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Progesterone cream

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Red Clover is herbal mimic of estrogen, is what I was told. I did try it once.

made me feel worse. So did Don Quai.

Go figure that one out?????

Re: progesterone cream

In a message dated 12/6/03 5:31:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,

rbeiswenger@... writes:

> Have you read Raquel 's book, " The Estrogen Alternative " ? I believe

> you will find a different opinion on this in her work.


I do not have the knowledge to determine who is telling the truth..but

somebody is. Either Progest Cream is good for you or is isn't. According to

Weed who is very esteemed in her field, you can make an infusion of some herb

she recommends (red clover?) that will stimulate the body to control

menopausal imbalances but don't take something that basically is needed for


and causes breast and ovarian cancer to grow. She claims that so much money

is being made on Projest Cream and none on herbal infusion that therein lies

the problem. I wish that a few learned members of this group would phone her


Tues eve. during her free conference time and question her with their wisdom

and then report back to us so that as a group we can discuss this and come to

some sort of agreement to benefit all of us.

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Red Clover is herbal mimic of estrogen, is what I was told. I did try it once.

made me feel worse. So did Don Quai.

Go figure that one out?????

Re: progesterone cream

In a message dated 12/6/03 5:31:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,

rbeiswenger@... writes:

> Have you read Raquel 's book, " The Estrogen Alternative " ? I believe

> you will find a different opinion on this in her work.


I do not have the knowledge to determine who is telling the truth..but

somebody is. Either Progest Cream is good for you or is isn't. According to

Weed who is very esteemed in her field, you can make an infusion of some herb

she recommends (red clover?) that will stimulate the body to control

menopausal imbalances but don't take something that basically is needed for


and causes breast and ovarian cancer to grow. She claims that so much money

is being made on Projest Cream and none on herbal infusion that therein lies

the problem. I wish that a few learned members of this group would phone her


Tues eve. during her free conference time and question her with their wisdom

and then report back to us so that as a group we can discuss this and come to

some sort of agreement to benefit all of us.

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Re: progesterone cream

> In a message dated 12/6/03 6:05:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> vgammill@... writes:



> > Results of a preliminary study by scientists at the Jonsson Comprehensive

> > Cancer Center at the University of California suggest that the hormone

> > progesterone contributes to breast cancer by boosting the production of a

> > growth factor that aids tumor growth


> This is exactly what Weed was telling me.


Also, many books are written about how cancer and fungus are one in the

same. Fungus is said to feed off of sugar like cancer but it also

goes crazy when it's given progesterone. Women with excess estrogen

are using popular books to justify adding natural progesterone when

in reality they should be cutting back on their exposure to estrogens

found in all animal products as well as plastics and other chemicals.

When they do this, the body will be able to naturally balance itself.

Also, probiotics work to help regulate hormones in the body.


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Re: progesterone cream

> In a message dated 12/6/03 6:05:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> vgammill@... writes:



> > Results of a preliminary study by scientists at the Jonsson Comprehensive

> > Cancer Center at the University of California suggest that the hormone

> > progesterone contributes to breast cancer by boosting the production of a

> > growth factor that aids tumor growth


> This is exactly what Weed was telling me.


Also, many books are written about how cancer and fungus are one in the

same. Fungus is said to feed off of sugar like cancer but it also

goes crazy when it's given progesterone. Women with excess estrogen

are using popular books to justify adding natural progesterone when

in reality they should be cutting back on their exposure to estrogens

found in all animal products as well as plastics and other chemicals.

When they do this, the body will be able to naturally balance itself.

Also, probiotics work to help regulate hormones in the body.


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Well it may work for alot of women, but all that herbal estrogen just makes me

feel more estrogen like.

I took birth control pills once, back years ago.The doc recommended it for

hormone imbalance.

I gained 20 pounds and felt bad.My breast hurt all the time, and had bad

headaches.I had to throw them out. Then abt 6 months later I discovered a lump

in my right breast. Had it removed it was 3 benign tumors. I was 20 yrs


And whenever i take a herb that makes me feel like those pills did I stop taking

it right then. Scares me. The progesterone cream doesnt do that at all. I guess

I am real sensitive to any estrogen. But if a woman has too much estrogen, why

would she need to take a herbal estrogen?

If she is going thru menopause, these might help with hot flashes and all.

But i seriously have tried all the herbal estrogens.They really do make me

irritable/bitchy, and sore. I just cant take them.

I tried a vege diet for 6 months but i lost soo much weight and had no energy .

I looked aweful.I just couldnt keep it up.

I do feel better if i leave off the red meats. And eat chicken without hormones.

BUt every now and then i slip and eat a hamburger..

I believe a person could go to 5 different docs and get 5 different answers!!

Re: progesterone cream

In a message dated 12/6/03 7:00:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

nopcname@... writes:

> Red Clover is herbal mimic of estrogen, is what I was told. I did try it

> once. made me feel worse. So did Don Quai.

> Go figure that one out?????


Yes..that's it..red clover..that is what Weed recommends.

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Well it may work for alot of women, but all that herbal estrogen just makes me

feel more estrogen like.

I took birth control pills once, back years ago.The doc recommended it for

hormone imbalance.

I gained 20 pounds and felt bad.My breast hurt all the time, and had bad

headaches.I had to throw them out. Then abt 6 months later I discovered a lump

in my right breast. Had it removed it was 3 benign tumors. I was 20 yrs


And whenever i take a herb that makes me feel like those pills did I stop taking

it right then. Scares me. The progesterone cream doesnt do that at all. I guess

I am real sensitive to any estrogen. But if a woman has too much estrogen, why

would she need to take a herbal estrogen?

If she is going thru menopause, these might help with hot flashes and all.

But i seriously have tried all the herbal estrogens.They really do make me

irritable/bitchy, and sore. I just cant take them.

I tried a vege diet for 6 months but i lost soo much weight and had no energy .

I looked aweful.I just couldnt keep it up.

I do feel better if i leave off the red meats. And eat chicken without hormones.

BUt every now and then i slip and eat a hamburger..

I believe a person could go to 5 different docs and get 5 different answers!!

Re: progesterone cream

In a message dated 12/6/03 7:00:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

nopcname@... writes:

> Red Clover is herbal mimic of estrogen, is what I was told. I did try it

> once. made me feel worse. So did Don Quai.

> Go figure that one out?????


Yes..that's it..red clover..that is what Weed recommends.

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If natural substances cancer cells can use once the cancer is there

were rare, it would have been much easier to decide what to avoid;

but, unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case. Hundreds --

perhaps thousands -- of natural substances the body utilizes as part

of its normal metabolism can be used by cancer cells too. One good

example is water...

Of course if we're talking unnatural substances, like synthetic

progesterone, it is perhaps likely to cause problems (if only because

all synthetic hormones do). Phytohormones, on the other hand, are not

carcinogenic (not in any " reasonable " amounts anyway), far as I know.

On the contrary, they can prevent the body from taking up

xenohormones (from all those plastics etc.) by occupying the

receptors: the body will preferentially uptake a phytohormone given a

choice between that and a " plastic estrogen. " The ubiquitous presence

of xenoestrogens in the environment is one reason I believe it's

important to use hormone-like herbal supplements for older women with

declining female hormones as well as for those at risk for

reproductive cancers -- but maybe for young healthy women too, I'm not

all that sure it's such a bad idea. One good example (again :-) ) of

a plant-derived estrogenic supplement many will find useful is our old

friend flaxseed oil and, to an even greater extent, flax seeds.

Moreover, many of the plant-derived hormonal complexes act as

regulators; e.g., dong quai, used properly, will raise either estrogen

OR progesterone -- or both -- depending on what the body needs; it

won't do anything useful if the levels are adequate to begin with, but

it won't do any serious harm either. As for the proper use of it, it

must be cooked as food, not taken as capsules -- or, if it is just

some powdered herb in a capsule, it's necessary to take it with a

spoonful of some fat or oil or it won't be doing much.

There's natural plant-based progesterone cream out there -- the only

plant that delivers transdermally available natural progesterone is

wild yam, so don't be surprised if red clover does nothing, it can't,

it's only going to do something if eaten (and not all that much, and

not for every woman, contrary to what Susun Weed believes. A

phytohormonal formula that suits one woman may need some tweaking

before it suits another; generally, a combo of a few herbs is more

reliable, and the dosages may have to be determined by some

experimenting.) One would need to shop around for a good brand of

wild yam cream (they are far from " all created equal " ) -- I used to

know which one is the best but I forget. I think Dr. Lee may be

the source to check.


> > This is exactly what Weed was telling me.

> >


> Also, many books are written about how cancer and fungus are one in the

> same. Fungus is said to feed off of sugar like cancer but it also

> goes crazy when it's given progesterone. Women with excess estrogen

> are using popular books to justify adding natural progesterone when

> in reality they should be cutting back on their exposure to estrogens

> found in all animal products as well as plastics and other chemicals.

> When they do this, the body will be able to naturally balance itself.

> Also, probiotics work to help regulate hormones in the body.



> Larry

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If natural substances cancer cells can use once the cancer is there

were rare, it would have been much easier to decide what to avoid;

but, unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case. Hundreds --

perhaps thousands -- of natural substances the body utilizes as part

of its normal metabolism can be used by cancer cells too. One good

example is water...

Of course if we're talking unnatural substances, like synthetic

progesterone, it is perhaps likely to cause problems (if only because

all synthetic hormones do). Phytohormones, on the other hand, are not

carcinogenic (not in any " reasonable " amounts anyway), far as I know.

On the contrary, they can prevent the body from taking up

xenohormones (from all those plastics etc.) by occupying the

receptors: the body will preferentially uptake a phytohormone given a

choice between that and a " plastic estrogen. " The ubiquitous presence

of xenoestrogens in the environment is one reason I believe it's

important to use hormone-like herbal supplements for older women with

declining female hormones as well as for those at risk for

reproductive cancers -- but maybe for young healthy women too, I'm not

all that sure it's such a bad idea. One good example (again :-) ) of

a plant-derived estrogenic supplement many will find useful is our old

friend flaxseed oil and, to an even greater extent, flax seeds.

Moreover, many of the plant-derived hormonal complexes act as

regulators; e.g., dong quai, used properly, will raise either estrogen

OR progesterone -- or both -- depending on what the body needs; it

won't do anything useful if the levels are adequate to begin with, but

it won't do any serious harm either. As for the proper use of it, it

must be cooked as food, not taken as capsules -- or, if it is just

some powdered herb in a capsule, it's necessary to take it with a

spoonful of some fat or oil or it won't be doing much.

There's natural plant-based progesterone cream out there -- the only

plant that delivers transdermally available natural progesterone is

wild yam, so don't be surprised if red clover does nothing, it can't,

it's only going to do something if eaten (and not all that much, and

not for every woman, contrary to what Susun Weed believes. A

phytohormonal formula that suits one woman may need some tweaking

before it suits another; generally, a combo of a few herbs is more

reliable, and the dosages may have to be determined by some

experimenting.) One would need to shop around for a good brand of

wild yam cream (they are far from " all created equal " ) -- I used to

know which one is the best but I forget. I think Dr. Lee may be

the source to check.


> > This is exactly what Weed was telling me.

> >


> Also, many books are written about how cancer and fungus are one in the

> same. Fungus is said to feed off of sugar like cancer but it also

> goes crazy when it's given progesterone. Women with excess estrogen

> are using popular books to justify adding natural progesterone when

> in reality they should be cutting back on their exposure to estrogens

> found in all animal products as well as plastics and other chemicals.

> When they do this, the body will be able to naturally balance itself.

> Also, probiotics work to help regulate hormones in the body.



> Larry

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yes I had his list somewhere. I cant remember the brand i use. Its in the

bathroom I can go look. Off hand I cant remember. Thats where i decided to use

the brand I am using.

I dont know abt anyone else but the herb I like as a capsule is Vitex aka Chaste

tree. if nothing else it gets off the excess water and seems to work like

progesterone cream.

yea all this synthetic crap out there is killing us all.

Esp. the women.....

There is a OB GYN here in town who used to run down creams and herbs ,all the

time. Until his wife got breast cancer.Now he sings a different tune......abt.

it all.

But seriously, back when I gained 25 pounds for no reason, had headaches all the

time, bad monthly periods and sore breast all month. I had to do something. i

experimented with all this herbal estrogen stuff. It made me feel worse. The

only thing that helped me was the Vitex and the cream.

I never the Zoloft the docter suggested .......he was telling me:

Oh its peri menapause, youll just have to live it, its part of getting older,

exercise more, eat less......

All the while I was telling him this just came on in a 6 month time period and I

was exercising, and I wasnt eating too much. It was like i was talking to deaf

and dumb M.D.. All he could offer was Zoloft.....I was soo angry and sick. And

oh the pain pills they gave me for my headaches.....I even got sick of them.

Most people would have gotten addicted to them all. I was soo discusted with it


I asked for help from up above. The next day I found myself at the Health Food

store looking at books...Then oddly enough the lady working there

came up and asked if she could help. That wasnt odd. BUt what was odd, is what

she lead me to.

the cream and the Vitex. The next month i went back to buy more. She was gone. i

asked abt her. They said she only worked there abt a week.....

How odd is that one?! I tried to get some more info. on this stuff and noone

there really knew much abt it at all.

There is another herb called Chrysin. It stops the conversion of testosterone to

estrogen in men.

I tried it for abt 2 months. I felt wonderful....Stamina, slept good, lost 5

pounds that month. One set back. It made my face break out a little. So I

decided I couldnt take it. BUt if it hadnt done that it would have been

nice.Though I dont know how it works in a female body...

One hting it will do for a man is if the man is loosing his hair.....it will

stop any more hair loss if taken regularly. I know some men who have tried it.

It works. Its called chrysin, its in the weight body building section. Its

expensive abt 30 bucks for 60.


Re: progesterone cream

If natural substances cancer cells can use once the cancer is there

were rare, it would have been much easier to decide what to avoid;

but, unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case. Hundreds --

perhaps thousands -- of natural substances the body utilizes as part

of its normal metabolism can be used by cancer cells too. One good

example is water...

Of course if we're talking unnatural substances, like synthetic

progesterone, it is perhaps likely to cause problems (if only because

all synthetic hormones do). Phytohormones, on the other hand, are not

carcinogenic (not in any " reasonable " amounts anyway), far as I know.

On the contrary, they can prevent the body from taking up

xenohormones (from all those plastics etc.) by occupying the

receptors: the body will preferentially uptake a phytohormone given a

choice between that and a " plastic estrogen. " The ubiquitous presence

of xenoestrogens in the environment is one reason I believe it's

important to use hormone-like herbal supplements for older women with

declining female hormones as well as for those at risk for

reproductive cancers -- but maybe for young healthy women too, I'm not

all that sure it's such a bad idea. One good example (again :-) ) of

a plant-derived estrogenic supplement many will find useful is our old

friend flaxseed oil and, to an even greater extent, flax seeds.

Moreover, many of the plant-derived hormonal complexes act as

regulators; e.g., dong quai, used properly, will raise either estrogen

OR progesterone -- or both -- depending on what the body needs; it

won't do anything useful if the levels are adequate to begin with, but

it won't do any serious harm either. As for the proper use of it, it

must be cooked as food, not taken as capsules -- or, if it is just

some powdered herb in a capsule, it's necessary to take it with a

spoonful of some fat or oil or it won't be doing much.

There's natural plant-based progesterone cream out there -- the only

plant that delivers transdermally available natural progesterone is

wild yam, so don't be surprised if red clover does nothing, it can't,

it's only going to do something if eaten (and not all that much, and

not for every woman, contrary to what Susun Weed believes. A

phytohormonal formula that suits one woman may need some tweaking

before it suits another; generally, a combo of a few herbs is more

reliable, and the dosages may have to be determined by some

experimenting.) One would need to shop around for a good brand of

wild yam cream (they are far from " all created equal " ) -- I used to

know which one is the best but I forget. I think Dr. Lee may be

the source to check.


> > This is exactly what Weed was telling me.

> >


> Also, many books are written about how cancer and fungus are one in the

> same. Fungus is said to feed off of sugar like cancer but it also

> goes crazy when it's given progesterone. Women with excess estrogen

> are using popular books to justify adding natural progesterone when

> in reality they should be cutting back on their exposure to estrogens

> found in all animal products as well as plastics and other chemicals.

> When they do this, the body will be able to naturally balance itself.

> Also, probiotics work to help regulate hormones in the body.



> Larry

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yes I had his list somewhere. I cant remember the brand i use. Its in the

bathroom I can go look. Off hand I cant remember. Thats where i decided to use

the brand I am using.

I dont know abt anyone else but the herb I like as a capsule is Vitex aka Chaste

tree. if nothing else it gets off the excess water and seems to work like

progesterone cream.

yea all this synthetic crap out there is killing us all.

Esp. the women.....

There is a OB GYN here in town who used to run down creams and herbs ,all the

time. Until his wife got breast cancer.Now he sings a different tune......abt.

it all.

But seriously, back when I gained 25 pounds for no reason, had headaches all the

time, bad monthly periods and sore breast all month. I had to do something. i

experimented with all this herbal estrogen stuff. It made me feel worse. The

only thing that helped me was the Vitex and the cream.

I never the Zoloft the docter suggested .......he was telling me:

Oh its peri menapause, youll just have to live it, its part of getting older,

exercise more, eat less......

All the while I was telling him this just came on in a 6 month time period and I

was exercising, and I wasnt eating too much. It was like i was talking to deaf

and dumb M.D.. All he could offer was Zoloft.....I was soo angry and sick. And

oh the pain pills they gave me for my headaches.....I even got sick of them.

Most people would have gotten addicted to them all. I was soo discusted with it


I asked for help from up above. The next day I found myself at the Health Food

store looking at books...Then oddly enough the lady working there

came up and asked if she could help. That wasnt odd. BUt what was odd, is what

she lead me to.

the cream and the Vitex. The next month i went back to buy more. She was gone. i

asked abt her. They said she only worked there abt a week.....

How odd is that one?! I tried to get some more info. on this stuff and noone

there really knew much abt it at all.

There is another herb called Chrysin. It stops the conversion of testosterone to

estrogen in men.

I tried it for abt 2 months. I felt wonderful....Stamina, slept good, lost 5

pounds that month. One set back. It made my face break out a little. So I

decided I couldnt take it. BUt if it hadnt done that it would have been

nice.Though I dont know how it works in a female body...

One hting it will do for a man is if the man is loosing his hair.....it will

stop any more hair loss if taken regularly. I know some men who have tried it.

It works. Its called chrysin, its in the weight body building section. Its

expensive abt 30 bucks for 60.


Re: progesterone cream

If natural substances cancer cells can use once the cancer is there

were rare, it would have been much easier to decide what to avoid;

but, unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case. Hundreds --

perhaps thousands -- of natural substances the body utilizes as part

of its normal metabolism can be used by cancer cells too. One good

example is water...

Of course if we're talking unnatural substances, like synthetic

progesterone, it is perhaps likely to cause problems (if only because

all synthetic hormones do). Phytohormones, on the other hand, are not

carcinogenic (not in any " reasonable " amounts anyway), far as I know.

On the contrary, they can prevent the body from taking up

xenohormones (from all those plastics etc.) by occupying the

receptors: the body will preferentially uptake a phytohormone given a

choice between that and a " plastic estrogen. " The ubiquitous presence

of xenoestrogens in the environment is one reason I believe it's

important to use hormone-like herbal supplements for older women with

declining female hormones as well as for those at risk for

reproductive cancers -- but maybe for young healthy women too, I'm not

all that sure it's such a bad idea. One good example (again :-) ) of

a plant-derived estrogenic supplement many will find useful is our old

friend flaxseed oil and, to an even greater extent, flax seeds.

Moreover, many of the plant-derived hormonal complexes act as

regulators; e.g., dong quai, used properly, will raise either estrogen

OR progesterone -- or both -- depending on what the body needs; it

won't do anything useful if the levels are adequate to begin with, but

it won't do any serious harm either. As for the proper use of it, it

must be cooked as food, not taken as capsules -- or, if it is just

some powdered herb in a capsule, it's necessary to take it with a

spoonful of some fat or oil or it won't be doing much.

There's natural plant-based progesterone cream out there -- the only

plant that delivers transdermally available natural progesterone is

wild yam, so don't be surprised if red clover does nothing, it can't,

it's only going to do something if eaten (and not all that much, and

not for every woman, contrary to what Susun Weed believes. A

phytohormonal formula that suits one woman may need some tweaking

before it suits another; generally, a combo of a few herbs is more

reliable, and the dosages may have to be determined by some

experimenting.) One would need to shop around for a good brand of

wild yam cream (they are far from " all created equal " ) -- I used to

know which one is the best but I forget. I think Dr. Lee may be

the source to check.


> > This is exactly what Weed was telling me.

> >


> Also, many books are written about how cancer and fungus are one in the

> same. Fungus is said to feed off of sugar like cancer but it also

> goes crazy when it's given progesterone. Women with excess estrogen

> are using popular books to justify adding natural progesterone when

> in reality they should be cutting back on their exposure to estrogens

> found in all animal products as well as plastics and other chemicals.

> When they do this, the body will be able to naturally balance itself.

> Also, probiotics work to help regulate hormones in the body.



> Larry

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> One hting it will do for a man is if the man is loosing his

hair.....it will stop any more hair loss if taken regularly. I know

some men who have tried it. It works. Its called chrysin, its in the

weight body building section. Its expensive abt 30 bucks for 60.

Hi ,

thanks for mentioning it, I've never heard of this one. I do know of

one interesting herb with a long-standing reputation for being a

hair-restoring one -- the Chinese herb Fo-Ti, aka He Shou Wu, aka Shen

Min -- that will work for both men and women. It's not phytohormonal,

its mechanism of action is different. In TCM, hair is " the extention

of Blood " and is considered indicative of the blood's health (which is

one reason for chemo hair loss, by the way), and Fo-Ti is a " Blood

building " herb ( " blood builders " is a whole class of remedies in TCM).

In effective doses, it is on the expensive side too (and in smaller

doses it is ineffective), but some people swear not only hair regrowth

but the reverting of gray hair back to its original color. Like

ginseng, it was one of the most extensively studied Chinese herbs in

the history of Western medicine back in the 30s, when the French and

British scientists experimented with it at a lab in Algeria (devoted

solely to the study of Fo-Ti). Their research was interrupted by WWII

and never resumed.


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> One hting it will do for a man is if the man is loosing his

hair.....it will stop any more hair loss if taken regularly. I know

some men who have tried it. It works. Its called chrysin, its in the

weight body building section. Its expensive abt 30 bucks for 60.

Hi ,

thanks for mentioning it, I've never heard of this one. I do know of

one interesting herb with a long-standing reputation for being a

hair-restoring one -- the Chinese herb Fo-Ti, aka He Shou Wu, aka Shen

Min -- that will work for both men and women. It's not phytohormonal,

its mechanism of action is different. In TCM, hair is " the extention

of Blood " and is considered indicative of the blood's health (which is

one reason for chemo hair loss, by the way), and Fo-Ti is a " Blood

building " herb ( " blood builders " is a whole class of remedies in TCM).

In effective doses, it is on the expensive side too (and in smaller

doses it is ineffective), but some people swear not only hair regrowth

but the reverting of gray hair back to its original color. Like

ginseng, it was one of the most extensively studied Chinese herbs in

the history of Western medicine back in the 30s, when the French and

British scientists experimented with it at a lab in Algeria (devoted

solely to the study of Fo-Ti). Their research was interrupted by WWII

and never resumed.


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Um that sounds interesting!

The part abt restoring color back in the hair ,esp.


Re: progesterone cream

> One hting it will do for a man is if the man is loosing his

hair.....it will stop any more hair loss if taken regularly. I know

some men who have tried it. It works. Its called chrysin, its in the

weight body building section. Its expensive abt 30 bucks for 60.

Hi ,

thanks for mentioning it, I've never heard of this one. I do know of

one interesting herb with a long-standing reputation for being a

hair-restoring one -- the Chinese herb Fo-Ti, aka He Shou Wu, aka Shen

Min -- that will work for both men and women. It's not phytohormonal,

its mechanism of action is different. In TCM, hair is " the extention

of Blood " and is considered indicative of the blood's health (which is

one reason for chemo hair loss, by the way), and Fo-Ti is a " Blood

building " herb ( " blood builders " is a whole class of remedies in TCM).

In effective doses, it is on the expensive side too (and in smaller

doses it is ineffective), but some people swear not only hair regrowth

but the reverting of gray hair back to its original color. Like

ginseng, it was one of the most extensively studied Chinese herbs in

the history of Western medicine back in the 30s, when the French and

British scientists experimented with it at a lab in Algeria (devoted

solely to the study of Fo-Ti). Their research was interrupted by WWII

and never resumed.


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Um that sounds interesting!

The part abt restoring color back in the hair ,esp.


Re: progesterone cream

> One hting it will do for a man is if the man is loosing his

hair.....it will stop any more hair loss if taken regularly. I know

some men who have tried it. It works. Its called chrysin, its in the

weight body building section. Its expensive abt 30 bucks for 60.

Hi ,

thanks for mentioning it, I've never heard of this one. I do know of

one interesting herb with a long-standing reputation for being a

hair-restoring one -- the Chinese herb Fo-Ti, aka He Shou Wu, aka Shen

Min -- that will work for both men and women. It's not phytohormonal,

its mechanism of action is different. In TCM, hair is " the extention

of Blood " and is considered indicative of the blood's health (which is

one reason for chemo hair loss, by the way), and Fo-Ti is a " Blood

building " herb ( " blood builders " is a whole class of remedies in TCM).

In effective doses, it is on the expensive side too (and in smaller

doses it is ineffective), but some people swear not only hair regrowth

but the reverting of gray hair back to its original color. Like

ginseng, it was one of the most extensively studied Chinese herbs in

the history of Western medicine back in the 30s, when the French and

British scientists experimented with it at a lab in Algeria (devoted

solely to the study of Fo-Ti). Their research was interrupted by WWII

and never resumed.


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In a message dated 12/7/03 1:44:15 AM Eastern Standard Time,

me2youlink@... writes:

> I do know of

> one interesting herb with a long-standing reputation for being a

> hair-restoring one -- the Chinese herb Fo-Ti, aka He Shou Wu, aka Shen

> Min -- that will work for both men and women.

Where can it be found and what is the protocol..I have thinning hair on one

spot of the hairline.

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In a message dated 12/7/03 1:44:15 AM Eastern Standard Time,

me2youlink@... writes:

> I do know of

> one interesting herb with a long-standing reputation for being a

> hair-restoring one -- the Chinese herb Fo-Ti, aka He Shou Wu, aka Shen

> Min -- that will work for both men and women.

Where can it be found and what is the protocol..I have thinning hair on one

spot of the hairline.

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In a message dated 12/7/03 10:02:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,

r.muenzer@... writes:

> Studies keep comming in on dangers of hormone therapy.

> If you want more information on hormones = Dr. Mercola has

> 200+ web pages on hormone therapy at http://www.mercola.com

I believe that he supports the use of progest cream.

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In a message dated 12/7/03 10:02:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,

r.muenzer@... writes:

> Studies keep comming in on dangers of hormone therapy.

> If you want more information on hormones = Dr. Mercola has

> 200+ web pages on hormone therapy at http://www.mercola.com

I believe that he supports the use of progest cream.

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The study cited below merely " suggests " that the hormone

progesterone contributes to breast cancer... which doesn't sound

very conclusive. (I'm not taking " sides " on this issue, only pointing out

the terminology, which needs to be watched carefully - it is easy to

draw conclusions when the intent was merely a " suggestion " ... a

possibility...something to be researched in the future...

Bob B.

Re: progesterone cream



> > In a message dated 12/6/03 6:05:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> > vgammill@... writes:

> >

> >

> > > Results of a preliminary study by scientists at the Jonsson


> > > Cancer Center at the University of California suggest that the hormone

> > > progesterone contributes to breast cancer by boosting the production

of a

> > > growth factor that aids tumor growth

> >

> > This is exactly what Weed was telling me.

> >


> Also, many books are written about how cancer and fungus are one in the

> same. Fungus is said to feed off of sugar like cancer but it also

> goes crazy when it's given progesterone. Women with excess estrogen

> are using popular books to justify adding natural progesterone when

> in reality they should be cutting back on their exposure to estrogens

> found in all animal products as well as plastics and other chemicals.

> When they do this, the body will be able to naturally balance itself.

> Also, probiotics work to help regulate hormones in the body.



> Larry





> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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The study cited below merely " suggests " that the hormone

progesterone contributes to breast cancer... which doesn't sound

very conclusive. (I'm not taking " sides " on this issue, only pointing out

the terminology, which needs to be watched carefully - it is easy to

draw conclusions when the intent was merely a " suggestion " ... a

possibility...something to be researched in the future...

Bob B.

Re: progesterone cream



> > In a message dated 12/6/03 6:05:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> > vgammill@... writes:

> >

> >

> > > Results of a preliminary study by scientists at the Jonsson


> > > Cancer Center at the University of California suggest that the hormone

> > > progesterone contributes to breast cancer by boosting the production

of a

> > > growth factor that aids tumor growth

> >

> > This is exactly what Weed was telling me.

> >


> Also, many books are written about how cancer and fungus are one in the

> same. Fungus is said to feed off of sugar like cancer but it also

> goes crazy when it's given progesterone. Women with excess estrogen

> are using popular books to justify adding natural progesterone when

> in reality they should be cutting back on their exposure to estrogens

> found in all animal products as well as plastics and other chemicals.

> When they do this, the body will be able to naturally balance itself.

> Also, probiotics work to help regulate hormones in the body.



> Larry





> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv



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My wife used Red Raspberry Leaf tea for hot flashes - it worked fine for

her. Just a cup in the morning...

Bob B.

Re: progesterone cream

> In a message dated 12/6/03 7:00:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> nopcname@... writes:



> > Red Clover is herbal mimic of estrogen, is what I was told. I did try it

> > once. made me feel worse. So did Don Quai.

> > Go figure that one out?????

> >


> Yes..that's it..red clover..that is what Weed recommends.




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My wife used Red Raspberry Leaf tea for hot flashes - it worked fine for

her. Just a cup in the morning...

Bob B.

Re: progesterone cream

> In a message dated 12/6/03 7:00:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> nopcname@... writes:



> > Red Clover is herbal mimic of estrogen, is what I was told. I did try it

> > once. made me feel worse. So did Don Quai.

> > Go figure that one out?????

> >


> Yes..that's it..red clover..that is what Weed recommends.




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Let me know what you think of it; she seems to have some good supporters.

Bob B.

Re: progesterone cream

> In a message dated 12/6/03 5:31:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> rbeiswenger@... writes:



> > Have you read Raquel 's book, " The Estrogen Alternative " ? I


> > you will find a different opinion on this in her work.

> >


> I just ordered the book at half.com/





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