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Hey I sorry, didn't mean harm..honestly..but it's so fun, I have forrgotten food on the stove ('puters in kitchen) much to the dismay of my husband..Kathy Bsuzie <suzieandsandy@...> wrote:

It's all your fault. Someone mentioned Jewel Quest last week so I had to check it out. By the time the free hour was up, I was hopelessly addicted. Now I'm trying to work through it, I hope to be finished with the withdrawel by ......... 2006 or so.

Did I tell you I saw the surgeon on Monday?? He's setting up a laprascopic biopsy probably in February, which should be just in time for the Disability hearing. Now if I can only get the specialist to file a report I might finally get this over with.

Suziekathy brunow <kathy-boo@...> wrote:

Oh my God, another one bites the dust...They are hooked, it's like reefer madness.Oh no protect us, no help is in sight...Kathy B..suzie <suzieandsandy@...> wrote:

What she said - it's the e-mail Bermuda Tringle. Of course there's also the fact that I got myself a present on Saturday - I bought Jewel Quest & have been pleasently occupied ever since. I'll try to get my brain out of Mayan Mexico for a while.

Suziekathy brunow <kathy-boo@...> wrote:

Liz I have posted a couple of times and personally feel that there is a place that sucks up e amils...KBLiz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

How come everyone is being so quiet? Stuff going on? Don't forget we're here. We love you.

Take care of yourself,


Kathy Brunow

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Steve,

I tried to e-mail you to your personal e-mail address and it did not work so

I will send this to you through the group. I have been in Florida the last

couple weeks and just received your request for raw milk. Looking at my

map, I do not see anybody close to you in Mora or in Sturgeon Lake but there

is somebody in Carlton Mn. if you would be willing to go a little further

north. This gal, along with her family, make raw cheese so although she

does not advertise selling raw milk, I would think she probably uses her own

source of raw milk. I would ask her if she would be willing to sell it to

you that way. The name of the farm is Green Pastures Dairy Inc. and the

number is (218) 384-4513. The website is www.greenpasturesdairy.com Good

luck and let me know if it works out for you. Jane Frieler





> Hi,


> I am new to this board. I have been interested in diet all of my life

> and have tried many different ones. I have never really stuck with

> one which may be a good thing considering how bad some of the past

> and present diet fads have been. I've been reading about Weston

> Price for a year or two now and have been changing my diet to get

> closer to his principles. I have recently moved to a small farm and

> have been starting to raise some livestock. This is a part time

> thing for me and does require some commuting as my day job is an hour

> away. My inspiration for making the jump was the book about real

> milk by Ron Schmid. Up until a few weeks ago I had access to raw

> goats milk from a neighbor. Now I am looking for a source of raw

> cows milk. I am actually looking to buy a good milk cow. This is

> harder to do than I realized.


> I have been looking through some posts here and find them very

> interesting and look forward to part of this group.












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  • 1 month later...


WOW, I was where you are just a few short weeks ago. Our DS will be 4 in Mar,

same issues, I thought he was " normal " just a little delayed, but as I have

been watching and learning about ASD I am seeing how much we didnt notice with

him. My oldest before him is almost 11, so it has been a while since I have

been around a 3/4 y/o and didnt realize just how delayed he was.

DH had a really hard time with it in the beginning. He is finally just coming

around. But it is hard...I think especially for men to admit there is

something wrong with one of their sons.

I have read a lot online & a couple books have been helpful. I thin one was

called " parents everything you need to know guide about autism " or something

like that...also, " overcoming autism, " and " cant eat, wont eat " . Some of the

things I have read dont really apply as much, but ASD is such a wide spectrum,

that there is a lot to cover.

I think it takes men longer initially, but, at least in our experience, I have

had a harder time in the long run, emotionally. I think I took it up on myself

to " get the ball rolling " and jump into eval, and set up interventions, etc.

But there are times when I just break down. I process the emotional part of it

bit by bit. The book " overcoming autism " is helpful in some of that too.

Our sons are fortunate that they will have intervention at such a young age,

before school. Apparently it helps quite a bit. I also think it helps in the

way I deal with DS too, I know that he doenst understand some thing that I

used to just think he was ignoring or being defiant about. Believe it or not,

it has helped me be a lot more patient with him.

Please feel free to email me, you are not alone! This is a great list!





>===== Original Message From Corinne Zemliak <czemliak@...> =====


>My name is Corinne, I live in the LA area of California. We have 2 boys,

Zachary who is 6 and Zander who is 3 1/2. Zander was just diagnosed with High

Functioning Autism. My husband is having a hard time with it. He doesn't

understand what it is, or what to do with it. I work in the medical field,

and understand a little bit about it, and see how he fits the criteria, but

am a bit shocked to say the least. I took him to the developmental specialist

becase I thougth something was wrong, but I was not sure what it could be. I

was expecting her to tell me that there was absolutly nothing wrong with him

and that he was a normal 3 year old who has speech delay and some sensory

issues. Other than that leave the child alone!

>Well, I didn't get what I wanted. I know he will be fine, and that he will

be able to be mainstreamed into regular classes by the time he is ready, but

it is strange anyway. By the way we were diagnosed on Friday, so still in


>I think I am just looking for a place for some support, so anything would be



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hi Corinne...

welcome to the group. I remember the feeling "not MY child!" It takes a while to get a grip on the reality of the situation. But rest assured that no one loves Zander more than you and your hubby...and although he may have more struggles than Zachary as he grows up, he'll have a loving family there to help support him through it all. Until then, start reading all you can about it and talk with other parents (us!) who have gone through it already...all that knowledge will help you. Sounds like you have a good developmental specialist already. Keep sharing with us.....



-----Original Message-----From: Corinne Zemliak [mailto:czemliak@...] Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 10:15 AMAutism and Aspergers Treatment Subject: hello


My name is Corinne, I live in the LA area of California. We have 2 boys, Zachary who is 6 and Zander who is 3 1/2. Zander was just diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. My husband is having a hard time with it. He doesn't understand what it is, or what to do with it. I work in the medical field, and understand a little bit about it, and see how he fits the criteria, but am a bit shocked to say the least. I took him to the developmental specialist becase I thougth something was wrong, but I was not sure what it could be. I was expecting her to tell me that there was absolutly nothing wrong with him and that he was a normal 3 year old who has speech delay and some sensory issues. Other than that leave the child alone!

Well, I didn't get what I wanted. I know he will be fine, and that he will be able to be mainstreamed into regular classes by the time he is ready, but it is strange anyway. By the way we were diagnosed on Friday, so still in shock.

I think I am just looking for a place for some support, so anything would be appreciated.


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Thank you Maralee, I really appreciate it!Maralee <mparker72@...> wrote:

hi Corinne...

welcome to the group. I remember the feeling "not MY child!" It takes a while to get a grip on the reality of the situation. But rest assured that no one loves Zander more than you and your hubby...and although he may have more struggles than Zachary as he grows up, he'll have a loving family there to help support him through it all. Until then, start reading all you can about it and talk with other parents (us!) who have gone through it already...all that knowledge will help you. Sounds like you have a good developmental specialist already. Keep sharing with us.....



-----Original Message-----From: Corinne Zemliak [mailto:czemliak@...] Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 10:15 AMAutism and Aspergers Treatment Subject: hello


My name is Corinne, I live in the LA area of California. We have 2 boys, Zachary who is 6 and Zander who is 3 1/2. Zander was just diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. My husband is having a hard time with it. He doesn't understand what it is, or what to do with it. I work in the medical field, and understand a little bit about it, and see how he fits the criteria, but am a bit shocked to say the least. I took him to the developmental specialist becase I thougth something was wrong, but I was not sure what it could be. I was expecting her to tell me that there was absolutly nothing wrong with him and that he was a normal 3 year old who has speech delay and some sensory issues. Other than that leave the child alone!

Well, I didn't get what I wanted. I know he will be fine, and that he will be able to be mainstreamed into regular classes by the time he is ready, but it is strange anyway. By the way we were diagnosed on Friday, so still in shock.

I think I am just looking for a place for some support, so anything would be appreciated.


Corinne Zemliak





(818)268-5637 Cell MSN IM: corinnezemliak@... IM: czemliak@... AOL IM :corinnezemliak@...

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Your story sounds exactly like mine! I thought the dr. would just

tell me my ds had separation anxiety, he would grow out of it, etc.

My dh had a very hard time with it all. Stick with your intuition.

Almost 2 years after my ds was diagnosed my dh thanked me to sticking

to my guns about the diagnosis and insisting he get the help he

needed. It takes time. It also helped my dh a lot to meet other

kids with a similar diagnosis, as well as really seeing my ds in

social situations with NT kids and seeing the differences and


Good luck, the shock will wear off. You are on the right track to

getting your son help.

Anne, Mom to Jack, 7.3, AS, DSI, ADD

> Hello,

> My name is Corinne, I live in the LA area of California. We have 2

boys, Zachary who is 6 and Zander who is 3 1/2. Zander was just

diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. My husband is having a hard

time with it. He doesn't understand what it is, or what to do with

it. I work in the medical field, and understand a little bit about

it, and see how he fits the criteria, but am a bit shocked to say the

least. I took him to the developmental specialist becase I thougth

something was wrong, but I was not sure what it could be. I was

expecting her to tell me that there was absolutly nothing wrong with

him and that he was a normal 3 year old who has speech delay and some

sensory issues. Other than that leave the child alone!

> Well, I didn't get what I wanted. I know he will be fine, and that

he will be able to be mainstreamed into regular classes by the time

he is ready, but it is strange anyway. By the way we were diagnosed

on Friday, so still in shock.

> I think I am just looking for a place for some support, so anything

would be appreciated.

> Corinne

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Hi, Corinne

I could have written your post just a few months ago...it was only November, but feels like ages ago already. We took 4 ds to the ped for what we thought was sensory integration disorder, expecting a referral to occupational therapy. Instead, he felt we were dealing with an autism spectrum disorder; we ended up referred to a ped neuro, who did a few rule-out tests and dx'd ds with autism..high-functioning, but nonetheless, autism, a word we'd *never* even considered. I have a medical background, and this still surprised me, but the more I read, the more I saw my son in the definitions. Dh had a hard time -- said he didn't agree, didn't want the label, etc., but as time has gone on, he's researched on his own, gone to doctor's appts with me, and agreed with me to work with the school district (and maybe the regional center, depending on what the school district provides) as well as agreeing eventually that this isn't just some quirks. Ds is very verbal, advanced in speech, but socially, he has issues...in addition to lots of other non-speech-related and social issues. (His obsessions, rigidity, and tantrums can be really disruptive.) So, I guess what I'm saying is that your feelings, and that of your dh, seem typical from what I've seen -- doesn't make it any easier to deal with, but you're not alone. It sinks in, and gets easier to at least move forward with.




My name is Corinne, I live in the LA area of California. We have 2 boys, Zachary who is 6 and Zander who is 3 1/2. Zander was just diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. My husband is having a hard time with it. He doesn't understand what it is, or what to do with it. I work in the medical field, and understand a little bit about it, and see how he fits the criteria, but am a bit shocked to say the least. I took him to the developmental specialist becase I thougth something was wrong, but I was not sure what it could be. I was expecting her to tell me that there was absolutly nothing wrong with him and that he was a normal 3 year old who has speech delay and some sensory issues. Other than that leave the child alone!

Well, I didn't get what I wanted. I know he will be fine, and that he will be able to be mainstreamed into regular classes by the time he is ready, but it is strange anyway. By the way we were diagnosed on Friday, so still in shock.

I think I am just looking for a place for some support, so anything would be appreciated.


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In a message dated 1/28/2005 1:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

janmarie21@... writes:

> since the board is so quiet figure you are all out shovelling snow!

Keyboard's frozen and my mouse is hibernating. The wind chill here this

morning is 10 below and falling. I went out briefly to put out the trash and

thought my fingers would fall off. Liam will be keeping me company because this

wind chill is no good for his lungs and his blood sugars are bouncing yesterday

and today.

As uncomfortable as too much sun can be, I prefer it to frostbite! Have a

nice weekend.

Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)

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In a message dated 1/28/2005 1:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

janmarie21@... writes:

> since the board is so quiet figure you are all out shovelling snow!

Keyboard's frozen and my mouse is hibernating. The wind chill here this

morning is 10 below and falling. I went out briefly to put out the trash and

thought my fingers would fall off. Liam will be keeping me company because this

wind chill is no good for his lungs and his blood sugars are bouncing yesterday

and today.

As uncomfortable as too much sun can be, I prefer it to frostbite! Have a

nice weekend.

Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)

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In a message dated 1/28/2005 8:46:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,

lisa@... writes:

> Been married for 10 years today........going out to movies while friends

> watch the kids next weekend ( after I get paid with more overtime :) )



Happy Anniversary Leis!

Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)

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In a message dated 1/28/2005 8:46:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,

lisa@... writes:

> Been married for 10 years today........going out to movies while friends

> watch the kids next weekend ( after I get paid with more overtime :) )



Happy Anniversary Leis!

Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)

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Man I tell ya - I wish you would send some snow this way. We are having

very hot weather right now- and today was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO muggy- very

unusual for South Australia. So hot you can't let kids play

outside.......yesterday was 38 degrees here which is close to ,if not

more than 100 degrees F ( and yes I have a conversion web poage , I just

couldnt be bothered to look right now :) )

Typical- do my washing and it rains 2 nights in a row- on the days where

I Am working 3 days in a row- so its not like I can fold washing during

the day till Sunday...........s law strikes again- and we all know

how much trouble some men have just watching kids , let alone trying to

do extra chores :) but hey- me no complain.....at least I have the

" luxury " of a hubby to watch the kids while I Work........

Me huge complain about $600 car fix bill tho :( first time I get

overtime in AGES and it is ALL spent on the freaking car- oh well- at

leats we had it to spend I suppose.............

Been married for 10 years today........going out to movies while friends

watch the kids next weekend ( after I get paid with more overtime :) )

Mom2lfm@... wrote:

>In a message dated 1/28/2005 1:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>janmarie21@... writes:





>>since the board is so quiet figure you are all out shovelling snow!




>Keyboard's frozen and my mouse is hibernating. The wind chill here this

>morning is 10 below and falling. I went out briefly to put out the trash and

>thought my fingers would fall off. Liam will be keeping me company because


>wind chill is no good for his lungs and his blood sugars are bouncing yesterday

>and today.


>As uncomfortable as too much sun can be, I prefer it to frostbite! Have a

>nice weekend.

>Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)




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Man I tell ya - I wish you would send some snow this way. We are having

very hot weather right now- and today was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO muggy- very

unusual for South Australia. So hot you can't let kids play

outside.......yesterday was 38 degrees here which is close to ,if not

more than 100 degrees F ( and yes I have a conversion web poage , I just

couldnt be bothered to look right now :) )

Typical- do my washing and it rains 2 nights in a row- on the days where

I Am working 3 days in a row- so its not like I can fold washing during

the day till Sunday...........s law strikes again- and we all know

how much trouble some men have just watching kids , let alone trying to

do extra chores :) but hey- me no complain.....at least I have the

" luxury " of a hubby to watch the kids while I Work........

Me huge complain about $600 car fix bill tho :( first time I get

overtime in AGES and it is ALL spent on the freaking car- oh well- at

leats we had it to spend I suppose.............

Been married for 10 years today........going out to movies while friends

watch the kids next weekend ( after I get paid with more overtime :) )

Mom2lfm@... wrote:

>In a message dated 1/28/2005 1:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>janmarie21@... writes:





>>since the board is so quiet figure you are all out shovelling snow!




>Keyboard's frozen and my mouse is hibernating. The wind chill here this

>morning is 10 below and falling. I went out briefly to put out the trash and

>thought my fingers would fall off. Liam will be keeping me company because


>wind chill is no good for his lungs and his blood sugars are bouncing yesterday

>and today.


>As uncomfortable as too much sun can be, I prefer it to frostbite! Have a

>nice weekend.

>Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)




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Happy Anniversary Leis!!!!

Sharon H.

Mom to , (13, DS) and , (9)

South Carolina

Re: Hello

Man I tell ya - I wish you would send some snow this way. We are having

very hot weather right now- and today was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO muggy- very

unusual for South Australia. So hot you can't let kids play

outside.......yesterday was 38 degrees here which is close to ,if not

more than 100 degrees F ( and yes I have a conversion web poage , I just

couldnt be bothered to look right now :) )

Typical- do my washing and it rains 2 nights in a row- on the days where

I Am working 3 days in a row- so its not like I can fold washing during

the day till Sunday...........s law strikes again- and we all know

how much trouble some men have just watching kids , let alone trying to

do extra chores :) but hey- me no complain.....at least I have the

" luxury " of a hubby to watch the kids while I Work........

Me huge complain about $600 car fix bill tho :( first time I get

overtime in AGES and it is ALL spent on the freaking car- oh well- at

leats we had it to spend I suppose.............

Been married for 10 years today........going out to movies while friends

watch the kids next weekend ( after I get paid with more overtime :) )

Mom2lfm@... wrote:

>In a message dated 1/28/2005 1:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>janmarie21@... writes:





>>since the board is so quiet figure you are all out shovelling snow!




>Keyboard's frozen and my mouse is hibernating. The wind chill here this

>morning is 10 below and falling. I went out briefly to put out the trash and

>thought my fingers would fall off. Liam will be keeping me company because


>wind chill is no good for his lungs and his blood sugars are bouncing


>and today.


>As uncomfortable as too much sun can be, I prefer it to frostbite! Have a

>nice weekend.

>Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)




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Happy Anniversary Leis!!!!

Sharon H.

Mom to , (13, DS) and , (9)

South Carolina

Re: Hello

Man I tell ya - I wish you would send some snow this way. We are having

very hot weather right now- and today was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO muggy- very

unusual for South Australia. So hot you can't let kids play

outside.......yesterday was 38 degrees here which is close to ,if not

more than 100 degrees F ( and yes I have a conversion web poage , I just

couldnt be bothered to look right now :) )

Typical- do my washing and it rains 2 nights in a row- on the days where

I Am working 3 days in a row- so its not like I can fold washing during

the day till Sunday...........s law strikes again- and we all know

how much trouble some men have just watching kids , let alone trying to

do extra chores :) but hey- me no complain.....at least I have the

" luxury " of a hubby to watch the kids while I Work........

Me huge complain about $600 car fix bill tho :( first time I get

overtime in AGES and it is ALL spent on the freaking car- oh well- at

leats we had it to spend I suppose.............

Been married for 10 years today........going out to movies while friends

watch the kids next weekend ( after I get paid with more overtime :) )

Mom2lfm@... wrote:

>In a message dated 1/28/2005 1:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>janmarie21@... writes:





>>since the board is so quiet figure you are all out shovelling snow!




>Keyboard's frozen and my mouse is hibernating. The wind chill here this

>morning is 10 below and falling. I went out briefly to put out the trash and

>thought my fingers would fall off. Liam will be keeping me company because


>wind chill is no good for his lungs and his blood sugars are bouncing


>and today.


>As uncomfortable as too much sun can be, I prefer it to frostbite! Have a

>nice weekend.

>Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)




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I'm writing this from my classroom this morning. I am a floater, so I have been

in a total of 3 classrooms so far today. Each one is only 55 degrees! I can

barely move my fingers to type this! Horrible working conditions......horrible

learning conditions! I must get out of this urban school. It's the worst and

the least paying!

Jackie, Mom to 17ds, 14, and Bradley 11

-------------- Original message --------------


> In a message dated 1/28/2005 1:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> janmarie21@... writes:



> > since the board is so quiet figure you are all out shovelling snow!


> Keyboard's frozen and my mouse is hibernating. The wind chill here this

> morning is 10 below and falling. I went out briefly to put out the trash and

> thought my fingers would fall off. Liam will be keeping me company because


> wind chill is no good for his lungs and his blood sugars are bouncing


> and today.


> As uncomfortable as too much sun can be, I prefer it to frostbite! Have a

> nice weekend.

> Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)




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I'm writing this from my classroom this morning. I am a floater, so I have been

in a total of 3 classrooms so far today. Each one is only 55 degrees! I can

barely move my fingers to type this! Horrible working conditions......horrible

learning conditions! I must get out of this urban school. It's the worst and

the least paying!

Jackie, Mom to 17ds, 14, and Bradley 11

-------------- Original message --------------


> In a message dated 1/28/2005 1:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> janmarie21@... writes:



> > since the board is so quiet figure you are all out shovelling snow!


> Keyboard's frozen and my mouse is hibernating. The wind chill here this

> morning is 10 below and falling. I went out briefly to put out the trash and

> thought my fingers would fall off. Liam will be keeping me company because


> wind chill is no good for his lungs and his blood sugars are bouncing


> and today.


> As uncomfortable as too much sun can be, I prefer it to frostbite! Have a

> nice weekend.

> Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)




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Yeah the temps here dropped substainstially- into the single digits!

It was a rough week on the east coast of the USA- lots of shoveling- hard

walking around, few paths for people like amanda (and connie, LOL) who have

trouble walking in high snow and with the temps so low, everything was pretty


Its nice to know that on the other half of the world the sun is hot and

shinning- that should keep me going...

also, puter was out for 3 days, so I have withdrawal from that too.

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Yeah the temps here dropped substainstially- into the single digits!

It was a rough week on the east coast of the USA- lots of shoveling- hard

walking around, few paths for people like amanda (and connie, LOL) who have

trouble walking in high snow and with the temps so low, everything was pretty


Its nice to know that on the other half of the world the sun is hot and

shinning- that should keep me going...

also, puter was out for 3 days, so I have withdrawal from that too.

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Congrats on the 10 years!

(mom to Bridget 11)

Re: Hello

Man I tell ya - I wish you would send some snow this way. We are having

very hot weather right now- and today was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO muggy- very

unusual for South Australia. So hot you can't let kids play

outside.......yesterday was 38 degrees here which is close to ,if not

more than 100 degrees F ( and yes I have a conversion web poage , I just

couldnt be bothered to look right now :) )

Typical- do my washing and it rains 2 nights in a row- on the days where

I Am working 3 days in a row- so its not like I can fold washing during

the day till Sunday...........s law strikes again- and we all know

how much trouble some men have just watching kids , let alone trying to

do extra chores :) but hey- me no complain.....at least I have the

" luxury " of a hubby to watch the kids while I Work........

Me huge complain about $600 car fix bill tho :( first time I get

overtime in AGES and it is ALL spent on the freaking car- oh well- at

leats we had it to spend I suppose.............

Been married for 10 years today........going out to movies while friends

watch the kids next weekend ( after I get paid with more overtime :) )

Mom2lfm@... wrote:

>In a message dated 1/28/2005 1:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>janmarie21@... writes:





>>since the board is so quiet figure you are all out shovelling snow!




>Keyboard's frozen and my mouse is hibernating. The wind chill here this

>morning is 10 below and falling. I went out briefly to put out the trash and

>thought my fingers would fall off. Liam will be keeping me company because


>wind chill is no good for his lungs and his blood sugars are bouncing


>and today.


>As uncomfortable as too much sun can be, I prefer it to frostbite! Have a

>nice weekend.

>Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)




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Congrats on the 10 years!

(mom to Bridget 11)

Re: Hello

Man I tell ya - I wish you would send some snow this way. We are having

very hot weather right now- and today was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO muggy- very

unusual for South Australia. So hot you can't let kids play

outside.......yesterday was 38 degrees here which is close to ,if not

more than 100 degrees F ( and yes I have a conversion web poage , I just

couldnt be bothered to look right now :) )

Typical- do my washing and it rains 2 nights in a row- on the days where

I Am working 3 days in a row- so its not like I can fold washing during

the day till Sunday...........s law strikes again- and we all know

how much trouble some men have just watching kids , let alone trying to

do extra chores :) but hey- me no complain.....at least I have the

" luxury " of a hubby to watch the kids while I Work........

Me huge complain about $600 car fix bill tho :( first time I get

overtime in AGES and it is ALL spent on the freaking car- oh well- at

leats we had it to spend I suppose.............

Been married for 10 years today........going out to movies while friends

watch the kids next weekend ( after I get paid with more overtime :) )

Mom2lfm@... wrote:

>In a message dated 1/28/2005 1:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>janmarie21@... writes:





>>since the board is so quiet figure you are all out shovelling snow!




>Keyboard's frozen and my mouse is hibernating. The wind chill here this

>morning is 10 below and falling. I went out briefly to put out the trash and

>thought my fingers would fall off. Liam will be keeping me company because


>wind chill is no good for his lungs and his blood sugars are bouncing


>and today.


>As uncomfortable as too much sun can be, I prefer it to frostbite! Have a

>nice weekend.

>Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)




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We just got back from a really cute interactive show. It was hosted by our local

DS Interest Group. A friend of mine wrote and puts on these shows. It's called

Mermaidia. She tells a story and everyone gets an acting part. It was really

cute and fun and afterwards everyone makes a mermaid (or merman or mercat)

puppet. All the kids (and parents) did really well. Nic was a shark. Everyone

get a prop it use.

It's still very cold here but predicting a balmy 44 later this week.


Re: Hello

In a message dated 1/28/2005 1:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

janmarie21@... writes:

> since the board is so quiet figure you are all out shovelling snow!

Keyboard's frozen and my mouse is hibernating. The wind chill here this

morning is 10 below and falling. I went out briefly to put out the trash and

thought my fingers would fall off. Liam will be keeping me company because


wind chill is no good for his lungs and his blood sugars are bouncing


and today.

As uncomfortable as too much sun can be, I prefer it to frostbite! Have a

nice weekend.

Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)

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We just got back from a really cute interactive show. It was hosted by our local

DS Interest Group. A friend of mine wrote and puts on these shows. It's called

Mermaidia. She tells a story and everyone gets an acting part. It was really

cute and fun and afterwards everyone makes a mermaid (or merman or mercat)

puppet. All the kids (and parents) did really well. Nic was a shark. Everyone

get a prop it use.

It's still very cold here but predicting a balmy 44 later this week.


Re: Hello

In a message dated 1/28/2005 1:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

janmarie21@... writes:

> since the board is so quiet figure you are all out shovelling snow!

Keyboard's frozen and my mouse is hibernating. The wind chill here this

morning is 10 below and falling. I went out briefly to put out the trash and

thought my fingers would fall off. Liam will be keeping me company because


wind chill is no good for his lungs and his blood sugars are bouncing


and today.

As uncomfortable as too much sun can be, I prefer it to frostbite! Have a

nice weekend.

Kathy, Liam's Mom (6)

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