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Dear ,

I am sorry that you aren't feeling better.

Remember that your health comes first so get some rest. We will always

be here for you :-). I am saying prayers now that you feel better.

I think my mother-in-law has passed on her direct link to God onto me.

I hope so! Anyway, I am in Ohio. I live in the Lima area if

you know where that is. Where are you in West Virginia? My

Grandfather was born there. My Grandmother lives around Cleveland

so she is not too far from the border. I have been there a a few

times myself.

Take Care,


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Bonhoff wrote:


> Hi All,


> I have just taken my measurements after my first month seriously exercising

> after almost a year,


> I have only lost a 1/4 of an inch over all and I have gained a pound.

> However my lean body mass increased to 89 pounds and my body fat stayed at

> 23%.


> I tried to do a modified 21 day challenge of just exercising in some way

> shape or form but only made it to day 18. I started again last Monday and

> am still going strong!


> Thanks for all the motivation and I hope to have more time to participate

> in the next few months.


> Pat,

> who is has just finished the studio Basic and is going to go out and enjoy

> the sunshine while her three year old is still sleeping!


>Pat, congratulations on the loss! I love your attitude about the 21DC -- just

jump back in there and start another one. Keep it up.


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Know how you feel in my second week of new round. Found a new person to

start the BFL program tomorrow sitting down with him today to put

together his goal and game plan for the next 12 weeks. Much success to

you on your journey to a better you.

Walt. : ))

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Way to go. I'll be you'll be at your goal in the next couple of

weeks if you keep it up this way. Did you get the recipes you asked

for? I posted them on Monday. Hope you like them.

> So far today I have done 40 breaths with stretches and walked 2

miles. I will walk 2 more miles tonight with hubby and do 40 more


> NM

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Yes, Dear Texas Mom, I did get them, and they sound wonderful! Thank you so

much. I haden't realized you got them from Suzanne Summers books. I have

them both but haven't looked at them in a while. I do food combining though

and sometimes get in a rut on my recipes. I especially can't wait to try

the eggplant. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM! As far as reaching my goal..........well I

lose quite slowly. I still want to lose another 15 lbs or would settle for

more inches. I am fluctuating between 6's and 8's but am only 5' 2 " so

really need to be a 4 or 5. I will just keep plugging along and sooner or

later it will happen. Thanks again for the recipes!

God Bless,


Re: checking in

> Way to go. I'll be you'll be at your goal in the next couple of

> weeks if you keep it up this way. Did you get the recipes you asked

> for? I posted them on Monday. Hope you like them.



> > So far today I have done 40 breaths with stretches and walked 2

> miles. I will walk 2 more miles tonight with hubby and do 40 more

> breaths.

> > NM



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Hi Texas Mom,

You little brat. I just love you. It makes my day when I see your posts.

You're sooooooooooo

ooooooooooooooo crazy just like me (Ha, Ha, Ha.) For your information, I

did 93 LL breath stretches so far today. I'll be doing 10 more for my

jelly belly before I go to bed.

Have a great night! Don't forget to breath!

Love and prayers from Cincinnati




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Hi Melisa,

I usually don't use a tape when I do my breathing. With small children

it's easier to let them watch Barney or cartoons while I exercise. In the

mornings I do 40 to 60 reps. I just count them as I go along, I do my

blowing through the golden straw, sniff up and hold it, my pah, then my

stretch or exercise while I'm holding my breath. Each one of these is

one. I have 2 routines that I switch every other day. For example:

today I did 10 belly flatteners (as I call them), 5 inner thigh exerc. on

each leg, 5 outer thighs on each, 5 quad. stretches on each, 5 hamstring

raises on each, and 10 face exercises. That's 60. This evening I did

the leg circles, that Rashelle does on her videos, 3 on each leg front

and side (12), the swinging of the leg that she does 3 on each leg, 5

moving the waist side to side, 5 waist twists, 5 back exercises and I'll

do 10 more belly flatteners before going to bed. All together I'll do 103

today. I hope this helps.

Have a good evening! Don't forget to breathe!

Love and prayers from Cincinnati




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Well I had to give you a hard time because you report ONLY doing 60

breaths. But now, The EUBER LIZ is back! Do you find that the kids

you watch do the breaths with you? My daughter is a hoot to watch.

I'm going to get her the Oxygen Zoo to do.

> Hi Texas Mom,


> You little brat. I just love you. It makes my day when I see your


> You're sooooooooooo

> ooooooooooooooo crazy just like me (Ha, Ha, Ha.) For your

information, I

> did 93 LL breath stretches so far today. I'll be doing 10 more for


> jelly belly before I go to bed.


> Have a great night! Don't forget to breath!


> Love and prayers from Cincinnati

> Liz



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You did better than me Liz, have you noticed that I have not even posted

what I did over the weekend? I'm ashamed to say that I did not do even one

set of breaths either Sat Sun or Mon. but was busy helping some dear

friends pack and close up their house all day Sat. Then we had the privilge

of having them stay in our home with us Sat. and Sun.and had a great visit

between going through a couple boxes of kleenex, then we had a great

goingaway party for them at the church before we had to watch them drive

away Mon morning on their way to Dallas. (There's another good one for you

Texas Mom).

I did however walk eighteen holes on the golf couse Sunday afternoon and

Monday morning. Does that help? Ok, Ok, I'll go breathe!!!!!!!

Checking in

> Hi everyone,


> I just wanted to let everyone know that I did 60 LL breath stretches on

> Saturday and 40 today. I know, I know it's not my 100 that I've been

> doing this past week. But it's a holiday weekend. Give me a break! (Ha Ha

> Ha!) (LOL!) :-) I'll try again on Tuesday for 100, but no promises.

> Tomorrow I'm going to my Mom's, but I'll try and do at least 40.


> Have a wonderful Memorial Day! Try and do some breathing, holiday or not.

> Burn those calories. Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.....Pah, Pah, Pah, (:-o)

> (<--somebody pah-ing)


> Love and prayers from Cincinnati

> Liz


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That's what I used to like to do, but only during Softball practice. Walk

and breath, walk and breath. It really seems to produce some great results!



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Wow sis, way to go!!!!!!!!!! 74 breaths AND 4 miles of walking! That's FANTASTIC!!!!

Sounds to me like you're on your way to catching dear Liz :-)

{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

**********************************************With God, ALL things are possible.**********************************************

I did 64 breaths with stretches,

10 breaths in bathtub

walked 4 miles

Wow Liz! you're a hard act to follow. You're my new idol! You keep me motivated!

Please use our list bookstore In Association with Amazon.com If you are looking for anything, please click on this link first! Thanks! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/karmasrecommereaIf you choose to read the messages from the web, then you might be interested in getting paid to do it. http://www.alladvantage.com/go.asp?refid=ICA-586

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Will be looking to hear from you Cristi :-)

{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

**********************************************With God, ALL things are possible.**********************************************

Okay, I've been bad about doing my breathingthroughout the day rather than a set time and doing 40breaths. And also, on the mornings that I don't walk(this is my quiet time with my hubby and God), I feellethargic, so tomorrow I want you to expect me to sayI got up and walked, did my breathing, and feel GREAT!Here's to tomorrow! (Today I'm breathing and walkingthe track during soccer practice)Cristi

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Sure is :-)


**********************************************With God, ALL things are possible.**********************************************

I don't know if I have enough breath in me to catch Liz! LOL but that is a real goal, isn't it?

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I don't know if I have enough breath in me to catch Liz! LOL but that is a real goal, isn't it?

Re: checking in

Wow sis, way to go!!!!!!!!!! 74 breaths AND 4 miles of walking! That's FANTASTIC!!!!

Sounds to me like you're on your way to catching dear Liz :-)

{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

**********************************************With God, ALL things are possible.**********************************************

I did 64 breaths with stretches,

10 breaths in bathtub

walked 4 miles

Wow Liz! you're a hard act to follow. You're my new idol! You keep me motivated!

Please use our list bookstore In Association with Amazon.com If you are looking for anything, please click on this link first! Thanks! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/karmasrecommereaIf you choose to read the messages from the web, then you might be interested in getting paid to do it. http://www.alladvantage.com/go.asp?refid=ICA-586

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Whether you breath or don't breath doesn't make you worthless! Good grief sis. You are a very special lady and that is with or without LL!!! Our worthiness sure doesn't have a thing to do with LL or ANY exercise!

{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

**********************************************With God, ALL things are possible.**********************************************

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Hi Cristi,

I bet if you asked just about everyone on this list if they accidently

got up a hour early (especially at 4:30 am), would they have exercised or

went back to sleep. Most of us would say we would have gone back to

sleep. Forgive yourself you're only human. You can always exercise later.

Have a good day!

Love and prayers from Cincinnati




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Texas Mom,

I bet you're gonna look great in that bathing suit! Good job on the

breathing, you're an inspiration to us all.

You know, I do the same thing as you have been finding yourself doing. I'll

just be driving along or sitting at the computer, or doing whatever else I do

during the day, and I find myself whipping out a few Life Lift breaths.

Honestly and truly, this is the best thing you can do to boost muscle tone

and inch loss. By doing a full workout and then a few sets of 5 or 10

breaths throughout the day, not only do you feed your body that wonderful

oxygen, you keep your metabolism kicked up all day, and your body working at

full fat burning speed.

Sounds like a great time in Florida, let us know when your leaving, so we can

all day dream and picture ourselves lounging by the sea, sipping tantalizing

and exotic beverages!



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  • 2 weeks later...
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It worked a little bit?????? I'd say it worked alot. 125 with stretches and

30 oxysize breaths? My goodness woman you're a machine!!! I'm just trying

to get up the stamina to do 40!!!LOL

Checking in

> Hi everyone,


> Today I have been so tired. I felt like a walking zombie most of the

> day. LOL I tried doing lots of breathing to get more energy. It worked

> a little bit. I did 125 LL breath stretches and 30 oxycise breaths.


> Have a good night! Don't forget to breathe! Drink plenty of water!


> Love and prayers from Cincinnati

> Liz


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I'm pretty much a learker on this board, but I have been reading

quite a bit about your doing so many LL breathes and I guess I'm

wondering if you're seeing any inch loss and if so, how much. I have

been doing LL and BF for quite a while now, and haven't really had

much results. I have noticed that about the only way anyone seems to

see results is by also combining the breathing with some type of

eating program. Are you doing this also? It's a little confusing

because this whole thing was billed as being a way to lose inches

without drastic changes in eating habits. I'd have to say that only

juicing all day, or fasting all the time, is definately rather

drastic if you ask me. Thanks for helping me out with

this, I hope to see your post soon.


> Hi Everyone,


> Today I didn't do as good as I've been doing. I did 100 LL breath

> stretches and 30 oxycise breaths.


> Don't forget to do some breathing this weekend, even if it's just

10 a

> day. My goal ,right now, is to try and do at least 100 LL breath

> stretches and 30 oxy. breaths 5 days a week. I'm trying to do at


> 40 LL breath stretches on Saturday and at least 20 breath stretches


> Sunday, but no oxyc. I really don't like oxycise so I need a break


> it on the weekend. I'm just doing it through the week for a while.


> trying to kill my jelly belly. LOL I hope that between the


> relaxing LL, and the chore-to-do Oxycise I'll start to see quicker

> results in this area.


> Have a great night and a great weekend!


> Love and prayers from Cincinnati

> Liz


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Hi B4R,

I haven't really changed any of my eating habits. The only thing I'm

doing is drinking more water and trying to eat more fruits and vegetables

and not always exceeding at that. I'm still eating chocolate and my

frozen yogurt. I probably should cut back some, but I'm not ready to do

that yet. Yes, I'm losing a lot of inches. I haven't been measuring,

however I see it in the mirror and in my clothes. Almost every week I

notice that some part of my body is smaller. My stomach loss is a slower

process. I'm definitely seeing results there too, but not as quickly as

other parts of my body. When I started doing the body flatteners, (you

lay on the floor, knees bent, do the breathing, and while you're holding

your breath you flatten your tummy as flat as possible and hold it as

long as possible. I usually hold it about 20 or more counts), I started

seeing better results. I've also started doing some Oxycise along with LL

to try and speed up the inch loss in this area.

Have a great day! Breathe, Breathe, Breathe, Pah, Pah, Pah.......

Love and prayers from Cincinnati




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Hi B4R,

I am wondering how much you have to lose? It seems to me from following

many listers over the years that people who have more to lose do lose fairly

quickly. Then, hit a plateau when they are not losing at all. Some people

actually gain inches for a bit. It is at this point that many people look

to change their way of eating. It seems to me that Jill of Oxycise changed

her way of eating to vegetarian. That Greer of BodyFlex doesn't eat after

4:00 p.m. I don't remember Rashelle saying that she restricted her eating

in any way. It seems to me that when she has posted about her eating is

sounded very sensible to me. She eats a lot of salmon and it seems that she

eats many small meals instead of a few huge meals. I think that any

reasonable person who is sincerely trying to lose weight and become a

healthy person will look at the whole picture and realize that at some point

in time, diet is going to be an issue. I don't really think that any

sensible well informed person is going to really believe that they can

continue to eat tons of sugary, or starchy items and continue to take the

pounds or inches off. My own story is that in the beginning I did lose 4

inches on BodyFlex eating as I was accustomed to eating, very high sugary

and starchy foods in large quantities. The second week using BodyFlex I cut

out the sugar and still only lost another 4 inches. I went from a size

22/20 down to a 16 in these two weeks. I obviously had it to lose, so it

came off inspite of my bad eating habits. It then wouldn't come off, so I

tried Oxycise, hated it, so tried LL. I then lost another 6 inches the

first week of LifeLift and another dress size. I wasn't able to get past

that no matter how hard I tried, so, I did what any other reasonable person

did. I re-evaluated all areas and came to the conclusion that I needed to

address my poor eating habits. I have since done that and have dropped 35

pounds to date since changing my eating habits. I am now dairy free and

sugar free. I am also a vegetarian who eats only deep water fish

occasionly. My big diet change was to be dairy free and sugar free. I have

been a vegetarian since 1982 or 83.

My point is that some people are able to lose pounds and inches just doing

the breathing programs. I do believe at some point the diet does come into


I hope that I answered your questions and helped you with this issue. My

guess is that you don't have very much to lose at all, so, probably for you

it will be an issue of diet instead of an issue of just breathing more.

Take care,




>I'm pretty much a learker on this board, but I have been reading

>quite a bit about your doing so many LL breathes and I guess I'm

>wondering if you're seeing any inch loss and if so, how much. I have

>been doing LL and BF for quite a while now, and haven't really had

>much results. I have noticed that about the only way anyone seems to

>see results is by also combining the breathing with some type of

>eating program. Are you doing this also? It's a little confusing

>because this whole thing was billed as being a way to lose inches

>without drastic changes in eating habits. I'd have to say that only

>juicing all day, or fasting all the time, is definately rather

>drastic if you ask me. Thanks for helping me out with

>this, I hope to see your post soon.




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You're right, I don't have that much to lose, maybe a size, two at

the max. I guess I just thought that most of the programs were sold

as being able to help in inch loss without change of diet. I do feel

much better and have a lot more energy, but am not seeing the inches

come off that I actually purchased the program for.

I'll try making some healthier eating choses, although I don't do too

badly right now. I do drink all the suggested water, and eat mostly

vegetables and grains. I'll cut out the rest of the dairy and white

flour, maybe that will help.

I think you're probably right though, it's just doesn't stand to

reason that a person would be able to become totally as lean as they

would like, without making wiser eating choices. It's probably

differant if one was only trying to maintain, but to really lose, I

would think your opinion is correct.



> Hi B4R,

> I am wondering how much you have to lose? It seems to me from


> many listers over the years that people who have more to lose do

lose fairly

> quickly. Then, hit a plateau when they are not losing at all.

Some people

> actually gain inches for a bit. It is at this point that many

people look

> to change their way of eating. It seems to me that Jill of Oxycise


> her way of eating to vegetarian. That Greer of BodyFlex doesn't

eat after

> 4:00 p.m. I don't remember Rashelle saying that she restricted her


> in any way. It seems to me that when she has posted about her

eating is

> sounded very sensible to me. She eats a lot of salmon and it seems

that she

> eats many small meals instead of a few huge meals. I think that


> reasonable person who is sincerely trying to lose weight and become


> healthy person will look at the whole picture and realize that at

some point

> in time, diet is going to be an issue. I don't really think that


> sensible well informed person is going to really believe that they


> continue to eat tons of sugary, or starchy items and continue to

take the

> pounds or inches off. My own story is that in the beginning I did

lose 4

> inches on BodyFlex eating as I was accustomed to eating, very high


> and starchy foods in large quantities. The second week using

BodyFlex I cut

> out the sugar and still only lost another 4 inches. I went from a


> 22/20 down to a 16 in these two weeks. I obviously had it to lose,

so it

> came off inspite of my bad eating habits. It then wouldn't come

off, so I

> tried Oxycise, hated it, so tried LL. I then lost another 6 inches


> first week of LifeLift and another dress size. I wasn't able to

get past

> that no matter how hard I tried, so, I did what any other

reasonable person

> did. I re-evaluated all areas and came to the conclusion that I

needed to

> address my poor eating habits. I have since done that and have

dropped 35

> pounds to date since changing my eating habits. I am now dairy

free and

> sugar free. I am also a vegetarian who eats only deep water fish

> occasionly. My big diet change was to be dairy free and sugar

free. I have

> been a vegetarian since 1982 or 83.


> My point is that some people are able to lose pounds and inches

just doing

> the breathing programs. I do believe at some point the diet does

come into

> play.


> I hope that I answered your questions and helped you with this

issue. My

> guess is that you don't have very much to lose at all, so, probably

for you

> it will be an issue of diet instead of an issue of just breathing



> Take care,

> Karma

> >

> >Liz

> >I'm pretty much a learker on this board, but I have been reading

> >quite a bit about your doing so many LL breathes and I guess I'm

> >wondering if you're seeing any inch loss and if so, how much. I


> >been doing LL and BF for quite a while now, and haven't really had

> >much results. I have noticed that about the only way anyone seems


> >see results is by also combining the breathing with some type of

> >eating program. Are you doing this also? It's a little confusing

> >because this whole thing was billed as being a way to lose inches

> >without drastic changes in eating habits. I'd have to say that


> >juicing all day, or fasting all the time, is definately rather

> >drastic if you ask me. Thanks for helping me out with

> >this, I hope to see your post soon.

> >

> >B4L





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