare HEPA

>Air Purifier features maximum air flow & 30% less noise. Enjoy $35 off

>this state-of-the-art air purifier at gazoontite.com & breathe deeply!





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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome Dayna!

I am very glad you joined us. I think we have a really wonder group of


I think if your visit http://groups.yahoo.com/ you can change your email

address in your " account info " . You will need your Password , but there is

Password help available if needed.

Take Care and God Bless,

Beverly Weakley

Mom of Jen (Autistic... age 12 years old) and Kim (Recovered from eye

movement disorder and processing problem... age 11 years old)

Fwd: Introduction


I am so happy to have found this list! I have a 6 yr old autistic daughter

and this list is just what I've been looking for. I feel it would be very

helpful to me to hear from parents of older girls to find out what fun stuff

I have to look forward to in the future. lol... We are currently living in

ton, SC and are about to move to Broward County, FL. Cheyenne is

currently enrolled in an ABA program and goes into a classroom setting for 3

half days per week. Looking forward to hearing from you all.

PS: Is there any way to have the emails come to my aol address instead of


yahoo email address? (DJntommy@.../ dabaynaba@...)




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Welcome Dayna!

I am very glad you joined us. I think we have a really wonder group of


I think if your visit http://groups.yahoo.com/ you can change your email

address in your " account info " . You will need your Password , but there is

Password help available if needed.

Take Care and God Bless,

Beverly Weakley

Mom of Jen (Autistic... age 12 years old) and Kim (Recovered from eye

movement disorder and processing problem... age 11 years old)

Fwd: Introduction


I am so happy to have found this list! I have a 6 yr old autistic daughter

and this list is just what I've been looking for. I feel it would be very

helpful to me to hear from parents of older girls to find out what fun stuff

I have to look forward to in the future. lol... We are currently living in

ton, SC and are about to move to Broward County, FL. Cheyenne is

currently enrolled in an ABA program and goes into a classroom setting for 3

half days per week. Looking forward to hearing from you all.

PS: Is there any way to have the emails come to my aol address instead of


yahoo email address? (DJntommy@.../ dabaynaba@...)




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Guest guest

Welcome Dayna!

I am very glad you joined us. I think we have a really wonder group of


I think if your visit http://groups.yahoo.com/ you can change your email

address in your " account info " . You will need your Password , but there is

Password help available if needed.

Take Care and God Bless,

Beverly Weakley

Mom of Jen (Autistic... age 12 years old) and Kim (Recovered from eye

movement disorder and processing problem... age 11 years old)

Fwd: Introduction


I am so happy to have found this list! I have a 6 yr old autistic daughter

and this list is just what I've been looking for. I feel it would be very

helpful to me to hear from parents of older girls to find out what fun stuff

I have to look forward to in the future. lol... We are currently living in

ton, SC and are about to move to Broward County, FL. Cheyenne is

currently enrolled in an ABA program and goes into a classroom setting for 3

half days per week. Looking forward to hearing from you all.

PS: Is there any way to have the emails come to my aol address instead of


yahoo email address? (DJntommy@.../ dabaynaba@...)




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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome! It is sooooooo refreshing to have a professional so willing to

help a child with autism! I wish all nurses and doctors had your


Best of luck to you in your quest to help " " ......

I share your thoughts on vaccines being a catalyst - our son developed

normally until about 12 months old - he was doing all the things he should

be doing. Then over the course of 2 years - he received TWO rounds of the

MMR, Hep, and all the other shots - 16 in 2 years. From about 18 months he

developed chronic diarrhea and his development and language froze in time.

He is 8 years now and has the mental abilities of a 2-3 year old.

Thanks to Kirkman's supplements and Great Smokies lab analysis - he is

finally gaining weight - the stools are firmer and much less frequent.

He went from a boy we couldn't touch - to a boy who loves to hug, smile, and

play hide and seek.

We get progress in every area but mental capacity. From what I've read -

once a child is so malnourished (from his chronic diarrhea and malabsorption

of nutrients) - it is hard to fix the damage that has been done.

Oh - and my son was on antibiotics each time he received vaccinations......

From urine challenge tests and hair analysis - he has excess antimony and

tin - we have done chelation in the past - and are getting ready to start

again to hopefully see more positive results stool wise.

Of course the other side of his progress - came from intensive early

intervention in speech, occupational, and sensory integration therapy - and

ABA/DTT type educational settings.


Hello all,

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome Deanna!!

Leah ~ Indiana

Mom to , 14, AS

-- Introduction


> Hi everybody!

I was actually a member of this group a long while ago, so this is

really my reintroduction :-)

I'm Deanna, married to Alan for 9 years. We have two daughters,

Bridget who just turned 7 and who will be 4 on St s Day.

Bridget is on the spectrum. We are currently in our second year of

home schooling Bridget and she is doing very well despite

hyperactivity and impulsivity.

I hope to be doing more tests on Bridget in the near future, such as

allergy testing and the like. I look forward to chatting with you


Deanna in Oregon

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Welcome Deanna. I'm fairly new to this group, I'm , in PA. I have a 12 yr. old son with Asperger's Syndrome. I also have two daughters ages eight and four. Married to Mark for 8 1/2 years.



Hi everybody!I was actually a member of this group a long while ago, so this is really my reintroduction :-)I'm Deanna, married to Alan for 9 years. We have two daughters, Bridget who just turned 7 and who will be 4 on St s Day. Bridget is on the spectrum. We are currently in our second year of home schooling Bridget and she is doing very well despite hyperactivity and impulsivity.I hope to be doing more tests on Bridget in the near future, such as allergy testing and the like. I look forward to chatting with you all!Deanna in Oregon

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Yes, yes, yes. Sounds so familiar, Kathy! You have to keep trying different things to see what works best in your situation. That's hard and takes a lot of patience! Sounds like you have been trying a few things already. I wish you success....whether it's meds or not.....

My daughter has always had the mood swings. She ERUPTS at the stupidest things! But it's real emotion to her so no matter how stupid I think it is, I have to help her get through it and over to the other, calm side again. Over and over and over. She's aspergers/biopolar. Was ADHD/ODD when she was younger......

Good luck : /


-----Original Message-----From: klb41_2000 Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 12:22 PMTo: autism-aspergers Subject: IntroductionHi.I'm Kathy, mom to Mason (8 yo with Aspergers and ADHD labels), and 2 NT daughters (7 and 4). We've been through a long haul with this diagnosis, spanning 4 years now with my acceptance of the AS diagnosis just recently. I won't drag you through all of our extended history now, but will reveal in bits and pieces as things become relevant. Most recently we've recently dropped all meds (previously Concerta and Paxil), taken up the gfcf diet (then dropped the no milk part, but stay cheese free), and discovered an egg allergy and other messed up metabolism when we began with an orthomolecular MD last October. Now Mason is on a variety of supplements (enzymes, EFAs, probiotics). We have gradually seen improvement in mood with the removal of the foods he doesn't tolerate well. Still, challenges abound. The mood swings are a major concern, to the point that we may consider meds in the near future (can't tell yet whether it will be me taking the meds, or him, LOL). Any input you have on this would be appreciated!Best wishesKathy

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  • 4 months later...


What you should ask for, kind of depends on what treatment therapies you are

doing, or intend to do. Talk to someone at the nearest ARC of Texas chapter

to you - http://www.thearcoftexas.org/Chapter%20Services/CSdir.html

<http://www.thearcoftexas.org/Chapter%20Services/CSdir.html> this is a

web page with a directory of ARC chapters out west. The ARC is a non-profit

group of Advocates. They are aware of the law and what your rights are.

They can advise you on how to get the treatment you want, but you need to

know what treatment you want to do.

http://www.autismndi.com/ <http://www.autismndi.com/> is a good website

for info about Dietary treatments.


<http://www.cgiworker.com/danlist/danlist.html> is a list of DAN doctors

(Defeat Autism Now) they are supposed to be current on the latest therapy

protocol for children with Autism.

and here are some sites I maintain about Autism

http://www.featnt.org/ <http://www.featnt.org/> is a parent's website

advocating early intervention, focusing on ABA.

http://www.AutismTreatment.info/ <http://www.AutismTreatment.info/> Talks

about ABA, Dietary treatment and other Bio-medical treatments

http://www.StarThrowers.org/ <http://www.StarThrowers.org/> Fundraising

for home treatment programs

I hope some of this helps.

J. P. Reirdon


<http://www.featnt.org/> http://www.featnt.org

" Building a Bridge of Hope "


<http://www.autismtreatment.info/> http://www.AutismTreatment.info/

You CAN treat Autism!!

Get treatment tips for children with Autism, PDD and Aperger's Syndrome from

parents who have successfully helped their children.


http://www.StarThrowers.org/ <http://www.starthrowers.org/>

Fundraising for In-Home treatment programs


Hello all,

My name is Valrie. My son, KD, 28 mo old, has just been diagnosed

(yesterday) with severe autism. Right now I'm kinda at a loss as to what to

say. He

runs around the house, he doesn't usually hit himself or hurt himself. His


threshold is fearfully high though. He, thank God, doesn't mind physical

contact in general. He's a climber, which is getting pretty rough on us.

We are

looking to find some financial help for his therapies, cfgf diet, and day

care. The dr said we needed to keep him around other kids as much as


for his language development. KD doesn't speak. Our insurance will not


any of this. It specifically states that it will not cover anything to do

with developmental disorders except ADHD. I am in Stratford, TX. Up here


of Amarillo, about 90 mi. I'm practically in OK we're so far north LOL. If

anyone has anything they could share with me on getting him the help we need

for him I sure would appreciate it. Right now ECI is seeing him and he gets


see a therapist maybe once a week or so. I want him to get more but I don't

know exactly how much more I should ask for. I appreciate your time :).



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What you should ask for, kind of depends on what treatment therapies you are

doing, or intend to do. Talk to someone at the nearest ARC of Texas chapter

to you - http://www.thearcoftexas.org/Chapter%20Services/CSdir.html

<http://www.thearcoftexas.org/Chapter%20Services/CSdir.html> this is a

web page with a directory of ARC chapters out west. The ARC is a non-profit

group of Advocates. They are aware of the law and what your rights are.

They can advise you on how to get the treatment you want, but you need to

know what treatment you want to do.

http://www.autismndi.com/ <http://www.autismndi.com/> is a good website

for info about Dietary treatments.


<http://www.cgiworker.com/danlist/danlist.html> is a list of DAN doctors

(Defeat Autism Now) they are supposed to be current on the latest therapy

protocol for children with Autism.

and here are some sites I maintain about Autism

http://www.featnt.org/ <http://www.featnt.org/> is a parent's website

advocating early intervention, focusing on ABA.

http://www.AutismTreatment.info/ <http://www.AutismTreatment.info/> Talks

about ABA, Dietary treatment and other Bio-medical treatments

http://www.StarThrowers.org/ <http://www.StarThrowers.org/> Fundraising

for home treatment programs

I hope some of this helps.

J. P. Reirdon


<http://www.featnt.org/> http://www.featnt.org

" Building a Bridge of Hope "


<http://www.autismtreatment.info/> http://www.AutismTreatment.info/

You CAN treat Autism!!

Get treatment tips for children with Autism, PDD and Aperger's Syndrome from

parents who have successfully helped their children.


http://www.StarThrowers.org/ <http://www.starthrowers.org/>

Fundraising for In-Home treatment programs


Hello all,

My name is Valrie. My son, KD, 28 mo old, has just been diagnosed

(yesterday) with severe autism. Right now I'm kinda at a loss as to what to

say. He

runs around the house, he doesn't usually hit himself or hurt himself. His


threshold is fearfully high though. He, thank God, doesn't mind physical

contact in general. He's a climber, which is getting pretty rough on us.

We are

looking to find some financial help for his therapies, cfgf diet, and day

care. The dr said we needed to keep him around other kids as much as


for his language development. KD doesn't speak. Our insurance will not


any of this. It specifically states that it will not cover anything to do

with developmental disorders except ADHD. I am in Stratford, TX. Up here


of Amarillo, about 90 mi. I'm practically in OK we're so far north LOL. If

anyone has anything they could share with me on getting him the help we need

for him I sure would appreciate it. Right now ECI is seeing him and he gets


see a therapist maybe once a week or so. I want him to get more but I don't

know exactly how much more I should ask for. I appreciate your time :).



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What you should ask for, kind of depends on what treatment therapies you are

doing, or intend to do. Talk to someone at the nearest ARC of Texas chapter

to you - http://www.thearcoftexas.org/Chapter%20Services/CSdir.html

<http://www.thearcoftexas.org/Chapter%20Services/CSdir.html> this is a

web page with a directory of ARC chapters out west. The ARC is a non-profit

group of Advocates. They are aware of the law and what your rights are.

They can advise you on how to get the treatment you want, but you need to

know what treatment you want to do.

http://www.autismndi.com/ <http://www.autismndi.com/> is a good website

for info about Dietary treatments.


<http://www.cgiworker.com/danlist/danlist.html> is a list of DAN doctors

(Defeat Autism Now) they are supposed to be current on the latest therapy

protocol for children with Autism.

and here are some sites I maintain about Autism

http://www.featnt.org/ <http://www.featnt.org/> is a parent's website

advocating early intervention, focusing on ABA.

http://www.AutismTreatment.info/ <http://www.AutismTreatment.info/> Talks

about ABA, Dietary treatment and other Bio-medical treatments

http://www.StarThrowers.org/ <http://www.StarThrowers.org/> Fundraising

for home treatment programs

I hope some of this helps.

J. P. Reirdon


<http://www.featnt.org/> http://www.featnt.org

" Building a Bridge of Hope "


<http://www.autismtreatment.info/> http://www.AutismTreatment.info/

You CAN treat Autism!!

Get treatment tips for children with Autism, PDD and Aperger's Syndrome from

parents who have successfully helped their children.


http://www.StarThrowers.org/ <http://www.starthrowers.org/>

Fundraising for In-Home treatment programs


Hello all,

My name is Valrie. My son, KD, 28 mo old, has just been diagnosed

(yesterday) with severe autism. Right now I'm kinda at a loss as to what to

say. He

runs around the house, he doesn't usually hit himself or hurt himself. His


threshold is fearfully high though. He, thank God, doesn't mind physical

contact in general. He's a climber, which is getting pretty rough on us.

We are

looking to find some financial help for his therapies, cfgf diet, and day

care. The dr said we needed to keep him around other kids as much as


for his language development. KD doesn't speak. Our insurance will not


any of this. It specifically states that it will not cover anything to do

with developmental disorders except ADHD. I am in Stratford, TX. Up here


of Amarillo, about 90 mi. I'm practically in OK we're so far north LOL. If

anyone has anything they could share with me on getting him the help we need

for him I sure would appreciate it. Right now ECI is seeing him and he gets


see a therapist maybe once a week or so. I want him to get more but I don't

know exactly how much more I should ask for. I appreciate your time :).



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Hi Valrie,

I am sorry to hear about your son. I am in exactly the same boat as you are

with your son. My daughter is 28 months old. She has not been officially

diagnosed, becasue the Texas Children's Hospital can't see us until mid january,

but we are definitely in the " Autism Spectrum " . I am still struggling with

which direction to go and what best to do for my daughter. In the meantime i

came across the gfcf diet and decided to give it a shot - at least until we

could get in to see a doctor. We started the gfcf diet 3 1/2 weeks ago all on

our own just off of what we read on the internet. It has made quite a

difference in Hannah's social interaction and her overall awareness, not to

mention her " babbling " and word approximations have slowly started finding their

way back(at a slower pace than I would like, but progress is progress). I

highly recommend that you try it. The first thing I would do would be to go to

www.gfcfdiet.com . It has been a great source of information to us. Also, as

for ECI, we too have a speech therapist coming once a week to work with Hannah.

And, while she is a good sounding board for me I am not sure how much it is

helping. I have already been talking to ECI regarding the PPCD classes that

will start at age 3 once she " graduates " from ECI. I have heard really good

things about these classes. As for how much you should ask for with ECI....ask

away!!! What's the worst that could happen?!?! I totally feel for you and hope

that you can find things that work for you. I know I don't have that much good

info, but at least it's a start. I truly feel that we can beat this if we work

hard to find the right avenue of help for our children. Again, I highly

recommend that you give the gfcf diet a try - you might be amazed as to what

could come of it! Good luck!



Hello all,

My name is Valrie. My son, KD, 28 mo old, has just been diagnosed

(yesterday) with severe autism. Right now I'm kinda at a loss as to what to

say. He

runs around the house, he doesn't usually hit himself or hurt himself. His


threshold is fearfully high though. He, thank God, doesn't mind physical

contact in general. He's a climber, which is getting pretty rough on us. We


looking to find some financial help for his therapies, cfgf diet, and day

care. The dr said we needed to keep him around other kids as much as


for his language development. KD doesn't speak. Our insurance will not cover

any of this. It specifically states that it will not cover anything to do

with developmental disorders except ADHD. I am in Stratford, TX. Up here


of Amarillo, about 90 mi. I'm practically in OK we're so far north LOL. If

anyone has anything they could share with me on getting him the help we need

for him I sure would appreciate it. Right now ECI is seeing him and he gets


see a therapist maybe once a week or so. I want him to get more but I don't

know exactly how much more I should ask for. I appreciate your time :).



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Hi Valrie,

I am sorry to hear about your son. I am in exactly the same boat as you are

with your son. My daughter is 28 months old. She has not been officially

diagnosed, becasue the Texas Children's Hospital can't see us until mid january,

but we are definitely in the " Autism Spectrum " . I am still struggling with

which direction to go and what best to do for my daughter. In the meantime i

came across the gfcf diet and decided to give it a shot - at least until we

could get in to see a doctor. We started the gfcf diet 3 1/2 weeks ago all on

our own just off of what we read on the internet. It has made quite a

difference in Hannah's social interaction and her overall awareness, not to

mention her " babbling " and word approximations have slowly started finding their

way back(at a slower pace than I would like, but progress is progress). I

highly recommend that you try it. The first thing I would do would be to go to

www.gfcfdiet.com . It has been a great source of information to us. Also, as

for ECI, we too have a speech therapist coming once a week to work with Hannah.

And, while she is a good sounding board for me I am not sure how much it is

helping. I have already been talking to ECI regarding the PPCD classes that

will start at age 3 once she " graduates " from ECI. I have heard really good

things about these classes. As for how much you should ask for with ECI....ask

away!!! What's the worst that could happen?!?! I totally feel for you and hope

that you can find things that work for you. I know I don't have that much good

info, but at least it's a start. I truly feel that we can beat this if we work

hard to find the right avenue of help for our children. Again, I highly

recommend that you give the gfcf diet a try - you might be amazed as to what

could come of it! Good luck!



Hello all,

My name is Valrie. My son, KD, 28 mo old, has just been diagnosed

(yesterday) with severe autism. Right now I'm kinda at a loss as to what to

say. He

runs around the house, he doesn't usually hit himself or hurt himself. His


threshold is fearfully high though. He, thank God, doesn't mind physical

contact in general. He's a climber, which is getting pretty rough on us. We


looking to find some financial help for his therapies, cfgf diet, and day

care. The dr said we needed to keep him around other kids as much as


for his language development. KD doesn't speak. Our insurance will not cover

any of this. It specifically states that it will not cover anything to do

with developmental disorders except ADHD. I am in Stratford, TX. Up here


of Amarillo, about 90 mi. I'm practically in OK we're so far north LOL. If

anyone has anything they could share with me on getting him the help we need

for him I sure would appreciate it. Right now ECI is seeing him and he gets


see a therapist maybe once a week or so. I want him to get more but I don't

know exactly how much more I should ask for. I appreciate your time :).



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Hi Valrie,

I am sorry to hear about your son. I am in exactly the same boat as you are

with your son. My daughter is 28 months old. She has not been officially

diagnosed, becasue the Texas Children's Hospital can't see us until mid january,

but we are definitely in the " Autism Spectrum " . I am still struggling with

which direction to go and what best to do for my daughter. In the meantime i

came across the gfcf diet and decided to give it a shot - at least until we

could get in to see a doctor. We started the gfcf diet 3 1/2 weeks ago all on

our own just off of what we read on the internet. It has made quite a

difference in Hannah's social interaction and her overall awareness, not to

mention her " babbling " and word approximations have slowly started finding their

way back(at a slower pace than I would like, but progress is progress). I

highly recommend that you try it. The first thing I would do would be to go to

www.gfcfdiet.com . It has been a great source of information to us. Also, as

for ECI, we too have a speech therapist coming once a week to work with Hannah.

And, while she is a good sounding board for me I am not sure how much it is

helping. I have already been talking to ECI regarding the PPCD classes that

will start at age 3 once she " graduates " from ECI. I have heard really good

things about these classes. As for how much you should ask for with ECI....ask

away!!! What's the worst that could happen?!?! I totally feel for you and hope

that you can find things that work for you. I know I don't have that much good

info, but at least it's a start. I truly feel that we can beat this if we work

hard to find the right avenue of help for our children. Again, I highly

recommend that you give the gfcf diet a try - you might be amazed as to what

could come of it! Good luck!



Hello all,

My name is Valrie. My son, KD, 28 mo old, has just been diagnosed

(yesterday) with severe autism. Right now I'm kinda at a loss as to what to

say. He

runs around the house, he doesn't usually hit himself or hurt himself. His


threshold is fearfully high though. He, thank God, doesn't mind physical

contact in general. He's a climber, which is getting pretty rough on us. We


looking to find some financial help for his therapies, cfgf diet, and day

care. The dr said we needed to keep him around other kids as much as


for his language development. KD doesn't speak. Our insurance will not cover

any of this. It specifically states that it will not cover anything to do

with developmental disorders except ADHD. I am in Stratford, TX. Up here


of Amarillo, about 90 mi. I'm practically in OK we're so far north LOL. If

anyone has anything they could share with me on getting him the help we need

for him I sure would appreciate it. Right now ECI is seeing him and he gets


see a therapist maybe once a week or so. I want him to get more but I don't

know exactly how much more I should ask for. I appreciate your time :).



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welcome , what does 'a negative diagnostic result' mean? and

what does 'seeking for peer assessment' involve?

Kind Regards,




> Just a few words of background.


> Two weeks ago received a negative diagnostic result from hospital

> clinicians.


> I'm not convinced at all. So seeking for peer assessment.


> Hope we can have some pleasant and informative conversations.


> .

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Hi and welcome.

If you look in the Links section here, there are many online AS-tests, for

example these two:

http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/9.12/aqtest.html (50 questions)

http://www.rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php (100 questions)

Perhaps these can give you more of an indication?

There are also links to many Aspie info-sites, articles about AS etc. there.

Feel free to ask us questions about anything at all. Or tell more about why

it is that you're not convinced. (Clinicians do make mistakes sometimes, so

finding out as much as possible from those who actually have it is a great



> Just a few words of background.

> Two weeks ago received a negative diagnostic result from hospital


> I'm not convinced at all. So seeking for peer assessment.

> Hope we can have some pleasant and informative conversations.

> .

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Hi and welcome.

If you look in the Links section here, there are many online AS-tests, for

example these two:

http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/9.12/aqtest.html (50 questions)

http://www.rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php (100 questions)

Perhaps these can give you more of an indication?

There are also links to many Aspie info-sites, articles about AS etc. there.

Feel free to ask us questions about anything at all. Or tell more about why

it is that you're not convinced. (Clinicians do make mistakes sometimes, so

finding out as much as possible from those who actually have it is a great



> Just a few words of background.

> Two weeks ago received a negative diagnostic result from hospital


> I'm not convinced at all. So seeking for peer assessment.

> Hope we can have some pleasant and informative conversations.

> .

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In life and nature there are positives and negatives.

Most people say yes or welcome positives, and recoil from or say no

to negatives. Negative(think HIV) in the context of AS means I do

not fit the criteria.


> >

> >

> >

> > Just a few words of background.

> >

> > Two weeks ago received a negative diagnostic result from hospital

> > clinicians.

> >

> > I'm not convinced at all. So seeking for peer assessment.

> >

> > Hope we can have some pleasant and informative conversations.

> >

> > .

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In life and nature there are positives and negatives.

Most people say yes or welcome positives, and recoil from or say no

to negatives. Negative(think HIV) in the context of AS means I do

not fit the criteria.


> >

> >

> >

> > Just a few words of background.

> >

> > Two weeks ago received a negative diagnostic result from hospital

> > clinicians.

> >

> > I'm not convinced at all. So seeking for peer assessment.

> >

> > Hope we can have some pleasant and informative conversations.

> >

> > .

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Thanks for the welcome, all.

I have done a fair bit of reading, books and on-line.

In a couple of weeks I should have the full report of the assessment,

so will have more info then.

Inger, I just took the first 50 question test and scored 34.

Is that good?

> Hi and welcome.


> If you look in the Links section here, there are many online AS-

tests, for

> example these two:

> http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/9.12/aqtest.html (50 questions)

> http://www.rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php (100 questions)

> Perhaps these can give you more of an indication?


> There are also links to many Aspie info-sites, articles about AS

etc. there.


> Feel free to ask us questions about anything at all. Or tell more

about why

> it is that you're not convinced. (Clinicians do make mistakes

sometimes, so

> finding out as much as possible from those who actually have it is

a great

> idea.)


> Inger





> > Just a few words of background.


> > Two weeks ago received a negative diagnostic result from hospital

> clinicians.


> > I'm not convinced at all. So seeking for peer assessment.


> > Hope we can have some pleasant and informative conversations.


> > .

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Thanks for the welcome, all.

I have done a fair bit of reading, books and on-line.

In a couple of weeks I should have the full report of the assessment,

so will have more info then.

Inger, I just took the first 50 question test and scored 34.

Is that good?

> Hi and welcome.


> If you look in the Links section here, there are many online AS-

tests, for

> example these two:

> http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/9.12/aqtest.html (50 questions)

> http://www.rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php (100 questions)

> Perhaps these can give you more of an indication?


> There are also links to many Aspie info-sites, articles about AS

etc. there.


> Feel free to ask us questions about anything at all. Or tell more

about why

> it is that you're not convinced. (Clinicians do make mistakes

sometimes, so

> finding out as much as possible from those who actually have it is

a great

> idea.)


> Inger





> > Just a few words of background.


> > Two weeks ago received a negative diagnostic result from hospital

> clinicians.


> > I'm not convinced at all. So seeking for peer assessment.


> > Hope we can have some pleasant and informative conversations.


> > .

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Oops, that should be EXCEPT HIV. Usually positive is good.

And peer-assessment means, " what do you all think, do I think I fit " ?

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > welcome , what does 'a negative diagnostic result' mean?


> > what does 'seeking for peer assessment' involve?

> >

> > Kind Regards,

> >

> >

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Oops, that should be EXCEPT HIV. Usually positive is good.

And peer-assessment means, " what do you all think, do I think I fit " ?

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > welcome , what does 'a negative diagnostic result' mean?


> > what does 'seeking for peer assessment' involve?

> >

> > Kind Regards,

> >

> >

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hahaha! I was trying to figure out a long while what the HIV-remark was meaning. Thought it was a language problem : )

Thank you for the relieve of not having to think about it any moren : )


Re: Introduction

Oops, that should be EXCEPT HIV. Usually positive is good.And peer-assessment means, "what do you all think, do I think I fit"?> > > > > > Hi,> > > > welcome , what does 'a negative diagnostic result' mean? and > > what does 'seeking for peer assessment' involve?> > > > Kind Regards,> > > > FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.

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