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WOW Jenni, That was a wonderful explanation. And WELCOME DAR!!! :-)


Re: Hi everyone

Hi Dar and welcome! You will not find a more comforting or supporting

group of people then on this list. :)

One thing that I make sure I do is always put my hands on my abdomen. I

want to make sure that my diaphragm is doing the breathing and not my

chest. Here is a way to see if what your doing is right.

If you lay flat on the floor, one way to make sure you are doing your

breathing right is to place a book on your abdomen. When you breath

out....your deep breath out through the golden straw, the book should

slowly drop into the hollow of your abdomen (or in my case where the

hollow should be LOL). When you breath in (your heavy sniffing through

the nose) the book should rise. If it doesn't, you are breathing

through your lungs only. If the book goes up your doing it right :)

When you " pahhhhhhhhh " the book should drop. If the book drops during

your " pahhhhhhhhhhh " then you are doing your pah right. Does that make

sense? It's not how loud, or how correct sounding the pahh is, but

rather whether you are doing the breathing right. If you do the

breathing right the pah will just come naturally. Also remember it is

not forceful....it shouldn't hurt and it should relax your body not

tighten it up. We have a tendency to tighten up the shoulders when we

are breathing this way, make sure you don't do that ;)

Oh! Also make sure that your back is flat on the floor when you try

this...don't bow your back. You basically want your belly button to

touch your backbone tee hee

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Hi everyone


I'm new to this Life Lift, but after being in contact with Rashelle

a few times already, I find her very kind and very willing to help. I

am having a little trouble getting my exhale done properly (the puh

part). Did anyone else have that problem to start with. If so, any

ideas on how to get it right? Rashelle gave me some tips but just

wondered if anyone else came up with any little tips or tricks to get

it right. Should I be bent over to do it properly? Any ideas would be

gratefully accepted.



What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!


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Hi Bonnie, I missed something, what is probiotics?? Connie :-)

Re: Re: Hi everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 8:02:10 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

I gave up my hollow when I had kids

I VAGUELY remember having something like that...ROTFL


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Hi Dar, That is not terrible, I quit smoking 3 years ago and have

gained 30 ( I am 53) I think being in menopause is part of it too.

Connie :-)

Re: Hi Everyone

Can you tell me what ROFL means??? Thanks.

My 3 kids did a bit to my figure as did getting my tubes tied the old

way (cut vertically down the belly). But the worst was when I quit

smoking 12 years ago and gained 60 pounds! Isn't that terrible? I

should have worked harder at getting it off while I was younger as

now, at 52, it is harder to get rid of it. I also have arthritis so

it makes it harder to do ordinary exercise. That's why I sent for LL

and I'm hoping it helps. Right now I am too busy to get right into

it, but I am practicing the breathing itself and hope to start the

rest soon. I will try the suggestion about lying on the floor with a

book. Thanks again.


> ROFL I gave up my hollow when I had kids. hmmmmmm I guess it was

a good trade tee hee


> Just kidding, my kids are the best...just ask me *grin*


> with love,

> Jenni

> Proud Air Force Mom!

> May God guide and protect our troops!


> Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group

> CAFMandD/


> Support for women going through menopause.

> seasons-of-life/

What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!


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probiotics: I guess they are organisms such as acidophilus (and I imagine there

are more " varieties " , but what I am currently taking is acidophilus, 2.9 billion

live organisms per capsule -- twice a day, need to bump it up to 3 times a day).

Apparently, your " gut " has healthy intestinal flora growing in it -- but when

you disturb this (for example, when you take antibiotics) it gets out of whack

-- and some of us need to re-establish it. There are a lot of things attributed

to an " unhealthy " group, such as yeast infections, etc. Yogurt has this stuff in

it naturally (but at much lower concentrations). I also think that most people

just re-establish the right balance without any extra effort.

However, based on my long-standing stomach/bowel problems, it was suggested that

I start taking this stuff -- and this, along with certain of the LL exercises (I

particularly like the one where you push in on your abdomen wherever it hurts,

along with the LL breath) has really done well for me.

I haven't had any stomach problems for several weeks now (which is a major

accomplishment), I am " regular " for the first time in my life, and I can

actually hold my belly in (rather than have a painfully bloated belly much of

the time) whenever I think about it.


Re: Re: Hi everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 8:02:10 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

I gave up my hollow when I had kids

I VAGUELY remember having something like that...ROTFL


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Kiki you keep me-ROTFL!!! Thanks Connie :-)

Re: Re: Hi Everyone

Hi Dar,

ROTFL=rolling on the floor laughing. I've only had 2 children, but they


14 months apart. I was back in shape, in fact BETTER shape, when I

found out

about my daughter coming. SHE was the one who did me in! I retained so


water with my son, it was ridicules, but with her, oh my stars! It was

actually funny to see what was gonna be bigger from day to day, boobs or

tummy...LOL I had c-sections with both, so that didn't help. My Dr was

old and he did

the old, up and down cut, no nice bikini cut for me :( I work hard to

stay in

the best shape I can, but still battle the 'soft' tummy as I call it and


boobs will NEVER be the same. I'm waiting to win the lottery to have


fixed...LOL Keep on keepin' on hon, take your time, learn the

technique, and

you'll see results! BTW [by the way} welcome to the nicest, friendlyest

board on

the net!


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*blush* thanks Connie. I was hoping it was understandable!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Hi everyone


I'm new to this Life Lift, but after being in contact with Rashelle

a few times already, I find her very kind and very willing to help. I

am having a little trouble getting my exhale done properly (the puh

part). Did anyone else have that problem to start with. If so, any

ideas on how to get it right? Rashelle gave me some tips but just

wondered if anyone else came up with any little tips or tricks to get

it right. Should I be bent over to do it properly? Any ideas would be

gratefully accepted.



What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!


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It most certainly was! I like the laying on the floor best because I

have back problems easily. I am going to do the book thing just to make

sure I am doing it right! :-) Connie

Re: Hi everyone

*blush* thanks Connie. I was hoping it was understandable!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Hi everyone


I'm new to this Life Lift, but after being in contact with


a few times already, I find her very kind and very willing to help.


am having a little trouble getting my exhale done properly (the puh

part). Did anyone else have that problem to start with. If so, any

ideas on how to get it right? Rashelle gave me some tips but just

wondered if anyone else came up with any little tips or tricks to


it right. Should I be bent over to do it properly? Any ideas would


gratefully accepted.



What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!


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Coops! Am I talking too much KIKI ?? I am just having a slower day at

work. Sorry, Connie :-(

Re: Re: Hi Everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 12:43:36 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

Don't you just love someone who has a comment for everything LOL!

I think there are 4 or 5 of us who resemble that remark, Jenni...LOL


that's all part of the wonderfulness of this group, to me anyway!


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Oh Bonnie, A few years ago I went to see an all natural health Dr. and

she recommended acidophilus for my bloated tummy, to help get rid of the

excess yeast she said I had. She told me that my bloated stomach was a

symptom of excess yeast. I had forgotten all about that. Maybe I had

better go to the health food store and get some more to try!., Thank

You, Connie :-)

Re: Re: Hi everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 8:02:10 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

I gave up my hollow when I had kids

I VAGUELY remember having something like that...ROTFL


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I've also seen quite a bit on oil of oregano for yeast problems -- and in fact,

I've started my youngest daughter on it (she has recurring bouts of strep) plus

the acidophilus. I don't think I would take the oil of oregano, though, unless I

spoke first with a " natural " doctor -- someone who knows what they're talking

about -- apparently you can get some fairly nasty " die off " symptoms as it

starts to work. And I think it might interfere with some prescribed meds, but

I'm not sure.

Do you ever get angry as I do with the AMA -- lots of great doctors (and I've

been lucky enough to have some of the really good ones) but typically force-fed

in their education to believe that drugs are the ONLY answer? Rather than trying

natural remedies (such as diet, exercise, correct breathing, herbs, etc.)


Enough soap boxing....Bonnie

Re: Re: Hi everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 8:02:10 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

I gave up my hollow when I had kids

I VAGUELY remember having something like that...ROTFL


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I tried taking it and I am not noticing anything. What brand are you taking

Bonnie? I know the health food store tried to get me buy a MUCH more expensive

brand but at the time I was just trying it out. I wonder if it is the way it is


with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Re: Re: Hi everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 8:02:10 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

I gave up my hollow when I had kids

I VAGUELY remember having something like that...ROTFL


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I'll have to tell you the brand tomorrow -- it's at home. Do remember that the

stuff must be kept refrigerated, and it should be approx. 3 billion organisms

per capsule...


Re: Re: Hi everyone

I tried taking it and I am not noticing anything. What brand are you taking

Bonnie? I know the health food store tried to get me buy a MUCH more expensive

brand but at the time I was just trying it out. I wonder if it is the way it is


with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Re: Re: Hi everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 8:02:10 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

I gave up my hollow when I had kids

I VAGUELY remember having something like that...ROTFL


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Not soap boxing Bonnie, a sad but true fact. If I mention anything

" natural or Herbs to my Dr. she has a fit! Not enough testing she

says.....hello some of these herbs have been used since the beginning of

time! LOL Connie :-)

Re: Re: Hi everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 8:02:10 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

I gave up my hollow when I had kids

I VAGUELY remember having something like that...ROTFL


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When my oldest child was teething (back around 1971) her doctor suggested

rubbing whiskey on her gums -- his reasoning: " Alcohol has been around and

'tested' on the human race for far longer than anything you can get at a

pharmacy, and most of the human race doesn't have a negative reaction to a small

amount... "

Can you imagine that notion today?! A doctor would be lynched if he dared

suggest allowing a child even the most minute bit of alcohol -- yet he can

routinely prescribe Ritalin, etc. -- far harsher drugs with as-yet-unknown


I am NOT against modern pharmaceuticals, I think some of the drugs are nothing

short of miraculous -- but I do think that frequently they are over-prescribed,

and that less-dangerous alternatives aren't first tried.

For example, my mother has peripheral neuropathy. Her neurologist immediately

prescribed neurotonine, a fairly harsh drug with many side-effects. And she has

many of the side effects (bloat/distension, tiredness, migraines) -- yet he's

unwilling to try anything else, says she'll just have to learn to live with the

side-effects. When I suggested that she ramp the dosage (I found a LOT of web

information) he wasn't at all interested (so she's going to do it on her own); a

possible solution is a diuretic (he said yesterday that he didn't " have time " to

prescribe one that would work for her, he'd look at that possibility late Sept.

at her next appt! -- and she has gone from wearing a size 6 panties to a 10, in

the space of about 4 months! -- he told her to quit eating so much!).

Another doctor just discovered carpal tunnel in both her wrists, and she'll have

surgery this month -- her neurologist wouldn't consider that as a possibility,

but it seems to me that a lot of her pain could be coming from that and thus

she'd need less of the neurotonine....

I guess I'd better not get started -- I'll really start ranting!!!!


Re: Re: Hi everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 8:02:10 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

I gave up my hollow when I had kids

I VAGUELY remember having something like that...ROTFL


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I'm trying! ROTFL!


> HAHAHA Connie! You can never talk to much :) And I think I do a

pretty good

> job at keeping up with you! I wonder if that's why we don't hear

form all

> the others on the list, cuz WE'RE {You, me, Bonnie, both s,

did I forget

> anyone?} always talking. No one else can get a word in...LOL Hey

Dar, can ya

> keep up?


> Kiki




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In a message dated 9/2/2004 6:10:06 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

The funny part is Kiki that the natural forms you are taking are the original

" drugs " that doctors prescribed years ago. Go figure LOL We've definitely

come full circle.

Oh I know Jenni! I've always hated taking any kind of perscribed meds, with

exceptions of course :) To bad more people don't realize that they can be

better without all the side effects...


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In a message dated 9/2/2004 6:52:19 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

What am I ... chopped liver? :P

Oh my stars Jenni!!! How could I have left YOU off the list!!! Can you ever

forgive me? What can I do to make this up to you? LOL Well I feel really

dumb right now. Ummmm, and no, you aren't chopped liver, more like filet

migion :) :)

Love ya,


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What am I ... chopped liver? :P

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Re: Re: Hi Everyone

HAHAHA Connie! You can never talk to much :) And I think I do a pretty good

job at keeping up with you! I wonder if that's why we don't hear form all

the others on the list, cuz WE'RE {You, me, Bonnie, both s, did I forget

anyone?} always talking. No one else can get a word in...LOL Hey Dar, can ya

keep up?


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The funny part is Kiki that the natural forms you are taking are the original

" drugs " that doctors prescribed years ago. Go figure LOL We've definitely come

full circle.

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Re: Re: Hi everyone

I'm a firm believer in herbs and natural! I've been put on drugs for a

'mental' problem, but they only work so long and then you have to go stronger.


was on VERY strong meds and I just didn't like feeling no emotion, not caring

about anything. I've got an arsenal of natural products now that seem to be

working and I actually feel emotions! I'm on who refuses to believe as Drs

would have us, that they are gods and know everything and drugs are the way to


It's all a guessing game...


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You girls have had me rolling today. :-) Thanks for the fun!!!!

Love, Liz


On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 09:01:47 -0500 " The Good Book "

<the-good-book@...> writes:

ROFL I gave up my hollow when I had kids. hmmmmmm I guess it was a

good trade tee hee

Just kidding, my kids are the best...just ask me *grin*

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

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I so agree Jenni

Thanks for reminding us!


Re: Hi Everyone

Can you tell me what ROFL means??? Thanks.

My 3 kids did a bit to my figure as did getting my tubes tied the old

way (cut vertically down the belly). But the worst was when I quit

smoking 12 years ago and gained 60 pounds! Isn't that terrible? I

should have worked harder at getting it off while I was younger as

now, at 52, it is harder to get rid of it. I also have arthritis so

it makes it harder to do ordinary exercise. That's why I sent for LL

and I'm hoping it helps. Right now I am too busy to get right into

it, but I am practicing the breathing itself and hope to start the

rest soon. I will try the suggestion about lying on the floor with a

book. Thanks again.


> ROFL I gave up my hollow when I had kids. hmmmmmm I guess it was

a good trade tee hee


> Just kidding, my kids are the best...just ask me *grin*


> with love,

> Jenni

> Proud Air Force Mom!

> May God guide and protect our troops!


> Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group

> CAFMandD/


> Support for women going through menopause.

> seasons-of-life/

What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!


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In a message dated 9/3/2004 10:51:01 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

cmiskini@... writes:

Definitely filet migion!!! Connie :-)

YEAAAA!!!! You got the spelling right! LOL As soon as I sent that out, I

realized I hadn't... Luckily Jenni knew what I meant :)


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You just made it up to me *huge smile*

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Christian Air Force Mom and Dads Group


Support for women going through menopause.


Re: Re: Hi Everyone

In a message dated 9/2/2004 6:52:19 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

the-good-book@... writes:

What am I ... chopped liver? :P

Oh my stars Jenni!!! How could I have left YOU off the list!!! Can you ever

forgive me? What can I do to make this up to you? LOL Well I feel really

dumb right now. Ummmm, and no, you aren't chopped liver, more like filet

migion :) :)

Love ya,


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