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Magnesium citrate? That will send you running for the bathroom in

about 2 minutes. ( or less) If you get enough of it. Bobby

- In Lipitor , " jlkinkona "

<josephine@...> wrote:


> e,

> Its magnesium CITRATE not sulfate.

> That was a short list of supplements to take.

> The longer list is here,

> http://www.internetwks.com/owen/HeartCure.htm

> Scroll to the middle of the page.

> Take care,

> phine




> > >

> > > Hi everyone, I am new to this group and live in the UK. I had


> > > stroke 3 months ago and was put on simvastatin, I am looking


> > > discontinue this and wonder if it is safe to just stop taking


> > >

> > > I started taking 100mg Co Q 10 as soon as I was put on the


> > >

> > > I am trawling through all the posts on this group and finding

it all

> > > very informative, it is slow going though as my eyes were

damaged by

> > > the stroke.

> > >

> > > Many thanks for any information.

> > >

> > > Cheers,

> > >

> > > e

> > >

> >


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Bill, I guess we all must make the decision on wether or not to take

something, and I respect your decision. Its just that I have

witnessed so much damage done to people taking statins, that I can't

understand why any doctor would prescribe them.

I remember this one person who took statins for 10 years with no

problems. Then all of a sudden- BLAM! It took that long, but the

statin eventually got him.


> >

> > Hi e,

> > Sorry to hear about your stroke.  I also take simvastatin 20


> I have joint and muscle pain and I have been told by my doctors


> I have to keep taking it.  Best wishes.  Bill

> >

> >

> >

> > [TakingLipitorAndHa teIt] new member

> >

> >

> > Hi everyone, I am new to this group and live in the UK. I had a

> > stroke 3 months ago and was put on simvastatin, I am looking to

> > discontinue this and wonder if it is safe to just stop taking


> >

> > I started taking 100mg Co Q 10 as soon as I was put on the


> >

> > I am trawling through all the posts on this group and finding it

> all

> > very informative, it is slow going though as my eyes were


> by

> > the stroke.

> >

> > Many thanks for any information.

> >

> > Cheers,

> >

> > e

> >


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Hi again phine, thanks for this information, I have books by

Mathius Rath, pity I didn't make use of the information in them eh? I have cut and pasted the article and will read it tomorrow.

Silly mistake I made with the magnesium, seems to happen a lot since my stroke, I have to double check everything these days and that slipped through.




From: jlkinkona <josephine@...>Subject: Re: new memberLipitor Date: Saturday, August 2, 2008, 5:46 AM

e,Its magnesium CITRATE not sulfate.That was a short list of supplements to take.The longer list is here,http://www.internet wks.com/owen/ HeartCure. htmScroll to the middle of the page.Take care,phine> >> > Hi everyone, I am new to this group and live in the UK. I had a > > stroke 3 months ago and was put on simvastatin, I am looking to > > discontinue this and wonder if it is safe to just stop taking them.> > > > I started taking 100mg Co Q 10 as soon as I was put on the statin.> > > > I am trawling through all the posts on this group and finding it all > > very informative, it is slow going though as my eyes were damaged by > > the stroke.> > > > Many thanks for any information.> > > > Cheers,> > > > e> >>

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Hi Bill, please don't worry about making any of us mad. It isn't you we get upset at, it's the pharmaceutical industry and the doctors who so willingly believe the half-truths and lies they are told by them, and despite all evidence to the contrary, refuse to believe it's the meds when patients report horrendous side effects. And that's just the honest ones. Others will tell you it isn't the meds because they are being paid off or they otherwise have ties to the makers of these "wonder drugs." Conflict of interest at play here? You bet! It's a corrupt system and the FDA, which is supposed to be looking out for the citizens of this country, is instead the fox guarding the henhouse. You are absolutely right that we're each and every one different in some respects, but when it comes to ingesting chemical cocktails (which is precisely what prescription meds are) there are more similiarities than differences among us. Rat poison is

rat poison, no matter what your body chemistry and genetic susceptibility. The only difference from one person to another is that some will die quicker than others if they are persuaded to put the rat poison into their bodies. Why am I talking about rat poison? Because it's a chemical cocktail just as surely as Lipitor is; rat poison is just more lethal. And all other prescription meds are man-made chemical concoctions as well. The very reason they are available only by prescription is that they all have some potential for serious side effects. If they'd been proven safer, they'd be over-the-counter. The FDA, cheered on by the pharmaceutical industry, is trying to outlaw even the most effective and safe natural remedies, which, if they are problematic at all, are generally far less dangerous than the products of the billions-of-dollar-of--profits motivated pharmaceutical giants By definition, the natural remedies have generally been

ingested by humans for far longer than have the prescription medications cooked up in very recent times in chemical laboratories and now prescribed to us by our once-trusted doctors. What does that make the more dishonest of those doctors? Legalized drug pushers. And it makes us the human equivalent of lab rats. Please understand that I'm not saying all doctors who prescribe statins have evil intentions. Probably the vast majority of them still truly believe the pharmaceutical companies' drumbeat that these medications do have more benefits than risks. But more and more of them are now seeing the truth, as their patients in ever greater numbers are falling into far worse states of ill health than if they'd never started taking these "remedies." Have you seen the posts here quoting first a few, but now a growing number of doctors who've come around to our way of thinking, that the risks not only far outweigh any supposed benefits,

but that those supposed benefits are greatly exaggerated? The truth has been trickling out little by little, and it's now becoming understood by more of the medical community that any possible benefit at all affects only a tiny percentage of those who are told they must take statins. For most men and for all women, there is no statistical benefit whatsoever. Weigh this against the risk for severe, disabling, even life-threatening consequences to patients from having ingested these poisons, and you will understand that we have very good reasons for our alarm. These increased risks from statins usage include cancer, dementia, destruction of muscle and nerve tissue resulting in ever-increasing weakness and pain, triggering of a wide range of moderate to severe autoimmune diseases, and the list goes on. All for little or no statistical benefit? What kind of sense does this make? Whatever your particular

cardiac problems are, please remember that the heart is a muscle. It is an undeniable fact that the loss of CoQ10 is vital to every muscle in your body in order to function. That's why so many of us now suffer from muscle pain and weakness. If there is one thing that statins do all too well, it is to deplete the body's store of CoQ10. How can this be good for your heart, for anyone's heart, regardless of the particular heart condition being treated? You may believe your heart condition is different and therefore you really must take statins. I'm no doctor, but I do know that a car can't go without power. If you siphon out the gasoline, you're car can't go. The more it's depleted of CoQ10, the more your heart can't go. Even moderate depletion of CoQ10 is going to make your heart have to work harder just to keep beating at all. Ask your doctors about that. And CoQ10 depletion is only one of many ways in which statins wreak havoc on the body. Only you can decide whether to allow your doctors to dictate to you what you should put into your body. It does not matter where your doctors are located, they are all targeted, and, to whatever extent they allow themselves to be, they are indoctrinated by the purveyors of these so-called remedies with the notion that statins are going to save the world. It is to their financial benefit to do so. The reason this group even exists is because virtually every one of us here has suffered greatly from the lies we and our doctors were told about statins. In most cases, we were told these lies because our doctors believed them at the time. Not all, but many. Now more and more of them realize they inadvertently harmed their patients because they were lied to. We only want others to have the benefit of learning from our experience before they fall as ill as we have from these very

dangerous drugs. I wish you well! bill morris <billybob5898@...> wrote: Hi e, I know that people are having problems taking statins, myself included. But my adnice to you is to have a talk with your regular doctor before stopping any medication. I know that some people in the group would argue with me but I have to

say it anyway. Each and every one of us are different. What works for some may harm others. And even though I have muscle and joint pain that is contributed to my medications I have been told by 4 different doctors that I need to take my medications. But I am different than most, I have some very rare heart problems. So there again I say we all are different. Most people cannot take the meds I take at the dosage that I have to take them. People I know who take some of the same meds and have problems and I take 2 to 3 times stronger and they do not see how I can do it. The amount they take knocks them out. Even different lab techs I know ask how do I manage to get around taking what I am taking and at the strength I take it. I know that I am probably making some in the group made but I would rather make some made than not say something and something go wrong with your health. Best wishes..

Bill From: Toe Newman <yallethane (DOT) com>Subject: Re: [TakingLipitorAndHa teIt] new memberTakingLipitorAndHat eItgroups (DOT) comDate: Friday, August 1, 2008, 9:17 PM Welcome e,You state you are somewhat visually impaired at present so hope that following will be read to you for your minds eye. Accordingly will be short on words. I was based in the UK for many years managing R & D with various posts in Warrington (Unilever) and prior to that up in the North at Littleborough (Akzo

Nobel) and have only fond memories of my years there with the staff. My team is Manchester United and the Local free house served Tim . Suspect those full breakfasts and that wonderful aged cheddar from the north may have had something to do with my MI four years ago.Can I recommend that at this point in your recovery you send shout-out note to this Group for anyone who has had similar stroke history and note any warning signs on statin poisoning from their perspective. Would be great information to digest during your recovery and maybe just may preclude some of the long lasting neurological effects most of us now enjoy on 24/7 basis.Best regards from Chicago,T/ [TakingLipitorAndHa teIt] new member Hi everyone, I am new to this group and live in the UK. I had a stroke 3 months ago and was put on simvastatin, I am looking to discontinue this and wonder if it is safe to just stop taking them.I started taking 100mg Co Q 10 as soon as I was put on the statin.I am trawling through all the posts on this group and finding it all very informative, it is slow going though as my eyes were damaged by the stroke.Many thanks for any information.Cheers,e-----

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I couldn't have said it more elequently myself - well I could before I took the Statins. Oh! and Bill go to Stopped Our Statins or spacedoc and research your particular poison.I'm sure the Dr's would love all of us to take 4 times the strength and then they would get lots of extra income for them and the Pharma industry.I'm afraid their aren't any medals around for tolerating huge quantities of drugs - and if you were on smack taking huge quantities without a prescription - you would be just another druggy on the block! Best of luck Pamela Carlisle <nancarl@...> wrote: Hi Bill, please don't worry about making any of us mad. It isn't you we get upset at, it's the pharmaceutical industry and the doctors who so willingly believe the half-truths and lies they are told by them, and despite all evidence to the contrary, refuse to believe it's the meds when patients report horrendous side effects. And that's just the honest ones. Others will tell you it isn't the meds because they are being paid off or they otherwise have ties to the makers of these "wonder drugs." Conflict of interest at play here? You bet! It's a corrupt system and the FDA, which is supposed to be looking out for the citizens of this country, is instead the fox guarding the henhouse. You are absolutely right that we're each and every one different in some respects, but when it comes to ingesting chemical cocktails (which is precisely what

prescription meds are) there are more similiarities than differences among us. Rat poison is rat poison, no matter what your body chemistry and genetic susceptibility. The only difference from one person to another is that some will die quicker than others if they are persuaded to put the rat poison into their bodies. Why am I talking about rat poison? Because it's a chemical cocktail just as surely as Lipitor is; rat poison is just more lethal. And all other prescription meds are man-made chemical concoctions as well. The very reason they are available only by prescription is that they all have some potential for serious side effects. If they'd been proven safer, they'd be over-the-counter. The FDA, cheered on by the pharmaceutical industry, is trying to outlaw even the most effective and safe natural remedies, which, if they are problematic at all, are generally far less dangerous than the products of the billions-of-dollar-of--profits

motivated pharmaceutical giants By definition, the natural remedies have generally been ingested by humans for far longer than have the prescription medications cooked up in very recent times in chemical laboratories and now prescribed to us by our once-trusted doctors. What does that make the more dishonest of those doctors? Legalized drug pushers. And it makes us the human equivalent of lab rats. Please understand that I'm not saying all doctors who prescribe statins have evil intentions. Probably the vast majority of them still truly believe the pharmaceutical companies' drumbeat that these medications do have more benefits than risks. But more and more of them are now seeing the truth, as their patients in ever greater numbers are falling into far worse states of ill health than if they'd never started taking these "remedies." Have you seen the posts here quoting first a few, but now a growing number of doctors

who've come around to our way of thinking, that the risks not only far outweigh any supposed benefits, but that those supposed benefits are greatly exaggerated? The truth has been trickling out little by little, and it's now becoming understood by more of the medical community that any possible benefit at all affects only a tiny percentage of those who are told they must take statins. For most men and for all women, there is no statistical benefit whatsoever. Weigh this against the risk for severe, disabling, even life-threatening consequences to patients from having ingested these poisons, and you will understand that we have very good reasons for our alarm. These increased risks from statins usage include cancer, dementia, destruction of muscle and nerve tissue resulting in ever-increasing weakness and pain, triggering of a wide range of moderate to severe autoimmune diseases, and the list goes on. All for little or no statistical

benefit? What kind of sense does this make? Whatever your particular cardiac problems are, please remember that the heart is a muscle. It is an undeniable fact that the loss of CoQ10 is vital to every muscle in your body in order to function. That's why so many of us now suffer from muscle pain and weakness. If there is one thing that statins do all too well, it is to deplete the body's store of CoQ10. How can this be good for your heart, for anyone's heart, regardless of the particular heart condition being treated? You may believe your heart condition is different and therefore you really must take statins. I'm no doctor, but I do know that a car can't go without power. If you siphon out the gasoline, you're car can't go. The more it's depleted of CoQ10, the more your heart can't go. Even moderate depletion of CoQ10 is going to make your heart have to work harder just to keep beating at all. Ask your doctors about that. And

CoQ10 depletion is only one of many ways in which statins wreak havoc on the body. Only you can decide whether to allow your doctors to dictate to you what you should put into your body. It does not matter where your doctors are located, they are all targeted, and, to whatever extent they allow themselves to be, they are indoctrinated by the purveyors of these so-called remedies with the notion that statins are going to save the world. It is to their financial benefit to do so. The reason this group even exists is because virtually every one of us here has suffered greatly from the lies we and our doctors were told about statins. In most cases, we were told these lies because our doctors believed them at the time. Not all, but many. Now more and more of them realize they inadvertently harmed their patients because they were lied to. We only want others to have the

benefit of learning from our experience before they fall as ill as we have from these very dangerous drugs. I wish you well! bill morris <billybob5898 > wrote: Hi e, I know that people are having problems taking statins, myself included. But my adnice to you is to have a talk with your regular doctor before stopping any medication. I know that some people in the group would argue with me but I have to say it anyway. Each and every one of us are different. What works for some may harm others. And even though I have muscle and joint pain that is contributed to my medications

I have been told by 4 different doctors that I need to take my medications. But I am different than most, I have some very rare heart problems. So there again I say we all are different. Most people cannot take the meds I take at the dosage that I have to take them. People I know who take some of the same meds and have problems and I take 2 to 3 times stronger and they do not see how I can do it. The amount they take knocks them out. Even different lab techs I know ask how do I manage to get around taking what I am taking and at the strength I take it. I know that I am probably making some in the group made but I would rather make some made than not say something and something go wrong with your health. Best wishes.. Bill From: Toe Newman <yallethane (DOT) com>Subject: Re: [TakingLipitorAndHa teIt] new memberTakingLipitorAndHat eItgroups (DOT) comDate: Friday, August 1, 2008, 9:17 PM Welcome e,You state you are somewhat visually impaired at present so hope that following will be read to you for your minds eye. Accordingly will be short on words. I was based in the UK for many years managing R & D with various posts in Warrington (Unilever) and prior to that up in the North at Littleborough (Akzo Nobel) and have only fond memories of my years there with the staff. My team is Manchester United and the Local free house served Tim . Suspect those full

breakfasts and that wonderful aged cheddar from the north may have had something to do with my MI four years ago.Can I recommend that at this point in your recovery you send shout-out note to this Group for anyone who has had similar stroke history and note any warning signs on statin poisoning from their perspective. Would be great information to digest during your recovery and maybe just may preclude some of the long lasting neurological effects most of us now enjoy on 24/7 basis.Best regards from Chicago,T/ [TakingLipitorAndHa teIt] new

member Hi everyone, I am new to this group and live in the UK. I had a stroke 3 months ago and was put on simvastatin, I am looking to discontinue this and wonder if it is safe to just stop taking them.I started taking 100mg Co Q 10 as soon as I was put on the statin.I am trawling through all the posts on this group and finding it all very informative, it is slow going though as my eyes were damaged by the stroke.Many thanks for any information.Cheers,e----- Fight back spam! Download the Blue Frog. http://www.bluesecurity.com/register/s?user=bmFuY2FybDIwNzQ%3D

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Ironic isn't it, that their celeb talking head was Mandy Patinkin - who played Rube, the head grim reaper in the short lived Showtime series: "dead like me" (about a group of grim reapers).

Yes, the universe does have a sense of humor.

Glenn______________________"Life is not about finding yourself; it is about creating yourself. " - Bernard Shaw

[TakingLipitorAndHa teIt] new member

Hi everyone, I am new to this group and live in the UK. I had a stroke 3 months ago and was put on simvastatin, I am looking to discontinue this and wonder if it is safe to just stop taking them.I started taking 100mg Co Q 10 as soon as I was put on the statin.I am trawling through all the posts on this group and finding it all very informative, it is slow going though as my eyes were damaged by the stroke.Many thanks for any information.Cheers,e

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flyinresorts wrote:



> Magnesium citrate? That will send you running for the bathroom in

> about 2 minutes. ( or less) If you get enough of it. Bobby

I use 4 grams a day which is 640 mg of magnesium - no problems. The

amount in over the counter meds for constipation is 17 grams (in a

drink). One uses 1 or two doses of 17 grams(one or two drinks)

depending on the results of the first 17 grams.


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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flyinresorts wrote:



> Magnesium citrate? That will send you running for the bathroom in

> about 2 minutes. ( or less) If you get enough of it. Bobby

I use 4 grams a day which is 640 mg of magnesium - no problems. The

amount in over the counter meds for constipation is 17 grams (in a

drink). One uses 1 or two doses of 17 grams(one or two drinks)

depending on the results of the first 17 grams.


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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veggiepark wrote:

> Hi, my name is . I'm a novice amateur to natural perfumery.

> Basically, i've read some and played around with some essential

> oil/aromatherapy a little. I've yet to blend something in alcohol or

> anything like that. I'm hoping at around the new year i can create my

> own personal cologne/perfume.


Hi , welcome to the group. You've found a great starting point with

this group, and I hope the archived messages answer a lot of questions

for you.

> I guess my biggest questions are concerning the alcohol and the

> measurments to use. Hopefully i can find some of the answers here. I'm

> happy i found this place. I was reading through some of the recent

> posts and some of the files. I think i can get some good tips and

> advice here. I also love the cover art of the home page. Who is the

> artist?



The cover is from an old book I have. I'll look up the artist. I checked

for copyright before I used the art, and the publisher is no longer in

existence. I'll dig out the book and post. I think it was published in

the early 70's.



Anya's Garden http://AnyasGarden.com - perfumes, aromatics, classes,


Natural Perfumers Guild + blog with daily updates

1500+ member Natural Perfumery group -


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  • 5 weeks later...

Welcome, .

You will learn a lot on this board. It is full of very helpful stories,

insights, and moral support. As many have said before, I'm sorry you

have to be here - but at least you found us.

Where do you live --- there may be others here tha can give you

recommendations on doctors, etc.

Ginger - Atlanta, GA

Daughter - le, 3 years old

(fevering since 7 months, diagnosed at 15 months, T & A on

12/11/07, Fever-free since 11/16/07)

Son - Jay, 15 months old



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Welcome ,

My situation with Lily sounds similar to yours, I noticed the pattern

around 11 mos and her pediatrician sent her for further testing and

diagnosis a few months later. However, she usually only has the really

high fevers and no other symptoms. Like most kids on this site, she has

been seeing an Infectious Disease doctor, been instructed to take

opraped (steroid) when fevering and the IF said " she'll out grow it

eventually " . We are not waiting for her to outgrow it, so she'd having

a tonsillectomy in October. Good luck with whatever route you take,

this group is so full of information and support.

Take care,


Mom to Olivia 7yrs, and Lily 2 1/2 yrs.

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Hi Diane

Welcome to the group - this is the first time that I have had access

to a computer in a week as we are touring Big Bend in an RV. Take

COQ10 300mg daily and hopefully you will feel a bit better on a daily

basis. I have been off the poison for 20 weeks now and my symptoms

are much improved. Bobby hope you are okay I was really worried about

you when Ike struck Houston. hope you are feeling a little

better. Take care everyone. Pamela



> Hi,


> I am so glad there is a group that deals with statins.

> Yeah!--too bad there has to be one.


> Ok I read in the welcoming email to tell my store so here goes:


> I have been on statins off an on for 2 years.

> I have had a bad reaction to every one.

> This last time was Provastatin which I didnt even take the full

> prescription amount.


> I had muscle pain for 5 days in July and quit.

> My doc asked me if I would start again so I did being

> the trusting dummy I am.

> Sept 3 is the last time I took a pill.

> My severe muscle pain has not quit or my left eyelid that has

> a twitch in it.

> Oh yes they thought I might have fibromyalgia--my husband

> says no it is the statins.

> I have been reading and reading files etc to determine

> which supplements are the best to take. There is so many?.


> I have been a very active person who has run her own dog walking

> and pet sitting business for 6 years and other activities.


> Any suggestions you might have I would appreciate--I will

> keep reading the files and past posts.


> Thank-you

> Diane





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Hi Diane,

I understand your problem with statins. I take simvastatin. I am sure you will get several responses about supplements. The 2 best I know about are COQ10 and fish oil. Best wishes. Bill

From: Diane Hoover <walkingthepaws@...>Subject: New memberLipitor Date: Monday, September 15, 2008, 1:32 PM

Hi,I am so glad there is a group that deals with statins.Yeah!--too bad there has to be one.Ok I read in the welcoming email to tell my store so here goes:I have been on statins off an on for 2 years.I have had a bad reaction to every one.This last time was Provastatin which I didnt even take the fullprescription amount.I had muscle pain for 5 days in July and quit.My doc asked me if I would start again so I did beingthe trusting dummy I am.Sept 3 is the last time I took a pill.My severe muscle pain has not quit or my left eyelid that hasa twitch in it.Oh yes they thought I might have fibromyalgia- -my husbandsays no it is the statins. I have been reading and reading files etc to determinewhich supplements are the best to take. There is so many?.I have been a very active person who has run her own dog walkingand pet sitting business for 6 years

and other activities.Any suggestions you might have I would appreciate-- I willkeep reading the files and past posts.Thank-youDiane=Bargain Books for Christmas StuffersUp to 90 percent off; bargain closeouts, on Bargain Books, gifts available online now. Great Christmas gifts.http://a8-asy. a8ww.net/ a8-ads/adftrclic k?redirectid= 589607a283f432d5 ae4238296578c6a7-- Powered by Outblaze

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Pamela, thanks for your concern. I too wondered how both Bobby and the good doctor in Tyler were doing after the hurricane remnants passed through there. We got little more than drizzle here and a bit of wind, much to our amazement, but we were on the "good" side of the storm, so even though it grazed us, we were tremendously fortunate. I have relatives in Ohio(!) who saw a wilder side of Ike than we did here in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. I'm glad you were out of harm's way.

All my worst Lipitor symptoms have been stirred up by my disastrous brush with Lyrica, which was prescribed to treat some of the worst after-effects of statin poisoning. Now I feel I've been poisoned all over again. I'm to the point where I think I must swear off every product of Big Pharma, before Pfizer manages to kill me yet. (Yes, Lyrica is also made by Pfizer. What was I thinking?!)

I'm changing doctors--again--but this time I'm going back to the one I wish I could have stayed with to begin with. Circumstances prevented my doing so when my husband came down with cancer, but I'm looking forward now to seeing my old healer again later this week. I'm counting on him to get to the bottom of my extremely severe stomach problems and give me some semblance of life back.

Warning to all who couldn't tolerate statins: do NOT let any doctor convince you that Lyrica will help you to feel better! On a scale of 1 to 10 post-statins, it took me from about a 5 right back to 10 on the toxicity scale and I'm having a very tough time dealing with it.

Have a safe trip back here, Pamela!----- Fight back spam! Download the Blue Frog. http://www.bluesecurity.com/register/s?user=bmFuY2FybDIwNzQ%3D--- On Mon, 9/15/08, bty227736 <pamela.sharp@...> wrote:

From: bty227736 <pamela.sharp@...>Subject: Re: New memberLipitor Date: Monday, September 15, 2008, 5:20 PM

Hi Diane Welcome to the group - this is the first time that I have had access to a computer in a week as we are touring Big Bend in an RV. Take COQ10 300mg daily and hopefully you will feel a bit better on a daily basis. I have been off the poison for 20 weeks now and my symptoms are much improved. Bobby hope you are okay I was really worried about you when Ike struck Houston. hope you are feeling a little better. Take care everyone. Pamela>> > Hi,> > I am so glad there is a group that deals with statins.> Yeah!--too bad there has to be one.> > Ok I read in the welcoming email to tell my store so here goes:> > I have been on statins off an on for

2 years.> I have had a bad reaction to every one.> This last time was Provastatin which I didnt even take the full> prescription amount.> > I had muscle pain for 5 days in July and quit.> My doc asked me if I would start again so I did being> the trusting dummy I am.> Sept 3 is the last time I took a pill.> My severe muscle pain has not quit or my left eyelid that has> a twitch in it.> Oh yes they thought I might have fibromyalgia- -my husband> says no it is the statins. > I have been reading and reading files etc to determine> which supplements are the best to take. There is so many?.> > I have been a very active person who has run her own dog walking> and pet sitting business for 6 years and other activities.> > Any suggestions you might have I would appreciate-- I will> keep reading the files and past

posts.> > Thank-you> Diane> > > > > => Bargain Books for Christmas Stuffers> Up to 90 percent off; bargain closeouts, on Bargain Books, gifts available online now. Great Christmas gifts.> http://a8-asy. a8ww.net/ a8-ads/adftrclic k?redirectid=589607a2 83f432d5ae423829 6578c6a7> > > -- > Powered by Outblaze>

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Welcome to the group Diane. In addition to the 300mg coQ10, You might

want to try Magnesium sulfate for the twitching eyelid muscle. A hot

Bath in Epsom salts ( magnesium sulfate) may calm those twitches.

Helps to ease muscle pains too.



> Hi,


> I am so glad there is a group that deals with statins.

> Yeah!--too bad there has to be one.


> Ok I read in the welcoming email to tell my store so here goes:


> I have been on statins off an on for 2 years.

> I have had a bad reaction to every one.

> This last time was Provastatin which I didnt even take the full

> prescription amount.


> I had muscle pain for 5 days in July and quit.

> My doc asked me if I would start again so I did being

> the trusting dummy I am.

> Sept 3 is the last time I took a pill.

> My severe muscle pain has not quit or my left eyelid that has

> a twitch in it.

> Oh yes they thought I might have fibromyalgia--my husband

> says no it is the statins.

> I have been reading and reading files etc to determine

> which supplements are the best to take. There is so many?.


> I have been a very active person who has run her own dog walking

> and pet sitting business for 6 years and other activities.


> Any suggestions you might have I would appreciate--I will

> keep reading the files and past posts.


> Thank-you

> Diane





> =

> Bargain Books for Christmas Stuffers

> Up to 90 percent off; bargain closeouts, on Bargain Books, gifts

available online now. Great Christmas gifts.

> http://a8-asy.a8ww.net/a8-ads/adftrclick?




> --

> Powered by Outblaze


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Hi Diane,

WELCOME!!!!! We always like to see new members. Hope to hear alot from you in the future. Best wishes. Bill

From: Diane Hoover <walkingthepaws@...>Subject: Re: Re: New memberLipitor Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 1:20 PM

Thanks for the welcome

and ideas. Diane-- Powered by Outblaze

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  • 4 months later...

Hi ,

I too am from the UK and was put on statins after a stroke nine months ago at only 60. I took them for 3 months, mainly beccause my brain wasn't brilliant and I couldn't argue with the doctors at the hospital. I joined this group and got the best advice and stopped them after reading of other peoples experiences. I haven't looked back, no pains, no brain fog, all nasty symptoms gone. Your cholesterol seems way too low to me, and in any case, we shouldn't be worrying about that anyway.

There is a great new website here in the UK set up by an ex nurse, his name is Jeff Cable and you should read his posts on this group. Jeffs website is at




From: bluealicia2001 <audrey29@...>Subject: New memberLipitor Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 4:08 PM

Hi, I am a new member and eager for information about other peoples reactions to statins. I have been on them for a few years now - first of all Simvastitin and now Lipitor and for the last twelve months have being going through hell with pains in my legs, swelling in my legs, muscle weakness and tiredness which is getting worse all the time. In fact I feel I no longer have any quality of life. My last cholestrol reading was 4.2 and I am only on 10mg a day of Lipitor.I have a blood test every 6 months but the doctor only seems to look at the cholestrol level. When I complain about the pain they put it down to the OA I have in my knees but I am not convinced. I feel when I complain they are thinking "Oh no, another patient with imagination" but I have a low tolerance with most drugs which I think they should take into consideration. For example at one stage I was given Prozac because the British

medical association was saying try it for pain .......I only took two tablets (at different times) and was rushed to hospital for a week and was told never to take them again. I am going to go through all the messages on the group and see if there is anything I can help myself with like diet, etc.Thank you for letting me join this group..

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Welcome to the club.. I stopped taking a statin after 18 months do to

the same problems. Now after 8 months I'm starting to feel normal again


Long Beach CA

bluealicia2001 wrote:

> Hi, I am a new member and eager for information about other peoples

> reactions to statins. I have been on them for a few years now -

> first of all Simvastitin and now Lipitor and for the last twelve

> months have being going through hell with pains in my legs, swelling

> in my legs, muscle weakness and tiredness which is getting worse all

> the time. In fact I feel I no longer have any quality of life. My

> last cholestrol reading was 4.2 and I am only on 10mg a day of

> Lipitor.I have a blood test every 6 months but the doctor only seems

> to look at the cholestrol level. When I complain about the pain they

> put it down to the OA I have in my knees but I am not convinced. I

> feel when I complain they are thinking " Oh no, another patient with

> imagination " but I have a low tolerance with most drugs which I

> think they should take into consideration. For example at one stage

> I was given Prozac because the British medical association was

> saying try it for pain .......I only took two tablets (at different

> times) and was rushed to hospital for a week and was told never to

> take them again.

> I am going to go through all the messages on the group and see if

> there is anything I can help myself with like diet, etc.

> Thank you for letting me join this group.

> .




> ------------------------------------



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Welcome to the group.

You did the right thing joining this group. Here you will find others

who have gone thru the same or similar experience as you. You will

also find understanding here.

You will also learn much from others about cholesterol, why it is

important for good health, and the truth about statin drugs and why

they are really prescribed.

This group has been a real blessing to me. Anything I can do to help,

or answer questions, just ask.

Bobby Olson

Tyler Texas


> Hi, I am a new member and eager for information about other peoples

> reactions to statins. I have been on them for a few years now -

> first of all Simvastitin and now Lipitor and for the last twelve

> months have being going through hell with pains in my legs,


> in my legs, muscle weakness and tiredness which is getting worse


> the time. In fact I feel I no longer have any quality of life. My

> last cholestrol reading was 4.2 and I am only on 10mg a day of

> Lipitor.I have a blood test every 6 months but the doctor only


> to look at the cholestrol level. When I complain about the pain


> put it down to the OA I have in my knees but I am not convinced. I

> feel when I complain they are thinking " Oh no, another patient with

> imagination " but I have a low tolerance with most drugs which I

> think they should take into consideration. For example at one stage

> I was given Prozac because the British medical association was

> saying try it for pain .......I only took two tablets (at different

> times) and was rushed to hospital for a week and was told never to

> take them again.

> I am going to go through all the messages on the group and see if

> there is anything I can help myself with like diet, etc.

> Thank you for letting me join this group.

> .


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  • 2 months later...
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From: stewart2177979 <stewart2177979@...>Subject: New Member Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 11:26 PM

Hello to all. My name is and I am a 43yr old white male from Lincoln, Nebraska. I am legally blind and I have spastic Cerebral Palsy. I am a Christian and am involved in prison ministry.

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Hi my name is . I am 23 visually impaired with spastic cerebral palsy. This is a great group to be with they are alway here to listen when you need an ear \


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Kimberley

It must be great being in the medical field yourself, you must have a much

better understanding of what's going on with our kids. The rest of us are still

trying to get to grips with all the medical jargon etc!

With regard to you question about why so many people choose T & A when there are

no guaranteed results, I thought I'd give you my opinion seeing that our

daughter Emma went through the T & A and has been fever free ever since (March

2008). Of course we have no guarantee that the fevers will stay away forever.

But right now we are grateful for every fever-free day, month, year!

To us trying cimetidine, singulair or all the other options wasn't acceptable as

we were not happy to medicate our daughter every day for years, even if there

are few side effects. The amount of fever reducing medication she would take

every month to keep the fevers under control was also not a long-term option we

could live with. We felt more comfortable taking the (in our opinion relatively

small) risk of a routine operation. Having said that - it wasn't a decision that

came lightly. I think we just got desperate seeing her so unwell every month and

in the end more often once we used Prednisone (which again I hatet putting into

her little body on such a regular basis). For us the T & A was the best thing we

ever did for our daughter, even if the fevers were to return tomorrow. I will

never regret it. Not only are the fevers gone but she is so much happier and

healthier in general, than before and has grown and developed like never before.

Emma was 32 months at the time of her operation, and had been fevering since she

was 11 months old.

Having said all the above, I do understand parents like you, who find elective

surgery too high a risk to take. Maybe it's even harder for someone like you,

who knows 'too much' about what can go wrong. Perhaps we were a little naive

just assuming there would be no complications. Maybe we were just lucky.

The reason there are so many parents on this board who opt for a T & A I believe

is because of the success stories they read about on this board. I'm not saying

that's right or wrong as this still doesn't give guarantees and there are

families on this board for whom the T & A did not work, but I think we just all

want to feel we have tried everything in our power, even surgery, to make our

little ones better.

I wish you all the best on your journey and hope you find a solution that works

for you, and your daughter.

Take care


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Welcome! You have found a great group to pull some valuable info.

As far as the T & A goes, I would venture to say dozens and dozens of people on

this site alone have gone this route, with very few people not getting permanant

or near permanant results. I think alot of the people who had the T & A and no

longer have fevers, rarely post. There certainly are people who it did not work

for, but I certainly would not categorize that as the overwheming majority, or

even close to it.

My son, who is turning 3 on May 11 had his T & A back on May 19, 2008 and has been

fever & symptom free since-we are excited to celebrate a year of no ! We

had one virus (I think) back in February that caused a really high fever, but

other than that, this was the only fever he has experienced.

The T & A not only cured the fevers, but my son experienced a host of other

benefits, included a huge and almost immediate increase in energy, lower sleep

requirements, change in skin coloring (from pale with dark circles to a healthy

looking flush), and an increase in appetite and weight gain. I can think of no

downside to the surgery, other than an expected recovery period.

Good Luck!

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