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Re: Sherry re: round green sprouter

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No, but slice them evenly, as in using a mondolin. They dry better. PS: I

like them as snacks - better than candy.       ew

Re: Sherry re: round green sprouter

Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 11:33:13 -0400


Cool, ew...do you do anything to the onions, other than slice them



On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Ernest Willingham




> This is where a dehydrator comes in handy. Crumble dehydraded

onions on

> your salads. I grow more onions than I can eat or give away. Run


> dehydrator for a couple of days and can up the dried product. Use


> every chance I get. ew



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It was a disaster!! LOL!! I haven't found a good use for the stuff yet...


One less thing on my shopping list in the future! ;)



On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Sherry Skapik <sherryskapik@...>wrote:



> Thia,

> Yes, let me know how it goes with the coconut flour (which I've never heard

> of).


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Hi Sherry:

You wrote the following:

" I know how bad it is for our health " etc. etc. etc.

If you keep saying that sentence to yourself, BELIEVE ME, it will get through to

your brain.

I used to sit in front of the tv every single night and vegetate with chips,

dips, ding dongs, cupcakes, chex mix..WHATEVER!! And I'm DIABETIC!!

Can you imagine the denial I must have had going on in my brain.

I'm diabetic and there I sat doing that to my body.

Well!!! a few years ago, Alan and I went to see a nutritionist. That began a


We cannot exist without good nutrition. It's like putting good or bad gas in the

car. If you pulled up to a gas station, and instead of prime gasoline, they told

you " put a cup of sugar " , in your gas tank " , you would look at the guy and say


Well, that's what I did to my brain. I looked at what I was putting into my

body and where it was going. The sugar, the fat, the cholesterol. etc. etc.

Didn't happen overnight.

The first step was I STOPPED EATING ANYTHING AFTER 7 P.M. That was the very

first thing I remember doing.

After that, and after a while, I slowly began to start walking every day.

Nothing too fancy because I do have degenerative joint disease but I stopped

eating anything that was NOT good for my body.

I also watched a video by Alec Baldwin called MEET YOUR MEAT.

Well, watch that and a person will never go near beef ever again. It's on

youtube. Holy Cow ! and I mean that literally.

I happen to like vegetarian food. I love the sprouts, the sprout salads. I do

love fish. I only eat chicken occasionally and I won't handle it. Makes me not


But I love my veggies and raw sprout in various ways.

I feel much better in my gut ever since I gave up all that meat and processed


It's a matter of self control. And here is something extremely interesting.

The other day I was sitting in my doctor's office waiting to pick up a

prescription for my husband. I adore our doctor (we share the same guy). He's a

body building and he's into fish oil, vitamins AND HE LOVES WHEN I GIVE HIM A


So I'm in the waiting room and being the social butterfly that I am I always

talk to the people in the waiting room.

I met this woman about my age who was there with her 87 year old mother.

Now this woman (the daughter) told me she was a type 2 diabetic. She was not

obese, just maybe 20 lbs or so overweight. No big thing.

I said to her " how is your blood sugar " ? and she said " Oh, I do try but I can't

give up chocolate and junk food " .

I said " what do you mean you can't give up chocolate and junk food, you are a

diabetic, you can't go near that stuff " .

She said " yeah, I know, my cousin was a diabetic like me and she first lost a

toe, then a leg and then she passed away, she couldn't control her junk food

habits either " .

I looked at her and said quietly " you mean, this hasn't scared the bejesus out

of you so that you can make some changes in your eating habits? " ?

Her response (and she was honest)

She said : 'Oh, I can't stop my chocolate, I have to eat it every day and forget

about halloween, I have to eat everything " .

I again said 'but you saw your cousin die, doesn't that scare you? "

And she said " not really, I have to have my chocolate " .

I said 'have you tried Russel Stover sugar free chocolate? "

She said " No, it's got sorbitol and that gives me the runs " .

So we chatted some more and I just saw a woman who is slowly killing herself

eating foods that she knows IS NOT A BIT GOOD FOR HER BODY.

To me, it's a no brainer.

Sure, I'm human, I enjoy cookies and cake like everyone else. I just go for the

sugar free kind and when I make a cheesecake it will be with splenda and low fat

cream cheese (actually I make the cheese myself from plain fat free yogurt).

These days, one can really enjoy all these sugar free things that are available.

Not with sorbitol or nutrisweet, but with Stevia or Splenda.

At least this is what I do.

The only time I indulge is when I go to a birthday party or some kind of party.

I do allow my self a small piece of cake. I don't go announcing " OH NO I CAN'T


I just quietly check my sugar reading and if it's within range, I'll indulge a


But I've been GOOD for so long, you couldn't make me eat chips, dips ding dongs

or any of that bad stuff ever again.

Let me tell you, as my former doctor put it.


I'm still trying to get healthy.

Even if it takes me to reach 100.




> Melody,

> How the heck do you make cookies and not eat any?  I have to say sweets are my

downfall, and I'm a very good baker.....not a good combo.  I really wish I could


> disciplined to not eat any sugar.  I know how bad it is for our health, and

still I love desserts.  I'm a very healthy eater otherwise.  Did you just go

cold turkey?


> Thanks so much for the cabbage soup recipe.


> Sherry





> ________________________________

> From: Melody <eliz7212@...>


> Sent: Mon, October 5, 2009 10:37:13 PM

> Subject: Re: Sherry re: round green sprouter



> Sherry:


> I do try, I really do. I try to see the glass as half full instead of half

empty. I've been though it all, the depression, the self medicating with food,

etc. Got me nowhere. So now I sprout. Before I give you my tomato cabbage soup

recipe I must tell you what happened earlier today.


> There are two young people who live upstairs from me. The guy (he's about 30),

I met him in front of my door and I said " do you like Oatmeal cookies " ?


> And he said " who doesn't like oatmeal cookies? " I then said " I have a batch of

oatmeal, peanut butter, butterscotch cookies " .


> I dragged him in my house (he'd never been in before) and I said " before the

cookies, I have to show you how I grow my food "


> He goes; 'you grow your food?? "


> And there in my kitchen, sitting neatly on my sprout rack were my 10 mason

jars soaking my broccoli and radish seed mixture.


> He walks over and stares and says " oh my god, you are soaking the seeds? " and

I said " yup, for 7 hours "


> Then I walked him through what I do. I showed him my seeds that I store in my

freezer (all organic). I then showed him my sprouting trays and my mason jars.


> Then I turned to him and said " Want to see how they are greening up?? "


> I took him into the living room where they were basking in the sun filling up

with clorophyl. I had 12 jars filled with sprouts (and I do mean bursting).


> He just stared and said " Oh my god " .


> I then took some of my harvested sprouts and put them in a dish and said

" here's you salad for tonight " . He just stared at them. Then I handed him some

of my homemade oatmeal peanut butter and butterscotch cookies. He went upstairs

a very happy guy.


> I love to feed people. I think I'm feeding my neighborhood bit by bit.


> The other day it was my landlord, today it was the guy upstairs.


> Okay, here's my soup recipe


> I MAKE LOTS, so you have to down size the recipe.


> I used 5 (28 oz each) of crushed tomatoes.


> First (in my BIG pot)I saute a lot of onions and celery in some diet

margarine. Then I pour in the 5 cans of crushed tomatoes. To this I add about 4

large carrots (all slivered up). I add 16 cups of water (you can also add some

chicken broth, but I didn't do that this time).


> I take a HUMUNGOUS cabbage and chop chop. I put it into the pot (it's a huge

pot). I make sure everything is nicely mixed up in the pot.


> My gas range is on low. You can add any kind of veggies you like to this dish.

I don't add sugar, I add some splenda. Alan LOVES sweet stuff.


> so I simmered it for almost 3 hours.


> I made 19 portions. They are in my freezer.


> If you don't have a cabbage loving man in your life, I suggest you start with

two cans of crushed tomatoes and start from there.


> lol


> Melody









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Sorry it didn't work out Thia.



From: Thia (aka: pixx) <pixxley@...>

Sent: Tue, October 6, 2009 9:41:39 PM

Subject: Re: Sherry re: round green sprouter



It was a disaster!! LOL!! I haven't found a good use for the stuff yet...


One less thing on my shopping list in the future! ;)



On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Sherry Skapik <sherryskapik>wrote:



> Thia,

> Yes, let me know how it goes with the coconut flour (which I've never heard

> of).


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I've never ever used a dehydrator.

Is this what you mean?



What would I do with it. Slice up my onions and spread them out on the trays?

Never ever done this. Does it take long?

I'm going to start viewing stuff on youtube and learn how to dehydrate.

First I sprouted.

Soon, I just might dehydrate.

I wonder what's next?


thanks much


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Yes, thats the guy. Earlier this year there was a long string discussion

about dehydrators in this group.       ew

Re: Sherry re: round green sprouter

Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 03:14:27 -0000



I've never ever used a dehydrator.

Is this what you mean?



What would I do with it. Slice up my onions and spread them out on

the trays?

Never ever done this. Does it take long?

I'm going to start viewing stuff on youtube and learn how to


First I sprouted.

Soon, I just might dehydrate.

I wonder what's next?


thanks much



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Hey Melody- since you are learning what you can about health, and healthy

ways of eating, you may want to consider that raw foodists claim that food

is healthier if when it is dehydrated it be done so at no hotter than 118

degrees. I mention this, because you may want to consider getting a

dehydrator that has adjustable settings for temperature. Many do not; and

those that do not will get really hot. I think this one you linked to

probably does not, but at ten bucks, you might not care for now. You could

always get a nicer one later, if you choose to follow the 118 rule later.



On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Melody <eliz7212@...> wrote:



> EW:


> I've never ever used a dehydrator.


> Is this what you mean?







> ...


> Soon, I just might dehydrate.



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Thanks, but it's ok. I made another batch with WW flour, and filled my




On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Sherry Skapik <sherryskapik@...>wrote:



> Sorry it didn't work out Thia.


> Sherry


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Isn't it amazing??

The down side for me is, I have allergic reactions to both nutrisweet and

splenda. I can use stevia, but not real fond of the bitterness.

But I do adore raw honey, and I use that to sweeten what little I sweeten

these days. I am not diabetic, but have found what life, for me, is like

without processed sugar. I do my best to stay away from the stuff now. I

used to eat sweets all day. Dates are my candy, now. They taste like

caramels to me.



On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 10:43 PM, Melody <eliz7212@...> wrote:

> ....



> So we chatted some more and I just saw a woman who is slowly killing

> herself eating foods that she knows IS NOT A BIT GOOD FOR HER BODY.


> To me, it's a no brainer.



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LOL!!! I got my flour from Tropical Traditions, but I've never seen this

site by them! Yes, they have wonderful coconut oil, coconut cream, and

Canadian honey. All yummy stuff!! Oh, and their popcorn can't be beat!!

Well, they carry Eden brand, I think it is...so it's not really " theirs " .



On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 3:36 AM, Thia (aka: pixx) <pixxley@...> wrote:

> Thank you, !! I'll go check that out now.


> :~)

> Thia





> On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:45 PM, mike3kit <mk3@...> wrote:




>> Check out this website for recipes using coconut products. They also have

>> great products.


>> http://www.freecoconutrecipes.com/gluten_free_coconut_flour_recipes.htm







Quick & Easy " Raw " Recipes



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Okay here we go.


Which dehydrator do any of you use?

And what do I dehydrate?

Can I make sun dried tomatoes in the dehydrator? They are my absolute favorite


I know they sell dehydrated fruit in the store.

But I don't know ANYTHING ABOUT BUYING DEHYDRATORS or how to use them.

Do they use a lot of electricity? I read where you keep it plugged in for DAYS.

Is this true?

Thanks much


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I'll respond to your last night's email when I have more time....do you mind if

I respond to your email I had when I sent the book?  I totally agree with every

one of your points, by the way.

I just wanted to respond to your question about dehydrators.  I bought mine to

use to make raw food recipes.  And I tried so many of them.....I just didn't

like the taste of any of the food I

made enough to keep doing it.....it took a lot of time, and I was the only one

eating it.....the rest of my family eats cooked food.  I now use primarily to

make my yogurt and I love it for

that.  You can do a lot with a dehydrator and I will do more at some

point....especially Ernest's dried onions, and sun dried tomatoes.  They are a

little pricey, but maybe you could find

one on Ebay.  Mine is a good one - Excalibur, and I am very happy with it.  Look

up their web site and see if they have some info and recipes.  Yes, some foods

take a long to dry....I

wouldn't think it would take much power though, since it's just a small fan and

the temp is very low.  You can dry just about anything in them - fruit, yogurt,

fruit leather, veggies, tomatoes, etc.



From: Melody <eliz7212@...>

Sent: Wed, October 7, 2009 12:56:12 PM

Subject: Re: Sherry re: round green sprouter


Okay here we go.


Which dehydrator do any of you use?

And what do I dehydrate?

Can I make sun dried tomatoes in the dehydrator? They are my absolute favorite


I know they sell dehydrated fruit in the store.

But I don't know ANYTHING ABOUT BUYING DEHYDRATORS or how to use them.

Do they use a lot of electricity? I read where you keep it plugged in for DAYS.

Is this true?

Thanks much



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You can absolutely respond to the email you had when you sent me the book.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



> Melody,

> I'll respond to your last night's email when I have more time....do you mind

if I respond to your email I had when I sent the book?  I totally agree with

every one of your points, by the way.

> I just wanted to respond to your question about dehydrators.  I bought mine to

use to make raw food recipes.  And I tried so many of them.....I just didn't

like the taste of any of the food I

> made enough to keep doing it.....it took a lot of time, and I was the only one

eating it.....the rest of my family eats cooked food.  I now use primarily to

make my yogurt and I love it for

> that.  You can do a lot with a dehydrator and I will do more at some

point....especially Ernest's dried onions, and sun dried tomatoes.  They are a

little pricey, but maybe you could find

> one on Ebay.  Mine is a good one - Excalibur, and I am very happy with it. 

Look up their web site and see if they have some info and recipes.  Yes, some

foods take a long to dry....I

> wouldn't think it would take much power though, since it's just a small fan

and the temp is very low.  You can dry just about anything in them - fruit,

yogurt, fruit leather, veggies, tomatoes, etc.

> Sherry





> ________________________________

> From: Melody <eliz7212@...>


> Sent: Wed, October 7, 2009 12:56:12 PM

> Subject: Re: Sherry re: round green sprouter



> Okay here we go.




> Which dehydrator do any of you use?


> And what do I dehydrate?


> Can I make sun dried tomatoes in the dehydrator? They are my absolute favorite



> I know they sell dehydrated fruit in the store.


> But I don't know ANYTHING ABOUT BUYING DEHYDRATORS or how to use them.


> Do they use a lot of electricity? I read where you keep it plugged in for



> Is this true?


> Thanks much


> Melody





> __________________________________________________


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I have a Good4U brand. Paid about $100 for it. (Which is low, for a nice

one.) It's marvelous. Very quiet compared to others. I make kale chips,

and the most marvelous Ginger Thins cookies (out of nothing but banana,

fresh ginger, and cinnamon! yum! My own recipe; I don't really measure

anything though.) with no added sugar.

Dehydrators can be fun, but for me, not something I use every day. I eat

dried bananas almost every day, but for the work, I'd rather pay Trader

Joes! They're like $1.29 a bag.

Yes, you do leave them on for hours, sometimes days. (The kale chips and

ginger cookies take between 2 and 4 hours.) I think I read that mine uses

something on the order of 7 to 9 cents an hour.



On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Melody <eliz7212@...> wrote:



> Okay here we go.




> Which dehydrator do any of you use?



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I received my round green sprouter today. I proceeded to set it up for use,

and found that it does not drain well at all. I discovered that most of the

" holes " are not clear all the way through! There is a thin layer of plastic

filling many to most of the spaces that should be holes. I tried punching

them out, but to no avail. They hold water, and are very difficult to


The thought of having to return it is frustrating at best, because of

shipping. For what I paid, I am terribly disappointed!

Really wishing I had just gone ahead and bought another OXO, now.



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Sorry Thia....you must have gotten a faulty one.   Can't you contact the place

of purchase and tell them it wasn't made properly?



From: Thia (aka: pixx) <pixxley@...>

Sent: Fri, October 9, 2009 7:03:19 PM

Subject: Re: Sherry re: round green sprouter


I received my round green sprouter today. I proceeded to set it up for use,

and found that it does not drain well at all. I discovered that most of the

" holes " are not clear all the way through! There is a thin layer of plastic

filling many to most of the spaces that should be holes. I tried punching

them out, but to no avail. They hold water, and are very difficult to


The thought of having to return it is frustrating at best, because of

shipping. For what I paid, I am terribly disappointed!

Really wishing I had just gone ahead and bought another OXO, now.



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I have. I hope to hear from them soon.


On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Sherry Skapik <sherryskapik@...>wrote:



> Sorry Thia....you must have gotten a faulty one. Can't you contact the

> place of purchase and tell them it wasn't made properly?

> Sherry



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If they don't provide good customer service just let them know that you'll

spread the word here.

Seriously, I hope the company comes through for you. If they want repeat

business then they should.

Also you might want to contact the manufacturer of the sprouter.

Let us know hoe this turns out.


> >

> >

> > Sorry Thia....you must have gotten a faulty one. Can't you contact the

> > place of purchase and tell them it wasn't made properly?

> > Sherry

> >

> >




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From my understanding, the folks I bought it from *are* the folks who

commissioned the manufacture. I had written them before ordering it, to ask

if they are made BPA-free, and they told me that they had recently had them

redesigned, and made sure that they were indeed made out of BPA-free

plastic. So, it's their product.

I personally think (at least the one I received) they are very cheaply made,

and not worth even *half* what I paid. Even if all the holes were open. Of

course, I'm not even sure if I got an old one, or a re-designed one.


On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 11:54 PM, mike3kit <mk3@...> wrote:



> If they don't provide good customer service just let them know that you'll

> spread the word here.


> Seriously, I hope the company comes through for you. If they want repeat

> business then they should.


> Also you might want to contact the manufacturer of the sprouter.


> Let us know hoe this turns out.






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Hi Thia,

I also have a Good4U. I thought it was necessary for me to transition into

full raw, but I find that I rarely use it. I tried dehydrating bananas, but

found that without adding oil, the bananas tend to oxidize. I don't think

it's really healthy to eat oxidized food. Unless like some folks, they dip

the bananas in lemon juice. (which I found to be a pain.) Do you worry about


The only thing I don't like about Good4U is that they don't have a door to

close. Just trays, as compared to Excalibur. If it has a door, then I can

take out some trays, and warm-up raw soups in the winter.

Now I just use it to dehydrate soaked or sprouted nuts and seeds, because I

eat them raw and want to have better digestion.

I love onions and garlic. But they don't love me. My stomach feels like a

WWII explosion when I eat them. So I avoid them at all costs. But cooked

ones no problem. So I wonder would it make a difference to digestion if they

are dehydrated?


On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 5:49 AM, Thia (aka: pixx) <pixxley@...> wrote:



> I have a Good4U brand. Paid about $100 for it. (Which is low, for a nice

> one.) It's marvelous. Very quiet compared to others. I make kale chips,

> and the most marvelous Ginger Thins cookies (out of nothing but banana,

> fresh ginger, and cinnamon! yum! My own recipe; I don't really measure

> anything though.) with no added sugar.


> Dehydrators can be fun, but for me, not something I use every day. I eat

> dried bananas almost every day, but for the work, I'd rather pay Trader

> Joes! They're like $1.29 a bag.


> Yes, you do leave them on for hours, sometimes days. (The kale chips and

> ginger cookies take between 2 and 4 hours.) I think I read that mine uses

> something on the order of 7 to 9 cents an hour.


> :~)

> Thia



> On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Melody


> wrote:


> >

> >

> > Okay here we go.

> >


> >

> > Which dehydrator do any of you use?

> >

> >



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The manufacturer is the one who won't send out another sprouter for you?

If the sprouter is so poorly made why not send it back and get your money back?

It doesn't sound like it is worth the trouble of getting another one?


> >

> >

> > If they don't provide good customer service just let them know that you'll

> > spread the word here.

> >

> > Seriously, I hope the company comes through for you. If they want repeat

> > business then they should.

> >

> > Also you might want to contact the manufacturer of the sprouter.

> >

> > Let us know hoe this turns out.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




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mike3kit wrote:

> The manufacturer is the one who won't send out another sprouter for you?




I did not say that!!! I just got it yesterday, and wrote them yesterday.

They have not had a chance to respond yet. Since it is the weekend, I don't

anticipate hearing back from them until Monday or Tuesday at the earliest.

I am on the fence about whether it makes sense to try another one. ly,

probably not. But I also don't feel too happy about the wasted shipping

charges. I'm not sure what I'll do just yet, nor do I know what I'll be

offered yet.


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Sorry, I misunderstood. Difficult for me to follow.


> > The manufacturer is the one who won't send out another sprouter for you?

> >

> >

> >






> I did not say that!!! I just got it yesterday, and wrote them yesterday.

> They have not had a chance to respond yet. Since it is the weekend, I don't

> anticipate hearing back from them until Monday or Tuesday at the earliest.


> I am on the fence about whether it makes sense to try another one. ly,

> probably not. But I also don't feel too happy about the wasted shipping

> charges. I'm not sure what I'll do just yet, nor do I know what I'll be

> offered yet.


> Thia




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