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Wow TexasMom,

You are recovering wonderfully!! I am so glad you

picked up and started the exercise so soon. I know it

helps your recovery and also keeps you in the habit of

not getting lazy about doing LL. You know, doing the

LL videos are so wonderful that I can't imagine why I

ever let my busy lifestyle get in the way of doing

them. How ridiculous is that!!! I feel a million

(okay a zillion) times better after doing the videos,

so there is no reason to miss even one day! It's like

taking a bubble bath...something I enjoy so much.

Okay, Way to go TexasMom. I'm glad you are back in

action as usual.

Loving Life(lift)


--- TexasMom <mmitchell@...> wrote:

> Good morning LL'rs. Today I did 10 warm up breaths

> and workout #2.

> This workout #2 is so awesome. I substitue some of

> the floor

> exercises to do extra squatting chair positions and

> I'm so stiff

> today but I can tell you that it has made some

> dramatic progress for

> my very high up inner thigh. I only have less than

> an inch at the

> very top of the inner thigh left to lose. The rest

> of my thigh is

> very firm and when I walk, you can see the muscle

> tone. These chair

> exercises are great as you can really work up to a

> very hard

> challenge on the leg area at your own pace. I look

> totally

> ridiculous but it works.


> Karma, I thought of you today while I was squatting

> there with

> quivering thighs and sweat today doing them. I felt

> like I was

> looking at a million stairs going upstairs today

> afterwards.




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Hi TexasMom,

Thanks for thinking of me! You are right, those chair exercises make my legs really wobbly. Another killer one for me is the one that Darlene likes too. Rashelle demonstrates it in the original tape and then tells everyone that Darlene loves it on tape #1 I think. Those are the ones that I prefer to do. Today we are celebrating an 8th birthday. It is so weird not to want to eat the whole cake myself, but I am just not interested in sweets. I am eating some so as not to be a party pooper. It really is odd to be satisfied to just have a taste of it. I wish everyone could be so free! It is wonderful. :-)

Sincerely,Karmahttp://loaves-n-fishes.com 25% Savings on Name Brand Vitamins and Food Supplements! Free $5.00! at this link! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.com

checking in

Good morning LL'rs. Today I did 10 warm up breaths and workout #2. This workout #2 is so awesome. I substitue some of the floor exercises to do extra squatting chair positions and I'm so stiff today but I can tell you that it has made some dramatic progress for my very high up inner thigh. I only have less than an inch at the very top of the inner thigh left to lose. The rest of my thigh is very firm and when I walk, you can see the muscle tone. These chair exercises are great as you can really work up to a very hard challenge on the leg area at your own pace. I look totally ridiculous but it works.Karma, I thought of you today while I was squatting there with quivering thighs and sweat today doing them. I felt like I was looking at a million stairs going upstairs today afterwards.Please use our list bookstore In Association with Amazon.com If you are looking for anything, please click on this link first! Thanks! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/karmasrecommerea/

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Your daughter will be fine!! With her new confidence

from Oxygen Zoo, she will be a shining star there! I

will pray for you and for her becuase any change is

tough at any age! You've given her lots of positive

tools for her to excell, so you need not worry!

Loving Life(lift)


--- TexasMom <mmitchell@...> wrote:

> I'm so upbeat today LL sisters which is good given

> all that's going

> on with my work sitation. I do have a small prayer

> request that is

> probably more for me but I'm aiming it at my

> daughter. I'm moving

> her to a different nursery school on Friday

> (starting on Friday

> because they swim on Friday's). The current school

> and new school

> are private schools owned by the same people so it's

> the same type of

> building (looks like an old train station), same

> philosphy, same

> routine, same programs, etc. So really the only

> thing different is

> the kids and teachers. I of course, am a mess that

> she's going to

> freak out and have a horrible first day but they

> assure me that

> she'll put a show for my benefit but after I leave,

> she'll have a

> ball. Plus they will give her extra attention that

> day to link her

> up with friends, etc. So a prayer that she will

> have as much fun as

> she is now and that I will blessed with all the good

> things she has

> learned at her current school would be appreciated.

> The reason I'm

> moving her to the different location is that it is

> closer to home and

> the school she will be going to next year when she

> starts

> kindergarden so I'd have to make this move anyways,

> I'm just doing it

> now so that I'll be closer to her. Thanks everyone

> for letting me

> vent my " Mommy moment " .


> Okay, here's my workout for the weekend and today:

> Saturday: 10 warm up breaths and workout #1

> Sunday: 10 warm up breaths and workout #2

> Today: 10 warm up breaths and workout #1





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  • 1 month later...

Hi Karma,

I seem to be having scheduling difficulties lately too. I have two

boys under the age of two, and will sometimes babysit my neices and

nephews throughout the week (sometimes I have up to 5 kids under the

age of 3), so I know how difficult it can be to find time for


For me, I pretty much have to do my workout first thing in the

morning, otherwise it seems I spend the rest of the day looking for

that 20 minutes to squeeze it in. It's working well for me to do the

routine first thing in the morning and then do some extra breaths

throughout the day. Maybe you can have a 20 minute " breathing

recess " where you can do some breathing and stretches with your kids!

Just do the best you can, and check in when you get time.

Take care,

ë Tara

> Hi Everyone,

> Just wanted to touch base with everyone. I am still working on my

schedule trying to find a time to get my workout worked in! I am

trying to find a block of time that isn't accounted for. Hard to

believe, but, it is a problem for me right now. I thought I had it

figured out, but my plans didn't work this morning, so, I will try to

get my workout worked in later today.


> School is starting again this year and I am finding that once

again, I am having scheduling difficulties. This year instead of two

being home schooled, I have to find time to home school all four of

them. This means that I won't have as much access to my computer

because I need to have one of the kids working on it as a learning

station most of the time. This means that I won't be on-line to

answer questions as much as in the past.


> I am still reading the posts and enjoying all the new people who

are posting.


> Have a great day!

> ~Karma

> karma@l...

> http://loaves-n-fishes.com

> http://loaves-n-fishes.com/downloads.htm

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  • 1 month later...

Hi ,

Yes, there are some parasite cleanses that will work by not fasting. I did the fasting colon cleanse at first, then added black wal-nut, still fasting. This process that I did was about a month in length. Some people got the idea that I lost 35 pounds in 7 days, that wasn't the case. I used the Sonne 7 day cleanse products for a month and that is how long it took to lose the 35 pounds.

I have switched to using the Awareness Cleanse and Rebuild Parasite cleanse. It is NOT a fasting cleanse. I have been on it for around four months now and I am still in awe that I continue to see visible critters occasionally. I haven't seen any worms since the beginning, these later ones are very strange looking. This cleanse is very effective. I actually considered myself to be a very healthy person before going on this cleanse. Since being on it, I have gotten rid of some aches and pains that I just thought I would have to live with for the duration of this lifetime in this body! :-) I have both my mother and sister and several friends on it also so I can see how this product is working for them also. I talked to my mother last night and she said she is slowly getting better. She has been very, very, sick for the past 15 years with some unknown virus that the Dr.s told her attaches itself to her organs. The first bout with it, it attached to her liver. She was in Intensive care for two weeks on that one. Then she was better for a while and had another flair up. This time the Dr.'s told her it had attached itself to her heart. What this did was cause her blood pressure to be the same coming and going from her heart. She was in Intensive Care for almost a month with that one because she couldn't stand up. She has had every test given to her that her HMO will approve. She has been to so many specialists and the Doctors just tell her that they only know it is a virus and don't really know how to fix it. She had also been getting worse and worse with arthritis. I told her that in my parasite research that some forms of arthritis can be traced to parasites that actually eat the bone. She has been on the Cleanse and Rebuild products for almost three months. She told me last night that her knees and hands are getting better. She is able to move around without her cane. She isn't all that old in my opinion. She is only 61 and shouldn't be falling apart like she is in my opinion. She still teaches and it has been very difficult moving around her classroom with her cane. She is so grateful that she doesn't need it anymore. She also reported that her daily headaches are gone. I can't get her to do LifeLift for anything. Every time I go to her house I try to show her. She just won't do it, she said she didn't feel well enough to do it. No amount of talking could convince her that it would make her feel better, that is amazing for me, because I can usually convince her to do what is best for her. She had to be put on a sleep apnea machine a while back and that really bothered her because she is severely claustrophobic. Anyway, she has let me keep her on the cleanse for two months and told me to go ahead and send her another month. This says something, because if it was any kind of an hassle, she wouldn't do it. She is a real pansy!!! She won't look in the toilet to see if anything odd is coming out. She is too squeamish to look. She says that she feels better and that is what counts.

My sister has been battling weight issues for quite some time. Serious weight issues! At LEAST 100 pounds overweight and she is a high school PE teacher. She knows better, because she was quite an athlete in her youth. Pregnancy didn't do well by her. She couldn't get any of the weight off after her two kids. Again, she won't do the breathing either! Can you believe it!! But she is doing the cleanse and is in her second month also. She tells me that her migraines are gone and that her food preferences are changing. She thinks her clothes are fitting loser, not sure. Refuses to measure or step on the scales, she says it is too depressing and prefers not to know. She will look in the toilet and says that there are some really weird looking things in there!

The Awareness Cleanse and Rebuild Colon and Parasite cleanse makes the body bitter to parasites. It kills them anywhere the blood goes in the body, not just in the Digestive and Intestinal area.

Sorry this post was so long, I just happened to have talked to both my sister and mother last night as I called to check on how they were doing on this cleanse.

~Karma<(©¿©)> http://loaves-n-fishes.com

checking in

HI everyone, This is my day one again, like I've said before the weekends are my downfall. It was a long weekend for me so its tuesday and I'm back at work and back to a new start. I've got a question for Karma, I've really been wanting to do the parasite cleanse but I have no desire at all to fast(I like food far to much for that kind of deprivation) do you think it will work anyway ?http://themail.com/ref.htm?ref=1227417 *** This free e-mail service pays money for messages that are read! This list sponsored by:http://www.lifelift.comhttp://www.angelmagic.comhttp://loaves-n-fishes.comhttp://themail.com/ref.htm?ref=1227417 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/karmasrecommerea/

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Teela, unfortunately or fortunately, take your pick, we parents of OCDers

are all among the first wave of those who have research working for us, and

effective treatment options for our kids. Until fairly recently OCD was

believed to be a disorder that began in the late teen years or young

adulthood, also that it was very rare. Doctors who have been out of school

for awhile may not know that OCD is not only a common disorder but also can

begin in childhood, even in preschoolers. We on the list do! I wouldn't

let this doctor's comments put me off the track, though personally I'd have

reservations on seeing him for my own treatment since he so eloquently

" outed " himself as not having kept current in his field. Just MHO.

Kathy R. in Indiana

p.s. I am sorry to hear that Summer is sick, could her weight loss be

caused by this? Kel also seems to have one long cold/flu/ear infection

beginning late fall and lasting until spring every year. Her doctor is now

considering prophylactic antibiotics for her.

----- Original Message -----

From: " Teela Blue " <teelablue@...>

> Hi everyone! I have been trying to get my girl healthy

> she has been battling a cold and flu for three weeks

> and work this morning with an ear infection. GRRr. Oh

> well we are surviving on little sleep but she is at

> least in good spirits.

> Her syptoms are the same as ever but we have been

> able to get barrettes into her hair and they stay for

> at least a day. The smoothies fell flat! Not a good

> scene and we are back to the dietician next Thurs as

> her weight is dropping again. sigh...

> I have had a horrible experience with a dr I was

> referred to reguarding my own ocd. He was more

> interested in my daughter than me and then pronounced

> that ocd is and illness of teens and young adults. I

> found this extremely unethical and irresponsible. How

> dare he even question my daughter's diagnosis when we

> are finally getting help we have needed for so long.

> Well the baby is due in April and I am off to have a

> scan and find out what I am having. I am taking Summer

> with me to share the experience good luck to every one

> and good health too! hugs Teela

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HI Teela:

Sorry you are battling illness and ignorance. It sounds like you have

something wonderful to look forward to. Please keep us posted about your

new baby and how you are managing all this. Take care, aloha, Kathy (h)


At 03:48 PM 02/20/2001 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi everyone! I have been trying to get my girl healthy

>she has been battling a cold and flu for three weeks

>and work this morning with an ear infection. GRRr. Oh

>well we are surviving on little sleep but she is at

>least in good spirits.

> Her syptoms are the same as ever but we have been

>able to get barrettes into her hair and they stay for

>at least a day. The smoothies fell flat! Not a good

>scene and we are back to the dietician next Thurs as

>her weight is dropping again. sigh...

> I have had a horrible experience with a dr I was

>referred to reguarding my own ocd. He was more

>interested in my daughter than me and then pronounced

>that ocd is and illness of teens and young adults. I

>found this extremely unethical and irresponsible. How

>dare he even question my daughter's diagnosis when we

>are finally getting help we have needed for so long.

> Well the baby is due in April and I am off to have a

>scan and find out what I am having. I am taking Summer

>with me to share the experience good luck to every one

>and good health too! hugs Teela

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Hi Kathy, Summer has an ear infection and we have

started antibiotics. Hopefully this is the end of it

all. I am so excited about the scan tomorrow I will

have to tell you what I am having the minute I get


I am frustrated with the dr's but oh well back to the

drawing board. The better the weather the better my

mood. I feel like I can handle anything in the spring.

I hope Summer feels rfreshed when it gets brighter and

sunnier. She is now having some difficulty with the

idea of the baby and all the changes that are going to

occur. I am excited to hear her name her reason for

anxiety though. this is a first for her to tell me

what is bothering her. She is really disturbed that

things in the house are going to change. Hugs Teela


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Kathy, so nice to chat with you again!! I have really

missed you guys. sorry to hear about Kel's health

troubles to! gsoh it is enough for them to deal with

and then to get this ongoing flu/cold/ ear infection

stuff!!! Sum is plain worn out!!!

I am feeling pretty empowered today as I called and

asked for a new referral to another dr in my area.

Hopefully he will be better as after that there is

only one other. I had called the mental health agency

and can you believe they didn't have any dr.s names to

refer me to???? HMM what do they do or know? I called

my daughters dr and had him give me the names. Wish me

luck I haven't heard back about the appointment yet.

Hugs Teela


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HI Teela:

Change is very tough for people with NBDs. I am interested in finding out

more that we can do to enhance our ability to develop more flexibility to

different circumstances as we age. For Steve he has been much less

inflexible as his treatment gains have increased. Having a regular routine

with enough down time for him is also very important. Can't wait to hear

your news about the new baby. Take care, aloha, Kathy (h)


At 04:45 AM 02/21/2001 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi Kathy, Summer has an ear infection and we have

>started antibiotics. Hopefully this is the end of it

>all. I am so excited about the scan tomorrow I will

>have to tell you what I am having the minute I get


> I am frustrated with the dr's but oh well back to the

>drawing board. The better the weather the better my

>mood. I feel like I can handle anything in the spring.

>I hope Summer feels rfreshed when it gets brighter and

>sunnier. She is now having some difficulty with the

>idea of the baby and all the changes that are going to

>occur. I am excited to hear her name her reason for

>anxiety though. this is a first for her to tell me

>what is bothering her. She is really disturbed that

>things in the house are going to change. Hugs Teela

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Dawn! Glad to hear Allie's having a great summer, so is Bridget!

Redecorating sounds fun...some times I'd like to burn our place down

and start over!! Ha Ha just kidding. Keep us posted.



> I've been quiet lately. Allie has been doing fantastic in summer

> school. She's making friends and is generally happy. The teachers


> tell me she's doing really well. We are still having increased

> aggressive behaviors at home. A behavioral evaluation is being


> tomorrow to see if she qualifies for more services. Hopefully

we'll get

> psych services at the very least, because dad moves out next week.


> settlement on his new townhouse is tomorrow. I'm stressed, but

also in

> the middle of redecorating the entire house so it's not as bad as it

> could be. I'm sure I'll be a basketcase next week.


> Dawn

> Allie 4 PDD-NOS, Shelby 2 NT

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Dawn -

I'm really sorry that Dad couldn't manage to deal with this...It's sad :-(

But! I hope things continue to go well for you and the kids! I know you'll do

great....you sound like a wonderful Mom!

Penny-------------------------------------------------------- " Just remember this: Plenty of Horsepower, No Traction " - R. S. on

" If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away. " --Henry Thoreau

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Dawn -

I'm really sorry that Dad couldn't manage to deal with this...It's sad :-(

But! I hope things continue to go well for you and the kids! I know you'll do

great....you sound like a wonderful Mom!

Penny-------------------------------------------------------- " Just remember this: Plenty of Horsepower, No Traction " - R. S. on

" If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away. " --Henry Thoreau

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Karma,

It was so great to see you checking in with this message.

It is good to see you doing your breaths and following through with the plans

you had made before the event that has changed all of our lives.

As for my personal plan of action, I am doing lots of Life Lift breaths too. I

am going out of my way to write down my goals each day and to check off on each

thing I do. I am setting up a nurture center for myself. I have pulled out all

of the things that make me feel good. I am making sure I take all of my

supplements and I am spending a few extra minutes in a warm bath instead of

watching the television. I am listening to tapes that make me feel good.

Positive affirmations have become even more important to me now. I am making

sure I get more water than usual and as much sleep as I feel I need. I am

sending messages of love and support as often as possible. This helps me feel

better too. I am also cooking up a pot of the liver cleansing soup that I love

so much. I love the way it tastes, and it seems to heal my body in many ways.

Something we can all use right now.

I will send the complete directions in a few minutes.

The primary keys are Oxygen, Water, Sleep, and Faith in anything positive.

These things are helping me, I hope they help you too.

Take good care,


Be sure to check out all of the great specials available on my web sites. All

new workout videos and audios are on sale now!

Save on the Large Body Wrap package. Some sales have been extended.

Visit us at http://www.lifelift.com

Hi Everyone,

I am just checking in with everyone.

I have gotten a lot of breaths in today as I worked around the house. I

planned on doing a tape today, but, didn't get it done. I did laundry and

breaths instead.

How is everyone else doing?

¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- Karma

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*



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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for checking in :o) Glad your kinda better at least :o) Enjoy the Holiday as best as you can !!!

Much Love, {{{Special Hugs }}}

..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:():-

-:¦:- (( °º¤

«::(¨`v´¨)::» °..··..*.. ·· ..°

*..·°-:¦:- `v´*Helen *-:¦:- °·..*

* °.. ·· ..*.. ·· ..° *..

I am okay, not great, but okay. For Thanksgiving, I'm going to my parents for a couple hours, but eating with an AA friend. I can't stay at my parents house for long LOL

I am very tired, just letting you all know I'm alive and kinda well LOL


"Always remember that you are not the only one who has ever felt rejected, unloved and lonely at sometime. Reach out and help someone else in trouble, and you could be amazed at the changes in yourself and your life."- Anonymous

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Hi everyone and thanks for all the nice Bday wishes!! I appreciated them. I am at my parents now and dealing with some dental apts as well as the thanksgiving thing--I will be happy when its all done and to go back to my apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heres what happened on my BDAY(PISSED ME OFF).....went for a date with a guy Ive know for a acouple years in kansas city. everything seemed fine until we had a couple glasses of wine and he started getting loose lipped. He started saying"I feel like you're hiding something from me" several times and Id say NO, what are you talking about? Well, finally it came out of him that he thought I really have HIV /AIDS and not sjogrens. PLEASE>this all came out of left field. First of all I was tested for both and everything else and the only positive test I got was the lip biopsy for sjogrens. so I know the answer, but this idiot who had been bugging me to go out with him for months, chose my bday to act like an ass. I was so mad that he did not have the balls to say it straight either, he danced around it until I said it. So I asked to see HIS results, and then bitched him out for having the nerve to ask me when he has not been tested(we werent even having sex by the way) --then got my stuff together and went home. Since all this I have talked to a sjogrens friend and she told me that some hiv people do have the dryness problems, so he must have heard that somewhere---I was not even aware of this but I am now in case it ever comes up again with someone else, I will NEVER speak to this loser again.

SO>>>not the best bday but one more 'friend' has shown his true colors and Im better for knowing and with him out of my life.

Has anyone else out there experienced this kind of treatment? Its very hard to deal with and I feel for everyone who is living with aids I just got a small taste of how paranoid people are

On a lighter note!!!!!!!!! happy thanksgiving to everyone out there and I hope everyone can deal with relatives and their illnesses at the same time :-) Colleen

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colleen-since oi have worked in the field with Aids clients, I feel for you that he treated you that way. Usually Aids folks are very compassionate people and try to educate those around them gently. This man had no right to begin to ask you these questions at all unless perhaps the encounter was to become sexual in nature-then he might have asked out of safety. I am thnakful he left too. Yes they do have symptoms very much like sjogrens but they are not the same disease process at all. carol

On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 15:18:07 EST ccomm777@... writes:

Hi everyone and thanks for all the nice Bday wishes!! I appreciated them. I am at my parents now and dealing with some dental apts as well as the thanksgiving thing--I will be happy when its all done and to go back to my apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heres what happened on my BDAY(PISSED ME OFF).....went for a date with a guy Ive know for a acouple years in kansas city. everything seemed fine until we had a couple glasses of wine and he started getting loose lipped. He started saying"I feel like you're hiding something from me" several times and Id say NO, what are you talking about? Well, finally it came out of him that he thought I really have HIV /AIDS and not sjogrens. PLEASE>this all came out of left field. First of all I was tested for both and everything else and the only positive test I got was the lip biopsy for sjogrens. so I know the answer, but this idiot who had been bugging me to go out with him for months, chose my bday to act like an ass. I was so mad that he did not have the balls to say it straight either, he danced around it until I said it. So I asked to see HIS results, and then bitched him out for having the nerve to ask me when he has not been tested(we werent even having sex by the way) --then got my stuff together and went home. Since all this I have talked to a sjogrens friend and she told me that some hiv people do have the dryness problems, so he must have heard that somewhere---I was not even aware of this but I am now in case it ever comes up again with someone else, I will NEVER speak to this loser again. SO>>>not the best bday but one more 'friend' has shown his true colors and Im better for knowing and with him out of my life. Has anyone else out there experienced this kind of treatment? Its very hard to deal with and I feel for everyone who is living with aids I just got a small taste of how paranoid people are On a lighter note!!!!!!!!! happy thanksgiving to everyone out there and I hope everyone can deal with relatives and their illnesses at the same time :-) Colleen ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMemorial Pagehttp://www.dreamwater.net/lovingmemory/Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet./files/chat.htmBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Hi everyone and thanks for all the nice Bday wishes!! I appreciated them. I am at my parents now and dealing with some dental apts as well as the thanksgiving thing--I will be happy when its all done and to go back to my apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heres what happened on my BDAY(PISSED ME OFF).....went for a date with a guy Ive know for a acouple years in kansas city. everything seemed fine until we had a couple glasses of wine and he started getting loose lipped. He started saying"I feel like you're hiding something from me" several times and Id say NO, what are you talking about? Well, finally it came out of him that he thought I really have HIV /AIDS and not sjogrens. PLEASE>this all came out of left field. First of all I was tested for both and everything else and the only positive test I got was the lip biopsy for sjogrens. so I know the answer, but this idiot who had been bugging me to go out with him for months, chose my bday to act like an ass. I was so mad that he did not have the balls to say it straight either, he danced around it until I said it. So I asked to see HIS results, and then bitched him out for having the nerve to ask me when he has not been tested(we werent even having sex by the way) --then got my stuff together and went home. Since all this I have talked to a sjogrens friend and she told me that some hiv people do have the dryness problems, so he must have heard that somewhere---I was not even aware of this but I am now in case it ever comes up again with someone else, I will NEVER speak to this loser again.

SO>>>not the best bday but one more 'friend' has shown his true colors and Im better for knowing and with him out of my life.

Has anyone else out there experienced this kind of treatment? Its very hard to deal with and I feel for everyone who is living with aids I just got a small taste of how paranoid people are

On a lighter note!!!!!!!!! happy thanksgiving to everyone out there and I hope everyone can deal with relatives and their illnesses at the same time :-)


"Always remember that you are not the only one who has ever felt rejected, unloved and lonely at sometime. Reach out and help someone else in trouble, and you could be amazed at the changes in yourself and your life."- Anonymous

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  • 1 month later...

Yes, I did have a nice day. My twin nephews (Little and Little --

their father and uncle are Big and Big , respectively, I am married to

Big ) and niece, Lora Ann, gave me a present each that they bought me at

" Santa's Workshop " , Little gave me a set of 10 pierced earring pairs,

Little gave me a little play dolphin and Lora Ann gave me a cross necklace.

I made them all feel good by putting on a set of earrings right then and there

and the necklace and playing with the dolphin so they knew I like them. I just

did not let them know that I had to remove the earrings as soon as I got home

since my ears have gotten so sensitive with the lupus that there seem to be no

earrings (not even plastic or ceramic) that I can wear for an hour or maybe 2

hours at the outside without them really hurting my ear lobes and possibly

getting infected. I always try to be a good aunt especially since I am an " aunt

by marriage " .

No, I did not eat too much and my joint pain and gastrointestinal is much

better than they had been for about a week.

T. aka Pegasus



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Wow !!! You sure have been a busy lady !!! And a very aching one at that !!! I forgot the pumpkin pies too, so I was making them on Christmas morning :o) It is nice that your family makes things the way that you can eat it :o) Did you enjoy your Christmas with your Family ??? Thanks for checking in !!! Always keep us posted !!! Have a Happy healthy New Year !!!

{{{ Holiday Hugs }}}


Well, I woke up on the 19th of December (the day after my birthday) with my

right hip locked up (maybe too much celebrating since we started on the 14th of

December for our 5th anniversary ;-D ) Then, starting 2 days later, just as my

hip finally totally frred itself up, I developed gastrointestinal problems for

the next 2 1/2 days to the point that I could not leave the house at all, this

finally resolved yesterday afternoon, just in time for today Christmas feast

which is being held at my bro-in-law's trailer to which I will be walking with

the green bean casserole that I made with ingredients that I can have (I

substitute Imagine Foods' Creamy Mushroom and a can of mushroom pieces for the

can of 's Cream of Mushroom soup and milk when I make this) and my

mother-in-law makes the rest of the meal with her youngest son's (my

bro-in-law, ) help and they make separate allergen-free versions of the

foods that I would have problems with. Dang, just remembered the pumpkin pie

that I had meant to make. Oh, well, I will make it tomorrow as I am foreseeing

the possibility of another nap before the 2 PM eating time and I do not want to

burn down this trailer and hubby is not here to smell smoke since he is over

with his "girlfriend" (the old computer which he did get repaired for his use)

since I was over here with my "boyfriend" (the new computer). We call them

that by mutual agreement, the old one used to alternate between the two

endearments LOL.

T. aka Pegasus

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That's Nice you had a Very Good Family gathering :o) You are a Very Special Aunt to wear the childrens gift so they could enjoy seeing that !!! It means so much to children !!!

Glad you are feeling better :o) I did not eat too much either... Otherwise i would be in excruciating pain, and it is not worth it !!!

{{{ Holiday Hugs }}}


Yes, I did have a nice day. My twin nephews (Little and Little --

their father and uncle are Big and Big , respectively, I am married

to Big ) and niece, Lora Ann, gave me a present each that they bought me

at "Santa's Workshop", Little gave me a set of 10 pierced earring pairs,

Little gave me a little play dolphin and Lora Ann gave me a cross

necklace. I made them all feel good by putting on a set of earrings right then

and there and the necklace and playing with the dolphin so they knew I like

them. I just did not let them know that I had to remove the earrings as soon

as I got home since my ears have gotten so sensitive with the lupus that there

seem to be no earrings (not even plastic or ceramic) that I can wear for an

hour or maybe 2 hours at the outside without them really hurting my ear lobes

and possibly getting infected. I always try to be a good aunt especially since

I am an "aunt by marriage".

No, I did not eat too much and my joint pain and gastrointestinal is much

better than they had been for about a week.

T. aka Pegasus

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Hi ph, glad things are looking up for your family! What you

mentioned about the upcoming junior high years (middle school here)

is something I always felt was unfair for those kids who can benefit

with 1:1 aide. Here it seems like when kids get to jr high, they're

either in a " special " class or combined or just sort of left on their

own; like they're expected to suddenly get better or grow up.

Luckily my kids don't need one, but I've thought about this as I've

known kids with 1:1 help in elementary school that get none in jr

high. And that really makes me wonder about high school. I really

dread high school for my OCD son ! No behaviors but it's like

he's helpless since his OCD began.

I would think the schools (those here too!) would have

someone " trained " to know about disorders instead of having to bring

in a psychiatrist. I know is the only kid with OCD

apparently at his school. But the more common ADD/ADHD, bipolar,

ODD, even Aspergers/autism - well, IMO, the schools should have a

knowledgeable person on staff about the best way to work with the


Okay, I'm through ranting! Anyway, again, glad things are looking up

for your kids and you. And that's great that is looking after

Ginny so well. I wish I'd made my oldest son look after his younger

brothers. I think he'd be much more responsible and maybe in some

way closer to them. But since we live with " grandma " she was always

there, so no babysitting for big brother! I still think it would

have done him some good.

Well, keep us posted on all of you!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone, I haven't been on much lately because of my dads illness, but wanted to let you know I still am here reading your letters. I have made a few batches of soap this week because the basement is starting to empty out. I just got a chance to put some of my soaps in a tanning salon here, and I am very excited about it. A friend of mine knew the owner and he asked for me. I dont ever have the nerve to go places and try and sell my soaps. That is why they sit in my basement. But on the first day she sold $45. worth. Not bad, hey. !!!!! Of course when I went back 5 days later she had only sold one bar. But I know it is slow this time of year, and I am sure after they use the bar they bought, some of them will contine to buy. This week I am doing bath fizzies so that I can take something different in next week. So wish me luck. Talk to you all soon. Kathy ( Hi Cuz.)

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