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In a message dated 4/30/01 9:30:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, angelbear1129@... writes:

{{{{ HUGE HUGS }}}} Hope All went Well. Love Helen

Thanks Helen I am keeping my head screwed on tightly, in court at the hearing I was very focused and calm indeed, my lawyer said that I did well! Anne

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  • 1 month later...
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Thanks Helen, My eye is checked out and okay but I must use dry eye droops, I thank God every day for having my sight, it came dangerously close to being lost! I am still working, no choice at all, but got 6 weeks vacation for being a good girl!

I am so glad that I had just a bad case of SAD and not another type of depression, (he just was not sure when I went to his office, I was that devastated) that needed medication, he prescribed Celexa and I could not tolerate it. then he substituted Zoloft. Well the insurance company would not allow it, today I got a letter turning it down flat!!! 2 months later!!! Next open season guess what happens to that Insurance company , we part company of course, they have a reputation of this kind of thing and several pharmacies will not deal with them. Anne

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Thanks Helen but I must go back to work in part tomorrow, due to the fact ! INEED MONEY!!!! I had the 6 weeks and all must come to an end I suppose Anne

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Fun?????? Well lets see, the fridge needed cleaning, the house is awful,, I lost a precious dog to a terrible road accident, he had to be put to sleep as he had two hips gone, fractured pelvis that looked like a broken bowl in many pieces, Broken veterbra, broken tail, inabiliity to void any more from nerve damage on the spine, but his head was bright and going to the orthopaedist on the 2nd day, (the 1st day he was at the local vet, an incompetent idiot who apparently could not read the X-rays right and said to take him to another vet) so I picked him up and took him over to a State Cert canine orthopaedist, he looked at me with such loving eyes on the way over, he was on morphine( canine derivative)and in pain, he had his little head on my lap best he could, I knew on the way that this was our last trip together somehow, the canine orthopaedist told me he could fix the damage in 4 major ops but Helen he could not guarantee results- amd so I had to make the hardest damn decision in my life, now I keep wondering if he could have gotten better where he could at least walk. I cried for days over it, how these little animals can come into one's life ,they spread joy and suddenly are gone. I will never forget him as long as I live, there was such a bond of love between us. Anne

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A Pack Rat is someone who keeps just about everything and doesn't

throw anything away!!! :o)


creepyzucchini@y...> wrote:

> What is a " pack rat " ?


> Regards,


> CZ

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Helen those lights come in many prices and usefullness I gather, my doc said that to build a box and install two gro- lights in it , ya know the kind we use in growing seedlings or in aquariams, that is cheapest and just as effective, he said that commercially they can come in hundreds of dollars, not being too handy with hammer and nails, guess I have to learn to make one! Do you get a lot of pain if you neglect to take the Zantac, I know I get this stifling pain in my side, can't eat much either. Anne

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An idea. do the bulbs come in the sizes like for florescent light bulbs???

If they do then but a florescent casing, around 10-12 dollars at K-Mart and put in the gro lights!!!

The Dr. took me down to one pill a day for awhile last year, and I only lasted for 5 days!!! I could not stand the pain, and the vomitting caused by it... My stomach gets too acidy without it. The pains are terrible. So after five days I started taking my two a day again and called him... He said alright if I feel better with the two instead!!!

{{{ Happy Hugs }}}


Helen those lights come in many prices and usefullness I gather, my doc said that to build a box and install two gro- lights in it , ya know the kind we use in  growing seedlings  or in aquariams, that is cheapest and just as effective, he said that commercially they can come in hundreds of dollars, not being too handy with hammer and nails, guess I have to learn to make one!   Do you get a lot of pain if you neglect to take the Zantac, I know I get this stifling pain in my side, can't eat much either.  Anne

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I hear you Helen, one a day is NOT enough, by 4pm the pains are raging back so I guess I will be on the meddies for a long time, I keep feeling that somehow I have a bulge in the small intestine on my right side, or an adhesion, but you know doctors, THEY diagnose and the patient knows nothing.. I will Look into the fluorescent fixture for the bulbs, I would not want to get SAD again for sure, it is a miserable nightmare. Anne

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Yes Anne, you take care and listen to our New Mother Hen her love and

affection is contagious.



> How are you doing Anne??? I know you are pretty busy! You take

care my

> Friend!!!

> {{{ Special Hugs }}}

> Helen



> >

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Well Helen I have a few days respite from work, then back again, I wish I could retire but that is not possible at this minute. The tummy seems to be settling a bit, I went to a barbq on Sunday and got dreadfull totally ill five hours laateer, but I find ones body has a very good elimination system for anything bad that goes into it! Monday was horrible I was so weak, but now I am eating once more, took myself off all meat for a while, that seems to aggravate it.

You are an angel Helen, with so many devastating problems you have time for everyone, I hope you feel better.

Met a young girl last week, 30 years old and she has MS, and seizures, her doctor seems to be making a guinea pig of her if you ask me. she takes ten meds three times a day, I wonder if this is right, but do not know of course. She lost her two kids in court, her husband diid the manly thing( ? ) he deserted her. Anne

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Well Helen I have a few days respite from work, then back again, I wish I could retire but that is not possible at this minute.

###### I wish you could retire too!!! You have earned the right to rest after all these years :o(

 The tummy seems to be settling a bit, I went to a barbq on Sunday and got dreadfull totally ill five hours laateer, but I find ones body has a very good elimination system for anything bad that goes into it!

######## Do you have a bowel ailment??? I have IBS, I had Infectious Colitis about 15 years ago, That was Nasty!!! It took a long time to get that under control :o( I'll have to remember the elimination system one!!! That is cute :o)

Monday was horrible I was so weak, but now I am eating once more, took myself off all meat for a while, that seems to aggravate it.

########### I'm SO SORRY you had to suffer like that :o( Ya got to get out and ya had to suffer for it, that just isn't fare is it :o(

You are an angel Helen, with so many devastating problems you have time for everyone, I hope you feel better.

########## Aw gee, Thanks! All I try to do is to bring some sunshine into others, to let them know they are not alone in their struggles...When I started to be so sick when I was so young, it hurt that, no one paid any attention to me... I went through all the stages that a lot of them on here are going through now and I can relate to what they are saying. But like you said, There is a RAINBOW at the end of the tunnel. You can either feel sorry for yourself, or you can pick yourself up by your bootstraps and go on. For most their ailments or diseases are not going to go away! And if I just make one person Happy or Smile for a moment then it is all worth it :o)

I have my days. Taking care of the girls takes a lot out of me and I get so tired. At least this summer I am able to walk pretty good :o) I still use my cane and wheelchair at times, but not as much as I did last year!!!! HURRAY!!!!!!!!

Met a young girl last week, 30 years old and she has MS, and seizures, her doctor seems to be making a guinea pig of her if you ask me. she takes ten meds three times a day, I wonder if this is right, but do not know of course. She lost her two kids in court, her husband diid the manly thing( ? )  he deserted her. Anne ######### That's not manly or womanly to leave your spouse when they are down. I believe the vows say in sickness and in health till death do you part !!! Not till something goes wrong :o( We will be married 34 years this year!!! And we have had all kinds of Good times and Bad times !!!

Illnesses!!! Death of a Child !!! But we are in it for the long haul.

Besides I Love that old guy!!!

You keep in touch my Friend and try to enjoy what is left of your time off :o)

Love Ya's


"Friends are God's way of taking care of us."

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Anne!!! How have you been doing??? Thank- you so much for all your comforting words! You take care my Friend.

{{{ Special Hugs }}}



Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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Hi Helen I feel so sorry for you, what Jeramie has done is so cruel, keep us all updated and I pray very gaard the judge sides with you, as prementioned he should Love Anne

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I will Anne, This just seems to be a nightmare at this point. If we had done something to set him off them I could see him getting so angry. But this all came out of the blue. We discovered today that our lawyer is also a Judge for our county! He still said our chances are slim to none:o( But we do have that slim chance! Now it is up to the girlses Lawyer.

Hope you are doing OK. How have you been lately??? Thanks for all your well wishes.

{{{ Many Thankful Hugs }}}


Hi Helen I feel so sorry for you, what Jeramie has done is so cruel, keep us all updated and I pray very gaard the judge sides with you, as prementioned he should  Love Anne


Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Anne,

Very small world...I am from Rochester. I grew up in Pittsford. I left

Roch. in 1993. I lived in Flagstaff for a couple of years and just moved

from Tucson to Ma. last year!

Where in Rochester did you live...where did you go to high school and when?

Re: Hi

> --- Dear Sara,


> was 8 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches long when she was born.

> She is absolutely adorable. I am originally from Rochester NY. I

> lived there until my husband and I moved to Phoenix. We were there

> twelve years and now we have lived in Nebraska for two years. My

> husband (then fiance) went to SUNY Geneseo for college. We graduated

> many many years ago (1985). Thanks for the welcome! UB is a great

> school. I had three friends graduate from there.


> Anne




> http://DSyndrome.com/Multiples



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--- Hi ,

I grew up in Webster NY and went to Bishop Kearney HS. I am showing

how old I am, but I graduated from BK in 1981. That is too funny

that you lived in Flagstaff and now you are back east. I really miss

the east and hope one day to be back there!


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We lived in Flagstaff when Quinn was born. I grauduated from Northern

Arizona University and I got a second degree from the University of Arizona

(Tucson), both in education. I loved Flagstaff but hated hated hated

Tucson. We moved to Tucson for my husband to get his Masters. I couldn't

wait to get the hell outta there. The twins were born there...that is about

the only good thing I have to say about that city. I love living in

Massachusettes. It is a good place to be, especially for Maggie.

I went to Mendon High School and Mercy. High school seems so long ago! I

graduated in 1986. I liked living in upstate NY. The winters are certainly

long and cold though....

Glad you are on the list.

Re: Anne

> --- Hi ,


> I grew up in Webster NY and went to Bishop Kearney HS. I am showing

> how old I am, but I graduated from BK in 1981. That is too funny

> that you lived in Flagstaff and now you are back east. I really miss

> the east and hope one day to be back there!


> Anne




> http://DSyndrome.com/Multiples



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--- ,

I got my degrees in education also. My undergraduate is in

elementary education from Geneseo and masters from ASU. I then got a

principal certification from NAU, but in Phoenix. I worked for many

years, but now I am a stay at home mom. With my crew, that is

necessary!! Where in MA are you? My brother lives in Arlington.


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I got my secondary ed. degree in English at NAU and elementary ed. from U of

A. I haven't ever taught however. I was going to school and having

kids...I prefer to be a stay-at-home Mom (most days). I can't imagine

turning them over to someone all day....though I certainly understand that

some have to or need to! Sometimes this topic can get pretty hot! I make

no judgements on the stay at home Mom and the working Mom....

We just bought a house in Oxford, MA. We are about 20 miles outside of

Worcester. I think we are considered the boonies but with Ma. real estate,

I don't care. We have an acre and a decent size house. We looked at others

closer to Boston and little 3 bedroom ranches with no basement or yard were

upwards of $250,000! I'd rather live on my nice acre with trees and stuff

and have an affordable mortage than live closer to ....well, whatever Boston

has to offer! Arizona real estate is pretty cheap. $200,000 would buy a

mansion practically!

Re: Anne

> --- ,


> I got my degrees in education also. My undergraduate is in

> elementary education from Geneseo and masters from ASU. I then got a

> principal certification from NAU, but in Phoenix. I worked for many

> years, but now I am a stay at home mom. With my crew, that is

> necessary!! Where in MA are you? My brother lives in Arlington.


> Anne




> http://DSyndrome.com/Multiples



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I sure do hope he does!!! The having to take them back on Sunday nights is terrible! The girls just cry and scream and I don't know how much more they or us can handle!!!

Yea that is the best way and a Lot cheaper!!! We have one above our couch for the plants and I think it helps us also!!!

How are you doing??? Still very busy??? How are your eyes?

{{{ Healthy Hugs }}}


Oh Helen ny heart breaks for those babies, at least you get to see them,cheer up, they will be back I am sure to live with you, the judge should see through this mess.

 No I don't know how to build the box , someone told me to put them in a two lamp holder and then it can be suspended above the couch.  Sounds a lot easier!!!

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My eyes are fine now, but dry I am told, thank God I got to keep them!

Hey I intend to grow some plants as well as 'sun' myself this winter ! Why not!

Oh Helen how I am rooting for you on the kids, those poor children being so unhappy with their new living arrangements, cannot that idiot see how he is affecting them for the whole of their lives, they can never forget this, I know from my own experience. I remember being whisked off to a neighbor then to an Aunt because of my mom and dad having a fight , this I know was in the middle of the night. Had to leave everything I loved, toys ,clothes behind.

I cried and screamed for them continually , I was only 6 years old, after that I was taken to a boarding school,or was it? (Might have been a foster home )and I cried and screamed all the time, on my birthday months later they had a lovely party for me, something tugged me on the leg from under the table, I looked and there was my Dad!!! Imagine my joy! He left later and then my Mom arrived with a lovely present, I do remember going to the door to see her but they would not let her in and why I never knew, she left and there I was the lonesome little lost kid once more, I did not go home and that was a crushing blow, eventually I did and they were both together .About never forgetting an incident, there is the proof from 6 to 74 years I remember this clearly and I choke up still, if anyone was still alive I would ask, but nobody is from the family, so I shall never know exactly what was the problem there. Anne

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Oh Yes, grow plants too!!! That is what we do with ours!!!

I'm sooo glad the eyes are alright...Do you use drops for them for the dryness??? I lost the sight in my left eye when i was around 3 years old...We were visiting my Unkles house and they said I was running in the yard along the new cut wheat field, and as I was trying to run I fell and a wheat stuble went through my eye...I was in the hospital in another state for over a week they said. I have a scar right across the pupil now which makes me totally blind in it...Luckily, I don't remember any of that!!!

Oh Anne, tears are going down my face for you :o( That is a terrible memory to have as a child :o( My Grandbabies are now 7 - 6 - and 4, they say they are told they are not to cry and so the two older ones said they put the covers over their faces at night and then cry when he can't see them. The baby they said just screams and crys all the time :o( He has slapped her mouth several times now according to them, as she won't stop screaming :o( They are so frightened and they just don't understand why daddy took them away from home!!! The only home they have ever known...He is not cooperating with the courts, so we hope and pray that will be in our favor...But since the grandparents act was defeated this last spring we don't know the outcome :o( Having their Mother on our side though, hopefully will help us get them back home where they need to be... Thanks for the support!!!

{{{ Gentle Hugs }}}


My eyes are fine now, but dry I am told, thank God I got to keep them! Hey I intend to grow some plants as well  as 'sun' myself this winter ! Why not!

Oh Helen how I am rooting for you on the kids, those poor children being so unhappy  with their new living arrangements, cannot that idiot see how he is affecting them for the whole of their lives, they can never forget this,  I know from my own experience.  I remember being whisked off to a neighbor then to an Aunt because of my mom and dad having a fight , this I know was in the middle of the night. Had to leave everything I loved, toys ,clothes behind. I cried and screamed for them continually , I was only 6 years old, after that I was taken to a boarding school,or was it? (Might have been a foster home )and I cried and screamed all the time, on my birthday months later they  had a lovely party for me, something tugged me on the leg from under the table, I looked and there was my Dad!!!  Imagine my joy! He left later and then my Mom arrived with a lovely present, I do remember going to the door to see her but they would not let her in and why I never knew, she left and there I was the lonesome little lost kid once more, I did not go home and  that was a crushing blow, eventually I did  and they were both together .About never forgetting an incident, there is the proof from 6 to 74 years I remember this clearly and I choke up still, if anyone was still alive I would ask, but nobody is from the family, so I shall never know exactly what was the problem there. Anne

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  • 3 weeks later...


My son isnt on the same drug as your child, but he was started on a medicine

for ADHD at age 3 and a half that was only approved for 6 year olds! It is

difficult to accept without worry but so is an untreated disease! Just make

sure that your doc keeps a good eye on your child and read everything you

can about the meds. I don't like medicating my son period! And neither do

all of the parents on this list! But I really think and believe that the

result would be worse for my son if he wasn't on meds! For one thing....he

would never have gotten past a first grade education!

good luck and keep on taking good care of your kids.

Amy in Ohio


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