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Oh Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie! You don't have any idea of how hard it is for me

to keep it short! It's NOT in my nature when I write. OK, or when I talk!

I've had people actually put things in my hands whan I talk, to shut me up.

Yep, I talk with my hands. When I write letters or emails, friends call them

novels. I just can't figure out how people can write just a line or 2 with no

problems. It really is WORK for me to keep it short, I explain things to

death! It's so nice to see and know I'm not the only one with this problem :)


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I got my first packet of probiotics from a small health-food store in Colorado

Springs. I was there on a business trip and thus had no refrigerator, so I paid

more to get some that were room-temperature stable. The information for them is:

Country Life (brand)


AM/PM Complete probiotic System

AM Supports immune and digestive function

PM supports elimination and digestive function

AM - take 2 capsules for a total of 3.5 billion probiotic blend

PM - take 2 capsules for a total of 2.4 billion colony forming units

package had a 28-day supply, tablets are individually sealed and

room-temperature stable -- I think this packet cost me $25-$30????

I very quickly started noticing good things from the above, took it for 2 weeks

(saving 2-weeks worth for our vacation to CA starting 9/28).

When I got back and once again had access to a refrigerator, I went to Central

market (I'm sure that a Whole Foods or most health-food stores would carry

similar) and bought:

Nature's Way (brand)


1 capsule = 2.9 billion lactobacillus micro-organisms

Intestinal release (specially coated so that the stomach doesn't digest and kill

the micro-organisms -- apparently they need to be active in the intestine -- I

think this is an important feature to look for)

take 1 capsule/day, then eventually increase to 3 capsules/day

The bottle had 180 capsules, I think it cost about $15???

Each of the above was a blend of several micro-organisms, I'm not listing them

here -- I don't know one from the other, have to assume the makers have studied

this and are combining carefully.

When I was at Central Market, I found perhaps 10 varieties of the stuff (at

least in the refrigerated area, don't know how many room-temp stable varieties

there were) -- tried to make an informed choice, but I really don't know enough

about the stuff. In Colorado Springs, the man who owned the store was studying

to become a " natural doctor/nutritionist??) -- this was his second career, and

he seemed quite knowledgeable -- but at CM the young man who waited on me had

little information..... So if you can find a store with a knowledgeable person,

I would pick his/her brains!

A while back I took acidophillus, didn't bother to refrigerate it -- and it was

a powder so I really didn't take it all that often -- have the feeling that it

didn't do me much good at all....

Anyway, hope this helps!


Re: Re: Hi everyone

OK Bonnie dear, question for ya. Where do you get your probiotics at? Is is

a perscription or OTC {over the counter} thing? My daughter had IBS, and I'm

wondering if that would help her?


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Hi Kiki,

Unfortunately, my mother is 83 and her health is failing -- and she is still

recovering from my father's long, painful death -- she knows that she should

find new doctors but doesn't have the energy to do so. I pop in to visit her

perhaps 2-3 times a year, can't do a lot yet (but we are planning to move close

to her in 2 years - LOL!).

I research her meds for her, and try to bully her into making changes -- but I

very much think that a lot of doctors who treat the elderly are quite

unconcerned about their health -- they just want their Medicare payments....

When my father was dying, he was on so many meds, many of them counter-active --

when I researched it and brought it to one of his (many) doctors, the attitude

was that his health was failing, so why worry -- yet this same doctor refused to

prescribe narcotics at the end (my father might get addicted!!). I maintain that

the doctors added to his misery, rather than alleviating it -- and another

soapbox of mine is, why extend a life when the quality of life is poor?

And of course, I think that his 30 years of type-2 diabetes was totally

mis-handled by the medical profession. Dad was always a very slender, muscular

man (labor), so he was never put on any diet --simply told to cut back on the

white sugar but allowed as much white flour, white potatoes (his mother was

Irish! -- they had a potato cellar when he was young), fruit (bananas and

raisins were his favorites), and doughnuts (2 a day will not hurt him....),

etc.; and cut out all fats. Some of this was because of doctors not

understanding the insulin/carbohydrate response, but some was laziness on their

parts -- and my parents absolutely believed whatever a doctor told them!

I really dread the time when my health begins to fail and I'm at the mercy of

uncaring doctors -- hopefully, I've got another good 20 years or so, but


I could keep going on and on and on.....


Re: Re: Hi everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 4:07:54 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

bmathis@... writes:

(he said yesterday that he didn't " have time " to prescribe one that would

work for her, he'd look at that possibility late Sept. at her next appt! --

EXCUSE ME!!!! He DIDN'T have time to perscribe something that would work!!!!

OK< I'd be finding a new Dr FAST. There's NO excuse for that. He's being

WELL paid for his services. Uh ohhhhhhhhhh, I think I'm joining you on your

soap box Bonnie...


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I totally agree, Bonnie. Hugs Connie :-)

Re: Re: Hi everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 8:02:10 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

I gave up my hollow when I had kids

I VAGUELY remember having something like that...ROTFL


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I LOVE hearing from you KIKI, Just your name makes me smile, KIKi sounds

like sunshine> Hugs Connie :-)

Re: Re: Hi Everyone

HAHAHA Connie! You can never talk to much :) And I think I do a pretty


job at keeping up with you! I wonder if that's why we don't hear form


the others on the list, cuz WE'RE {You, me, Bonnie, both s, did I


anyone?} always talking. No one else can get a word in...LOL Hey Dar,

can ya

keep up?


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It just breaks my heart reading this. I'm so sorry your father went through all

this. I pray that you in your incredible wisdom will not ever have to deal with

the same type of treatment.

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Re: Re: Hi everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 4:07:54 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

bmathis@... writes:

(he said yesterday that he didn't " have time " to prescribe one that would

work for her, he'd look at that possibility late Sept. at her next appt! --

EXCUSE ME!!!! He DIDN'T have time to perscribe something that would work!!!!

OK< I'd be finding a new Dr FAST. There's NO excuse for that. He's being

WELL paid for his services. Uh ohhhhhhhhhh, I think I'm joining you on your

soap box Bonnie...


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I went online and ordered it. It was only 12.00 a bottle. I'm going to see if

I have any success with it. You said that the Country Life brand didn't need to

be refrigerated right? I think I was poisoning myself on the one I bought. I

bought it from the health food store's refrigerated section yet left it on the

counter. I threw it out!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Re: Re: Hi everyone

OK Bonnie dear, question for ya. Where do you get your probiotics at? Is is

a perscription or OTC {over the counter} thing? My daughter had IBS, and I'm

wondering if that would help her?


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Hi Kiki, Sometimes I have depression, do you have any suggestions for

that " a natural " ? Connie :-)

Re: Re: Hi everyone

I'm a firm believer in herbs and natural! I've been put on drugs for a

'mental' problem, but they only work so long and then you have to go

stronger. I

was on VERY strong meds and I just didn't like feeling no emotion, not


about anything. I've got an arsenal of natural products now that seem

to be

working and I actually feel emotions! I'm on who refuses to believe as


would have us, that they are gods and know everything and drugs are the

way to go!

It's all a guessing game...


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I imagine that if you got it online, either it's non-refrigerator-dependent

(how's that for a word?) or it'll be delivered in an ice-pack....

If you got the same stuff that I did (Daily-Dophillus) then it definitely

doesn't need refrigeration. However, mine came in a paper box with 4 blister

packets, each divded into 28 individual compartments, each with a capsule --

very well packaged for traveling....

I doubt that you poisoned yourself with your old stuff -- but all the

micro-organisms may have been dead and thus not doing you any good...


Re: Re: Hi everyone


I went online and ordered it. It was only 12.00 a bottle. I'm going to see if

I have any success with it. You said that the Country Life brand didn't need to

be refrigerated right? I think I was poisoning myself on the one I bought. I

bought it from the health food store's refrigerated section yet left it on the

counter. I threw it out!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Re: Re: Hi everyone

OK Bonnie dear, question for ya. Where do you get your probiotics at? Is is

a perscription or OTC {over the counter} thing? My daughter had IBS, and I'm

wondering if that would help her?


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Definitely filet migion!!! Connie :-)

Re: Re: Hi Everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 6:52:19 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

What am I ... chopped liver? :P

Oh my stars Jenni!!! How could I have left YOU off the list!!! Can you


forgive me? What can I do to make this up to you? LOL Well I feel


dumb right now. Ummmm, and no, you aren't chopped liver, more like


migion :) :)

Love ya,


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awwwwwwwwwww *blush* Thanks Connie :)

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Re: Re: Hi Everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 6:52:19 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

What am I ... chopped liver? :P

Oh my stars Jenni!!! How could I have left YOU off the list!!! Can you


forgive me? What can I do to make this up to you? LOL Well I feel


dumb right now. Ummmm, and no, you aren't chopped liver, more like


migion :) :)

Love ya,


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Thanks Willy :) I always worry that people will get so sick of seeing my

name attached to anything and/or be bored to death...LOL I find that in trying

to keep things as brief as is possible for me, I tend to leave out things that

really should be included. {The latest example being that St s Wort, not

being a quick fix}. I dunno, maybe there's no middle ground for me, feast or

famine in the word dept.


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In a message dated 9/3/2004 3:04:12 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

drettig@... writes:

I like short and sweet too


I'm short and IMO, very sweet... But oh, you weren't talking about that, now

were you...LOL


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Well, " poisoned " might have been an extreme word but it did make me very sick.

I swelled up like you wouldn't believe. It wasn't til hubby and I were talking

last night when I realized that was what had caused it.

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Re: Re: Hi everyone

OK Bonnie dear, question for ya. Where do you get your probiotics at? Is


a perscription or OTC {over the counter} thing? My daughter had IBS, and


wondering if that would help her?


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Me? Talk too much? I've always considered myself a quiet, retiring, non-verbal

sort... LOL!

I do think I have the most problem o fanyone of keeping notes short! I tend to

write a book each time.....

But I love reading everyone's notes throughout the day -- makes me feel as

though I have a circle of friends right here at work. And I love the way

everyone is positive and just plain nice to each other!


Re: Re: Hi Everyone

HAHAHA Connie! You can never talk to much :) And I think I do a pretty good

job at keeping up with you! I wonder if that's why we don't hear form all

the others on the list, cuz WE'RE {You, me, Bonnie, both s, did I forget

anyone?} always talking. No one else can get a word in...LOL Hey Dar, can ya

keep up?


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Hello Everyone,

I only have a minute today, but I had to jump in and say that I totally agree

with Bonnie. You are all spectacular, wonderful and exquisite people. You treat

each other with such love and caring and it makes me proud to know all of you.

I have everyone who may be in the path of Frances in my prayers. Please know you

are all being thought of with special prayers today.

May you all be safe and loved today!


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But I love reading everyone's notes throughout the day -- makes me feel as

though I have a circle of friends right here at work. And I love the way

everyone is positive and just plain nice to each other!


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, please let us know when you find out anything. I have friends in

Florida as well and haven't heard a word. I'm sure everyone is busy preparing

and/or leaving. It's just so hard to believe this is happening again, so soon.

At least it seems to be weakining somewhat...


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Oh Jenni,

That made my heart smile. That's twice today someone from this list has done

that for me. That's why I love this list, the people! You're all just the

bestest, and sweetest, and most awesome group.

Kiki {all 5' 1 and 1/2 " of her...}

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Take your CALCIUM!!! It really does make a difference. My Mom hasn't shrunk

at all, but my aunt, who never took it, hass, a lot! She was always the one

we measured against, growing up. Now, it's a piece of cake to be taller than

she is. Did I say to take your calcium? LOL And BTW, with hair and heels

and tude, I gotta be 5'7 " to 6', depending on tude...LOL

Love ya,


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Kiki, I'm the complete opposite! I always keep things short and to the

point. So much so that I flunked a class at the Art Inst. because I wasn't

good at essay questions! I got the answers right, but the teacher wanted me

to write a page per answer! I can't do that! So type to your little heart's

content! Willy


Get ready for school! Find articles, homework help and more in the Back to

School Guide! http://special.msn.com/network/04backtoschool.armx

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Hi all

I just found out the friends we stayed with in Florida last May there house is

in the direct path of Frances

Please pray


Re: Hi Everyone

Hello Everyone,

I only have a minute today, but I had to jump in and say that I totally agree

with Bonnie. You are all spectacular, wonderful and exquisite people. You treat

each other with such love and caring and it makes me proud to know all of you.

I have everyone who may be in the path of Frances in my prayers. Please know

you are all being thought of with special prayers today.

May you all be safe and loved today!


Harness the powerful benefits of Oxygen with each LifeLift breath you take

Oxygen burns fat, reduces stress and improves the quality of your life.

Click here to see why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!

http://www.oxygenlift.net LifeLift is the Original Aerobic Breathing.

But I love reading everyone's notes throughout the day -- makes me feel as

though I have a circle of friends right here at work. And I love the way

everyone is positive and just plain nice to each other!


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I love when the list are active sometimes I can respond sometimes not. Great

group of ladies


Re: Re: Hi Everyone

HAHAHA Connie! You can never talk to much :) And I think I do a pretty good

job at keeping up with you! I wonder if that's why we don't hear form all

the others on the list, cuz WE'RE {You, me, Bonnie, both s, did I forget

anyone?} always talking. No one else can get a word in...LOL Hey Dar, can ya

keep up?


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Right! Prayers up! Connie :-)

Re: Hi Everyone

Hi all

I just found out the friends we stayed with in Florida last May there

house is in the direct path of Frances

Please pray


Re: Hi Everyone

Hello Everyone,

I only have a minute today, but I had to jump in and say that I

totally agree with Bonnie. You are all spectacular, wonderful and

exquisite people. You treat each other with such love and caring and it

makes me proud to know all of you.

I have everyone who may be in the path of Frances in my prayers.

Please know you are all being thought of with special prayers today.

May you all be safe and loved today!


Harness the powerful benefits of Oxygen with each LifeLift breath you


Oxygen burns fat, reduces stress and improves the quality of your


Click here to see why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!

http://www.oxygenlift.net LifeLift is the Original Aerobic Breathing.

But I love reading everyone's notes throughout the day -- makes me

feel as though I have a circle of friends right here at work. And I love

the way everyone is positive and just plain nice to each other!


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I like short and sweet too


Re: Re: Hi Everyone

Kiki, I'm the complete opposite! I always keep things short and to the

point. So much so that I flunked a class at the Art Inst. because I wasn't

good at essay questions! I got the answers right, but the teacher wanted me

to write a page per answer! I can't do that! So type to your little heart's

content! Willy


Get ready for school! Find articles, homework help and more in the Back to

School Guide! http://special.msn.com/network/04backtoschool.armx

What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!


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