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Good Evening Everyone,

I'm sure you must be sick and tired of hearing from me. But I have a question for this well informed and experienced group, I called my neurologist monday night because I'm in such pain and it's scary because it's increasing by the day. He called in a prescription for pain, (did mention don't want to get hooked on narcotics) it's Tramadl/apap Tab. It doesn't do much but I'm ware about taking more meds then I have too. Does any body have any idea why this is happening or even an opinion? Still taking the LDN but hurting. Do you think that by taking this new med I might be making matters worse?

Thank You,

Ann F.

annf02@...See what's free at AOL.com.

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Thank you for your response to my e-mail, figure every one in the group must be getting tired of my complaining. But your e-mail of that article is very interesting and I'm going to read it often. Better get off that Tramadl/apap tab sounds like something I should not be taking, it doesn't even work that well.

Good Evening,

Ann F.

annf02@...See what's free at AOL.com.

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> Good Evening Everyone,

> I'm sure you must be sick and tired of hearing from me. But I have a


> for this well informed and experienced group, I called my

neurologist monday

> night because I'm in such pain and it's scary because it's

increasing by the

> day. He called in a prescription for pain, (did mention don't want

to get

> hooked on narcotics) it's Tramadl/apap Tab. It doesn't do much but

I'm ware about

> taking more meds then I have too. Does any body have any idea why

this is

> happening or even an opinion? Still taking the LDN but hurting. Do

you think that

> by taking this new med I might be making matters worse?

> Thank You,

> Ann F.


Here's Dr. Lawrence's explaination. Since he's written this info.

below we have seen many experience increased symptoms for several

months. Also if you eat gluten and dairy you may have exogenous

opioids and the LDN can cause adverse symptoms. It takes 6 months for

gluten to get out of your system and if one is trying to be gluten

free, you cannot cheat.

From Dr. Lawrence....

When starting this LDN(Low Dose Naltrexone) therapy in the treatment

of MS, there may also be some initial transient, though temporary,

increase in MS symptoms.

Experience in using this method has demonstrated most commonly, such

as disturbed sleep, occasionally with vivid, bizarre and disturbing

dreams, tiredness, fatigue, spasm and pain. These increased symptoms

would not normally be expected to last more than seven to ten days.

Rarely, other transient symptoms have included more severe pain and

spasm, headache, diarrhea or vomiting. These additional symptoms would

appear to be associated with the previous frequent use of strong

analgesics, which effectively create an addiction and dependency, thus

increasing the body's sensitivity to pain. This temporary increase in

symptoms may also perhaps be explained when we consider the manner in

which this drug is expected to work.

Initially, MS occurs due to a reduction in the activity of the

controlling influence of the suppressor T-cells within the immune

system. During an acute relapse, the overall number of T-cells is

reduced, the normal balance of helper T-cells and suppressor T-cells

is disrupted and the damaging helper (CD-4) T-cells tend to

predominate. This is the situation most pronounced during an acute

relapse but occurs similarly, but to a lesser extent, in chronic

progressive MS. Under the influence of LDN there will be an expected

increase in the overall numbers of T-cells but, because the CD-4,

helper T-cells tend to predominate at this time, an increase in their

numbers will expectedly tend to increase MS symptoms. It is only when

the numbers of suppressor T-cells effectively " catch up " that the

normal balance is restored and symptoms once again diminish and


In addition, because LDN will also block the analgesic effects of any

opiate drugs (includes codeine, dihydrocodeine, morphine, pethidine or

diamorphine) presently being taken, the use of LDN will initially

greatly increase the level of pain experienced. It is therefore

advisable that any opiate-like drugs be discontinued at least two

weeks before this treatment is initiated. When starting the treatment

it is essential that any untoward or adverse side-effects are reported

immediately so that the treatment process can be further assessed and,

if necessary, modified.

In addition, because LDN stimulates the immune system and many of the

drugs routinely used by the NHS in the treatment of MS further

suppress the immune system, LDN cannot be used in company with

steroids, beta interferon, methotrexate, azathioprine or mitozantrone

or any other immune suppressant drug. If there is any doubt, please

submit a full list of the drugs you are presently taking so that their

compatibility may be assessed.

Dr. M R Lawrence

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Hi Arlene,

I'm so sorry to hear of your leg pain. Is it an ache or a throb - all

of one leg or both - whole leg or localised to one area?

Omega 3s take time to take effect - could be anywhere up to a few

months before inflammation is noticeably reduced.

If your pain is caused by inflammation (and most is), when the

inflammation has reduced you'll notice dramatically reduced or no


I'm a little worried about you because the 'herxheimer reaction' is

not showing any sign of abating. I admit I don't have experience with

this but prolonged symptoms should be cause for concern. Does anyone

else have knowledge in this area?

Are you under doctor supervision?




> Ann

> We're all so different, and it's so hard to tell. I've been taking

LDN since 2003. I was originally dx'd with MS in 2001 and recently

tested positive for Lyme disease. I was on IV antibiotics for 7

months, with no significant change, so now I'm going the natural



> Anyway, the pain I've been getting in my legs the past couple of

weeks is excruciating, something I've not experienced before. I

can't say it's the LDN b/c I've been taking it over 3 years, and

this is new. The pain is so bad it's wakes me several times during

the night, close to tears.


> I'm not sure what's happening, but I don't think it's the LDN

creating the problem. I'm taking it, not b/c it's known to help

lyme, but to help regulate my immune system. The other things I'm

doing to kill the lyme may be causing the pain, (herxheimer reaction)

and the regulation of my immune system by the LDN, may be

orchestrating the other things to work better.


> It's such a variable and increased fish oil and magnesium help

somewhat. I hope this helps you in some way. be well

> Arlene


> -------------- Original message --------------

> From: annf02@...

> Good Evening,

> As I mentioned a couple days ago that the pain in my legs is worst

then ever and have followed the advice of two people in this group.

About cutting back on the strength of the LDN I'm taking and also

taking alpha lipoic acid but the pain has not even lessened. It

really hurts, do you think that I have to go threw this as stated

with the symptoms before it gets any better?

> Thanks,

> Ann F.

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Lucy,

I don't have RA or Lupus, though I do have multiple issues with pain as

well. It cannot be easy for you to work. I do understand that issue! I

haven't worked for over two years and still waiting for disability. I

feel if you have a diagnosis, esp. more than one, there should not be a

hearing. I mean a dx of pain with questionable etiology is different

than something that is diagnosed by a specialist, something that is

discovered on an xray, mri, labwork, etc. Severe pain caused by a

definite diagnosis should be enough to prove disability w/o jumping

thru hoops! Welcome to the group! You will find a place to vent and

find encouragement! Best of luck! Sissy


> hi, new to the group. I have been dx w/multiple auto-immune


> the first doc i went to dx lupus and then the rheumy said I have RA


> Lupus. Because of insurance reasons I had to drop him and now for


> past year my internal medicine doc calls it multiple connective


> diseases w/ra and sjogren's syndrome. All I know is that I have pain

> almost all the time and it gets weary. Just saw him on Thursday and

> he's going to study my chart and try something new, such as Remidcade

> or others in that group. I work full time and try to keep going for

> the insurance. My husband doesn't drive because of stroke so i have


> lot to do. I'll be good to hear from others like me...


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Sissy wrote:


> >Severe pain caused by a

> definite diagnosis should be enough to prove disability w/o jumping

> thru hoops! Welcome to the group! You will find a place to vent and

> find encouragement! Best of luck! Sissy


I agree, but unfortunately unless you can't do any work (regardless of

whether it's what you're trained for or not), your health issue is going

to last more than a year, or result in death, they won't give disability

to you. I went in with Fibro, COPD, Sjogren's Syndrome, Primary Biliary

Cirrhosis (definitely will result in death) and severe depression. Took

me two years and a lawyer to get it and I got it for (drum roll here)

..... depression. The only reason I even got it for that is because I

had been seeing a psychologist for almost two years when I first applied.


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Sorry to hear of your dx, but at least you now know what you are dealing with.

This is a good group and there are many nice people who care and will share

their experiences. Welcome!

in Texas

lucylancer <lucylancer@...> wrote:

hi, new to the group. I have been dx w/multiple auto-immune diseases.

the first doc i went to dx lupus and then the rheumy said I have RA and

Lupus. Because of insurance reasons I had to drop him and now for the

past year my internal medicine doc calls it multiple connective tissue

diseases w/ra and sjogren's syndrome. All I know is that I have pain

almost all the time and it gets weary. Just saw him on Thursday and

he's going to study my chart and try something new, such as Remidcade

or others in that group. I work full time and try to keep going for

the insurance. My husband doesn't drive because of stroke so i have a

lot to do. I'll be good to hear from others like me...

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  • 6 months later...

I wonder why their pain tolerance is different?

I have noticed many falls and bumps but the blisters kinda took the

cake for me. I know how painful the burns would have been for me.

I am amazed and intrigued with Drake. Some days I have more

patience than other days but its a constant learning experience.

He is a dress up kid, he loves spiderman, Happy Potter , and the

incredible kid and his favorite present this year was a incredible

suit which he wore and acted out all day. He knows these characters

inside out. His mom bought him a scene it game about Happy POtter and

he knows every answer.

Drake is on Rimadal right now and it seems to help some,


Not a big change but a subtle one. Some days, I think it helps, other

days, we swear it ain;t helping at all. Today was a good day,

thankfully, lets see, other than flushing change down the toilet,

throwing a few kitchen utensils I was cooking with off the deck... LOL

All in all a good day.

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  • 1 month later...

First the nodules:

It's been my experience, they are like flares. They come and go. I

once had one the size of a golf ball on the tip of my elbow for over a

year. Very unsightly....but then I asked myself, compared to what?

The surgical scars that are also there? The crooked and deformed

fingers on my hands? Eventually if simply shrank and went away.

Second, not sleeping:

Ask your Drs for sleeping/relaxation aids. Ambien/Lunesta for sleep or

Valium for relaxation/sleep. It is my experience that if I need to

take either for a night or three, I usually become rested enough that

by the third or fourth night I am back to my old self/routine and

falling asleep on my own again.

If you don't get restorative rest it will worsen the symptoms. Ask

your Drs for sleep aids, be firm, point out to her/him your lack of

sleep is worsening the disease/symptoms and causing you to flare. You

can't keep up w/ your h/h & or kids or work, the lack of sleep is

interfering with your quality of life. It's your body, your decision.

Good Luck,


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I think I have said this in a different post, but will come back to it.

Find a doctor that understands your situation and will HELP you. I know this

theme has come through on other posts, but some doctors seem to think that they

can't give you pain medications, sleep aids etc because why? (addictions I


I am fortunate to live in a small town where my primary physicians are also my

clients and they know how demanding my life style is and that I have a business

where several other folks depend on their livelihood by my ability to make a

buck. I have no access to disability and wouldn't/couldn't anyway. Thus I need

all the chemical help I can get sometimes to keep going. It makes all the

difference in the world to be able to call frequently and ask how to tweak what

I am doing. If you can find a doctor who will help you that way, it makes a

tremendous difference.

shauna4343 <shauna4343@...> wrote:

First the nodules:

It's been my experience, they are like flares. They come and go. I

once had one the size of a golf ball on the tip of my elbow for over a

year. Very unsightly....but then I asked myself, compared to what?

The surgical scars that are also there? The crooked and deformed

fingers on my hands? Eventually if simply shrank and went away.

Second, not sleeping:

Ask your Drs for sleeping/relaxation aids. Ambien/Lunesta for sleep or

Valium for relaxation/sleep. It is my experience that if I need to

take either for a night or three, I usually become rested enough that

by the third or fourth night I am back to my old self/routine and

falling asleep on my own again.

If you don't get restorative rest it will worsen the symptoms. Ask

your Drs for sleep aids, be firm, point out to her/him your lack of

sleep is worsening the disease/symptoms and causing you to flare. You

can't keep up w/ your h/h & or kids or work, the lack of sleep is

interfering with your quality of life. It's your body, your decision.

Good Luck,



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I have had a nodule near my elbow for years that is about the size of

a pea. When I have a flare-up it bothers me, but my doctors keep

telling me that it is a cyst and not an RA nodule. It doesn't

decrease/increase in size. The last time I had CT done, I have one

forming on my right lung...they told me that was RA related. I have

never heard of nodules forming on organs from RA...so I was curious

to see if anyone else has one or heard of this.

Sleep is really important; when I don't get alot of sleep, I have

noticed that my flare ups are worse then normal. My doctors have

been really hesitant on giving me sleeping aids. I suffer from Post

Tramatic Stress Disorder from a botched surgery where I ended up in a

coma. I have regular nightmares and panic attacks from that and they

still don't prescribe me sleeping aids or xanax. I have a new PCP

who is a little more understanding in that department. Take care.

--- In , " shauna4343 " <shauna4343@...>



> First the nodules:

> It's been my experience, they are like flares. They come and go.


> once had one the size of a golf ball on the tip of my elbow for

over a

> year. Very unsightly....but then I asked myself, compared to


> The surgical scars that are also there? The crooked and deformed

> fingers on my hands? Eventually if simply shrank and went away.


> Second, not sleeping:

> Ask your Drs for sleeping/relaxation aids. Ambien/Lunesta for sleep


> Valium for relaxation/sleep. It is my experience that if I need to

> take either for a night or three, I usually become rested enough


> by the third or fourth night I am back to my old self/routine and

> falling asleep on my own again.


> If you don't get restorative rest it will worsen the symptoms. Ask

> your Drs for sleep aids, be firm, point out to her/him your lack of

> sleep is worsening the disease/symptoms and causing you to flare.


> can't keep up w/ your h/h & or kids or work, the lack of sleep is

> interfering with your quality of life. It's your body, your



> Good Luck,

> Shauna


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


I have had RA for the past 7 years and I feel your pain, and " yes " it

is normal. The best thing I can tell you is that you adjust to a new

way of doing things. I hurt from the moment I get up to the moment I

go to bed. I would talk to your rheumy about your symptoms...it might

be fibromyalgia on top of your RA, or you might need to change your

medications. Yes, it can be frustrating and depressing...but you get

used to it. Some days are better then others and you try to do things

on your " good " days. I wish there was something more I can tell

you...but hang in there.


> I have had ra only 6 mths now and i have been on salphasalazine and

> prednisone. I tought i was getting alot better. What bothers me is

> that every time i do anything i hurt all over again. I try to stay

> busy but the more i so the more i hurt. Is this normal? I have read

> that you should stay active but how is that possible. what do you do

> to help yourself get through? If i don't do anything I feel pretty

> good. It is hard to sleep but i am tired all the time. when i do try

> to do house work, i can only do it for about 15 min. then have to


> a bit and start all over. Is this normal? is my life alwayls going


> be like this? This life makes it hard not to be depressed over the

> littlest things. Any thoughts are so appreciated.


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Hi !

It is challenging to get things done, yet some days

are better than others! One major thing I have learned

is to prioritize..what must get done today or what can

really wait until later? I have a to do list of what I

think I may be able to do that day. Pacing yourself

and resting are two of the best things that you can do

for yourself! Also, trying to not stress over what you

can't get done is another good thing to try. Stress

only adds to psychological pain which adds to physical

pain, so we have more pain on top of the pain that we

already feel! There are always great tips too on handy

gadgets to use around the house. I find reading the

Arthritis Today magazine to be very helpful they are

full of tips I never would have thought of on my own:)

Also, maybe once the medications get working properly

you might find yourself able to do a bit more. I take

Plaquenil and Sulfasalazine and it took me 6 months to

get the medications in my system and working.

--- <man_u8@...> wrote:

> ,


> I have had RA for the past 7 years and I feel your

> pain, and " yes " it

> is normal. The best thing I can tell you is that you

> adjust to a new

> way of doing things. I hurt from the moment I get

> up to the moment I

> go to bed. I would talk to your rheumy about your

> symptoms...it might

> be fibromyalgia on top of your RA, or you might need

> to change your

> medications. Yes, it can be frustrating and

> depressing...but you get

> used to it. Some days are better then others and

> you try to do things

> on your " good " days. I wish there was something

> more I can tell

> you...but hang in there.







> >

> > I have had ra only 6 mths now and i have been on

> salphasalazine and

> > prednisone. I tought i was getting alot better.

> What bothers me is

> > that every time i do anything i hurt all over

> again. I try to stay

> > busy but the more i so the more i hurt. Is this

> normal? I have read

> > that you should stay active but how is that

> possible. what do you do

> > to help yourself get through? If i don't do

> anything I feel pretty

> > good. It is hard to sleep but i am tired all the

> time. when i do try

> > to do house work, i can only do it for about 15

> min. then have to

> rest

> > a bit and start all over. Is this normal? is my

> life alwayls going

> to

> > be like this? This life makes it hard not to be

> depressed over the

> > littlest things. Any thoughts are so appreciated.

> >






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You should tell your rheumatologist how your daily life is affected by your

RA, so that he/she may adjust your treatment accordingly.

Things can get much better.

Not an MD

> [ ] Pain


> I have had ra only 6 mths now and i have been on salphasalazine and

> prednisone. I tought i was getting alot better. What bothers me is

> that every time i do anything i hurt all over again. I try to stay

> busy but the more i so the more i hurt. Is this normal? I have read

> that you should stay active but how is that possible. what do you do

> to help yourself get through? If i don't do anything I feel pretty

> good. It is hard to sleep but i am tired all the time. when i do try

> to do house work, i can only do it for about 15 min. then have to rest

> a bit and start all over. Is this normal? is my life alwayls going to

> be like this? This life makes it hard not to be depressed over the

> littlest things. Any thoughts are so appreciated.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hi, Argie.

My son has frequent headache and lots of joint and bone pain as well. He's

been on Dr. G's protocol since April and his complaints have decreased. A couple

of days ago he started complaining again about leg pain, but I think it's the

daily swim classes. For some reason, all of us have been experiencing headaches.

Probably due to high pollen count.

Good luck,


Argie Olivo <golivo@...> wrote:

Thank you everyone for your input! We saw Dr. Goldberg today and he

said the pain is all related to symptoms (I forgot the exact

description he used). He said he would be more concerned if it was in

the same place all of the time, but since it changes, he's not too


God bless,


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Hi Roby,

My son has also been doing a lot of swimming this summer at least 3

hours a week, and he too has complained of headaches along with the

pain. I'm also thinking that it could be all the chemicals in the

pool water that's causing the headaches, rinsing off helps.

Dr. Goldberg's explanation of a stressed immune system makes sense.

That HHV6 is a nasty thing!!! We've been with Dr. Goldberg for 5 &

1/2 years and he's always been " eerily accurate " in his assessments

and treatments.



On Jul 21, 2008, at 5:19 PM, Robyn & Greg Coggins wrote:

> Hi, Argie.


> My son has frequent headache and lots of joint and bone pain as

> well. He's been on Dr. G's protocol since April and his complaints

> have decreased. A couple of days ago he started complaining again

> about leg pain, but I think it's the daily swim classes. For some

> reason, all of us have been experiencing headaches. Probably due to

> high pollen count.


> Good luck,


> Robyn


> Argie Olivo <golivo@...> wrote:

> Thank you everyone for your input! We saw Dr. Goldberg today and he

> said the pain is all related to symptoms (I forgot the exact

> description he used). He said he would be more concerned if it was in

> the same place all of the time, but since it changes, he's not too

> concerned.


> God bless,

> Argie



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I've seen that in our case too. He can almost predict where the labs will go on

both boys. The pool chemicals makes good sense. We don't shower at the pool, but

as soon as we get home, they're up in the shower with soap and water.

Thanks for the input.


Argie Olivo <golivo@...> wrote:

Hi Roby,

My son has also been doing a lot of swimming this summer at least 3

hours a week, and he too has complained of headaches along with the

pain. I'm also thinking that it could be all the chemicals in the

pool water that's causing the headaches, rinsing off helps.

Dr. Goldberg's explanation of a stressed immune system makes sense.

That HHV6 is a nasty thing!!! We've been with Dr. Goldberg for 5 &

1/2 years and he's always been " eerily accurate " in his assessments

and treatments.



On Jul 21, 2008, at 5:19 PM, Robyn & Greg Coggins wrote:

> Hi, Argie.


> My son has frequent headache and lots of joint and bone pain as

> well. He's been on Dr. G's protocol since April and his complaints

> have decreased. A couple of days ago he started complaining again

> about leg pain, but I think it's the daily swim classes. For some

> reason, all of us have been experiencing headaches. Probably due to

> high pollen count.


> Good luck,


> Robyn


> Argie Olivo <golivo@...> wrote:

> Thank you everyone for your input! We saw Dr. Goldberg today and he

> said the pain is all related to symptoms (I forgot the exact

> description he used). He said he would be more concerned if it was in

> the same place all of the time, but since it changes, he's not too

> concerned.


> God bless,

> Argie



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The Kids should only be in salt water pools...

Re: Pain

I've seen that in our case too. He can almost predict where the labs will go

on both boys. The pool chemicals makes good sense. We don't shower at the pool,

but as soon as we get home, they're up in the shower with soap and water.

Thanks for the input.


Argie Olivo <golivo@...> wrote:

Hi Roby,

My son has also been doing a lot of swimming this summer at least 3

hours a week, and he too has complained of headaches along with the

pain. I'm also thinking that it could be all the chemicals in the

pool water that's causing the headaches, rinsing off helps.

Dr. Goldberg's explanation of a stressed immune system makes sense.

That HHV6 is a nasty thing!!! We've been with Dr. Goldberg for 5 &

1/2 years and he's always been " eerily accurate " in his assessments

and treatments.



On Jul 21, 2008, at 5:19 PM, Robyn & Greg Coggins wrote:

> Hi, Argie.


> My son has frequent headache and lots of joint and bone pain as

> well. He's been on Dr. G's protocol since April and his complaints

> have decreased. A couple of days ago he started complaining again

> about leg pain, but I think it's the daily swim classes. For some

> reason, all of us have been experiencing headaches. Probably due to

> high pollen count.


> Good luck,


> Robyn


> Argie Olivo <golivo@...> wrote:

> Thank you everyone for your input! We saw Dr. Goldberg today and he

> said the pain is all related to symptoms (I forgot the exact

> description he used). He said he would be more concerned if it was in

> the same place all of the time, but since it changes, he's not too

> concerned.


> God bless,

> Argie



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Emre, Made me think of you!!

Robyn & Greg Coggins wrote:

> Hi, Argie.


> My son has frequent headache and lots of joint and bone pain as well.

> He's been on Dr. G's protocol since April and his complaints have

> decreased. A couple of days ago he started complaining again about leg

> pain, but I think it's the daily swim classes. For some reason, all of

> us have been experiencing headaches. Probably due to high pollen count.


> Good luck,


> Robyn


> Argie Olivo <golivo@... <mailto:golivo%40cox.net>> wrote:

> Thank you everyone for your input! We saw Dr. Goldberg today and he

> said the pain is all related to symptoms (I forgot the exact

> description he used). He said he would be more concerned if it was in

> the same place all of the time, but since it changes, he's not too

> concerned.


> God bless,

> Argie



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  • 1 month later...

--- In , " tsmith_rn " <tsmith_rn@...>

> Are we supposed to be pain free ever? Theresa

NO it's your body telling you there is something wrong, I hope my body

never forgets that!!!!

" jar174 " <jar174@...>

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Yes! Yes! Yes!

I have PA for 27 years. I'm a pain professional. Pain is a kind of dirty job. It

never leaves us. Even when we sleep.

I'm 52 years old. I'm moving all the time. I sit to work, within a few minutes I

feel the pain, restless. I stand up. Walk a little and sit again. I loose my

concentration. My thinking continuation.

No matter how many pills I take. I used to take about 12-14 Advil a day. 12

pills of Vioxx a day (before it was forbidden. These were the only quantities

that enabled me to move a little.

As I wrote. Pain is a dirty job. No pension foreseen.


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Dear Theresa,

> Are we supposed to be pain free ever?

No, of course not! The pharma industry needs us to always have at least

a slight pain, so that we never forget to buy paliative medication! At

least that's what many people would say.

I forgot to take my NSAID this morning. I was feeling too good, I guess.

By 11 AM I remembered, when my feet hurt more than usual, and then my

hip locked up, 1.3 kilometers away from the house. I hobbled back,

slowly, breathing deeply, and then did my duty to the pharma industry

and swallowed the forgotten pill. I hope two or three hours from now I

will again be able to stand up. In the meantime, I can sit in front of

the computer and write nonsense like this! :-)



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Hi Theresa,

When I was 1st diagnosed I was put on methotrexate by itself (about a year after

diagnosis actually).  It was not that effective by itself, BUT I just assumed at

that time that it was inevitable that I would feel pain - that NO medication

would alleviate it. 

WRONG - after about a year of pain I asked my Dr. if I should be feeling like

this and he was like no..  speak up.. we'll switch around your meds and find

something that works better.  When I took Arava I was pain free and the

methotrexate and Enbrel mix works very well for me. 

So don't ever accept that pain must remain.  I mean I am in pain because the

bottom of my feet have been altered (my fault - not my Dr's as I refused to go

on the more effective meds for a year),  but honestly other than that I am

good..  I wake boarded last year and ski all winter..  my shoe wearing sucks

cause I also have hammer toes, but it really is my fault for not sucking it up

and accepting that quality of life is WAY more important to me right now than

quantity (I'm 37).  I'd rather NOT be on the medications but in retrospect i

think to myself what the %$$# was I thinking..  I'd give anything to wear a pair

of strappy sandals now ..  luckily I can have my toes 'adjusted' by a plastic

surgeon at some point, so I'll keep that for my 40th or 50th birthday....

However, will you ever be pain free without drugs??   Ugh..  who knows..  people

go into re mission with RA.. why not PA??  ;-) 

in Ottawa Canada

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