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Good Girl !!!!! We got to stick up for our selves !!!!! Keep us posted !!! Now when are you getting your shot ???

{{{ Many Special Hugs }}}


Thanks Helen ! I will keep pestering, this is getting to be a constant pain on some days, after that flu shot the doctor will get a message strong and clear! Anne

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Helen dear, I hope you fel better, please do not overdo it girl! Will get the kids around the holidays I do so hope so!!!!!

I got a tiny reaction to the flu shot, just a flushed feeling which passed in a hour or so, I suppose the immune system senses the virus, which is dead anyway and cannot ever cause the disease,and starts to form anitbodies soon after it detects it. At the clinic there were 200 people lined up for shots, Bassett had 'for patients only' last Friday, walkins come into later clinics, throughout November

As for the lights, not needed yet, I have had so much to do, I will get them this month, my work let down until January! I was totally exhausted from the 'no stop' schedule, but the money is needed! Anne

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I still feel like crap...Talking to you all keeps my sanity :o) It takes me awhile to answer as I have to get up and move around every so often because og the pain, but I finally get everyone done :o)

Sorry you are off work till January, but sounds like you need the rest...

Take care of YOU !!! Keep me posted !!! I do worry !

{{{ Many Special Hugs }}}


Helen dear, I hope you fel better, please do not overdo it girl! Will get the kids around the holidays I do so hope so!!!!!

I got a tiny reaction to the flu shot, just a flushed feeling which passed in a hour or so, I suppose the immune system senses the virus, which is dead anyway and cannot ever cause the disease,and starts to form anitbodies soon after it detects it. At the clinic there were 200 people lined up for shots, Bassett had 'for patients only' last Friday, walkins come into later clinics, throughout November

As for the lights, not needed yet, I have had so much to do, I will get them this month, my work let down until January! I was totally exhausted from the 'no stop' schedule, but the money is needed! Anne

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Okay Hon and YOU take it easy, I feel a bit sore right now, I had to help unload and stack over 900 lbs of feed today, my backs broken! The truck driver is so sweet, he knows that I am alone so instead of drop shipment he puts it where I put it in storage fairly easily, the bags are dog food and are 37.5 lbs a piece, I sell it to various people around town I might add, only 2 .00 profit a bag but this has gone on for 10 years Anne

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I'd be sore too!!! But I couldn't have picked that amount up anyways :o) Don't know how you do it...$2.00 profit is good !!! helps you and them ! That's Very nice of the driver to help out like that...Still nice people around !!! Take a Long Hot bath!!! S O A K !!! Might help :o) Much Love

{{{ Sunshine Hugs }}}


Okay Hon and YOU take it easy, I feel a bit sore right now, I had to help unload and stack over 900 lbs of feed today, my backs broken! The truck driver is so sweet, he knows that I am alone so instead of drop shipment he puts it where I put it in storage fairly easily, the bags are dog food and are 37.5 lbs a piece, I sell it to various people around town I might add, only 2 .00 profit a bag but this has gone on for 10 years Anne

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Took a very hot bath last night and I felt better, then came morning, well I thought my back had collapsed, could not stand up straight, walking cured that but not it is back, the muscles are tight across the lower back, I hope time will solve this! The driver is a good young fella to drop it in the house- really! Anne

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Re: Anne

How's your back doing Now Anne??? How are you enjoying your Free time???

{{{ Many Hugs }}}


Took a very hot bath last night and I felt better, then came morning, well I thought my back had collapsed, could not stand up straight, walking cured that but not it is back, the muscles are tight across the lower back, I hope time will solve this! The driver is a good young fella to drop it in the house- really! Anne

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Thanks Anne, but YOU take care and REST !!! I have to Worry :o) Have just been worrying about ya !! Thanks for answering and letting us know that you are still around in the back ground... So Sorry it is acting up on ya :o( Is there anything that helps ??? You have a Nice of a THANKSGIVING that you can also !!! Sent with Many, Many Hugs !!!

Love Ya !!!

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*..·°-:¦:- `v´*Helen *-:¦:- °·..*

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Okay here Helen, except for the divert kicking up a bit. Have a good Thanksgiving girl and rest as much as you can, love you too. Anne

"Always remember that you are not the only one who has ever felt rejected, unloved and lonely at sometime. Reach out and help someone else in trouble, and you could be amazed at the changes in yourself and your life."- Anonymous

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You have a beautiful Thanksgiving also, my problem is- if I would learn to eat the right foods I might be okay, trouble is being weakwilled!!! Are you seeing the babies this holiday, I pray for them,,that tings will be okay Love Anne

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Thank-You Anne :o) Being weak willed is a lot of our faults :o) Do the best as you can :o)

Yes, Thanksgiving is on a Thursday, so we get to see the girls our regular time since he wouldn't give in any. We are suppose to be going to court next week !!! So Please pray for us that things turn out alright and we get to bring them home :o) They are at the end of their ropes and so are we :o( This is our weekend, so we will have fun :o)

Happy thanksgiving my Friend !!! Love Ya !! Hugs


You have a beautiful Thanksgiving also, my problem is- if I would learn to eat the right foods I might be okay, trouble is being weakwilled!!! Are you seeing the babies this holiday, I pray for them,,that tings will be okay Love Anne


"Always remember that you are not the only one who has ever felt rejected, unloved and lonely at sometime. Reach out and help someone else in trouble, and you could be amazed at the changes in yourself and your life."- Anonymous

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  • 4 weeks later...

Helen I am so happy that you remembered my birthday! It turned out not so good so today I go out to dinner with my friends. Was working yesterday when an awful dizziness started, tried to get back into the car and staggered a bit, by the time I got home I was weak in the legs, flushed and hot. I called the office and said' that is all for today' The dinner never took place so it was cancelled until today, now I will make up with lotsda to eat!, I feel good today! It was I believe ,a low blood sugar problem, have had them on and off since a kid, I just did not recognise this one as I have not had one for years, well my fault, I had a donut for breakfast and I should have had some protein, that donut wore out fast!

It is you I worry about, take care of yourself, and you know what, yesterday someone I know got their grandchild's custody on a permanent basis, a case much like yours, so keep your chin up, things do go right! Anne

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I'm just SORRY i was a day late :o( I'm Sorry your Birthday didn't turn out very well :o( Your sugar was probably way too low and you weren't thinking straight, that's what happens :o( Yes, something sugary usually gives me a quick high, then I crash :o( Then I don't realize what is wrong when I get too low, my husband will think of it and sure enough, my sugar count will be in the 50's or lower :o(

You didn't drive in that shape did you ??? Did you get to go out for your dinner today ??? What did you get to eat ??? Glad you feel better !!!

Thanks for worrying about me... My Spirits are back up again :o) Crying for two straight weeks was enough... I got myself down and it gets harder to shake every time... I'm glad your friend got her Grandchildren... I'M GOING TO GET MINE BACK ALSO !!! FOUR MORE DAYS !!! I got my Confidence back again :o) It's about time things straigten out around here !!!

( ALL PRAYERS AND OR THOUGHTS GLADLY ACCEPTED TOO !!! } Friday morning is our day in court !

Hope you had a GOOD time eating out !!!

Much Love


Helen I am so happy that you remembered my birthday! It turned out not so good so today I go out to dinner with my friends. Was working yesterday when an awful dizziness started, tried to get back into the car and staggered a bit, by the time I got home I was weak in the legs, flushed and hot. I called the office and said' that is all for today' The dinner never took place so it was cancelled until today, now I will make up with lotsda to eat!, I feel good today! It was I believe ,a low blood sugar problem, have had them on and off since a kid, I just did not recognise this one as I have not had one for years, well my fault, I had a donut for breakfast and I should have had some protein, that donut wore out fast!

It is you I worry about, take care of yourself, and you know what, yesterday someone I know got their grandchild's custody on a permanent basis, a case much like yours, so keep your chin up, things do go right! Anne

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Helen all thoughts and prayers, the kids will be home for Christmas, wonderful dear!

I had to drove home 27 miles, but the full blast did not hit until I got home, I would have pulled over, believe you me, but these roads are not heavily trafficked on the noon time.

I usually keep chocolate in the car, ( addicted to it) that is most likely why I got that episode, the donut wore off, nothing to munch on for a while and keep that sugar up, if I had had chocolate it would have been eaten! it would have meant No symptoms, I honestly don't know what is worse, low or high sugar, never did! Did I mention I have only ever had 80 count sugar, low but not that bad I guess

After an episode depression hits hard. Okay now, I have been piling on the good foods high in proteins, I am not to eat sweet stuff ! Try to stay happy Helen, it is a happy season and we should all enjoy it. Anne

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Staying Happy at the moment is kind of hard to do, but am trying... I have kept myself busy this last week...One more day and then we will know... I am so nervous... They just got to come home...

How has your sugar been doing this week???

{{{ Sugar free Hugs }}}


Helen all thoughts and prayers, the kids will be home for Christmas, wonderful dear!

I had to drove home 27 miles, but the full blast did not hit until I got home, I would have pulled over, believe you me, but these roads are not heavily trafficked on the noon time.

I usually keep chocolate in the car, ( addicted to it) that is most likely why I got that episode, the donut wore off, nothing to munch on for a while and keep that sugar up, if I had had chocolate it would have been eaten! it would have meant No symptoms, I honestly don't know what is worse, low or high sugar, never did! Did I mention I have only ever had 80 count sugar, low but not that bad I guess

After an episode depression hits hard. Okay now, I have been piling on the good foods high in proteins, I am not to eat sweet stuff ! Try to stay happy Helen, it is a happy season and we should all enjoy it. Anne


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Then I don't think we can use Hospice, as we don't know what is wrong with her... We don't know if she will pass on in six months... But at least I know what it is now... Thank-You!!!

Hugs Helen

Helen if your MIL requires Hospice, the doctor and hospital will arrange this I think, it can only be given to Hospice, if the life expectancy is 6 months or less and no further medication is being given to the patient, the organization is wonderful and they are compassionate people. The patient must have another caregiver as Hospice is not there 24-7, except at the end, the thing for them is to keep a pain free person.Thus no medicaton beyond that. Anne

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Well that is good news :o) If watching your diet will do the trick, do the best that you can :o) Me i still have to have that candy bar every once in a while. But those crashes are Terrible !!! I have had to have six to eight mini meals a day for a long time... If I eat too much at one time I will just get sick :o( Not worth it...

{{{ Sugar Free Hugs }}}


Hi Helen, I am apparently in good shape as far as blood sugar and pressure go Had to see the dietician who says no more sugary snacks, the cereal I love is good, I have to consume more complex carbohydrates, I was cutting out breads, pasta and so forth, that puts glucose into the blood fast I guess, protein while essential seems to turn into sugars slower. She would like to see me have a snack every two to three hours like fruit, a cracker, or apples etc no candy!. I told her that last Thursday night I was too tired to cook and eat, heated up leftover fried cabbage and had a filled donut for brekkie on Friday, that is why I started to crash, insufficient diet ( and how)

Hugs to you Helen Anne

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I hear you, I had a good brekkie yesterday but got a terrible urge for sweets, I got the shake and bake coming back, Got me a pkg of York Peppermint patties, one did the trick then a while later I guess the breakfast food cut in and no more problems. I find I have to eat several times a day, not doing so made me sick too

Love Anne

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What Anne says is true but have your FIL talk to the ins company

any way b/c I think that sometimes special circumstances can

arise, and also if possible it's easier to do it that way than

the nursing home unless the nursing home that they put her in is

on the ins covered list. We had a big problem with this with my


Take care,


Kristy :)


Hoping to be a nurse soon but for now just a Medical Secretary who does a lot of

learning from reading on the Net, books, my dr(s), as well as sharing my own

personal experiences.


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Yes Mum !!! :o) it was womderful to have the girls home on Christmas Afternoon... It was so hard to take them back tonight, as they did not want to go. The oldest one wants the police to put her Daddy in jail, because he is so mean and has no heart any more :o( How do you answer that one ???

How was your Christmas???

{{{ Holiday Hugs }}}


Everybody have a good holiday, yah hear me now? Anne

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  • 2 weeks later...

WOW-I can certainly relate to constantly making icons. I was in the

classroom for about 4 years and then moved on, but each summer we run

summer communication camps and it puts me right back in the midst of

it all (being right down there at kid level).

WE are very closely connected with the ABC school in Sacramento and I

was able to visit them several years ago. I was most pleased to read

the part about training those that work with your son. That is the

piece that is often missed. Often I read reports that give wide

sweeping recommendations and then offer no support to train or

guidance for where the district should go to receive the training,


Thanks for the warm welcome!


> Hi Anne

> Nice to meet you. I have an 11 year old son and we have used PECS

for almost 7 years. I was introduced

> to the program by a behavior specialist that works at ABC school

for Autism in Sacramento and requested

> that 's school district and classroom learn more about this

program and implement the program in

> scott's school. They did - trained teachers, speech therapists,

aides and parents. I have been very happy

> with the progress he has made communicating his needs. I am

constantly making his icons for school and home.

> I have so many questions and comments for you. . .I would love to

talk further with you.


> outerspace@l...

> Kathy




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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I liked it also, that's why I sent it on...

How are you doing??? Sugar keeping itself under control??? Take Care...

{{{ Sugar Free Hugs }}}


Really enjoyed that story, relates to a lot of us Anne

Signature Creations by


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Hi Helen tomorrow is the day I have to go for tests- whatever, I don't understand it, I get a desire for something sweet and eat a little chocolate and then I do not get any symptoms of HypoG, I make sure that I eat 3 balanced meals a day, but that sugar has to be obeyed or it does not do any good I get shaky,

I hope it is not snowing tomorrow when I go, it never stops it seems, day after day of this crap!

Love Anne

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Let me know how it goes, OK??? I do the same thing about sweets when I think i'm low... If you are hypo, you should be eating seven small meals a day... Keeping nuts on hand helps also, as they are a great source of protein for a quick pick up...peanut butter too...

We have had a very mild winter here... Less than three inches of snow so far... That's more than 30 inches below normal...

{{{ No Snow Hugs and Good Luck Hugs }}}


Hi Helen tomorrow is the day I have to go for tests- whatever, I don't understand it, I get a desire for something sweet and eat a little chocolate and then I do not get any symptoms of HypoG, I make sure that I eat 3 balanced meals a day, but that sugar has to be obeyed or it does not do any good I get shaky,

I hope it is not snowing tomorrow when I go, it never stops it seems, day after day of this crap!

Love Anne

You're Precious in His Eyes

Trust God today He's still in charge,

Your life is safe with Him.

To Him your path ahead is bright,

Although to you it's dim.

Just place your trust in Him each day,

Each second and each hour.

Though you are weak and have no strength,

He is a God of power.

He'll lead you and He'll strengthen you

And He'll stay by your side.

Let Him be your everything

And in His peace abide.

There's nothing in your life, my friend,

That takes God by surprise.

He's in control and He loves you--

You're precious in His eyes.

Bob Hefner


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*..·°-:¦::- `v´*Helen *-:¦:- °·..*

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