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checking in

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That was lovely, ! Thank you!

checking in

My prayer buddy today was Elise. Dear Father, please bless my

dear friend with happiness, good health and always keep her close to you.



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Bridget also has not wanted to do any work this week. Today was our last day.

She has been living in her Barney world and acting out Barney episodes rather

than do anything.

It is good to hear, we aren't the only ones.

nancy mom to Bridget 9 in SC

Checking in

Sara's been pretty miserable lately, she's been so awful at school. She has

basically refused to work at school for the past two weeks. The behavior

specialist said there is not a behavior plan that works for any child, 2

weeks before Christmas heehee

I hope all have a safe and Merry Christmas !!!!!!!!

Kathy mom to Sara 11 .......... ho ho ho

Boy, sounds just like . She has absolutely refused to do work at

school, has been mouthy to the teacher and aide. The teacher said all her

kids are acting up, she is counting the hours until Friday at 11:30!


Mom to (11, DS) and (7)

Pawleys Island, South Carolina

Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

messages to go to the sender of the message.

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You're welcome.


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To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health

checking in



> My prayer buddy today was Elise. Dear Father, please bless my

> dear friend with happiness, good health and always keep her close to you.

> Amen

> Love,


> Click here:

> http://www.lifelift.net/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=rdclem

> To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health














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Hi ,

Great job!!!!! I haven't done any LL breaths today, but I'm sure that

I'll get quite a few in tomorrow and Sat. on the way to and from Steve's

sister's house. They live an hour and a half from here.

Have a great weekend!!!!!

Love, Liz


On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 21:27:38 -0800 " Clem " <rdc@...> writes:

> Hi friends,

> Today I did 40 LL breaths and prayed for Jackie to have a safe

> Holiday season full of happiness, good health and safety.

> Love,


> Click here:

> http://www.lifelift.net/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=rdclem

> To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good

> health




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Have a wonderful Holiday Liz and be safe!!!!


Click here:


To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health

Re: checking in

> Hi ,


> Great job!!!!! I haven't done any LL breaths today, but I'm sure that

> I'll get quite a few in tomorrow and Sat. on the way to and from Steve's

> sister's house. They live an hour and a half from here.


> Have a great weekend!!!!!

> Love, Liz

> ---


> On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 21:27:38 -0800 " Clem " <rdc@...> writes:

> > Hi friends,

> > Today I did 40 LL breaths and prayed for Jackie to have a safe

> > Holiday season full of happiness, good health and safety.

> > Love,

> >

> > Click here:

> > http://www.lifelift.net/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=rdclem

> > To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good

> > health

> >

> >


> ________________________________________________________________

> Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today

> Only $9.95 per month!

> Visit www.juno.com


> What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

> See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!




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Kathy - it's that time of year - messages in December are always decreased. I

feel I have neglected this list - but then I have to sit back and see how many

others have taken a lead and keep this list going (thank you to all of you who

do that!!).

We've had a few busy weeks, too. Last month Katey had a ruptured ovarian cyst -

she had another ultrasound today and they are shrinking! With Thanksgiving just

a few weeks before Christmas, I was really thrown off. I finally let

take my car back - just so I didn't have to go to VA Tech and WVU (I did pick TJ

up last weekend).

I dind't start my Christmas shopping until last week. I'm still not done. I

also made 200 cookies this week - 100 gallettes for home and 100 for the office

cookie exchange. Yesterday, it dawned on me that today was the last day of

school - at 9:00 last night, I rushed out to get 14 presents for school

staff/bus drivers. I made out at the dollar store and found the cutest

ornaments. Then I had to wrap them......URGH! BTW, Sandi, Shelby's teacher

loved the bath salts! I talked with her during Katey's game last night (our

girls are on the same cheerleading squad). She didn't even mention who they

were from - I said that must have came from Shelby and she smiled.

My MIL is coming on Christmas Eve and my father and sister will be here

Christmas Day. 's boyfriend is coming on the 26th - I have no idea where

everyone will sleep - but my dad called the couch! I'm working next week (1 1/2

days off) - so I'll be really rushed.

And yes, I'm going to Lancaster - even if I have to make reservations at a

higher rate for not making my reservations earlier. Tim will join us on

Saturday. TIm and Ralph - that is a combination I can't wait to see how they

" mesh " out...lol! Tim and I are also talking about the Atlanta get together -

maybe we can do both.

Anyway, to all who are traveling - have a safe journey and a Merry Christmas.

To all who have in-laws coming, I'll send virtual valium your way! If anyone is

going to be away for more than a week, I would highly suggest switching your

subscription to digest or read from web until you get back. Oh yea, for those

not traveling, you'll get my Merry Christmas next week ;)

Love, Peace and Joy to all!

, mom to who wants every toy he sees on the commercials.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I have not been posting as much - just read a bunch of messages today - I

have had several new web design clients, and that

plus the holidays have kept me QUITE busy! :o) (My newest (which is not done yet

- so if you look - don't yell at me too much

yet!) - is http://truesolution.net - she is doing something with buying houses

and real-estate)

Anyway, also hubby and I fell off the band wagon basically with the gym over the

last few months - his schedule was quite hectic as

well, and I have not been doing my breathing either!

Well, just like everyone else- the new plan is to restart everything TODAY!

I am doing the Medifast diet -


I started that in Nov and lost 9 lbs RIGHT AWAY - I was SO happy - never did

that good before! LOL

And back up on drinking my water again - (I have drank more sodas over the last

few weeks than I KNOW I should have!)

And we are starting back at the gym atleast 3 days a week, and walking on the

treadmill atleast 3 days a week

And then also for ME, I plan to wake up, do the chi machine, and then the

breathing while listening to my Audio-Bible - EVERY day,

BEFORE I am allowed to touch this computer! LOL

My 10 year anniversary is in July - so I WANT to be thin again before then! (Or

pregnant with twins :o)) But atleast hopefully thin

first - then pregnant :o)

I am getting older - so I keep thinking - my time table is ticking away - and I

still want more babies though! and before my oldest

starts having her own! LOL

Laurie Delk

AOL IM Name- KJV Prov31

PO Box 251 Columbia, TN 38402



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Hi ,

I wanted to take a minute and thank you for your daily posts. I have been

really busy (who hasn't, right!) and only had time to read. I wanted to

let you know that I appreciate the posts.

I am still teaching people how to do the breaths and I love watching people

transform their lives. It is amazing how this simple little breath can make

such a difference in all aspects of a person's life.

To your success!




checking in

Today I hae done 40 LL breaths with stretches and I prayed for Amber to have

a blessed day without any stress and that she would stay well during this

flu season.

I also prayed for all the prayer concerns on the list. I know how powerful

prayer is and I am so thankful to have each and everyone of you to pray for

and knowing that we are all praying for each other.

God Bless,


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To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health

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Karma my friend!!! How wonderful to hear from you. I have missed you so

much. I know you are so busy and am really glad you are helping so many to

learn the breath. I can't believe the difference in the way it makes me

feel when I do my breathing and how lousy I feel when I don't.

You take care of yourself and keep on teaching!!!!

Love you,

Click here:


To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health

checking in



> Today I hae done 40 LL breaths with stretches and I prayed for Amber to


> a blessed day without any stress and that she would stay well during this

> flu season.

> I also prayed for all the prayer concerns on the list. I know how


> prayer is and I am so thankful to have each and everyone of you to pray


> and knowing that we are all praying for each other.

> God Bless,

> Love,


> Click here:

> http://www.lifelift.net/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=rdclem

> To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health














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Dearest Karma,

It is so wonderful to hear from you. We have all become so busy lately that it

seems we have lost touch. The beauty of true friendship is that no matter how

many days or miles are between us, our hearts are still touching daily.

I am thinking of you and sending you love every day,


Hi ,

I wanted to take a minute and thank you for your daily posts. I have been

really busy (who hasn't, right!) and only had time to read. I wanted to

let you know that I appreciate the posts.

I am still teaching people how to do the breaths and I love watching people

transform their lives. It is amazing how this simple little breath can make

such a difference in all aspects of a person's life.

To your success!




checking in

Today I hae done 40 LL breaths with stretches and I prayed for Amber to have

a blessed day without any stress and that she would stay well during this

flu season.

I also prayed for all the prayer concerns on the list. I know how powerful

prayer is and I am so thankful to have each and everyone of you to pray for

and knowing that we are all praying for each other.

God Bless,


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To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health

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Thank you !!!

Love and Blessings to you cute girl!


checking in

> Today I hae done 40 LL breaths with stretches and I prayed for Amber to

have a blessed day without any stress and that she would stay well during

this flu season.

> I also prayed for all the prayer concerns on the list. I know how

powerful prayer is and I am so thankful to have each and everyone of you to

pray for and knowing that we are all praying for each other.

> God Bless,

> Love,


> Click here:


> To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health














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Hi !!!

Now Why would you be tired of all those goodies??? :o) It does get tireson after a while... I remember those days... our daughter came over one day before the holidays and baked for 10 hours!!! She had me wore out just watching her... She left everything in the freezer until she needed it, but she didn't take it all when she made up her plates, so now I have goodies in the freezer that will most likely get freezer burnt :o( such a waste :o( But at least we had goodies for our house also, as I made a couple off of what she made... The only thing I got done this year was fudge... Made two pumpkin pies, BUT, were uneatable :o( Forot an ingreadient !!! Sugar! I have made pies for years, I just can't bekieve I did that :o(

Do I dare ask about the Grandchildren??? I'm glad that your son got to come home :o) That makes it special... How did you fair during the Holidays??? Write when you can :o) School should be back in session by now :o)

((( Relaxing Hugs )))


all get through the holidays ok? I've been trying to keep up w you, but havent been able to get on much, and every time I try to write someone had to use the phone.

We finally got to have a little Christmas with the grandkids Sat, they got left in Santa Fe on their way back from Houston.They're a mess- too long a story. 6yo Sammy explained to the girls they didnt have to be afraid of the tornados cause they were in a brick house, just like the 3 little pigs, and thier house couldnt blow down, so they're ok. , I watched that storm cell circle Houston for hours, are you ok?

Rich came all the way back here from Washington, to see the kids. And he brought his special friend to meet us. She IS a gem. The poor thing got altitude sickness I think, he took her out hiking & sightseeing immediately, and she has always been at sea level. They were going to go skiing, but I think she needs to take it easy for a few days. They have to leave in a few days, both go back to the Navy. I will keep cooking while they are here, then may never cook again. Can you believe, I am sick of pie, cake, cookies, rum balls, fruitcake, all of it. Everything, esp turkey. This may be the best diet ever. & when you're too tired to lift the food to your mouth it is time to stop. I may be the crazy lady with the Christmas tree still up in June, if I dont find some energy to put this stuff away.

I have to be in court tomorrow morning at 8-am! For the dog. Hooch has just been out visiting, and probably looking for the kids. And he just luuuvs everyone, even the dog catcher. At least she didnt take him to jail. Will try to get back on when I get home. Please take care. Love,

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Thanks Amber!!!!


Click here:


To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health

checking in



> > Today I hae done 40 LL breaths with stretches and I prayed for Amber to

> have a blessed day without any stress and that she would stay well during

> this flu season.

> > I also prayed for all the prayer concerns on the list. I know how

> powerful prayer is and I am so thankful to have each and everyone of you


> pray for and knowing that we are all praying for each other.

> > God Bless,

> > Love,

> >

> > Click here:

> http://www.lifelift.net/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=rdclem

> > To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Helen!

Oh, I never want to cook again. Last night may have been my last

blast- just had the day from hell & then fried chicken for hours, and

then no one would eat w me. I've got the runs so bad today, good old

IBS, Its from yesterdays stress. I guess I just have to be glad it

didnt hit me then, like it usually does. They all went back to school

Mon, and I thought I could then take a deep breath, but nooooooooo!

No one woke me up yest, then I woke up at 7:45- had to be in court

at 8! Threw some clothes on, and had no car. Jeff had forgotten &

driven it to school. So I had to walk, as fast as I could- which is

not very fast, mind you, and it was cold. I have to be thankful, it

was only a few blocks really. But I feel like I have shin splints on

the left leg, and my rt ankle is sooo sore. I was just a few min

late, the judge was reading everyone thier rights. He chewed out

everyone else that came late, & almost put 1 guy in jail, so again, I

have to be thankful. I must have looked like I felt. He was very nice

to me, and only fined me $25. I think the dogcatcher wrote him a

note. Living in a small town really does have advantages. He knew I

wasnt a bad guy. But then I had to walk home.........

Then I had to spend hours on the phone, mostly on hold, in an

ongoing battle with AT & T, they've been slamming me back for about

6mo, and I'm sick of paying 2 phone companies, not to mention the

switch fees. I'm feeling a little sorry today, I was so angry with

them, I then spent the afternoon reporting them to the BBB. Hubby

called sometime in the middle, to tell me the charge card was over

limit....Jeff didnt come home at lunch, & couldnt call, cause I was

on the phone, so we were all stranded, and Rich had lots of things he

wanted to do.....Sara missed the bus, & still no car, cause he had

basketball practice after school.... ran out of cigarettes...Jer was

late, he is coaching track already.....I'll stop now. I just need one

stress free day.(was told maybe I shouldnt have had kids then) Dont

think its today. Woke up to the phone ringing, Jeff had just got to

school, forgot stuff-since I wouldnt let him take the car today & he

had to take the bus. I couldnt just bring it, I would never get it

right, so he wanted to come home....I sent Rich. Then I never saw

them, I guess I was in the bathroom, so after an hour passed I got so

worried I called the school. TG I know the secretary.......they had

left & gone back already, I just didnt hear him. But Rich- and my car-

are still gone.......

Sorry! I really will stop now. & try to put those rose colored

glasses back on.

How are you doing???? Unload, it really helps. You cant be that

sweet & cheerful all the time. Oh, and cant you sprinkle sugar on

those pies, or smother em in whip cream? Mmmm, now whip cream I could

still eat! The real stuff, with a shovel, who cares whats under it?

Ho ho ho. Hope you're having a good day. Love,

> Hi !!!

> Now Why would you be tired of all those goodies??? :o) It does

get tireson

> after a while... I remember those days... our daughter came over

one day

> before the holidays and baked for 10 hours!!! She had me wore out


> watching her... She left everything in the freezer until she

needed it, but

> she didn't take it all when she made up her plates, so now I have

goodies in

> the freezer that will most likely get freezer burnt :o( such a

waste :o(

> But at least we had goodies for our house also, as I made a couple

off of

> what she made... The only thing I got done this year was fudge...

Made two

> pumpkin pies, BUT, were uneatable :o( Forot an ingreadient !!!

Sugar! I

> have made pies for years, I just can't bekieve I did that :o(

> Do I dare ask about the Grandchildren??? I'm glad that your son

got to

> come home :o) That makes it special... How did you fair during


> Holidays??? Write when you can :o) School should be back in

session by now

> :o)

> ((( Relaxing Hugs )))

> Helen


> > all get through the holidays ok? I've been trying to keep up w

you, but

> > havent been able to get on much, and every time I try to write

someone had

> > to use the phone.

> >

> > We finally got to have a little Christmas with the grandkids Sat,

they got

> > left in Santa Fe on their way back from Houston.They're a mess-

too long a

> > story. 6yo Sammy explained to the girls they didnt have to be

afraid of the

> > tornados cause they were in a brick house, just like the 3 little

pigs, and

> > thier house couldnt blow down, so they're ok. , I watched

that storm

> > cell circle Houston for hours, are you ok?

> >

> > Rich came all the way back here from Washington, to see the

kids. And he

> > brought his special friend to meet us. She IS a gem. The poor

thing got

> > altitude sickness I think, he took her out hiking & sightseeing


> > and she has always been at sea level. They were going to go

skiing, but I

> > think she needs to take it easy for a few days. They have to

leave in a few

> > days, both go back to the Navy. I will keep cooking while they

are here,

> > then may never cook again. Can you believe, I am sick of pie,


> > cookies, rum balls, fruitcake, all of it. Everything, esp turkey.

This may

> > be the best diet ever. & when you're too tired to lift the food to


> > mouth it is time to stop. I may be the crazy lady with the

Christmas tree

> > still up in June, if I dont find some energy to put this stuff


> >

> > I have to be in court tomorrow morning at 8-am! For the dog.

Hooch has

> > just been out visiting, and probably looking for the kids. And he


> > luuuvs everyone, even the dog catcher. At least she didnt take

him to jail.

> > Will try to get back on when I get home. Please take care. Love,

> >

> >

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Hi Helen!

Oh, I never want to cook again. Last night may have been my last

blast- just had the day from hell & then fried chicken for hours, and

then no one would eat w me.

*******That does bite when you have worked and worked in the kitchen and NO ONE eats!!! OR they all gulp it down in five/ten min's. and by the time you get to sit down and start top eat they are up and gone!!! Been there done that :o) Sounds like a mom thing to me :o)

Whens the last time you actually had a hot meal hot and a cold meal cold??? :o)

I've got the runs so bad today, good old IBS, Its from yesterdays stress. I guess I just have to be glad it didnt hit me then, like it usually does.

*******I'm the opposite right now, as the plaquanil is whats causing the problems for the bowels, but at least the IBS is doing good :o) You do remember that fried foods are terrible for IBS :o)

They all went back to school Mon, and I thought I could then take a deep breath, but nooooooooo!

No one woke me up yest, then I woke up at 7:45- had to be in court

at 8! Threw some clothes on, and had no car. Jeff had forgotten &

driven it to school. So I had to walk, as fast as I could- which is

not very fast, mind you, and it was cold. I have to be thankful, it

was only a few blocks really. But I feel like I have shin splints on

the left leg, and my rt ankle is sooo sore. I was just a few min

late, the judge was reading everyone thier rights. He chewed out

everyone else that came late, & almost put 1 guy in jail, so again, I

have to be thankful. I must have looked like I felt. He was very nice

to me, and only fined me $25. I think the dogcatcher wrote him a

note. Living in a small town really does have advantages. He knew I

wasnt a bad guy. But then I had to walk home.........

*******What'd ya forget? The dogs license??? i better check and make sure Ross got Toubies new tags, since this reminds me of it, Thanks :o)

Then I had to spend hours on the phone, mostly on hold, in an

ongoing battle with AT & T, they've been slamming me back for about

6mo, and I'm sick of paying 2 phone companies, not to mention the

switch fees. I'm feeling a little sorry today, I was so angry with

them, I then spent the afternoon reporting them to the BBB.

*******is one of the phone bills for long distance ??? We got rid of our long distance carrier as i was NOT going to pay a fee for something that I don't use that often... We kept the line open for long distance so that in an emergency I could just plain dial out for it, but I don't have to pay any monthly fee on it, but it does cost us 35 cents a min, to use it... I went to Sam's Club and purchased a phone card for 20 dollars with 600 min's, which equals out to about 3 and 1/2 cents per min... No surcharge for using it unless you use it on pay phones... Then I just recharge it over the phone with a credit card so I don't have to run back into Toledo... It works out great for us :o)

Hubby called sometime in the middle, to tell me the charge card was over


*******Ouch!!! Sounds like after the Holiday Blues!!!

Jeff didnt come home at lunch, & couldnt call, cause I was on the phone, so we were all stranded, and Rich had lots of things he

wanted to do.....Sara missed the bus, & still no car, cause he had

basketball practice after school.... ran out of cigarettes...Jer was

late, he is coaching track already.....I'll stop now. I just need one

stress free day.(was told maybe I shouldnt have had kids then) Dont

think its today.

******* Now you KNOW you do not have to STOP!!!

You wouldn't know what to do without your children, now fess up :o) Maybe tomorrow will be your stress free day :o)

Woke up to the phone ringing, Jeff had just got to school, forgot stuff-since I wouldnt let him take the car today & he

had to take the bus. I couldnt just bring it, I would never get it

right, so he wanted to come home....I sent Rich. Then I never saw

them, I guess I was in the bathroom, so after an hour passed I got so

worried I called the school. TG I know the secretary.......they had

left & gone back already, I just didnt hear him. But Rich- and my car-

are still gone.......

((((((((((((HUGE HUGS ))))))))))))

Sorry! I really will stop now. & try to put those rose colored

glasses back on.

*******They do work good don't they :o)

How are you doing???? Unload, it really helps. You cant be that

sweet & cheerful all the time.

*******Peachy kean!!! Me!!! Sweet and Cheerful!!! :o) You must be thinking of another person!!! :o) Do you Really want me to unload???

Oh, and cant you sprinkle sugar on those pies, or smother em in whip cream? Mmmm, now whip cream I could

still eat! The real stuff, with a shovel, who cares whats under it?

Ho ho ho. Hope you're having a good day. Love,

*******Now I Never thought of that!!! A Slow thinker here :o) Whip cream does sound good :o) Having as Good a day as you had {:o) Try and Rest now my Friend... Tomorrows another day {:o)

((((((( RAINBOW HUGS )))))))



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susan-what a day you had! sure hope that you get that stress free one

sometime soon. carol

On Thu, 09 Jan 2003 18:30:32 -0000 " paulsons5 <paulsons5@...> "

<paulsons5@...> writes:

> Hi Helen!

> Oh, I never want to cook again. Last night may have been my last

> blast- just had the day from hell & then fried chicken for hours,

> and

> then no one would eat w me. I've got the runs so bad today, good old


> IBS, Its from yesterdays stress. I guess I just have to be glad it

> didnt hit me then, like it usually does. They all went back to

> school

> Mon, and I thought I could then take a deep breath, but nooooooooo!

> No one woke me up yest, then I woke up at 7:45- had to be in court


> at 8! Threw some clothes on, and had no car. Jeff had forgotten &

> driven it to school. So I had to walk, as fast as I could- which is


> not very fast, mind you, and it was cold. I have to be thankful, it


> was only a few blocks really. But I feel like I have shin splints on


> the left leg, and my rt ankle is sooo sore. I was just a few min

> late, the judge was reading everyone thier rights. He chewed out

> everyone else that came late, & almost put 1 guy in jail, so again,

> I

> have to be thankful. I must have looked like I felt. He was very

> nice

> to me, and only fined me $25. I think the dogcatcher wrote him a

> note. Living in a small town really does have advantages. He knew I


> wasnt a bad guy. But then I had to walk home.........

> Then I had to spend hours on the phone, mostly on hold, in an

> ongoing battle with AT & T, they've been slamming me back for about

> 6mo, and I'm sick of paying 2 phone companies, not to mention the

> switch fees. I'm feeling a little sorry today, I was so angry with

> them, I then spent the afternoon reporting them to the BBB. Hubby

> called sometime in the middle, to tell me the charge card was over

> limit....Jeff didnt come home at lunch, & couldnt call, cause I was


> on the phone, so we were all stranded, and Rich had lots of things

> he

> wanted to do.....Sara missed the bus, & still no car, cause he had

> basketball practice after school.... ran out of cigarettes...Jer was


> late, he is coaching track already.....I'll stop now. I just need

> one

> stress free day.(was told maybe I shouldnt have had kids then) Dont


> think its today. Woke up to the phone ringing, Jeff had just got to


> school, forgot stuff-since I wouldnt let him take the car today & he


> had to take the bus. I couldnt just bring it, I would never get it

> right, so he wanted to come home....I sent Rich. Then I never saw

> them, I guess I was in the bathroom, so after an hour passed I got

> so

> worried I called the school. TG I know the secretary.......they had


> left & gone back already, I just didnt hear him. But Rich- and my

> car-

> are still gone.......

> Sorry! I really will stop now. & try to put those rose colored

> glasses back on.

> How are you doing???? Unload, it really helps. You cant be that

> sweet & cheerful all the time. Oh, and cant you sprinkle sugar on

> those pies, or smother em in whip cream? Mmmm, now whip cream I

> could

> still eat! The real stuff, with a shovel, who cares whats under it?


> Ho ho ho. Hope you're having a good day. Love,



> > Hi !!!

> > Now Why would you be tired of all those goodies??? :o) It does


> get tireson

> > after a while... I remember those days... our daughter came over


> one day

> > before the holidays and baked for 10 hours!!! She had me wore out


> just

> > watching her... She left everything in the freezer until she

> needed it, but

> > she didn't take it all when she made up her plates, so now I have


> goodies in

> > the freezer that will most likely get freezer burnt :o( such a

> waste :o(

> > But at least we had goodies for our house also, as I made a couple


> off of

> > what she made... The only thing I got done this year was fudge...


> Made two

> > pumpkin pies, BUT, were uneatable :o( Forot an ingreadient !!!

> Sugar! I

> > have made pies for years, I just can't bekieve I did that :o(

> > Do I dare ask about the Grandchildren??? I'm glad that your son


> got to

> > come home :o) That makes it special... How did you fair during

> the

> > Holidays??? Write when you can :o) School should be back in

> session by now

> > :o)

> > ((( Relaxing Hugs )))

> > Helen

> >

> > > all get through the holidays ok? I've been trying to keep up w

> you, but

> > > havent been able to get on much, and every time I try to write

> someone had

> > > to use the phone.

> > >

> > > We finally got to have a little Christmas with the grandkids

> Sat,

> they got

> > > left in Santa Fe on their way back from Houston.They're a mess-


> too long a

> > > story. 6yo Sammy explained to the girls they didnt have to be

> afraid of the

> > > tornados cause they were in a brick house, just like the 3

> little

> pigs, and

> > > thier house couldnt blow down, so they're ok. , I watched

> that storm

> > > cell circle Houston for hours, are you ok?

> > >

> > > Rich came all the way back here from Washington, to see the

> kids. And he

> > > brought his special friend to meet us. She IS a gem. The poor

> thing got

> > > altitude sickness I think, he took her out hiking & sightseeing

> immediately,

> > > and she has always been at sea level. They were going to go

> skiing, but I

> > > think she needs to take it easy for a few days. They have to

> leave in a few

> > > days, both go back to the Navy. I will keep cooking while they

> are here,

> > > then may never cook again. Can you believe, I am sick of pie,

> cake,

> > > cookies, rum balls, fruitcake, all of it. Everything, esp

> turkey.

> This may

> > > be the best diet ever. & when you're too tired to lift the food

> to

> your

> > > mouth it is time to stop. I may be the crazy lady with the

> Christmas tree

> > > still up in June, if I dont find some energy to put this stuff

> away.

> > >

> > > I have to be in court tomorrow morning at 8-am! For the dog.

> Hooch has

> > > just been out visiting, and probably looking for the kids. And

> he

> just

> > > luuuvs everyone, even the dog catcher. At least she didnt take

> him to jail.

> > > Will try to get back on when I get home. Please take care. Love,



> > >

> > >



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Thanks Helen, I needed that!

How are you???? Yes, unload. Hey, you guys are way better than dear

abby. I just hate to get on a pity party with my silly ass problems.

They really get put in perspective here. & I should apologize for all

my whining. But I want you to feel free to do it too- it helps so

much to unload. I was about to blow.

My sister in law told me she got thru her daughters snotty teen

years by telling her she could write her notes, and say anything she

wanted on them. She got a few letters, then she noticed she would

write, then feel better & tear it up. Then, just write I love you


Rich & his friend are on thier way back to Washington, on a bus. The

kids got a free weekend- friends over, sleep late & go play.( & frozen

pizza) I got the fridge cleaned out, and the holiday decorations down

& boxed up, and then I sat down & did a new jigsaw puzzle. It's a

Kincade, w french doors leading out to a beautiful garden.

Such peace. The dust bunnies will wait for me.

peaceful calm hugs,

> > *******That does bite when you have worked and worked in the

kitchen and NO

> ONE eats!!! OR they all gulp it down in five/ten min's. and by the

time you

> get to sit down and start top eat they are up and gone!!! Been

there done

> that :o) Sounds like a mom thing to me :o)

> Whens the last time you actually had a hot meal hot and a cold meal


> :o)

> .


> *******I'm the opposite right now, as the plaquanil is whats

causing the

> problems for the bowels, but at least the IBS is doing good :o) You


> remember that fried foods are terrible for IBS :o)



*******What'd ya forget? The dogs license??? i better check and make


> Ross got Toubies new tags, since this reminds me of it, Thanks :o)


> *******is one of the phone bills for long distance ??? We got rid

of our

> long distance carrier as i was NOT going to pay a fee for something

that I

> don't use that often... We kept the line open for long distance so

that in

> an emergency I could just plain dial out for it, but I don't have

to pay any

> monthly fee on it, but it does cost us 35 cents a min, to use it...

I went to

> Sam's Club and purchased a phone card for 20 dollars with 600

min's, which

> equals out to about 3 and 1/2 cents per min... No surcharge for

using it

> unless you use it on pay phones... Then I just recharge it over the


> with a credit card so I don't have to run back into Toledo... It

works out

> great for us :o)>

> *******Ouch!!! Sounds like after the Holiday Blues!!!


> late, he is coaching track already.....I'll stop now. I just need


> > stress free day.(was told maybe I shouldnt have had kids then)


> > think its today.


> ******* Now you KNOW you do not have to STOP!!!

> You wouldn't know what to do without your children, now fess

up :o) Maybe

> tomorrow will be your stress free day :o)




> > ((((((((((((HUGE HUGS ))))))))))))


> > Sorry! I really will stop now. & try to put those rose colored

> > glasses back on.


> *******They do work good don't they :o)

> >

> > How are you doing???? Unload, it really helps. You cant be that

> > sweet & cheerful all the time.


> *******Peachy kean!!! Me!!! Sweet and Cheerful!!! :o) You must


> thinking of another person!!! :o) Do you Really want me to



> Oh, and cant you sprinkle sugar on > those pies, or smother em in

whip cream?

> > Mmmm, now whip cream I could

> > still eat! The real stuff, with a shovel, who cares whats under


> > Ho ho ho. Hope you're having a good day. Love,


> *******Now I Never thought of that!!! A Slow thinker here :o)

Whip cream

> does sound good :o) Having as Good a day as you had {:o) Try and

Rest now

> my Friend... Tomorrows another day {:o)


> ((((((( RAINBOW HUGS )))))))


> [unable to display image]

> angelbear1129@a...

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I just hate to get on a pity party with my silly ass problems.

They really get put in perspective here. & I should apologize for all

my whining.

Since WHEN is any one's Problems Silly Ass ??? Apologize??? I Think NOT !!!

We are here to HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! and to LISTEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOT THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, How ya doing today??? :o) Your puzzle sounds

pretty !!!

I haven't done one of those in a while... My fingers don't always comply :o) The dust bunnies will always be there, they seem to always multiply whether we do them or not! Isn't that what Bunnies do best??? :o)

((( Relaxing Hugs )))


Thanks Helen, I needed that!

How are you???? Yes, unload. Hey, you guys are way better than dear

abby. I just hate to get on a pity party with my silly ass problems.

They really get put in perspective here. & I should apologize for all

my whining. But I want you to feel free to do it too- it helps so

much to unload. I was about to blow.

My sister in law told me she got thru her daughters snotty teen

years by telling her she could write her notes, and say anything she

wanted on them. She got a few letters, then she noticed she would

write, then feel better & tear it up. Then, just write I love you


Rich & his friend are on thier way back to Washington, on a bus. The

kids got a free weekend- friends over, sleep late & go play.( & frozen

pizza) I got the fridge cleaned out, and the holiday decorations down

& boxed up, and then I sat down & did a new jigsaw puzzle. It's a

Kincade, w french doors leading out to a beautiful garden.

Such peace. The dust bunnies will wait for me.

peaceful calm hugs,

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Hey !!!! You've sure been busy!!! How are you doing now?!?!

( *)= { ~~ )Jmducky@...-Jessi

"Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve."-- Lewin

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Hi Jessi! Still trying to take a deep breath & relax. No rest for

the wicked. Feeling awful, but thats nothing new. How about you?

My dog Hooch became a daddy last night! His girlfriend Izzy had 5

puppies, 3 look just like him- they think. He has been taking her all

kinds of presents, deer legs etc. Thats how he got into trouble. No

one is happier than my friends, who took care of him for me on the

farm.( & taught him to be " seizure dog " - thats what the EMT's call

him, gratefully) Izzy is thier sons dog. They live across the field &

thru a housing division. We're all hoping for a little hooch for


Geez, I hope that made sense, I'm getting so scatterbrained. Better

get to bed. You take care of yourself, and try not to scare Nana.


> Hey !!!! You've sure been busy!!! How are you doing now?!?!


> ( *)=

> { ~~ )

> Jmducky@e...

> -Jessi



> " Too often we give children answers to remember rather than

problems to solve. " -- Lewin

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:o) Aww tell Hooch congrats on being a dad :o) I bet the pups are just too

cute! Seizure Dog?? How have you been doing?!

**try not to scare Nana**

LOL easier said then done! I don't mean to scare her lol it just kind of

happens! I think my body thinks it's funny...;o)

you take care k!!

( *)=

{ ~~ )



" We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop

playing. "

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Hi Jessi! Nice to hear from you. Wish I could trade you some of that

snow for the 54 degrees we got yesterday.

I forget & hate to tell stories over & over, like my dad does...One

of my friends, who took care of Hooch for me, has a seizure disorder.

Hooch figured it out, knows when he is about to have one, and warns

him, pushes him down in a chair, or holds him up against the wall if

he cant get there. He usually has a pattern of several small ones

before a grand mal, so if you can stop the sm ones, the big one wont

happen. Or so it seems with him. Also, when he does have " the big

ones " , they are so bad Connie usually has to call the ambulance, and

they know from experience they need about 6 guys to get him in it- he

comes up fighting & out of his mind. These used to happen often, &

this is a small town. He's only had 1 since they started taking care

of Hooch a lot, over a yr ago- and he came up petting the dog, just

as sweet & calm as he usually is. 3 of the regular EMT's were there,

and 3 policemen they had called as backup, cause they know him & what

they were in for. A couple of them are old friends of mine, & co

workers husbands.....so he is " seizure dog " , and they all love him.

(and they do not miss going to Connie & Butch's house!) So now he

really has 2 homes, we take him out to visit, and they come over a

lot. We let him decide if he wants to stay, or go with them- he seems

to know when Butch needs him, and then he wants to be home. We told

them they could keep him, but they love him too & want him to be

happy. So these puppies are very special!

I loved seeing your pics, and noticed your dog with all the animals-

he is obviously special too. Hooch took care of baby birds & kitties,

and anything else Sara has brought home, bunnies too.

Take care of yourself & all those critters, and stay warm. Love,

> :o) Aww tell Hooch congrats on being a dad :o) I bet the pups are

just too

> cute! Seizure Dog?? How have you been doing?!


> **try not to scare Nana**


> LOL easier said then done! I don't mean to scare her lol it just

kind of

> happens! I think my body thinks it's funny...;o)


> you take care k!!


> ( *)=

> { ~~ )

> Jmducky@e...

> -Jessi


> " We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because

we stop

> playing. "

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  • 2 weeks later...


Keep up the great work. Hope you are feeling better.

Take care


In , " in2nailz22

<in2nailz22@y...> " <in2nailz22@y...> wrote:

> Hi all, Im just checking in here ( didnt want anyone to think i


> just a New Years drop out..lol) I have been under the weather this

> past week and just barely chugging along! I was feeling like crap

> last night and took my shower, walked into the bedroom in my


> suit and hubby looked at me and said " damn babe, i can see a huge

> diffrence in the way your body looks " I have to say that i dont


> much support from him in the way of my new lifestyle, so this

> compliment was such a great motivator. Hope everyone is doing well.


> Kim/Ohio

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  • 2 weeks later...

:o) Hey Hooch sounds like one very special boy! Our dog Flint is

really good with kids and even better with kids with health problems. The

kids I use to take care of back in Ca could do anything to Flint and he was

as happy as can be. When the youngest boy had heart surgery Flint knew

something was up and was *so* gentle with him while he was staying with us

and recovering (he has 3 older brothers at home lol it was safer to recoop

with us LOL) Flint was going to be a therapy dog at the children's hospital,

but my doctor threatened me with a week long hospital stay if I even thought

of volunteering at the hospital LOL she said I was in there enough I didn't

need to be there anymore! How have you been doing?!

( *)=

{ ~~ )



" Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to

solve. " -- Lewin

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Have a great trip !!!!!! Great job on your workout!!!!

Love ya!!!!



On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 12:35:19 -0800 Clem <rdc@...> writes:

I'm getting ready to leave for Midland to see our babies so thought I

would check in before I go. I did 40 breaths and worked out at curves.


Click here:


To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health

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