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, I'm praying for a safe and peaceful delivery for your little Christmas

gift! Please keep us posting. I'm not posting much - - I'm fighting a staph

infection, but I'm reading periodically. Love to all my LL friends this

Christmas season.

Melinda :o)

Hi everyone!

It sure is nice to hear from some of you. I have been so busy and haven't

been active on this list for awhile. I miss all of you, friends.

My baby is due in 5 days and I have been sick the last 2 days. I am trying to

take it easy and get better but with 3 children to take care of it isn't the

easiest thing to do. Grin

Talk to you all later,

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Hi ,

I'll be praying that everything will go ok with your delivery. How exciting that

the baby will be here in just a few days or so. Do you know if it's a boy or

girl. What are you going to name it?

Love, Liz

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Thanks Melinda,

There's nothing like an birth coming up that puts me on my knees before the


I am so sorry to hear about your infection, I will be praying for healing for

you too.


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  • 5 weeks later...

hi abby Welcome to our group. Yes what you said is exactly correct. At the time of hardships it is good to have some one to share our feelings and emotions who understands it and suggest us some solutions. with regards Mac iluvhollywood1621 <iluvhollywood1621@...> wrote: Hi! I just wanted to say hi and that I just joined the group. I think its a really great idea to have a group like this. Just some place people can go and talk about everything thats happening with them. It really helps to know that there is someone out there who completely understands and knows what you are going through. :0)Both of my parents are sick, my mom has Lupus and my dad has Emphysema. Its been kinda a hard for my family for a while,

because there have been lots of illnesses that we dealt with and are dealing with. It can be so overwhelming sometimes, it just seems like one thing after another happens and you don't really know what to do anymore. It's hard on everyone, but especially in my family because we are all so close, its really difficult to see someone you care about so sick. The worst times is when they are hurting and there is nothing you can do to help them. Its been really hard over the past couple years and its really easy to end up being depressed over it. A lot of people don't understand how hard it can be if they have never been around someone who is really ill or taken care of someone who is ill. There is a lot more to it than some think, its never easy.Well, I gotta go for now. Just wanted to say hi, and I hope I get to chat with some of you soon Abby~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~The Being Sick

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 2/24/2006 12:48:17 P.M. US Eastern Standard Time, ariotstorm1@... writes:

I feel healthyenough now to safely take off the 20 pounds my recovery added. Bathingsuit season is on the way! ;0)Alitha

welcome to the group Alitha!! congratulations on the weight lose. Hope to hear more from you.

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hi alitha and welcome to the group. well congrats on weight loss and working on defeating your eating disorder. i can understand its a constant struggle,and its hard to find the line of when its appropriate for diet and exercise and when its not. i hope you post and tell us all about your workouts. do you have many videos and what do you love to do for your workouts??? love to hear more kassia ariotstorm1 <ariotstorm1@...> wrote: I joined this group a while ago but I've been too shy and uncommittedto post. I love this system of accountability. I myself have lost 60pounds in my struggle so far. I had reached my goal a few months agobut suffered a dangerous relaps of my eating disorder. I feel healthyenough now to safely

take off the 20 pounds my recovery added. Bathingsuit season is on the way! ;0)Alitha

Brings words and photos together (easily) with PhotoMail - it's free and works with .

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hi alitha!!! welcome to the group! im glad that you decided to

post. congratulations on losing 60 pounds! wow! that is a

wonderful accomplishment and you must feel very proud. we are all

rooting for you to ditch that 20! im so glad that you are feeling

better now. please post often! we would love to hear about your

exercise sessions.


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Welcome Alitha! And I ditto what Kassia and Carolyn have already said!! :)


On 2/24/06, Carolyn or Visser <pvisser@...> wrote:

hi alitha!!! welcome to the group! im glad that you decided topost. congratulations on losing 60 pounds! wow! that is a

wonderful accomplishment and you must feel very proud. we are allrooting for you to ditch that 20! im so glad that you are feelingbetter now. please post often! we would love to hear about yourexercise sessions.


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Welcome Alitha! And I ditto what Kassia and Carolyn have already said!! :)


On 2/24/06, Carolyn or Visser <pvisser@...> wrote:

hi alitha!!! welcome to the group! im glad that you decided topost. congratulations on losing 60 pounds! wow! that is a

wonderful accomplishment and you must feel very proud. we are allrooting for you to ditch that 20! im so glad that you are feelingbetter now. please post often! we would love to hear about yourexercise sessions.


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Welcome, Alitha!!! Congrats on the 60 lb loss and I'm

sure you'll be successful with taking the lat 20 off

in a very healthy way!


--- ariotstorm1 <ariotstorm1@...> wrote:

> I joined this group a while ago but I've been too

> shy and uncommitted

> to post. I love this system of accountability. I

> myself have lost 60

> pounds in my struggle so far. I had reached my goal

> a few months ago

> but suffered a dangerous relaps of my eating

> disorder. I feel healthy

> enough now to safely take off the 20 pounds my

> recovery added. Bathing

> suit season is on the way! ;0)Alitha







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DITTO BeckyDarcy Ledman <exercise.junkie@...> wrote: Welcome Alitha! And I ditto what Kassia and Carolyn have already said!! :) Darcy On 2/24/06, Carolyn or Visser <pvisser@...> wrote: hi alitha!!! welcome to the

group! im glad that you decided topost. congratulations on losing 60 pounds! wow! that is a wonderful accomplishment and you must feel very proud. we are allrooting for you to ditch that 20! im so glad that you are feelingbetter now. please post often! we would love to hear about yourexercise sessions. :*carolyn.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

At 04:23 AM 5/17/2006, you wrote:

>I'm a new member and I'm very happy to partecipate to your group. I'm

>italian, so excuse me for my english.

>I'm new also in perfumery, I have always loved perfumes and fragrances,

>but never tried to create something. Now, after the reading of Mandy

>Aftel's book, I want to learn everything I can to begin this new


Your English is just fine, and we welcome you. Don't hesitate to go through

our extensive archives, they will supplement the information in Mandy's

book and guide you on your perfumery path...


http://artisannaturalperfumers.com The Artisan Natural Perfumers Guild

http://.com The premier site on beauty of Natural Perfume


Biggest, most dynamic natural perfumery chat group

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  • 3 months later...

My son is the same way he eats only one good meal

but if allowed he'll eat all the junk he could

he is also 3 almost 4

:) C- Mom to 4- Robbie (8.5), Zoë (8), (3.5),

and Drew (almost 2).

Hi Everyone!

I'm a newbie to the group and just want to say Hi and let

you know a

little about our family.

I am McLendon, my husband's name is Ronnie and we

have two

awesome children. Our daughter, is 15 and our

son, Mathew

will be 3 in October and he has ds.

We have been very fortunate with the fact that Mathew was

born with

2 holes in his heart at birth, but have closed on their

own with

time. He did spend his first month of life in the NICU in

Montgomery, Alabama. Since coming home he has been fairly


for this we feel blessed.

The only thing that is really confusing our family is


eating habits. He will only eat 1 family meal and that is


and somtimes green beans. He prefers baby food for all of


meals. What is really strange is that when it comes to

junk food he

will try and eat anything.

Has anyone else ran into this problem and what did you


I will try to post some pics of our family later this


Have an awesome day!

Upgrade your email with thousands of emoticons for free

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Hi ,

Welcome to the group - I think you will find this a very informative and

interesting group. Many have great expertise and knowledge and how to

handle the various hurdles you will come across through the years.

As to Mathew's eating habits - my thoughts are he doesn't like chewing,

maybe be creative and add some harder food into the baby food and slowly

wean him off.

Most junk food is softer and easy to eat. Another thought, maybe baby food

being blander in flavour is more to his tastes - my son and I'm pretty

sure in saying most on this board will eat anything covered in tomato sauce

(ketchup) - Trent loves tomato sauce - boiled rice with tomato sauce,

pasta with tomato sauce, every meal covered in it.

Keep smiling

Jan, mother of Trent 22yo w/DS from the LandDownUnder

Hi Everyone!

I'm a newbie to the group and just want to say Hi and let you know a little

about our family.

I am McLendon, my husband's name is Ronnie and we have two awesome

children. Our daughter, is 15 and our son, Mathew will be 3 in

October and he has ds.

We have been very fortunate with the fact that Mathew was born with

2 holes in his heart at birth, but have closed on their own with time. He

did spend his first month of life in the NICU in Montgomery, Alabama. Since

coming home he has been fairly healthy, for this we feel blessed.

The only thing that is really confusing our family is Mathew's eating

habits. He will only eat 1 family meal and that is spaghetti and somtimes

green beans. He prefers baby food for all of his meals. What is really

strange is that when it comes to junk food he will try and eat anything.

Has anyone else ran into this problem and what did you do?

I will try to post some pics of our family later this weekend.

Have an awesome day!

Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

messages to go to the sender of the message.

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Hi -

Welcome to the group! You will find a lot of great people here.

My daughter is 14. We have also been through a lot of food stuff.

Certain textures she doesn't like (which kind of sounds like what Mathew is

experiencing). For awhile she wouldn't eat Cheerios, unless she was at my

aunt's home. Keep introducing him to new foods, I am sure he will come around.

You mentioned Montgomery, where do you live? We are in South Carolina now, but

we are from Mobile.

Sharon H.

Mom to , (14, DS) and , (11)

South Carolina

" Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of

battle. "

Hi Everyone!

I'm a newbie to the group and just want to say Hi and let you know a

little about our family.

I am McLendon, my husband's name is Ronnie and we have two

awesome children. Our daughter, is 15 and our son, Mathew

will be 3 in October and he has ds.

We have been very fortunate with the fact that Mathew was born with

2 holes in his heart at birth, but have closed on their own with

time. He did spend his first month of life in the NICU in

Montgomery, Alabama. Since coming home he has been fairly healthy,

for this we feel blessed.

The only thing that is really confusing our family is Mathew's

eating habits. He will only eat 1 family meal and that is spaghetti

and somtimes green beans. He prefers baby food for all of his

meals. What is really strange is that when it comes to junk food he

will try and eat anything.

Has anyone else ran into this problem and what did you do?

I will try to post some pics of our family later this weekend.

Have an awesome day!

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I thought about possible texture issues and getting some advice from a

SLT, but you said he'll eat any kind of junk food. Am assuming

(dangerous thing to do) that he'll eat all different textures of junk,

gummy bears, chips, pretzels, hard cookies, soft cookies. But maybe

there is some texture stuff to it, snacks are okay, but prefers the

consistency of baby foods for meal time.

Dunno. But you might get some useful insights and info from Joan

Medlen's book,

The Down Syndrome Nutrition Handbook: A Guide to Promoting Healthy


<http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?bfmid=2181 & sourceid=40001804 & bfpid=1890627\

232 & bfmtype=book>

by Joan E. Guthrie Medlen. Woodbine House, 2002.

This book, written by a mother of a child with Down syndrome and a

registered dietitian, " looks at all aspects of nutrition and healthy

living for children with Down syndrome, from birth through young

adulthood. " Could order through Dr. Leshin's site,


but maybe check to see if your local support group has a lending copy

(ours does, I think).

And welcome to . I check in here occasionally, also pester

people on the Down-syn listserv and Uno Mas. And maybe shouldn't say

anything, but suspect that this group has been invaded by Auburnites,

you south Alabama people popping up. Oh, well. Roll Tide! -- Bob (an

Alabama native transplanted--for the last 20 years, God help me-- to NJ)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Bonnie,

Welcome back to our wonderful Life Lift group!! I have really missed

you and since we last heard from you, have been thinking of you a

lot!!! I am so glad to know of your many activities, and most

especially that you are still doing Life Lift breathing!!! I am up to

100 Life Lift breaths per day, and I really love it. In case you are

interested, here is my Life Lift breathing schedule and method:


You are supposed to do the above anywhere from 40 to 100 times a day for

maximum results. I do 10 reps each time I go to the bathroom by

counting the reps out on my fingers. I usually do them while I am

sitting on the toilet. I either count to 5 twice using the fingers of

one hand, or I count to 10 once using the fingers of both hands. If I

go to the bathroom 8 times a day, then I do 80 Life Lift breaths that

day. If I go to the bathroom 10 times a day, then on those days, I do

100 reps. See how easy this is Life Lift breathing is? If I can do

this, you can do it!!! So, get going!!! This is a wonderfully

effective weight loss method which I call COUCH POTATO WEIGHT LOSS!!!!

When you mention your Fountain Of Youth, are you by any chance referring

to the Five Tibetan Rites? If so, I used to do them on a regular basis

until after 4 years ago, but then for some reason, stopped completely.

Now that I have lost so much weight on Life Lift (more than 40 lbs. by

now, I am sure, as I really don't weigh myeslf often) the Five Tibetan

Rites will probably be much easier for me to do than they used to be. I

guess that I was just too fat to have been able to do them comfortably

years ago, but thinks to Life Lift breathing, that might no longer be

the case.

So, Bonnie, welcome back to this wonderful group of Life Lifters!!! I

am glad that you are back with us and that you had been doing your Life

Lift breathing while you were gone!!!!

Good luck to you in your new home in FL!!! I hope that you will be

successful in whatever you do there!!!

Love always,


Bonnie wrote:

> Hi Everyone - I see a lot of new names on the list, a few of

> the " old " names - I stopped posting a while back when my mailbox

> started getting kluged up....now I've signed back on, but web-site

> only.


> Anyway, my life has changed - I'm now semi-retired, and we've moved

> from Austin TX to sunny Florida - and we're loving it. I've

> continued with my LifeLift breathing and exercises - even

> occasionally do them standing in the surf at sunrise (an absolutely

> wonderful experience!).


> Just ran out of my Fountain of Youth and in re-ordering it thought

> about this group - so here I am! Hope you're all doing well with the

> breathing and exercising - I am very much convinced that they are

> keeping me " young " (grin) - well, I can still bend at the waist and

> touch my palms flat to the ground, etc. - and I think that comes

> from regular " exercising " - and how nice to have found an exercise

> regime as gentle as this.


> I've been taking my mother (who can no longer drive) to her myriad

> doctors' appointments, and I see so many of the elderly having

> trouble breathing and moving - I think that LifeLift will extend my

> abilities to stay on top of this longer than most people will have -

> although I don't look as young as Rashelle (heck, let's be honest -

> I don't look anywhere near as attractive as she does!), I think

> LifeLift has taken what have and made it far better!


> So again, hi to everyone,

> Bonnie






> What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

> See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!



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Hi Bonnie,

The Life Lift exercises are wonderful, aren't they? And they are so

very easy, too!!! I am starting to invent some exercises for myself

using my long Life Lift stretch bands. I posted one to the goup the

other day. I will try to find it and send it to you. You might find it

at the web site in the past messages section. I never go there, so I

don't know if it is there yet or not. I will be posting more of my own

exercises which I will invent in the future for use with the long Life

Lift stretch bands from time to time, so keep your eyes open for them!!

Love always,


Bonnie wrote:

> Hi Everyone - I see a lot of new names on the list, a few of

> the " old " names - I stopped posting a while back when my mailbox

> started getting kluged up....now I've signed back on, but web-site

> only.


> Anyway, my life has changed - I'm now semi-retired, and we've moved

> from Austin TX to sunny Florida - and we're loving it. I've

> continued with my LifeLift breathing and exercises - even

> occasionally do them standing in the surf at sunrise (an absolutely

> wonderful experience!).


> Just ran out of my Fountain of Youth and in re-ordering it thought

> about this group - so here I am! Hope you're all doing well with the

> breathing and exercising - I am very much convinced that they are

> keeping me " young " (grin) - well, I can still bend at the waist and

> touch my palms flat to the ground, etc. - and I think that comes

> from regular " exercising " - and how nice to have found an exercise

> regime as gentle as this.


> I've been taking my mother (who can no longer drive) to her myriad

> doctors' appointments, and I see so many of the elderly having

> trouble breathing and moving - I think that LifeLift will extend my

> abilities to stay on top of this longer than most people will have -

> although I don't look as young as Rashelle (heck, let's be honest -

> I don't look anywhere near as attractive as she does!), I think

> LifeLift has taken what have and made it far better!


> So again, hi to everyone,

> Bonnie






> What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

> See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!



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Pat - the Fountain of Youth is a moisturizing oil that Rashelle

sells on her website - don't know exactly what it is, but it sure

keeps my skin feeling good - seldom even wear makeup over it - and

it lasts a really long time so is actually very inexpensive - I love

the stuff (same with the aloe gel, whch I now carry with me in my


> > Hi Everyone - I see a lot of new names on the list, a few of

> > the " old " names - I stopped posting a while back when my mailbox

> > started getting kluged up....now I've signed back on, but web-


> > only.

> >

> > Anyway, my life has changed - I'm now semi-retired, and we've


> > from Austin TX to sunny Florida - and we're loving it. I've

> > continued with my LifeLift breathing and exercises - even

> > occasionally do them standing in the surf at sunrise (an


> > wonderful experience!).

> >

> > Just ran out of my Fountain of Youth and in re-ordering it


> > about this group - so here I am! Hope you're all doing well with


> > breathing and exercising - I am very much convinced that they


> > keeping me " young " (grin) - well, I can still bend at the waist


> > touch my palms flat to the ground, etc. - and I think that comes

> > from regular " exercising " - and how nice to have found an


> > regime as gentle as this.

> >

> > I've been taking my mother (who can no longer drive) to her


> > doctors' appointments, and I see so many of the elderly having

> > trouble breathing and moving - I think that LifeLift will extend


> > abilities to stay on top of this longer than most people will

have -

> > although I don't look as young as Rashelle (heck, let's be

honest -

> > I don't look anywhere near as attractive as she does!), I think

> > LifeLift has taken what have and made it far better!

> >

> > So again, hi to everyone,

> > Bonnie

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

> > See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!


> >

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Hi Bonnie,

Thank you for telling me that Rashelle has a moisturizing oil called the

Mountain of Youth. I didn't know that, as I do not use her beauty

products, at least, not yet. The reason that I thought that you might

have been talking about the Five Tibetan Rites is that they are also

(coincidentally, of course) called the Fountain of Youth!!! Anyway, I

am so glad that you like Rashelle's beauty products. Maybe some day I

will buy some of them!!

Have a wonderful night, my friend, and take care. Once again, the best

of luck to you in FL!!! I hope that you will have a warm winter, as we

here in Vermont will be shivering in the cold, ice, and snow, as we

always do in the wintertime. The temperature is in the low 40s right

now as I type this to you!!!

Love always,


Bonnie wrote:

> Pat - the Fountain of Youth is a moisturizing oil that Rashelle

> sells on her website - don't know exactly what it is, but it sure

> keeps my skin feeling good - seldom even wear makeup over it - and

> it lasts a really long time so is actually very inexpensive - I love

> the stuff (same with the aloe gel, whch I now carry with me in my

> purse!).




>>> Hi Everyone - I see a lot of new names on the list, a few of

>>> the " old " names - I stopped posting a while back when my mailbox

>>> started getting kluged up....now I've signed back on, but web-


> site


>>> only.


>>> Anyway, my life has changed - I'm now semi-retired, and we've


> moved


>>> from Austin TX to sunny Florida - and we're loving it. I've

>>> continued with my LifeLift breathing and exercises - even

>>> occasionally do them standing in the surf at sunrise (an


> absolutely


>>> wonderful experience!).


>>> Just ran out of my Fountain of Youth and in re-ordering it


> thought


>>> about this group - so here I am! Hope you're all doing well with


> the


>>> breathing and exercising - I am very much convinced that they


> are


>>> keeping me " young " (grin) - well, I can still bend at the waist


> and


>>> touch my palms flat to the ground, etc. - and I think that comes

>>> from regular " exercising " - and how nice to have found an


> exercise


>>> regime as gentle as this.


>>> I've been taking my mother (who can no longer drive) to her


> myriad


>>> doctors' appointments, and I see so many of the elderly having

>>> trouble breathing and moving - I think that LifeLift will extend


> my


>>> abilities to stay on top of this longer than most people will


> have -


>>> although I don't look as young as Rashelle (heck, let's be


> honest -


>>> I don't look anywhere near as attractive as she does!), I think

>>> LifeLift has taken what have and made it far better!


>>> So again, hi to everyone,

>>> Bonnie






>>> What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

>>> See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!


> http://www.lifelift.net



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Hi Bonnie,

Good to hear about your new life. I'm jealous!!!! Sounds truly fasbulous.

And I'm sure you look absolutley wonderful!!



On 10/19/06, Bonnie <bon_mathis@...> wrote:


> Hi Everyone - I see a lot of new names on the list, a few of

> the " old " names - I stopped posting a while back when my mailbox

> started getting kluged up....now I've signed back on, but web-site

> only.


> Anyway, my life has changed - I'm now semi-retired, and we've moved

> from Austin TX to sunny Florida - and we're loving it. I've

> continued with my LifeLift breathing and exercises - even

> occasionally do them standing in the surf at sunrise (an absolutely

> wonderful experience!).


> Just ran out of my Fountain of Youth and in re-ordering it thought

> about this group - so here I am! Hope you're all doing well with the

> breathing and exercising - I am very much convinced that they are

> keeping me " young " (grin) - well, I can still bend at the waist and

> touch my palms flat to the ground, etc. - and I think that comes

> from regular " exercising " - and how nice to have found an exercise

> regime as gentle as this.


> I've been taking my mother (who can no longer drive) to her myriad

> doctors' appointments, and I see so many of the elderly having

> trouble breathing and moving - I think that LifeLift will extend my

> abilities to stay on top of this longer than most people will have -

> although I don't look as young as Rashelle (heck, let's be honest -

> I don't look anywhere near as attractive as she does!), I think

> LifeLift has taken what have and made it far better!


> So again, hi to everyone,

> Bonnie




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