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Re: Finally ... A Reason To Play Video Games ... LOL

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I'd like to throw my two cents in here, I personally have goten violent after playing sonic on sega, it gets very frustrating to get to a certain level and play it and play it and not get past it. I have thrown controlers across the room or wanted to toss the TV out the window. So I can understand even the simplest childs game being considered violent. Its up to us as parents to decide what games our children should play and how they are going to react. The easiest way of doing this I have found personally is by playing with my child. I or my husband play all of Jerry's games with him. We do play some of the cartoon games with violence, but we play them together and make sure he understands the contects. When he starts to get overstimulated by any game I pull him off of the game and have him do something else. It seems to work the best for us. Beth, co-administratorJano Lora <kyorus06@...> wrote: That's the reason why I love this group: you can (95% of the times) reason with PEOPLE, an specie that is growing scarce among humanity. ^-~miminm <mnmimi@...> escribió: >BUT, the case of your child is special, and THUS I never mentioned I had any kind of objection regarding your censorship criteria due that special condition. You will notice that my critic is regard classifying Sonic as violent, not about any other thing. It can be action, and fast paced, but if Sonic is violent, then the Care Bears are the bloodiest assasins ever. (And for others that read this, I said SONIC, not Shadow The Hedgehog, that's a different story.). So, points cleared, nobody harmed, let's go back to the playground like good kids.> I very much want to play like good kids, and no sonic is cute but the way my son reacts to the visual stimulation isn't. It certainly isn't the character that is violent but the effect. He also doesn't like to be seperated from the games and this also has a withdrawl effect that can become agressive. Toward me the person asking him to

stop game play for the day. Conversly he has "played" halo in a very non violent way by not shotting anything and just exploring the virtual landscape. I should have stated what the trouble was in the begining.I am guilty of not clarifyingJano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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I'd like to throw my two cents in here, I personally have goten violent after playing sonic on sega, it gets very frustrating to get to a certain level and play it and play it and not get past it. I have thrown controlers across the room or wanted to toss the TV out the window. So I can understand even the simplest childs game being considered violent. Its up to us as parents to decide what games our children should play and how they are going to react. The easiest way of doing this I have found personally is by playing with my child. I or my husband play all of Jerry's games with him. We do play some of the cartoon games with violence, but we play them together and make sure he understands the contects. When he starts to get overstimulated by any game I pull him off of the game and have him do something else. It seems to work the best for us. Beth, co-administratorJano Lora <kyorus06@...> wrote: That's the reason why I love this group: you can (95% of the times) reason with PEOPLE, an specie that is growing scarce among humanity. ^-~miminm <mnmimi@...> escribió: >BUT, the case of your child is special, and THUS I never mentioned I had any kind of objection regarding your censorship criteria due that special condition. You will notice that my critic is regard classifying Sonic as violent, not about any other thing. It can be action, and fast paced, but if Sonic is violent, then the Care Bears are the bloodiest assasins ever. (And for others that read this, I said SONIC, not Shadow The Hedgehog, that's a different story.). So, points cleared, nobody harmed, let's go back to the playground like good kids.> I very much want to play like good kids, and no sonic is cute but the way my son reacts to the visual stimulation isn't. It certainly isn't the character that is violent but the effect. He also doesn't like to be seperated from the games and this also has a withdrawl effect that can become agressive. Toward me the person asking him to

stop game play for the day. Conversly he has "played" halo in a very non violent way by not shotting anything and just exploring the virtual landscape. I should have stated what the trouble was in the begining.I am guilty of not clarifyingJano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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In a message dated 2/8/2007 6:36:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

There are exceptions to every rule. This is one of them. But the show is no longer being produced is it?TomAdministrator

No, and probably no more movies either.

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" PD1: playing games like Doom, Halo, Resident Evil and the like has

saved my life several times. In countries like mine, you survive or

you die. "

On the other hand, maybe if people were not exposed to such violence

on the news, on TV, on radio, in movies, and on video games, people

would not be so inclined to be violent in the first place.

There was an era in television that seemed to end when I was

younger. In this era, people were taught how to reason through and

work out difficult problems. The solutions were never easy and never

mutually pleasing.

Shows these days teach that the only justice in the world comes

either through brute force or at the hands of a prejudicial judge.

I do wish people would take a look at the world and ask themselves

if this is truly what they want for it. Are people happy in this

sort of world? I don't think so. And the world is only getting worse.



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" PD1: playing games like Doom, Halo, Resident Evil and the like has

saved my life several times. In countries like mine, you survive or

you die. "

On the other hand, maybe if people were not exposed to such violence

on the news, on TV, on radio, in movies, and on video games, people

would not be so inclined to be violent in the first place.

There was an era in television that seemed to end when I was

younger. In this era, people were taught how to reason through and

work out difficult problems. The solutions were never easy and never

mutually pleasing.

Shows these days teach that the only justice in the world comes

either through brute force or at the hands of a prejudicial judge.

I do wish people would take a look at the world and ask themselves

if this is truly what they want for it. Are people happy in this

sort of world? I don't think so. And the world is only getting worse.



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" Somebody needs to write a video game that teaches skills for

dealing with bullies, including something about when you have

to, " have to " , resort to fighting. "

The only problem with such a game was that if you ever " won " against

a bully in such a game you would go out into the world thinking you

could beat the bully there, too,

The only time I ever won against the bully was when he tried to

fight me and another kid at the same time.

He was on top of my friend and punching him in the face.

I got on top of the bully and kept beating the side of his head

until he simply told me to stop in a quiet, plain voice without fear

and that if he didn't, I didn't, he would come after me next.

One needs to keep in mind that this was high school. I was about six

feet tall and weighed 165. He was shorter and weighed about the

same. I used all my physical strength to hit him. Every ounce of

strength, and he appeared to feel no pain whatsoever.

And so next I drove his face into the ground repeatedly until he let

up on both of us, primarily because it was impossible for him to

keep hitting my friend when I had managed to turn him sideways like


I can remember the loud " thuck " ing sound his head made when it hit

the pavement. I did this to him about twenty times before he finally

let up.

He never bothered us again. But I will tell you something. The next

day my friend had two black eyes, a bruised nose, and various other

cuts. I had a good bruise on my forehead. But the guy whose face I

tried to grind into the pavement didn't have a scratch on him and

showed absolutely no pain or no fear the following day at school.

I truly think that this fellow was a hold-over from cave man days,

and I think this is true of all bullies. They cannot be reasoned

with, and they canot be hurt very much at all. They may PRETEND to

reason with you, or they may fake getting hurt. But it is all bluff.

They are motivated by brute force and nothing else.

Nothing I have ever been taught, nothing I have ever learned, has

helped me succeed against a bully except fighting back, and, as I

have said, I won only once, and that was because it was two of us

against one.



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I agree completely. I remember feeling horrible on Shadow The Hedgehog's stage called Space Fall, *hahahaha* But, hell, I am paying to get a bit of emotion, right? *hahaha*VISIGOTH@... escribió: In a message dated 2/8/2007 1:13:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, dksunglsses writes: I'd like to throw my

two cents in here, I personally have goten violent after playing sonic on sega, it gets very frustrating to get to a certain level and play it and play it and not get past it. I have thrown controlers across the room or wanted to toss the TV out the window. So I can understand even the simplest childs game being considered violent. That's called frustration. I've been there myself many times. That's why I rarely played Sonic by myself. There were some parts I just could not get past for anything. However, I had a friend who had no trouble with those places at all, but couldn't get past places I had no trouble with. So, we would hand the controller back and forth and whoever got passed the hard part kept it until they hit the part they couldn't get past. Still, games can be very frustrating at times. Sometimes it is because the game is challenging and other times it is

because the control are clunky. The game you can get used to, but a bad interface can ruin an otherwise good game. Jano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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Again, I agree completely. Doom may have saved my head from being shot around 16 times, but I would have liked to AVOID that sittuations the best. We live in a violent world... and thought everybody seems to accept it, nobody puts a grain of salt to change it... *sigh* At least, I try every Saturday to put a little grain by teaching people to think by themselves... or die trying...environmental1st2003 <no_reply > escribió: "PD1: playing games like Doom, Halo, Resident Evil and the like has saved my life several times. In countries like mine, you survive or you die."On the other hand, maybe if people were not exposed to such violence on the news, on TV, on radio, in movies, and on video games, people would not be so inclined to be violent in the first place. There was an era in television that seemed to end when I was younger. In this era, people were taught how to reason through and work out difficult problems. The solutions were never easy and never mutually pleasing. Shows these days teach that the only justice in the world comes either through brute force or at the hands of a prejudicial judge. I do wish people would take a look at the world and ask themselves if this is

truly what they want for it. Are people happy in this sort of world? I don't think so. And the world is only getting worse.TomAdministrator Jano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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" Its up to us as parents to decide what games our children should play

and how they are going to react. The easiest way of doing this I have

found personally is by playing with my child. I or my husband play

all of Jerry's games with him. We do play some of the cartoon games

with violence, but we play them together and make sure he understands

the contects. When he starts to get overstimulated by any game I pull

him off of the game and have him do something else. It seems to work

the best for us. "

Controlled exposure to violence is still exposure to violence that

would not be there at all but for the fact the parents allowed the


Video games did nothing but anger me, so I got rid of all of them. You

would not believe the peace of mind that comes once you throw away all

those games.

I shudder to think that we are raising young kids up with a turmoil of

emotions that would not be there if it weren't for the parents




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Now, THAT is what I call violence in games... And I don't know why the name of Grand Theft Auto (a game I don't play, but that is quite popular) comes to my mind right now...miminm <mnmimi@...> escribió: I have often thought that skills teaching in a virtual environment would be helpful. I know (this could be exploited) Like in the sense of Arnold Swartzanegger movies. but driving simulation. Bulling simulation from the point of the bullied. I know it's too sci-fi and could be misused

but human nature gets in the way of teaching skills. So tired of not being able to implement something useful because people abuse those things. Honesty consideration "sigh"Jano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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Now, THAT is awesome. Really good job, congratulations. ^-~ravenmagic2003 <ravenmagic2003@...> escribió: mimi wrote: " ... <snip> ... Teletubbies are the root of all evil! they reinforce baby talk and make the world seem foolish, Care Bears are insipid as well ... <snip> ..."Barney the Purple Dinosaur is the worst role model for children. The Wiggles aren't much better than the Teletubbies except they are 'real' people rather than whatever the Teletubbies are supposed to

be. The list is endless.mimi wrote: " ... <snip> ... Rayman in my opinion requirs a degree of problem solving that isn't too cutsie. It makes the player want to reach the goals (there is violence in it) shooting, etc. ..."We have all the Rayman games here. Cub has enjoyed the various versions since he was 3. One thing that I found interesting is that he identifies with Rayman insofar as Rayman seems disconnected from his body parts. Cub said (since he was a pre-schooler) that he feels disconnected like this when he is in the NT world. Interesting observation.mimi wrote: " ... <snip> ... I think games should be applicable (not that I want my son to employ wartime strategies in everyday life) but If his life depended on it then I would want him to hAVe that."I want Cub to be able to think on his feet in times of moral contradiction (in my home, I teach my child that killing someone is

wrong, harming someone is wrong, stealing is wrong, etc., however there are times when one must do what is wrong for the good of all ... i.e. killing is wrong except in cases where one is at war or if one's family is in danger of being killed or hurt). Real life situations reported on the news and some video games assist in this on-the-spot learning. And yes, despite helping him learn this, he is still a very gentle soul who is kind to animals and children, and has a big heart. He would rather spend days trying to find a good solution to a problem than see someone hurt emotionally or physically or mentally or spiritually by a decision that was arrived at too quickly.RavenCo-AdministratorJano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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Agree completely. There are sittuations, and sittuations. And that game idea would be something truely nice if well made. I have always thought RP games that included several action systems could give room to this kind of learning experiences.Hephaestus Clubfoot <lemnosforge@...> escribió: RE Violence, and dealing with bullies. Somebody needs to write a video game that teaches skills for dealing with bullies, including

something about when you have to, "have to", resort to fighting. I for one was in at least one knock-down serious fight every grade from the first through the tenth. (I was never the bully, always the bullied.) Violent bullying, especially for loner-type geeky young boys attending working-class public schools, is extremely common. (I understand that in British schools it's extremely bad.) Now that I'm much older I've learned over the years how better to control situations to avoid such conflicts, usually only narrowly though. Oddly, the four years of fairly intensive martial arts training during my twenties - the main thing I came away with from that was a far better ability to keep my cool in potentially violent situations. Perhaps partly it was a sense of greater confidence in my ability to handle physical confrontations, but possibly more important was a sense that if I did get beat up it wasn't going to be the end of the world. That is the single biggest "skill"

in avoiding fights and in dealing with bullies. Perhaps it is why someone on this list commented that video games such as Doom have seemed useful to them- they're thinking also their brains instead of compulsively with only their emotions when in life-threatening situations. Since then I've never been in a really serious fight, or at least not one that lasted very long or was very injurious. The point I'm trying to make here is...one, it's more complex than most people try to make it out to be... two, there are productive ways of being exposed to violence or violence-associated activities as well as the very counterproductive ways most people tend to focus on. Heph Jano Lora <kyorus06 (DOT) es> wrote: Of course, if

we take the meaning right to the book, and we decided to bann everything that is violent according all the asceptions of this word on the dictionary, we would end in stasis cells like in Matrix, with machines inducting us "Happy Dreams". But, even if they did that, if they were too happy, they would also become violent, because we may loose our "self-control" under too instense happyness emotions. BUT... Actually, we weren't disscussing here the definition of "Violence" completely. We actually were talking about what parents normally address as "violence" on games. When they mean this, they use to reffer to the blood, gore, guts, hadokens and choryuukens being unleashed here and there for free. Putting the poor running Sonic into the same group is, in my humble opinion, is a lack of culture. Not because Sonic The Hedgehog is such a pillar of culture and everybody should now every detail about it (actually, Sonic is kind of the most famous/overlooked games because

thought it has a lot of fans, it has never been able to compete against titans like Bross series, the series in general have been dark to the knowledge of anybody outside the SEGA consoles, which weren't that much popular either), but because I consider that if you are going to talk bad about something in specific, at least one need to do some research on the subject. PD1: playing games like Doom, Halo, Resident Evil and the like has saved my life several times. In countries like mine, you survive or you die. There is no time for expensive paramilitar trainings... but that's a completely different story more related to the difference of being trained to think quickly when you have to hide behind a wall to avoid being packed with iron and being trained into playing zudoku, which I doubt will make much of a difference in a moment like that... but, is for like other kind of

conversation... PD2: ... Can zudoku be called violent? I have seen people going nuts with it... *hahaha* ravenmagic2003 <ravenmagic2003 (DOT) ca> escribió: What a can of worms I opened when I posted this news article. Sheesh!Just for the record, Jano, the word "violent" has more than one meaning. From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:Main Entry: vi·o·lent Pronunciation: -l & ntFunction: adjectiveEtymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin violentus; akin to Latin vis strength -- more at VIM1 : marked by extreme force or sudden intense activity <a violent attack>2 a : notably furious or vehement <a violent denunciation> b : EXTREME, INTENSE

<violent pain> <violent colors>3 : caused by force : not natural <a violent death>4 a : emotionally agitated to the point of loss of self-control <became violent after an insult> b : prone to commit acts of violence <violent prison inmates> So you can see that a game such as the one you mentioned -- Sonic the Hedgehog -- could be seen as violent for children for whom it creates a marked intense reaction or who become emotionally agitated to the point of loss of self-control.Had I known that posting the story would elicit such a violent reaction from so many members, I never would have posted it in the first place. Mea culpa.RavenCo-Administrator>> Oh yeah, a blue hedgehog that looks more or less like

Mickey Mouse and runs everywhere trying to free his reality from a despotic crazy inventor that seems like taken out from the mind of Popeye's creator is really a promotor of violence... Damn, how couldn't I see it? Even if there isn't a single drop of blood in that game, how could I not see all the violence embed on it? *Geez* People nowadays should make much less violent games like games based on WB cartoons where a rabbit constantly behaves like a gay kissing every man he meets or a coyote suffering all the possible accidents a living being can experiment... of course, that's not violent... or like that mouse and a cat that chase all day splitting their limbs or inflicting similar tortures and traps constantly... quiet educative and completely unviolent... Or, AH! I know... Why don't we start sending letters for video game makers to start making games about all the things that happen between the politics?

That would> be AWESOME, isn't it? So educative and so full of morality and a lot of non-aggresive behavior... It would be just great... Oh, if the world just realized how terribly aggresive is Sonic The Hedgehog... *sigh*> > miminm <mnmimi@...> escribió: I would like to say this about that. > Ravi had a multideciplanary study which stated that although he was 5 > at the time his puzzle solving abilities were at an 8 yr old's level. > The Psy heading the study stated in his report that this was common > among children that played video games. that being said NOT EVERY GAME > is a game that contributes to puzzle solving. So I hand pick goal > oriented games. Rayman for instance. Puzzle games NOT FIRST PERSON > SHOOTERS. Some of the maps that people create may do this. Spongebob > and other games like Sonic antually seem to promote agressive >

behavior. So everybody get a grain of salt.> > > > > > > Jano C. Lora Paz> IPRI Leading Teacher> > ---------------------------------> > LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.> Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.> http://es.voice.>Jano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice. Never miss an email again! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out. Jano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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Agree completely. There are sittuations, and sittuations. And that game idea would be something truely nice if well made. I have always thought RP games that included several action systems could give room to this kind of learning experiences.Hephaestus Clubfoot <lemnosforge@...> escribió: RE Violence, and dealing with bullies. Somebody needs to write a video game that teaches skills for dealing with bullies, including

something about when you have to, "have to", resort to fighting. I for one was in at least one knock-down serious fight every grade from the first through the tenth. (I was never the bully, always the bullied.) Violent bullying, especially for loner-type geeky young boys attending working-class public schools, is extremely common. (I understand that in British schools it's extremely bad.) Now that I'm much older I've learned over the years how better to control situations to avoid such conflicts, usually only narrowly though. Oddly, the four years of fairly intensive martial arts training during my twenties - the main thing I came away with from that was a far better ability to keep my cool in potentially violent situations. Perhaps partly it was a sense of greater confidence in my ability to handle physical confrontations, but possibly more important was a sense that if I did get beat up it wasn't going to be the end of the world. That is the single biggest "skill"

in avoiding fights and in dealing with bullies. Perhaps it is why someone on this list commented that video games such as Doom have seemed useful to them- they're thinking also their brains instead of compulsively with only their emotions when in life-threatening situations. Since then I've never been in a really serious fight, or at least not one that lasted very long or was very injurious. The point I'm trying to make here is...one, it's more complex than most people try to make it out to be... two, there are productive ways of being exposed to violence or violence-associated activities as well as the very counterproductive ways most people tend to focus on. Heph Jano Lora <kyorus06 (DOT) es> wrote: Of course, if

we take the meaning right to the book, and we decided to bann everything that is violent according all the asceptions of this word on the dictionary, we would end in stasis cells like in Matrix, with machines inducting us "Happy Dreams". But, even if they did that, if they were too happy, they would also become violent, because we may loose our "self-control" under too instense happyness emotions. BUT... Actually, we weren't disscussing here the definition of "Violence" completely. We actually were talking about what parents normally address as "violence" on games. When they mean this, they use to reffer to the blood, gore, guts, hadokens and choryuukens being unleashed here and there for free. Putting the poor running Sonic into the same group is, in my humble opinion, is a lack of culture. Not because Sonic The Hedgehog is such a pillar of culture and everybody should now every detail about it (actually, Sonic is kind of the most famous/overlooked games because

thought it has a lot of fans, it has never been able to compete against titans like Bross series, the series in general have been dark to the knowledge of anybody outside the SEGA consoles, which weren't that much popular either), but because I consider that if you are going to talk bad about something in specific, at least one need to do some research on the subject. PD1: playing games like Doom, Halo, Resident Evil and the like has saved my life several times. In countries like mine, you survive or you die. There is no time for expensive paramilitar trainings... but that's a completely different story more related to the difference of being trained to think quickly when you have to hide behind a wall to avoid being packed with iron and being trained into playing zudoku, which I doubt will make much of a difference in a moment like that... but, is for like other kind of

conversation... PD2: ... Can zudoku be called violent? I have seen people going nuts with it... *hahaha* ravenmagic2003 <ravenmagic2003 (DOT) ca> escribió: What a can of worms I opened when I posted this news article. Sheesh!Just for the record, Jano, the word "violent" has more than one meaning. From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:Main Entry: vi·o·lent Pronunciation: -l & ntFunction: adjectiveEtymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin violentus; akin to Latin vis strength -- more at VIM1 : marked by extreme force or sudden intense activity <a violent attack>2 a : notably furious or vehement <a violent denunciation> b : EXTREME, INTENSE

<violent pain> <violent colors>3 : caused by force : not natural <a violent death>4 a : emotionally agitated to the point of loss of self-control <became violent after an insult> b : prone to commit acts of violence <violent prison inmates> So you can see that a game such as the one you mentioned -- Sonic the Hedgehog -- could be seen as violent for children for whom it creates a marked intense reaction or who become emotionally agitated to the point of loss of self-control.Had I known that posting the story would elicit such a violent reaction from so many members, I never would have posted it in the first place. Mea culpa.RavenCo-Administrator>> Oh yeah, a blue hedgehog that looks more or less like

Mickey Mouse and runs everywhere trying to free his reality from a despotic crazy inventor that seems like taken out from the mind of Popeye's creator is really a promotor of violence... Damn, how couldn't I see it? Even if there isn't a single drop of blood in that game, how could I not see all the violence embed on it? *Geez* People nowadays should make much less violent games like games based on WB cartoons where a rabbit constantly behaves like a gay kissing every man he meets or a coyote suffering all the possible accidents a living being can experiment... of course, that's not violent... or like that mouse and a cat that chase all day splitting their limbs or inflicting similar tortures and traps constantly... quiet educative and completely unviolent... Or, AH! I know... Why don't we start sending letters for video game makers to start making games about all the things that happen between the politics?

That would> be AWESOME, isn't it? So educative and so full of morality and a lot of non-aggresive behavior... It would be just great... Oh, if the world just realized how terribly aggresive is Sonic The Hedgehog... *sigh*> > miminm <mnmimi@...> escribió: I would like to say this about that. > Ravi had a multideciplanary study which stated that although he was 5 > at the time his puzzle solving abilities were at an 8 yr old's level. > The Psy heading the study stated in his report that this was common > among children that played video games. that being said NOT EVERY GAME > is a game that contributes to puzzle solving. So I hand pick goal > oriented games. Rayman for instance. Puzzle games NOT FIRST PERSON > SHOOTERS. Some of the maps that people create may do this. Spongebob > and other games like Sonic antually seem to promote agressive >

behavior. So everybody get a grain of salt.> > > > > > > Jano C. Lora Paz> IPRI Leading Teacher> > ---------------------------------> > LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.> Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.> http://es.voice.>Jano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice. Never miss an email again! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out. Jano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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EXACTLY. Good to see some light here.miminm <mnmimi@...> escribió: > As for voilent games - I think 'snap' with cards can get really out > of hand - I played 'snap' with a friend once and after her very > violent reaction to the game refused to ever play snap with her > again :-)> > >

That is really my contention with games in general. Loud fast pased musiic and wording that creates urgency. Some "cutsie" kiddy games have made him cry and have a meltdown. Like your snap reference. I would like a group of games to be more about fun, not so much pressure and benefitial visual stimulation. I had wanted to create a low tech device of sorts that would be instructional. I have brought it up to various researchers only to have them say "that sounds great: do you have a prototype?" UMMMM I am a mom on a limited budget, that is why I am telling it to MIT! AGR anyway; Teletubbies are the root of all evil! they reinforce baby talk and make the world seem foolish, Care Bears are insipid as well. Rayman in my opinion requirs a degree of problem solving that isn't too cutsie. It makes the player want to reach the goals (there is violence in it) shooting etc,..What I really want from a game (for my

purposes) Is something that will motivate. If halo can save a life in a real world application then it is educational! I think games should be applicable (not that I want my son to employ wartime stratigies in everyday life) but If his life depended on it then I would want him to hAVe that. Jano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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EXACTLY. Good to see some light here.miminm <mnmimi@...> escribió: > As for voilent games - I think 'snap' with cards can get really out > of hand - I played 'snap' with a friend once and after her very > violent reaction to the game refused to ever play snap with her > again :-)> > >

That is really my contention with games in general. Loud fast pased musiic and wording that creates urgency. Some "cutsie" kiddy games have made him cry and have a meltdown. Like your snap reference. I would like a group of games to be more about fun, not so much pressure and benefitial visual stimulation. I had wanted to create a low tech device of sorts that would be instructional. I have brought it up to various researchers only to have them say "that sounds great: do you have a prototype?" UMMMM I am a mom on a limited budget, that is why I am telling it to MIT! AGR anyway; Teletubbies are the root of all evil! they reinforce baby talk and make the world seem foolish, Care Bears are insipid as well. Rayman in my opinion requirs a degree of problem solving that isn't too cutsie. It makes the player want to reach the goals (there is violence in it) shooting etc,..What I really want from a game (for my

purposes) Is something that will motivate. If halo can save a life in a real world application then it is educational! I think games should be applicable (not that I want my son to employ wartime stratigies in everyday life) but If his life depended on it then I would want him to hAVe that. Jano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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" Again, I agree completely. Doom may have saved my head from being

shot around 16 times, but I would have liked to AVOID that

sittuations the best. We live in a violent world... and thought

everybody seems to accept it, nobody puts a grain of salt to change

it... *sigh* At least, I try every Saturday to put a little grain by

teaching people to think by themselves... or die trying... "

I do hear a lot of complaining from people but don't see much effort

to change anything.

Take a look at Iraq.

Everyone wants us Americans to leave. So, let's say we do what

everybody wants.

Does anybody in their right minds believe that the two Muslim

factions over there are going to throw down their arms, embrace each

other, and build a new, peaceful country?

No. In reality they were try as hard as they can to rip out each

other's throats.

And I say let 'em.

Every once in a while thereis a huge blood letting in the world

after which everyone seems to come together in an effort to prevent

it from happening again.

There was the Holocaust, the Rawandan massacre. Maybe we need

another one.

Maybe what the world needs some day is for word from Iraq to cease

one day. When people go in to find out why, they would find millions

of rotting corpses littering the streets.

This would give people pause to ponder how insane it is that people

kill each other for no good reason.

And I am sure this would stop most violence in the world for AT

LEAST a day and a half before the killing would resume somewhere




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Okay, allow me to explain: Like it has happened with the Bross series (and many other old timers who are survived through the evolution of consoles), Sonic has spawned an entire army of new character across it's new games, specially the GBA entries. One of these characters (and one of the most controversial and top ranked) is Shadow The Hedgehog, something like a dark evil version of Sonic who instead of being blue and yellow, is black and red. Is like the designers had mixed up Knuckles and Sonic in one single thing. I am a bit obscure regarding what is the story behind Shadow, but I know he is slain at some point of the main Sonic storyline and then Prf. Eggman makes an android of him to serve him. In any case, due the extreme fandom this character (who is chaotically neutral) has stirred up, Sega decided to make a game featuring Shadow as the main character, mainly named Shadow The Hedgehog. The game version I had was for

PS2, but I don't know if there are versions for other platforms. Now, this game follows the basic game line of Sonic but gives it some interesting turns for Shadow can do much more things than simply run. Now, for the NON-AGGRESSION lovers this game should be burned into a pire because, due the dual nature of Shadow, here you are given to choose between good actions and evil actions (which imply picking up guns and similar weapondry and blasting out the crap of poor human soldiers in some occassions, but no guts or blood, and I think I even remember seeing them still alive, just laid on the ground), aiming for several different endings for the story. This game as being very controversial because Sonic games had been very "unviolent" so far, and thus I made the acclaration that I wasn't reffering to this game, in case someone would have used it as a counter argument.greebohere <julie.stevenson16@...> escribió: I have to confess I actually like sonic :-) and I do have an old sega console - haven't played it in ages though. I liked sonic 1 and 2 as the game seemed fairly consistent and in some respects repetitive and very playable :-)I don't know much about this 'shadow' sonic, what is 'shadow' sonic all about?As for voilent games - I think 'snap' with cards can get really out of hand - I played 'snap' with a friend once and after her very violent reaction to the game refused to ever play snap with her again

:-)>> Of course, if we take the meaning right to the book, and we decided to bann everything that is violent according all the asceptions of this word on the dictionary, we would end in stasis cells like in Matrix, with machines inducting us "Happy Dreams". But, even if they did that, if they were too happy, they would also become violent, because we may loose our "self-control" under too instense happyness emotions. BUT... Actually, we weren't disscussing here the definition of "Violence" completely. We actually were talking about what parents normally address as "violence" on games. When they mean this, they use to reffer to the blood, gore, guts, hadokens and choryuukens being unleashed here and there for free. Putting the poor running Sonic

into the same group is, in my humble opinion, is a lack of culture. Not because Sonic The Hedgehog is such a pillar of culture and everybody should now every detail about it (actually, Sonic is kind of the most famous/overlooked games> because thought it has a lot of fans, it has never been able to compete against titans like Bross series, the series in general have been dark to the knowledge of anybody outside the SEGA consoles, which weren't that much popular either), but because I consider that if you are going to talk bad about something in specific, at least one need to do some research on the subject.> > PD1: playing games like Doom, Halo, Resident Evil and the like has saved my life several times. In countries like mine, you survive or you die. There is no time for expensive paramilitar trainings... but that's a completely different story more related to the difference of being trained to

think quickly when you have to hide behind a wall to avoid being packed with iron and being trained into playing zudoku, which I doubt will make much of a difference in a moment like that... but, is for like other kind of conversation...> > PD2: ... Can zudoku be called violent? I have seen people going nuts with it... *hahaha*> >Jano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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Okay, allow me to explain: Like it has happened with the Bross series (and many other old timers who are survived through the evolution of consoles), Sonic has spawned an entire army of new character across it's new games, specially the GBA entries. One of these characters (and one of the most controversial and top ranked) is Shadow The Hedgehog, something like a dark evil version of Sonic who instead of being blue and yellow, is black and red. Is like the designers had mixed up Knuckles and Sonic in one single thing. I am a bit obscure regarding what is the story behind Shadow, but I know he is slain at some point of the main Sonic storyline and then Prf. Eggman makes an android of him to serve him. In any case, due the extreme fandom this character (who is chaotically neutral) has stirred up, Sega decided to make a game featuring Shadow as the main character, mainly named Shadow The Hedgehog. The game version I had was for

PS2, but I don't know if there are versions for other platforms. Now, this game follows the basic game line of Sonic but gives it some interesting turns for Shadow can do much more things than simply run. Now, for the NON-AGGRESSION lovers this game should be burned into a pire because, due the dual nature of Shadow, here you are given to choose between good actions and evil actions (which imply picking up guns and similar weapondry and blasting out the crap of poor human soldiers in some occassions, but no guts or blood, and I think I even remember seeing them still alive, just laid on the ground), aiming for several different endings for the story. This game as being very controversial because Sonic games had been very "unviolent" so far, and thus I made the acclaration that I wasn't reffering to this game, in case someone would have used it as a counter argument.greebohere <julie.stevenson16@...> escribió: I have to confess I actually like sonic :-) and I do have an old sega console - haven't played it in ages though. I liked sonic 1 and 2 as the game seemed fairly consistent and in some respects repetitive and very playable :-)I don't know much about this 'shadow' sonic, what is 'shadow' sonic all about?As for voilent games - I think 'snap' with cards can get really out of hand - I played 'snap' with a friend once and after her very violent reaction to the game refused to ever play snap with her again

:-)>> Of course, if we take the meaning right to the book, and we decided to bann everything that is violent according all the asceptions of this word on the dictionary, we would end in stasis cells like in Matrix, with machines inducting us "Happy Dreams". But, even if they did that, if they were too happy, they would also become violent, because we may loose our "self-control" under too instense happyness emotions. BUT... Actually, we weren't disscussing here the definition of "Violence" completely. We actually were talking about what parents normally address as "violence" on games. When they mean this, they use to reffer to the blood, gore, guts, hadokens and choryuukens being unleashed here and there for free. Putting the poor running Sonic

into the same group is, in my humble opinion, is a lack of culture. Not because Sonic The Hedgehog is such a pillar of culture and everybody should now every detail about it (actually, Sonic is kind of the most famous/overlooked games> because thought it has a lot of fans, it has never been able to compete against titans like Bross series, the series in general have been dark to the knowledge of anybody outside the SEGA consoles, which weren't that much popular either), but because I consider that if you are going to talk bad about something in specific, at least one need to do some research on the subject.> > PD1: playing games like Doom, Halo, Resident Evil and the like has saved my life several times. In countries like mine, you survive or you die. There is no time for expensive paramilitar trainings... but that's a completely different story more related to the difference of being trained to

think quickly when you have to hide behind a wall to avoid being packed with iron and being trained into playing zudoku, which I doubt will make much of a difference in a moment like that... but, is for like other kind of conversation...> > PD2: ... Can zudoku be called violent? I have seen people going nuts with it... *hahaha*> >Jano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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AMEN! In fact, THAT is what the world needs. A nice SLAP to wake up once and for all....environmental1st2003 <no_reply > escribió: "Again, I agree completely. Doom may have saved my head from being shot around 16 times, but I would have liked to AVOID that sittuations the best. We live in a violent world... and thought

everybody seems to accept it, nobody puts a grain of salt to change it... *sigh* At least, I try every Saturday to put a little grain by teaching people to think by themselves... or die trying..."I do hear a lot of complaining from people but don't see much effort to change anything. Take a look at Iraq. Everyone wants us Americans to leave. So, let's say we do what everybody wants. Does anybody in their right minds believe that the two Muslim factions over there are going to throw down their arms, embrace each other, and build a new, peaceful country?No. In reality they were try as hard as they can to rip out each other's throats.And I say let 'em. Every once in a while thereis a huge blood letting in the world after which everyone seems to come together in an effort to prevent it from happening again. There was the Holocaust, the Rawandan massacre. Maybe we need

another one. Maybe what the world needs some day is for word from Iraq to cease one day. When people go in to find out why, they would find millions of rotting corpses littering the streets.This would give people pause to ponder how insane it is that people kill each other for no good reason. And I am sure this would stop most violence in the world for AT LEAST a day and a half before the killing would resume somewhere else.TomAdministratorJano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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AMEN! In fact, THAT is what the world needs. A nice SLAP to wake up once and for all....environmental1st2003 <no_reply > escribió: "Again, I agree completely. Doom may have saved my head from being shot around 16 times, but I would have liked to AVOID that sittuations the best. We live in a violent world... and thought

everybody seems to accept it, nobody puts a grain of salt to change it... *sigh* At least, I try every Saturday to put a little grain by teaching people to think by themselves... or die trying..."I do hear a lot of complaining from people but don't see much effort to change anything. Take a look at Iraq. Everyone wants us Americans to leave. So, let's say we do what everybody wants. Does anybody in their right minds believe that the two Muslim factions over there are going to throw down their arms, embrace each other, and build a new, peaceful country?No. In reality they were try as hard as they can to rip out each other's throats.And I say let 'em. Every once in a while thereis a huge blood letting in the world after which everyone seems to come together in an effort to prevent it from happening again. There was the Holocaust, the Rawandan massacre. Maybe we need

another one. Maybe what the world needs some day is for word from Iraq to cease one day. When people go in to find out why, they would find millions of rotting corpses littering the streets.This would give people pause to ponder how insane it is that people kill each other for no good reason. And I am sure this would stop most violence in the world for AT LEAST a day and a half before the killing would resume somewhere else.TomAdministratorJano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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Well, peace of mind comes when there is no other disturbing element in the enviroment. If there IS a big disturbing element in the enviroment, having a fixed sittuation where you have the control, like in videogames, comes to be a GRAND release of stress. But, then again, each person has it's way to deal with stress, I guess. ^-^ People is variated in this world.environmental1st2003 <no_reply > escribió: "Its up to us as parents to decide what games our children should play and how they are going to react. The easiest way of doing this I have found personally is by playing with my child. I or my husband play all of Jerry's games with him. We do play some of the cartoon games with violence, but we play them together and make sure he understands the contects. When he starts to get overstimulated by any game I pull him off of the game and have him do something else. It seems to work the best for us."Controlled exposure to violence is still exposure to violence that would not be there at all but for the fact the parents allowed the exposure. Video games did nothing but anger me, so I got rid of all of them. You would not believe the peace of mind that comes once you

throw away all those games. I shudder to think that we are raising young kids up with a turmoil of emotions that would not be there if it weren't for the parents BRINGING IT ALL INTO THE HOME.TomAdministratorJano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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Well, peace of mind comes when there is no other disturbing element in the enviroment. If there IS a big disturbing element in the enviroment, having a fixed sittuation where you have the control, like in videogames, comes to be a GRAND release of stress. But, then again, each person has it's way to deal with stress, I guess. ^-^ People is variated in this world.environmental1st2003 <no_reply > escribió: "Its up to us as parents to decide what games our children should play and how they are going to react. The easiest way of doing this I have found personally is by playing with my child. I or my husband play all of Jerry's games with him. We do play some of the cartoon games with violence, but we play them together and make sure he understands the contects. When he starts to get overstimulated by any game I pull him off of the game and have him do something else. It seems to work the best for us."Controlled exposure to violence is still exposure to violence that would not be there at all but for the fact the parents allowed the exposure. Video games did nothing but anger me, so I got rid of all of them. You would not believe the peace of mind that comes once you

throw away all those games. I shudder to think that we are raising young kids up with a turmoil of emotions that would not be there if it weren't for the parents BRINGING IT ALL INTO THE HOME.TomAdministratorJano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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To defeat a beast, you must become a beast. Is something a learned bitterly on the streets here... and it have kept me alive... However, if someone believes with all it's might it can do something, that person will. Is mind over matter... even the wackiest things are possible. Life experienced example: I can barely lift 40 Kg and I end very sore the next day. I remember once a friend got stuck in his car after a crash, and the sittuation didn't looked at all... I don't know what happened exactly, for I can't remember it. He keeps saying I pulled out the door... But I can't remember it... And, I am not the only case. I have seen these kind of things reported in similar sittuations. I wasn't sore the next day, is odd... environmental1st2003 <no_reply > escribió: "Somebody needs to write a video game that teaches skills for dealing with bullies, including something about when you have to, "have to", resort to fighting."The only problem with such a game was that if you ever "won" against a bully in such a game you would go out into the world thinking you could beat the bully there, too,The only time I ever won against the bully was when he tried to fight me

and another kid at the same time. He was on top of my friend and punching him in the face. I got on top of the bully and kept beating the side of his head until he simply told me to stop in a quiet, plain voice without fear and that if he didn't, I didn't, he would come after me next.One needs to keep in mind that this was high school. I was about six feet tall and weighed 165. He was shorter and weighed about the same. I used all my physical strength to hit him. Every ounce of strength, and he appeared to feel no pain whatsoever. And so next I drove his face into the ground repeatedly until he let up on both of us, primarily because it was impossible for him to keep hitting my friend when I had managed to turn him sideways like that.I can remember the loud "thuck"ing sound his head made when it hit the pavement. I did this to him about twenty times before he finally let up. He never

bothered us again. But I will tell you something. The next day my friend had two black eyes, a bruised nose, and various other cuts. I had a good bruise on my forehead. But the guy whose face I tried to grind into the pavement didn't have a scratch on him and showed absolutely no pain or no fear the following day at school.I truly think that this fellow was a hold-over from cave man days, and I think this is true of all bullies. They cannot be reasoned with, and they canot be hurt very much at all. They may PRETEND to reason with you, or they may fake getting hurt. But it is all bluff. They are motivated by brute force and nothing else.Nothing I have ever been taught, nothing I have ever learned, has helped me succeed against a bully except fighting back, and, as I have said, I won only once, and that was because it was two of us against

one.TomAdministratorJano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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" Well, peace of mind comes when there is no other disturbing element

in the enviroment. If there IS a big disturbing element in the

enviroment, having a fixed sittuation where you have the control,

like in videogames, comes to be a GRAND release of stress. But, then

again, each person has it's way to deal with stress, I guess. ^-^

People is variated in this world. "

On the other hand, if more people would stop sitting on their butts

playing video games and instead get rid of/fight against the

disturbing elements in their environment, their would be no need to

lay video games and get rid of stress in the first place.

In my time as an activist, I have gotten much accomplished. I

assisted with winning a lot of rights for animal rights causes and

also getting some shows cancelled off TV. I truly believe that the

reason I and the others made such a difference is because OTHER

people who are constantly twiddling their thumbs, watching TV, or

playing video games were too occupied with themselves to notice we

were fighting against things they are for.

Getting what you want for yourself and your loved ones is not always

easy, but it is easier than you think. Of course, the easiest thing

to do is to do nothing at all.



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^-~ I can't say anything against that. I agree.environmental1st2003 <no_reply > escribió: "Well, peace of mind comes when there is no other disturbing element in the enviroment. If there IS a big disturbing element in the enviroment, having a fixed sittuation where you have the control, like in videogames, comes to be a GRAND

release of stress. But, then again, each person has it's way to deal with stress, I guess. ^-^ People is variated in this world."On the other hand, if more people would stop sitting on their butts playing video games and instead get rid of/fight against the disturbing elements in their environment, their would be no need to lay video games and get rid of stress in the first place.In my time as an activist, I have gotten much accomplished. I assisted with winning a lot of rights for animal rights causes and also getting some shows cancelled off TV. I truly believe that the reason I and the others made such a difference is because OTHER people who are constantly twiddling their thumbs, watching TV, or playing video games were too occupied with themselves to notice we were fighting against things they are for. Getting what you want for yourself and your loved ones is not always easy, but it is easier than

you think. Of course, the easiest thing to do is to do nothing at all.TomAdministratorJano C. Lora PazIPRI Leading Teacher

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.http://es.voice.

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