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ROFLMAO!!! It is cold...and rainy...and really WINDY! We lost power

last night while I was on the computer. I hate it when that

happens! It was 10:30pm so I just went to bed. They had the power

back on by 3:30am. Nice job that...they're a bit speedier than they

used to be. This is the time of year when it gets very gray and

gloomy in Oregon. I live on the west side of the Cascades so we

don't get to much snow. It is snowing like crazy in the mountains

over the past few days...great for the skiers! We did have several

inches one morning last week, but it was raining by 7am and the snow

was turning to slush...the girls were thrilled. You're having summer

there aren't you? How hot is it? I don't like heat unless it's dry

heat. I like a nice 75 F with a little breeze.


> thank you Deanna :)

> dont worry i will ask when the occassion arises (hmm

> sounds a bit formal, not like me at all must be the

> heat).so far le isnt too much of a drama she

> just wanders around in her own little world.the only

> real problem i have with her is her diet(lack there

> of) and she doesnt talk at all.

> must be nice and cold there, got any spare snow?? if

> so SEND IT pleaseeeee!! i'm melting.

> will post a detailed thing on Gabby soon :)



> *hugz*

> karyn and the silent princess




> =====

> i wish you mud puddles and dandelions


> __________________________________________________


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ahh come to aussie, it's boiling hot here, great beach weather!!!! hahaha,


Re: hi all

ROFLMAO!!! It is cold...and rainy...and really WINDY! We lost power

last night while I was on the computer. I hate it when that

happens! It was 10:30pm so I just went to bed. They had the power

back on by 3:30am. Nice job that...they're a bit speedier than they

used to be. This is the time of year when it gets very gray and

gloomy in Oregon. I live on the west side of the Cascades so we

don't get to much snow. It is snowing like crazy in the mountains

over the past few days...great for the skiers! We did have several

inches one morning last week, but it was raining by 7am and the snow

was turning to slush...the girls were thrilled. You're having summer

there aren't you? How hot is it? I don't like heat unless it's dry

heat. I like a nice 75 F with a little breeze.


> thank you Deanna :)

> dont worry i will ask when the occassion arises (hmm

> sounds a bit formal, not like me at all must be the

> heat).so far le isnt too much of a drama she

> just wanders around in her own little world.the only

> real problem i have with her is her diet(lack there

> of) and she doesnt talk at all.

> must be nice and cold there, got any spare snow?? if

> so SEND IT pleaseeeee!! i'm melting.

> will post a detailed thing on Gabby soon :)



> *hugz*

> karyn and the silent princess




> =====

> i wish you mud puddles and dandelions


> __________________________________________________


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Hi !

"Ling, so glad you're out of the hospital. I hate hospitals. I'll bet there are differences, would like to hear about yours. And how did you get on a computer there?"

I managed to access a computer as there is a tiny internet cafe downstairs at where my ward is located. It is owned by a small cafe [Java Coast], with a small bookstore too. I just pay for about 0.5 or 1 hour of access at each time to access my Web-based mail at this time.

Well, hospitals........ I'm not really sure what you wish to know, but just to give some information: Ward Classes make a difference here, from A to C classes. Everyone is entitled to any of these classes, as long as they can pay the medical fees that accompany them. However,A to B1 patients are considered 'private patients', meaning that they receive little medical subsidies from the government. hence, they pay more for medical tests and investigations, as well as for meds. This applies too when they visit the clinics as outpatients in the hospital.

As for the B2 and C classes, [i stay in B2 - cannot afford having no subsidy for all my meds and lab tests all my life], the patients' medical expenses are greatly subsidised by the government. I mean a lot, really, for instance, an MRI brain costs about S$800+ to a private patient, but S$400+ to a subsidised patient.

As for ward conditions, of course they differ in classes too.

C wards: 10 beds in a room, naturally ventilated, but they use manual beds. This means they need levers to adjust the slope of the bed.

In the B2 ward I stayed in: 6 beds in a room, with electrical beds for patients to adjust their own slope of the bed, and naturally ventilated.

B1wards: 4-bedded rooms, air-conditioned, electrical beds, individual tv and 2 patients to a phone, with shared bathroom

A2 : Benefits from B1, with the exception that this is 2 to a room

A1: Single room.

As for the quality of nursing care, I feel that the difference is not too great. I managed to stay in a single room once. The only significant difference is the nurse will often knock on your door and come in, smiling and telling you that they just want to find you how you are. Oh yes - menus! Food is better with the upper classes, of course. hehe...... I guess I can't objectively comment on the nursing care too, as I have stayed in the same ward dozens of times since 3 years ago, so the nurses really know me very well, and thus are very kind to me.

Personally, I find the B2 ward ok, since I am afraid of air-con anyway. There is a TV room and bathrooms nearby for the patients too. As for the phone, I bring my mobile phone with me - anyway, I spend more time sending SMS messages then chatting on the phone!

Sorry for the long mail......... have I answered your question? What about hospital conditions on your side?


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thanks susan for your caring words. carol

On Fri, 7 Dec 2001 08:41:18 -0800 (PST) son <paulsons5@...> writes:

Good morning everyone. So sorry to hear so many of you in pain & misery. , hope you feel better, ever find any help? I think it is downright criminal for a dr to refuse to treat pain- please find another one. Go to the ER if you have to, someone will help. Ling, so glad you're out of the hospital. I hate hospitals. I'll bet there are differences, would like to hear about yours. And how did you get on a computer there? Carol, good luck to you on your treatment. I wish you could make your attitude contagous. My friend called her chemo the breakfast club, always took goodies & giggles- she gained weight. She says you make up your mind, when you hear the "big C", whether you are going to live or give, and thats what you do. You're a survivor. Krissy, hang on girl! Hope you have found some relief. , how are you? Thanks for the recipes, cant wait to try those cookies- I havent tasted a peanut butter cookie in soooo long, probably since my kids were little. (dh doesnt think its worth making if it isnt chocolate) Mel, so nice to hear from you, hows life with the MIL? Denisa, how are you? I was thinking of you last night, was having sm argument re a friend with addictive personality- I watched, I know this all started d/t unrelieved & unbelieved chronic pain. NOW they are willing to help her (actually her dh)- by putting her in detox/rehab again. I know she never would have made Jack s her best friend if someone had helped her with her physical problems- they would only give her tranquilizers, then took them away, cause she was hooked, taking more than allowed some days. I am so angry with them all, and am being told I am not doing her any favors! Like she should stay away from me, cause I sympathize, have bought into her addictions. Am I codependent, bad for her, cause I dont blame her one bit? Helen, how are you? I dont know how you do it, but please dont stop! Hang in there, and please dont get sick from all this stress!

I have to go, ride is here, sorry I never finish anything. Love to you all,

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  • 2 weeks later...

pryaers and hugs that it stops pouring over there and

you get a spot of sunshine, especially for the

holidays. WEve had some " rain " here too, found out

from nic's educational eval he has a learing

disabitlity, and needs to have hlep now we just have

to talk the school into it, uuugh, my grandma broke

her other hip, and is at hospital, she is 83, and just

was pretty much all recovered from her last hip

incident, she doesnt want to live anymore,:(. AND

nathan hasnt been sleep much over last about 2weeks,

biting his arms all up again, and now today, uuugh he

has been covered with hives, and ive been giving

benedryl with no releif, or even a nap yet from him, i

cut back on his luvox to just 25mg this morning hoping

he will sleep tonight, but its 11pm and he is still

going strong uuugh. At least no snotty nose, or strep

ssoo far this christmas, ofcourse we have a few more

days, everyone keep praying, maybe we will celebrate

our first strep-doc free christmas?. shawna




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In a message dated 12/22/01 12:05:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,

mashawnag@... writes:

> my grandma broke

> her other hip, and is at hospital, she is 83, and just

> was pretty much all recovered from her last hip

> incident, she doesnt want to live anymore,:(.

Oh a!! Sorry about your G-mom!!! It's so hard to watch, I know.

And poor !!! Poor YOU!!!!! Hang in there a and try to have a

peaceful xmas anyay!!!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}]


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In a message dated 12/21/01 10:27:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,

smenegatos@... writes:

> last week my father passed away, sometimes when it rains it pours, as soon

> as I begin to recover from one incident along comes another. I am now

> taking one step at a time to recover from all this.



I am so very sorry for your loss!!!! It's especially hard to lose loved

ones during the holidays (my mom died the day after Thanksgiving 3 years ago,

only 1 1/2 years after my Dad). One step at a time is the right way to deal

with this!!! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and coach

yourself through it all!!!! And come to us; we'll help you through it

too!!! Giant {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}] to you!!!


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Thanks Donna,

We had a pretty quiet Christamas day, we all went to mum's for lunch and

then came back to my house my mum's been sleeping here, we're all supporting

each other. I'm starting to get back on track, Leigh has been keeping us

all very busy, the kids are on school hols. till Feb aaaaahhhh!! I got a

great stroller for him and have begun to venture out with him, we attract

alot of attention as Leigh loves to scream from the top of his voice when

excited. Leigh is going on a camp on 24th Jan. for 3 NIGHTS, it was a hard

decision whether to let him go, but I think it's time (I think).

Sophie mum to Leigh 10 (DS/ASD/Pica) and 5


> In a message dated 12/21/01 10:27:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> smenegatos@... writes:



> > last week my father passed away, sometimes when it rains it pours, as


> > as I begin to recover from one incident along comes another. I am now

> > taking one step at a time to recover from all this.

> >


> Sophie,

> I am so very sorry for your loss!!!! It's especially hard to lose


> ones during the holidays (my mom died the day after Thanksgiving 3 years


> only 1 1/2 years after my Dad). One step at a time is the right way to


> with this!!! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and coach

> yourself through it all!!!! And come to us; we'll help you through it

> too!!! Giant {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}] to you!!!

> Donna




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thanks you very much we had a very nice holiday at

home all to ourselves, whew!! tired of travleing to

all the relatives, we picked christmas day to stay

home, and EAT lol, shawna.




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Hi ,

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your Husband, Chelsea has had 49

Doctors in her short almost 7 years..... We are now being told Chelsea needs

to see a Pulmonary Spec. Not looking forward to it. I am sorry you had such

a horrible experience. Stand your Ground as you always have and go with your

instinct. Don't ever settle for less than that.

It has been rather crazy here in our household as I am sure you read Chelsea

was in the hospital again but we were blessed to get her home the day before

Christmas Eve. I hope and are doing well and remember I am

here for you if you need anything! Take care and remember my thoughts and

prayers are with you and your family.

My best wishes for a Happy New Years to all the pumpkins and their families.


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I don't know much about delayed gastric emptying, except that there are some

meds out there that can help. I think domperidone (sp?) is available in

your part of the world--it's not available here in the U.S. In the U.S.,

the med our dr gave us for Duncan is Reglan. Reglan isn't for everyone

since it does cross the blood brain barrier. It didn't give us any

problems, but I know some families who have had less than glamorous

experiences with it.

Hope that helps some--glad to hear from you again.

Ray, mother to Tabitha (age 6), Autumn, age 4 (IgG Def., asthma,

chronic sinusitis, and allergies), and Duncan Avery, 7 months

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  • 4 weeks later...


Sorry to hear that Chelsea is still having problems with her ears. That

must be miserable for her to deal with all the time. Hopefully the increase

in IVIG will help.

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Sorry to hear that Chelsea is still having problems with her ears. That

must be miserable for her to deal with all the time. Hopefully the increase

in IVIG will help.

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Thank you ....Actually I started giving Chelsea a dose of Zyrtec befor

bed and this seems to help with her discomfort and at least she can sleep

now...We will know more by Monday if she ends up on IV antibiotics.

Take Care and have a GREAT weekend


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  • 1 month later...


I have had 2 scopes on my knee for CP. The first did nothing, the

2nd made my knee much worse. The operations were spread about 10

years apart.

The first doc was an idiot and didn't even bother prescribing physio,

the 2nd doctor was reluctant to operate at all because he didn't

think it would help.

I don't take any anti-inflammatories, but then again, I can't really

do any active sports either. I have never had any problems from

changing weather or swelling, my problem is in the top 10 degrees of

range of motion.

I've said it before but try everything before you try another scope.

Be well,

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I just want to say that I am with fairfieldtown. DO NOT GO for

another scope until is the last possibility. I had one in my left

knee a year ago and it did nothing.

Go for therapy, every day if necessary and be persistent. CP is a

slow thing but it has been proved that it is much better if you do

the right exercises. Also check swimming (find the correct way to do

it for CP or do exercises standing still in the water)

Check the messages on this board and find interesting links... many

people know a lot about it and can help !

good luck,


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Helen, so glad to hear from you. We had wind, but no damage to us at all. I heard things hitting the house, but still no damage. I thought of you and hoped all was well. Everything is fine here healthwise also. Hope the storm didn't affect your pain so much. Take care.



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We didn't get blown away :o) Glad you didn't either... Glad everyone is as well as can be... How's the tailbone??? I do worry about you!!!

Take Care my Friend...

((( Angel Hugs )))


"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet."

- Swindoll

Helen, so glad to hear from you. We had wind, but no damage to us at all. I heard things hitting the house, but still no damage. I thought of you and hoped all was well. Everything is fine here healthwise also. Hope the storm didn't affect your pain so much. Take care.



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We had some serious winds on Sat night and yesterday, no damage to the area, it sounds as if you had a wind shear problem, we have had those in the past.  Well thank that you are okay, that is all that matters!  Love Anne

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No, they said it was straight line winds...The swooshing sound it was making and the blacken sky sure said differently though...It was around 3pm and the sky was as black as an ace...After that went through, it was Very windy for the next 24 hours...I was scared to death...That was too close...The swatch it took out is about one mile wide and about four miles long and the other one is about 1/2 mile wide and about two miles long and they seemed to merge together at the two mile area, which is about less than 1/4 mile from our place :o(

Yes, once summer gets here and they start to play outside all the time, they do a loty better with their health... At least they did here...They will be spending their playtime in daycare this year it looks like...That is a terrible shame, when they could be home playing in their own yard, making mudpies and covering ech other in mud and going to the park to play and ride their bikes and :o( It's a shame...

So glad that Amber likes her job, that makes it better for her...Glad they are both doing well...

Ross and i are still hurting very much, I think it is from the storm that went through,,,MIL and FIL doing as well as can be expected...We get the girls tonight(Tues.) :o) I can't wait...This was our long weekend, and I want to know how they did during the storm...I have been so worried about them...Bre and Casey were ill when we last talked...Glad you are finding a Dr. :o)

((( Loving Hugs )))


"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet."

- Swindoll

Helen, was it a tornado or just very high winds?? How scarey, I sure am glad your home was left alone.

It is wet and chilly here now, but to really warm up over the week.

The girls do alot better in the summer and late Spring. Amber is the one that the allergies get to quicker than April.

They both are doing well, on Spring Break this week, Amber works again tonite, she really does seem to love it.

I have a lists of dr.'s that I am checking out and seeing if they are on my insurance, I just fine it so hard to trust any Dr. but yes I am working on it.

How are you feeling this morning?? And Ross and In Laws??

When do you see the girls agan??

Take care, Friend, Marsha

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Ross has most of his fathers place done...He has up on top here done for us, but then the gulley can't be done until summer is here and it has dried out, because it has been flooded over most of the winter :o( Not bad, just enough to sink in it if you walk across it... There is a creek along the back of our property and when it rains a lot it flood's over and ends up in our yard to sit there until warmer weather can dry it up...It's considered a flood zone down there...That storm was a nasty one around here :o( Scared me, and of course no power again for 9 1/2 hours... But that's OK, we played Upwards :o) I like that game...

How is it that they have Spring Break before Easter??? Wait until Amber gets asked on a date and she can't go because she has to work :o) Does April have to have a coat on, or is it that warm that she doesn't ??? Just Dreaming of the Warmer days here :o)

Ross hurting bad again because of all the yard work at his dad's... It was nice here today too... 62*, I can handle that...But I am aching so bad too, have been since the last storm, so don't know if it's still a carry over or if we have another one coming in...Girls actually were doing good last night :o) It has been a rough winter for them too...

Take Care ((( Many Hugs )))


Hey Helen, How are things going there? get the mess cleaned up?? Some storm, huh?? it is warm and sunny here, April has a little friend over and they are outside playing.

Amber loves her job, working for another boy today and she will be off on Sun or at least that is what he claims.

We all are fine here, Their Spring Break is almost over.

How are the girls doing and Ross.


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The aching is still very bad :o( We both have been pretty lazy last few days... Bre is hurting real bad too :o( All have no colds at this moment, knock on some wood :o) Saedi is Still all clogged up and can not breath through her nose, but I think that is the best she will get being with him :o( SHORTS !!!

Hopefully here soon too... The girls came in unlined jackets and our high tomorrow is 40*, and you wonder why they are sick all the time... I still have winter coats here, so they will not be cold while with Grma...

It's Great that Amber like her job... glad April is well at last :o) Its been a Rough winter on the health... How are you doing???

((( Irish Hugs )))


Helen,how are you and Ross feeling today?? Hope less pain for both of you.

We all are doing just fine here. Amber has to work again this afternoon, she loves it.

April is fine, we all are in shorts here today, it is starting to get quite warm here, very windy, though, March is always windy for some reason.

Glad the girls are feeling better, sure hope it lasts for them as well.

They get off another four days the end of the month for easter. We always get our Spring Break at this time of year.

I think we have eight weeks of school left when they return from Spring Break.

Take care. Marsha

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Helen, How are you and Ross feeling?? That stinks that you guys are hurting so bad.

We all are doing fine here, fixing to lay down and nap, work tonite.

The girls are fine, Amber is working again today, off tomorow.

Back to school Mon, where did the week go.

Yep, winters are always rough around here for sure and this year it really hit Amber good.

Take care and have a great weekend. Marsha

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Hi Marsha,

Ross and I are still hurting quit a bit :o( Don't understand it though... We are just so sore and achey :o( Take care and enjoy the warm weather :o) Tell your family I say HI !!!

((( Restful Hugs )))


Helen, How are you and Ross feeling?? That stinks that you guys are hurting so bad.

We all are doing fine here, fixing to lay down and nap, work tonite.

The girls are fine, Amber is working again today, off tomorow.

Back to school Mon, where did the week go.

Yep, winters are always rough around here for sure and this year it really hit Amber good.

Take care and have a great weekend. Marsha


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Helen, gosh, i am sorry that you and Ross are still hurting so much. Is it arthritis?? The flu??

We all are fine here, girls are back at school after thie Spring Break.

I survived the weeknd of work, dead as a doornail today, like always.

Very windy, cloudy and warm here today.


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