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Re: weight gain in PA

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I would not explain it but recommend doing the protein, fats and greens as in DASH. I have never seen an adult reported that did not lose weight on a 1400 calorie diet when studied in a metabolic research unit where all intake was controlled. In the classic studies by Keys et at during WWII 35 men 9 were fed 1,600 calories a day for 6 months. They lost 24% of their body weight. None were obese to start with. Here is a slide from a talk I used to give on the Siege of Leningrade and human hypertension today in the survivors of the siege.

At Duke when the Rice Diet folks were doing this we had to watch them very carefully. Would stuff extra food in clothes when going thru the food line. Even caught one lowering a basket on a rope to get stuff to eat from "friends". On Apr 23, 2012, at 7:54 AM, Phyllis wrote: This is a bunch of nonsense..... I am an expert in losing and gaining weight. I gain on 1400 calories of fruits and mainly carbs. According to my weight I should eat an average of 2200-2500 calories per day. I lose a lot of weight eating 2400 calories of protein, fats and green vegetables. How do you explain this? Phyllis On 4/23/2012 8:37 AM, Clarence Grim wrote: WEIGHT = CALORIES IN -CALORIES BURNED. CE GRIM MD On Apr 23, 2012, at 12:34 AM, Bingham wrote: No one is doubting that physical derangements cause changes in how we metabolize and how we retain fats and things. But there is still a basic science, no matter how much the naturopath understands hormonal dreangments. How could taking in 5 lbs of meals - suddenly turn into 10 lbs of weight gain? What is it that ADDS weight inside the body in that case? How could it happen? I can't see it happening. I can see something messing with metabolism, causing it to work slower, like hypothyroid does, so that which we take in is stored and not burned off - but there is still the ability to overcome that with exercise and burn off calories. If we're too tired then this is the case and it is what it is. So the the weight gain is still caused by intake and lack of ability to exercise in that case. But we can see the realtionship. It is still intake/outake the disease just keeps us from working it off, so we grow. In the lyme case. Why the weight gain, if it has nothing to do with what you eat and how you exercise? and then where is the weight coming from? What building block is it then - regardless of "dereangement" because we can't build something from nothing, deranged or not. What do they say is the mechanism? Is it fat? protein? Sugars? a mysterious something that grows weight? Respectfully, you don't make sense, or your trying to get us to see something that only you can see or is not there. So at your word you ate perfect. - fanatically perfect - and you don't mention it, but I assume you exercised perfect along with it, because it appears the weight issue was important to you. But you took in little food, and yet you gained weight, not just a little, but apparently ALOT of weight So your at 96 lbs and then start gaining and gaining, but the fanatical diet and the exercize routine are olympic athlete level, but the weight still piles on. There are a few questions to answer: 1. What made the weight? What materials, as this is a scientific/physiological question, What products, what source of fat,, what anything it was, created more fat to make you more and more heavier? It HAS to be something and where did it come from? 2. When you lost the weight that fast with lyme treatment, why/how did you lose the weight? What derangement did they correct to enable you to lose weight now? And scientifically what was the lyme related derangement that made you hold on to weight despite every effort to lose it? These answers are important factors to the woman's eternal question of how to lose weight. If we can id some of the derangements that make extra fat grow inside of us, despite an absolute perfect effort in diet and exercise, we'll have opened up a new world. Bottom line for those of us who do believe in the diet/exercise connection, we also believe there are pitfalls and diseases that make it difficult to do, and it's not that simple all the time. But still believe if you take 5lbs in your gut - you're not turning that 5lbs into 25 lbs unless you under cooked the meat and it had a baby grow inside you. From: Valarie <val@...> Subject: RE: Re: weight gain in PA hyperaldosteronism Date: Sunday, April 22, 2012, 7:48 PM It is intellectually incomplete to assume calories in, calories out. Without trying, I've lost 40 pounds since being on Lyme treatment. When I got sick, I weighed 96 pounds after having five babies. My weight climbed and climbed and I couldn't reverse it. I kept meticulous records, much like I did when I controlled sodium such that it was too low to quantitate in urine. On diets of only 800 - 1,000/day, I couldn't lose an ounce. I think you need 1,200 calories to get enough nutrients. My Lyme PA says that when the body normalizes, so does weight. She has a good understanding of how some diseases can cause metabolic derangement. This argument gets old. I finally just started walking out (without paying) on doctors who had no understanding of how bodily systems interact. Val From: hyperaldosteronism [mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of msmith_1928 That's what Dr G has said over and over here: calories in, calories out, nothing more complicated than that. However - based on my science experiment of one, I disagree. It's not that simple. When I had the tumor, I gained weight if I even *smelled* carbs - a whopping 50 pounds during the first year I was sick, and another 20+ the next year. Prior to this I had eaten anything I wanted my whole life and never been overweight. Luckily I was diagnosed at this point with celiac disease and fructose intolerance, which resulted in a de facto low-carb diet - I dropped 50 pounds in 3 months with those dietary modifications, but until the adrenalectomy, I never could get rid of that extra 20 or so. When I was sick, I never DASHED, but I am certain that if I had eaten the amount of carbs to get enough K from my diet, I would have been obese in no time. The tumor is gone and so are the unwanted extra 20 pounds. I can truthfully say that, at 46, I weigh the same thing I did in high school. My "calories in" are definitely higher than they were when I had the tumor, and I'm eating more carbs - but no longer gaining weight. I'm convinced that if untreated, PA will cause metabolic derangement that leads to weight gain. -msmith1928 Successful left laparoscopic adrenalectomy 10.13.11 > > Dr. Grim, I'm not sure I understand your wt gain comment, are you saying calories are the only cause?

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So when someone says they are eating xxx calories they are actually getting less calories in almost all cases it would appear.Thanks. CE Grim On Apr 23, 2012, at 9:38 AM, Francis Bill SUSPECTED PA wrote: One answer How Do They Measure Calories? Did Mc's have to torch its new Happy Meal? By Sam Schechner|Posted Wednesday, April 21, 2004, at 5:50 PM ET Late last week, Mc's announced that it would start offering the Go Active! Adult Happy Meal to health-conscious fast-food consumers. According to the company, the meals—which include a salad, bottled water, and a health brochure penned by Oprah Winfrey's personal trainer—contain between 130 and 550 calories. How do companies measure the calories in the food they sell? Graduates of 9th-grade science may remember a very simple answer: Burn the food to see how much heat it gives off. That energy can be measured in calories; nutritionally speaking, one calorie is defined as 1,000 times the energy it takes to heat a gram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius. But instead of burning anything, food laboratories often freeze their samples in liquid nitrogen and then blend them into a fine, monochromatic powder that can then be used in a variety of chemical analyses. In a Kjeldahl analysis, for example, lab techs remove nitrogen from the food powder and then use it to calculate the amount of protein the sample contains. A hexane extraction can gauge the amount of fat. Carbohydrates are usually measured by difference—they're what is left over when you remove everything else. To determine the number of calories contained in these building blocks, however, food labs rely on conversion factors first assembled more than 100 years ago by the agricultural chemist Wilbur O. Atwater, who literally did burn things like beef and corn in a device called the "bomb calorimeter." While today's calorimeters look a lot more sophisticated, Atwater's was more or less a fireproof container sheathed in water and hooked up to a thermometer. He used it, along with a larger device capable of measuring the heat output of an active person, to figure out how much usable energy different foods possess. The idea is that burning, say, a hamburger shows the total energy that hamburger contains, but it doesn't account for what the human body cannot absorb, nor what is used in the digestive process. So Atwater derived a set of tables that specify the practical energy values of different foods, distinguishing, for example, among different sources of protein. The most recent update to the conversion tables was published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1973. These days, the FDA requires that companies print accurate calorie data on food labels but doesn't say how they must gather the information. It's permissible, for example, to guesstimate from the USDA's published nutritional data for thousands of foods, a set of tomes that used to take up four feet on a bookshelf but is now available online. The database contains figures down to the calorie (and vitamin, and amino acid) for everything from Spam to foie gras—even fast-food items. Even so, many food companies use labs to ensure their numbers are accurate enough to pass an FDA spot check. Although the USDA database contains several fast-food salads, for example, Mc's sent the ones in its new Happy Meal for independent testing. Bonus Explainer: Food labs often gauge the accuracy of their tests by simultaneously analyzing government-issue reference materials that contain certified amounts of particular nutrients. The labs buy the materials—such as Meat Homogenate ($402 for four 85 g chunks) or Peanut Butter ($501 for three 170 g jars)—from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and they're available to anyone with a valid credit card. > >> > > >> > Dr. Grim, I'm not sure I understand your wt gain comment, are > >> you saying calories are the only cause? > >> > > > > >

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If you had an increased BP and/or a low K I know it is almost never due to eating too much calories. Our studies have shown that obesity only seems to increase BP to about 140/90. Above that there is not correlation between obesity and blood pressure. We call it a plateau effect. I would have deduced that you ate more than you burned and would have recommended the DASH eating plan. And documented it by measuring urine Na and K. If that did not lower BP would have then began to add meds: diuretics first in low dose. ect. If K got low or we needed more that 2 meds would have done renin aldo testing etc. But would have done a detailed Hx and PE at first visit and done careful BPs and reviewed your home BPs. I know of no data that has systematically documented weight loss after ADX for Conn's. But prob not well looked at. I do not recall any of the over 75 pts with Conn's that I have followed for at least a year after surgery losing much weight.Well usually about the same that was lost with spiro say about 2 kg. But 75 is not a huge sample. We have 500 here if only we could get everyones data.CE Grim MDOn Apr 23, 2012, at 9:44 AM, msmith_1928 wrote: It's baffling to me how you and , the "medical professionals" on this board, refuse to acknowledge that massive and rapid weight gain can be a part of the syndrome surrounding PA. It was my first sign that something was amiss and the reason I sought out a doctor. It drives me absolutely batty that the focus on PA deals with little beyond HTN and low K. Oh, and nocturia - something that I never had, by the way. If the medical professionals I consulted when I first gained weight had thought to check for PA, I would have had a diagnosis THIRTEEN YEARS earlier than I did. But I suppose you medical professional (and, interestingly, male) folks will never believe anything other than I was a lazy pig who sat around eating bon-bons all day. > > > > > > Dr. Grim, I'm not sure I understand your wt gain comment, are you > > saying calories are the only cause? > > > > > > > > > > >

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Again if everyone filled in our database we would know more but we do not even have weight in the data set. Should add it when we get a proper database.Would wonder what other drugs folks were on when the weight gain ocurred?Stess level induced by Sx of low K might drive appetite.CE Grim MDOn Apr 23, 2012, at 9:49 AM, msmith_1928 wrote: > > No you misunderstood. You're the clear exception; not the rule. I highly doubt that I'm the clear exception. There are at least 3 or 4 other women (interestingly, JUST women) here who have reported rapid and unexplained weight gain as their first sign that something was wrong. >No, if you continuously take in more than you burn out,, you gain weigt. So let's see - 1000 calories taken in, a day spent doing normal office-job activities followed by an hour yoga class and maybe 30 to 45 minutes of walking = weight gain? > The guy sitting next to you who takes in 5000 calories a day, and burns off 1000 of those playing on his computer IS the average rule and he is thus obese. Well, yeah, and it's this guy's fault that you and Dr. G don't believe me and the other women on this board who knew that weight gain was the first sign that something was wrong. If it wasn't for this guy, medical professionals wouldn't automatically assume that everybody who is overweight is a lazy slob.

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I trust paleo, if truely paleo, is a very low Na high K diet? AKA DASH. I have had a long term suspicion that high salt diet increases appetite in general. And the food companies know this. It certainly does in pigs. Adding salt increases fat gain in pigs.I do not want to imply that anyone here is a pig BTW.CE GrimOn Apr 23, 2012, at 10:09 AM, Phyllis wrote: Ms , at my worst I gained 20lbs in one month. I did not overeat by 70,000 calories that month. I knew something was wrong by the weight gain with the puffy face. It was not edema either. I just recently lost 35lbs eating about 2200 calories a day using the Paleo method. Against my better judgment someone convinced me Paleo was unsafe and I started weight watchers. I be damned, I started that weight watchers eating 1500 calories a day of grain, fruits, etc. and I am up 10 lbs. And the 10lbs are on on my waist. Now according to my weight if I eat 2200-2500, without exercise I will maintain, but that weight watchers diet has me gaining weight on just 1500 calories. I stopped trying to explain to ppl who have their heads stuck..... Phyllis On 4/23/2012 10:49 AM, msmith_1928 wrote: > > No you misunderstood. You're the clear exception; not the rule. I highly doubt that I'm the clear exception. There are at least 3 or 4 other women (interestingly, JUST women) here who have reported rapid and unexplained weight gain as their first sign that something was wrong. >No, if you continuously take in more than you burn out,, you gain weigt. So let's see - 1000 calories taken in, a day spent doing normal office-job activities followed by an hour yoga class and maybe 30 to 45 minutes of walking = weight gain? > The guy sitting next to you who takes in 5000 calories a day, and burns off 1000 of those playing on his computer IS the average rule and he is thus obese. Well, yeah, and it's this guy's fault that you and Dr. G don't believe me and the other women on this board who knew that weight gain was the first sign that something was wrong. If it wasn't for this guy, medical professionals wouldn't automatically assume that everybody who is overweight is a lazy slob.

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Paleo has a few different variants but most will agree on no grains, no dairy,

no sugar, and no processed foods. On some levels this makes low Na achievable,

but I'm not so sure about high K unless one is capable of eating massive

quantities of leafy greens. Generally paleo is unprocessed animal protein, tons

of veggies, some nuts, minimal fruit, and not much else.

Na is rarely addressed in paleo and restricting it is discouraged, although

excluding all processed foods tends to make low Na pretty achievable.

> >> >

> >> > No you misunderstood. You're the clear exception; not the rule.

> >>

> >> I highly doubt that I'm the clear exception. There are at least 3

> >> or 4 other women (interestingly, JUST women) here who have reported

> >> rapid and unexplained weight gain as their first sign that

> >> something was wrong.

> >>

> >> >No, if you continuously take in more than you burn out,, you gain

> >> weigt.

> >>

> >> So let's see - 1000 calories taken in, a day spent doing normal

> >> office-job activities followed by an hour yoga class and maybe 30

> >> to 45 minutes of walking = weight gain?

> >>

> >> > The guy sitting next to you who takes in 5000 calories a day, and

> >> burns off 1000 of those playing on his computer IS the average�

> >> rule and he is thus obese.

> >>

> >> Well, yeah, and it's this guy's fault that you and Dr. G don't

> >> believe me and the other women on this board who knew that weight

> >> gain was the first sign that something was wrong. If it wasn't for

> >> this guy, medical professionals wouldn't automatically assume that

> >> everybody who is overweight is a lazy slob.

> >>

> >

> >

> >


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Paleo includes 'natural' foods which of course would include lots of

vegetables, low sugar fruits and meat.

This is the diet I am on.


On 5/3/2012 10:03 PM, msmith_1928 wrote:

Paleo has a few different variants but most will agree on

no grains, no dairy, no sugar, and no processed foods. On

some levels this makes low Na achievable, but I'm not so

sure about high K unless one is capable of eating massive

quantities of leafy greens. Generally paleo is unprocessed

animal protein, tons of veggies, some nuts, minimal fruit,

and not much else.

Na is rarely addressed in paleo and restricting it is

discouraged, although excluding all processed foods tends

to make low Na pretty achievable.

> >> >

> >> > No you misunderstood. You're the clear

exception; not the rule.

> >>

> >> I highly doubt that I'm the clear exception.

There are at least 3

> >> or 4 other women (interestingly, JUST women)

here who have reported

> >> rapid and unexplained weight gain as their

first sign that

> >> something was wrong.

> >>

> >> >No, if you continuously take in more

than you burn out,, you gain

> >> weigt.

> >>

> >> So let's see - 1000 calories taken in, a day

spent doing normal

> >> office-job activities followed by an hour

yoga class and maybe 30

> >> to 45 minutes of walking = weight gain?

> >>

> >> > The guy sitting next to you who takes

in 5000 calories a day, and

> >> burns off 1000 of those playing on his

computer IS the average�

> >> rule and he is thus obese.

> >>

> >> Well, yeah, and it's this guy's fault that

you and Dr. G don't

> >> believe me and the other women on this board

who knew that weight

> >> gain was the first sign that something was

wrong. If it wasn't for

> >> this guy, medical professionals wouldn't

automatically assume that

> >> everybody who is overweight is a lazy slob.

> >>

> >

> >

> >


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And should have about 250 mg of sodium a day if truely paleo we think. But very hard to do unless one does the Rice fruit diet. See ricediet.comCE Grim MDOn May 3, 2012, at 9:26 PM, Phyllis wrote: Paleo includes 'natural' foods which of course would include lots of vegetables, low sugar fruits and meat. This is the diet I am on. Phyllis On 5/3/2012 10:03 PM, msmith_1928 wrote: Paleo has a few different variants but most will agree on no grains, no dairy, no sugar, and no processed foods. On some levels this makes low Na achievable, but I'm not so sure about high K unless one is capable of eating massive quantities of leafy greens. Generally paleo is unprocessed animal protein, tons of veggies, some nuts, minimal fruit, and not much else. Na is rarely addressed in paleo and restricting it is discouraged, although excluding all processed foods tends to make low Na pretty achievable. > >> > > >> > No you misunderstood. You're the clear exception; not the rule. > >> > >> I highly doubt that I'm the clear exception. There are at least 3 > >> or 4 other women (interestingly, JUST women) here who have reported > >> rapid and unexplained weight gain as their first sign that > >> something was wrong. > >> > >> >No, if you continuously take in more than you burn out,, you gain > >> weigt. > >> > >> So let's see - 1000 calories taken in, a day spent doing normal > >> office-job activities followed by an hour yoga class and maybe 30 > >> to 45 minutes of walking = weight gain? > >> > >> > The guy sitting next to you who takes in 5000 calories a day, and > >> burns off 1000 of those playing on his computer IS the average� > >> rule and he is thus obese. > >> > >> Well, yeah, and it's this guy's fault that you and Dr. G don't > >> believe me and the other women on this board who knew that weight > >> gain was the first sign that something was wrong. If it wasn't for > >> this guy, medical professionals wouldn't automatically assume that > >> everybody who is overweight is a lazy slob. > >> > > > > > > >

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Hmm must not be true paleo then. CE Grim MDOn May 3, 2012, at 9:03 PM, msmith_1928 wrote: Paleo has a few different variants but most will agree on no grains, no dairy, no sugar, and no processed foods. On some levels this makes low Na achievable, but I'm not so sure about high K unless one is capable of eating massive quantities of leafy greens. Generally paleo is unprocessed animal protein, tons of veggies, some nuts, minimal fruit, and not much else. Na is rarely addressed in paleo and restricting it is discouraged, although excluding all processed foods tends to make low Na pretty achievable. > >> > > >> > No you misunderstood. You're the clear exception; not the rule. > >> > >> I highly doubt that I'm the clear exception. There are at least 3 > >> or 4 other women (interestingly, JUST women) here who have reported > >> rapid and unexplained weight gain as their first sign that > >> something was wrong. > >> > >> >No, if you continuously take in more than you burn out,, you gain > >> weigt. > >> > >> So let's see - 1000 calories taken in, a day spent doing normal > >> office-job activities followed by an hour yoga class and maybe 30 > >> to 45 minutes of walking = weight gain? > >> > >> > The guy sitting next to you who takes in 5000 calories a day, and > >> burns off 1000 of those playing on his computer IS the average� > >> rule and he is thus obese. > >> > >> Well, yeah, and it's this guy's fault that you and Dr. G don't > >> believe me and the other women on this board who knew that weight > >> gain was the first sign that something was wrong. If it wasn't for > >> this guy, medical professionals wouldn't automatically assume that > >> everybody who is overweight is a lazy slob. > >> > > > > > > >

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Not sure there is one " true " paleo - there's a fair amount of disagreement

within paleo as to what really constitutes paleo. I'm pretty certain that Loren

Cordain (who could be credited with originating the paleo movement) is a low

salt advocate but not a lot of the more recent paleo writers emphasize this.

I think the biggest reason paleo doesn't support low sodium is that there seems

to be a general love of bacon among the paleo community - again, something that

Loren Cordain would not have promoted.

Here's an example of a practitioner with paleo leaning who is also pro-sodium:


> > > >> >

> > > >> > No you misunderstood. You're the clear exception; not the rule.

> > > >>

> > > >> I highly doubt that I'm the clear exception. There are at least 3

> > > >> or 4 other women (interestingly, JUST women) here who have

> > reported

> > > >> rapid and unexplained weight gain as their first sign that

> > > >> something was wrong.

> > > >>

> > > >> >No, if you continuously take in more than you burn out,, you

> > gain

> > > >> weigt.

> > > >>

> > > >> So let's see - 1000 calories taken in, a day spent doing normal

> > > >> office-job activities followed by an hour yoga class and maybe 30

> > > >> to 45 minutes of walking = weight gain?

> > > >>

> > > >> > The guy sitting next to you who takes in 5000 calories a day,

> > and

> > > >> burns off 1000 of those playing on his computer IS the average�

> > > >> rule and he is thus obese.

> > > >>

> > > >> Well, yeah, and it's this guy's fault that you and Dr. G don't

> > > >> believe me and the other women on this board who knew that weight

> > > >> gain was the first sign that something was wrong. If it wasn't

> > for

> > > >> this guy, medical professionals wouldn't automatically assume

> > that

> > > >> everybody who is overweight is a lazy slob.

> > > >>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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I see online that Taiwan hospital is doing a clinical study on PA and metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance. I'm considering applying. I developed metabolic syndrome within 2 years of being put on beta blocker and diuretic for HTN. I've been on aldactizide for 3 years now, and am now a Type II diabetic. Since 2005 when treatment for HTN started, I've been saying to every doctor that I am concerned about the correlation. Every single one of them, even the rounds doctor ( who didn't know me from Adam) in the hospital after my gall bladder removal, said "lose weight and your blood pressure will go down". My response was always, "I weighed 50 pounds less than I do now when I developed high bp." They then look at me like I'm lying. So, my current doctor, a cardiologist, has connected the dots and

seen that low potassium indicates PA. She confirms that all bp meds raise blood sugar. I cannot do a diet that has a lot of grains in it because of the blood sugar and I don't tolerate many grains well. My cardio is recommending the Rave diet. I scanned through it, found it high in grains and decided against it. I'm going to try the Thrive diet, which is plant rich and low grain. Dr. Grimm, during the time between my high bp diagnosis in 2005 and diagnosis of Type II diabetes in 2011, I craved salt as badly as I craved sugar. What's your knowledge regarding that? As soon as I went on a low sodium diet, the cravings for salt stopped, but not the cravings for sugar. To control that, I take a number of herbs and have successfully used acupuncture. I'm down significantly in weight, but not to where I was before I began anti-hypertensives. You say only 35% of people who have an adrenalectomy have a successful outcome. Does that

mean if I don't go that route, I will be battling insulin resistance my whole life?

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Does not have his science right tho. Recommend going to WASH site for good info.Those interested should read Denton's The Hunger for Salt.On May 3, 2012, at 11:15 PM, msmith_1928 wrote: Not sure there is one "true" paleo - there's a fair amount of disagreement within paleo as to what really constitutes paleo. I'm pretty certain that Loren Cordain (who could be credited with originating the paleo movement) is a low salt advocate but not a lot of the more recent paleo writers emphasize this. I think the biggest reason paleo doesn't support low sodium is that there seems to be a general love of bacon among the paleo community - again, something that Loren Cordain would not have promoted. Here's an example of a practitioner with paleo leaning who is also pro-sodium: http://chriskresser.com/shaking-up-the-salt-myth-the-dangers-of-salt-restriction > > > >> > > > > >> > No you misunderstood. You're the clear exception; not the rule. > > > >> > > > >> I highly doubt that I'm the clear exception. There are at least 3 > > > >> or 4 other women (interestingly, JUST women) here who have > > reported > > > >> rapid and unexplained weight gain as their first sign that > > > >> something was wrong. > > > >> > > > >> >No, if you continuously take in more than you burn out,, you > > gain > > > >> weigt. > > > >> > > > >> So let's see - 1000 calories taken in, a day spent doing normal > > > >> office-job activities followed by an hour yoga class and maybe 30 > > > >> to 45 minutes of walking = weight gain? > > > >> > > > >> > The guy sitting next to you who takes in 5000 calories a day, > > and > > > >> burns off 1000 of those playing on his computer IS the average� > > > >> rule and he is thus obese. > > > >> > > > >> Well, yeah, and it's this guy's fault that you and Dr. G don't > > > >> believe me and the other women on this board who knew that weight > > > >> gain was the first sign that something was wrong. If it wasn't > > for > > > >> this guy, medical professionals wouldn't automatically assume > > that > > > >> everybody who is overweight is a lazy slob. > > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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Losing weight is a very poor way to lower BP unless one also lowers salt intake. Well except for starvation experiments of Keys in the 40s. CE Grim MDOn May 4, 2012, at 7:13 AM, Pnb B wrote: I see online that Taiwan hospital is doing a clinical study on PA and metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance. I'm considering applying. I developed metabolic syndrome within 2 years of being put on beta blocker and diuretic for HTN. I've been on aldactizide for 3 years now, and am now a Type II diabetic. Since 2005 when treatment for HTN started, I've been saying to every doctor that I am concerned about the correlation. Every single one of them, even the rounds doctor ( who didn't know me from Adam) in the hospital after my gall bladder removal, said "lose weight and your blood pressure will go down". My response was always, "I weighed 50 pounds less than I do now when I developed high bp." They then look at me like I'm lying. So, my current doctor, a cardiologist, has connected the dots and seen that low potassium indicates PA. She confirms that all bp meds raise blood sugar. I cannot do a diet that has a lot of grains in it because of the blood sugar and I don't tolerate many grains well. My cardio is recommending the Rave diet. I scanned through it, found it high in grains and decided against it. I'm going to try the Thrive diet, which is plant rich and low grain. Dr. Grimm, during the time between my high bp diagnosis in 2005 and diagnosis of Type II diabetes in 2011, I craved salt as badly as I craved sugar. What's your knowledge regarding that? As soon as I went on a low sodium diet, the cravings for salt stopped, but not the cravings for sugar. To control that, I take a number of herbs and have successfully used acupuncture. I'm down significantly in weight, but not to where I was before I began anti-hypertensives. You say only 35% of people who have an adrenalectomy have a successful outcome. Does that mean if I don't go that route, I will be battling insulin resistance my whole life?

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