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Oils aren't water soluble, so it may take a week or two, or even three,

before you see something.



Betty and anyone else who takes the Omega 3's. I was just wondering

how long it took to see a benefit in the mood. My son is PDD-NOS,

among other things, and is on a mood stabilizer. His mood is still

all over the place. Since he has tried a few mood stabilizers

without much help, I have chosen to try the Omega 3's. It has only

been less than a week, but I was curious as to what, if anything, I

might notice for benefits.


-mom to Damin 9, PDD-NOS, GAD, probable FG Syndrome

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, I have to agree with Missy. It takes a week or so to start seeing

improvement but improvement seems to build up to a certain point. But

forget to take them or stop and it does not take that long to see the

improvement leave.

In His Love,


----- Original Message -----

From: " M. " <wmks1983@...>

> :


> Oils aren't water soluble, so it may take a week or two, or even three,

> before you see something.


> Missy

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Catarina and welcome!

You can use Myoplex lite whenever you need a meal replacement. I

would recommend using them not more than twice per day. They're great

right after your workout.

When I took Betagen, I took it right after my workout and then right

before bedtime.

Good luck on your challenge!




> Hi! This is the first time I'm posting here, but I've been reading


> for a week now!

> I started my BFL last Monday, although I only bought my supplements

> yesterday!

> I want to start taking them, but I'm not sure at what times I should

> take them!

> I bought Myoplex Lite and Betagen. When are you taking your



> Thanks!


> Catarina





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  • 2 weeks later...


Besides a multi-vitamin, a B vitamin comples and vitamin C, I only

utilize two supplements: A blend protein powder that I mix into a

shake with water and fruit for a complete meal (and that I also mix

into my oatmeal or yogurt for extra protein) and Flax Seed oil, which

boosts your metabolism and helps your body utilize fat for energy

(it's an essential fatty acid, and it's also great for your skin and

nails). I take 1 T. of flax every day. It's really helped with my

sugar cravings. Some ladies also swear by l-glutamine to help with

muscle recovery. I tried it and didn't notice a difference, but it

might be of benefit to you.


> Hi all, I have some questions about supplements...


> I have just started my challenge and would like to lose weight and

> tone muscle. I have about 40 pounds to lose to be more healthy (I

> would love to lose 20 pounds in my 12 weeks). In the past it seems

> I have built muscle fairly easily, but now that I have more fat I


> wondering how this will work....


> I am interested in hearing what supplements you all recommend since

> I have alittle trouble understanding the explanation on the EAS

> site. I have seen/read what other competitors are using so that's

> at least a start, but I would like to UNDERSTAND WHAT the

> supplememts are doing for me and HOW they work.

> I am looking for a simple program since I have enough trouble

> remembering to take my daily vitmins!!!


> Also, I am not big on meal replcement shakes or bars.


> Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


> Thanks,

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My advice is to not use any supplements at all except for vitamins.

I take a multivitamin in the morning, a Vitamin C morning and

evening, and a calcium supplement afternoon and evening. I now take

Glutamine because it helps with muscle soreness, but the main reason

I take it is because it is supposed to help your immune system. I

don't think it is at ALL necessary for a successful challenge. Same

for Creatine. And don't even get me started on fat burners and

thermogenics. I am TOTALLY against those. At best they are a waste

of money, at worst they can put you in the hospital. I recommend

having some bars or shakes on hand for emergencies only. Whole food

is always best. I know if you are entering the official challenge

you have to use an EAS product, but is there a certain amount you

have to use? Or can you just buy your vitamins from them? Other

than for entering the official challenge, don't feel that you need

to go the supp route at all.


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I agree with not using those fat burning pills. I do not know forsure but i

think that those products made me sick for along time causing an increase of

toxins in my boby. I wont touch em again.

>From: " lyndaesp " <lyndaesp@...>



>Subject: Re: Supplements

>Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 04:00:13 -0000



>My advice is to not use any supplements at all except for vitamins.

>I take a multivitamin in the morning, a Vitamin C morning and

>evening, and a calcium supplement afternoon and evening. I now take

>Glutamine because it helps with muscle soreness, but the main reason

>I take it is because it is supposed to help your immune system. I

>don't think it is at ALL necessary for a successful challenge. Same

>for Creatine. And don't even get me started on fat burners and

>thermogenics. I am TOTALLY against those. At best they are a waste

>of money, at worst they can put you in the hospital. I recommend

>having some bars or shakes on hand for emergencies only. Whole food

>is always best. I know if you are entering the official challenge

>you have to use an EAS product, but is there a certain amount you

>have to use? Or can you just buy your vitamins from them? Other

>than for entering the official challenge, don't feel that you need

>to go the supp route at all.





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  • 1 month later...

You don't really need any supplements in order to do well. If I were going to

pick 3 for somebody just starting out, they would be whey protein, flax oil, and

Myoplex Lite.

A big tub of whey protein is great because you can use it as your protein source

for any meal where you're short on time or ideas. Protein shake and oatmeal,

protein shake and fruit - it's just really handy. Plus, you can use it in

recipes for protein pudding, jello, cookies, stuff like that. Most fitness pros

prefer whey over soy for maximum fat loss. I've tried a LOT of protein powders,

and chocolate EAS Simply Whey is one of the better tasting ones.

If you want to read more about the benefits of flax oil, go here:

http://barleans.com/literature/index.html Get the oil, not the pills. (It takes

14 pills to = 1 tbsp oil) Most of us find that a tablespoon a day reduces our

cravings and helps with fat loss. You can either put it in a shake, take it in a

shot glass with something like grapefruit juice to mask the taste, mix it with

vinegar and seasonings for a salad dressing, or my Fear Factor method - pour it

under my tongue and then gulp water. I think you would need a ton of ground

seeds to get a whole tablespoon of oil.

Myoplex and other meal replacements are just convenient. It's a quick, perfectly

balanced meal that doesn't require any thought or preparation. It's easier to

get your six meals in if one or two of them are meal replacement shakes or bars.

They're not a " must have " though, and you certainly don't need to go through

three a day. Most people will tell you that whole foods are better whenever


Hope that gives you some ideas.


What supplements would you recommend for best BFL Challenge results?

My age: 54, current weight: 170, height: 62 "


Connie from New Jersey

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi a! I use Betagen too. I drink it twice a day. One post

workout, then at Meal 6 with Myoplex Lite. I really like Betagen a

lot and it has improved my muscles. I don't use any other

suppliments besides that except for a prenatal multivitamin and the

occasional Myoplex Carb-Sense I eat with an apple.

> I bought some betagen to use. Has anyone used it here? How do you

like it? What's the best way to use it and how much? What about any

other supplements- does anyone have any recommendations of other

supplements to use that are helpful- besides the protein shakes and



> I just love this group it is so helpful!


> Thanks, a




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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Phen-Free didn't help me with fat loss but it made me nice and paranoid:


Betagen is great. I've used it for years and it does exactly what it promises.

If you want to be stronger, recover faster, and have nice defined muscles, go

ahead and try it.

CLA is kinda nifty but extremely overrated for what it actually does.

I sent detailed posts about both supplements in the last couple of days. Of

course, now I can't find them in the archive. Let me know if you want me to



Hi Everyone, I just started my first challenge last

week and was wondering about supplements. Does anyone

use Phen-Free? I've been reading about it and it

seems there are some safety questions.

BetaGen and CLA were also recommended and seem pretty

safe. Just wondering if anyone's using them and what

results you're seeing.

Thanks. Sandy

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  • 4 months later...

Hi ,

I saw your question re: supplements. I have mitral valve prolapse which is

not uncommon and also hypothyroid. I called the EAS 1-800 # after I was into

the BFL for about 5 days or so. Before I did anything, I sent all the product

info to my endocrinologist. He is the one I see for my low thyroid. I will not

take anything unless it is reviewed and approved by him. I live in the

Cleveland, Ohio and my doctor is at the Cleveland Clinic. He has a reputation


being one of the top dogs in the Endocrinology field, so I respect his opinion.


am also an RN.

I took the same products that they have told you to take. My doctor gave me

the OK on all of them. I lost 10.25 inches in the first 4 weeks and had

phenomenal improvements in my cholesterol and triglycerides levels. My thyroid

labwork is within the normal ranges for the first time. I feel that I must


a lot of this to the supplements and of course, following the eating and

exercise program by the book.

You will find many different opinions re: supplements. This is the first time

I have ever taken any supplements other than a standard multivitamin. I have

tried many different weight loss programs with no results-untl now. I really

believe in BFL. I also did not mention that I have a lot of allergies to many

medications which made me leery to take any of the supplements without my

doctor's approval.

The only thing I added was a Myoplex Lite Bar 1x/day. It made it much easier.

I had 2 shakes and one bar per day and the other 3 meals were regular foods

from the list in the book. Also, re: Thermodynamx-I did follow the directions

on the bottle. I started with the lowest dose and increased it every 2 days

until I reached the max. per day.

Hope this helps. Supplements is a personal decision, but I really believe

that they had a lot to do with the results I had the first 4 weeks. I was off


track a bit for a couple weeks, but am getting to enter an official challenge

in a few weeks. Good luck. Let me know how you do on the supplements.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would be very interested to hear what everyone is doing. I usually

have everyone take a complete multivitamin/mineral supplement, 500 mcg

vit B12,

and calcium. I only have menstruating women take extra iron, not men or

postmeno women.

Again, would love feedback to list re: what you all are recommending.

Thanks in advance.

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  • 1 month later...

Arent men just mutants when it comes to losing weight? But as easy as

they can lose it, they can gain it right back too so keep that in

mind! Remember too that men were created before women because you

always make a rough draft before a masterpiece! ;-)

As to supplements there is nothing to be leery about when it comes to

some basics - supplements are 'in addition to' an already base

foundation of eating and exercising - dont have those down pat, then

dont add anything. Never buy anything unless you KNOW the facts about

it - not what so & so recommended or what janie lost weight with etc -

do your homework first before buying anything! And by the basics I

mean the things that are readily used by your body - things it may

NEED and not froofoo stuff that's all marketing hype.

Like protein powders. Sometimes you just cannot get enough lowfat

sources of protein in your eating and supplementing with a good

quality whey protein powder may be just what you need to meet your

daily protein needs. Personally I like protein powder instead of the

commercially made MRP's (meal replacement powders)because they allow

you more variety (drink them straight, blender mixes with fruit or

flavorings, or added to foods).

Also adding in EFA's or 'essential fatty acids', these are called

dietary oils - fats your body needs to function properly especially

if you are watching your 'badfat' saturated fat intake you should be

aware that these 'good fats' can actually help you lose bodyfat.

And lastly of course is a good multivitamin - one with added B

vitamins (depeleted during exercise which stresses your body) and

complete minerals. We just cannot get alot of the vitamins we need

from foods today - many reasons one being the depletion of nutrients

from our farming soils - so taking a daily vitamin is a good

basic 'supplement' everyone should take.

Think of eating right and exercising as the foundation of a house -

*nutritonal support* supplements can be like the beams/support/roof

of the structure. Other sports supplements are like the shingles

(proven) while others (unproven hyped 'fatburners') are like the

leaves in the gutter! LoL! ;-)


*Exercise is the spark. Nutrition is the fuel. Without both, there

can be no flame, no results*

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  • 1 month later...

You don't need supplements at all. Your results are totally dependent on your

meals and workouts. Anything you get from a supplement is... well, supplemental.

Like icing on the cake. If you're not eating clean and training hard,

supplements won't do anything for you anyway.

Meal replacements are convenient but not necessary. Fat burners are really

overrated and not always safe for everyone. Creatine is cool as hell (doh! ok,

slight bias), but again not for everyone.

Here's a re-post about supplements for beginners.


You don't really need any supplements in order to do well. If I were going to

pick 3 for somebody just starting out, they would be whey protein, flax oil, and

Myoplex Lite.

A big tub of whey protein is great because you can use it as your protein source

for any meal where you're short on time or ideas. Protein shake and oatmeal,

protein shake and fruit - it's just really handy. Plus, you can use it in

recipes for protein pudding, jello, cookies, stuff like that. Most fitness pros

prefer whey over soy for maximum fat loss. I've tried a LOT of protein powders,

and chocolate EAS MyoPro Whey is one of the better tasting ones.

If you want to read more about the benefits of flax oil, go here:

http://barleans.com/literature/index.html Get the oil, not the pills. (It takes

14 pills to = 1 tbsp oil) Most of us find that a tablespoon a day reduces our

cravings and helps with fat loss. You can either put it in a shake, take it in a

shot glass with something like grapefruit juice to mask the taste, mix it with

vinegar and seasonings for a salad dressing, or my Fear Factor method - pour it

under my tongue and then gulp water. I think you would need a ton of ground

seeds to get a whole tablespoon of oil.

Myoplex and other meal replacements are just convenient. It's a quick, perfectly

balanced meal that doesn't require any thought or preparation. It's easier to

get your six meals in if one or two of them are meal replacement shakes or bars.

They're not a " must have " though, and you certainly don't need to go through

three a day. Most people will tell you that whole foods are better whenever



I am assuming you ladies here use supplements.....I don't have any

right now....I am very very wary of pills and potions. The only

thing I do not like about this program is it seems Bill is

really promoting EAS products. If I can get the nutrients I need

with food and a multi-vitamin, will I still see results?

Thanks much!

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I do not use " supplements " unless you count Flax Oil and a regular

vitamin. That is all I take.

One of the reasons I didn't even read up on BFL for the longest time

was the big hype that EAS has to be " the thing " . But I know many

people who do the program and do not use EAS products. Of course, if

you are officially in the challenge, I believe you must use at least

one product.


> I am assuming you ladies here use supplements.....I don't have any

> right now....I am very very wary of pills and potions. The only

> thing I do not like about this program is it seems Bill is

> really promoting EAS products. If I can get the nutrients I need

> with food and a multi-vitamin, will I still see results?


> Thanks much!


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  • 1 month later...



he discusses it here... at webmd

a portion of this chat is below on supplements

*****Member question: I know that you have tried most supplements on the market

today -- in EFL you said you pretty much stick with protein shakes. How do you

feel about creatine, ZMA, etc. -- supplements other than a protein shake or

vitamins? Are you staying away from them for good because they have obviously

been beneficial to you and so many others over the years?

: Here's the quick run-through on supplements that I would recommend to

someone who is trying to gain muscle while losing fat:

Creatine: Yes

CLA: Yes


Fat burners: No

Antioxidants: Get them from food

Pyruvat: Are you kidding?

Member question: Why NO to ZMA?

: It just isn't worth the investment, from my experience.

Member question: Why no to fat burners? My boyfriend is addicted to them and he

doesn't listen to me, perhaps if you mentioned it he'd believe me. I worry.

: I certainly have not seen the thousands of people who successfully

transformed with Body for Life giving credit (honestly) to any particular fat

burner. Your body burns fat just fine on its own. It's usually the mind that

hangs on to it. And when you change your mind, focus on what you want to look

like, what you want to feel like, and you allow exercise and proper nutrition

you to get there, you will succeed. ********

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I also liked the sound of this.....more Eating-For-Life!!!! Yeah!!!

: Well, we are beginning to prepare the second EFL book already,

titled Eating For Life: Second Servings, and questions like yours will

help us design the recipes and direction of the follow-up book. If you

have any suggestions or recipes that you would want to share, feel free

to stop by eatingforlife.com after this chat to share your ideas.





he discusses it here... at webmd

a portion of this chat is below on supplements

*****Member question: I know that you have tried most supplements on the

market today -- in EFL you said you pretty much stick with protein

shakes. How do you feel about creatine, ZMA, etc. -- supplements other

than a protein shake or vitamins? Are you staying away from them for

good because they have obviously been beneficial to you and so many

others over the years?

: Here's the quick run-through on supplements that I would

recommend to someone who is trying to gain muscle while losing fat:

Creatine: Yes

CLA: Yes


Fat burners: No

Antioxidants: Get them from food

Pyruvat: Are you kidding?

Member question: Why NO to ZMA?

: It just isn't worth the investment, from my experience.

Member question: Why no to fat burners? My boyfriend is addicted to them

and he doesn't listen to me, perhaps if you mentioned it he'd believe

me. I worry.

: I certainly have not seen the thousands of people who

successfully transformed with Body for Life giving credit (honestly) to

any particular fat burner. Your body burns fat just fine on its own.

It's usually the mind that hangs on to it. And when you change your

mind, focus on what you want to look like, what you want to feel like,

and you allow exercise and proper nutrition you to get there, you will

succeed. ********

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I also liked the sound of this.....more Eating-For-Life!!!! Yeah!!!

: Well, we are beginning to prepare the second EFL book already,

titled Eating For Life: Second Servings, and questions like yours will

help us design the recipes and direction of the follow-up book. If you

have any suggestions or recipes that you would want to share, feel free

to stop by eatingforlife.com after this chat to share your ideas.





he discusses it here... at webmd

a portion of this chat is below on supplements

*****Member question: I know that you have tried most supplements on the

market today -- in EFL you said you pretty much stick with protein

shakes. How do you feel about creatine, ZMA, etc. -- supplements other

than a protein shake or vitamins? Are you staying away from them for

good because they have obviously been beneficial to you and so many

others over the years?

: Here's the quick run-through on supplements that I would

recommend to someone who is trying to gain muscle while losing fat:

Creatine: Yes

CLA: Yes


Fat burners: No

Antioxidants: Get them from food

Pyruvat: Are you kidding?

Member question: Why NO to ZMA?

: It just isn't worth the investment, from my experience.

Member question: Why no to fat burners? My boyfriend is addicted to them

and he doesn't listen to me, perhaps if you mentioned it he'd believe

me. I worry.

: I certainly have not seen the thousands of people who

successfully transformed with Body for Life giving credit (honestly) to

any particular fat burner. Your body burns fat just fine on its own.

It's usually the mind that hangs on to it. And when you change your

mind, focus on what you want to look like, what you want to feel like,

and you allow exercise and proper nutrition you to get there, you will

succeed. ********

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That's good I was wondering which supplements to use.


> I also liked the sound of this.....more Eating-For-Life!!!!



> : Well, we are beginning to prepare the second EFL book


> titled Eating For Life: Second Servings, and questions like yours


> help us design the recipes and direction of the follow-up book. If


> have any suggestions or recipes that you would want to share, feel


> to stop by eatingforlife.com after this chat to share your ideas.




> http://my.webmd.com/content/article/79/96131.htm?lastselectedguid=


> E90-BC77-4056-A91C-9531713CA348}

> <http://my.webmd.com/content/article/79/96131.htm?


> E84E90-BC77-4056-A91C-9531713CA348%7d>


> he discusses it here... at webmd


> a portion of this chat is below on supplements



> *****Member question: I know that you have tried most supplements

on the

> market today -- in EFL you said you pretty much stick with protein

> shakes. How do you feel about creatine, ZMA, etc. -- supplements


> than a protein shake or vitamins? Are you staying away from them


> good because they have obviously been beneficial to you and so many

> others over the years?




> : Here's the quick run-through on supplements that I would

> recommend to someone who is trying to gain muscle while losing fat:




> Creatine: Yes

> CLA: Yes

> ZMA: No

> Fat burners: No

> Antioxidants: Get them from food

> Pyruvat: Are you kidding?




> Member question: Why NO to ZMA?




> : It just isn't worth the investment, from my experience.




> Member question: Why no to fat burners? My boyfriend is addicted

to them

> and he doesn't listen to me, perhaps if you mentioned it he'd


> me. I worry.




> : I certainly have not seen the thousands of people who

> successfully transformed with Body for Life giving credit

(honestly) to

> any particular fat burner. Your body burns fat just fine on its


> It's usually the mind that hangs on to it. And when you change your

> mind, focus on what you want to look like, what you want to feel


> and you allow exercise and proper nutrition you to get there, you


> succeed. ********





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Steve,

My answer to your question is "yes!." For vitamins I take Citracal which

is Calcium plus D. (3 x a day) since taking that for 5 years, my bone

density tests have actually improved. (even with still taking steroids)

Also I take B Complex, Pantothetic Acid, Folic Acid hearts, Ester C,

Super Selenium, Acidophilus pearls, Flax/Borage capsules, Silica,

and just recently added Cayenne/Ginger (to combat high BP)

Have tried *many* herbs over the years. The same proves true as

with meds.....what helps one, could make another sick.

What vitamins, and/or herbs are you, or have you tried? Do you

think any have helped you in any way?



Subject: supplements

Has anyone found any help by taking supplements such as Ginger, Turmeric, fish oil, vitamins etc?


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Hi Steve,

My answer to your question is "yes!." For vitamins I take Citracal which

is Calcium plus D. (3 x a day) since taking that for 5 years, my bone

density tests have actually improved. (even with still taking steroids)

Also I take B Complex, Pantothetic Acid, Folic Acid hearts, Ester C,

Super Selenium, Acidophilus pearls, Flax/Borage capsules, Silica,

and just recently added Cayenne/Ginger (to combat high BP)

Have tried *many* herbs over the years. The same proves true as

with meds.....what helps one, could make another sick.

What vitamins, and/or herbs are you, or have you tried? Do you

think any have helped you in any way?



Subject: supplements

Has anyone found any help by taking supplements such as Ginger, Turmeric, fish oil, vitamins etc?


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Hi Steve,

Yep, I often take the fish oil capsules. Can't find the old cod

liver oil in a bottle anymore, they put it in capsuls and charge

more I think. I do not take usually the three capsules a day, most

of the time I end up only taking one. I do take what I hope is a

good multi vitamin daily. And like now dealing with the artic

winter here in Montana, I will take a pretty hefty vitamin " C " .

When I was taking prednisone the White Coat had me on calcium, and

ended up taking fosamax also.


> Has anyone found any help by taking supplements such as Ginger,


> fish oil, vitamins etc?


> Steve

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Hi Steve,

Yep, I often take the fish oil capsules. Can't find the old cod

liver oil in a bottle anymore, they put it in capsuls and charge

more I think. I do not take usually the three capsules a day, most

of the time I end up only taking one. I do take what I hope is a

good multi vitamin daily. And like now dealing with the artic

winter here in Montana, I will take a pretty hefty vitamin " C " .

When I was taking prednisone the White Coat had me on calcium, and

ended up taking fosamax also.


> Has anyone found any help by taking supplements such as Ginger,


> fish oil, vitamins etc?


> Steve

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Also.....I take Potassium/Magnesium supplements 2 x a day.

A good once daily vitamin is great if one can do that...as I

have a very "touchy" stomach, I can't tolerate vitamin C

in any form except the Ester C. ~~~~tricia~~~


Subject: Re: supplements

Hi Steve,

My answer to your question is "yes!." For vitamins I take Citracal which

is Calcium plus D. (3 x a day) since taking that for 5 years, my bone

density tests have actually improved. (even with still taking steroids)

Also I take B Complex, Pantothetic Acid, Folic Acid hearts, Ester C,

Super Selenium, Acidophilus pearls, Flax/Borage capsules, Silica,

and just recently added Cayenne/Ginger (to combat high BP)

Have tried *many* herbs over the years. The same proves true as

with meds.....what helps one, could make another sick.

What vitamins, and/or herbs are you, or have you tried? Do you

think any have helped you in any way?



Subject: supplements

Has anyone found any help by taking supplements such as Ginger, Turmeric, fish oil, vitamins etc?


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Also.....I take Potassium/Magnesium supplements 2 x a day.

A good once daily vitamin is great if one can do that...as I

have a very "touchy" stomach, I can't tolerate vitamin C

in any form except the Ester C. ~~~~tricia~~~


Subject: Re: supplements

Hi Steve,

My answer to your question is "yes!." For vitamins I take Citracal which

is Calcium plus D. (3 x a day) since taking that for 5 years, my bone

density tests have actually improved. (even with still taking steroids)

Also I take B Complex, Pantothetic Acid, Folic Acid hearts, Ester C,

Super Selenium, Acidophilus pearls, Flax/Borage capsules, Silica,

and just recently added Cayenne/Ginger (to combat high BP)

Have tried *many* herbs over the years. The same proves true as

with meds.....what helps one, could make another sick.

What vitamins, and/or herbs are you, or have you tried? Do you

think any have helped you in any way?



Subject: supplements

Has anyone found any help by taking supplements such as Ginger, Turmeric, fish oil, vitamins etc?


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