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Coconut Oil

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Yup... $5.99.



From: janel sparks <janel138@...>


Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 8:36:54 PM

Subject: Re: Re: coconut oil

I was at the Vitamin Shoppe a couple weeks ago and they had Spectrum brand

coconut oil, 14oz jar for $5.99. The Vitamin Shoppe brand was $11. I compared

the labels and they were just about the same, I think Spectrum was even a little

better. I like to put it on toast.


From: venizia1948 <nelsoncksbcglobal (DOT) net>

Subject: Re: uh oh please give me your advice


Date: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 11:20 PM


Do you know what the Vitamin Shoppe charges for coconut oil. I used to get it

off the internet, can't remember the company but it was very expensive. I have

a Vitamin Shoppe near me so I would like to know more about the one they have. I

also loved it on popcorn. I didn't even need to add salt, it was so tasty.



> I tend to steer away from canola oil because of the genetic modification of

it. You can get Coconut oil from Vitamin Shoppe. I use it in place of butter

and making popcorn, etc. It is a solid spreadable form up until 76 degrees and

warmer than that it pourable. It really grows on you.




> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: " tyblossom@. .. " <tyblossom@. ..>

> hypothyroidism

> Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 7:34:59 PM

> Subject: Re: uh oh please give me your advice



> Thanks for the info. Where do you find coconut oil? I actually eat a lot of

> the good oils. I use helmanns mayo which has canola and I cook with canola. I

> also love avocado(had some earlier tonight-yum) . Always willing to try

> something. Thanks



> In a message dated 3/8/2009 1:30:55 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

> kennio (DOT) com writes:


> I always wondered what I would do if I double dosed on my levoxyl just for

> one day. I notice an increase of even 25mcg right away. I would say if you

> feel alright I would do what you are thinking about. Skip a day and pick up

> with the right dose the following day. Thats what I would do.


> My dry hair and itchy scaling skin was helped with more essential fatty

> acids. I found that digestive enzymes were not breaking down food and fats

> properly while I was hypo leading to all type of deficiencies. One thing

that has

> really helped was not only balancing the thyroid hormones but increasing

> intake of EFA's. Avocado, olive oil and coconut oil. I use a couple

> tablespoons daily of coconut oil because of the easier to breakdown medium

chain fatty

> acid that it contains. I always heard rumors about coconut oil helping hypos

> but I ignored them as a fad. Now that I understand it is just fat that is

> easier to breakdown I understand AND it helps with my skin and hair drying

> out.


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: " tyblossomaol (DOT) com " <tyblossomaol (DOT) com>

> hypothyroidism

> Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 1:00:51 PM

> Subject: uh oh please give me your advice


> I just got my levoxyl up'd from 100 to 150 and I also take cytomel. Well,

> through my mind fog....I accidentally have been taking both my scripts for

> levoxyl and no cytomel. That's 250 of levoxyl. I've been doing this for over

> two

> weeks now including today. I just realized the mistake. What would you do?

> I'm

> thinking I will just wait till tomorrow and maybe not take anything tomorrow

> to give myself a day to detox. Does anyone think this is more serious and I

> should do something else about it?


> Just a side note, I did notice the last couple days I felt warm, but my

> skin

> is still sooo itchy. Just thought that was interesting as I obviously was

> on

> a huge dose.

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> i was looking at the supplements section of bee's site and seen where a gallon

of coconut oil is $28.00 at one of the websites. is that still available?

+++Hi . No, that price was what Mountain Rose Herbs charged for 1 gallon

of unrefined coconut oil, but since then the price of all coconut oil has

increased. Mountain Rose Herbs, located in Eugene, Oregon, now charges $41.00

US per gallon, but ensure you buy the " unrefined " one since they also have the

" refined " kind: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/resource/mrh1.php


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I think ecoviva.com is a good place to get it. I buy my gallon there

From: venizia1948 <nelsoncksbcglobal (DOT) net>

Subject: Re: uh oh please give me your advice


Date: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 11:20 PM


Do you know what the Vitamin Shoppe charges for coconut oil. I used to get it

off the internet, can't remember the company but it was very expensive. I have

a Vitamin Shoppe near me so I would like to know more about the one they have. I

also loved it on popcorn. I didn't even need to add salt, it was so tasty.



> I tend to steer away from canola oil because of the genetic modification of

it. You can get Coconut oil from Vitamin Shoppe. I use it in place of butter

and making popcorn, etc. It is a solid spreadable form up until 76 degrees and

warmer than that it pourable. It really grows on you.




> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: " tyblossom@. .. " <tyblossom@. ..>

> hypothyroidism

> Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 7:34:59 PM

> Subject: Re: uh oh please give me your advice



> Thanks for the info. Where do you find coconut oil? I actually eat a lot of

> the good oils. I use helmanns mayo which has canola and I cook with canola. I

> also love avocado(had some earlier tonight-yum) . Always willing to try

> something. Thanks



> In a message dated 3/8/2009 1:30:55 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

> kennio (DOT) com writes:


> I always wondered what I would do if I double dosed on my levoxyl just for

> one day. I notice an increase of even 25mcg right away. I would say if you

> feel alright I would do what you are thinking about. Skip a day and pick up

> with the right dose the following day. Thats what I would do.


> My dry hair and itchy scaling skin was helped with more essential fatty

> acids. I found that digestive enzymes were not breaking down food and fats

> properly while I was hypo leading to all type of deficiencies. One thing

that has

> really helped was not only balancing the thyroid hormones but increasing

> intake of EFA's. Avocado, olive oil and coconut oil. I use a couple

> tablespoons daily of coconut oil because of the easier to breakdown medium

chain fatty

> acid that it contains. I always heard rumors about coconut oil helping hypos

> but I ignored them as a fad. Now that I understand it is just fat that is

> easier to breakdown I understand AND it helps with my skin and hair drying

> out.


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: " tyblossomaol (DOT) com " <tyblossomaol (DOT) com>

> hypothyroidism

> Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 1:00:51 PM

> Subject: uh oh please give me your advice


> I just got my levoxyl up'd from 100 to 150 and I also take cytomel. Well,

> through my mind fog....I accidentally have been taking both my scripts for

> levoxyl and no cytomel. That's 250 of levoxyl. I've been doing this for over

> two

> weeks now including today. I just realized the mistake. What would you do?

> I'm

> thinking I will just wait till tomorrow and maybe not take anything tomorrow

> to give myself a day to detox. Does anyone think this is more serious and I

> should do something else about it?


> Just a side note, I did notice the last couple days I felt warm, but my

> skin

> is still sooo itchy. Just thought that was interesting as I obviously was

> on

> a huge dose.

> ************ **Worried about job security? Check out the 5 safest jobs in a

> recession.

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> e00000002)


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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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> change status to digest: hypothyroidism- digest@grou ps.com

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> To subscribe: hypothyroidism- subscribe


> Have a nice day ! Links


> ************ **Worried about job security? Check out the 5 safest jobs in a

> recession.

> (http://jobs. aol.com/gallery/ growing-job- industries? ncid=emlcntuscar




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Hi, I see references to having 6-8 tbsp of coconut oil a day, which is what i

want to build up to, but it must mean getting through quite a lot in a month and

quite expensive? Does anyone know of a cheap supplier in the UK or one that

offers this product in bulk? I hope so!

+++Hi Ian. I suggest you put UK in your Subject Line above so other members

will notice it and help you out. Ensure you buy the right kind, which must be

unrefined, unbleached, undedorized, etc. - see this article:


You start with small amounts of unrefined coconut oil and gradually increase it

because it is antifungal which will cause die-off/healing symptoms.

Taking unrefined coconut oil is a very important part of this program, which is

explained in my main candida article How to Successfully Overcome Candida which

you need to read. Also read Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


The best to you, Bee

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> Hi Bee,


> I purchased a jar of coconut oil from the garden of life company. It has

small pieces of either solidified oil or of coconut on the bottom of the jar. It

tastes pretty sweet to me, but it could just be because I have not had anything

sweet in a while. Is this alright to take?


+++Hi kelly. What you see in the bottom is solidified coconut oil. If you put

the jar in hot water they will dissolve.

Garden of Life EVCO is an excellent product and good to have even it does taste

sweet to you. Enjoy!


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Is it okay to just spoon a T of the oil into your mouth to get your ratios in

or must it be added in our cooking?

+++Hi beth. Since all nutrients work together it is important to consume

your fats with meals that contain protein. Then you can take it by spoonfuls if

you wish.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Would coconut oil be considered " heart healthy " since it contains 13.5 g. of

saturated fat/Tablespoon?

+++Hi there. What is your name please? Yes coconut oil is very " heart healthy "

because " good " saturated fats are very important for the heart.

Don't believe anything you read about Cholesterol, because it is a total scam,

and heart disease isn't even caused by saturated fats from Mother nature - see

these articles:



In order for all cell membranes to be healthy they must be constructed out of

50% saturated fat (lung cells require 100%), otherwise they will be weak.

The best, Bee

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  • 3 months later...


> Hi, I am just starting out and I have herd some very horrible stories of the

side affects of coconut oil. I am scared to take it, should I be?

+++Hi there. Welcome to our group. No, you shouldn't be scared of taking

unrefined coconut oil, since it is very beneficial to health - see these

articles: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/menu3_3_2.php

However, coconut oil is antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral so it will

create reactions, called die-off symptoms - see this to understand die-off

symptoms and why they are necessary during natural healing:


Also good healing foods, herbs and spices cause healing reactions as well - see

this article: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/heal14.php

Please ensure you read two important articles on candida, so you understand

candida, and know what you need to do and why:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

The best in health, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Lourdes,

No, you don't have to cook with the coconut oil if you don't want to, but you

should definitely NOT be cooking with olive oil. Olive oil goes rancid when

heated and should not be ingested when it has been heated.


> Hello- I wanted to know if I can just take coconut oil straight from the

bottle or do I have to cook it with a protein. Right now I cook with either

butter or olive oil.


> Lourdes


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> > No, you don't have to cook with the coconut oil if you

> > don't want to

> > >



> If I use coconut oil to cook with, will it be less

> effective?


> Lourdes

> >

Hi Lourdes,

Coconut Oil retains its effectiveness if you cook with it.


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> Hello- I wanted to know if I can just take coconut oil straight from the

bottle or do I have to cook it with a protein. Right now I cook with either

butter or olive oil.

+++Hi Lourdes. Like wrote you don't need to only take coconut oil by

using it to cook with. You can take it off the spoon, or poured over foods

after they are cooked, or mixed into foods like Bee's Egg Drink. Always ensure

you have coconut oil with a complete meal however since all nutrients work


The very best cooking oils are: unrefined coconut oil, lard, bacon grease, which

are mainly saturated fats. For flavour you can mix them 50/50 with butter, but

always cook meats and eggs on low heat. I set my stove dial to a little less

than #2 to cook them.


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  • 1 month later...

Rage ... ooooh... yeeahhh... ..:):):) LOL :):):) I'm laughing now 'cause it's

easy for me to laugh at it now :):)

It took me 1 year and lot of anger and rage to figure out it was to coconut

oil... I hurt a few people then I learned to stay away from people... Gosh, and

that came with such a sense of entitlement that I was so right and everybody

else was so wrong... how dare they.. :):) Not even PMS hormones come close to

compare - u n b e l i e v a b l e!!!

You can find out for sure if you stop taking it for 3-4 days. Watch your body,

know your body. Then reintroduce a small amount. You'll know. I had better luck

with Caproil (the entire kit). Caprylic Acid is the antifungal agent in coco


enjoy the ride, life is short,



From: douglas richey <dglsrichey@...>


Sent: Mon, October 26, 2009 7:22:37 PM

Subject: Re: Cocunut oil

Carmen, could that irritability manifest itself as rage? I almost seem to be

finding myself a little out of control and it will be convenient yet

disappointing to blame it on the coccunt oil. I do not intend to drop it for

that reason, just disappointed since I already have other herbs that contribute

to that. Doug

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Hmmm, what kind of rage? I used to be angry all the time but it got things

done. Now, I am much more mellow and find that my kids are taking advantage

of the situation and although it angers me, it isn't enough to get a

fighting spirt going.

If it's just uncontrolable rage, not something I can channel, it's not going

to do me any good. I don't take CO on a regular basis, too much going on in

my life and I really HATE to be on a schedule or routine so if I am one who

would find CO takes me into rages, I'm not taking enough. Thanks, Sylvia

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 7:28 AM, <can2cis-y@...> wrote:

> Rage ... ooooh... yeeahhh... ..:):):) LOL :):):) I'm laughing now 'cause

> it's easy for me to laugh at it now :):)

> It took me 1 year and lot of anger and rage to figure out it was to coconut

> oil... I hurt a few people then I learned to stay away from people... Gosh,

> and that came with such a sense of entitlement that I was so right and

> everybody else was so wrong... how dare they.. :):) Not even PMS hormones

> come close to compare - u n b e l i e v a b l e!!!

> You can find out for sure if you stop taking it for 3-4 days. Watch your

> body, know your body. Then reintroduce a small amount. You'll know. I had

> better luck with Caproil (the entire kit). Caprylic Acid is the antifungal

> agent in coco oil.



> enjoy the ride, life is short,

> carmen



> ________________________________

> From: douglas richey <dglsrichey@...>

> candidiasis

> Sent: Mon, October 26, 2009 7:22:37 PM

> Subject: Re: Cocunut oil



> Carmen, could that irritability manifest itself as rage? I almost seem to

> be finding myself a little out of control and it will be convenient yet

> disappointing to blame it on the coccunt oil. I do not intend to drop it for

> that reason, just disappointed since I already have other herbs that

> contribute to that. Doug





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you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that you can get done even more things

without anger.

I'm speaking from experience.

The reason you get things done with anger it's because of fear factor.

Fear is not good. Fear we should encounter only when faced with life threatening


Smart is the way to go about it; getting things done via responsibilities for

own actions it's more fun.

Life is to be enjoyed, every single bit of it. :)



From: SYLVIA PRICE <LadyofYorkies@...>


Sent: Tue, October 27, 2009 3:19:17 PM

Subject: Re: Coconut oil

Hmmm, what kind of rage? I used to be angry all the time but it got things

done. Now, I am much more mellow and find that my kids are taking advantage

of the situation and although it angers me, it isn't enough to get a

fighting spirt going.

If it's just uncontrolable rage, not something I can channel, it's not going

to do me any good. I don't take CO on a regular basis, too much going on in

my life and I really HATE to be on a schedule or routine so if I am one who

would find CO takes me into rages, I'm not taking enough. Thanks, Sylvia

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To my understanding, coconut oil metabolizes very quick. Somewhere in the

process -for some people, not for everybody- the enzymes to not break the coco

oil in time, the liver gets overloaded, the liver makes more cholesterol for the

adrenals which make more cortisol which puts the body in fight or flight


In addition, the liver is the organ that " stores " anger and resentment.

Depression is merely anger turned inward.

The Yeats Buster Kit is made purposely for slowing this metabolism down. When

the caproil (caprylic acid is antifungal agent of coco oil) is mixed together

with physillium powder and bentonite it makes the oil go to the intestine

without overloading the liver.

When I took the caproil (the kit) I did not have anger and rage.

I believed in coco oil so much, I even " preached " it to people. More so, I gave

it to my cats even tough I had research articles saying otherwise. One cat got

worse with her allergies and I increased the coco oil figuring it was just a

healing reaction. Until it got to bad and I decided to stop for few days. She

cleared in 48 hours. Their stool was lighter in color (fat) and smelled acidic

(ketoacidosis?) Few weeks later their appetite went down, took them to the vet

and got diagnosed with Fatty Liver. Ouch! Older cats actually die from these

disease. My kitties are a little over 1 yr old and I am hoping they will

reverse this.

Myself, I am still dealing with fat malabsorption after stopping coco oil for

over 1 month now.

But no more anger and rage and killing others ...

I like it this way much better.. :~)

all we need is love,



From: " can2cis-y@... " <can2cis-y@...>


Sent: Wed, October 28, 2009 9:38:55 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Cocunut oil

I do not believe this king of anger and rage is die-off.

____________ _________ _________ __

From: and Royal <rerlsr1bellsouth (DOT) net>


Sent: Tue, October 27, 2009 5:25:04 PM

Subject: Re: Cocunut oil

OMG! When I first starting taking coconut oil I felt like I was on steroids!

Felt anger almost out of control. It was awful. Had to cut way back and work

up. A friend had the same exp. I guess it is die off.

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carmensa wrote:

> To my understanding, coconut oil metabolizes very quick. Somewhere in

> the process -for some people, not for everybody- the enzymes to not

> break the coco oil in time, the liver gets overloaded, the liver

> makes more cholesterol for the adrenals which make more cortisol

> which puts the body in fight or flight response.

Except it is adrenaline, not cortisol, which is the " fight or flight "



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Sol, I think I have absorbed any issues. It may have some effect on me but this

evening when I took it I did not notice any " upcharge " . It sounds so healthy I

need all that sort of thing I can get. Doug

> To my understanding, coconut oil metabolizes very quick. Somewhere in

> the process -for some people, not for everybody- the enzymes to not

> break the coco oil in time, the liver gets overloaded, the liver

> makes more cholesterol for the adrenals which make more cortisol

> which puts the body in fight or flight response.

Except it is adrenaline, not cortisol, which is the " fight or flight "



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  • 1 month later...


> Hi Bee


> I live in Austalia and was wondering if between the two, unrefined and extra

virgin... which is the best? I have found 1 brand Spiral extra virgin coconut

oil and another brand Melrose unrefined virgin coconut oil. Nutiva doesn't ship

to Australia so it seems.

+++Hi Vic. Melrose brand is a good unrefined coconut oil to take.


> Also, what is the relationship between yeast and water. How much should i be

drinking and should i be exercising during die off stage?

+++Our bodies cannot utilize water without good fats and minerals and candida

toxins make all of the body's cell membranes rigid/stiff so water, nutrients,

hormones, etc. aren't as able to get into them to do their job - see this

article: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/cabout1.php

Consuming bad fats and oils has also made the cell membranes weak which need to

be re-constructed out of 50% saturated fat (butter, coconut oil, lard, etc.) -

lung cell membranes require 100% saturated fat.

We can also drink too much water, so I advise that you drink when you are

thirsty, but also ensure you are consuming 1 1/2 teaspoons of ocean sea salt

which contains over 84 minerals, and all of the supplements, along with the

" good " fats I recommend, diet, etc.

I don't recommend doing strenuous exercise when you are healing. That is

because exercise takes energy away from the body's resources which it needs for

healing itself. So that's why I recommend mild forms of exercise like dry skin

brushing or rebounding on a mini trampoline or walking. It's nutrients that

build up muscles and bone!

All the best, Bee

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  • 1 month later...


> My son is having severe die-off (aggression). I'm considering cutting out the

coconut oil all together. We were up to 2 Tablespoons a day, We have cut back to

2 Teaspoons a day. If the emotional meltdowns and aggression don't stop I'm

going to have to stop the coconut oil completely. My question is. Can we still

have success if we follow the diet strictly without the coconut oil? My son is

11 years old.


+++Hi Abi. You should cut back on the coconut oil and take more time to

increase it, so your son's die-off/detoxifying reactions are less severe. You

can even give him 1/4 teaspoon 3 times and day and not increase it for 2 weeks

or more, and then only increase it by 1/4 teaspoon every 2 weeks.

Also ensure he is not having foods not on the diet, since they will also cause

his reactions to be more severe. He also needs to take all of the supplements

and ocean sea salt per day.

The coconut oil is a very important part of this program so it should not be


The best, Bee

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I had exactly the same reaction to coconut oil at first. Sometimes I just could

not make myself swallow it. To help I have tried 2 things. First I will put some

in a drinking glass and put the glass in a pan of warm water. I turns to liquid

pretty quick and while not changing the taste, drinking it is a lot easier for

me than swallowing it in solid form. The second is that I try hard to focus on

how much better I will feel from taking it and not on how it tastes. Both seem

to help me, and like so many other things once you get used to it, its not as

bad. Just need to stick with it.

From: rachelmcdon@... <rachelmcdon@...>

Subject: [ ] Coconut oil

Date: Sunday, January 31, 2010, 9:14 AM


This may be a really stupid question. I hate the taste of coconut and it

makes me just gag. Does coconut oil taste a lot like full coconut? If so, is

there a good way to disguise the taste?

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> This may be a really stupid question. I hate the taste of coconut and it

makes me just gag. Does coconut oil taste a lot like full coconut? If so, is

there a good way to disguise the taste?


+++Hi . Some unrefined coconut oils don't have much taste, while others


You can mix it with butter and/or add spices to it to disguise the taste. Most

people start on it by making Bee's Egg Drink, which is great for breakfast:


Cheers, Bee

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Hi ,

Some days it tastes good to me, and other days just the smell of it makes me

nauseaus. One thing I try is sprinkling it with sea salt and taking a bite of

the solid form with my food. I find I sometimes even crave it just plain with

salt. I also know that some people freeze it and eat it as " bark " . You can

search bee's recipe site for the recipe for this.


Hope this helps,



> This may be a really stupid question. I hate the taste of coconut and it

makes me just gag. Does coconut oil taste a lot like full coconut? If so, is

there a good way to disguise the taste?




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Hi ,

When I get bored with taking my CO the same way everyday I make a bark with

cinnamon. I melt 2 tbsp of CO with 1 tbsp butter. I then put it in a small dish

and add a pinch or two of cinnamon and mix it together. I freeze it for about 30

minutes and then enjoy! I do like the taste of CO though just plain but either

way...you could at least try this.

This may be a really stupid question. I hate the taste of coconut and it makes

me just gag. Does coconut oil taste a lot like full coconut? If so, is there a

good way to disguise the taste?

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