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> Just thought I would let everyone know that I did the 8 minute

taebo workout

> today! I actually made myself find time to do that. Also my diet is


> great and I feel great. I think I am on my way to SUCCESS! Thanks

guys for

> all you great e-mails


Way to go! With that attitude, you will definitely succeed :)


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> Just thought I would let everyone know that I did the 8 minute

taebo workout

> today! I actually made myself find time to do that. Also my diet is


> great and I feel great. I think I am on my way to SUCCESS! Thanks

guys for

> all you great e-mails


Way to go! With that attitude, you will definitely succeed :)


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> Just thought I would let everyone know that I did the 8 minute

taebo workout

> today! I actually made myself find time to do that. Also my diet is


> great and I feel great. I think I am on my way to SUCCESS! Thanks

guys for

> all you great e-mails

> angie

Angie, that's wonderful! Remember, take one day at a time. You can

do this.


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That's great Angie!


--- Elena Carroll <etcarroll@...> wrote:


> > Just thought I would let everyone know that I did the

> 8 minute

> taebo workout

> > today! I actually made myself find time to do that.

> Also my diet is

> going

> > great and I feel great. I think I am on my way to

> SUCCESS! Thanks

> guys for

> > all you great e-mails

> > angie


> Angie, that's wonderful! Remember, take one day at a

> time. You can

> do this.


> Elena




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  • 2 weeks later...
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Second try at sending.

Hi everyone!

> Hello All,

> Lonn's still in the corner, but I thought I'd come on and say hello!

> Today is day 18 for both of us. After headaches for the first 11 days,


> finally feeling somewhat normal. I have to admit that all the protein


> has me feeling VERY irregular... Nobody really wants to talk about that

> though. AND, after barely being able to walk or sit for five days after


> first lower body workout, I can't imagine taking any time off. I NEVER


> to experience that again! I've only missed one cardio, and we're


> the food rules religiously. I can already see a difference in my arms and

> butt (yeah!), but I have gained a couple pounds.

> We are not in the competition, but we did take " before " photos (2


> late!) and look forward to a successful transformation. It really helps

> doing it with a partner. There's always someone to shove you off the bed


> 5:30 in the morning! BUT, I do wonder how many other wives sometimes feel

> like choking their husband when he suggests you're not using enough


> or not reaching a 10... That's ok, because I make him listen to what I


> " workout music " and he REALLY hates it. It is fun though!

> Anyway, hello to all!

> Rhonda




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Hi there Rhonda. Glad to hear from you...

I had to laugh at what you wrote.

<BUT, I do wonder how many other wives sometimes feel

> like choking their husband when he suggests you're not using enough


> or not reaching a 10... >

My husband stands behind me saying stuff like, " If I was " BILL " you'd be

able to do one more, Wouldn't cha! "

<That's ok, because I make him listen to what I call

> " workout music " and he REALLY hates it. >

That's whatcha call paybacks!!!! LOL

Glad your hanging in there kiddo!!!


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Hi Rhonda, Yes I beleive some married couples might find too much

togetherness in this program! My hubby and me don't work out together ever -

but we do all the other good stuff! Leaner.

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  • 8 months later...

> How Exciting:


Looks like I'll be ordering my stuff from the net.



You can find some great supplement prices on the net. My favorite

site is www.netrition.com because they offer shipping on all orders @

$4.95 or less, and they have excellent customer service.

For various reasons, other members have their own favorite sites,so

make sure you check around before purchasing!

Good luck on your transformation.


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In a message dated 1/3/2001 10:47:21 AM Eastern Standard Time,

nankeb@... writes:

<< and I

thought, here I am trying my best to get healthy and young again so that

when I retire I won't be too tired to enjoy life. I was thinking that I will

be able to do this (enjoy life again), but will my husband? >>

This has been a very funny thing that has happened at our house. My husband

said no, he definitely wasn't doing the BFL challenge. However, he has been

getting up at 5:00 a.m. every morning and going to the gym before work. He's

also eating 6 small meals a day including the protein shakes. But, he is NOT

doing the challenge. What a hoot.

Robin in Ohio

Currently reading: The Ghostway, by Tony Hillerman

Rereading: Body For Life, by Bill

Just finished: The Bone Collector, by Deaver

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Oh I sure hope so. Yesterday while I was doing my cardio, I phased out for a

few minutes, you know doing the dreaming about the new body thing, and I

thought, here I am trying my best to get healthy and young again so that

when I retire I won't be too tired to enjoy life. I was thinking that I will

be able to do this (enjoy life again), but will my husband? Will I be going

out and doing things without him because he just doesn't have the energy or

inclination? I think I'm going to have to seriously let him know my

concerns, because I want to have fun WITH him not without him.

Going to have to really work some changes so that he will say " hey this is

easy, I'll do it with her " :)

Re: Hi Everyone!



>That is so awesome. I am so glad your husband is helping you to succeed.


>knows he may soon join you.




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  • 2 months later...
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Well Carolyn, I was beginning to think you had

abandoned us!! Glad to hear you've finally got the

school in order. Sounds like they needed their butt

kicked, badly!

Sorry to hear about Nicki's hearing. Hope the hearing

aids will help!!

What kind of work are you doing? Did Tony finally

convince you to come work at the Bakery??

Take care

Judi-Mom to Sam & , 4, Identical Twins


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Car...... WOW... u sound really busy like the rest of

us... I finally had a free time, both kids in bed and

Rusty is at work:))

I went today and checked out a 3yr old program for

Dayton..WHHAAAAAAA From what I saw I liked it.. I am

going to pop in and out for the next month and make a

decision soon. It is almost time for our first IEP...


We finally have a feeding/speech therpy after 2yrs.

Bad thing is we have to drive 1 1/2 hr one way to see

her BUT should be worth it. He is eating much better

finally..not sure the appetti is back or what. He is

feeding himself more now with a spoon, still hates to

touch with hands. (which can be good thing).we had a

barrium swallow done last week and was told we could

thin down a little from the thickness we are using

now. We are looking for about another 18-24months with

the tube. That is ok if we can soon rid it!

is doing great, she is starting to show the

mature stage now, THANK YOU LORD!!! She not running as

much so CAR.. hang in there is does get better!!!

She got new glasses last week, she kept breaking the

old ones,wonder if she didn't want them anymore..LOL.

She is doing wonderful in school. She is on the

10point accelerated reading wall at school.Which means

she is able to read 3 books and understand 80% of the

books. She can tell u want happen in the book and ect.

I am so proud of her!

Well... guess that wraps of a few things happening

around here. Hope everyone else is well and talk to

you all soon.


CYNTHIA,mom to 7yrs(DS) and Dayton 2yr(DS)


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Way to go Dayton!!! Thats great that he's feeding himself!! Hopefully he'll

be able to get rid of that darned old tube soon! Congrats on the reading Ms

!!! Wow you are doing great!! Sounds like life is good for you



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  • 1 month later...
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I sure hope you are okay! I remember my first earthquake living in the Bay

area, CA. It was a 5.0 and I was scared out of my wits! Even a " small "

earthquake can feel very big, and can still be very scary. What I did to

make myself feel better is I built an earthquake preparedness kit for

myself. Now I feel prepared in case of another. It may not be to frequent

where you live, but sure might give you peace of mind. :) take care



Hi everyone!

Well, now I can say that I have lived through hurricanes, tornadoes,

ice storms and an earthquake even though the earthquake was relatively

small. There was an earthquake centered in Faulkner County, AR near

Greenbrier of level 4.4 Friday Morning, 5/4/2001 at 1:42 AM Arkansas time.

I felt it in my trailer and was wondering what had happened like one of the

" Marmaduke " dogs that go around the neighborhood might have gotten under the

trailer and were moving the floor by moving around under there. I live in

Little Rock which is about an hour from Greenbrier and it was said on the

news that that earthquake was felt sporadically from the epicenter to the

Missouri border. The reason I did not know what was happening was that I

had never been through an earthquake before.

T. aka Pegasus


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Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you

must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if

it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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In a message dated 5/05/01 7:24:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, pegasustomassini@... writes:

Well, now I can say that I have lived through hurricanes, tornadoes,

ice storms and an earthquake even though the earthquake was relatively

small. There was an earthquake centered in Faulkner County, AR near

Greenbrier of level 4.4 Friday Morning, 5/4/2001 at 1:42 AM Arkansas time. I felt it in my trailer and was wondering what had happened like one of the

"Marmaduke" dogs that go around the neighborhood might have gotten under the

trailer and were moving the floor by moving around under there. I live in

Little Rock which is about an hour from Greenbrier and it was said on the

news that that earthquake was felt sporadically from the epicenter to the

Missouri border. The reason I did not know what was happening was that I

had never been through an earthquake before.

So glad you are okay, well in NY we have a quake once in a while but just a tremor' 'what was that?' Kinda thing! Never heard of AR but anything is possible. Geoffrey my son lived through that biggie in Ca. and they were just married, woke up to the dishes falling and the other goodies, they lived in Northridge at the time.Shame as they lost all their wedding gifts etc. The poor cat would not go near the kitchen for months after. They were fine, however I spent hours trying to find that out. Telephones were out , I had to contact 's Mom in Visalia who managed to get through for one brief minute!

My other son Bruce lives in Indonesia and has earthquakes all the time, you would not catch me living there, oh no! Anne

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Have missed you! Thank goodness you are alright! What an event!



>From: pegasustomassini@...



>Subject: Hi everyone!

>Date: Sat, 5 May 2001 16:23:05 -0700 (PDT)


> Well, now I can say that I have lived through hurricanes, tornadoes,

>ice storms and an earthquake even though the earthquake was relatively

>small. There was an earthquake centered in Faulkner County, AR near

>Greenbrier of level 4.4 Friday Morning, 5/4/2001 at 1:42 AM Arkansas time.

>I felt it in my trailer and was wondering what had happened like one of the

> " Marmaduke " dogs that go around the neighborhood might have gotten under


>trailer and were moving the floor by moving around under there. I live in

>Little Rock which is about an hour from Greenbrier and it was said on the

>news that that earthquake was felt sporadically from the epicenter to the

>Missouri border. The reason I did not know what was happening was that I

>had never been through an earthquake before.


> T. aka Pegasus







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>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~


>“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

>you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you

>must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if

>it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer


>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

WOW! I have only lived through Tornados and high wind storms! I

would never ever want to be near an earthquake or a hurricane!

How are you feeling these days?



> Well, now I can say that I have lived through hurricanes,


> ice storms and an earthquake even though the earthquake was


> small. There was an earthquake centered in Faulkner County, AR near

> Greenbrier of level 4.4 Friday Morning, 5/4/2001 at 1:42 AM

Arkansas time.

> I felt it in my trailer and was wondering what had happened like

one of the

> " Marmaduke " dogs that go around the neighborhood might have gotten

under the

> trailer and were moving the floor by moving around under there. I

live in

> Little Rock which is about an hour from Greenbrier and it was said

on the

> news that that earthquake was felt sporadically from the epicenter

to the

> Missouri border. The reason I did not know what was happening was

that I

> had never been through an earthquake before.


> T. aka Pegasus






> _______________________________________________________

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> WOW! I have only lived through Tornados and high wind storms! I

> would never ever want to be near an earthquake or a hurricane!

> How are you feeling these days?


> *hugs*

> Chelle


I am feeling relatively good other than having to be flat on my back

for most of the last month due to back pain and having at least one migraine

a day during that same time frame.

I went through the hurricanes which sometimes spawned tornados and/or

water spouts while growing up in Florida, tornados while living in Texas and

a tornado that hit within about a mile of my trailer in about February 2001

and the earthquake was within the last week or two near Little Rock,

Arkansas. The ice storms that I have lived through were in Texas and the

two in December 2000 and January 2001 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Actually,

out of all of these natural phenomena, I prefer hurricanes since they tend

to give you the largest warning. In Florida, you get a warning of 1 or more

weeks for a hurricane while the tornado that hit my area in February only

gave us a warning of less than a minute which meant that my hubby got the

BRIGHT idea of heading STRAIGHT for it as it was touching down in our area

and gave me the even BRIGHTER idea of FOLLOWING him DUH!!!!! We would have

done MUCH better to have remained in our trailer since it is in a

geographical dip that tornados tend to skip over IF they go over that area.

T. aka Pegasus


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  • 6 months later...

What are RS videos? Rick Springfield?! (just kidding, rofl and

kicking her legs) :-)

Hi, Dessa

Thanks for the info on the water. Very interesting. I still need to

get the addresses to check out Sue's other lists.

Lifting weights is GREAT for toning and LOSING weight! It is amazing!

I felt so strong and good when I was well enough to do that. Fat just

melts off with weights that it just doesn't do with aerobics alone. I

also walked and rode a stationary bike. And you know what, you can

cheat on your food plan A LOT and still lose weight or at least stay

the same. My higher metabolism from having more muscle still kept me

trim for 6 months to a year after I had stopped working out and ate

more. So checking it out is really something to consider, ladies.

Amy, wondering who the great looking guy in the picture was that got

removed below? ;-)

--- d shaffer <dshaffer@...> wrote:

> Hi guys......I'm sorry I have been gone....daughter had Dr.

> appointments out of town and I was there for 3 days........yuck the

> weather and roads were bad....but we made it

> back!!......Sue...great job on the walking!! I have been walking

> but not that good......I haven't done the best with food....I'm

> going to start to concentrate on WATER WATER WATER.....my feet are

> cracking again......I was told that was majore dehydration?!? I

> don't know but when I was drinking my heart out (200oz a day!!) I

> didn't have any dry skin anywhere!! So that is this weeks

> goal.........150oz a day ATLEAST....to start.....I'm taking baby

> steps to get my head/and butt back in this program again!!!!!!!

> I need to get a new exercise.....I'm getting board with my

> tapes.......my Aunt suggested some weight lifting book that she

> got.....she has gone from a size 18/20 to about a 10 in a couple of

> years doing this.....just light weights....takes about 15 to 30 min

> and then twice a week she rides a stationary bike for 20-30

> min.....I dont' have a bike but the wights sound good and then do

> my RS videos two times a week.....I don't know for sure but I do

> need a change!!

> Well (((((HUGS))))

> Dessa:)




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Hi Dessa!! I think variety in your exercise is a great idea! When I first

started drinking a lot of water, the first thing people noticed (and

mentioned) was a new glow that my skin had! It makes sense that the part of

us that is exposed to the air would be the first to dry out.....

Good luck on the water!!!


I did the thing I feared the most -- excuse me while I cheer.

Now here I stand, a stronger soul -- and all I've lost is fear.

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> Hi guys......I'm sorry I have been gone...

We know you've been busy.

>I'm going to start to concentrate on WATER WATER WATER....

With hubby home, dragging me out every chance he gets, I've been bad on

this, too. I have to struggle to get in even a *quart*, and that's usually

when I take my asthma pills.

>>my feet are cracking again......I was told that was majore dehydration?!?

Could be the heat is drying your skin, too. I have that trouble every

winter, and all year round when we lived in FL thanks to the air conditioner

and dehumidifier going constantly. My podiatrist in FL recommended some

stuff called " Eucerin " lotion. He was selling it for almost $30 a 12 ounce

or so bottle. The major ingredient was lanolin, so I said No thanks, I have

my own cream. My dad, who went to the same doc, gave me some of his to try.

The stuff worked great, but it *majorly* upset my asthma! A lot of the

lotions do.

Noxema is another one that works great on dry, cracked skin but makes me

wheeze. I learned that the hard way, too.

Now I use Lubriderm, the lotion both out local hospitals use. Not greasy and

oror free so my asthma is uneffected, even when I use it on my face.

>I'm taking baby steps to get my head/and butt back in this program


You can do it!!

> I need to get a new exercise.....I'm getting board with my tapes.......

Light weights are good, and you *should* be doing a weight or toning day

each week. Sure, but who remembers! :)

Hit your library and see what they have. Rent a variety of stuff - some tae

bo, step aerobics, maybe even belly dancing! Now *that* gets pretty aerobic

and works out some muscles you haven't used before!

>I dont' have a bike but the weights sound good

And you don't have to buy any, either. Cans, bottles, even bags of beans

work great until you decide if it's worth the investment. If you have some

toning cords hanging around from an old video, they work, too. A length of

rubber tubing from a fishtank does the same trick.

>.....I don't know for sure but I do need a change!!

You can always go sledding. Dragging that thing up a hill is pretty

strenuous AND the kids have fun at the same time. :)

Sue in NJ

full of advice, rarely takes it ;)

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

> So how are ya? I am doing just peachy. I have gained some weight and

> am back up to 242 pounds, is that great?!!!

Blame it on your routine getting upset with the move and just start again.

Remember, Spring starts tomorrow so restart the program for the season of


>and our wee Tess

> was attacked by a large black dog,

Poor baby! I'm glad she's OK now - I know how lost you would be without her.

> On a more positive side.......after almost forty years, I have quit

> smoking. Cold turkey, as they say, wish I had some cold turkey,

That's how I did it 15 years ago this past August. It was agony for a few

days but after that, well, even now I have the urge once in a while, yet I

can't stand to even be near the smell of a cigaret, it chokes me up and

upsets the asthma.

> I am living in day 5 as a non smoker.....and I am feeling pretty good

> about it, other than the weird body twitching episodes, dizzyness,

> and urge to gang up on smokers, especially skinny smokers.......like

LOL Yeah, all that is perfectly normal.

>back in a sec......oh, alright, Now the Tess decides to

> guard the door and not let me out........

Good girl, Tess!

> You all have a great day....and someone please remind me about how my

> body is really appreciating this hell I am putting it through.....

You'll see for yourself in a few more days. Just wait until the spring

weather finally hits Canada and you can go outside for a walk and find

you're not panting as much as you stroll through the park.

Just leave that poor lady across the street alone and stop stalking her, OK?

Glad to have you back.

Sue in NJ

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You are doing one of the best things you can for your body!!! I grew up with a

mom who smokes and now she will not visit our house or my sister's house because

we ask her to smoke on our back patios. It is a sad day when someone's addiction

takes precedence over seeing her grandchildren (my mom has not been to my home

in almost a year, despite living 45 min away).

You ARE doing a wonderful thing. I know it will get easier as time goes by and

all the problems now will not last forever. My grandfather quit smoking when my

grandmother started charging him 5 cents everytime she cleaned an ash tray

(early 1960's).

I am sorry to hear about your life in the big city, and I totally understand. I

live near San Francisco/Oakland. It is a mess, we so enjoyed our week in Montana

last year, the pace was much slower and the people were more enjoyable. On the

other hand, I am glad it is not just California that has that problem.

So, don't worry about the weight at the moment, exercise as much as you can and

get that smoking monkey off your back!

Glad to hear Tess is okay. My grandma's toy poodle was killed by a big black dog

when I let the dog out to go potty. I was only 10 and I know it is not my fault,

but I still feel guilty. A few years later the black dog was killed by a rattle

snake bite. Sorry about the sad story.

On the other hand, my dog is a complete nut and pees everytime she gets excited.

Have a great day

(who feels like she lives in the zoo with the cats, dog, snake, chinchilla and


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