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I like your 'early in the morning' advice; another mom also does that

with her son's pills, using OJ as a chaser.

I see I'm going to have to try a variety of approaches here!

Hopefully some (or all) will work!


In Autism Treatment , " lastringer2002 "

<stringerup@a...> wrote:

I put my son's TMG & Super Nuthera in soy milk (in a sippy cup) &

give it to him as he is waking up in the morning. He sucks it right

down. If he is fully awake, he will not drink it. Once he shoved it

back at me, & told me to drink it. I took one sip, to prove it wasn't

bad. It was horrible, I got nauseated & almost threw up. :)


> Hi, Whatever supplements, vitamins, enzymes etc you're giving your

kids, can I ask -- how do you get the little darlings to take them?

My son won't do pills; we give him medications by liquid when

neccessary using an oral syringe (not always a pleasant experience).

Any suggestions? He's 6 yrs old.

> Thanks!

> Anita

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Hiya guys,

When I have had time, I have followed the string on this list pertaining to

supplements. I wanted to add my two cents, but just haven't had the time

until now... Tyler has been taking L-Carnosine since August 2002. With it,

he takes a chewable multivitamin, which has the zinc and the vitamin c

needed to help with absorption. Within 6 weeks of starting L-Carnosine and

the multivitamin, Tyler stopped stimming almost altogether. He no longer

chased littler kids pretending he was an animal and he seemed to have

greater control over his emotions. This didn't mean he was " cured " . He still

had LOTS of energy, had trouble paying attention unless he was obsessing

over some newfound interest, didn't pick up on very many social cues etc.

Yet, it did make it so we could stop pulling our hair out so much and made

it so he " felt more accepted " in public. It also helped get him to the point

where he could actually slow down enough to realize some of the more major

social cues. We tried to take him off the L-Carnosine, thinking perhaps he

had just outgrown the behaviors only to find that he was driving us nuts

within a week!!!

This summer, we tried Adderol, which didn't work for Tyler at all... In

fact, it cancelled out the benefits of the L-Carnosine and magnified his

particular deficits. He felt out of control and had major anxiety issues.

When we took him back off Adderol and left the L-Carnosine, he went back to

okay function, but still was dealing with major anxiety, some depression,

and attention difficulties. The doctor decided to try Strattera instead. We

tried Strattera and found it to be majorly helpful. Yet, when we added the

L-Carnosine and multivitamin back on, it was a mega-difference. The

combination of the two really seem to make a major difference in Tyler. He

is now able to focus, is picking up on some of the more subtle social cues

as well as the major ones, is in control of his emotions, isn't

obsessive/compulsive, doesn't exhibit stimming, and is able to sleep at

night again!!! I am trying to find the links to the actual studies being

conducted, but am having trouble finding them. The results thus far are very

significant and the best news is that these are just amino acids, not

something foreign to the body or something everyone else isn't absorbing

enough of when eating meat. They have found that some with autism have a

harder time digesting and absorbing some amino acids and that it contributes

to the symptoms. That is the case with Tyler...

Like anything else, I would recommend you talk to your doctor prior to

trying any new substance with your children. Though L-Carnosine isn't

dangerous and an excess of it just flushes through the system, not all

supplements are safe. I also stress that this has worked for Tyler and may

or may not work for your child. I have helped another parent who is a close

friend start her spectrum child on L-Carnosine to see if it had any positive

effects. She noticed a difference within three weeks. The mother had mixed

feelings about the changes. Her 10-year-old son began " acting more mature "

and " talking things through " . Though she knows that is a good thing, she is

worried about robbing him of his spontaneity and actually misses some of his

emotional rollercoastering. She says it makes her feel less needed... Since

he is a " high maintenance " child and an only child at that, she is not sure

now what to do with some of her newfound extra time... Even though she has

expressed these concerns, she has decided that it is in his best interests

to keep him on the supplement and allow him more control over his


Anyway, I am going to try and find some links, even though I am not finding

the major study ones!!!



http://www.carn-aware.com/aarticle.pdf (found one!)

http://www.carn-aware.com/aarticle.html (same thing, different format)



(towards the end)









http://www.carn-aware.com/faq.html (Q & A put out by one particular

pharmaceutical company... Tyler currently takes 800 mg of L-Carnosine a day

with a multivitamin rather than taking this one that has it all combined. He

started with 400 mg and we noted quite a difference prior to his last 13

inches and 60 pounds of growth... Now he just needs more due to size!!!)


0.html (a children's multivitamin works!)

http://www.greatvistachemicals.com/amino_acids/l-carnosine.html (an

explanation of what it is)







PS... If you need more info/links, just ask!!! ~winks~

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I'm actually going to disagree with you about the Juice Plus. It is, actually,

a very high quality product and I'm not a rep. either. I was skeptical myself,

at first, until I joined the Nutrition in Complementary Care DPG. Many of the

members use it and recommend it to their clients. There are, of course, other

food-based MVIs out there that are just as good.

You're right, no supplement can completely replace all of the benefits that we

receive from the real food. But it's hard for these folks to get adequate

quantities of fruits and veggies in. Of course, we still have to encourage them

to do so, despite taking their supplements.

I wouldn't get too worried about the extra beta-carotene, since this form of

vit. A is not toxic. Also, with all of the fat malabsorption and the little fat

they do take in, there is going to be less fat-soluble vit. absorption.

She can, always, take a sublingual B-12.

Just my 2 cents,

Barbara Kocher Bapst, MPH, RD, LDN

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Thank you for your input Barbara and . I did not think it

would be a problem to have her take both. That is how I will plan to

approach it. Thanks again.


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My Recommendations for shakes are either the newer Novartis Hi pro shakes

(designed for bariatric pts) or Spirutein shake- based on taste and

requirements. They should have a minimum of 12g protein per 4oz, no more

than 15g carbs per 8oz, and minimal fat- apprx. 5g per 8oz. I rely on the

supplemental MVI's for their

other needs.

Hope this helps.

Naimi, R.D.

Consulting Nutritionist

9478 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 304

Beverly Hills, CA 90212

(310) 229-5290


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I don't use any.

Just use Myoplex Shakes and Protein Powder.

I have contemplated Betagan... for muscle growth / recovery. But,

not sure I need it.

I am getting good results without using anything - but whole foods

and the shakes mentioned above.


> what Sups are everyone taking ??

> CLA obviously ( poor Dani!) but what else .


> I am asking because I am going over what I might be needing and

> want to know what has been making a diffrence for diffrent

people .



> Brie

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The only thing I take is GNC Ultra Mega Gold. I was told since we BFL'ers

eat so often this helps use the food quickly because it has digestive

enzymes. Now, I don't know much about it beyond what I was told. I noticed

Skwigg takes it too and can probably tell you much more about it. I take it

twice daily- have for 4 months now- no side effects and I do feel it does

what it claims as far as the digestion is concerned.


From: Libra [mailto:Iwritewell@...]

Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 1:39 PM

Subject: Supplements

what Sups are everyone taking ??

CLA obviously ( poor Dani!) but what else .

I am asking because I am going over what I might be needing and

want to know what has been making a diffrence for diffrent people .



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Not counting a daily multivitamin with iron, a calcium 500+ D pill,

and flax oil, the only supplements I have used are whey protein powder

and GNC Creastack (creatine, glutamine, and phosphate mixture). The

protein powder has come in very handy to get me to the recommended

40/40/20 nutritient ratio daily but I have no idea if the creatine mix

is actually making a difference or not; I take only a fraction of the

dosage to avoid swelling up like a water balloon. I got it because I

was curious, it was on sale

(http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=83962 & catid=39212 & trx=PLST-0-SRC\

H & trxp1=39212 & trxp2=83962 & trxp3=1 & trxp4=0 & btrx=BUY-PLST-0-SRCH)

and I'm too cheap to pay for Betagen which may or may not help me, LOL.


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If Scotland haven;t got them yet then nobody else will have them :(

I never even knew they did these - off to check it out.


I am trying to find out if anyone knows of a UK source for Houstons Vitamin C chewables and for Houstons Chelated Magnesium?I tried the normal route for Houston products (by phoning 01506 848555) but they said that they don't stock either of these items.

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I love the EAS Betagen for muscle repair, and immunity.



Luciana Ranger <luciana.ranger@...> wrote:

Hello All- I just joined the group a couple of weeks ago and I cannot

tell you how great it is having so much support available!

I'm in my sixth week of the BFL program and my results have been

pretty subtle so I'm considering taking a supplement in addition to

protein shakes.

Does anyone have a recommendation?


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Thanks ! I'll be sure to check it out.



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Kerr

Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2005 2:14 PM

Subject: Re: Supplements

I love the EAS Betagen for muscle repair, and immunity.



Luciana Ranger <luciana.ranger@...> wrote:

Hello All- I just joined the group a couple of weeks ago and I cannot

tell you how great it is having so much support available!

I'm in my sixth week of the BFL program and my results have been

pretty subtle so I'm considering taking a supplement in addition to

protein shakes.

Does anyone have a recommendation?


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The only supplements I recommend are vitamins, protein powder,

Myoplex, and possibly an essential fatty acid like flax oil or Udo's.

If your primary goal is muscle gain, you might look into betagen or

creatine. However, I tend not to recommend creatine products to people

who's main goal is fat loss because they tend to freak out and yell at

me when they gain six pounds and their jeans don't button.

I also don't recommend any sort of fat burner. There are plenty of

them that don't do anything at all, and the ones that actually do

suppress appetite or boost your metabolism tend to do so by jacking

with either your thyroid, your heart, or your brain. That's not

acceptable to me. I came to that conclusion the hard way after trying

a variety of different formulas, some with ephedra, some ephedra-free.

A couple episodes of paranoid insomnia, a few mornings where I could

feel my heartbeat in my eyeballs, a little dry mouth, some shaking and

nausea, some big swings in energy levels, a few brain-shattering

headaches, several emotional train wrecks, and one frantic trip to the

cardiology unit with my heart beating like a drunken mariachi band was

enough to sway me from trying to burn fat via magic beans. I know, I'm

a quick learner. :-P

On 9/17/05, Luciana Ranger <luciana.ranger@...> wrote:

> Hi Skwigg-


> I know you did not recommend a supplement originally but should I be taking

> the supplements you have listed on you site.


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Thats alot of supps!

I personally specifically took the following supps that would specifically

target the core issues to reverse my own CFS.

1) Whey protein Isolate

2) lactoferrin

3) Coconut oil & lauricidin

4) Sea Salt or Recup

5) Magnesium

6) CoQ10

7) Vit B complex & Vit C

8) Probiotics / Digestive enyme

9) Licorice

10 ) Looking into SAM-e



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On Dec 28, 2005, at 12:57 AM, bhammanuk@... wrote:

> Thats alot of supps!


> I personally specifically took the following supps that would

> specifically

> target the core issues to reverse my own CFS.

You'll see a lot on my list that's similarly targeted. But CFS

notoriously attacks certain body systems; and after 28 years, I've

got several of them in tatters.

So my thyroid and adrenals need support. And my reproductive hormones

aren't in the best of shape (this is so common that FFC puts it on

the short list of core issues it addresses in its patients). And my

digestive tract sort of forgets to work sometimes. And I'm prone to

depression if I don't take the SJW and HTP to keep it at bay.

Hence, the specific items intended to restore some functionality in

these weak spots and improve quality of life while the deeper healing

is occurring.

I'm also looking into Recup and Sam-E.


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> What kinmds of supplements are you all taking? And why? Which ones

> should I take? Tonalin-CLA?

Dont take any supplements unless you have the eating right part down

pat first. Nothing in pill form will give you what you need over

proper nutrition. Think of this like the base or foundation of a

supplement pyramid. I cannot stress this enough - FOOD is your

primary 'supplement' to fuel your body right.

Adding a next layer to this pyramid tho, would consist of basic

dietary addons to increase your nutrition. Like a daily multivitamin

with minerals. Adding in some EFA's (essential fatty acids) which are

good dietary fats your body needs and can readily use. Maybe a good

protein powder to add extra protien into your meals if you think its

lacking or to make it more convenient. Also convenient MRP's (meal

replacement powders)and or bars once in awhile. All these are dietary

supplements - that is, 'in addition to' eating right.

The next section of the pyramid would be the tried and true

muscle 'helpers' like BetaGen or its separate ingredients

(creatine/glutamine) which helps your muscles to recover from working

out. At this point, increase your knowledge of other kinds of

supplements BEFORE you buy anything - dont take the word of anyone

that this is what YOU need - only make these decisions for yourself

based on your own research of whats best for you.

The tiniest section at the top of the pyramid would be everything else

(including thermogenics) which may or may not give a person a boost or

an edge to workout harder but are all basically unproven money

drainers. (I would throw CLA in this category btw - may work in the

farm animals but not necessarily in humans).



*Lift well, Eat less, Walk fast, Live long*

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Here's my big ramble on supplements. It's just my own thoughts and

definitely not the last word, so everybody else feel free to chime in

with what you're taking (or not taking) and why.

Nutrition is 80% of your results, workouts maybe 18%, and supplements

about 2%. So, be sure to keep the supplement thing in perspective. :-)

If you're not eating right and training hard, no magic pill can save


I personally don't recommend fat burners. After several trips to the

cardiology unit with my heart not beating right, I decided they

weren't worth it. I mean sure, I wasn't hungry, but that was because I

was too busy pacing around peeking out the windows, clutching my

chest, and debating whether to call an ambulance. LOL

I've had problems with insomnia, mood swings, paranoia, and heart

palpitations even with ephedra-free supplements. They're still full of

plenty of weird herbal stimulants. Go look up the bizarro side effects

for something like yohimbe which can cause hallucinations, or St.

's Wort which can render birth control pills ineffective.

CLA is pretty iffy in my mind. I've used it for months at a time and

never had it do anything noteworthy. It works great in chickens and

rats but the dramatic muscle gain and fat loss benefits didn't carry

over well to humans. It's best for preserving your lean muscle while

dieting, or for preventing the regain of fat once you've lost it. I

found the results to be so subtle that it wasn't worth taking. Just my


I like Betagen for muscle recovery. It contains creatine, glutamine,

HMB, and antioxidants. It's not for everybody though. The creatine can

cause an initial gain in scale weight that freaks people out even

though they're gaining lean mass and not fat. Here's the scoop on

that: http://www.skwigg.com/id53.html

I do consider protein powder, meal replacement shakes and bars, and

flax oil to fall under the " 80% nutrition " category, so they can play

a pretty substantial role in your results. Here's an old post about

supplements that I recommend for beginners.


You don't really need any supplements in order to do well. If I were going to

pick 3 for somebody just starting out, they would be whey protein, flax oil, and

Myoplex Lite.

A big tub of whey protein is great because you can use it as your

protein source

for any meal where you're short on time or ideas. Protein shake and oatmeal,

protein shake and fruit - it's just really handy. Plus, you can use it in

recipes for protein pudding, jello, cookies, stuff like that. Most fitness pros

prefer whey over soy for maximum fat loss. I've tried a lot of protein powders,

and chocolate EAS 100% Whey is one of my favorites. It passes my water

test, which means I can drink it plain in nothing but water and not


If you want to read more about the benefits of flax oil, go here:

http://barleans.com/literature/index.html Get the oil, not the pills. (It takes

14 pills to = 1 tbsp oil) Most of us find that a tablespoon a day reduces our

cravings and helps with fat loss. You can either put it in a shake, take it in a

shot glass with something like grapefruit juice to mask the taste, mix it with

vinegar and seasonings for a salad dressing, or my Fear Factor method - pour it

under my tongue and then gulp water. Recently, I've also discovered ground flax

seeds, which can be sprinkled on salads or cereal. They have to be ground or

they pass through you undigested. I like Barlean's Forti-Flax.

Myoplex and other meal replacements are just convenient. It's a quick, perfectly

balanced meal that doesn't require any thought or preparation. It's easier to

get your six meals in if one or two of them are meal replacement

shakes or bars.

They're not a " must have " though, and you certainly don't need to go through

three a day. Most people will tell you that whole foods are better whenever


Here are some pointers on making Myoplex:


And my thoughts on choosing bars:



On 1/11/06, <stephy.miller@...> wrote:

> What kinmds of supplements are you all taking? And why? Which ones

> should I take? Tonalin-CLA?

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Thanks so much for sending this along. It all makes sense now!!

-- Re: Supplements

> What kinmds of supplements are you all taking? And why? Which ones

> should I take? Tonalin-CLA?

Dont take any supplements unless you have the eating right part down

pat first. Nothing in pill form will give you what you need over

proper nutrition. Think of this like the base or foundation of a

supplement pyramid. I cannot stress this enough - FOOD is your

primary 'supplement' to fuel your body right.

Adding a next layer to this pyramid tho, would consist of basic

dietary addons to increase your nutrition. Like a daily multivitamin

with minerals. Adding in some EFA's (essential fatty acids) which are

good dietary fats your body needs and can readily use. Maybe a good

protein powder to add extra protien into your meals if you think its

lacking or to make it more convenient. Also convenient MRP's (meal

replacement powders)and or bars once in awhile. All these are dietary

supplements - that is, 'in addition to' eating right.

The next section of the pyramid would be the tried and true

muscle 'helpers' like BetaGen or its separate ingredients

(creatine/glutamine) which helps your muscles to recover from working

out. At this point, increase your knowledge of other kinds of

supplements BEFORE you buy anything - dont take the word of anyone

that this is what YOU need - only make these decisions for yourself

based on your own research of whats best for you.

The tiniest section at the top of the pyramid would be everything else

(including thermogenics) which may or may not give a person a boost or

an edge to workout harder but are all basically unproven money

drainers. (I would throw CLA in this category btw - may work in the

farm animals but not necessarily in humans).



*Lift well, Eat less, Walk fast, Live long*

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The most popular times for creatine and glutamine are post-workout and

before bed. Personally, I would take 2-3g of creatine after my workout

and divide the glutamine dose in half. Maybe take 5g post workout with

the creatine and 5g at night with my last meal before bed. That's just

me though. :-)

On 2/24/06, jz_cowgirl <jz_cowgirl@...> wrote:

> Hey everyone! My name is Kim and I have been reading this website for

> a while. I am on week 6 day 5 of BFL. I have bought creatine and

> glutamine and want to start taking them, but I am confused. If I am

> taking htem both, when do I take them? Do I take them both post work

> out? Or do I need to spread them out? Thank you so much! I hope to

> take 6 week progression pics this weekend.


> Kim

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Hey, thanks! That is exactly what I needed to know. I wasn't sure

if I could take them at the same time or not. I have been on the

fence about creatine as I know I may just freak if I bloat very much

and my clothes get tight...but I am so excited about all of this and

I would like to have a little extra strength. I feel very weak

compared to most of you! I do have some more body fat to lose but I

figure it is going to take time and I may as well try to start

kicking some bootie!

Thanks again!


> > Hey everyone! My name is Kim and I have been reading this

website for

> > a while. I am on week 6 day 5 of BFL. I have bought creatine


> > glutamine and want to start taking them, but I am confused. If

I am

> > taking htem both, when do I take them? Do I take them both post


> > out? Or do I need to spread them out? Thank you so much! I

hope to

> > take 6 week progression pics this weekend.

> >

> > Kim


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Be sure to pour the flax oil under your tongue and drink water, or

take it in a shot glass of grapefruit juice. Don't taste it any more

than necessary. :-)

Here's the scoop on Betagen:



On 2/26/06, <rachel@...> wrote:

> Hi! I just bought flax seed oil and am planning on adding that to my

> diet (I tried my first tablespoon, gag a magot food if you ask me but I

> wasn't sure if it would ruin whatever I mixed it in so I just wanted to

> get it over with) I keep reading about betagen here. Can someone

> explain what it is? Thanks

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So funny! I must be a weird-o... I make a peice of toast in the

morning, spray a little I Can't Believe It's Not Butter on it and

then drizzle 1tbs of flax oil! YUMMY! I look forward to it very

morning when I get up :)

> > Hi! I just bought flax seed oil and am planning on adding that

to my

> > diet (I tried my first tablespoon, gag a magot food if you ask

me but I

> > wasn't sure if it would ruin whatever I mixed it in so I just

wanted to

> > get it over with) I keep reading about betagen here. Can someone

> > explain what it is? Thanks


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The flax oil trick worked! Thanks! and thanks for the links I will check them



Re: Supplements

Be sure to pour the flax oil under your tongue and drink water, or

take it in a shot glass of grapefruit juice. Don't taste it any more

than necessary. :-)

Here's the scoop on Betagen:



On 2/26/06, <rachel@...> wrote:

> Hi! I just bought flax seed oil and am planning on adding that to my

> diet (I tried my first tablespoon, gag a magot food if you ask me but I

> wasn't sure if it would ruin whatever I mixed it in so I just wanted to

> get it over with) I keep reading about betagen here. Can someone

> explain what it is? Thanks

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Oh yuck!!! Maybe yours just tastes a lot better than mine LOL <grin> I might

get brave and try it one day


Re: Supplements

So funny! I must be a weird-o... I make a peice of toast in the

morning, spray a little I Can't Believe It's Not Butter on it and

then drizzle 1tbs of flax oil! YUMMY! I look forward to it very

morning when I get up :)


> Be sure to pour the flax oil under your tongue and drink water, or

> take it in a shot glass of grapefruit juice. Don't taste it any


> than necessary. :-)


> Here's the scoop on Betagen:

> http://www17.netrition.com/eas_betagen_hp_page.html

> http://www.skwigg.com/id53.html



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Here's my big ramble on supplements. It's just my own thoughts and

definitely not the last word, so everybody else feel free to chime in

with what you're taking (or not taking) and why.

Nutrition is 80% of your results, workouts maybe 18%, and supplements

about 2%. So, be sure to keep the supplement thing in perspective. :-)

If you're not eating right and training hard, no magic pill can save


I personally don't recommend fat burners. After several trips to the

cardiology unit with my heart not beating right, I decided they

weren't worth it. I mean sure, I wasn't hungry, but that was because I

was too busy pacing around peeking out the windows, clutching my

chest, and debating whether to call an ambulance. LOL

I've had problems with insomnia, mood swings, paranoia, and heart

palpitations even with ephedra-free supplements. They're still full of

plenty of weird herbal stimulants. Go look up the bizarro side effects

for something like yohimbe which can cause hallucinations, or St.

's Wort which can render birth control pills ineffective.

CLA is pretty iffy in my mind. I've used it for months at a time and

never had it do anything noteworthy. It works great in chickens and

rats but the dramatic muscle gain and fat loss benefits didn't carry

over well to humans. It's best for preserving your lean muscle while

dieting, or for preventing the regain of fat once you've lost it. I

found the results to be so subtle that it wasn't worth taking. Just my


I like Betagen for muscle recovery. It contains creatine, glutamine,

HMB, and antioxidants. It's not for everybody though. The creatine can

cause an initial gain in scale weight that freaks people out even

though they're gaining lean mass and not fat. Here's the scoop on

that: http://www.skwigg.com/id53.html

I do consider protein powder, meal replacement shakes and bars, and

flax oil to fall under the " 80% nutrition " category, so they can play

a pretty substantial role in your results. Here's an old post about

supplements that I recommend for beginners.


You don't really need any supplements in order to do well. If I were going to

pick 3 for somebody just starting out, they would be whey protein, flax oil, and

Myoplex Lite.

A big tub of whey protein is great because you can use it as your

protein source

for any meal where you're short on time or ideas. Protein shake and oatmeal,

protein shake and fruit - it's just really handy. Plus, you can use it in

recipes for protein pudding, jello, cookies, stuff like that. Most fitness pros

prefer whey over soy for maximum fat loss. I've tried a lot of protein powders,

and chocolate EAS 100% Whey is one of my favorites. It passes my water

test, which means I can drink it plain in nothing but water and not


If you want to read more about the benefits of flax oil, go here:

http://barleans.com/literature/index.html Get the oil, not the pills. (It takes

14 pills to = 1 tbsp oil) Most of us find that a tablespoon a day reduces our

cravings and helps with fat loss. You can either put it in a shake, take it in a

shot glass with something like grapefruit juice to mask the taste, mix it with

vinegar and seasonings for a salad dressing, or my Fear Factor method - pour it

under my tongue and then gulp water. Recently, I've also discovered ground flax

seeds, which can be sprinkled on salads or cereal. They have to be ground or

they pass through you undigested. I like Barlean's Forti-Flax.

Myoplex and other meal replacements are just convenient. It's a quick, perfectly

balanced meal that doesn't require any thought or preparation. It's easier to

get your six meals in if one or two of them are meal replacement

shakes or bars.

They're not a " must have " though, and you certainly don't need to go through

three a day. Most people will tell you that whole foods are better whenever


Here are some pointers on making Myoplex:


And my thoughts on choosing bars:


On 3/20/06, dawndelgatto <dawndelgatto@...> wrote:

> I just started today. What supplements is everyone taking? I'm 146.8

> and 36%bf as of right now. i need to drop weight and bodyfat. I do use

> meal replacement shakes. What has everyone tried and what do they feel

> really worked for them.


> Dawn

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(skwigg), the group's leader, posted her entire thoughts on

supplements today at 11:45am. If you go to the group's site, and look back

a bit, you'll be able to find it. It's perfect.

Have you read the book?

In my opinion, you'll have your hands full with the food, journalling and

exercise. You'll have plenty of time to learn about supplements later on.


At 09:46 AM 4/17/2006, you wrote:

>I am just starting out. What supplements does anyone recommend? Any

>other tips?


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